two brothers


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One brother is rich and selfish, the other is poor and noble-hearted. When the poor brother helps a little swallow with a broken leg, he's rewarded in an extraordinary manner. What's growing inside those giant pumpkins anyway...? A tale of brotherly love and hate from ancient Korea. First published in Horizon Review, this play is based on the Pansori tale 'Heungbu and Nolbu'.






The right of Grace Andreacchi to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity of persons, places or events depicted herein to actual persons, places or events is purely coincidental. This play first appeared in Horizon Review. Copyright © 2009 by Grace Andreacchi . All rights reserved ISBN 978-1-4092-3672-6 Published by Andromache Books, London Cover image: Swallows Diving, Totoya Hokkei


by the same author

For the theatre














Andromache Books



This play is based on the traditional Korean tale ‘Heungbu and Nolbu’, with additional material adapted from classical and folk Korean poetry.






SONHWA, the Narrator.

Gentle goddess of the pumpkin, her name means 'Fairy Flower'. She wears a traditional high-waisted Korean dress in shimmering white, bound with a blue and orange sash, and an elaborate orange head-dress that represents the pumpkin.


NOLBU, older brother to Heungbu

BO BAE, or 'Treasure', wife to Heungbu

TAEKWON, or 'Sour Pickle', wife to Nolbu

JOO EUN, or 'Silver Pearl', Heungbu's baby daughter












NOTE: Downstage right is a small tree, about 5 feet in height, which occupies the

same place throughout and indicates the change of seasons. In spring it is covered in

white blossoms - it is a plum tree. In winter it is a snow-covered pine. In autumn it

is a maple covered in bright red leaves.


[The story takes place in a small Korean village, long ago. Centre stage is a snug

and comfortable house set in a garden. Downstage right the plum tree. Rosy dawn

light and the morning chorus of birds. Enter Sonhwa.]

SONHWA I am Sonhwa, the Flower Fairy of the


Every spring I bear a white blossom

Every fall I yield a big bright pumpkin

Tasty to eat, also useful for drinking


or fine hat!

[Taps her head-dress.]

In this house live two brothers

Their names are Heungbu and Nolbu.

Nolbu is the older brother.

I'm afraid to tell you about him -

You won't like hearing it. He's not a nice

man at all.

What's he like? Well!

Eats a lot, drinks a lot, curses a lot

Beats people up a lot

Has his own way a lot

Slaps his own wife a lot

Slaps crippled man, pinches baby



Speaks rough words to father and mother

Pulls a dog's tail

Drowns a cat

Spits in the rice pot

And rubs pepper in people's eyes just for


His heart is crooked like a kudzu vine,

grown all in a tangle.

His wife Taekwon is named after the sour yellow

pickle which she resembles very much. She's so

greedy she wants the best of everything for herself. If

she went to the market and saw some fine new thing

for sale, she'd fall down in a faint if she couldn't have

it, and wouldn't get up for maybe one hundred days.

Now Heungbu is not like that at all. Heungbu, the

younger brother, is good-natured and loyal. His heart

is straight as a flying arrow. He loves his wicked

brother Nolbu, and sighs to see him do wickedness

every day. Still, he says nothing, he bites his lips.

Even when Nolbu beats him he tries to bear it

without complaining. His wife Bo Bae is named after

a treasure, but she's only a poor farmer's daughter.

Still, she's a simple, good-hearted girl. Whether she

will be a treasure to Heungbu we must wait and see.

Now father and mother have died, and the house,

and the rice fields, and the horses, and the cattle and

the money all belong to Nolbu. I wish he would

share a little of this wealth with his brother! Are they

not sons of the same mother? But no, Nolbu has told

his brother to leave the house where he was born,

immediately - right now - this very morning.



Surely in the western paradise she weeps

To see such cruelty from brother to


How can you put him out of the house?

Are you not both children of mine?

See in the garden these tears of dew

A mother is weeping for her children.

One for his wicked heart

The other for his sorrow.

The little leaves are wet with mother's


The morning sky is wet with her tears.

[Exit Sonhwa]


[Now it is bright morning. The house door flies open and Heungbu and his wife,

Bo Bae, tumble out, propelled by heavy blows from Nolbu. They lie on the ground,

dazed and shaken. Nolbu stands in the doorway and behind his back we see his

wife Taekwon, who shakes her fist at them.]

NOLBU [Shakes his fist at them.]

You good-for-nothing!

Now get out of my house and don't show

your ugly face again.

Don't think you can live off me. What's

mine is mine.

You and your lazy wife clear off, double




TAEKWON Yeah, that's right - clear off!

No more getting fat on my rice!

Greedy little brother.

No more dressing up in my clothes!

Ugly sister-in-law.

NOLBU Wife, shut up - I'll do the talking.

Now the two of you get out of here.

HEUNGBU Brother, don't talk like that!

Brothers are like hands and feet

If we two brothers part

Won't we stumble on the road of life?

Won't we miss one another's helping


NOLBU [grinning]

I think I'll manage all right without you

And your free-loading wife.

Now shut your mouth and clear off!

[He goes into the house and slams the door. Heungbu gets up and helps Bo Bae to

her feet. They brush themselves off and straighten their clothes.]

BO BAE [Gently arranging his clothes for him, brushing the dust from

his hair.]

Never mind, my husband

If your brother says 'go', let us go.

HEUNGBU [dazed]

But where shall we go? Where?

We have no home now.



Nowhere to go.

Nolbu has given us nothing

Not even a water gourd, not even a shirt,

Not even a pair of straw sandals. Nothing.

BO BAE The swallows have their nests

And the foxes their holes.

We too can build a house for ourselves.

Let's go up into the green mountains

There we can cut reeds enough

to make a small house.


[Heungbu and his wife begin to walk. Behind them the scene changes to a rugged

mountain landscape. Enter Sonhwa]

SONHWA They walked and walked till they came to a bare

place under a mountain, that nobody wanted. There

they cut reeds and, working all day, soon built a

house for themselves.

[Light comes up on a tiny reed hut. Inside are Heungbu and Bo Bae.]

SONHWA But it was not much of a house.

That house was so small, when they lay

down to sleep

Their feet stuck out of the door.

[Heungbu and Bo Bae's feet appear under the door.]

That house was so small, when they got

up in the morning

Their heads poked right through the roof!



[Heungbu and Bo Bae now stand and their heads appear, poking through the


At night they could see the stars shining

over their heads.

When it rained the rain came in

And rained right into the house.

When the north wind blew it blew right

through the walls

Right into the house

Where Heungbu and his wife shivered

and shivered

And shivered with cold.

[Heungbu and Bo Bae shiver, clasping one another, and collapse onto the floor of

the hut.]

What to do?

Hold tight, keep warm together

Soon they get a baby like that.

[Sound of a baby crying inside the hut. Now the tree is changed to the snow-covered



SONHWA They call that baby Joo Eun, after the silver pearl,

hoping she will bring good fortune to her parents.

Poor Joo Eun! How should a baby bring good

fortune? No sooner born, she is hungry and cold.

Daughter of a poor man, she cries all day and all

night. Heungbu works hard, ploughing in winter,

planting in spring, still the rice pot is empty most



nights. Bo Bae works hard, sewing clothes for rich

ladies, pounding grain, picking herbs in spring, still

too many nights the pot is empty, the chipped bowls

stand upside down on the shelf. Poor Bo Bae! Wife

of a poor man, her tears fall into the thin broth she is

stirring, hoping to make it grow thicker. But stirring

alone won't thicken soup, and her tears only make it


See them now, dressed in old rags, sitting in their ice-

cold hut with nothing but broth for supper.

[Inside the hut. Heungbu and Bo Bae are seated on the floor at a low table. Bo

Bae holds the child in her lap. Before them are two small bowls of broth. Bo Bae is

trying to feed some broth to the child.]

BO BAE Come, Joo Eun, come my little silver pearl, just one

mouthful. Oh! She only spits it out.

HEUNGBU No wonder. This broth tastes of nothing but salt.


[spitting it out]

Nobody can eat this stuff.

BO BAE [to the child]

Come, my sweet girl, come now, my precious jewel,

open your mouth... Oh! She simply won't eat it.

[Begins to cry softly]

What are we to do? I've no more milk to give her,

and she won't eat the broth. Look how thin she is,

poor little thing!

