two-dimensional wave-number spectral analysis techniques ......decaying two-dimensional turbulence...

Two-dimensional wave-number spectral analysis techniques for phase contrast imaging turbulence imaging data on large helical device C. A. Michael, K. Tanaka, L. Vyacheslavov, A. Sanin, and K. Kawahata Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 86, 093503 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4928668 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Bistability and hysteresis of maximum-entropy states in decaying two-dimensional turbulence Phys. Fluids 25, 015113 (2013); 10.1063/1.4774348 Two-dimensional phase contrast imaging for local turbulence measurements in large helical device (invited)a) Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 10E702 (2008); 10.1063/1.2988821 Spectral analysis of full field digital mammography data Med. Phys. 29, 647 (2002); 10.1118/1.1445410 Erratum: “Decaying two-dimensional turbulence in square containers with no-slip or stress-free boundaries” [Phys. Fluids 11, 611 (1999)] Phys. Fluids 11, 1963 (1999); 10.1063/1.870060 Decaying two-dimensional turbulence in square containers with no-slip or stress-free boundaries Phys. Fluids 11, 611 (1999); 10.1063/1.869933 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 04:03:34

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Page 1: Two-dimensional wave-number spectral analysis techniques ......Decaying two-dimensional turbulence in square containers with no-slip or stress-free boundaries Phys. Fluids 11, 611

Two-dimensional wave-number spectral analysis techniques for phase contrastimaging turbulence imaging data on large helical deviceC. A. Michael, K. Tanaka, L. Vyacheslavov, A. Sanin, and K. Kawahata Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 86, 093503 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4928668 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Bistability and hysteresis of maximum-entropy states in decaying two-dimensional turbulence Phys. Fluids 25, 015113 (2013); 10.1063/1.4774348 Two-dimensional phase contrast imaging for local turbulence measurements in large helical device (invited)a) Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 10E702 (2008); 10.1063/1.2988821 Spectral analysis of full field digital mammography data Med. Phys. 29, 647 (2002); 10.1118/1.1445410 Erratum: “Decaying two-dimensional turbulence in square containers with no-slip or stress-free boundaries”[Phys. Fluids 11, 611 (1999)] Phys. Fluids 11, 1963 (1999); 10.1063/1.870060 Decaying two-dimensional turbulence in square containers with no-slip or stress-free boundaries Phys. Fluids 11, 611 (1999); 10.1063/1.869933

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Page 2: Two-dimensional wave-number spectral analysis techniques ......Decaying two-dimensional turbulence in square containers with no-slip or stress-free boundaries Phys. Fluids 11, 611


Two-dimensional wave-number spectral analysis techniques for phasecontrast imaging turbulence imaging data on large helical device

C. A. Michael,1,a) K. Tanaka,2 L. Vyacheslavov,3,4 A. Sanin,3 and K. Kawahata21Plasma Research Lab, Australian National University, Canberra, A.C.T. 2601, Australia2National Institute for Fusion Science, 322-6 Oroshi-cho, Toki 509-5292, Japan3Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russian Federation4Novosibirsk State University, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

(Received 27 January 2015; accepted 4 August 2015; published online 9 September 2015)

An analysis method for unfolding the spatially resolved wave-number spectrum and phase velocityfrom the 2D CO2 laser phase contrast imaging system on the large helical device is described. Thisis based on the magnetic shear technique which identifies propagation direction from 2D spatialFourier analysis of images detected by a 6 × 8 detector array. Because the strongest modes havewave-number at the lower end of the instrumental k range, high resolution spectral techniques arenecessary to clearly resolve the propagation direction and hence the spatial distribution of fluctuationsalong the probing laser beam. Multiple-spatial point cross-correlation averaging is applied beforecalculating the spatial power spectrum. Different methods are compared, and it is found that themaximum entropy method (MEM) gives best results. The possible generation of artifacts from theover-narrowing of spectra are investigated and found not to be a significant problem. The spatialresolution ∆ρ (normalized radius) around the peak wave-number, for conventional Fourier analysis,is ∼0.5, making physical interpretation difficult, while for MEM, ∆ρ ∼ 0.1. C 2015 AIP PublishingLLC. []


Turbulence plays an important role in particle and energytransport in fusion-relevant plasmas. In both tokamaks andheliotron/stellarator devices, measured particle and heat fluxescan be significantly larger than neoclassical predictions. Thedeficit, or so called “anomalous” transport, is thought to bedriven by drift-wave scale micro-turbulence for which thewave-number k ≈ ρ−1

ci (where ρci is the ion Larmor radius,typically of order of millimeters). Therefore, understandingthe nature of plasma micro-turbulence is essential for under-standing confinement characteristics. A range of diagnosticshave been developed, for measuring turbulence in the core ofhigh temperature plasmas, each technique having different fea-tures (such as localization, signal to noise ratio, and sensitivityscale lengths).

The CO2 laser (λ = 10.6 µm) phase contrast imaging(PCI) technique is a non-perturbing method to measure thewave-number resolved fluctuation spectrum, integrated alonga line of sight.1 One of the difficulties of the PCI technique isthe lack of spatial resolution along the beam because scatteringvolume is larger than plasma size since the scattering angleis small for such a short wavelength. The “magnetic sheartechnique” is one such approach that has been used to diagnosethis variation,2–4 that is based around the assumption thatfluctuations propagate perpendicular to field lines, and that thefield line pitch changes spatially throughout the plasma. Othertechniques include the phase-amplitude technique,5 cross-beam correlation techniques,6 and hybrid schemes.7 Previous

a)[email protected]

systems (e.g., Refs. 2 and 3) using the magnetic shear localiza-tion technique using only 1d detectors can change the measure-ment spatial location on a shot-to-shot basis or through timemultiplexing within a single shot.8 On large helical device(LHD), we apply the first use of a 6 × 8 2D detector array tosimultaneously measure fluctuations from different positionswithin the plasma. This is able to work well because of thehigh shear of magnetic field direction along the line of sight(around 80◦).

The PCI technique using a 2D detector was first presentedin Ref. 4. Hardware improvements were also published (usingthe techniques in this paper) in Refs. 9 and 10. An overviewof the system and results, including a brief description of theanalysis technique, was given in Ref. 11. However, in thatpaper, the image processing technique was not discussed, andit is the focus of this paper.

