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book of the times


  • Co!,yrigh, 1924B,



    MERLE L. DRAKE, Bwsinw Maoog'"T

  • !+,







  • HIS YE.\I~ mark" Ill(" initiill apPC;irallccof "The Gem Uf The ~lol1l1lail1s" a~an associ3lL'd :.Iudem body publicalionrather Ihall a ... the handiwork of theJunior Cia..,.. While thi:. new col1trolcaused 110 new difficultics. \'c:l the oldpro"erbial bug-a.-boos. whid~ h,wc con-frontcd annual editor,., for "cars, wereonly chased away by thc hearly and (','crfaithful co-operation of everyonc who.:oCa(h icc and assist:lllcc W;I:-, rL"
  • CONTENTSf:*~

    m:be JJ)ook ofm:be '(lJ;lnibersitp

    m:be JJ)ook ofm:be ~tfJlde

    m:be JJ)ook of

    m:be JJ)ook ofm:be ~attrist

  • BOL'T the IllOst heart-rending lines thatman may read are those dull, dcad in-scriptions that are can'ed 011 the tomb-stone of his }'ollth.

    Annuals can be tomhstones to m..,rkthe fatalities of passing year".

    .\nl1u3Is can also be living things toTe\i\e old memories whose afterglowbrings forward the transpired ycar andso makes the past etcrnal.

    \\'c ha\'e tried to prodlll'e this anllUil1that the pulsating, throbhing days of ourlife at Idaho may ~\'cr livc again withinthe covers of this \olulllc. If somcthingnot only of Ihe jO)'''. blll also of the caresof ollr college days can occ:lsionall}' peepout from its pages and help to keep aliveollr Idaho spirit. thcll our hopes andambitions will be realized.

    P,\UL M. I bRI,AN.

  • The Staffxxxx

    EditorsPETER 1'.\1:1. DRl,;S .\XD P.\l:L :\1. 11.\Kl..\X

    .'Jssociatc Editors~1.\Iu;.\KET SI'ltl:-;m:ll. Ih:IlIlEltT K.\IU.IIL"I!:C.. Flt.\XK :\11"'.\5

    Bl/nllt'Ss .lfolloger),1 EIl!.E L DIl.\ KE

    A,IDoS' .\l.u:)\', (;WESTIl :\!.\C"INLE\'. Cl_\IR KII.LOIt.\X

    PIl(}tografll!sG~:R\L1) BI.\eR, FR.\NCIS EU1RIllGE

    .1/0,'.1 Atll/elia1-1.\11;01.1) COltS~:L1SO", .\LllERT T,\\'I.Qlt

    !rOIllI''''S Alhll'l;esCA;\IILLA BROW:-;

    .1/IIS;CFI.ORENCt: St:LllV

    DramaticsT"l.lIOT JEN'NINUS

    Devale\V.\I.SEK GRt:ATllOUSE

    SocietyElwnl Cool'l::\(Org(lll;:;ol ;OIlS

    .\MV BARS,.,\!), JOSl.IN G,'Kn:R

    J-l,IIuor\1,\11\' Dl'NN. DUlJ1.EY 5W/;\I, RiCII,\I1.ll DIlESSElI, 1'1111.11' CllKrSTEN

    SIIaps1.00S CII.\NE, FKt:JI T.\\'l.OK, Gt:R.\l.lJ CESS, Tt:u TURN'~:K, JR.

    IJlIsi"ns StaffTt:D CeNS'IN(;II.\;\I, l.ot:IS no.\s. LOUIS IIE. I'lun:\', \V\ ..TEIl. YOIl."

  • Dedicatedw

    ROBERT L. MATHEWSWho by precepc and exnmplehas inspired out .Sludenc bodyfa gi,e of irs besl fa Idaho

  • ,



  • ".. .

    .0* Y'~. r"'.:,,\ ~ AI

  • nu: t' UII'I"" "T~~I'"

    The University and Its Meaningo '-ER thirl~ year", ago some far-'>cen accomplished wuil now Ihe results ofthose thirty years act as an imisihle leavcn in the thoughts and actions of a greatcommonwe

  • VIEW N'O~Tll I'llOM ,\nMIS1STRATION f\llIl.l)lNC

    The University and Its TraditionsBEIXG a comparatively young institution. many of our campus customs and

    habits lack that old Ra\'or that characterizes the traditions of the older Eastentuni"er"-ities. Yet. for all their youth. thcy arc no Icss dear to liS. for b)' obsen'ingthem we join hands with the man)' who preceded us. Two generations of Idahostudents ha"e added their bit until our traditions are symbolical of the spirit andtemper which was theirs. and which we arc expected to preserve intact. and tohand on to those who are to cOllie after \IS.

    Sentiment and reverence for Idaho makes the obser\'ance of cenain rites aS

  • Native Sons and OthersTilE late",! figUT('S show thaI all bUl founeen peT cenl of the ..tllllem", at Idaho

    come frolll within the slate. In the all~ldaho enrollment. ('\cry l'Qunty butone j", reprc-.emcd this rear. ami SQUlh Idaho is praeticaUy a~ well represell(cd asi:; the north. BUI these student", ollce they arc 011 the campll!>. promptly forgclo;ectiollal prejudice", and enlarge the !;(.'ope of their CQllsciomne",s and pride toinclude the entire rommonwcahh. Oh. leI us sing of Idaho!" becomes a call toworship and p;ty trihute to fir ..! the l'n;\cr",iIY. thcl1 the grc:ll lllouniain--crestedhomcJall(l we call our Slale.

    True, there ;Ire other SOilS ami daughters of Idaho who :lTC seeking collegelife heyond Ollr bonlers. The pcrccn!:tge of these is all 100 large for the good ofIdaho. 11 does 1101 profil a Sl

  • Now whal of the fourteen per cent? Intercstc(l as we arc in Idaho's OWI1sons and daughters, whal is our attitude toward thOse who eome from Other states,cven from the ends of the eOlrth, to livc and study here? "'hat loan it be bill olleof warm and hearty welcome? O\er a hundred of these register from the ncigh-boring state of \\-ashington, and many of this hundred li\-e along the boundaryline and merely happen to get mail through a \\'a..hington post office. Of theremainder, the distribution is really manc!Otl:;--an
  • The University-An ElectricalClearing House

    A P.\RT from g;\"ing the regular I.."Ourses in electrical enginl..'t'ring, the is called tlPOII to assist both the L'n;"crsity and the stale at large

    in a \'aricty of ways. Special courses arc gi"cll 011 telephone work for the shortcourse Rangers and on the use of electricity in the home for the 1lome Economicsstudents. Those presenting pageants and plays frl.'

  • al

    The University as a TestingLaboratory

    Til E ci,"il engineering dcp.1.TtmcllI mailllains an up-to-date testing laboratorywhich is of great sen-leC to the state. This !;tboratory is the only one ill the

    stale fitted to make the necessary lests on road materials such as cement. sand.rock. gravel. asphalt, tar, road oils. CIC. aJl of which must pass certain specifica-lions before they can be used on the stale highways. In this work the laboratorycooperates with the Idaho Bureau of Highways and the Cnite

  • The University and MiningF~O)" the poitlt of \ lew of the Lllin:r~ity. the Idaho Bureau of :\line.. and

    (;eology. although a separate elllil~' and l1lulcr all independent Board of Con-trol. is the resear.,:h arlll of the SdlOOI of ).l;nes. The direction of its work j .. allex-officio function of the Dean of that di\'i"'ioll of the lni,crsily.

    Since its ncatiOIl in \!l1!I.lhc Idaho I:urcau of .\Iinc~ and Gt.'ology ha:- issuedfouncc:n pu"Ikatiolls dealing with the mineral rC~llrcc:> of the state and theirutilization ami in addition ha" ;

  • suney of the gold rt'-.(ltlfCeS ha" !>ttll carried Ollt: Blaine. where lhe .\hurasQuadrangle in the ~awtooths has becn relXlrte
  • The Deans:\I.\RTIX Ft:l.l.EIl. .\:O;~:L1... Pli. D.

    f)rull of Ihr COliI'D" Ilf I.j"us IlI/d Scirrl((S

    h',\", C. CR."\ FORI). B. S.n,"1Il of 1/,.. Co//ry., of ElIgi".... rilly

    Ron~:Il.T ),ICX.\11( DAVI". J. D.D('.JII of Ihr of Lm.'

    JA\' GLOVER EI.Dllrl)(;~:. I'll. D.Drull of Orr FIUIIII)'

    P~;(OIl::,\L JAZ\''' FIl~:J\'Cli. :\1. .\.Dr/", of IVlllllnl

    EUWAlU> JUIU, IJHlIS(;S, B. S.DI'm, of UrI' Col/ryt' of .Iyrirllllur.

    j.\.\IES FR.\NKLIX :\IESS~:Nm:ll., I'lL D.Dr/Ill 0/1/,1' Srlrl/ol of EIIllrll/ion

    FlUX-CIS G.UtX~:R .\III.I.EIl., :\1. F.Dnw of fir,' SdlOfJ/ of Fort'S/rs

    FR.\:"CIS AXI)R~:\\' TnO.\IPSON. :\1. S.Drall uf Ihl' Srhool of .\tillt'S

    I tl J

  • l":O;:l\F.H~ITY l"Ol'I,Tln' IIf.P_\KT~IF.:O;:T

    The Honor RollThe following members of the faculty have gi\'en fifteen rears or morc to

    Idaho. The date after their name is thai of their first appointment to the staffof the l'nhcrsity.

    EOWAflU ROOERT CIIRIS~I.\~C%lIl'l. t. S. "/""~', COIHIIWIldml1 of Cadds. 1894

    J'\Y GLon:R EL[lRIIlG~:. PII. D,f-frad of IIII.' n,'rarllllrltl of "fodrr" I.Amgllogl's Iwd OrtlU of lilt' FIlrllll)'. /(JOf

    IIAROI.l) LUCIUS Axn:I,I., PH. D.I'rofusor of Gr....t Ulld l..fllilr. 19'J.!

    FK.\NClS JENKIl"'SI'rorlor, 1905

    ;>'lAH\' Ikl.l,E SWEET, B, L. S.Librllrilltl 1111d I"slrur/or ill Libnlry Srir" ..... 1905

    PUll,lI' lIE:->ORICK SOULEN, ~l. A.l'rofNsor Ilf Srhool Adlllinis/raliou, II}06

    PI':R~'EAL JANE FII.E:-;CU. ~l. A.Dr(lll of llIoml'lI, 1908

    C\II.L LI-XlI'OLU \'0:-> ENIlE, PII. D.Urod of Ihr Dcp"rlllh'ni of CllemislrJ, /r;08

  • The Board of RegentsIR\"IX E. ROCKWt:l.l., Presidc1//


    ST.\NI.E\' .\. E.\STO."-Krf/ogy

    HUNTIS'C'TO:-- T\YI.OKCorNr d'. If.....

    J..\. Lll'!'IXCOTTIdllho Cif.\'

    MKS. J. G. II. CIl\\E!.\'/Juju



  • Class of 1924O ~ CommcncemC'1lI Ih)'. Ihe Cla!~ of 192-4will tontinue a ~ri(C~ of Vandal migrations

    which fint ~Rall no! lonl{ before the fallof Rome. During four )('ar~ on the nonhemfrom the \":mdals of 192-1 h;l\-e ~1l~lolilled ht'a ...)'losses in ass.lulu on intrenched curricula, coumer:l.Itacks I.,. the de;,r,n., and failur(' of 'Ilpplie~.Rube Everl)' and Talbot Jennings retire wilh thelong~t S

  • OfficersFirsl StUltSl,',. Srcolld S.,,,,tstuWalter Caselloh ......Prcs, .Ifarold TelfordWalser Grealhouse.. V.P ).lichael TierneyPauline Pence S..( .JI;l"d Lanf(roiseElizabeth Barl]en TrllIs Florence Gra\'('s

  • GL'SSIE H.\RXII.\RT. B..\


    )IYR.\ .\R:'IIBRCSTER. B. .\

    l'nn,,'o; .\C.DUlY. \I~... II...",",".1'''' ".P1" t;......... , l'i I~... (:a.." ..... : I,.,. "md Oub:

    \\-...,,', I.t.o.~ (."'0

  • (8". )(I), (0.

    s.:,CT" 1)...001. ~O"'AL.Ell.:".,.; l"l.rfra.rrn"Y e""".il: Gltc Cluh

    1l ..\RRY UREX~. B. S.

    ELiZABETl-1 B:\RTLETT, H. 1\.


    IIERMAX B.W"!,\X;':. Il. S.X 0. IllcIO Seunell., .\IIL"A"I.

    l'IelSI I

  • CL.\RI~ B.\lX. n Sl-'I00"'''''~ 11, ..." :''''''~\L. "'10''''''' 'I' ...~. f.'lr"uIINrrlt::J"'e1a.

    Lon5 1\0.\5, B. SIlo.u( ","" "'CN.~"" 'CII~. 1.1:',.ma l"i; F..nali,h t'uh, P~;'l.",. or t:nli,1I"C Club:

    I~"'..." or p~. Cl..h, \'IlonaUI :'..... 01. Itl.; t:.ti,or of ,\.--a.., (II: h'",am 1'".....".,. nf "1;"'""f ,h.. \I .....nlain< .. IS).

    )'I.\RG.\RET BL.\CKIXGER, Il S.It

  • WALTER C.\SEBQLT, B SGu,uu Il'CR SCHoo,-

    5i~ Xu; Alpha Kappa p,;; Club: Squa., and~'om~: 5,1".,... L""tt, $,,,

  • DOROTHY (LISE. B. \l'Sl\'UJ'TT 0,. W ..."u.l'0",Waohin,'ob Oub: E...1i$b Club; Y \\ (. ,\ ("al';"Il"lli.l~ Io:n;lhl.:lltler.F,.'c."i')' ('ouneil.

    Ht\ZEL DRAPER, B. A.;\l'-"Ktl" lIlell SCHOOL


  • FER:-.' DYSART. It S.

    GEORGE DE.\:\. n \Lc.nsfO" H"m SCROOl..

    s~ Chi; Alph. KlpPI Po;; F.p~1 Club; ~,,>

  • EDWIX GOW.\:\LOCK. B, \eo"u.... IIIGH SCHOOL".PI'"' Sil"": DeS""'1 Club; Cha"""'n of ("",nc,.l loom

    mill,.,. of Slunt Fal (tl: Gro~''''''''I f>f ~""lcnl''-aculty Council; T.~,CI" "f \ W. C \ .. ~:"lliiClub: ".\.' 1I0no (11, (II.