[The baby begins to cry piteously. Bo Bae croons to her, rocking her in her arms.]



Hush, my baby, don't cry!

Will you have sweets?

Will you have rice?

Mama has no more milk for you

It's all gone dry -

Hush, oh hush, don't cry!

Hush, my baby, don't cry!

I don't want sweets!

I don't want rice!

Papa shall fetch a bucket of milk

From the Milky Way in the sky -

Hush, my baby, don't cry!

There, she's sleeping now. But I'm afraid hunger will

soon wake her.

[She lays the child on a pile of rags in the corner, covers her with her own shawl.]

BO BAE [Turns to Heungbu.]

Something must be done. The child is starving.

HEUNGBU Let us pray once more to Heaven...

BO BAE No, Heungbu! Listen to me - Are you the father of

this child or not? All your prayers aren't enough to

fill her tiny stomach even once. Go to the house of

your rich brother and tell him how it is with us.

Surely he'll let you have something, if only a little rice,

if only a handful of barley, to tide us over until


HEUNGBU My brother? The only thing I'll get from him is a

knock on the head for my trouble.



BO BAE You could at least try, if only for the sake of our

child. He is your brother, after all.

HEUNGBU Yes, he's my brother. Very well, if you insist, I'll go.

Only please don't expect too much. You know what

he's like.


[Outside Nolbu's house. The snow lies thick. Downstage right the snow-covered

pine, downstage left, a wooden shelter filled with sacks of grain.]

SONHWA With a heavy heart Heungbu set out for the house of

his brother Nolbu. Look at him - what a shame! With

his patched coat, ragged trousers, his hat with a hole

in it, and on his feet old straw sandals that are falling

to pieces in the snow.

[Heungbu appears, approaching the house.]

Slowly, slowly, he draws close to the


Slowly he circles it, afraid to speak to his

own brother.

Tired and hungry, eaten up with fear

Perhaps it would be better, he thinks

To lie down in the thick snow and die.

But he remembers Bo Bae

Waiting patiently for his return.

He remembers Joo Eun, his tiny silver




Waiting for her father to bring her a

bucket of milk

From the river in the sky.

He can't fly up to that river of stars

And fetch down milk for his child

But he can at least try his luck

Here, with his older brother.

[Heungbu notices the pile of sacks under the wooden shelter. Cautiously he

approaches and peeks into one of the sacks.]

HEUNGBU What's this piled up

Sack upon sack in the courtyard?

Sack upon sack of rice!

Sack upon sack of barley!

What happiness for Heungbu -

My brother has so much grain

Surely he can spare one sack for Joo Eun.

[Meanwhile Nolbu is seen peering out the window at Heungbu. Heungbu goes up

to the door and knocks, then steps back and bows very low. Nolbu opens the


HEUNGBU [Bowed almost to the ground]

Most honoured older brother! I come to inquire

about your health. Are you quite well, sir?

NOLBU Who are you?

HEUNGBU Who... am I? Why, I'm Heungbu.

NOLBU Heungbu? Who is 'Heungbu'? I don't

know anybody by that name.



HEUNGBU Oh, brother, how can you say such a thing? Don't

speak to me like that, brother, please don't. I've come

to your house, a shameless beggar, it's true. I bow

before you, here in the snow, and ask only a little

rice, not for myself but for my hungry child.

Please, my brother

For the sake of love between brothers

Let me have just one sack of rice

for my baby girl.

I swear to you we are starving

There's not a bite of food in the house.

If the child doesn't eat something soon

She will die

and her tiny bones will scatter on the


Her small spirit will soar away to heaven

Leaving her parents alone and desolate.

Pray, my brother

Let me have just one sack -

I'll work hard on your farm when the

spring comes

I'll plough acres of fields for just one bag of rice.

Please, my brother

Remember the love between brothers

And let my child live.

NOLBU You shameless fellow!

If it's heaven's will to give me something

And you nothing - is that my fault?

HEUNGBU The fault is all mine, brother

I am truly shameless.



I stoop to beg for the sake of my child.

If you won't give a sack

Give only one cupful -

A cup of rice that my child may live

If only for a day.

NOLBU Listen, whatever-your-name-is -

Why should I open my rice sacks for your


Why should I rob even my dog of his


to feed your ugly brat?

Why should my pigs go hungry

So your little pig of a daughter

Can get fat at my expense?

Aren't you selfish, coming here

To rob me of what's mine?

HEUNGBU Even if it be so, spare me, brother.

NOLBU [Motions Heungbu to follow him and walks to the wooden

shelter where the sacks are stored.]

Come here, brother, right over here -

Maybe I've got something for you after all.

[Heungbu follows him eagerly. Nolbu reaches behind the sacks and takes out an

axe-handle. He wheels round and beats Heungbu with it mercilessly.]

HEUNGBU Oh, brother, stop!

Don't beat me, brother, don't!

You're worse than a roaring dragon!



You're worse than a greedy carp!

Why do you treat me like this, why?

If you don't want to give, don't give -

But why do you beat me?

Oh, if our mother could see you now

What would she say?

Will you beat me to death, brother?

[Nolbu, exhausted with beating him, throws down the axe-handle and stands

there, panting heavily, looking down at Heungbu, who lies on the ground, badly


NOLBU That's my answer. Now get out of here,

you good-for-nothing.

[Nolbu goes into the house and slams the door behind him. Slowly Heungbu gets

to his feet, rubs himself all over, examines his many wounds,]

SONHWA Now Heungbu's heart was so heavy within him, his

only wish was to return home. But first he must say

good-bye to his brother's wife. And who knows?

Perhaps she, being a woman, would prove to have a

softer heart than her husband.

[Light comes up on Taekwon in the kitchen, stirring a pot of rice with a large

ladle. Heungbu approaches her, limping badly.]

HEUNGBU [bowing deeply]

Most honoured sister-in-law!

My best wishes for your honourable


[Taekwon turns around from the stove, pretends to be astonished to see him there.]



TAEKWON What, you? What do you want?

HEUNGBU Only a handful of rice,

Dear sister-in-law,

Only one spoonful of rice

For my baby girl -

Joo-Eun, the silver pearl,

Beloved child of most unworthy parents.

[Overcome with desire, Heungbu approaches the rice pot. Taekwon hits him across

the cheek with the ladle.]

TAEKWON How dare you come in here! You want to rob us?

Help, husband! Help! It's that brother of yours again!

[Heungbu rubbing his cheek finds a few grains of rice have stuck there. Unable to

control his hunger, he swallows them.]

HEUNGBU Ah, generous sister-in-law,

Hit me again, please -

Here, on the other cheek!

Let me have just a few more grains of rice

To take home with me...

TAEKWON I'll let you have something, all right!

[She puts down the ladle and takes up the poker from the kitchen fire and hits

him with that. Heungbu retreats under her blows. He collapses in a heap under the

snowy pine tree.]




[Night has fallen. Heungbu comes to himself again under the pine tree. A bright

moon has risen. He sits up and looks around him.]

HEUNGBU Now the bright moon shines on the world


A Palace of Broad Cold everywhere


Snowy treasures, free for the taking

Property of everyone.

How can my heart be sad

in such a place as this?

Surely the simple life is best.

Poor and foolish me!

May I live like a bird

Trusting all to heaven.

Good fortune and bad

Let them come as they will

Truly a man's path is not his own.

[Heungbu gets to hit feet, brushes the snow from his clothes, and begins the journey

home, limping painfully.]




SONGHWA Meanwhile, in the little hut, Bo Bae is waiting

anxiously for her husband's return. As the thirsty

earth waits for rain in a long drought, as the prisoner

deep under ground waits for the day he will see the

sun again, as the motherless child waits with a heart

full of pain for the one who has gone away, so she

waits for her beloved husband.

[Inside the hut. By the light of a single lamp, Bo Bae is working at a spinning

wheel; her child lies in a heap of rags at her feet.]

BO BAE [sings]

O, my jewel! O my pearl!

In heaven, on earth

The best little girl!

Tiny gem under my jacket

Like a green leaf my daughter came.

If I had gold, if I had silver

I'd give it all for this child of mine.

Round my heart the rain clouds gather

Spin by moonlight the moonlight silk.

Mama shall make you a moonlight jacket

Moonlight jacket white as milk.

