types of line

Types of Line Outlines- Lines made by the edge of an object or its silhouette. Contour Lines- Lines that describe the shape of an object and the interior detail. Gesture Lines- Line that are energetic and catches the movement and gestures of an active figure. Sketch Lines- Lines that captures the appearance of an object or impression of a place. Calligraphic Lines- Greek word meaning “beautiful writing.” Precise, elegant handwriting or lettering done by hand. Also artwork that has flowing lines like an elegant handwriting. Implied Line- Lines that are not actually drawn but created by a group of objects seen from a distance. The direction an

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Elements of Design L1. Line, Unit 2, Elements. Images may be subject to copyright. Use is for educational use only.


Page 1: Types of line

Types of Line

Outlines- Lines made by the edge of an object or its silhouette.

Contour Lines- Lines that describe the shape of an object and the interior detail.

Gesture Lines- Line that are energetic and catches the movement and gestures of an active figure.

Sketch Lines- Lines that captures the appearance of an object or impression of a place.

Calligraphic Lines- Greek word meaning “beautiful writing.” Precise, elegant handwriting or lettering done by hand. Also artwork that has flowing lines like an elegant handwriting.

Implied Line- Lines that are not actually drawn but created by a group of objects seen from a distance. The direction an object is pointing to, or the direction a person is looking at.

Page 2: Types of line

Outlines- Lines made by the edge of an object or its silhouette.

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Contour Lines- In Earth Science you may have learned about contour lines. These are lines that describe the shape of an object and the interior detail.

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Contour Lines- In art and design they do the same thing, however they follow a curvature typically

seen at eye level.

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There are drawings where the artist does not look at the paper as they draw. Their attention is solely placed on the object being drawn. Primarily they serve the same function as a warm up exercise a musician may use to prepare.

Blind Contour Line Drawing

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Contour Drawing can be mixed !

As in this example. The beauty of a contour drawing is that it allows the artist to discover new things rather than play the same old song every time.

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These drawings easily become emotive-where the feeling we receive is much more important than photographic representation.

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Decide which object is done in an outline and which is done using contour lines and explain why. A B

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Gesture Lines- Line that are energetic and catches the movement and gestures of an active figure.

How can a line be energetic?

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Gesture Drawings are used to capture movement and get a sense of a form in space. Typically they are done in a short time frame. This one was done in under a minute.

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Sketch Lines- Lines that captures the appearance of an object or impression of a place.

Sketch lines provide a framework to follow, much like the framework in a home. Sometimes the artist leaves those lines in to allow the drawing to appear “fresh”

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Explain the differences between sketch lines and gesture lines and how they could be used together?

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Calligraphic Lines- Greek word meaning “beautiful writing.” Precise, elegant handwriting or lettering done by hand. Also artwork that has flowing lines like an elegant handwriting.

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Implied Line- Lines that are not actually drawn but created by a group of objects seen from a distance. The direction an object is pointing to, or the direction a person is looking at.

Count the lines, how many are there?

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Is this calligraphic or implied line? Explain your answer.

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Explain what types of lines are used and how does that effect the overall composition of the piece?

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Designers and Artists use the appropriate line for the best execution of their works. Appropriate lines are the result of many years of practice in a variety of line styles, but more importantly they fit the context of the subject.

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Here the designer chose a line to emphasize the product. Line is used to accentuate what the book is about and it fits within the context

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