    GEORGE G.\H.\X. n. S1I",u Ih"R ScHOOl.l'hi G" nella; .\lph" IU""" p.." Inlc,Fr-a',""n

    ('o il: "I;"'" of n... Mts.. .. (II; SpanioJl (Iub; ,..-J; t Club; ",\" II"""", (I). (I). (11.

    ~I \RIE: ~IILlCK G.nIWELL. B. \.H'n (> II ....... S....T ,,,,,,1: C'TT.

    ~:nll l.1ub; Span;'-!I Oub; ".\" II,~,..", U).

    .\BE GOFF LL. B.C''''''1t U"." SCJlOOL11eI" Tbeta P,; Alph" :Uu D

  • ..


    WALSER CREATI-lOL1SE. 13. !\.llo,u lhell SC'IOOL.SiS~ Alpha Epsilou: \'ic.... l'r~"i;l

  • :\IARY HCSTOX. B. S.

    jOIlX HE:\DIERT, B. S.:. \'aLL..,., \\'1'0... , Ta.. ; s..K

  • GRACE j.\CORSOX. H. S....-".. It l(,.-T...L I-lICN SCllOOI-".""...\11'n. The ; W.,.hmllon Ollb: Y W CA.;

    "(;.,,,,, 0 The .\It... {:Jl. (.lMnel "I \\(Hnen'~ 1.-""

    TEXXIE: jOII.\XSOX, H. SE".".... O ..b: Y \\ t-.\; ",\" lIo,...r~ II).

    ST,-\XLEY jOIlXSOX, H. S11o,~. lIu;u Sn of Tbc .\It.... (ll. (I), A....."""' S.all" (I), (fl: (1.... 1'."""1",,, (I), (f), " wJenl"f .\. S. lJ. 1.: I'.""ide"" of ...",,,,,,,un I d II);\. E..... Cl"b: Ep;_1 (11110; ",\" 1I0no (.1. l'il ..uL.n.

    :\L\L'RICE jACKSOX, H. 5,L"",~ .',"" Cu..., II'GII SCIIOL.I'hi Ueha Thda: .\Iph Z~la: Edilo' Ilf lillie n\l~ltrl (I):

    ~:"i"'OI,al 0111>, En,li,h Cl11b.

    HL7FORD I'L'Il:\S, II S.1'.n"s~.'UG, .\10.l'hi Gamma Delta: ,\ll,ha Ze,.: fiR Cll'!>; Dairy ""I,i",


    UWIGHT I'UII :\5, H. 5,T,,'~ I'''LUO Ill"" S.llOOL.I'hi (:amma I~II.' I'r.... .\1 ..1 L1"b; I'."..h ",,,,,,""11.

    :\IARY I'I~G. B. S,1llU II, .... :'

  • TIIO:\I.\S KEITH. It S.

    RITA KEXDRICK. C. S.\\ ...........& II"." ;;CtlOOL.K~ppo .\lph Tbeta; Phi EPloilon ~ill:"""': (la_, T ..~ ...rn

    Itl: Ep'~1 C1..b: l'an,lldknl< ..., .. IlI (".." ..",....It); "y' II ........ {'I.

    C.\:\IEROX KIXG. It ,\II. u ..,, ......, ( ..un>a~, ....Phi 1),,1.. neta' \ iott-I'rnio!,..., "f t.'1a.. Ul: 1'..n~1i.h

    (1ub: I....~""'" Oub: l'n,.}I"" Ouh: .\r1 F.d,,,.. "f "(;.n"of The :loll.. Ill: ('a$' of ..Oar......,": W"rla,,,,.

    ~I.n": "-\' """" ..... Ill. UI. (tl.

    LL:ELL\ KIRKEXD.\LL II. \1""nT& Hu:n SCHOOL.Trebl. Clef ("h'b: F...,.li.b Cluh; """C'o:'lhnr.."

    VIVIAX KDIHROLGII. 13, SC ,L"" ELL lllGH SCIIOOL.Phi Doha Tbc1a: Junior StUll' ("on1ln,,'.,,: l'l"j' ""_I,,c

    lio" (1.,;.. ; Ca~1 nr "Patt1lll':' ..:i"_hu

  • JOll:-J LOSETII. B. S.000"'''0 IIwlI 5CHoo'_En31i'h Clllb\g Clul>.

    LlLlA~ L.\:\G. B. \.Odu Gatlin'".


    GR;\CE "IORG.\ X. R .\.n,un llll::u SCfloo..."3PP.~ ""PI'" G.o"''''3: Mona< l!.clarol: Pi Epsilon :;i~","':

    English U",,: "G~l\I of 'rh" ~hs." (~): na

  • II.\RRY :\IESSEXGER, H. S,Lo.....Al 1l11;" SCHOOl-Si....,\Iph. ",ilon; \. (lub; n.ir1 Irod ...... }",I.i,,~


    II.\RR'i ~llLLI"EX. B \

    J.UIES XE.\L, B S.U,l,n 11, ScHOOL.MPp& Sill ; I-::e-,Q Cl"b; F.........ll ,11. ,S'. ,",

    \ __1'TnUlftl' of I (lub; ScaC1 .., "''''' Tr.....ur.... I)f.\Iblc.." Roam.


  • JOEL PRIEST. JR.. LL. B.Uo,u; II'GH &;HOOL.lkta Thda Pi; Alpha :\Iu l>tlta; PTe-Mlenl of I'rna nub;

    Edilor 01 Argnaul (3); .\uocia,t F..dilor 01 Ar.,,,,aul(t); '\l"IO"aul lloan! (I); .\ryonaUi Siall" (I); In,er'Fralcnli'y Council.

    LEO PROVOST. Il S.La...,".. ,," II'GR Scll-"Kappa S ....... ; A. F_ ~'. Oub' InlC1"Fra, ..."il,. ('oUT>CllOOL.5;._ .\Il'b.a f..psikm, ~:nlLth~h nub

    J.'\CK RODXER. H. S.'\1'-'"'>'" II'GII ScllOOL.Si.mI. ,\Iph. f..""ilon; \"",PreliM", of .\""dal~1 F"re~'tra (tl, ,\U

  • CLYDE R1CH.\RDS, It S.rru.llr~c II,,, .. SCllf)/)'-\11'''. 7.e, .

    LYXX ROGERS. B \lko,n II'GII Sea,.,....Ph; Ilo:lI. neu., I~. {Of nan Ill. UI; Ill"

    ("IIIIt,ia.e " .. i,bl.>' Open Fllru"';\cbill.,. Ollb, S'Il'"Ihtk.,; hller.F.....,....,i.)' ('....""'il, ,\ .......... ,\'hlet ... 'b"...u; "Gna of",.. M.... ,Sl; ('.1" k, n T I

    DEBS ROISE. B S).1 '"'' lIu;a :;.eH....' ...1".,.C..llql ...... ",,;.h,.

    F.\IRY S.\XGER. I: \' ... 'nl 11";>1 SCHllOl.,

    ".rv- "-PI"" (;.m..... ' 1'.""~I.,..t or l'a .. ,IIO'1I .. ..: "'.Tcn.'llr.,. 'Ir Pa.. IIdl.,..", (2): .('.... or Tk ~11~__ 'S"

    (-~, of "Wi~1 1I""".. , ~:p"""'p~1 Ollh; "1"',,,.,, (lull:~:n.lj'" {Iub.

    Tmf SICKELS. It ~,I.

  • H.\ROLD 51:\10'\. B. \I'h; 1)0:1 TIK....

    PE.\RL ST-\I.KER. II \\10.. ,,,,.,, Ill .." ~c,,O,.I:..m..... l'b; lkoa; The Curt"',,; Mo.t l\.>anl; .\lp1u

    ~ietr: I"'~"", of f.... lt$ll lIub: , ......;at., t:'I""'" of.'f',.,., of TH Mt Ul: (."" of "Oaren:' "Jr',

    ~rcl"r of w ~ 1..,.,....; -., .. ""no.... Ill, Itl.(II. to.

    \RTHCR S )WnER. II. S~oU'- o,\U,,". 11,.." ::'Clll"..."" .....\lpb. t::'..iln; ,\Ipb. z.".: Xi ",.ma I'" I'r~i

    ,1m' of ,\>.....ia.,d F"o

  • R. L. 5P.\CE. It 5\\ (.pH lI,cII $CHool..'\........~.M ~:n';ll...,n.

    r:L\YYX 5CHEYER. H 5.\l~... IhcH 5; Jl...~"Il>.l1 (tl. 131. (II; \lhl~lIe Ihn,.,1

    (~I. (0; CIII" l"hi,I'''1 (l).

    RUBY lTTTLE. B \.l'A'."IIIl, W"."'''GT''''.

    ~:"lt1i." ('1 .. 10.

    ~lICH.\EL TIERXEY. B. \.~1l>Sl" II";,, SCHOOL.\i-I',.,.id.", "f na",. (I); I>eS",, (loll>: \.10,11". Club; . Col""cl "f lot O. T. C.


  • )1L"KIEL Tl'TTLE, II S

    \; "'\"

    BERYL WRIGHT, B \Mt:.UT II"", SCHoo1..-"I'h. ("h. "m

  • EUlER WYLA~D. B. S.T'nlf FA~ H"H' Scuoo,-El"elu; Via-Pr~en' of Cla.. (I). (I): Intc.C"Ue,iale

    Kni,I".; InlC1".~n.e.n;IYCouncil: f'qo Band: Yell Ki"lI:(I): Capl. R. O. T. C.


    ROGER WHE.-\TOX, H ~_l'~l,u..n ", .\1",.,.,.~ir"" Xu; Xi Si ....... Pi; ."-i:It"" .OT~IC1""

    LQRXE \\'ILSDX'. B S.IkI,." IhGU $("Q,""LKaJ'P'l [loth.; .\lp.... Zn.: Sttrn....y of F...--. Li ..., "'t .... l

    JIKlnr Tram: P.II:~nf.

    p.o.: WOODWORTII. 13. ~.\1, """" '!leu SCH""'"Sig.... Ta ...

    W\I.TER WISDOM, B, S.n...TnPH'.. II",,. SCHOOL.""p,1 Drl,.; Sig..... Tau: ,'.

    El:GEXE CR.\:\IPTOX' Z.\CIL\I.\X, U. \.E .....:...... II'CH SCIlOOL.

    K.~ Sifl"llla; Alpha Kapp;a P.i: POn:" Club: Arro..a.. t:-i1.R (Il. (I): AHo


    :-.rARGARET ~IACEY, It .\.110151< 11,,,,, SClIOOI.

    5p~n;$h Club; .:"gl;.h Club

    HENRY P,\Y:,\E. n. S.IDAltO FALU Ih,.... St;IlOOL,

    .\lpl,~ Zela; .\1 Club.

    1l0:-.JER illl\RTI;\, LL. II.ROlU 11,,,,, SCHOOLSigma l"'lta (I';; Hench a,,,\ lIat.

    LUKE FLEi\l rXG, B. A.WALr.ACR II"'" Sen""'.


    JOSEPHINE WALKER. B. S.\VAL!.'C" Il'cIl SCHOO"(;a"""3 I'lli lIela; 1'1'311i$h Club.


  • r.,

  • 1;>11


  • Class of 1925T H E. Vandab of 1925 hrld fill :IS bc~1 Ih,,\"could 10 the "uPI)()rt m:nche~ thi~ lear.mtl

    while in man.' ca-t'~ Ihe ~Ill)port g;wc\erthdt'~.s their "t.1ff revo"~ Ihat lhe}\\ ill all he readl to mOle imo thl' frolll line TltXIfall 1I1a~ll1uch a~ th... Rellcra] ~lafT j. coulposedof Frank :\hll'll~..\n Goldell, RaJ ,\J1umbaugh.and "Scoop" Ta)-Ior, )"011 lila} lake their a""crtiOIlfor what it'~ worth. Thi' Vand:!1 eOll1ingem willhan' a ~tOUI nucleii of h(';l\-,' armed IrOOlh inLyle Tall~r. "Dad'" ":IIl.,CII, l..arr} Quinn (

  • Officer~UO"d S"Il:fSI"rF' -/ 5,'lIll'sl,'r Fred I ~~'li>rlr~. PTa. . .._. .

    Frank ~11ll;1~.,..._....:_ J .s ~brgarl.'t (;iTI"T"'" \' 1.frr. 5' "TtlLewis \VI lall .. '.', Gertrude U::J"~1;lUde Carl;md. ._.S~r J.... _l..c" Rnwl;m

  • EL"GEXIA ALFORD, B..\.1.l:W'UO" lI,eN ;;"NOO1..l"",mma Phi lieu; ~:n~1i.h Oub; 5""n;~h Club; Y W. C.

    .\.; \\'omen', I~ C.binet; ",\" 110""" Ill, It!.

    WIXTQX C. .\RXOLD. (u\\)!'aJ:KOn. W...... ,""cyo".K..I'P"' Siama: PIli .\lph.a I)ol... : Ikf,.,h a..d n.." llu.,nc~,,roc .h,.,....u. j!l. lSI; Iloud "f S,,~;..." f!I,(SI.

    :\I.\RY E\'ELYX .\XGELL H, S.\I,~ .. lI,e.. SC.. ,......1;"_ I'bi U" , Y. W, C. .\.; 1),.""",;"..

    II. R.\Y .-\LU;:\IB.\lCII. (PRr.-:\IFJl)lI...,u Ihe.. SCNOOL

  • -\. G. A~DERSO~

    :\I:\RY UL:RLEIGII. n. .\L..... '. "

  • h1681

    P.\UL T. BIELER. n. S.


    U",n IIIGIl :-""OOL~igm. ,\ll'h. ~:".il(>,,; .\11' C1n1o: i'hOlograph,n. "r

    "r,em "f The .\It....


    II,,, ., IllG" SeW'OI.I', ~i8m" llll... ; ~:nk1ish On1>: Clon1 :'""kl)'.

    JESSE I-IL:\CI-::. It \.

    L.,r"" II,,,,, SClIOOl..)rAY BELLE BUCKIXGIL\;\I. It S.

    WALL,.\CE C. BRO,,":'\. It .\.1..,",5TolS !I'GIl S""00L.PI'; Deha Theta: Pee., Cluh: E"llli'lI CI"l>: \_"",i,'e

    Edi'"" :\rg"".", (3\.

    P"LY 1l1~1I SC'HIOL. 1.0$ .\,.GltLu.Ph; Gamma n"ha; .\~;.,,,(l ~:"g;n..,,.,,: l.ieU!. U. O.

