twitter 101 for marketers


Upload: phil-barrett

Post on 21-Jan-2015




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An introduction to twitter for my marketing friends who are trying to figure out what it is and really what the point is.


  • 1. 101

2. 3.

  • Was the social media story of 2008
  • Over 900% growth last year (6 MM)
  • Its free to setup and use
  • Open API = unlimited customization possibilities with user generated content

4. 5. # (Hash) Tags

  • Used as a way to filter / find content for group conversation
  • I.E. #obama to follow what people are saying about obama right now
  • All you do is include # + letters in your tweet and it becomes instantly searchable
  • People use # tags for events I.e. #mesh2008, #followfriday

6. 7. 8. Twitter trumpstraditional media 9. 10. 11. Getting started

  • Register for free account at
  • Do twitter search for friend, topics, or events to find followers
  • Look for follow me on twitter badges on websites
  • Watch as people follow you back
  • Add twitter URL to facebook, LinkedIn, personal blog and other sites where you have a profile

12. 13. 9 Twitter Etiquette Tips

  • Upload an Avatar
  • Complete your bio & location
  • URL in profile should be meaningful
  • Dont be a spam follower I.e. you are following 10,000, but only 20 are following you back
  • No tweets / updates = FAIL


  • You are updating every 3 seconds about inane things
    • i just had a coffee now picking nose now eating what came out of my nose
  • Dont always make it about you or your product / service
  • Sales pitches in your auto-DM are bad form
  • Dont be argumentative
  • Engage others

15. In Summary

  • Present a cohesive personal brand, or, if presenting a brand is too much for you, simply present a cohesive sense of yourself
  • Always be consistent in your use of Twitter, i.e., become known for the unique ways in which you use Twitter, and stick with what works for you
  • Engage with your network. Genuine engagement with your network of followers is the best way to get new followers

16. Twitter API(Custom Apps) Using twitter content to make something unique, different, or complimentry 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Download Tweet deckfor your desktop

  • Better manage the mayhem!

24. Dont forget to download a mobile twitter application for the iphone or blackberry 25. Twitdom is your portal to all custom twitter apps 26. How are brands using Twitter? 27. Automotive 28. Retail 29. 30. 31. Other brands on twitter

  • Media Companies on Twitter
  • Vancouver Sun
  • CBC
  • Globe and Mail
  • Giest Magazine
  • Open Book Toronto
  • Canoe
  • Georgia Straight
  • Besthealthmag
  • RedWire
  • Dose
  • Agencies / Brands on Twitter
  • nonlinear_creations
  • Delvinia
  • Random House
  • Harper Collins Canada
  • Radian6
  • Rain City Studios
  • The Blog Studio
  • Mindblossom
  • HarlequinBooks
  • I Love Rewards
  • Deloitte Canada
  • indusblue

32. and more

  • Transportation
    • WestJet
  • Non-Profit/ Charity
    • The Canadian Hearing Society
    • Sick Kids
    • LOWwaterkeeper
    • War Child Canada
  • Arts/ Culture
    • Soundstreams
  • Hospitality
    • Opus Hotel
    • Coast Hotels & Resorts
  • Technology
    • FlipVideoCanada
    • Brightkit
    • OpenText
    • DNA13
    • Nortel
    • Research In Motion
    • Overlay.TV
    • Cybernomics
  • Finance
    • RBC Innovator Campaign
  • Retailers on Twitter
    • Tiger Direct
    • Lululemon
  • Commercial Services
    • 1-800-Got-Junk

33. 8 Tips for brands

  • Use twitter to create brand voice or identity. Voice should be extension of brand values
  • Dont imitate voice of community
  • Let it all hang out you cant hide on twitter
  • Dont use twitter as broadcast channel only


  • Figure out what you want to talk about.
    • brand awareness and engagement channel?
    • Is it a news and information channel?
    • Is it a customer support and response channel?
  • Dont just talk about products & services
  • Casting call for your twitter voice PR, marketing, intern? Needs to be somebody already familiar with twitter
  • Listen first
  • (source

35. Twummary

  • If facebook is for people you already know, twitter is for people youd like to get to know better
  • Twitter # tags are being used for all life events business and personal
  • Critical mass is being reached
  • Free tools allow you to manage / track brand messaging and reputation
  • Free tools allow you to engage with your target market before, during, and after an event (or press release)
  • Can be used as a broadcast channel when quick or urgent messages need to get out to the public
  • BIG opportunity to integrate user generated content from twitter into brand activation activities / experiences