The use of a 2D array is a novel application in PCI,however is not unique to plasma fluctuation diagnostics, forexample, microwave imaging reflectometry (MIR)12 and beamemission spectroscopy (BES).13 The use of advanced methodsfor 2D spectral analysis of plasma turbulence data has notbeen considered to our knowledge, despite the fact that mostdiagnostics view a limited region of the plasma and haveonly a modest number of channels (similar to the 48 chan-nels here). This may be because for direct imaging diagnos-tics, most analyses have been carried out in real space, forexample, comparison of the cross-correlation function with a“synthetic diagnostic” simulation.14 However, in the presenceof a large low k components (for example, the contaminationof ion-gyro scale drift-wave turbulence by large-scale MHDactivity), it is difficult to filter these out using conventionaltechniques. For 2D PCI, however, the signal interpretation

0034-6748/2015/86(9)/093503/12/$30.00 86, 093503-1 © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 04:03:34

Page 3: Two-dimensional wave-number spectral analysis techniques ......Decaying two-dimensional turbulence in square containers with no-slip or stress-free boundaries Phys. Fluids 11, 611

093503-2 Michael et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 093503 (2015)

from the magnetic shear technique is considerably different todirect imaging diagnostics, because of unfolding the line inte-gration effect. Because of a peculiarity of this technique, theneed for Cartesian to polar conversion in k space, unresolvedlow k components result in a large spatial smearing of theanalyzed fluctuation spatial profile. It was therefore necessaryto investigate methods for providing higher k resolution. Inthis search, data analysis techniques have used other areas ofscience, such as radio interferometry and seismic wave detec-tion. The maximum entropy method (MEM) (and computercode) described in this paper was first implemented in 2005(and was used in earlier papers on LHD PCI). However, sincethen, it has been applied to MIR data on TPRX reversed fieldpinch15 and has also been useful in analyzing BES data onMAST16 (in separating large coherent modes from the driftwave turbulence and in terms of the consideration of geomet-rical line integration effects). In parallel to this work, Matsuoet al.17 worked on a maximum entropy algorithm in polarcoordinates for deriving the localization of fluctuations froma 3 × 15 array with a YAG laser (λ = 1064 nm), which hasconsiderably lower scattering angle than here.

This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, the geo-metric properties of the diagnostic and plasma are introduced.In Sec. III, the mathematical details of localization principleare derived. In Sec. IV, a complete cross-correlation matrixfrom all pairs of channels is calculated, then in Sec. V, basedon the Wiener-Khintchine theorem, the Fourier transform istaken to get the (real, positive) power spectral density. Sincethe wavelength/correlation length are similar to or larger thanthe aperture of the array, high resolution spectral analysis ishelpful to distinguish such waves. Different high resolutiontechniques have been described and tested on experimentaldata, and the maximum entropy method is considered mostsuitable. Sec. VI is devoted to consideration of reliabilityand generation of artifacts including spurious peaks, and theleakage of signals from stronger peaks into regions with nosignal. Finally, the paper is summarized in Sec. VII. Thesame data set is used throughout this paper, for consistency(#71160@t = 0.615 − 0.620 s; f = 0-500 kHz). This was aninteresting shot exhibiting “non-local” core temperature risein response to edge cooling.18


Both the transmission and detection optics are mounted onthe vibration isolation stand of the FIR interferometer.19–21 ThePCI system consists of a laser beam passing vertically throughthe plasma region as shown in Fig. 1(a). The transmissionoptics, situated below the plasma chamber, are shared withan imaging heterodyne interferometer,22–24 while the detec-tion optics are on top of the chamber. The projection of themagnetic field lines from different points along the line ofsight into the frame of the detector array is shown in Fig. 1(b),with crosses denoting the location of the detector pixels. Adiscrete Fourier transform of the image would yield points in kspace as shown in Fig. 1(c). These provide a characteristic typeof resolution. However, additional constraints in the opticalsystem including focusing and phase groove width determinethe low k limit, while the depth of focus determines the high

FIG. 1. (a) Geometry of sight line through poloidal cross section. (b) Imagedregion of plasma, along the beam axis. Triangles denote the position ofdetector elements and the lines indicate the direction of field lines for givenpositions. (c) “Sampling” in Fourier space (up to Nyquist limit, and down tolower limit set by finite image size) and lines corresponding to positions inthe plasma.

k limit.11 The first report on the hardware description of thesystem was given in Ref. 4, and raw fluctuation images aredemonstrated in Ref. 25. This system, which used a narrowinjected beam size of ∅32 mm could measure fluctuationsin the range 0.5 mm−1 < k < 3 mm−1. However, because thepeak wave-number was less than 0.5 mm−1, spatial resolutionwas poor and so, the system was upgraded in the 2005-2006experimental campaign to incorporate a wider beam and flex-ible imaging optics9 to have a measurable range 0.1 mm−1

< k < 0.9 mm−1 (this is what is shown in Fig. 1). However,the targeted k can be changed to higher values by changingthe optical configuration, and asymmetric compression androtation can be used to target high k fluctuations with betterspatial resolution.


The magnetic shear principle, described here, is the meansto localize fluctuation signals to different parts of the plasma.

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Page 4: Two-dimensional wave-number spectral analysis techniques ......Decaying two-dimensional turbulence in square containers with no-slip or stress-free boundaries Phys. Fluids 11, 611

093503-3 Michael et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 093503 (2015)

The purpose of this section is to illustrate mathematically howthis technique works; however, some assumptions are made.For more complete description, see Ref. 26. The basis of thismethod is the assumption that fluctuations propagate perpen-dicular to the field lines and have a very long wavelengthparallel to B. For the following notation, x, y are coordinateaxes perpendicular to injected laser beam (direction z). They direction is chosen oriented along the field magnetic field inthe center. The time resolved line-integrated image N(x, y, t) isfirst Fourier transformed and ensemble averaged to give the po-wer spectral density function ∂⟨N2⟩/∂(kxkyω)(kx, ky,ω) (de-noted conventionally in this paper by S(kx, ky) according to theprocedure described in Sec. IV, in order to determine the prop-agation direction θ = tan−1(ky/kx) of fluctuations which canbe localized to the coordinate z, along the beam, θ(z) = χ(z)+ π/2, with χ(z) = tan−1(By(z)/Bx(z)). This is shown by linesfrom various values of z(ρ) in Fig. 1(c). In this way, the angleθ can be associated with z which can then be mapped to aflux coordinate ρ, where we conventionally denote positive(negative) ρ for locations above (below) the mid-plane. Theinnermost accessible flux surface is determined by the perpen-dicular distance between the beam and the magnetic axis,which can change depending on magnetic configuration.