    T. r.

    )].\RSJlALL BLt\ll~. H. S. i E. E.)

    flo ..., II'G" Se'HlOL.,\11,1,0 z : .\1{ Cluh: 11":"",,,, (1ub.

    RUTII BE.\TTIE. It S. (Irll~lf- EC.IH,,,n 11 '(OM SCHOOL.Tru.surer II",,,,, EC(lnomi". Club: :';""'


    XQR:\I ..\ RARXES. B. S. (110)": I~' IK,en :-: ..... ~...Pbi Epoikon Om........ : T,u.u.~. lIome F_""m'" {Iub,

    ~:nlll,.h (1nb.

    E:\IY lOC I{OlGER. II. S" ...., \'f {"lub: 1< "t"",k Team: ",\ .

    llono.a (I). (~); E"Il';ol! n"l>.

    SAMUEL II. COOX. R. .\.limn II'"'' SCIIOOI.SiR"'.\II,h. EI .. ilo".


  • )J.\RY J. CORYELL B S.(,,'~ .... II,,,,, Se""",,-11"...., ~:'-""o...,~~ nub; T...,W.. nrr ('1ub.

    \LTOX CROWE. H. S......"," 11

  • L G. DESCH.\~IHE:\L1I",n 'heu SCHOOl..:;irma (IIi,

    :\L\RY V.-\S DEeSE:\". B, S.: ...un Ill,;" ScHOOl..1),,1.., (i1........ : 11_ .::co...,,,,i

  • P.\L'L FWEOERIC HER:\I.\X FITZKE. n..\.I~.
  • 1GERTRUDE GROEFSEl\If\. H. S..\lo""T.", 110... lI'OH SCllOOl-.

    :\IAYBELLI! i\1:\I~IE GEHRKE. B. A.E","~~, .... II'GH Se"","" ~:o"'~u"", W~SH.Tr~blc Clef Club: ".\" 1I0no," (1). Ul, (3).

    WALTEl{ GARRETT!\(,o,u 11'ell .. : FOOlb.n S:"OTII C.o:"'TUL 11'011 5clloo'_f'i Sillm. RIIQ: Treasurer of 5p''';$1> Club (a): E"!ilis1>

    Club; Washing,o" CI"b: Y. W. Co A.: Argo"o.", Staff(I), (2). (3): ",\" llnno.. (I). (2),


  • P.\UL )1. HARLAX, It S. (1...oG. EXGIt.)1l"~T'''(>.O: C,TT COu.EA::lt.K.I;'J'" S ...... , Alph. Zeta: Xi Sill'.... "i: IIlIU.Colk,i.,~

    Knl,bU: Quo Presoden. (I), Glee Cub ('I; En'li....Club: l)iree,or of "Fall Follia" Ul. (I): CaR of".\ohm and En:' "For I"" 1.0.... 01 Mike", A....n.u.S.... (I). (I): .\_i:al~ Editor or "Idaho Fores......(:1): C.}:.Ii'or .,('....., of TfK, :\1"':' (Jl; Inler.Fr.terni.!'('


    DORIS STE~GER. H .\.\l'>SC'f'" II,,,N :>CN"'....

    EL:\II~.\ JO~ES. It S.I",,,,, t........(lanna" Phi I:"',,; Sl"'nw. nub; t:"'-...-;". l,ub; .:".h.b

    nub; C1a.... \"itt--PR"'idcnl 01; "II" llono:

  • C11.-\RI..OTTE JOXES. B. .\,l'ou........ O"'GO"':a.,ma l"bi llSYLVESTER KLEFfXF.R. H. .\.\\ ........0: Ill.." SC"OOL,IlI Cl"b; FI'IKlt 51un' COlllmi"...,: (:1""naa" ::'t,1I Nun,Comm;Uft: I'.,. roand i'1I".. 0): fT0511 .'0011..11; I',."ball (Il. (tl: r...... of Th.. .\h~ (U,

    ~IORRIS KUXE. L1_ Itl""''''nu... llu;Il SCIlllOL, X~.. 1~l:Y."\'110 M" Ddla: Ikne.. and nor: f ......""n It). fal;

    la..,ball (t): "r"... ~",,'ball. na.J

  • W.\LTER. LETt!. B S

    CII.\RLES L \\\'SO". H. SC.L (LL II'GK $.1al'fla ""1r1M.

  • Mj\RV \lcc.\LLU:-.r. B. .\.('(1>:0:. ,,'.\L>:.~t 1t,,:U S,,"'Wl'"nella Cla.~ T'u'urer (3); E"Nli'h Ouh: S.........'- ".,,1 Tru."rer r~".II"llen;c: :'leer.... ,) Won,,,,,',I.".gue (3): "r.em "r Till" ~h~." (1): Cn.t of "If.'"Iler .\lone)' :\1",,": SWllt Commi!1ec (Il. h'\: Y W.e. .\. (~l.

    FLOVD :-.rAr~CIII~Sl. It S.Knw.", II"", SCltooL.He'. TI,et'. 1';: \ice,i'.e..

  • GALF.: ~llX


    .\.\.: Y \\ C"I'lul ("hi o...n.~: \\.nIUC ("ouncil

    II",.. II,~" $c",>oo."'~I'l'a Ilella: l'cc~l",lic ("l"".


    \Dl.\ :\1",d)QL'G.\L

    CAROL OL50X. B. S.

    IJ.LLEY II'GII ScIlOO..."al>pOl .\!,.ba Tbcta.

    j.\CK ~ILSSER

    FR.\XClS XOGGLE. n. S.

    W'l.t..\(~ I"c'" Sc."",...1o:1'k

  • l\X:'\~\ PECII.\XEC. H. SSA"~,\ II".:" 5c"ooL.

    ~:"Illi'h nuh: Sl'~nit," Zrt.: .\s. nu1>: '11" II",,,,,. (11. (21

    C.\RTER PITCII EI(. It S.\loseow II",,, SC"Ovl~""1'1'" 1)

  • lI

    CLYDE R1CII.\R.DS. B S.I.u,-,nus II''-;H 5c"00,-SilftD'l .\1,.1Ia ~:lI"'il"n: Te",,;, :-'1_1,

    WILLI.UI REEl>. LL II('''u.....\~I II", .. !OeM'.""'icma \It'U .:",,;Iorl: IlnIcll ."'\ 1I11r.

    WERXER RIPPLlX(;ER. Ii.. \(~"Ol";; I"~D ScHOOl..t:".1i_1I Oub; Gin- (l..b.

    PERCY HOWE, B. 5\IOK"" II",,, SCHOOL';i.,...\lploa "'l>

  • STEP ..IEX STOCKD.\LE. I~ S.lI..ul lI'
  • EllGE:\E: L. SEREHR:\It\OV. B. S.II,..,~. e",,,...

    \\'l:\lFRED l'L'R:\ER, It S.l\",s~ II, .." S""oo,..


    lIEI\X1X(.; THULl:\. ~. S.

    I'RI~fJ TAYLOR, LL. B.";gm. :,\", Phi .\ll'h~ I)~ha, l\~,,

  • THEODORE TUR\:ER H. S.r~'.n" ~I I. II IGU SCI(oo,-Phi Ildn Theta; Yell KinK: l'm.h ~"""I.. Il; 1"'ee"I1,

    Rial" Knigh...

    JOII:-: VESSER. II. S("u~,. p.\u~~ II,eu Sell"'"Kall!'a S;"",n: .'\lnlla Zdn: '\g. nub; F,~"Lall Ul. /~l;

    Iln..,I",U (~). (al; Wre"lh'R (~). tal: I Oul1.

    u:\rr.\ LIPPS. II S.l..r,,.j Ill"" S...""", \Iph Chi O,n"sa: ~:nRIi,11 CluL; Trd,l", Ud n"b; 1\'"",

    ,,"', l.cag"e: c... M "S"cc,hac,.."

    \. J. WIiITE. B. S.",.~ ........ J I ".11 S,""""..l'rr~lell. nul>

    1I Z. Wll[TE. B. :-::~I,,~cr>,,' 11 '"'' Se"'lQ~.." ....,ia'ed I'"r"",,


    F.-\IRLY W:\LRAT'-1. B So.u,.~o I1tG" $CHOO'-Ph, (:.omm. 1)(-11.; I'cp fl.'''''l.


    Urun 11'

  • j.\)/ES Cl:XX/XGII.\)/, B.\.1:"tH "'~II Xll'.......

    ~'wm. ,,'" ,\~..'.nl Uu";n~. lhn~I'" ..c...... "f I....~I"nn... in." (.Ill.

    RL'TH )IOXTGO)IERY. It, S.I:' U .. ,,., :\Io,,~.

    ".1'1" ".PI"- (~D1"",

    LORIS HeBRLE, It S.{"< H'...'.\L.l:.~ HIGK ~C"ooc..""Km.II :>in


    DE)IER/CE EBBLEY. II. \.\\. ".L'{1t 11 t

  • :\I.\H.GARET SPRIXGE.R, II, .\.1I~I!o; 11'(;11 J'c""'''~l'; !Ict. I:lli, o.n~s S",,'ctnry (~): :ill"lent ~'"c"h)' C""neil

    C;ll.: b"""nve lI""nl (3): En~I;!l' nIl!>; ,\.M>cl.teF~IIl'" IIf "(;.:'" Df the ;o.lount.'ns' (3).


  • 1.:- I

  • ptJ


  • I I

  • .~-


  • I s Vandal warf:lre th~ SOllholllQre class Iradi-liou:llfy is helll in reserl'l,', tlllt this year tIll'ollslaughu of the wild lri~s irorn the Pacific

    coast 11~'cessitatcd a concelltration of Idaho forces.The class of 1926 accordingly WitS call1.'d iuto:Ledon .md did their bit like \'t~lerans. Ra) Steph.en., Otto Ill1cfTllcr. Vic Cameron, Ted Bucklinanll Wayne D;lI'i. were knighted for sen'ices inthe lidd. Knight Da\is. howel-cr, was wcakl'lIcdthrough eXllOsl1TC to Tortl' ;Hld after a lingeringillness died in tlw ;1TI11" of the I":l\\' School. Ill.'was allcllded hy John (lUCII, a Red Cross worker.who also contr,1cted the disease and shuffled west.His last request W:,5 lhill the Fiji scholarship CUllbe huri.-

  • Officers d SeUlllsl,,.SrfQU OISC:ll.. 'sler ChrcnceFirSI .,(111, ..P,.,.s....._..... E. nsberger

    ' 1 \' (I$........... Kenned\"CI ",e Olsen.. ..... Esther .are ~,.(..._....Ruth Zorl1es....... ...

  • \'ork P"r."n. Yo.k Ilakin \\"orthi"I'O"llaker So,,,I :' ("'...... I'ovcrIJav.ol ..." Wcin l"M"" Itau.h :\le(,:.".lIunl'" II".,k'n", lelm Walk".."~I I'"n"inlflnn ~hlllu \ldli'''.r Tcr"3;S",illl l'1""t< I'...i !tilf"'r SlIli.


  • tJ""~' I'~,kcr ~l"'ll~ ~lc~I"'''SI" Ull..\;"ck,,, Cocydl Tow"~,,,l Keane 1; ..,;,"r.rifu.h l'trolM:ck Ch"rch Slcav",,~ Lon~Wi],",,, I'\dflcr Iloffmatl Ei"kncr Walker


  • Ilbm"'~n Kern Har""m Wyman Ilkrr~;c".nb "agel TOonalOIl C c...TafJlo. G,= .\nd~rlOn Ctlnnin,"'''' Barlog;C.lrin< S ...orl I)cr.iek Gaue. lobnoolln"d,e Bucklin y~ \'ieko'1 lun'Quarl.., Tallll'" T"" 0'_ Turner


  • Kirk ~o
  • .\tdtoni*l
  • T HE Oa" of 192i h;l~ lini,hcd a 'tr~nIlNI5tnr.iliing ytar, ami ate no\\ read, for :u:tin;'~en ice nUl (=-11. The Hal~i ha\c whipp.od

    intu "hallC nicd,-gret'll cap~. Ilulme right. PulllIIan bon-tire. "quadi lOa,! and \\e

  • OfficersSaO/Ill Sn".'5Irr

    Prrs.. Victor Casebolt

    \'=C. Cool15

    Doris S

  • ~"n"l' 01""" Shy MOrl;n u".r"rd "'ina:,"1"",, um 11 ruther ~'nI..."1 1\
  • l\nl )lu'l'l,y Jon".. Ilmnll1ffi )lef,;;n'>on ~hel'I"'~F.ank l ...~." )ol>On..", llofTgo.,m Fo~ Adam'1.. ,ot(I" r..,her.; l.:uwfortl \'C'S~ 1...."'" ~.mrlOnWhile \,,'le...." Field ". ! (""'" dTlIllle Ili... l""I"",k (;u,wf...-..:,,, lladu..h.... ('0011' \ldkmald


  • McKinl~,. ;\Illrt;n l.uun Mal""..,. I.illie 11.11MeAl.....\1"",,)" Smith

    "Iinl! C.."np Rane)'Carrell su~/ttll

  • {t"ollloOn Old,,~ ~IClki" 1!
  • ""ro1>""k La ""in' I"lln""'" WiI
  • Coon Jl~iss ltlldcv l;1a.k C''''llbcli Scotll~.t :>:nl W;lcox Wheeler lla;..l L.c:u..,hnl\ ad~ feho" !.illle D~hml" C.ll"way Sulli"anNilloon (Onn,n Miller Prin.i,,~ While I.rtiJ~1,,11 Ban... W.n,ke Given ~l"orc E
  • ('n... ~lall_ '$hrw..~ I:aik-, lIa ...l) ValorI""'~r O_in., ~"lc""ll I,"",b~~ K"'ld"~1 Gray~"11cl' ~Id)(mald KcmV Er.... rl ,....~lIan_ Il"'bl Ki"".;'1 (bur
  • 1I0UEIIT L. )1"TIl~:\\Sl)o~'rr.~ .f ,iIJII".u

    1)\\-11'1 \I ..rMILl,\l'c_.

    The Department of Athletics

    D l'I{IX{~ til(' 111~:J fO(lth:lll ~cason Coao.:h ).I:nhcws dear!\ demonstrated 10the l"niversity and all of her supponers that their wnfidenct' in him hadnOt het'Tl bclTa)'(.d. With 1ll:tlt:rial that had h:td hut onc )'car under the ).Ialhewssystcm. he turned OUt a te:tlll whose go.1.1 line was t10l cros~ed IIntil the last twOgame~ of a heavy schedule, ~lalty has also created a traditi[;lc.\li11all rcalized that a fourth championship lmsketball team waswdl-nigh illllXlssible, espcrially since only one cxpt:rienced man returnc(1 to school.Yet nnder his guid:l11ce Idaho surprised e\'en herself. Hcfore the heginning ofthe prese11t scason the outlook was gloomy indeed. out soon after the .