You are a fairy bright as a moonbeam

You are a Princess come down from the sky.

If I had coral, pearls and amber

Still this child I never could buy.



[She pauses for a moment to listen for the sound of Heungbu returning, but hears


BO BAE [to herself]

So late! And still no sign of him. How can people say

'time flies'? Tonight it seems to stand still, just as if

the cold had frozen it.

[Resumes her spinning and singing.]

Round my heart the darkness gathers

Snow is falling round the house.

Round and round the wheel is spinning -

Bring some rice for my little mouse!

[Again she leaves off spinning. This time she has heard someone at the door. It is

Heungbu. She goes quietly to the door.]

BO BAE [Speaking softly so as not to wake the baby.]

There you are at last, my husband!

Come in, come in, and show me what

you've got.

[Heungbu staggers into the house and collapses onto the floor.]

BO BAE I see the wine was good at your brother's house. A

few fine toasts to brotherly love, that's all very well.

But where is the rice for Joo Eun?

HEUNGBU Listen, my dear little wife, it happened like


[He motions to her and she kneels down beside him to listen.]



When I got to my brother's house

The two of them, Nolbu and his dear wife

Came running out to greet me.

Laughing with joy, they brought me into

their house.

'Brother, why don't we see you more

often?' they cried.

They served up the best of the wine

And a huge lunch of steamed rice and

juicy meat dumplings.

Then they gave me a heavy sack of rice

And another, just as heavy, of red beans.

'Take this home for your dear wife and

little Joo Eun,' they said,

'And be sure to visit us again soon.'

They even offered me one of their servant


to carry the sacks. But I,

Shamed by their generous nature said,

'No, it is enough, Brother!'

I put the sacks on my back and started for


Only listen what happened next!

I was nearly home,

Just crossing that narrow pass where the kites nest -

There I met a robber

He knocked me down in the snow

and took all I had -

I've come home empty-handed.

Not my brother's fault!

All my fault -

Poor and foolish Heungbu.



[He covers his face with his hands.]

BO BAE [speaking softly]

That's enough! I see how it is.

One heavy sack of rice

One big sack of red beans -

All lies!

Oh husband of mine, why do you lie to me

like this?

Don't I know your brother Nolbu?

Don't I know his wife?

[Gently she pulls his hands away from his face - they are covered in blood.]

What's this? Blood on your hands?

Blood on your face?

[She examines him more closely.]

Cuts and bruises everywhere!

Don't tell me - there was never any robber.

Your own brother has done this to you.

Oh, my poor husband!

And it was I who made you go to him!

[She fetches a basin of water and gently washes his wounds.]

Oh, my husband, my heart!

You said that you hated to go

You said it was no use asking him

But I, foolish wife - I insisted!

You, kind and gentle, wouldn't say 'no' to




Now you're bruised all over like a rotten


Poor dear husband!

How could your brother beat you like that

And send you away without even

a single grain of rice?

Wicked Nolbu! Wicked and cruel!

To treat a brother like that.

HEUNGBU Bo Bae, my sweet little wife

You are better to me than any treasure.

Never mind my brother -

They say even a king in his castle

Can't feed all his hungry people.

How then should my brother

fare any better?

Let's not be afraid of our poverty -

There's no shame in a humble life.

We'll work harder than ever.

With so many chores in the village -

With ploughing and sowing

Spinning and weaving

Matting and thatching

Fetching and carrying

We'll manage somehow until spring.

If we skip a few meals, what does it


We'll give what we have to Joo Eun

And our hearts will grow fat, watching her


Good times, bad times - neither lasts




Winter soon will pass and spring -

The lovely spring will come

Like an emerald wave rushing over the

whole earth

Filling every corner with sparkling green.

Let's live in peace with our poverty -

Honesty and good faith are treasures too.

[Bo Bae helps him to the mat and they lie down together in one another's arms.]


[The scene changes to early spring. Downstage right the blossoming plum tree. The

sound of gentle birdsong is heard. Heungbu comes out of the house carrying a spade

and a rough plank of wood. He fixes the plank to the outside wall of the house; it

is a hand-lettered sign that reads: 'WELCOME SPRING'. Then he takes up

the spade and begins to dig in the garden. Enter Sonhwa.]

SONHWA Now the lovely Maid of Spring

comes stepping on her tiny feet

up to the poor man's gate.

Now peach and plum blossoms gather

outside his door

Waving their silken sleeves in greeting.

The grass grows thick in the fields

The willows droop their feathered heads

over the misty stream.

Already the wild geese have flown

And out of the deep blue sky

The light-winged swallow comes

swooping and fluttering.



[As she speaks these words the silhouettes of wild geese are seen flying away over

the mountains. We hear their parting cries. A swallow (puppet) comes swooping

and twittering around Heungbu's house. Heungbu leaves off digging for a moment

to regard the swallow.]

HEUNGBU Hey there, pretty fellow! Looking for a place to build

your nest? I wouldn't stop here if I were you. This

little house of mine's liable to tumble down with the

first big rainfall!

[The swallow perches on the roof of the hut, and sings to him, a long trill.]

HEUNGBU Oh, so you like it here, do you? A quiet spot pleases

you best, far from the dust of the busy world. It's

true - we're at peace here, alone with the clear moon

and bright sun. But listen to me, little one, though

you're only a bird, surely you want the best for your

children too. Fly down to the village yonder, and

choose a rich man's house. Build your nest under the

shadow of his sturdy wooden eaves, and raise your

children there in safety.

[The bird shakes its head, utters a loud trill, then begins to build a nest under the

eaves of Heungbu's hut. Bo Bae comes out of the house, carrying a basket of food

and Joo Eun on her arm. She pauses to watch the swallow at work.]

BO BAE Look, Joo Eun! See the pretty bird! Aren't we the

lucky ones, to have such a fine fellow for company.

We must take care to put out a few crumbs for him

every day. You'll see - soon he too will have hungry

babies to feed. Pretty little babies - just like my Joo




[She carries the basket to Heungbu. They sit down together on the ground and she

unpacks a very small lunch.]

BO BAE [Offering the food to Heungbu]

Eat, my husband, eat! How hungry you must be,

working all morning long in the garden.

HEUNGBU And you, little wife? Aren't you hungry yourself?

Working all morning with needle and thread? I'm

afraid my little wife is too thin... [He takes her hand.]

Look at these poor little hands - thin as grasshoppers!

BO BAE [Laughing, pulls away her hand.]

No! How can you say such things? I'm fat as a duck,

as you know very well! It's just that I don't need as

much food as you. Besides, Joo Eun and I have

already eaten.

[The swallow pauses on the roof for a moment to sing.]

Just look at him! He's so full of joy, he can't help

singing. And I feel just the same! Just think, soon the

whole garden will be bursting with fine fat vegetables!

HEUNGBU Bursting?

BO BAE Exploding! Cabbages as big as cartwheels! Peapods

the size of pumpkins! Pumpkins the size of... Joo


[Heungbu has finished eating. He rises, sprinkles a few crumbs of food for the

swallow, bowing comically to the bird as he does so.]



HEUNGBU Here you are, sir! Please help yourself, honoured

guest! [to Bo Bae] I told him not to stop here,

but he wouldn't listen. Well, we must do what we can

for him! I'm off to see about those rice fields now.

How happy I am today! It's true what they say:

Neither good fortune nor bad lasts forever!

Gentle spring returns, filling all creatures

with pure joy.

One single spirit sings from the heart of


A thousand voices, one lovely song -

Welcome Spring!

[Heungbu shoulders his spade and goes off. Bo Bae gathers up the remains of the

meal and goes into the house.]


[A few weeks later. The same scene, by night. A full moon is shining in the sky.

Enter Sonhwa.]

SONHWA Soon the nest is filled with new life.

All day long the swallow and his mate

Hurry back and forth with food for their


By night they huddle in their home under

the eaves

Warming the little ones with their feathers.

[As Sonhwa speaks the following, the Serpent enters and performs the actions as

she relates them.]



Until the night the serpent comes

slithering into the garden.

The swallows in their nest

think themselves safe - but no!

Silently the footless beast glides on its


right up to the nest

Seizes them one by one in its mouth

and devours them.

Only one young swallow escaped.

It fell into the long grass -

The serpent didn't see it hiding there!