Although the fluctuation k =

k2x + k2

y spectrum shouldbe relatively broad, fluctuations from one particular z will lieon a line θ(z) = const, and so, a high (∆kx,∆ky) resolutionis required to attain best spatial resolution. The instrumentalbroadening (∆kx,∆ky) arising from the finite width of thebeam is inverse to the size imaged region, as shown in Fig. 1(c),where the points are inverse to the image in Fig. 1(b), and thebroadening is given by the spacing between these points. Thespatial resolution is considered in more detail in Ref. 9. Themain limitation for the resolution of low k components is dueto the finite beam width, rather than the limited number ofdetectors. The high resolution spectral analysis methods effec-tively extrapolate the correlation function outside the imagedregion (as illustrated later in Fig. 5).

The line integral density fluctuations are represented in thetime domain by N . The space/time cross correlation functionsare evaluated and Fourier transformed with respect to thespace/time difference parameters to yield the spectral densityfunction ∂⟨N2⟩/∂(kxkyω), which, strictly, should be a func-tion of space and time. The assumption is made; however, thatthis is independent over the size of the probing beam (which ismuch smaller than the plasma). The notation with brackets andpartial derivatives is used for power spectral density to makeclear which variables need to be integrated over to reconstructthe total fluctuation intensity. Change of variables from Carte-sian to polar coordinates requires multiplication of the spectraldensity function by the Jacobean,

∂⟨N2⟩∂(kθω) =

∂⟨N2⟩∂(kxkyω) k . (1)

It can be shown26,27 that line integrated density fluctuationsignals N can be related to local density fluctuation signals nby

∂⟨N2⟩∂(kxkyω) =

∂⟨n2(kz = 0)⟩(z)∂(kxkykzω) dz. (2)

Note here that the above formula is only valid when spectraldensity envelope function ∂⟨n2⟩/∂(kxkykzω) varies over aslower scale (in x, y, and z directions) than the true turbulencecorrelation length turbulence. Therefore, it is invalid for largescale modes like global MHD. However, even for data pre-sented here, for example, with the MEM in Fig. 8, the scalelength for density fluctuation changes is around ∆ρ = 0.1,which corresponds to a distance of 5 cm, whilst the wavelengthcorresponding to peak wavenumber is ≈2 cm. On the otherhand, it was shown9,28 that the instrumental resolution withconventional Fourier techniques is linstr ≈ aλ/Bw, where a isthe plasma minor radius and Bw is the probing beam and canbe evaluated to be ∼10λ, indicating that the scale separationis valid. Therefore, this scale separation issue pertains only tohigh resolution spectral analysis.

Introducing lz as the ratio of the power density propa-gating perpendicular to the beam (kz = 0) to the total powerdensity, Eq. (2) can be simplified to

∂⟨N2⟩∂(kxkyω) =

∂⟨n2⟩(z)∂(kxkyω) lz(z)dz, (3)

or in polar coordinates in x-y plane,

∂⟨N2⟩∂(kθω) =

∂⟨n2⟩(z, θ)∂(kθω) lz(z)dz. (4)

Because there is a unique mapping χ(z), ∂⟨n2⟩(z, θ)/∂(kθω)= ∂⟨n2⟩(z, θ)/∂(kθω)δ(θ − χ(z) − π/2), integration over z isequivalent to an integration over θ, and the fluctuations can belocalized along z by

∂⟨N2⟩(θ = χ(z) + π/2)∂(kθω) =

∂⟨n2⟩(z)∂(kω) lz(z) dz

dθ(z), (5)

so that

⟨n2⟩(z) =

∂⟨N2⟩(θ = χ(z) + π/2)∂(kθω) l−1

z (z)dθdz

(z)dωdk . (6)

The main uncertainty in predicting the local density fluc-tuation level is the lz parameter. This is because line integrationis only sensitive to components propagating perpendicular tothe beam, since all other components cancel out. While lz isunknown, it should have the ordering of the correlation length,or hence k−1. Therefore, expressing l−1

z = α(k, z)k (whichmay not necessarily be spatially constant) and substituting theCartesian spectral density into Eq. (6), we can write

⟨n2⟩(z) =

∂⟨N2⟩(θ = χ(z))∂(kxkyω) α(k, z)k2 dθ

dzdωdk . (7)

The value of α was assessed experimentally on the TCA(Tokamak Chauffage Alfven) tokamak,27 and it was deducedthat lz ∼ λ/4, giving a value for α ∼ 2/π, rather close to unity.It was also shown in Ref. 26 how lz could be computed assum-ing a Gaussian correlation envelope Γ(∆z) = exp(−∆z2/L2)exp(ikz0∆z) (with L the correlation length and kz0 the peakwavenumber), lz = L exp(k2

z0L2/4)/√π. If the ratio L/λ

= 0.45, then lz = λ/4. This implies that the correlation lengthis less than the wavelength. In situations where the correlationlength is larger, lz decreases rapidly on account of destructiveinterference.

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Page 5: Two-dimensional wave-number spectral analysis techniques ......Decaying two-dimensional turbulence in square containers with no-slip or stress-free boundaries Phys. Fluids 11, 611

093503-4 Michael et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 093503 (2015)

Aside from the assumption of scale separation of theturbulence and envelope made in Eq. (2), the lack of knowl-edge about the parameter α(k, z) is the main cause of uncer-tainty in determining the local fluctuation level. In Ref. 26,a model was made where the flux-surface oriented spectraldensity fluctuation was transformed to the lab frame, and itwas shown that an asymmetry in the in-out propagation ofturbulence (equivalently to an “eddy tilting” effect) could leadto dramatically different values of α for the upper and lowerpositions near the last-closed flux surface, thereby leading toan apparent signal asymmetry.