  • nOtJ

  • College of Idaho 0 Idaho 83\\'ith scarcely two weeks of training. the \ 'anda!s played their first pre-season

    game with the College of Idaho on Ih~ home field. The Idaho men dearly out-played the visitors and demonstrated a superior brand of hall ant! coaching. The\'anda!s were at :Ill times ahle to control the offense of the opposing team. At notime did the College scriol1~l}' threaten 10 noss Idaho's goal. This game dem011-strated 10 Idaho students whal a determined tcalll ~'ollld (10.

    \"OTlIEfI FOil: IlJAlIO

    Idaho opened the 192;i :..'onhweSI conference with a decided victory. fore-G\sling a brilliant season for the \

  • 1ll.\110 STOI'S TilE '}" s
  • The annl1al .\Tlllisti..:!: Day game at lIoise ga\-c Idaho :Illother victory o\'crthe Oregon .\ggies. Onl)' Ollce did CO
  • The lir'" score against the \'The Ltlin::.rsity of Southern California team opcncd I1p in a fa~t olTensi,'cattack which gave them a touchdown early in the sl'Cond quarter, Idaho's chancecame vcry ~oon aher the Trojan's first score. .\ series of dazzling rUllS andpasses by the \'all
  • Bill, -crappy and aggrc,,"i"e, he "a' :I \'3lllahlt:COj: in )'Ianr', m.1(~hine.

    .\BE GOFFTlllltil Yt'\1t". \ lit; ,



    GIFFORD D.\V[])50::\"GIF" FIII.:;T YrMI

    flu/fbur!:\m'lhu of laSt year's ycarI111":' ",,110 P


    E,.d"jOhllll)" is ont of Ihe men who rould be used

    eilhtr on the line or in Ihe b3ddidd. He (lla)1a h:ml g:ame ill l"ilhtr place:.

    SYLVESTER KLEFFXER"Sill" SEcosn )'1'.....

    /fplfbarllKleffner "a~ kept out of Iht gamt~ in lhe earl)"

    pan of Ihe season wilh a S(I""inl knee..\~ SOOTIa< he was rdit,"oo (If Ihis handicap he bele:allpiling up yardage lik.. a ,-eler::an.


    Ttul:/r alld Fwl/to/ukBucklin was a mility man and no mailer "'htre

    he pla)'ed he alwars m:Ide a hole.


    End.\!though lluefner was e:omparati"e1y light he

    had lhl': sl)('ed and aggrl':ssil'encss.



    Jones didn't gel many OPIJortunities. but whellhe did he alw:lY< malle: the best of them,



    York tackles like :l demoll and nellt ,ear \\ eellpect a great deal from him.


  • 11101

    :\I:,rker came t.) u~ frolll :,,'ro"~ th" li,l\' :111,1has ~ho",ed ...onll.' real Itlahol tilo:tu.


    Tllrkl,"Ra} ",a~ 0l1C' Qf last rear" "onder ~C'ar1il\g

    team alld c;,rri~1 his


    GlIlJrd\ h~nl ... orlv:r aut! alw;l.1S in !hc /l:ame,

    FR.\X" "IXXI50X""1:\"" 5[(,'1:11 Y".... II

    Qllor/ubllr!'Whell "Skip" was Ilicked ;15 AIlCo.'1st Quartef'

    back (hCft was no tnbtakc. lie not ortl~ hadUllcanny ability as a gencrnl but ... as a goodkkktr ami an excdlellt pa,!."cr.

    [ 1111

  • ~"HF.~lI\1 \~ S(W \11

    Freshman Football

    F I

  • !S4sktlbull

  • II \SKETll \1.1. ~(lC.\O


  • l

  • II.\ROLD TELFORD"TEU\o" TlllltO 'f ........

    (;v(lrd ond Cdf'/ui""Tdl~" i~ an .\lI-Coa$1 Guan!. I-Ie .... a~ IhemO~1 cOJl'i_u'n\ 1)la~-CT and a "ur~ ~hOl_

    W\LTER RE:\rl~R",rAt.Y" F1M~T YrA.

    Farr,curd"Walt" played exceptionally good ball tlli~ lear.

    Xext lear he "ill be one of the nl;\ln,t:", flU thtVartiity" tealll

    Ll"\" PEXWELL"(;1,;\ F'.'T 'fLu

    FDr.,urd"(iu," \_ a \cry dl',-cr 11, ..." "urker. fa_I ;111,1

    ;\ oIcadll 'h,,\.

    IHJIlERT FITZh:I."HUll" Sf.c(l~H ,'UR

    C,'lIt ..r

    "Boh" j, (':o


    FQrlniu-l'Il'I"l"Skip" broke il1lQ the game a liltle latc, hm

    SOOIl ",a~ playing a rcgu1:lr [IOsition. As caillai!!of 1100:o

  • Basket BaU 19231924PROSPECTS for enabled Coach:\lac),litlall to IC~I out the strength (If his new mell uuder ("ery playing l'OlUlition.and to add the Iini::hing tOllches to the team before the confcrctwe season hegan.

    The '"andal$ opellcd their l'Onfcrence schedule hy defeating ).lont:ll1a in twofast games, .Ialltlary]} and 12. on the home floor. In hoth games the Idaho meneasily olltplayC(] the ).lontana fil'e in every pha:-c of the game.

    Soon after the ).Tontana galliC. the n, .\. C. quintet invaded Idaho territoryand nosed 011l the \'andals by one point in an extra five minute period. Thisgame w;ts perhaps the fastest and most thrilling game of thc :>casoll. The O..\. C.five was the fir..t team 10 win from Idaho on the home l100r ill three years.

    The ":1Iulal5 di"ided honors with W. S. c.. winning the fir"l g;ltlle andmiracllollsly being crowded Ollt by one poillt in the ..econd game. The Yandalsdearl)' outp.1ssed and outplayed the Cougar:. ill this game. hut the fact that theIdaho men convcned onl)' two out of elevcn ff(."C throws easily accounts for theloss..\ narrow defcal of only two point" by the L'nh'ersity of \\'a"hin!.'ton fi\c.who later represented the 1I0rthern di,i"ion at C:i1ifornia. practically crushedIdaho':- chanccs for thc third cOllscrmive l'acific CQast championship.

    By a one-point defem in:\11 extra five-minute pcriod by O..\. C., a one-pointloss to \V. S, C. and a two-point loss to the Cni,ersity of \Vasltington. a totalof only four points. Idaho's \'an

  • I X'LllVIIJl;.\L SCOKE.';;

    Fidd FOIlI TIII,,1n"s/{r's Busk..,.. Poi,,'s


    21 W$Remer


  • 1I0I':r. I:\""~"I:\I'- "'{1I',\I'

    The Tournament

    TIlE tournament this year showed a marked impro\'emelll III the brand ofbaskelbl team: and Drummond of Kellogg. forward:Quinter of Boise. fon\'ard: Sit\'C~nhornof lIoi".('. cCllIer: 111111 of Kellogg. guard:Campbell of Rigb)" guard. 011 the second team.


  • J.\LLEX ~RO\\'X'B,\IlE" COl"11l

    ,\~ coach of lht \\r..~tting t"-:Ull lhi .. ~' "1f;tIJe"~ho\\t'd lhat he C(}uld p;l~" on a great deal f f hi ..abilit~ to hi .. IlrOleg... _, Th;.. year "H"h.." e.,,acl1edhi .. leam to the m'ht ",CCt".. fd ~'car ~el kno\.nin Idahn wr.... lIilll,l ;lImal..


    "Kiuny" y,,1- one .of th.. 11\ t danJ:,'r, I" ;111


    Although "Short}" wa~ out for ba.kctl);llI. hebrok~ into lhe wrbtlil1g gam(: at the W. S. C.11I~1 and Ollce more demonilratcd that he ii welllitled 10 handle hi~ ('111'1011

  • WrestlingW RESTLL'\(j was more cnt}llisiaslically entered into dl1ring the l!lj!.t seasonboth by the sImien! body and the men trying for places on the tcam. Four

    il1\cr~'ol1egiatcmeets were hel

  • Iltll]

  • LE\\'IS \\ILLl.nIS

    Idah,,\ Ill"l ~I>rillter and relay man, I..:eilh 11''1'a ,urt point willner :md l\ilI he greally mihculIext year.

    '"LI'W" i~ a di~t'lI1ce nlnn and excclltu:m,dl) J{Qodin the two-mile. I!

  • FIII;:T Yr....1l



    Guerin was the Plher pole \';lIlher of the t(':1.In,and ~h

  • Track

    TR.\CK at Idaho for the past few ,"cars has suffered from lack of malerial.The 1!)2:1 season s,'lW indications. howenf. of it re"ival of track interest. both\'ar~ity and frash teams showin~ better prnSI>ects than last year. The freshmansqllad of last year has sc\-cral candidates QUI for the varsity leam this sprin~ whoare showing promise of dC\'cloping into point winncrs. Although it is 100 early atpresent to predict the showing \hat will be made by the Il)21 teams the tryout:.indicmc thai there are among the aspirants for places men who wilh training lmderCoach i\lathcws promise to place Idaho's name among the upper percentage in theconference.

    \\". ~. C.-III.\110 Dc.\!. :\In::rPullman. ~Ia)' .;

    SuolldIdahoIdahow. S.C.W. S. C.IdahoW. S. C.IdahoIdahoW. S. C.\\". S. C.TieW. S. C.w. S. c.W. S.C.

    1~1tlHlOO-Yard Da~hMile RU11 .44().Y:lrd Dash120- Yard 1-I\lTdle,22O-Yaru Hurdlc~22lJ..Yard Run _88l)..Yard RunShm Pul __Pole Vaull _.Discu5 .High jump ._.Javelin _....._.._..Broad JUIllP ..Two-Mile Run:'Ilile Reb.}".

    I!.t"'111Un-Yard Dash22Q-Yard DashMile Run ...__.Two-)Iile RUII22Q--Yard Hurdk~120-Yilrd Hurdln8SO-Yard RunHigh jump _.Pole Van It _.,Bro.1d jump .Discus _ .javelin

    FirstW. S. C.W. s. C.IdahoW. S. C.W. S. C.W. S. C.W. S.C.W. S. C.\\'.S.C.W. S C.w. 5. C.w. s. c.w. S. C.IdahoIdaho

    SCORE; W. S. C. 98 1/5-IDAIIO J2" .:;


    Senal:: ~IO~TA~A iOIi-lo.\HO 38.',1



    w. S. C.Id:lhow. S. C.w. S. c.w. S. c.

    w. s, C.Idaho

    \Y. s. C.Idaho\\". S. C.


  • P;~sl Sr:coud Thi~dIdaho W. S. C. \V. S.C.W. S. C. Idaho W. 5. C.Idaho Idaho W. 5. C.W. 5. C. Idaho Idaholdaho W. S.C. W. S. C.Id:lho \\'. S. C. IdahoW. S. C. Idaho \Y. 5. C.w. S. C. [rl:!ho IdahoIdaho W. S.C. IdahoW. S. C. Idaho W. 5. C.w. S. C. Idaho W.5.C.Idaho W. 5. C. IdahoW. S. C. _...............W. S. C. W. S.C. Idaho

    Freshman Track

    I 0.-\1I()"5 freshman track S

  • The Interscholastic Track Meet

    T ilE IllIerscholastic Track )lcet held :\tay 1I1t. 1923. was won by Boise High:'.chonl with a lotal of thirty-ouc points. Rupert the favorites 10 win. led\lmil the la~II).,n of the meet when the well rounded Boise team pushed lothe frontfnr enough point:> to lake the meet. Rupert finished sond with twetll)'se\'enpoilll~ and Lewiston lOok third honors with a total of seventeen points. Otherteams entered were: Twin Falls. 11: Genessce. l'i: 1"'3ml", 8: Kooskia. 6: Cald-wdl, ..,I:!: I'a)'clte.;j: Kamiah. 3: Jerome. 3: Culdesac. 2: Coeur

  • Cross Country

    CROSS COL'XTRY has taken its place among the list of major spOrts forthe first lime Ihis ycar. From IIDW on instead of being gi\'cn the sameawarc.l as for track Ihe cross colllury men will have a brown stripe about theirarm 10 indicate their particular branch of athletics. In the conference meet heldat Eugene. Oregon. Idaho's team came awa)' with firSt hOllors. taking first,fourth. fifth. sixth and fourteenth places. The results of the meet were: Idahofirsl. O..\. C. second and Oregon third. Washington State College and thel'llivcrsit)' of \Vashington did nOt ha\'c teams entered.


  • FUtJ;T YitAl"ART"

    "Short}' was somewhat of a lind and lJrol'edhi. abilil)' II)' being the c"nd Idaho lII

  • 1136)

  • flASEIl.\LL !>Q". AI), 19U

  • 6 /, ~ 7P1""",,~tJ... \ C"'I'TAI~ ~1""Rl"n:.,u

    I ~Itl _-=~ _

  • BasebaH

    I DAHO'S baseball s~aSOl\ started with a six game series all the coast. Of thesix games played with the coast schools on this trip the \'andals won three.\Vith this early start made away from home the team returned to complete therest of their season with the c.-.::ccption of two l\lolllana games at ~lisS0111a onMcClean field. Twenty-two games were played during the 1922-23 season, ofwhich twenty were conference games.


    Gtl/lle Scon' IVoll byL'. of \-V. at Se..1.ttle 4- n , WashingtonLT. of \V. at Seattle 2-12 WashingtonO. A. C. at Corvallis 15- fi IdahoO. A. C. al Corv:lllis IdahoL'. of Oregon at Eugene 1- :1........................................... [d:lhoL. of Oregon at Eugene 7-1:1.. OregonO. A. C. :lt :'Il'oscow 8- 1 _ _. IdahoO. A. C. at i:\loscow 2-13 " O. A. C.\Vhitman at i:\loscow :,- n __ \Vhitman\Vhillnan at Moscow :1- G............ . \Vhilman

    ~lontana at ~Ioscow 1- ;; Idaho.!\Iontana:lt ~Ioscow . ~- n fdahoi\fontan

  • O WIXG to a late seasoll and bad weather conditions, Idaho racket menwere seriously handicapped by a late stan and practice was ,'cr)' irr~'11Iarthroughout the season. due to occasional rains.