When it was gone, the swallow began to


[The piteous cries of the swallow are heard as the day breaks. Bo Bae comes out of

the house with a watering pot and begins to water the garden. She hears the cries,

finds the swallow in the grass. She takes it up gently in her hands.]

BO BAE Poor little thing! Did you fall out of the nest? How

did it happen? Weren't mother and father watching

over you? [She peeks into the nest.] All gone! All ruined!

[The swallow continues to cry.] And your leg's broken as

well. Heungbu, come quickly! Heungbu, something's

happened to the swallow family!

[Heungbu comes out of the house, only half-dressed.]

HEUNGBU What's all the fuss? [Looks at the crying bird.] What's

wrong with the little fellow?

BO BAE I found him just over there in the grass. I think his

leg is broken. And what's more - the nest is empty!

The swallows are gone - every one!



HEUNGBU Gone! [He examines the nest.] Look at that - it's been

smashed. A serpent has done this thing.

No other creature

would attack these gentle harmless birds

No other creature

would gobble down these innocent young

Before they've even had time to learn to


Look here, where he slid on his evil belly in the grass


Vicious beast! Even its shape is evil!

Where is it? I'll make it pay for its crime!

[Heungbu seizes the garden spade and searches in the grass for the serpent.]

Beast! Cruel beast! Come out and let me smash your

head for you!

[The swallow cries louder then ever. Bo Bae tries to soothe it.]

BO BAE There, there, don't cry - We'll be your parents now.

[to Heungbu] It's too late. I'm sure the serpents' gone

back to his lair. We'd better see what we can do

about this little one.

[Heungbu puts down the spade and approaches her.]

HEUNGBU It seems you're right - there's no sign of the monster.

[He takes the wounded swallow from Bo Bae.] Poor little

fellow! His leg is broken. Bring me a bit of fine silk

thread and I'll bind it up properly.



[Bo Bae goes into the house.]

HEUNGBU [to the swallow]

Never mind, young sir - We'll look after

you now!

When I remember how proud your father

was of his family

It makes my heart ache.

How wrong to hurt the pretty swallow

Who does no harm to anyone

Who eats no grain nor seed of ours

Who flies in and out before the King of


cutting the sky with graceful, fluttering


[Bo Bae returns.]

BO BAE I've brought a bit of red silk thread - I took it from

my wedding dress.

HEUNGBU Now you just hold him carefully while I

tie his leg.

BO BAE How he's trembling!

HEUNGBU Steady... There we are! That should hold till the leg

has time to heal itself. [The swallow has stopped its crying.

Now it utters a soft trill. Heungbu strokes its feathers.]

There you are, young sir. That's better, isn't it? Now

we need a nest for him. Line a basket with leaves still

wet with morning dew - that will make a soft bed.

We'll keep him inside till he's strong enough to fly.



[Bo Bae goes into the house, comes back with a small straw basket. She plucks a

few broad leaves from the garden and arranges them into a nest. Heungbu places

the wounded bird in the basket and together they go into the house.]


[Now the tree is changed to the red maple. Enter Sonhwa.]

SONHWA That swallow lived in Heungbu's house for a long

time. Heungbu and Bo Bae caught many bugs in the

garden, made sure their swallow had plenty to eat.

Then one day the swallow's leg was healed.

[ The swallow puppet comes fluttering out of the house, swoops through the air,

chirping loudly. Heungbu and Bo Bae, with Joo Eun in her arms, follow it out of

the house, clapping their hands for joy.]

HEUNGBU Bravo! Well done, young sir!

BO BAE Look, Joo Eun - our swallow is well again!


SONHWA Before the swallow left that place to go in search of

his fellows, he paused to say something of great

importance to Heungbu and his wife. But alas! Those

two did not understand the swallow language, and so

had no idea what he wished to say to them. They

thought he was only singing a song of health and

good fortune.

[Now the swallow perches on the roof of the house and sings a long, pretty series of

chirps and trills, while Sonhwa interprets for us.]



SONHWA This is what he said:

In days of old King Hungdok

Kept a pair of green parrots

Harmonious in a golden cage.

One parrot died and the other, broken-


Cried all night for its vanished mate.

Cry, cry, oh bird!

Sleep to wake and cry!

Moved to compassion, the King

took pity on the bird,

Set a mirror in its cage

Hoping to deceive away sorrow.

Happy at first, it pecked at the glass

But in the end it cried again -

Cry, cry, oh bird!

Sleep to wake and cry!

In the days of old, Minister Chung

Saw a wounded pheasant in a well.

Struggling for life, she spread her wings

Dappling the water with her blood

She tried to shield her little ones.

Moved to compassion at the sight

The Minister refused to kill the bird.

A temple was built at the well

in memory of a pheasant's sorrow.

Cry, cry, oh bird!



Sleep to wake and cry!

In days of old a magpie

Brought news to a desperate prisoner.

In days of a old a sparrow's song

Set an innocent captive free.

Swallow though I be,

Can I forget your kindness?

Trifle though I be,

Can I forget your care?

Though today I leave you

Look for me when spring returns

Once more to the green mountains.

[With this the swallow flies off. Heungbu and Bo Bae watch the path of its flight.]

HEUNGBU & BO BAE [together]

Away on the autumn wind

I see the swallow passing

I see him passing, passing

Beyond the green mountains.

We shall live in winter cold

We shall live in the green mountains.

We shall eat wild grapes and berries

Here in the green mountains.

Cry, cry, oh bird!

Sleep to wake and cry!

With more cares than ever you had

I sleep to wake and cry!



11. At the Court of the Swallow King

[In this scene all the characters are swallows played by human actors. Let the

costumes suggest in subtle manner that they are swallows and not men. They should

wear head-dresses and masks that give a bird-like appearance. Their movements

likewise should be quick and agile, like those of a swallow.

The Swallow King sits on a throne and wears a golden crown on his head. He is

surrounded by his courtiers. A pair of young lady swallows are gently fanning him

with enormous paper fans.

A young swallow child enters with a sign board and stands downstage centre. The

sign board reads: 'THE COURT OF THE SWALLOW KING'. Swallow

child exits. Enter a courtier with a message.]

COURTIER [Bows low before the swallow King.]

Your Majesty!

A young swallow has just arrived

from beyond the green mountains.

He wishes to speak to you

on a matter of the greatest importance.

KING Let him come in.

[Enter Swallow, limping.]

SWALLOW [Bows low.]

May Your Majesty live a

thousand years!

KING Why do you limp like that, young fellow?

Has something happened to your leg?



SWALLOW Ah! Your Majesty has seen right to the

heart of things.

That's just what I've come to see you


Listen, all of you! Just listen what's

happened to me:

My parents raised me at the house of

Heungbu -

A poor man, he lives far to the north

beyond the green mountains.

One night a serpent came and destroyed

our home

Devouring father and mother, sisters and


I fell from the nest into the grass

The serpent didn't see me hiding there

But my leg was broken -

I was sure to die soon.

Then Heungbu and his wife took pity on


They took me into their house

and nursed me back to health.

They cared for me as if I were their own

child -

How can I ever repay such kindness?

His house is a grass hut full of holes

His baby girl has barely enough to eat

He and his wife will be hungry and cold

When the snow once more covers the

green mountains.

Great King! Father of all the Swallow

people -



Won't you do something to help his


And so repay, if just a little,

such kindness shown to a poor swallow.

KING [nodding thoughtfully]

Hm, hmm! Yes, yes!

This Heungbu has a good and generous


Clearly it is our duty to reward him.

How could we ever think to be ungrateful?

How neglect one who has shown such


to a poor swallow child?

[He motions to his courtiers. They all put their heads together with the King and


KING [Waving away his courtiers.]

We cannot give a life for a life

This lies beyond our power.

But take with you this pumpkin seed -

Let him plant it when spring returns

Once more to the green mountains.

[The Swallow, bowing low, takes the pumpkin seed.]

SWALLOW I thank Your Majesty -

It shall be done.



12. The Flight of the Swallow

[Downstage right, the plum tree in bloom. Sonhwa will now relate the story of the

swallow's journey. As she recites she dances round and round, opening and closing

a fan, to illustrate the bird's actions.]