Equation (7) also shows that noise or broadband back-ground leakage occurring at higher k values can obscuresignals at lower k when the total fluctuation amplitude iscomputed. In this paper, the spectrum in Cartesian coordinates∂⟨N2⟩/∂(kxkyω) is shown in Fig. 6, whilst the conversion topolar coordinates ∂⟨N2⟩/∂(kθω) is shown in Fig. 7, and thefluctuation amplitude profile ⟨n2⟩ is shown in Fig. 8. Furtheranalysis of the phase velocity of fluctuations can be carried outby transforming variables from ω to v , and the moment can befound to obtain the mean phase velocity for each position inthe plasma. Details of this procedure and the results can befound in Ref. 11, and clarification of the type of fluctuationbased on the velocity relative to the E × B velocity has beentopics of other publications.18,29,30


The first step of the procedure is to produce the cross-correlation function, which is related to the power spectraldensity via the Fourier transform according to the Wiener-Khintchine theorem. The cross-correlation31 inherently cou-ples a pair of signals together. One single channel may be cho-sen as a “reference” channel; however, no such obvious choiceexists, and not all information is utilized. In this procedure, weaverage over all possible pairs of channels, first averaging intime (for which we use a subscript t) then averaging in space(subscript s).

Signals are represented on a grid x, y such that y is par-allel to the magnetic field in the middle of the plasma. First,channels are ordered in a 1D array having a single subscript i,0 < i < Nch − 1, where Nch is number of channels NxNy foran array of size number of channels Nx × Ny. For the presentarray, Nx = 6, Ny = 8. Raw line-integrated signals are repre-sented as N(xi, t), where t is time and xi = (ix(i)∆x, iy(i)∆y),where ix(i) = i mod Nx and iy(i) = i/Nx, and the inter-channelspacing (in the object plane in the plasma) is (∆x,∆y). The setof channel positions xi is referred to the array denoted by A.We first perform the time domain Fourier transform,

N (xi,ω) =

wt(t)N(xi, t) exp(iωt)dt, (8)

where wt(t) is a time domain windowing function, whichdefines the averaging time τav. Typically, a Hanning windowis used. (Though, through the use of wavelet transforms, a fre-quency dependent averaging time is chosen for a fixed numberof waves, this issue is important for tracking fast changes influctuation characteristics, though is not dealt with here.) The

spatial cross-correlation function is calculated by averagingover a frequency interval ∆ω ≫ 1/τav,

Γt(xi,δ j,ω) = ω+∆ω/2

ω−∆ω/2N (xi,ω′)N ∗(xi + δ j,ω

′)dω′, (9)

where δ j is the channel separation. This is defined on thegrid δ j = ( jx( j)∆x, jy( j)∆y), with −(Nx − 1) < jx < (Nx − 1)and −(Ny − 1) < jy < (Ny − 1) and is indexed by a singlevariable j : 0 < j < Nco − 1, where Nco = (2Nx − 1)(2Ny

− 1) such that jx = j mod (2Nx − 1) − Nx + 1, jy = j/(2Nx

− 1) − Ny + 1. The set of δ j is referred to as the co-arraydenoted C and represents positions where it is possible tocompute cross-correlations. In Eq. (9), Γt(xi,δ j) is defined forvalues of j such that {xi + δ j ∈ A}.

The cross correlation function Γt(x,δ,ω) should be inde-pendent of x, since the image size is small in comparison withthe plasma, and the line of sight passes close to the plasmacenter. The magnitude of the auto-power spectra differs be-tween channels, on account of the characteristic profile shapeof the probing laser beam and detector sensitivity variations.However, in addition, the power spectra of different channelsexhibit a slightly different frequency dependence, possibly onaccount of non-ideal effects of the system. This is rectified byadopting a frequency dependent sensitivity, by introducing thetotal average power spectrum P(ω),

P(ω) = (Nch)−1Nch−1i=0

Γt(x,0,ω), (10)

and the normalized correlation function (coherence), γ,

γt(xi,δ j,ω) = Γt(xi,δ j,ω)/Γt(xi,0,ω), (11)

so that the correlation function can be reconstructed by

Γ′t(xi,δ j,ω) = γ(xi,δ j,ω)P(ω). (12)

Further ensemble averaging over the spatial domain isperformed to produce an “averaged” Γt s, with a correspondingerror ∆Γt s,

Γt s(δ j) = N−1av ( j)


Γ′t(xi,δ j), (13)

∆Γt s(δ j) =N−1

av ( j)Nch−1i=0

�Γts(δ j) − Γ′t(xi,δ j)�2


, (14)

where Nav( j) is the number of values of i such that xi + δ j ∈A. For the regular grid considered here, this is equal to

Nav( j) = (Nx − | jx( j)|)(Ny − | jy( j)|). (15)

There are several reasons for using the co-array rather thanselecting a particular reference channel: Hermitian symmetryis guaranteed by the interchangeability of terms in Eq. (9), thedimensions are twice as large, improving the resolution, andinformation in all signals is incorporated, relieving the bias ofselecting a particular reference channel.32 A depiction of thearray sampling and co-array sampling Nav is given in Fig. 2,where each panel depicts the array location within the co-array.When all of these panels are “averaged” (with appropriateweighting), the co-array is generated, and images of the real

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Page 6: Two-dimensional wave-number spectral analysis techniques ......Decaying two-dimensional turbulence in square containers with no-slip or stress-free boundaries Phys. Fluids 11, 611

093503-5 Michael et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 093503 (2015)

FIG. 2. Real part of the correlation function Γ′t(xi,δ j) for all referencechannels xi ∈ A. In each plot, x and y axes represent δ j. The referencechannel xi is moved systematically in each plot such that the column numberindicates ix(i) and the row number indicates iy(i). Certain cells are notplotted because 3 channels were not acquired. Points where the correlationfunction can be computed are indicated with a + symbol. The domain of eachplot is C, while the crosses in each plot are on the domain of A shifted suchthat the reference channel is in the middle of the plot. The average correlationfunction is plotted in Fig. 3.