    Howevcr. when favorable wc.1.thcr made practice po!>:>ible. kcen imcrest wastaken by bOlh men and women. .\ good sized squad tumet! om and COllll>etitionwas dose at all times. The selection of the teams was made on the basis ofcompetition determined by a ranking tournament which continued thronghoutthe season.

    Idaho teams took part in three dual meets with \\'ashillglon Stalt College.and one dual meet wilh \Vhitmtln College. .\ trian!,'Ular meel was scheduledfor Washington State College, Whitm,ln and Idaho, but all account of rainswas never held. Idaho men tied two three-man meets and won onc fi,'e-manmeet with \Vashing1on State College. ,\n Idaho mixed team lost 10 \Vhitm:lIl.

    Those awarded letters in tennis were Clyde Richards. Dan Prescott, CurtisHerrington and Bill Gartin.

    Tennis 1922.23


  • Intra-MuraL Athletics

    COACH :\I.\THEWS from the first cmpha:-ized intra-mural athletics asa means of gi\'ing C\'CTY man on the campus all opponunity to exerciseand use gymnasium equil>mcm. In branches where the coach can instruct alarge number of men. the men to be eligible for intra-mural arc Tl.:

  • l\l155 1.1I.1.l.\~ WI NT

    Women's Athletic Association

    T ilE Womcn's .\thlclk .\ssociation of the L"ni\'l'rsit)' of Idaho is:lll organiza-tion of stlldems who arc interested in promoting alhletics among the womenof the institution. ~lembership in the aiisocialiOll is based lipan the interest inthe department. participation in .a certain lIumber of college spons. and a goodrecord in the Dcp..1.nment of Physical Education.

    Thru the influence of ~liss Lillian Win. the head of the dell,artment. thecurricula has been enlargl,

  • Cbnd


    Prcsit/c,,/Serrr/aryTreasurerRecordi"g Srcrr/ury

    ,... ).Iaude Carland..... E\'angeline Bcnnett

    Hessie Sa\'age...Josie :\a,,11

    BlISkl'1 ballJJlI,frlwll ..Tnmis'ol/eyb/lll ..RifleHi/dug

    _ E. Bennen. E. Bennctt

    ......................... ).1. IloUSIOIl.......... . 11. ROt,

    ............. 1-1. Roe..J. Gihbs

    Thc grcatest achic"cment of the \r..\ ..\. this year was the cstablishmentof a point systcm as a basis for awanling regulation '.\'. sweatcrs.

    Undcr this systcm a girl must havc a thom;."nd points in ordcr to win hcr"I'.

  • BasketballThe most imponant "pon dllring the wi Iller months is b.'lsketkl.ll. Cnder

    the ill!:.Inlctioll of :\Iiss Win. clas" and hOIl'>C teams gained skill in the arts of thesport. Four teams were chosen 10 reprc'ClIt the rcspt'Cli,'c classes. The Fres.h-man won the class championship.

    TIle Freshm.'m team consists of the following members: \\"inifred "ctsell.Catherine X'elsoll. fonvards: Xita Basford. ,his I~wdich. b'1lards: :\cll Staker.cemcr.

    Senior team: Jessie Greigsol1. :\Iary I (auston. forwards: Fomella Lallgloise.:\Iargarcl Blackinger. guards: Carol Bristol. celli cr.

    Junior team: :\Iargaret Carter. Gertrude Grodsem3. forwards: DorothyTeats. Edith Cooper. guards: . center.

    Sophomores: E"angelinc Bennett. celller: Esther Kennedy. Lois \\"jl5On,guards: nC:ltnce Tully. IlelCll Ostroot. forwards.

    RifleRille promises to he one. of the most prominent acti\ities in the athletic

    department. Two mccts were scheduled for the 1921 season. one with the Uni-\'ersity of Michigan. and the last with Washington State College.


  • AVolleyball\"ollc)'ooll b a new sport. having ju~t slane
  • (11&1

  • -------------------------

  • I ,/~Gem of the Mountains Staff

    Editor ;1/ Chief.l!Q/lo9;1I9 Editor-Blls;m'ss J/ollll!/cr


    Pt:TEk P.\L"I. DML'"P\t:L 11.\ltI..\=,:\It:kU-: DIUK..:

    Editorial StaffOr!/(II/;:;otiOIlS-.\)lY B.\kST.\I). E(1itor

    ./0"1./:-; G'\I(\'I'k. FK.\~CI:; EI.1)I1:11)(;E, .\ssist:lm:., ReTlI S. ,\H;\ISTIl.OXG ill T~.,o Piallo Raitals

    University Concerts and Recitals

    \"C~rX-T Sen'icc;; are held on Sunday afternoons at the l"ni\'ersit)' of Idaho.The C,lee Club.!', l'ni\'ersity Orchestra, Cadet Band. mllsilC student!' and lllusicfa,"uhy help 10 make these gatherings pleas'lIlt.

  • Mr. John Held Jr.Pc:esel1,is

    'Miss Mir:th. Yac'l4r:th.ut:Miss 'l4gath.a Platt

    Miss Mat:gat:et Mc'l4teeMiss Elmina Jones


    Idaho's Fairest Vandals

  • 'The Story of theCBeauty Section

    The addition to this year';; "Gem of the :\lountains"

    of a Beauty Section was first made possible by a giftfrom :\lr5. John P. Gra~' of Coeur d'Alene. Idaho. llerhelp and encouragement have made possible the firstscrtion of thi!> son in an Idaho :11111\1011. and have donemllch to insllre its SUCl'C"l'.

    To :\Ir. John Jlcld. Jr.. of "'c..tport. Connecticut.we are indebted for the selection of the winning girls..\Ir. Ileld's pre-emincnce as a portrayer of college andRapper I)'pes is evidenced in the splendid work andco-operalioll which he has given to the section,

    [n addition to these :\Ir. Jack .\Iiklos of )'Iaseowdid the photography. ;\Ir. Fred \Viman of Stall Ie madetimely suggestions concerning the layout and TheHl1ckbccl\lc:lfS Company of ~aj111 !':l\ll made the en-gravings.

    It i .. hoped that this will P;II'C thc way fur uthclamI morc elaborate sections to follow in the \,C;lrs 10comc. that >the Fair Vandals of futl1re l'OI1CgC' gencra-tions may always havc a place in the Sllll,

  • II~iIf='~=--~, ~''l!1

  • .e'~..






    Social SeasonSUCI.\L life at the l'lli\'er~ity began with the usual vivaciousness from thefir~1 husy week of registration. Dales for dances. Icas. house openings, andchapter inSlal1ations were secuTed long before the appointed time and 50011 thesocial calendar refused to admit a single other. without intruding on the preciollshours 10 be spent in classrooms-evell these were at length recruited to supplythe social demand of an extremely successful season.

    The annual Faculty reception proved to be lhe Grand :'-Iarch of the. year'sgaiety. Informal introductions with a Ifuly ';gct aC(luaintc(I" spirit furthered ourdemocratic "llcllo" custom. which each year becomes a more finnl}' establishedtradition.

    According to custom, the prcshmal1 and Sophomore "Bury the HatchetDance" followed in the linc of sllccession. The youngsters' parly was interruptedat 10 :~O by thc Cppcrdassmcn. who descrted their staid "Rough-Keck" dance.held in a town hall for the morc li\'c1y antics of thc ;'youngcr set".

    The Senior Ruff all October thiricelllh abolished the formerly lIsed "Rough-Neck" dre;:;s for a new deb'l.llChed attire. Now thc)' appear as Emily Post'!"production of "\\'hat is wfong with piclIlre?"


  • The .\thlelic Ball transformed the dusty gymnasium into an elaborateArabian Tent. An immense yellow "r' composed the only ceiling. The pro-grams. featuring the Smiling Boh Fitske and his famous kick, on their covers.made many a heart beat quicker ill recalling scenes of the famous victorious game.

    The "Co-E

  • Junior PromTilE Junior I'rolll, the 1II0S1 dmrm;ng h.... 11 of the season, was well plannedand exquisitely decorated.

    Unee more. by the will of the Junion;. the l'ui,'crs;I)' gpnna5'ium put 011 itsholidar dress. which consisted of an immense blocked ceiling wilh the letters

    I'-R~O-:\I ;nlcrwQ\"cn the entire lellgth.The c\'cnillg's gay fCl'livities were pre;;idcd over by regally arrayed kings and

    queens of spades. clubI'. diamonds and hearts grouped along the wall. who seemedCOllI en! to leave their 110 lesser potentates to Tille the floor. From the bUTsts uflaughter and ccaseless ;;milcs evidellce might be found to pro\'e there \\Iere knavesas well as aces keeping time to the soft music which seellled to. glide from outthe shadows 10 play with the hllge rainhow ball h'lI1ging from tilt, center ofthe hall.


  • -MILITMilitary Ball

    E"ERY ycar. as \\'a:-.hingtolls lJirthday appears on our calendar. Ihe L'ni-"crsit)' of Idaho cOlllmemorates the same. with our .\Iilitary Ball.Three nags completely covered the ceiling of the unique old gymnasium.

    forming a lowered ceiling effect. wilh red and white stre.llllcrs leading off on allside!\. Lights were dimmed. Trophies from thc Spanish-American War andmachine guns held their stately IXlsitioll in one corner. and davenports andcushions were lI!\ed as scats. .\ portrait of George \Vashington was displayed.(Iraped with the Amcrican nag-ill kt.-cping with \Vashington's Birthday.

    The Cadet special adde(1 cOllsideT

  • Athletic BallTilE fa)'" of the soft harvC"'1 Illoon beamed gently Oll our FOOlu."\lI heroes asthey rctumcd from their victory from our friend., :u,'ro:>s the line. \\'c \\' thefe was nothing left 10 do but gin: the boys their worthy praise.

    The .\thlctic nail was held in the gYllllla~ium. which had been he:l.l1tifullyand elaborately decorated. .\11 imnlense yellow "1" formed the ceiling withstreamer,. leading away from it. gi\'ing 3n \rahian lelll effect. There was lllllsic.there was pUlich. there was PC:ll'C and Gllm, the OUlO)Il1C of e\'cry victory. Sosilently ami witholll I11llch fri\olity. the short three hours rolled awaY.-aud the,.-\thletic Ball callle to be kuowil as more history wilh only pleasant memories.

    As is the lIsual custom, the Football men had their spec;:l! dance. latcr beingjoined hy olher Illclllbl.:f'; of lhe "r" club, from tlIher branches of athletic;:;.

    Of. and .\Ir", l'pham.\ Iiss Frcnch.\Ir. and .\Irs, .\Iathcw~.\Ir. and )Irs. :'\'cidig.\Ir. and .\lr;:;. .\lac.\Iillan~I r. and .\1 r;:;, KIIUdsoll

  • Senior Ruff

    T ilE ~cnior RlltT. the la~t dance to 1>c g;\-ClI hy OUT c1a~,; of 1!l21. could \\'1.'11be ('Ollsidcrcd a1l appropriate final dance. There were 110 decorations, bmthe best music on the call1plIS was obtained and individual programs were liSCO.

    They aholishc(] their fOTllll;T rough-neck alliTc. and from now on it shallbe jU~1 an ordinary clallce..\her four )'C'ITS. the)' felt that they were entitled tothis.privilege. amI in the ftllllTe years. it ;s hoped that the graduating class maybe able to COlllilHlC lhis custom, eventually coming to be a tradition.

    1'.\TltONS .\~[) P.\TII.ON'~:"'~>ES

    Dr. and :'-lrs. Alfred II. L'pham:'Iliss I'crmcal Jane French}.Irs. Louise Schaff Blomquist.\IT. and '\lrs. J{ay E. :\'cidig:'oIT. and :\Irs. Philip :\lct:hem}'Ir. I; .. \. t;ra\,es


  • Events of the Social Season

    Faculty Reception Scpt. 21Hury the llatchel Dance $cpl. 22-.\ssociated Foresters. , ,'.' Ocl. ijSenior Ruff . OCI. 13Athletic Ball ._..... ._ _ Dcl. 19.'\chilles Club Dance OC(. 20Co- Ed Prom ._ Oct. 27.\chilles :\Iatinee Dance . Oct. :nHCliCh and Bar Dance _ :\0\', 3.\mcriciln Legion.\. E. F. Dance ~ov. 10Englneers' Dance.. . ~ov. 1 ';"Pep Band D~mcc - SO\. 2-1\\'omen's League Dance

    ......... .....~o\. 28Fireman's Ball , ' - .Ian. 1Intercollegiate Knights' Dance .Ian. J!Ji\Jilitary Ball . . . . _ Feb. ~:lAssociated :\Iiners' Dance . l\'!ar. 8"r" Club. All College Dance Mar. 29Intercollegiate Knights' Dance ,.. , April ,)Sophomore Frolic ~A.pril 12Junior Prom . ApriI2;;Freshman Glee :\Ia)' 10

    IIllS 1

  • "The Two Hours Traffick of Our Stage"TilE lure of the stage i~ ~ITOllg medicine: the \\'or~hipper.. of the gods of the"llOtlight arc legion. For cvcn(>IlC Ihns aitlict(."(1 the L"uivcrsity of Idahooffer.. a delight ful shrine. Come who 1ll:ll on player's pilgrimage. they aTC nC'"Cfrefu'iCd a bles"ing. During the p..1.S1 fi\c years the L"l1J\'crsit)' has been a generOllspatron of the stage. not only in prO\-idillg upportunities for acting. hut also incncoumging original playwriting and training students who wish 10 coach dra-mati.,:.. in Idaho high school;;. The larger share of credit for Ibis situalion is dueJohn II. Cushm.1.n. dirt:rlor of dramatic". ~Ir. Cu"hman\ "English :~::' or .he"Little The-'urc"' as the slUdclllS call il. b the huh around which re\'ol\'(~ acting.playwriting. cosliJming, lighting, production and mana~~mem. To tho"(: whohave gone Ihrough "English :r;-" funher aCli\it~ i" possible in "The Cunai":'honorary d!dlllatic fraternity. In I!I21 Ihe .\. S. l". I. has taken over the largerplay... Ihl:", insuring finance:-. coordin:lIiQI1 and uniform m.;magem~m.