SONHWA When spring came again to the beautiful land, all the

dear swallows flew off to visit new places. The young

swallow would have to travel a long journey alone, to

seek out the house of Heungbu. After bidding

farewell to the King, he took up the pumpkin seed

firmly in his beak and set off for the north country.

Right up into the blue sky

Beating small wings with all his might

Up into the air he flew with the pumpkin


Holding it tightly -

Careful not to let it drop!

Into the soft spring wind he flew

Away over the great wall Malli-jang-seong

That winds like a white snake along the

green valley

Away over Striped Toad River

And far up to the top of Pheasant


Here he stopped to rest

Looking down upon a busy town

Upon rows and rows of red-tiled rooftops

Winding in narrow lanes

Upon men and women, busy as ants,

Passing to and fro in the marketplace.



Some came to sell, and some to buy

So many people, like crawling ants

in the valley far below.

When the moon rose he soared

Once again into the wind

Carried on the fragrant breath of spring.

Under him dark valleys fast asleep

Above him steep rocky hillsides

Reaching almost to heaven.

He saw the moon, a single white blossom

at the bottom of Flower River

Suddenly break and scatter

Crushed by a dragon's curling tail.

Up, up he flew towards the green


Peaks, like incense burners, veiled in blue


Rising on every side.

Onward he flew, touching the edge of


with weary wings, grazing the Milky Way.

Shall I visit Weaver Girl and Herd Boy? he


Eager to see that famous pair

Who dwell among the stars.

But no, he must return to the house of


Must find again that small hut

And the man who has been his saviour.

Now, in early morning mist,



He came to rest at True Light Temple

Perching on a great bell

He watches while a lone monk

Sweeps the dust from the temple path.

Behind him a five-colour sky

The sun rises over the mountains

Now every peak is pure white jade.

Up he flew again into the clear air

On and on he flew.

Now he has crossed the green mountains -

Not much further to go!

But which house is Heungbu's?

In all these flowering valleys

How to find one small grass hut?

Unsure of the way

He flutters from branch to branch

of a young plum tree.

It is here Bo Bae is walking

Come to pluck a branch of white blossoms

To welcome spring.


[Outside Heungbu's house. Downstage right, the plum tree. Enter Bo Bae, a sprig

of flowering plum in her hand. The swallow puppet is right behind her.]

BO BAE Where are you now

You harsh and bitter Old Man Winter?

Where are you now

You nasty winds that bite?

Welcome back, gentle spring,

Lovely upon a thousand hills!



[The swallow comes to rest upon the roof of the hut.]

BO BAE Hello there, pretty one!

Have you too come to welcome the


[The swallow flies right up to her, fluttering wildly.]

BO BAE What's all this? She looks closely at the swallow.] Why, it's

you! Our own little swallow child - you've come back!

Heungbu - come and see! Heungbu, look who's here

- You won't believe it - Our swallow's come back,

and he's got something in his beak!

[Heungbu comes out of the house. The swallow flies at him, drops the pumpkin

seed at his feet, and chatters loudly. Heungbu picks up the seed.]

BO BAE Just look at his leg - He's still wearing that bit of red

thread we used to tie it up. I can't believe he's come

back. So even a bird can have a thankful heart.

HEUNGBU Why not? Are they not living creatures, as well as we?

Hello, little fellow! Nice of you to remember us.

[The swallow, settled once again on the roof, chatters happily. Now he makes a

circle overhead, and flies away.]

BO BAE He's off! He'll be looking for a wife, now he's grown.

What's that he was carrying in his beak? Let me see...

[Heungbu holds out his hand, the seed resting on his palm.]



HEUNGBU I'm not sure what it is. What does it look

like to you?

BO BAE It's yellow like gold... Do you think it

might be gold?

HEUNGBU No, no - it can't be gold. A long time ago, when the

world was young, a greedy old man stole all the gold

and locked it away in a cave deep under the Diamond

Mountains. Now there's no more gold left in the


BO BAE Now I look at it again, it seems to me to be blue -

clear blue as the sky. Maybe it's a piece of sky blue


HEUNGBU No, no - it can't be a piece of sky blue amber. A long

time ago, when the world was young, the Dragon

King took all the amber to make for himself a

drinking goblet. He drinks from it every night in his

palace under the waves. So there's no more amber

left in the whole world.

BO BAE But now that I look at it again, I think it must be red.

Maybe it's a precious jewel?

HEUNGBU Impossible. All the jewels are gone too.

BO BAE Go on - what happened then?

HEUNGBU A long time ago, when the world was young, Crystal

Mountain caught fire

All the jewels were melted but one, and an old monk

took that one away. Out of that jewel he carved a



flute for himself. When he played on that flute, the

people's hearts all turned to stone for sorrow. So he

threw that flute down a well that hasn't any bottom.

There are no more jewels left in the world.


[Looks carefully at the seed, pokes it with her finger.]

Though it sparkles like a jewel

Though it turns five colours before my


It has a shape like a seed.

Then surely it must be a seed?

HEUNGBU Look! There's writing on it too!

BO BAE What does it say?

HEUNGBU [Reads.]

'Seed rewarding kindness.' So it is a seed! I'd say by

the shape of it, it's a pumpkin seed. It must be some

special kind of pumpkin that they grow down south.

The little swallow's brought it all that long way, only

to show his thankfulness. Well - a gift from a

swallow's a rare thing. Who ever heard of it? I'd say

it's as good as any gold or jewel or even your sky blue

amber. I'll plant it in the sunniest part of the garden.

We're sure to get some fine fat pumpkins out of it.

[Heungbu plants the seed and Bo Bae waters it. Together they go into the house.]




[It is night in the garden. A full moon rises, and immediately the pumpkin begins

to grow. First green tendrils appear, then three large white blossoms, and finally

three enormous striped pumpkins - one yellow, one blue, and one red. While the

pumpkins are growing, Sonhwa steps into the garden and speaks the following.]

SONHWA Bo Bae looked after that pumpkin as if it were a

child. She tended it with love, and how it grew!

First a green leaf, then another

Then three more.

Now three white blossoms

as big as temple bells.

At last three pumpkins appear on the vine:

One is yellow as gold

One is blue as sky blue amber

One is red as a precious jewel.

These are no ordinary pumpkins! On a fine fall day,

Heungbu and Bo Bae decide to harvest them.

[Morning light. Downstage right the red-leafed maple tree. Heungbu and Bo Bae

cut the pumpkins from the vine and carry them into the hut.]


[Inside the hut. The three pumpkins sit in the centre of the room. They are

enormous. Joo Eun is playing with them, tapping them with her little hand. Bo

Bae enters and kneels to play with her.]



BO BAE Oh, what pretty pumpkins! Look, Joo Eun, this blue

one will make such a fine blue bowl. Do you know

what we're going to put in it?


Pumpkin soup! Pumpkin soup!

Lots of tasty pumpkin soup -

Hot and tasty pumpkin soup

Pumpkin soup for my little pearl...

[Enter Heungbu with a large two-handled saw.]

HEUNGBU Have a look at this! Big enough to do the

job, hm?

BO BAE Where did you get it?

HEUNGBU Borrowed it from Mr. Kim. I told him I needed it to

cut down an old tree. So, are we ready?

BO BAE [Jumps to her feet.] Ready! [She settles Joo Eun on a pile of

rags in the corner.] Sit tight, baby - don't move. Watch

while we saw the pumpkins.

[Heungbu takes the yellow pumpkin and marks its middle with a knife. Then

each takes hold of his end of the saw and they begin to cut. As they cut, they sing.]





Song of the Pumpkin-Sawing

Back and forth!

Back and forth!

Little teeth cut fat pumpkin!

Swallow brought it

Heungbu planted it -

Little teeth cut fat pumpkin!

Don't worry poor man!

Don't worry poor child!

Little teeth cut fat pumpkin!

Bo Bae watered it

Joo Eun shall eat it -

Little teeth cut fat pumpkin!

[At this the pumpkin springs open, a cloud of bright gold dust bursts forth from it.

Heungbu and Bo Bae tumble backwards. As the dust clears, the two halves of the

pumpkin lie revealed, filled with glittering gold coins that spill out onto the floor.

Slowly, Heungbu and Bo Bae get to their feet. Cautiously they approach the split

pumpkin. Joo Eun runs up, delighted, and begins to play with the gold coins.]


[Slowly kneeling beside the child, she puts one arm around

her, with her other hand she reaches out to touch the gold.