FIG. 3. Real (left) and imaginary (right) parts of Γt s(δ j), averaged fromindividual components plotted in Fig. 2. The x and y axes indicate jx( j) andjy( j), and the center of the images correspond to jx = 0, jy = 0.

and imaginary parts of that are shown in Fig. 3. Line slicesthrough the correlation function Γt s(δ j) are plotted as shown inFig. 4. The error bars represent∆Γt s. The statistical uncertaintyshould scale with Nav giving high confidence in the center andlower confidence towards the edge. This error estimate can beincorporated in the power spectrum calculation. The standarddeviation at delay zero is necessarily zero by the normalizationgiven in Eq. (14). It can be seen that the error is larger forlower frequencies. This may be because at lower frequency,the average k is lower and may be more prone to diffractionphenomena which render the system response different fordifferent channels.


The kx, ky spectra generated from each of these tech-niques are compared in Fig. 6 and discussed in Sec. V C.

FIG. 4. Comparison of slices through the correlation function Γ((δx, δy) through fixed values of δy before spatial averaging (grey lines), after spatial averaging(red error bars), and reconstructed from the inverse Fourier transform of the MEM power spectrum (green crosses). Top row: Real part. Bottom row: Imaginarypart. Horizontal axis: jx from −5. . . 5. Successive plots are for different jy, from jy = 0 . . .7. Gray lines indicate Γ′t(xi,δ j) for all reference channels xi ∈ A.Red error bars are centered on Γt s(δ j) and have a magnitude ∆Γt s(δ j) as computed by Eq. (14). The small error bars and narrow spread in gray lines indicatethat averaging over different reference channels is well justified. The slight mismatch between red error bars and green crosses is a consequence of tolerating anon-zero χ2 in the MEM spectral estimate.

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Page 7: Two-dimensional wave-number spectral analysis techniques ......Decaying two-dimensional turbulence in square containers with no-slip or stress-free boundaries Phys. Fluids 11, 611

093503-6 Michael et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 093503 (2015)

A. Fourier methods

There are two main types of “standard” Fourier methods.The periodogram utilizes the Wiener-Khintchine theorem andis based on the Fourier transform of the windowed cross corre-lation,

Speriodogram(k,ω) =Nco−1j=0

W (δ j)Γ′′t s(δ j,ω)eik ·δ j, (16)

where W (δ j) is a windowing function (Hanning or top-hat).This spectrum can be computed on a fine grid in k usingthe FFT by zero-padding the correlation function. In Welch’smethod, each frequency is spatially Fourier transformed thenthe averaging is performed in the frequency domain,

Swelch(k,ω) = ω+∆ω/2



N ′′(xi,ω′)eik ·xidω′. (17)

Both these methods presume the data beyond the measurementregion to be zero. The resolution of the periodogram is betterthan that of Welch’s method, since it is based on the co-array which is twice as large than the array, whereas Welch’smethod is based on measurements in the array. The resolutionis ultimately limited by the extent of the detector, since theΓt s(δ j) does not go to zero over the scale of the co-array, asin Fig. 3.

The use of a window function reduces side-lobes butbroadens the main lobe significantly, so it is not used. Becausethe data contain a strong component around k = 0, side lobesfrom this can give rise to artificial peaks. To mitigate this, lowk components are directly filtered out according to

N ′′(xi) = N (xi) − N−1ch


N (xk) (18)


Γ′′t s(δ j) = Γt s(δ j) − N−1



Γt s(δk). (19)

B. High resolution methods

Since the correlation length and peak wavelength aregenerally larger than the size of the image, Fourier methodsbecome inadequate. The truncation may also cause the powerspectrum to be negative which is a nonphysical situation. Anideal analysis method should be highly resolved in θ thoughnot necessarily in k. One could achieve this by represent-ing the power spectrum using non-Cartesian basis functions,where the number of basis functions (parameters describingthe power spectrum) is chosen according to the number ofmeasurements. A solution could then be obtained using aleast-squares fit (Singular Value Decomposition). Tests of thistechnique showed that the broadening in the θ direction wassimilar to conventional Fourier analysis. Though the use of anon-Cartesian basis may be helpful, linear solution techniquesare inadequate to provide higher resolution.

We consider spectral analysis techniques which givehigher resolution by extending Γt s(δ j) beyond the measuredimage by using some parametric form or a priori information.

Methods developed for 2d spectrum estimation are generallymore complicated than their 1d counterparts.

One of the simplest high resolution techniques due toRef. 33 is the maximum likelihood method (MLM). A filter isconstructed for arbitrary values of k within the Nyquist bandwhich maximizes the output power at the desired value of kand suppresses power from other values of k. This techniquewas developed for seismic array processing, and it is simpleto incorporate non-uniform arrays. The spectral estimate as afunction of k is given by

S(k) = 1EH(k)R−1E(k) , (20)

where R is the complete Nch × Nch correlation matrix Ri j(ω)= Γ′t(xi, x j − xi,ω), and the Nch length vector E(k) has el-ements Ei(k) = exp(ik · xi). The superscript H refers to theconjugate transpose.

The MEM is another well-known high resolution tech-nique based on a priori information, defined as the powerspectrum S(k) which maximizes the Burg entropy,

H =

log S(k)dk (21)

and satisfies the “correlation matching” constraints Γt s(δ j)= Γ(δ j), for all δ j ϵ C, where

Γ(δ j) =

S(k) exp(ik · δ j)dk . (22)

Upon maximization, it can be shown that the MEM esti-mate is parameterized by Nch Lagrange multipliers a j for allδ j ϵ C,32

S(k) = *.,


a j exp(−ik · δ j)+/-


. (23)

If Eq. (23) can be factorized in the following form as

S(k) = σ2

�bj exp

�−ik · δ j

��2 (24)

for δ j ϵ C\0 (excluding zero), then the coefficients bj can becomputed by the auto-regressive (AR) linear prediction andcan be obtained simply from the (linear) Yule-walker equa-tions.34 Such a factorization is possible in 1d; however, in 2d,no such factorization is possible.35 Another explanation is thatin 2D, linear prediction is not so well defined as in 1D becausethere is no natural ordering in the 2D plane (in 1D, for example,there is a concept of “past” and “future”). Therefore, to obtainthe MEM spectrum in 2d, it is necessary to maximize nonlinearequation (21) subject to the linear constraints in Eq. (22). Wetreat this problem later.