    Swdent plays now include the" Fall Follie..... a I'cp Band jazz medley: Ihe"Fall \lll"ical Comed~." which combin~,.the lalenl:; of Ihe departments of music.dramatics and dance: Ihe "L"ni\"{~rsity Play:' done hy proven campll'" aClors: the"Ca,upu;:; Day Pageanl. a :\Iay-time fe .. tival: the "Stunt-Fest" of sonR' and....1.tire: and the "Commencement Illay" gi\'en under Ihe au~pices of The Curtain.In addition to the all-(:ollege production ... the "Little Theatre" in 1923-2-1 ha ..I:.';\en ..ixteen one-act pl:IYs. fi\-e of which were written by Idaho students. "TheCurtain" abo gave two three-act plays. and for the 1!ltl Commellcement willundertake the production of "E\eryman." In the HI:f1 "L"ni\ersity Play," the":nhersity of Idaho produced first allll)l1g Xorthw6t college!> a three-act dramawritlen. aCled. ~tagccl ancl directed hy it!> own people.

    The Stunt-FestI!Jt:t

    The class of l!lt:l swept the bo:trd.. both in Song :lml siu11l in the 1!I2:Jstudents delight-the annual SlIlllt-Fe~l. Fur the Song. the Senior chorus ill('\'clling dress made a piclllre that please(l 1.'\crYOl1C in the audience except thosewho had loaned them the clothes. The winning song. composed by Henricua

    Pea~le)'. was the OtllSIlI11(ling- lllu;

  • Little Theatre Plays*AfLerglowSail On. _..The Barring o' the Door ..The Three Stranger"

    H\'adnlh~The :\[all in the I:owler Ilat:\100111andThe DogThe Lo\'ing CupThe RehearS-ilThe Triumph of 11"'1111\"Xo Smoking

    The Bell Tolls Tllrl'CYouOuali(vSlrl'('ll.ktIJThe Loc;t Silk lIal

    'rlaho SImien's

    Gene ll)'dcPhil Buck

    Talbot Jennings..\be ('.off

    .\..\. :\Iilne

    .. \lice Dro\\l1


    .Xerle Oliver and Talbot Jenning ....__ Colin Clement-,

    Jas. :\1. BarrieLord Dun...any

    :\1 r. L;\limcrDominic.Leonard.Anne

    ~kholasEustacia..The 51:lffDirectionI'ropcnicc; ami

    Captain Olr!..Eusebia OldsMr. Fr:l7:.~._...

    ~rrs. FFlzceIlugh Roddy:\[rs. Frcchan

    FraT1c~ ....

    Curtain Plays'fhe Dover Road

    .\ COMflW .'\" TliREE ACT!'By A. A. -'Ii/liT

    TilE C.'STJohn II. Cuc;hntall

    ...... E\'cretl Erid:sollJ. St;1111011 :\Id...,ughlin

    . Pcarl Stalker..... Talbot Jennings

    .. , . ,Camille l\IcDan;tl.Louisa 1\I;lrtin. P;luline Pence, Vj"iCli Kimbrough. Sidney Yager

    .... _-.- ,... .l\lrs. SeoonovcrMallagcmc1ll....... :-"1 ril. Jl'lInillR~

    'fhe Wren.\ CO~'EI)Y IN THREE .\cn.

    B." Boolh TarkingtonTill-: C.\:';T

    William Raedl~r:\ Irs. Scoono\'cr

    fohll I'. ClIshlll:l1l..Camille \kDa;liel. Pearl Stalker

    Talbot Jennin.f.:~_ _.Pauline Pence, Pearl Stalker

    :\Iauricc JackwlI


  • A T dusk on JUlle ~hh. Hlt:J, tell tholl~alld people from all parts of the north-west were waiting all the slOl>eS of :\lacLean Field for the bugle that calledinto the s\x>tlight the spirits of Iho!>c who laiu the corner Slones of Idaho.

    The Idaho pageant was a portrayal of stale history ill drama, dance and song.:\. cl.'rta;11 freedom in combining the :lclll"l and the ideal was effective in showingthe Irlle pioneer spirit. The story began with the Jlldian occupation ;lnd followedthrough each epoch 10 the present .

    .\ historical pageant br the L'ni\'crsity was firiit suggested in a (."OI1\,crsal;ollhetween President A. H. L'pham and Professor C. J. IlrO~l1an. in January. 1922..\ single epoch narrat;\'c was tried out by the summer school persollnel of thes..,me year. One of the first faculty meetings of 192:1 resulted in the decision totry lhe romance of Idaho on a large scale. In Febnlary the first committee. withPresidelll L'pham as chairman. laid the first \.-ollstrueti\c plans.

    From that lime until the final dress rehears.'ll. more and more of the foro:esof the uni\'ersit) were enlisted until the whole institution was in the dri\e iorsuccess. To name all the contrihutors would be too long a task. htll they weremany and faithful.

    "The Light 011 the ).[Ollntaills" was a beottltifuJ vision: historicallr accurate.

  • P.\UL i\f. II.\RL.\X Presellts

    liy J. ST,\:"TOI\' :\IcLAuC;Il1.J~

    U. of I. Pep Band Show


    _____ _ \1 .\11lr1nCall... _ Ulia Powdl

    ......._....C rl FeldmanRubl" G;'les

    ..... __ .Mary Paisley..... _._. ..__.Eric Leilhe

    ,..Walter Garr"'llClaire Killoran

    Berlh:! GJindeman

    [ I 7. J

    CIIORUSPlatt. i\linh i\Jc.\rthur. Blanche Boyer. Op..,1 Hunt. Aileen Long.Wheeler. Richard Dresser. Berl Stone, Perce Richards. "Shrink"

    Shront7.. Dehs Roise. Verne Johnson

    \Hotel O"hcstm-Pcp g,nd O"hcmL 1


    C"STII~ ord,'r of IIpprcmlllCC

    "Granny"FHIDAY, NO\', 2. l!)23. 8:lii P. \1.

    As the Fourth Annual Fall follies

    Pel) Bnnd Lend~r ...._...._......Pep Bnnd A1nllagcr,PrOIICT!r - _ -Costumes .Dances _ ~ .Orchestra uaderEleclrician ...Scenery ~....... . __.Head Usher _ _ .

    .\Irs.. \rlingtoll _ _.... __ Edith;1 1~:lnOll111r.. \ rlingIOn... . _ _ _ ,..... . Palll ?of. IlarianSa11y Arlington __ . __ Eli zabet h Thompsonn[aggic. the maid._ . _ _...... .. __ ,l\lary P:lislcyBloulIl. the bmltr. _ __ \h111e KearnsConnors. the chauffeur Cameron Killg"GR!\~NY. lIlrs. \Vilfred _ _ Florencc St'lbyJimmy OReilly __ .._ Ray AllumbaughCaptain Kmlte ----- , _ \1 :\farincal1OpiuTll. the stowaway ,..... ... Doy ~k"inleyTed 1Fred Carr1;~~ Society ~len.......... __ ~~f~~eti~~~IOIIEd Pon .\nlmr:\Ir. Sterling " Anhtlr Gllerin

    Eric LeithcAI1\larineauDoy:\IcKinlcyUia PowellJimmy Kiel(ls

  • The Musical Comedyl'~ln:K:'>ITY .\CJ)lTOIl.ll'M. DECDIBEK lj ,\XII ;. nli:l

    "Sweethearts".\ CO~IIC Ql'fo:Jl;A


    C \~T Of CIIAIl..\CTKS

    Boy .

    ... I'lorcnce Sci!.>}'W. :\1. i\lich:!.elLouisa Martin

    . Joe CoganEditha Barton

    Wesley BartOli.....Thone Roos

    .....:'Bud" :\le1in,.. ~lorey JacksonFern AlldcrsonLillian ShawPearl Tschir!,,,Demerice Ebblc)'Catherine Dwycl'Mildred lIolme:.

    0, bmar RidgewaySidney Yager\'ivian Kimbrough

    ... Kcnncth Ilo\lse....... {

    Daughters of D:llUC Paula

    Sylvia. Princess of Zilanla .Prince Frallz. heir presllmpti,'c 10 the throne. .Liane. a milliner of BmgesMikel, a diplomat of Zilania _ _ .Pauld. proprietress of the laundry of the White GeeseLieUlen:mt Karl, hetrothed 10 5)]"ia , .HOIl. Percival Slillgsbr .._Pelms Van Tro11lpArislide CanicheJeanetteC1airetteBabeueLiselleToineue:-.JanetteCaptain LaurelFootmen

    ChQrus: The i\lisscs llardman, Kirkendall, Lipps. Gellys, Forsyth, Ling. John-son and Ilunt. J\lcssrs. l~idgcway, Stone. Christen, Kayser, Sayles andChrist)'.

    Art I-Courtyard of the l.aundr)' of the White Gecse, Bruge~, Belgium.,,1ft If-The Chateau of Prince Fran7. in Zi1.~nia (a year later)

    P"OUUCTION STAt'1' fOR TilE.\Iusical Dircetor, Mr. Bangs

    Dances Arranged b)' Miss WiTt

    S.:NIOI< O .....ssStaged by :\Ir. C\1~hl11an

    Orchestra. Mr. Claus

    Husincss M;lnage1llCmCostumesI)ainting _., ._...Stage ManagementPrompter .. _Elttlriciaus

    .... \V:llser Gre:llholl~eRuby Gates

    ._ _ __.._. __ ._.._.__._ _ _ Don Alkn_... ._ "Crab" Taylor. Ted Tumer, Jr.

    ___ .._ ..._....Pearl Stalker_Walter Garrett, Robert Brock


  • "Wayfaring Men"/ Play ill Tllrt'C Acts

    By T.\LUOT L. Jt::-:-I:"(;$

    '"Thine ~ye;;; shall sec the King in his beamy: they shall behold the land thatis very far off:'

    . (

  • -----------------


    D EB.\TE acti,-ity during the sduJlaSlic year has bccn cClllcrccl in fouf prin-cipal cOlltests. TIll' season opencd with the L"nivcrsit)' of Oregon-Cniversityof British Columbia-University of Idaho triangular for l11el1. The fltlCstion can-CCrtwd the advi:-



    COKST.-\:\CE T.\ Yl.OR\V,\SUINCTON D~:ll,\n:


    BltlTISlI COI.UMI'II,\ I)I'Il,\TP.


  • BES~IE S.\V.':'CE"''''T)!'''' I)UATl;

    TEl) S~llniSo'l'''t:Il:-< C\l.lfl:N,,:t.\ I)f~"n:

    IIL"GI-I ~lcI":EEIlNITI"1I (m.t"MI!I.\ OOI,\TE

    l"T"" DEMn:

    LOLlIS.-\ MARTI:\"\\'UlT.\lA:o;' DrMTf.

    \\" ..\LSER GREATlIOl"SESo"oTIIFN:o;' C.\ lfllll:-

  • [lUI


    EAC" year sees an increasing interest illthe )Iilitar)' dcpanmcllI at the L-l1i,'crsityof Idaho. .\5 the student enTollment increase,the number of cadets increases until 110W thereare two battalions with three l"Ompanies inCo."lch aile, In the last few yc:tni the growthhas kept ul' with the progress of the Cni\'ersit~in general and it io; now the hope of the :\Iili-tar)' staff to enlist another unit III the dep.,n-memo

    This dcpartmcl1I. which was one of thec

  • Guy PenwellHarrison ArmstrongEigy DechambeauFrank Minas

    Capt. B. B. Bain

    Arthur GoldenMichael Tierne\'Luke Fleming'Paul Church

    [ ISfl

    Fm/res ill Focl/Uah'

    Gen. E. R. Chrisman

    Fratrl's ill Ulli1'('rsilalc

    Achilles Club


    \ rthur Goldcn _..CaplaillLukc Fleming .__ lsl Lieutel/al/tJoscph Cogan 2I1d Lie/itelwlllEugenc Zachrnall _ lsl Srrgeallt

    Eugene ZachmanJoseph CoganEarl WardropLynn Rogers

    Capt. C1andills Lloyd

    The Achilles Club is a local honorary military fraternity. which at present ispetitioning the Xational Scabbard and Blade, national military fraternity. TheAchilles Club was formed at Camp Lewis during the summer camp of 1922, byeight Idaho men. To be eligible for membership a man 111ust be a cadet officer illl,,"OOd standing, a good slmlent of military, and mUSt be a senior in the militarydepartment.

    The purpose of the organization is to further the interests of military train-ing al the University of Idaho. create an illtcrest in the prescllt day militaryproblems, and instill a morc patriotic spirit into the community.

  • The Associated Student BodyUniversity of Idaho

    1!J2:l-2 I


    \11 ~Iud('nts enrolled in the L"nh-cr,ity of Idaho arc memhers of the .\. S.l". I Th, n"",I""h;p canl ad",;" the student to all act;v;t; financed. hy th,.\ S C. J.. entitles hilllto a subscription to the ArgOf/lI/lI, and to a vote in ~tlldct1ldect ions.

    Presidellt";CI'-Prrsi(/r litSN'rl'fary


    Talhot JenningsI.

  • The Executive Board

    Scnior Rrprcsclllali,'cs-Waltcr Casebolt. Mary Huston, Vernon Patch.1111l;or Rcprt'Sl'l1lali'l.ll's-Erro] Ilillman, )'largaret Springer, \Volfard Renshaw.Fowl/.\' RcprcsclI/ali"l'-Co]oncl E. R, Chrisman,All/11m; 1?cprcsclI/a[i1'c-Gcorgc IlortOll.GCI/eral Mallo[lcr-.\lbcrl t\:nudsen.

    According to the rc"isc

  • (189]

  • Fro/res ill Fuel/lta/t'

    I'roic..sor C. C. \ incclltl'rofe~"o:)r C. \\". IlickmanProfessor G. C. .\11

  • Sch~y~rToev.


    Kichu,l,l'lerc~MOl"'rl ....."


    Sn"wflri~,,,1M~m,l... rl







  • it'LL .\XO CII.\I:\ CIIA1'TER

    Bert StoneSidney Yager

    Don McCrea

    Frank NealHarry PaulsonPercy RichardsW o Geo. Wilcox

    lames Chapman

    ..Ted TUnleT. 1st SemesterLeo I'rovost. 2nd Semester

    _,George Elrod.Paul lIarlan, 1st Semester

    .. Robert Field. 2nd Semester:\Iand ,Archibald..........Ben Stone

    '"emOIl Johnson

    HOl/orary J/emberDr..\. II. L'pham

    Ae/itT(' -ll/'lIIba.!SOI'IIOMOR~:.s

    Roben Fie.ld\'ernOll Johnson

    FR~:Sll~IFNRichard DresSCI'Evcrett EricksonGeorge ElrodLester Ernsbergcr

    l"eIlKill9)"cl/ A:ill!!.l"rll Dull!' ...5/11,,' DllkrSt .."t DukrRoyal Scribe.._CllollcclJor of till' .a-rlu(jllrr ...HistoriOll .._.. ,

    Kenneth AndersonM:lrtcl .\rthi!)ald

    John Cluen

    The Idaho chapler of Ihe Intercollegiate Knights obtained its charter )Ia~2111h. 1!12 L II is known as the Bait and Chain chapter. The group is compo~dof onc freshman and one sophomore from e.1ch men"s group on Ihe campus. in-chIding the donnitory. town men and independents. The Yell King of thc L-ni-

    "crsil~' is hy \'irtuc of his office an honorary member.The purpose of the organization is best explained by three of thc outstand-

    ing words of the oath. Service. Sacrifice and Loyalty. This organization assistsin every war possible to further the activities of the LOnivcrsity. lending its ser-vices whenever and wherever needed. Among other things it is doing everythingwithin its power to strenglhen and preserve the Idaho traditions so dear to liS all.