She speaks softly, wonderingly.]



All this gold - for us? Now we can buy rice for my

baby girl. No more hungry little stomach, ever again...

Heungbu? Let's see what's in the other two.

[Again they begin to saw, this time the blue pumpkin.]



Back and forth!

Back and forth!

Little teeth cut fat pumpkin!

No more sorrow

No more care -

Little teeth cut fat pumpkin!

Back and forth!

Back and forth..!

[The blue pumpkin splits open in a cloud of blue dust. Out of it spring two small

boys dressed in bright blue-striped clothes and carrying building tools.]

HEUNGBU Oh, no! I knew it was too good to be true. Now we'll

have two more hungry mouths to feed.

[The boys set to work and in no time at all they transform the hut into a beautiful,

well-furnished house. Heungbu and Bo Bae look on in amazement, while Joo Eun

claps her hands in delight. When the house is complete, the boys bow to the three of

them and vanish in a cloud of blue dust. Heungbu and Bo Bae regard one another

in silent wonder. Joo Eun climbs onto a pile of soft, bright silk cushions and curls


HEUNGBU There's still one pumpkin left...



BO BAE I'm afraid even to touch it - It must be a dream.

Surely all these things will vanish in a moment?

HEUNGBU Come on, little wife - don't be so timid! Take your

end of the saw and help me to cut.

[They begin to saw the red pumpkin.]



Back and forth!

Back and forth!

Little teeth cut red pumpkin!

No more leaky roof

No more freezing nights...

BO BAE Wait!

HEUNGBU What is it, then?

BO BAE What if all this gold,

And what if this fine house

Don't belong to us?

What if the master comes soon

to throw us out?

We'll have nowhere to go -

We'll be out once more in the cold.

Oh husband! Where's the little house

We built with our own hands, in days of


HEUNGBU Hush, little wife - don't be so timid!



Truly all this is ours.

Remember the words on the seed?

'Rewarding kindness'.

The swallow was grateful -

We'll show ourselves grateful in turn

And share our good fortune

Not keep it all to ourselves.

Now, come on!


& BO BAE [sawing]

Back and forth!

Back and forth!

Little teeth cut... !

[The red pumpkin bursts open in a cloud of red dust. Out of it step two lovely little

girls - the Moon Maidens, elegantly dressed in red-striped robes and golden moon

head-dresses. They are carrying golden plates piled high with food, which they place

on the shining new table. Out of the pumpkin they take red lacquer bowls full of

steaming rice, red glass goblets, flacons of wine, and ever more plates of food. When

the table is fully laden they bow low to the family, and vanish in a red cloud. Bo

Bae takes Joo Eun in her arms. Together the three of them approach the table.]


[Takes up a glass of wine in his hand and bows in the four directions.]

Thanks be to the spirit of gentleness

Who has had such pity on a poor man.

Though poor, we lived always in


In riches, may we grow richer in virtue.

I offer this cup at the Gate of Heaven



The more I gaze up at goodness

The higher it seems

Beyond the reach of my poor eyes.

A man with an ungrateful heart

Is worse than birds or beasts.

A man without love for his brother

Is like a stray goose, crying aloud.

Let me send for my brother Nolbu

And ask him to the feast.

Good fortune shared

Is good fortune doubled.


[Lights are partially dimmed. Sonhwa appears beside the maple tree.]

SONHWA When Nolbu heard of his brother's good fortune, he

turned bright red with rage, and stamped his foot so

hard he nearly broke it. Then he ran over to

Heungbu's house as fast as his legs would carry him.

[Lights come up inside Heungbu's new house. Heungbu, Bo Bae and Joo Eun are

now dressed in fine silk clothing. Nolbu stands outside, banging on the door.]

NOLBU Hey, you - Heungbu! Lousy little brother of mine!

Why do you keep me standing out here in the cold?

Too fine to open up to your older brother?

[Bo Bae goes and opens the door, bows low. Nolbu steps inside, looks her up and

down, looks all around at the house, trying to conceal his admiration. Then he

looks again at Bo Bae.]



NOLBU Look at you, all dolled up like a good-time

girl ... very nice!

BO BAE [bows again]

I hope you have been well,


NOLBU And what if I've not been well? What if I've been at

death's door? What difference would it make to you

two selfish good-for-nothings?

HEUNGBU [bows]

Brother, how can you say such things? Welcome to

our house. How are you?

[He wipes away tears.]

NOLBU What a face! What are you snivelling for? Has

somebody died? Already you're boasting about your

big house - eh?

BO BAE Please, take a seat, brother.

[She places a silk cushion for him at the table. Reluctantly, Nolbu sits, then

Heungbu and Bo Bae, with Joo Eun beside her, follow suit. Nolbu gets up,

examines the cushion, takes out a pocket knife and slits it, shakes it so that

feathers fly around the room, then sits down on it again. Bo Bae serves from

various dishes; they begin to eat.]

NOLBU [to Heungbu]

Sooo... I guess you got a good drenching from the

night dew. What a haul!

HEUNGBU Night dew? What are you talking about?



NOLBU How many guys did you rob to get your hands on all

this? Waiting for them out there in the dark, you

must've got soaked through with the night dew more

than once! It's a wonder you didn't catch a cold and


HEUNGBU Brother, how can you think that of me? I'm no thief!

All this was a gift from the Swallow King of the


One young swallow made a nest

Just under the eaves of our house

Raised a family, wife and children there.

One night a wicked serpent ransacked the

nest -

Only one poor swallow was left

and that one's leg was broken.

We took care of him

Tied up his leg with a bit of thread

Nursed him till he was strong enough to fly


In the spring he came back

Bringing a seed in his beak.

We planted it and soon we had three fat


Inside the pumpkins was all this treasure -

A magic seed has brought us this good


NOLBU Sooo... a magic seed, you say? I'll have to get hold of

one of those. Meanwhile, you'd better give me

something to tide me over, if you know what's good

for you.



HEUNGBU Please, help yourself - take whatever you like! I only

want to share my good fortune with you, brother.

NOLBU [spitting out food]

Pah! This rice is disgusting!

[Picks up the bowl.]

How much did you pay for this bowl? I don't like it -

it's too small!

[He throws in on the ground.]

How much for this plate? I don't like it either - it's

too big!

[He throws a whole platter of food against the wall. Joo Eun

begins to cry. Bo Bae gets to her feet.]

BO BAE Brother, please don't smash the plates! They were

gifts from the Moon Maidens!

[She gathers up the fragments, crying.]

Why do have to spoil everything?

How can you throw precious rice at the


When every night people sit down to

empty bowls

in so many houses!

[She takes the crying Joo Eun in her arms. Nolbu gets up, overturns the table, and

kicks out at various objects. His eyes light on a large chest.]

NOLBU What's in that chest?

HEUNGBU I've no idea. We haven't even opened it




NOLBU I'll take that.

[He hoists it onto his back - it is very heavy.]

HEUNGBU Wait, brother - let me help you...

NOLBU Get away! I can carry it home myself.

[He staggers towards the door.]

Did the Moon Maidens bring this chest


HEUNGBU No, the Blue Amber Boys brought it.

NOLBU Hm. 'Blue Amber Boys' - what's that? Who ever

heard of it? I don't believe you! 'Blue Amber Boys' -

what nonsense...

[He goes out, grumbling to himself.]


[At Nolbu's house. Nolbu and his wife sit disconsolately on the ground. Between

them is the open chest, its contents strewn about the room: bolts of silk cloth and

brocade, bags of money, a pile of jewels.]

TAEKWON So that's all we get -

One tiny little chest

and practically empty!

Meanwhile that good-for-nothing brother

of yours

Lives in a big house,

And that little yellow wife of his

Dresses up every day like a queen.

Husband, I feel sick!



I feel very faint, I think I might even die...

Just the thought of those two

Counting their money

Makes my heart burn so hot

I think it might kill me!

NOLBU I know...

TAEKWON You know, you know...! So what are you

going to do about it?

NOLBU What do you expect me to do? Go catch a swallow

with a broken leg?

TAEKWON Now, that's an idea... Why shouldn't the Swallow

King reward us as well? Oh oh! I can hardly wait

until spring! Then we're sure to get our hands on one

of those dumb birds.