The AR model can still deliver high resolution estimatesin 2d and is attractive because of the ease of solution. Forimproving the condition of the solution, the set of delays δ j

used in the solution is chosen to be a subset of the co-array C.One common technique is to use “quarter plane” masks, whicheffectively linearly predict each quadrant of the 2D plane basedon separately computed filter coefficients.34

High resolution techniques tend to give very sharp peaks.One of the problems in calculating MEM spectra Eq. (23) is

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the ability to represent these peaks. The generalized Pisarenkomethod36 is parametric model which gets around the problemof representing sharp peaks by expressing the power spectrumas a sum of Nco delta functions in a background of colored orwhite noise σ2, the offsets k j, and amplitudes a j of which aredetermined from the data,

S(k) = σ2 +


a jδ(k − k j). (25)

An exact mathematical formalism can be derived for discreteregions of support. The parameters are determined by solvinga linear programming problem which maximizes σ2 subjectto Eq. (22). This method is attractive because of the ease ofsolution and the ability to provide high resolution.

For high resolution techniques which extrapolate corre-lation measurements beyond the co-array, such as AR, Pis-arenko, and MEM, the existence of a positive definite spectralestimate S(k) is not guaranteed. This is a question of extend-ability. For the AR and Pisarenko methods, if the measure-ments Γ(δ) are not extendable, then the noise component σ2

is negative. A result due to Ref. 36 states that if the term σ2

in Pisarenko’s method is positive, then the measurements areextendable. It was found in practice with the PCI data that oftenthe data set was not extendable.

Several methods obtaining the MEM spectral estimatewere considered.35,37,38 When searching for a MEM solution,often convergence in the iterative solution method could notbe obtained because the data are not extendable. This problemwas overcome by relaxing the correlation matching constraintsto allow for some experimental error. We achieve this byallowing for some non-zero value of χ2 in the solution,

χ2 =



Γt s(δ j) − Γ(δ j)∆Γt s(δ j)



. (26)

With exact matching of all Γt s(δ j) = Γ(δ j) (χ2 = 0), thespectral estimate can be parameterized by the Lagrange multi-pliers a j as in Eq. (23), from which calculation of each a j givesthe solution to the MEM problem. However, for solving witha constraint such that χ2 = χ2

aim, no such parameterizationexists, and it is easier to use a primal space method, similar tothat of Wernecke and D’Addario38 where the power spectrumis described on a Cartesian grid with a specified resolution(routinely we used 35 × 35). We adapted this method to useoptimization techniques described in the work of Skilling,39

including the use of the entropy metric ∇∇H and using foursearch directions at every iteration. Though, we adapted thismethod to use the Burg entropy defined in Eq. (21) ratherthan the Skilling entropy H = −

S(k) log S(k)dk used in

Ref. 39. The advantage of the Skilling method over the Wer-necke method is that the target value of χ2 ≤ χ2

aim could bespecified, and the method converges more reliably in less time.

While the measurement error Γt s can be taken from thedata as in Eq. (14), it was found that the error was sometimestoo large, and the measurement error was not so reliable partic-ularly towards the edges of C, where Nav is small. Therefore,we modified the error to a prescribed function (not related to

FIG. 5. Real (left) and imaginary (right) parts of the correlation functioncalculated from the Fourier transform of SMEM(k) at points δ inside andoutside C. Points with + are members of the set C where the correlationfunction can be measured. This demonstrates how high resolution spectralestimation extrapolates outside the domain of C, reducing the side lobebroadening, whereas Fourier periodogram estimation only uses points withinC and therefore has much stronger side-lobe broadening since Γ does not goto zero over C. The x and y axes indicate jx( j) and jy( j), and the center ofthe images correspond to jx = 0, jy = 0.

the data),

∆Γt s(δ j) = 0.01 × Γt s(δ j0)(

Nav( j)Nav( j0)


, (27)

where j0 is in the middle of the co-array, ( jx( j0), jy( j0))= (0,0).

Using this type of tapered bias in the error results in areduction of the overall background noise level when exponentof Nav is closer to zero, all the mismatches tend to be concen-trated around δ = 0 effectively increasing the broadband noisefloor. The solution proceeds iteratively. Initially, χ2

aim = Nco.If convergence to the solution slows too much, the data may notbe extendable within the given error bars, and so, the value ofχ2aim is increased appropriately.

The problem of MEM spectral analysis is identical toMEM image reconstruction either in tomography or for im-age sharpening,40 since Fourier transformation is just anotherintegral equation, where the “response” matrix has elementsgiven by Eq. (22). The MEM estimate is described has verydesirable properties, enforcing positivity and smoothness. Thehigher the values of χ2 that are tolerated, the “flatter” is thespectral estimate. It has also been shown that the MEM esti-mate maximizes the ratio of the peak to the mean.34 For thismethod, the reduction of χ2 means that over the domain ofthe co-array, the correlation function is matched closely to thedata. However, outside the co-array, i.e., for larger separationsδ which are “inaccessible” since they are larger than the arraysize, the MEM predicts a non-zero value of the correlationfunction at those points and is illustrated in Fig. 5. On the otherhand, for the conventional Fourier periodogram method, thecorrelation function at these points is enforced to be zero.

C. Comparison and discussion

When dealing with mathematical inverse problems, itis common to use synthetic data to test different inversion

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FIG. 6. Power spectra S(kx, ky) (over the Nyquist domain with the origin inthe center of the images, for all frequencies) for the different analysis methodsin the text. The color is on a log scale, and the text indicates the dynamicrange of each individual image.

methods. A simple test using synthetic data was conducted forthe MEM as explained below; however, for the purposes ofcomparing different methods, it was chosen to use real plasmadata for the following reasons. First, if one were to constructa synthetic correlation function, it would be most realistic tomake one which matched closely to the experimental data.So, why not just use the experimental data itself. Second, forhigh resolution methods which are intrinsically non-linear,features of the k spectrum such as the broadening of peaksand broadband background level are not the same when thenumber and location of peaks changed, implying that the besttest can be done on real data. Furthermore, owing to instrumenteffects, the spatial correlation function may be distorted insuch a way that its Fourier transform, the power spectrum,is not positive definite which is a nonphysical situation. Thisis very important since side-lobe features tend to try to makethe spectrum estimate go negative, and this produces problems

FIG. 7. Fluctuation amplitude ∂⟨N 2⟩/∂(kθω) as a function of k and ρ(mapped from θ) transformed from the MEM panel in Fig. 6. The dashedlines correspond to a transformation of the “characteristic grid” kx,ky as inFig. 1(c).

for the maximum entropy method (which we assume that it ispositive).