    Intercollegiate Knights

    !solac BurroughsWilliam CallowayLeon CampbellRobert Campbell

    John .:\lcKinnon

  • TurD~r Uichanl. Archibalol Fi~kh Chal'......n.\ndtrtotl t;r;cbo" I)r~_r lrod liar D("allo...ara rnoboorv..... l'a"lton )ohnton ~~al("allll*l Ya~ Mad:i"""n n_ Pro_

    Me< no- !lurO"Olllh. S.on"


  • Pi Epsilon SigmaLoc.\!. lIoKoR.\R'" ElIl"C.\TIO:- S(JK(1I0n'

    Founded: June 3. 1922

    PllrpOSI': To promote high standards of scholar~hip. stimliiaic interest in educa-tional alTairs and 10 pel;t;ol1 for a charter of the National I[ollorary Sorority_Pi Lambd:l Theta.

    Grace :\IorganRita I'endrickSil\"ia Smitham .



    Grace l\lorganRita KendrickIlelen HollJessie GricgsonEleanor Immisch

    ~l ~:M ImR5Tennie JohansonGertrude \\'altersOpal SumnerSilvia SmilhamLydia WinklerEthel Redfield.

    I Itt 1

    Ikrnicc :\IcCoy~lat1d CarlandI.ouisa :\Iartin:\In

  • The Curtain

    Pearl SlalkerPauline Pence.John II. Cushman

    ...... Prrsid'IIJSecrrta,y- Trcasllrt:r


    ;'The Curiam" is a dramatic fraternity composed of studclll and faculty mem-bers who have pa!'scd certain c1iJ.:'ibility requiremellts in dramatic work at Idahoin se of The C\lrtain is to further dramatic activities al the L"ni-vcrsity of Idaho: \0 make a study of acting. playwriting and play production; tocSlaulish 011 the call1pus certain ethics of Ihe theatre: to make possible an annuallOur of the state hy properly qualified Lniversity players: 10 encourage, throughits alumni. the prodllCliol1 of dCJlirahle amateur plays througholll ld;lho.

    john Cushm'lllCamille ~lcDanid_\be Goff

    Ilelen Johnston~1 ichael Thol11e1 ZFleta BrennenRe." Kimmell

    Pearl StalkcrTalbot Jcnning5

    ~l rs. L. 1. Schoono\'crPauline Pcnce


    Carol)'n Logan SmithPhilip BuckRelhel Collins CulpRosebud Donovan


    r-.laurice JacksonLouis.., :\I:min\Vaher Garrett

    :l\laxwcl1 ScholesVirginia l\lcRaeDo)' :\lcKinle)'Glen lIyde

  • Silver Lance

    This organization of senior men has as its major ideal the renderilll{ of sen"ice10 the L-ni,"crsity. ).Icmbers are selected 011 the Im"is of !'Cholar~hiJl and service.

    Walter CaseboltP'rcd Crandall

    Talbot JellningsCharles I'reuss

    J~obcrt Cummins


    Walser Greathouse\be Goff

  • &wan (oMilt

    Epsilon Chapter ofXi Sigma PiXATIO~,\L IloX-OR.\lty FORf..sTR\' FR.\TRXIT\'

    Founded at the L'ni\'ersit)' of \\'ashingtol1. Xo\'cmber t4. 1908.Idaho Chapter installed 1920.

    Colors-Gray and Green

    Objrrt-The objC

  • --------------------------

    Alpha Mu DeltaFallnded December 21. 1921Colors-Lemon and Green

    Alpha ~11l Delta is a local scholarship legal fraternity, whose ultimate objectis 10 obtain it chan~r from Phi Dcha Phi. national legal fraternity.

    Ilo:-"OH,\M" M~:MII~:Iti>

    Dr. .\lvin 1-1. E":l115Congressman Burton L. FrenchRalph BreshearsCharles II. Darling

    FR"1'k~:S IS F"(;UI.T,\T~:Philip R. ~[echcm

    O. P. CockerilSenator William E. BorahA. J. Gustin Priest\ Cfller Clements

    Louis ProutA. S. Guerin, Jr.Larry Quinn


    Abc GoffLawrence \\'aIl3':cR. T. CumminsJ. R. Field, Jr.


    Joel L. Priest, Jr.T. A. MaddenHenry Timm

  • Sm'th"rnol'"

    Phi Alpha Deltal'kon:SSION.\L L.\W Fk.\TERS'Ir\

    Founded at Northweslern UniversilY. 18RSKellt Chapter installed 1914.


    FII.,\TkES IN FACUI.1'.\TE

    Colors---Old Gold and Purple

    J:UlICS J. Gill

    Flo'wl'r-Red Carnation

    Dean Davis

    \Vimon ArnoldCleml WilkinsonJack ~hlsserDarwin Thom.,;;AI Hagen

    FII..\Tkl'.s I~ U~I\'ERSIT.\TE

    Gil}' PenwellE. O. SmithFred TaylorEugene Anderson


    Joe Thomas},Ierle DrakeWayne IluddlcSOllWilliam Reed.\Iaurice Greene

  • National Mortar Board SocietyLocal :\lortar Board organized 1921~atiollal :\Ionar I~.rd installed at the L'nivcrsit)' of Idaho 1!)23

    Colors-Silver and Gold

    Pllrposr-To promote scholarship, 10 render ~er\'kc ;1Il0 further g()()(J fellow-ship among the women of the Uni\crsity.

    Q.'l'ICERS:\'Iyra Armbruster .Prl'sidclllEli;o;abeth Bartlett '''iCl'Prrsil!cll':\Iargarcl Collins SrrrctayyVaughan Prater _ _ TrcasllrefAgnes Cox /-listorian

    :\Iargarct Collins:\Iyra ArmbrusterElizabeth Bartlett:\'Iargaret Collins

    l\lE~lllEKS\'aughan PraterAgnes CoxJewell CoonsBeulah Schumacher


    Jean FrazierRuby GatesGrace )'forganPearl Stalker


    Founded December. 1922


    Gcorgianllc Suppingcr PrrsitlctltFlorence Armbruster Via-Prcsidcl/tElizabeth Bartlett Srcrrlary-Trca.surcr

    :\] iss Barbara Creel! Gamwell

    i\'1 rs. Ilarrison Clifford Dale,

    Genrm]e ShepherdIlazcl Slone

    2\'1 rs. Bonnie Schoonover

    !'.IEM HERS

    Helen GrimIrene 11ausollDella Greene


    HONOII.,\II., 1\1 ~:~lltERS

    :-'Iiss Ida ~Iae Pope

    Vaughn PraterBertha Glindeman


  • Sigma Tau:'\.\Tro~.\1. Ilo;-;OR.\MY El'(a)\"~:~:KI:q; Fk\TEK:"IT\'

    Founded at the Cnh'crsil}' of :-':c1>raska 1901Rho Chapter installed al Idaho 1!)22


    Dean F. A. ThompsonPaul BallifRoy ShoultzLollis BrossardArval .\ndersoll

    Prof. J. II. )011115011Walter WisdomGeorge MunsellFritz ?lcGonigleDonald Payne

    The Fraternity has a:; its purpose the promotion amI ct1COl1ra~clllcnt of highscholarship. college act;,,;tics and a greater spirit of co-opcr.llioll :llllong engineer-ing students.

    :\rcm!:lers arc selected from the Junior and SCllior classes of the College ofEngineering and the School of :\1 inc!'. all the basis of scholarship and publicspi ritc{!ncss.

    Dean J. C. CrawfordFred CrandaIJJohn L. IlcmlllcrtJack WoodworthCharles Anderson

  • Alpha Kappa Chapter ofAlpha Kappa Psi Fraternity

    IloNok.\J/.\' CoM ~I teRCE FR.!\TteRN IT\'Founded OIl the L:llivcrsit)' of New York. School of Commerce,

    New York City, 190'Flowl'r-Chr)'samhemuTl1 Colors-Blue and Gold

    Charles Vicker)'(;corge L1I1C)'

    George II. Gahan

    L. Wallis Gravcs


    lIf1liorsAnhur Golden


    Ceo. l\l. Dean , Prcsil/i'll/Walter C. Casebolt , licr-Prl'sidcll/G

  • ItOll

    Purpose-To promote music in its best form. to create intcrest in the musicdcpartmcll1. to increase all music activities and to a:.sist in bringing artists tothe LTni\crsity.



    :>'lrs. Armstrong

    Florence GreenGoldia PeairsVivian BeardsmoreHelen WheelerLois Crane


    l\liss Isabel Clark


    F,\CUI.T\' 1\1 EM ll~:ItS

    Alpha Iota PiJ-10:\'OR.\It\' ;\IUSICAL SONOItIT\'

    Founded April 20, .1920

    OI'FICEItSLouisa \lartin PrfSidclltGoldia Pcairs Secre/ary ami TreasurerFlorence Selby Cqrns/'olldillg S('(rclliry

    l\IEM llENS

    Hellenc HallarI-Iden WoodPauline LawrenceLucile Ramsteadt


  • I'er ..,.


    !lick;""",, ~arN"O"'''Van lku...,n



    Phi Upsilon Omicron!'Mon::"

  • Alpha Society

    Organized :\ovcmher. l!)'ll

    (Rr.ridr"/ PI,," Hrta Kaf'ras J

    Prof. (;. :\1. :\!i!lcrRc\'. :\1. \\". :\IOTi'eProf. R. StewartProf. E. Ta)'lorPresident .\. H. l'pham

    :\Irs. G. \\". Ilal1l111arProf. J..\. KostalekE. F. MasonJ. S. :\IcLiughlin

    .\lr:.. II. L. AxtellProf. F. C. ChurchProf. T. :\1. Dahill.\lrs. II. C. DaleDe:m J. C, Eldridge

    .\s..;on.\T~: :\!E.\lnt:ll!'iRr.Jid",.t Gmlll/air -lft'",brrs

    Lillian Olga \\hite. W21Carl FfL'tl

    Custaf William IlalllTllar, ]!lit!'earson. 1f/2t

    Class of 19i'3

    (. \;"Iamle Gcrtfllde .-\shcrafl . \nll;l _\ lice I'('Chancc Werner Joseph Ripplinger

  • UOa)

  • The Ag Club

    T ilE Ag Club is composed of all student;; in the College of .\griculture. Itspurpose is to further eXira curriCll1u11l edl1cational studies. to promote variousdub ClltC'1lriSCS. and for social

  • ..

    Dairy Cattle Judging Team



    .\'k-.... C....chFalcoaRichardJ

    Grain Judging Team


    Hulburt, CoKh

  • Slocm.I'''fll~

    IlidrmBn. C"",rhSrh,nid,

    Stock Judging Team

    macknr"d;~"". f:".ch


    Dairy Products Judging Team


  • Four H Club

    IIatcl Draper

    ClarCllce Fale~

    Winifred Vetch/I'all RichrnOlldLela McGrathRalph Slllck)'L.,Verne Ditfendorf

    Gt:ld)'s AllenWesler Carkin~

    Virgil Thompson

    H. A. StOne


    Sr.,;orsRuh)' Tuttle

    !rllliorsV;lda Allen

    So/>fW'UQNJMahel GriffithNeil DerrickGeorge Walers

    FrrshmrllWtndell StllckyCheSler Minck

    . Claude BallardTed \Vafren;llartin Thorsen

    Silorl CONUt Studc/lls


    Tlu: Object of This Orgalli:;alioll IsI. To provide a means of bringing together and stimulating the friendship

    between the students attending the Cni\'crsity of i

  • I rll)

    O/fiurlFloJd ~1. Cos~itl. President Emera W Rensha ...... Vice-President

    Arthur "I. Sowder. 5ccrelar,..Treasurer.Ift'nlb..,s

    1-1. I. Xl'uleton

    {'".alen W. I'ikeA.chur Potterl..wrC1lC.. K. Pugh.:mCfiI G. KobintonJuk W. K

  • Associated MinersOFf'ICEltS


    The Associated .\liners, morc cOllllllonly known as the ":\Juckcrs' Club," wasorganized in IS0U. Its membership is composed of the facIlity ami students ofthe School of Mines.

    :\It."etings of the Club are hel(1 every two weeks. Talks are frequently givenby prominent Illen in the mining industry and by members of the faculty.

    Each year til(' Club holds its ":\Iuck{'rs Ball" in the gymnasium. and the":\!ucker..: Smudge," an all-college smoker.

    E. A E.'~lnHlllFritz ~lcGonigh~_Sorman "'hitc.'_.E. Titus..

    Edwin S. HOl)'CrPhilip 5h...nonliarold SimonFritz McGonigleIlaTold W;ltt'nb...r~Otto 11IaefnuArthur S..... ;ll1son

    N'orm~U1 \Vh;lcEo,rt ElstonI'Yone LeeFred Mull

    .\rthuT M. PiperGcorgl' SmoL1kE. A. Eo.slrnanStephen Stockdale

    I~oberl DunnTed RkeElmore TitusRkhard Ad:"n5Lucius JordonI lerber! MitchellLa ..... rcnct' Nonilli

    L:m~inlr Su



    Charles IlaustllJohn SandhackGe

  • Associated EngineersOrFlca,;

    Kriss Kro\nhnFred CrandallJohn Hemmert-.

    Prrsid.."t___ ___ '"icc-PruidrRt



    ).Iembers of the Engineering racllh~' and all students rCboislcred in the ColI~eof Engineering are eligible 10 membership in this organi7.ation. Its purpose isto bring a closer relationship between the different departments of the Collegeof Engineering. and give a bro.,der 11llderstanding of engineering and all alliedsubjects. To accomplish this various social activities arc held during lhe ye..1.r.and promim'l11 practising engineers arc obtained 10 speak 011 h:clinical sllbjects.