SONHWA From that day on, Nolbu and his wife thought of

nothing but the swallow that was to make them rich.

All winter long they watched the sky, but not so

much as a crow came to stay in their garden. At last it

was spring time again, and the swallows came

flocking back from the south land.

[The flowering plum tree is again in place. Nolbu comes out of the house, carrying

a net. Several swallow puppets flutter onto the scene.]



SONHWA Nolbu ran after them - tried to catch one - but the

swallows were afraid of him. They flew away when

they saw him coming.

[Nolbu chases the swallows with his net, but is unable to catch one.]

NOLBU Hey, come here you bastards! Hey, where do you

think you're going? Stop! Come to my house - I'll

give you a big reward! Hey! Hold on a minute!

[All the swallows fly away. Nolbu shakes his fist at them.]

NOLBU Dumb birds!

[He trudges back into the house.]

SONHWA But it wasn't long before one poor swallow

One poor ill-fated swallow!

Came to Nolbu's house

and made his nest under the eaves.

Soon the mother swallow laid her eggs

Soon she was sitting on them.

Nolbu and his wife watched those eggs

with eyes like a pair of serpents

Waiting for them to hatch.

Soon they hatched

Soon the young birds grew strong and

learned to fly

But still no serpent came to disturb the


Nolbu and his wife grew tired of waiting

Day and night for a serpent that never


Taekwon lay down on the bed



and refused to get up till a serpent came.

So Nolbu thought he'd better go out

And look for one.


[A nest full of swallows can be seen under the eaves of Nolbu's house; they are

twittering happily. Nolbu comes out of the house carrying a long stick and a sack.

He stops to look at the swallows, whom he regards with a calculating air.]

NOLBU Hello, dear swallows!

[the swallows fall silent.]

What's the matter? Don't you even say 'hello' to your

friend Nolbu?

[He smiles exaggeratedly.]

Dear little swallows - very nice! I love you very


[He turns away from the nest.]

Dumb birds! Where on earth am I supposed to get a

serpent anyway? Whoever heard of such a thing? 'Go

get a serpent' she says to me - as if they were just

lying around waiting for me to help myself.

[He begins to search along the wayside. A huge serpent comes

gliding up to him.]

Ah! What a huge beast! What's it doing?

Trying to eat me?

[He pokes it with the stick.]

Hey - you, you! Hey listen- here's the deal:

You come over to my house -



There's a whole nest full of swallows there.

I want you to knock them about a bit,

Eat one or two of them

Break a few bones -that sort of thing.

Then soon I'll be a millionaire

And you can have a big reward.

So, what do you say?

Let's go - huh?

[The serpent bites Nolbu on the toe.]

NOLBU Augh! What are you doing?

Help ! Help! It bit me! The bastard bit me!

He bit me on the toe!

[He hops around in pain. The serpent slithers away. Nolbu sits down and

examines his foot.]

Augh - that hurts pretty bad... I guess I was lucky this

time. That serpent tried to kill me! No use asking him

for help. I'll just have to become a serpent myself.


[Night time. Nolbu and his wife come silently out of the house. She is carrying a

lantern. They sneak up on the nest.]

NOLBU Ssh! Don't make so much noise! Do you

want to wake them up?

TAEKWON I didn't say anything. It's you doing all the




NOLBU Your feet are too noisy. Here, hold that lantern up

close to the nest. Closer!

TAEKWON [Holds up the lantern.]

You'll see - the light will wake them up for sure.

NOLBU Ssh! Will you just hold that lantern and

keep your mouth shut!

[He reaches into the nest, takes out a swallow, and deliberately breaks its leg, then

returns it to the nest. The swallow begins to cry piteously.]

NOLBU Help, help! A serpent! A huge, gigantic serpent!

[Pretends to search.]

Which way did he go? Poor little swallow! Sooo, a

bad serpent came and broke your leg, huh? What bad


[He takes the wounded swallow up in his hand. All the other

swallows awaken and begin to cry.]

Look at this, wife - the poor little swallow's leg is

broken. Maybe you've got a piece of thread?

TAEKWON [Holds out a ball of thick twine.]

Here you are!

NOLBU What's that then?

TAEKWON Fishing line! Much better than thread.

[She ties it around the swallow's leg, while it continues to cry.]



NOLBU Tighter! Tie it really tight. Make sure it

can't come off.

TAEKWON Don't worry, I'm tying it plenty tight. This won't

come off in a hurry.

[Nolbu puts the bird back into the nest.]

NOLBU [to swallow]

There you are - practically as good as new. Now

don't forget who fixed your leg for you - huh? It's

me, Nolbu. Remember that next time you see that

King of yours.

[Nolbu and Taekwon go into the house. The swallow continues to cry softly. The

moon rises, and lights up the garden. Enter Sonhwa. She stands in a ray of


SONHWA Heartless Nolbu!

To break a poor swallow's leg like that!

All night long the little one cried!

All night long the cruel twine, so tightly


cut into his flesh.

Barely, barely did he live until morning

Slowly, slowly he began to heal

But his poor leg was ruined forever.




[Downstage right the red maple tree again. Bright morning light.]

SONHWA When the night frost returns again to the


And red leaves shake in autumn wind

It's time for the swallows to leave for the

south land.

But first the wounded bird

Has something to say to Nolbu.

[A group of swallows wheels overhead, chattering loudly. Nolbu comes out of the

house, and looks up at them, a large grin on his face. Taekwon appears, peering

over his shoulder.]

NOLBU They're off!

TAEKWON He's still got that piece of fishing line, all right. I tied

it good and tight.

[The swallow alights on the roof of Nolbu's house and begins to chatter loudly.]

NOLBU Hey, he's talking to us! I guess he's grateful for that

good deed of mine.

SONHWA Stupid Nolbu! Who would be grateful to have his leg

broken? Here's what the swallow really said:

Nolbu, my enemy!

Wicked Nolbu!

I'll be back next year

To repay you for your cruelty!

No evil deed remains unpunished -



Take care - Nolbu!

And with that, away he flew on the wings of the


[The swallow flies off.]

Cry, cry, oh bird!

Sleep to wake and cry!

With more cares than ever you'll know

I sleep to wake and cry.


[At the court of the Swallow King, as in Scene 11. The Swallow King is once

again seated on his throne, surrounded by courtiers and maid-servants. Two of his

children, mere infant swallows, are seated nearby on the floor, playing a board

game. Enter a Courtier.]

COURTIER [bows low]

Your Majesty! A young swallow has just arrived

from beyond the green mountains. He's in great

distress, and begs to speak to you urgently - most


KING Let him come in.

[Enter the young swallow, crying piteously and limping very badly, dragging his

hurt leg behind him. All stop what they are doing to stare at him, aghast. The

children begin to cry in sympathy.]

KING My child! Why do you weep so loudly?

Why do limp so badly?



SWALLOW [bows deeply]

Your Majesty!

Perhaps you remember Heungbu,

The good man who cared for a wounded


Last year you sent him a magic pumpkin


And now he's a very rich fellow.

His brother Nolbu heard about it

And wanted a magic seed of his own

So he got hold of me

And broke my leg on purpose

Then tied it so tight with this twine

I shall never walk upon that leg again.

Though he and his wife live in plenty

They want still more

Nor do they share so much

As a single grain of rice with anybody.

All they think about is more riches

And they don't care how they get it

Even to breaking my leg.

Great King, and loving Father to the

Swallow people -

Won't you do something to avenge this


And repay him, if only a little, for his


KING [to the maid-servants]

Ladies! Do something about this poor fellow's

wounds. Take that nasty twine off his leg! And

somebody call the doctor - immediately!



[The maid-servants rush to help the swallow - lead him to a pile of soft cushions,

where they untie the twine and massage his leg.]

KING [to the swallow]

I know all about this Nolbu -

He's an unnatural monster

Who'd let his own brother starve

Though they grew from a single stem.

An evil man, whose face is set against


How can such deeds go unpunished?

How ignore one who has shown

Such cruelty to a poor swallow?

He too shall have a pumpkin seed

from the royal treasury.

Let him plant it when spring returns

Once more to the green mountains.

[All applaud.]

Now, won't someone fetch the doctor!


[Nolbu's house. Downstage right, the flowering plum tree. Nolbu sits in the

garden, sipping tea and eating cakes. Enter Sonhwa.]