Images of the 2D power spectra for each of the differentmethods are shown in Fig. 6. For clarifying the comparison, theaxes labels are removed and the color scales are adjusted, andthe dynamic range in each image (logarithmic scale) is indi-cated. Each of these images exhibit different artifacts but alldepict the same broad types of features: lines extending fromthe origin in a “v” shape, which correspond to fluctuationsspread over a range of k on both the upper and lower sidesof the plasma, propagating in opposite directions within theimage, corresponding poloidal propagation in the ion diamag-netic direction. These data sets are then converted to polarcoordinates, and the one for the MEM is shown in Fig. 7.Fluctuation amplitude profiles using Eq. (7) are compared inFig. 8. Given that the fluctuations are strongest near the edge ofthe plasma, and that it is nonphysical to have any finite fluctua-tion amplitude outside the plasma boundary where the densityand temperature are zero. For the present shot, the Thomsonscattering system shows this to be the case at around ρ = 1.1.The fluctuation amplitude outside |ρ| = 1.1 can therefore beinterpreted as being due to artifacts, primarily the broadbandbackground level, due to leakage from the primary peak. Thesignal profile is also observed to be asymmetric, independentof which method is being used. This is a common featureof the PCI data and may be interpreted as being due to lineintegration effects of tilted eddies,26 resulting a change of thelongitudinal integration length lz. However, we cannot dismissthe possibility that it might also be an inherent asymmetryof the turbulence. Another noteworthy feature of the data isthat the MEM shows an additional peak near the core of theplasma. Most other methods cannot detect this, and in fact,the AR method shows a big spike here; this is likely to be anartifact.

The difference in spatial resolution of each method canbe easily observed in Fig. 8, based on the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the main peak at ρ = +1.0. Themaximum entropy method has a broadening of ∆ρ = 0.1,the Fourier periodogram with no window has ∆ρ = 0.3, and

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FIG. 8. Fluctuation amplitude ⟨n2⟩1/2 as a function of ρ (or equivalentlypolar angle θ, upper axis), integrated over ω and k , for the different methodsdescribed in the text. The sign convention of ρ indicates above or below themid-plane.

other Fourier methods (Hanning periodogram and Welch)have ∆ρ > 0.5. The maximum likelihood and auto-regressivemethods have resolutions in between MEM and the Fouriermethods, whilst Pisarenko’s method also has resolution similarto that of MEM. For the experimental data analyzed here,the entire (positive) frequency domain was summed togetherto illustrate the improvement of the resolution of low kcomponents; however, if only high frequency components areselected, then obviously better resolution can be obtained forthese components. Note however, according to the discussionaround Eq. (2), that the steep gradient near ρ = 1, shown bythe maximum entropy method, has a scale length approachingthe fluctuation wavelength, calling into question the validity ofthat equation and therefore the relative intensity in that region.

A simple test to determine instrument resolution inherentto the MEM was conducted as follows. A correlation functionwas synthesized based the analytic Fourier transform of an infi-nite correlation length plane wave, with a k value of 0.4 mm−1

(corresponding to the k value in Fig. 7), located at an angleof 40◦, corresponding to the edge of the plasma. The MEManalysis was applied to this correlation function, and it wasfound that the angular FWHM corresponded to an instrumentalspatial resolution of ∆ρ = 0.1 (whilst this could be improved,it reduces the reliability of convergence).

The Fourier periodogram method with Hanning windowshows broad lobes corresponding to fluctuations at the edgeof the plasma. However, due to their broadness, this impliesconsiderable fluctuation amplitude at high angles which arenot perpendicular to any field lines along the line of sight.Furthermore, the bleeding of this amplitude around the regionk = 0 results in a very broad fluctuation profile from the core tothe edge, with no strong localization. Given that it is known theinstrumental function wings contribute towards this broadness,this profile clearly does not correspond to the real fluctuation

profile. The Fourier periodogram method without any windowclearly shows more localization towards the edge of the plasmaand has less low k leakage, but, according to Fourier theory,contains significant side-lobes, essentially vertically and hori-zontally displaced “phantoms” of the v-structure. Whilst theseside lobes have lower amplitude, they would obscure any realfluctuations existing in that part of k space. It is fortunate thatin this case, these power spectra are actually positive definite,with about 20-21 dB between the peak and the minimum, asthis is not guaranteed, and in other cases, the power spectra canbe negative. The Fourier Welch method has similar featuresto the Hanning window version of the periodogram, as it isderived from the array rather than the coarray.

The maximum likelihood method gives better resolutionthan Fourier periodogram and Fourier Welch methods; how-ever, since correlation matching is not specifically enforced,the total fluctuation power in the spatial Fourier transform isnot equal to the power auto-correlation function of each signal(Parseval’s theorem does not hold). This problem arises whenthere are several different waves with strongly different inten-sities; the response to each component can be quite different.41

For this reason, this method is considered inappropriate.The AR model spectrum is seen to give strong peaks,

though they tend to blend into one another, and when inte-grated (for example, over k for fixed angle), the spatial resolu-tion is not good. For both MLM and the AR spectra, it is neces-sary to perform matrix inversion on a highly ill-conditionedmatrix (∼1010).

The spectrum from Pisarenko’s method clearly has higherresolution than other methods and shows clear regions wherethe fluctuation power is localized, and the peaks do not bleedinto one another. However, it is evident that the noise sensi-tivity is high since many spurious peaks are produced. Fur-thermore, since turbulence should be broadband in nature, theparametric form of a sum of discrete peaks is not theoreticallyjustified; however, the discrete peaks are clumped togetherin such a way as to create a main broader peak. To relievethe noise sensitivity, it may be possible to perform boxcarsmoothing or to tolerate some mismatch between the measuredcorrelations and the correlations based on the power spectrum.

The MEM estimate is clearly the best trade-off betweenresolution and stability. Maximum entropy is global a prioriinformation and tends to make the power spectrum smooth.Since the method allows for some error in the measurements,the smoothest possible solution is found. The computationtime for MEM is larger than other methods considered but thequality of the images is clearly better. All analyses presentedfrom here use the MEM.