  • The English ClubOf'FICERS

    1923-24Pearl StalkerLouis.1 Martin __

    ~Iars lsahelle Vas.... r._

    .__ ..__.. l'ruidellt......_._ ..__._...... l'i('l'~Pro'Sid(1l1

    ..... __..SurrtarJ.Trrasurrr

    CQ)l)llTTEI: (lIAllt,\/t:S

    \Va!"ef Grealhou'>\'. _._. __ _ _ _.._ .. ..J,(mbers/ripI)orolh)' Cline... ., _p,-OgrOlll. First SrlllalnLouis BooZ.......H.. . ......._Pr09ro"" $I'(o"d SrlllulerTalbot JeI1l1ings_................. . _ _ Aclif';/irsCharlotte Jont.'~ _ _ _ _ _, Libnlr;IIIl

    In the good old days the English Club was a popular organizalioll to whicheveryone belonged and which no olle attended except once a year to dect officers.In 1911 Dr. G. 1\1. ~Iiller came 10 lc!:lho as head of the English Departmellt.From that timc. as a rcsult of his efforts. the El1g1ish Club has been OIlC of themOSI aclivc organizations 011 the campus. In addition to stimulating an interestin English through regular programs. the dill> each year has made a definite con-tribution to dramatic or literary activities on the campus. It first revived dra-matics. a dcpartment now dirccted by "English 37" ilnd ;'The Curtain," In U)2:jthe dul> sponsored "The Hlue ~ucket'" a studelll magazine which has now heentaken over by the A, S, U, I. This ye.,r the club has maintained a circulatinglibrary of new fiction. The books have been in constant demand, and have beenmade convenielltly accessible to the students through the efforts of the librarian.Charlolle Jones.

    Eligibility to membership is based upon e....cellency and interest in English.and upon panieipiuion ill dramalics. publications and deb..,te, English instructorsand English majors are ex-offieio members,


  • La Sociedad Literaria Espanola


  • De Smet Club(C,\TIICH.IC STUUE....TS)

    Demcrice El>ble)Tholllil$ MaddenBeatrice :\lc[)ona]tL

    _..... _.Prrsidr,,'

    .._...., .Surl'tar}-Trr(JSNrrr

    l..ou;.., n .\~k

  • ~[rs. Perr)'Mrs. :\Iartin

    Pusidnl/. ,'iu-Pruidrll/

    ....._ .....s~('r('/ar:!lTreosur/!'r

    UHdrrgrllJllfllr Rl'l'rrsrnlalit'r

    t\1l\'lS0~Y BOAIII'Mrs. UphamMrs. Blomquist


    E:u:ceTIU: COI'-SULO.."u;us

    Y. W. C. A.


    Prograrn..._....... :\1;lr1' .\IcCilllumSocial Service _..................... G iul)'s PerryMembership.... . _.._.... . llell:n HonnoldSociaL.._ _.... ~Iar)' DicksonWorld Fdlowshil)......... . _ ~[urieJ CMsonPublicit)'.................. . Lillian Grovesl\[eetings............... ................., Lilli'lt\ IlardmanFinance............. . Rose Preuss

    Jean Frazicf...._ ....~\Ima Baker.... __Goldia Peair:>.._..__Florence Gray..".. .Elmira Gardner

    ~li5S .\lcD;mid. ChairmanMiss French

    ~Iembcrship in the YQtlng \Voman's Christian Association is extended toall women of the Cniversity of Idaho. The organization is a world-wide one andaims to foster and develop the spiritual and moral life of the girls of the University; to be the connecting link between lhe girls and the churches of ~roscow:to promote the social life of the lJnivcrsity. and to train members to meet thebroader and finer demands of life and to become efficient Christian workers.

  • G"ttvP.:J

    ~-------~----'Women's League


    Flort'n~ Gra\e,~I.rr:t .\rmbru'ter~Iar) )!cCallullI~I:H)" I. \':L~':tr

    I'ftsidl'lIlj 'jcr-r~rl!sidl''''

    ..... JUrI'tllf)'_ ..._ ..._Trra.sl4r1'r

    The \\\)ll1en's League is composed of all women students in the L:ni\'ersity.It is a self-go\"(~rning hody which works Wilh the i)('an of Women in caring (orthe women students. Its purpo~e is to promote women's acti\'ilies and create afcding of co-opcration among the womell.

    C... lllNET

    Jessk :lk.\111l')Grace J:Llob~:)l1

    ~larg:Lret CollinsMar) BurleighFlon.'ncc Armbru

  • Campus Health OrganizationPllrposc-To imprO\-e health conditions on campus: to co-operate ill the

    C'l.rC of cases which cannOt be cared for in the Infinnar)': to introduce preventivemeasures in case of epidemic. and to plan and develop a progressive health pro-gram. co-operaling with the faculty health committee.

    Dt/lu GamlnU

    Pres. ~Iarf ~lcCal1umC,pt. Lillian ul1l/:eLieut. ~lary Van Oeu~n

    ./Ip1l" Chi 011I('90Pre". Fralld~ XoggleCapt Edna SakeUCIl!. JO'

  • The Washington Club

    The Washington Club was organized for the purpose of bringing studenlSfrom Washington 10 the Cniversity of Idaho. Through its influence manyprospecth-c college studclllS ha\"c been attracted to Idaho.

    Charier I'r_Roac PruallOa,r p, RCCI\I

    Il.r~ Rubie.\.dlle Sam....

    ~:.dwin So:bqer~'red SchanerGneeSh..."eith S i,bI'KdS ithCordon S.-IIDori. SquillbP.ul StoffellIe1en SluU~-ranl'ell S"lIi "lIer_n S.....n "Jlldo:on Thoml"nA,atha TierneyWiley Ton......RIl....I TunIC'Allen W.lkcrM.ndell WelnRUlh WenerSibleWctkalIe1e.. Wllttl".O ..,ha Wi""lardIlarnld Wym...

    I'ror. V. Ii. ""kh.m.\I'~~ Mae Malh,,,,,

    Er...IJoh..-CIomJon.,.Walter Ka,...-87"0

  • ll/ake

    The Episcopal ClubOl'l'llf.W":-'J~llrice Jackson.Bob Filzke .Fairr Sanger _ _...\Iaurice Olso11 _.

    ...... PrcsilkHI...... /tc'-Prrsirll'lIl

    ......S ..a('/o'.I'....._ .1'rl'11SII""

    The Episcopal Club is cOlnposed uf all students who hil\'C expressed apreference for it. It is affiliated with the :\ational StllCk"nt Council. a nationalorganization of the Collegiate Episcopal Clubs. '!lld, as slIch, is assisting in carryingon the excellent program of that organization, l'onsisting mainly in :;tudy ami

    acti\"(.~ partkip.nion in The ad\"anccmcllt of the Episcopal Church.

  • Home Economic Club.\nni~ ;\Iorris..:\brgaret ?IUllroc.RUlh Bt:
  • Eha Sno\\ _.

    Errol Hillman..

    "I" ClubI'raidrlll


    The "I" Club is l.:omposcd of all men who ha\'C been awardl.--

  • ~~1S
  • ,, , JI,IIf7f1l11.

    Bench and Bar Association

    \\"illtOIl .",moldErrol I HUmanRoben ClIlIIlI1iTl_

    Urir; JNS/iN._IssorWlt" JutlC't"


    The Bench and Bar .\::;socialiol\ was organized ill 1:112. It ... membershipincludes all of the students regularly enrolled in the College of Law. The purposeof the .\ssociatioll is to CffCCI a unit)' of aClion among the students and facultyand to preserve and enrich the traditions of the law school. The .\ssociatiOIl hasestablished :l1ld maintained the "llouor System" in the law school fur sc\'cra[}'cars; is responsible for the "Lawyer's COLIrt" and other things of henefit lO thosestudying taw. It is through the AssociatiOll Ih:1I prolllincllt lawyers. judges. ,mdlIIen of note in law, arc brought to the school to s)'cak before ils meetings. and 111this wa}' the law school ;s kept in touch with lIew developments of the law in thecourts of this ~Iatc ami of the I1cighhoring ~tates.

  • The Idaho Pep Band

    \1 .\I:,rin(,~lll'lia PowdlCl:lir RtO:I11,

    Lrlll/,'r.\IU1WIJrr rFirSI Scmrslrr)

    lJ",w!Jrr rS.'c",rrf Srlll

  • Square and CompassFounded at Washington ami Lee L"niver(UOI


    -Sun:'or)'_ Trtosn,.rr

    Choplo;1l_ Tif.,.

    R. T. P

  • I"UTKF;S I:" L"XI\F.k;;IT.\TE

    I'O,;T ''''C.\Bl"'Tt:La'H""'" W..ll.....,

    t .... 1''

  • (ua)


    \"in... Ca_'lmKenneth IIOIlIe

    .\lbc:n :\Ia..""aul)o.>na1

  • Phi Delta ThetaFOllXJl~O n ~ll"'" VIl" ...51...'..

    lhc"...... 26, lSl8Id~ho 1\11>113 Chap'e. in51alleoJ 19011

    Colors: :'.scnt an" A~urc1'1"",,,.; Wl,he Car"a,;""


    ron .\.,hurJ. R. Ilurb>lae

    R. t;. t;~crlyT ..n...., Jenning-

    ~l""ric"JackMlnY;v;an Kimhroulfh

    L)",,., Roser.lIarold 5;",,,,,,,,.

    W. S. S'oneW. 1_ S\ephel1$

    O.le \'011.lrarold Telf" ...r


    W"lIa"" Hro""Frank MinaB

    Gale '\Ii"JOh" Ike,[

    Thon" U"""R311.h Harding

    T~l Tllm",Garren Plan


  • [US]

    WI'IIOMOI(":S('"_~ ":lnod

    W...ltt'. ~j,d.bW. (: Cu"..noc,.

    1(",,,,,,,,1 )oh"sol11( ..~ocll :'old;"

    Jack :'01;.0.I( I.. Slerhen.

    Eo"l Slroho:

  • Beta Theta PiF"n."u,~, :'1,., .. , l"",nuI1Y

    Al:Gl:ST I!. IS:W

    ';'O'm.... C.......... Cllalllee installed :.w.... It. ItllCtH~rs: 5""11 Pink and Sky 111""

    FI",rN" n.: R.....

    ~k.\TkES 1:'\ F.\ll'LT.\TEl"'tan J (~. ~:Id.>dle

    '">nu' F_ J""".\ P l....'bnll'


    \\ ....1QI'IIO:'IORF.S

    Tb",,",ore lIucklin


  • lu,l

    J.,..,...han Fic:Id.Jr.Ouo Hud""r

    TIoom.a~ :\1..-1""Clifford )10.:

    lIanl~ I'ayn~RobC'rl Chsd

    Tb_lor~ Turner, Jr.Joh .. Waln~.

    Ricb3rd .\dam,F.~"dl ~:Idridle

    {~,.... r lIa.1

  • Sigma NuF"Il''''''o ~T \"IIG'''"U lhLlT...Y ls.nnn,.

    lu",..... '.,",o.lTa Omicron (."apccr '''otiIlo,d )lay U, 1111.,

    CHau. 1II,..:k, White and Gld,.-,......~ While Row

    !"Ionn j. F .\IaoinlttDe.n t-. A. ThomPIOD

    ). ScanlOll lJcl.......IJ..linRandall ~,

    Rkhud Wego.,.,.


    S.:~HORS\\ 'lham 110........ Pcb>ol.


    .:,;"k Lri,hcJobn H :'of......,.

    P,""cr Paul Dru~I\unland Puhr

    1;\1)' ('>olden

    I..ori.llubblc"ihon E,'~'"

    1',...1 T~)'torJan'h Cunnlnaham

    \"CH" ".OllWalter Gorr..n

    'rtl,u, Fj.ckcThoma. \\'",

    SOf>1l0110ltESRobot.. Dunn

    Sidne)' \'.,tr


  • jU,)

    UaTft>C~ lIhlntr0..

  • Sigma Alpha EpsilonYOI:,II1tl!U loT THI l"lI""'US,TT " .\1. .

    Jol ,ICN 8, 1s:.G

    I'bho .\1,..... ("hal',,,r ;nl;U.I1d. :-","",. I. 111111C"I~T. PUIl,k aM ('".okl

    FI"...... : \";"1",

    FR,\THt:S IS F.\Cl"LT.\TE

    ). Eo \\'Qll...,lnlckR. II. Guy

    l.o"i.' C.,l~IllY"l M.c,\hlbll

    n. [).y~l~n

    YIUTM~:'i IX" l:!"l\"t:R!'IT nF.SESIORS

    Ilu....nn Il.uo..nno.~ Canlpbrll

    Wlh..... Purdy t:aton\\'..1"",......,.lhou...

    II.,. "~n......Charko; Pr....

    lIerbo" Po_III......IT R"II~.Y

    .\rlbu. !Oo.,I"rI..... Cruor,.-

    Juk RodnerWilli"m S"">t,


    Grrald lllackSame"""

    Pcrcy It"""

    lI"-'lh, l);~"q..oll ..I1.......

    \lillanlllnihWilliam Rd


  • Itl! I

    I;,,)" Pftlw~llEd...;" Pa..lton

    Alben Taylorll~'bcn Mrltxo..

    SOf'1I0~IOHSJohn Emmingh.m

    C1:l"d~ "un.~,~r COIt~.

    Cl.renc.. Ol..,n

    Ed"'in P~lu~nIrvi,,~ Tul')'

    AlI~n Shulli.EI1''''onh So"'det'

    ~laut;"~ 1I0K...."FRf'.sIl~IE~

    Albrn IloikyJob n..ird

    JInInic 0eK3",...

    T......m .. F~1tonPhilip C'htahon

    [.q"i, II.".....Richard """"p

    ~taul~1 ~1~00 ..~1lJohn ~lu";"non

    .\lton Malt..,nO..,ar 0100"

    John ~1;1...Elton Mato

    Pert")' Nichard.N\",n SCOtt

    JUSIONO,d.. R;"hanh

    FIU:SIIMASCharln Gr.......,.

  • Flol \THF_' IX" l-~lVEHSIT,\TF.

    Itoyal PUT!,'"Ildio'r!'"


    W.I"", t., 1','le,04".1.",,"'0, S,wl",hcrg

    I..."i. 11. Ildl.h.eyI'

    (;lrnn R W,lki"",S'."ley ( J"bnloOn

    Thon,.> X" S,ekd.jtX"10H.:'

    F",""". u Junu.. 't Cou~, ,,'''". U. IM$