two legends


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Post on 10-May-2015




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Page 1: Two legends
Page 2: Two legends

Just like many other ancient buildings, also the castle of Gorizia has its ghost: Countess Caterine who appears in the castle every seven years ….The legend tells that a messenger from the Patriarch of Aquileia arrived at the castle with a lot of golden coins. The night was stormy, it looked as if the devils were going to destroy the earth through thunder and lightning and so the messenger asks to be allowed to sleep in the castle. The greedy Countess welcomed him but while he was asleep she killed him, sending some furious dogs against him. But she paid for her crime. As soon as she had hidden the treasure, one of her soldiers killed her because he hoped to find the coins. But he couldn’t and the treasure was never found..According to the legend, if you are lucky enough to meet her, she will tell you where the treasure is …

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Page 4: Two legends

Once in the castle of Duino, a beautiful seaside resort not far from Trieste, you have a strange feeling…… old people say that in it there is the spirit of the owner of the castle.There is even a legend that if you are a tourist you must know!!!! Nearly a century ago the king of Duino killed his wife by pushing her out of a window.He thought that she was pregnant with another man’s child, but then he realized it was all a lie.While Stefanie was falling into the dark sea she screamed so much that God felt pity for her and decided to transform her into a rock and make here wander for all the coming centuries. She now is still looking for her child. If you listen very well you can hear her screaming and also see her walking up and down.So now if you look at the cliffs in the sea you can see a rock that has the shape of a ghost.That is the ghost of Stefanie…… In Italian her name is: la “Dama Bianca" the “White Lady” …

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