One problem with high resolution analysis methods suchas MEM is the tendency to make peaks narrower thanthey are in reality. The width of the individual peaks of thereconstruction depends on the ratio of the peak power to thenoise background power, since MEM estimate in Eq. (23) hasthe form of an all-pole model. Further tests of the response inthe presence of multiple peaks become complicated because

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FIG. 9. Test to determine the “narrowing” effect of the MEM. Left: TheFourier periodogram method with Hanning window is applied to the plasmadata to generate a k spectrum which is the most conservative in terms peaksbroadening. Right: Reconstructed MEM spectrum, based on the correlationfunction generated from the data on the left.

algorithm is inherently non-linear. However, the propertiesof MEM estimates in 2d have been studied before.40,42 Inregions of steep gradient, an over-shoot may occur leadingto a spurious peak. In order to test whether the peaks in theMEM spectrum derived in Fig. 6 were likely more narrowthan in reality, a test was conducted, as illustrated in Fig. 9.For this test, the power spectrum derived using the Fourierperiodogram with Hanning window was taken as referencedata, for this is in some sense the “least” narrow that thespectrum could be. The Fourier transform is taken to generatethe correlation function on the coarray, then the MEM isimplemented to re-derive the power spectrum. It is clear thatalthough there is a slight perturbation to the spectrum, thewidth of the peaks remains largely unchanged, and so, one canconclude that broad peaks can be reconstructed by the MEM.

The broadband noise floor in the power spectrum canalso generate artifacts in the spatial profile of the fluctuationamplitude, as in Fig. 8. Even for the MEM, there is a finiteamplitude outside the plasma. Furthermore, it is questionablehow much of the fluctuation amplitude in the core is due to thisnoise floor. The broadband noise floor is related to the relativeerror criterion assigned in Eq. (27). The MEM derived spectralpower, for two values of the relative error criterion is plottedin Fig. 10. When the relative error is increased by an orderof magnitude, the minimum value of the image increases byabout 5-10 dB and the dynamic range decreases accordingly.Additionally, some features of the image are less well resolved.Consequently, it is important to assign the relative error to be

FIG. 10. MEM spectral estimate obtained over the Nyquist domain (loga-rithmic color scale) when using relative errors (at δ = 0) of 0.1% (left) and1% (right).

FIG. 11. Comparison of fluctuation amplitude (normalized to maximum) vsangle (vertical lines denoting the edges of the plasma) for the original MEMreconstruction (black thick line), a modification to zero out the power over allk within |θ | < 15◦ and |θ | > 55◦ (dotted red line), and the reconstructed profilebased on the forward computed correlation function and MEM derived powerspectrum (dashed blue line).

as small a value as possible; however, when it gets too small,it can become difficult for the MEM to converge because it istrying to make the power spectrum negative at a point in theimage. A value of 1% is conventionally used, despite not giv-ing as a good resolution, in order to improve the convergenceproperties in general.

The influence of the noise floor on the fluctuation profile isassessed in Fig. 11. The aim of this test is to determine to whatextent the background level (outside the plasma) is related tothe amplitude of the peak. For this test, the MEM spectralfunction is taken as a source test k spectrum (plotted in blacksolid line). The 2D kx, ky spectrum is then converted to k, θcoordinates, the power is “zeroed out” in the domain |θ | < 15◦

and |θ | > 55◦ (the profile for which is denoted by dotted redline, it does not go to zero precisely because of the grid-sizerepresentation in Cartesian coordinates), and then convertedback to Cartesian coordinates. The correlation function is thencomputed based on this modified k spectrum, then the MEMestimate is taken again, and it is converted into a profile againvia a polar transform (dashed blue line). It can be seen thatin those regions which were zeroed, the analysis techniqueproduces a signal of about 5%-7% of the maximum peak nearthe edge. Correspondingly, we can conclude that we cannotdistinguish fluctuations in the core which are weaker than thisvalue. However, in this case, there is a peak towards the corewhich is about 30% of the value at the edge.


The data analysis method for 2D phase contrast imag-ing on LHD has been described. By performing a particularaveraging scheme of all cross-correlation pairs, the coarray isderived which has Hermitian symmetry (so, it would corre-spond to a real power spectrum) and has a larger size than thearray. Such a scheme is appropriate to any turbulence imagedata.

Different 2D spectral analysis methods were compared:conventional Fourier, maximum likelihood, auto-regressive

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sequence, Pisarenko’s method, and the maximum entropymethod implemented using a technique developed by Skilling.These techniques were found to be commonly used in otherareas of science such as astronomy and earthquake detection.The maximum entropy method was found to be the mostappropriate method here, and for the shot analyzed, a spatialbroadening of∆ρ = 0.1 was found. However, as the resolutionis inverse to the value of k, this is variable depending on thingssuch as the nature of turbulence which can vary with the axisposition of the plasma and also the configuration of the opticalsystem (for example, prior to the upgrade described in Ref. 9,the peak k value was much lower compared to the Nyquistk because of the image size being smaller). Implementingthe maximum entropy technique was the most challengingof these methods, as it is based on complicated numericalscheme and the entropy functional itself has such a “weak”maximum. Since this work was carried out, suggestions forother maximum entropy algorithms have been put forward:Iwama and colleagues43 have used the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury technique to improve the speed of convergence, bysearching in a subspace with dimension greater than the fourused here, whilst smaller than the total subspace. However,there are many other implementations of the maximum en-tropy method that could be used. The numerical precision issatisfactory here for the 35 × 35 image of the power spectrum,but for more implementations on a finer grid (for example,in cases where there are more channels available), certainlymore advanced algorithms might prove useful. The techniquedescribed has been the basis for physics analysis in otherpublications:11,30 for example, resolving the velocity of fluc-tuations as a function of plasma radius and comparing withE × B rotation profile help to resolve the type of fluctuationmode. Also, a comparison of the k spectrum with non-lineargyro-kinetic simulation has also been carried out in Ref. 29.Comparison of the (branch-resolved) fluctuation amplitude(analyzed using techniques described in this paper) with theparticle flux and diffusion coefficient has been published inRefs. 44 and 45.


This work was supported by a grant-in-aid from the JapanSociety for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). This work issupported by NIFS/NINS under the Project of Formation ofInternational Network for Scientific Collaborations.

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