SONHWA Soon it was spring again.

The swallow set out for the green


Holding that pumpkin seed tightly in his beak

Careful not to drop it

Up into the blue sky he flew

Beating small wings with all his might

Day and night he flew



Till he came to the house of Nolbu.

[Exit Sonhwa. The swallow flutters into view, holding the seed in its beak, and

approaches Nolbu. Nolbu jumps to his feet, spilling his tea and cakes on the


NOLBU Hey you, swallow! Where've you been all this time?

I've been waiting for you, you lazy guy! Well, you're

here now. Let's see what you've got. Give me that

seed - give it here!

[He runs after the swallow, his hands outstretched greedily. The swallow flutters

here and there, causing Nolbu to follow him. At last he drops the seed to the

ground - Nolbu seizes it.]

NOLBU Got it! Hey, wife! I've got the seed! Hey - wait till you

see this! Now we'll be as rich as that stupid brother

of mine! [He rushes into the house.]

[Sonhwa again steps forward.]

SONHWA Now Nolbu and his wife were two very ignorant

people. They didn't even bother to look carefully at

that seed. If they had, they would have seen the

writing on it, for in tiny golden letters were the

words, 'Seed Rewarding Cruelty'. But they never

thought to look. They were in such a hurry to get

rich, they planted that seed right away, that minute,

and all summer long they tended it and watched it


Soon a huge vine grew out of the ground, and in no

time at all there were three great fat pumpkins ready

to be plucked - one yellow, one blue and one red.



Nolbu and his wife brought the pumpkins into the

house. They locked all the doors and windows and

got ready to cut open the pumpkins. They waited till

it was dark to be sure nobody would know what they

were up to, for they didn't want to have to share any

of that treasure with anybody at all..


[Night. Downstage right the maple tree. Inside Nolbu's house - a single lamp

burns on a stand. Nolbu and Taekwon are kneeling on the floor, surrounded by

three enormous pumpkins.]

NOLBU [Just finishing to sharpen a large saw.]

This fellow's teeth are sharp enough. Let's

get going.

[He walks over to the yellow pumpkin, sets the saw in place.]

[to Taekwon] Take hold of the other end.

[Together they begin to saw.]

NOLBU Not like that!

[He goes round to her side and hits her, straightens the saw.]

Like this, stupid!

TAEKWON Who are you calling stupid? I'm the one who told you

how to get that magic seed in the first place. You're

too dumb to think of anything.

NOLBU Shut up and do as I say. Now - saw!



[As they saw they sing together the following]



Back and forth!

Back and forth!

Sharp teeth cut fat pumpkin!

Don't worry, rich man!

Don't worry, rich wife

Plenty of gold in the pumpkin!

[The pumpkin bursts open in a shower of golden sparks. Inside are piles of

rubbish, now strewn all over the floor.]

NOLBU What the ...? Where's my gold? There's nothing here

but a load of trash! Hey you, swallow - what's the big

idea? Come back here and let me break your other

leg for you!

TAEKWON Stop your shouting - he can't hear you. He's far away

by now. Come and give me a hand with this blue

pumpkin. May be this is the one with the treasure


[They begin to saw open the blue pumpkin.]



Back and forth!

Back and forth!

Sharp teeth cut fat pumpkin!

No more rubbish



No more trash

Plenty of gold in the - !

[The pumpkin bursts open in a flash of blue light. Out of it spring two small boys

dressed in bright blue-striped suits and brandishing large sticks. The boys run

amok in the house, smashing everything in sight with the sticks. They even break

down the walls of the house. When the destruction is complete, they bow to the

audience, then vanish in a puff of blue smoke. Nolbu and Taekwon regard one

another in dismay.]

TAEKWON It's all your fault. Why did you have to copy that

stupid brother of yours?

NOLBU Hey, listen, wife - There's still one pumpkin left.

That's sure to be the one with the treasure.

TAEKWON I'm afraid even to touch it. Who knows

what will happen next.

NOLBU Come on - do as I say.

[They begin to saw open the red pumpkin.]



Back and forth!

Back and forth!

Sharp teeth cut fat pumpkin!

No more trouble

No more trash -




NOLBU What is it then?

TAEKWON Something bad is going to happen. I can

feel it...

NOLBU [Goes over and hits her.] Can you feel that?

Now, do as I say.



Back and forth!

Back and forth!

Sharp teeth cut -!

[The pumpkin bursts open in a shower of red sparks. Out of it spring two hideous

red goblins, brandishing enormous clubs. They beat Nolbu and his wife without

mercy. The two of them cry out, but to no avail.]



Stop! No! No! Stop! Ow! Stop, please stop! No more!

Ow! Oooow! (etc.)

[When the goblins have beaten them thoroughly, they bow to the audience, then

vanish in a puff of red smoke.]


[Enter Sonhwa, alone on stage.]

SONHWA Now Nolbu and his wife had nowhere to go.

Sorrowful and bewildered, they wandered arm in arm

through the village. Though they were poor and

hungry, no one took pity on them, no one offered



them so much as a mouthful of rice. Though they

were homeless and freezing to death, no one offered

them a place to lay their heads, not even so much as a

woodshed. They were reaping the rewards of their


But soon Heungbu heard about what had happened.

Quickly he harnessed his best cart and came to the

place where his brother stood, hanging his head in

the rain.

'Oh, my poor brother!

How can you stand there -

Is not my house your house?

Was not my mother your mother?

Was not my father your father?

Come home with me now, brother

And sister-in-law too.'

So Heungbu brought his brother home,

And Bo Bae prepared a room for them

The best room in the house

And the two of them stayed there.

Heungbu served his brother Nolbu

with all his heart

And comforted him daily.

And Nolbu was ashamed

And learned to love his brother, Heungbu.

[Now Heungbu and Nolbu appear together centre stage, with them to left and

right are Bo Bae with Joo Eun, and Taekwon. They all join hands and speak the




HEUNGBU When brothers are born

They are like two berries

Grown on a single stem.

They are like fingers

On a single hand.

Love your brother

As you love yourself.

NOLBU To quarrel with a brother

Is nothing but foolishness.

You may buy fields and paddies

You may buy a good horse or a fine house -

But where can you buy

for yourself a brother?

BO BAE Far better to live together in harmony!

Love your brother with all your heart

Share your coat with him

Share your last bowl of rice with him

Love him till his hair turns white

And you barely know one another's face.

TAEKWON Love between brothers

Has no inside and no outside.

Love your brother your whole life long!

Then you'll never be a stray goose

Old and wandering the earth alone.

[At this the first swallow puppet enters and flutters over them. It settles on Joo

Eun's hand, and she holds it up for all to see. It sings a last, delicious trill.]





Grace Andreacchi was born and raised in New York City but has lived on the far side of the great ocean for many years - sometimes in Paris, sometimes Berlin, and nowadays in London. Works include the novels Scarabocchio and Poetry and Fear (Andromache Books), Give my Heart Ease, which received the New American Writing Award, and Music for Glass Orchestra. Stories and poetry appear in both on-line and print journals. Her work can be viewed at



Poetry and Fear by Grace Andreacchi A short novel written in poetic and elliptical prose, rich in emotion, sometimes playful, sometimes tragic. Set in the opera world of Berlin just after the fall of the Wall, 'Poetry and Fear' is a gripping tale of spiritual love and pain and the whole damn thing. Orpheus singing in the Underworld. The melancholy Queen of Spain. For everyone who's ever been there, or wants to be.... Scarabocchio by Grace Andreacchi To jump into a coach in the depths of the night, to run away from the oppression of one's delightful and highly-placed friends, one's work, fame, fortune, obligations and plunge headlong into the great adventure, careering over the Alps, aiming for the bright golden heart of civilisation, the only baggage one's poetical discontent... Add to this the Goldberg Variations of J.S. Bach, a fascination with murderous Sicilian puppets, a runaway diva, Beethoven's other nephew (the one who also shot himself in the head but, unlike Carl, appears, at least partially, to have survived), a catalogue of child murders and possible murderers, a treatise on the beauty of imaginary architecture and the golden section and you begin to get some idea of Scarabocchio. A piece of dizzying metafiction, a whirlwind journey through Sicily with an iconic German poet, a Canadan Bach specialist, a runaway diva and many others...

Available from


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