tusk digital magazine march2010

Issue 03 March, 2010

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Faddis CreativeTUSK Digital Magazine March, 2010


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Issue 03 March, 2010

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Gabriel Christus is a photographer based out of Denver who will be graduating with a bachelors degree in photojournalism from Metropolitan State College of Denver in the spring. He has interned for two daily newspa-pers, Loveland Reporter-Herald and The Aurora Sentinel. Most recently, he interned for the Denver Broncos, shooting every home game and some Bronco-related events.

Jenny Luper is earning a Master of Fine Arts in writing from Spalding University. She enjoys the allure of writing the strange short story, odd poetry, and above all, writing with en-thusiasm. She is excited to be sharing her writing in this and future issues of TUSK. These are the first publica-tions of her creative work.

(I want to dedicate this issue to my parents, Stan and Oralia; and my parent in-laws, Carl and Joan. Four amazing people that have resilience and strength that I admire and respect. As well as giving me encouraging words and consistent support. )

I am a very curious person. My favorite books are biographies and my favorite shows are mostly educational. Constantly on a quest to learn, grow, and shed old skin in hopes to reveal a new and exciting layer. I’m finding TUSK to be the ultimate facilitator for this part of my personality. As a continuing occurrence that pushes me to the edge and takes me to places within myself that seem to shine a light on some of my core truths and break down thought patterns that need to be erased for good. Providing opportunity to challenge old thoughts such as “the amount of money you earn to do something is an indicator of the value of the job completed”. I’m having to find strength inside myself daily, tap into the drive I have to succeed and create with no specified reward at the end of the tunnel. Face down my deep rooted fears of success and encourage myself to keep going on days I want to quit.

This month I decided to try my hand at interviewing. Thankfully, I know some incredible people that deserve to be showcased, and this issue is my homage to them. I hope you enjoy the stories, photography and design of these features. I photographed the majority of them in their homes, and enjoyed all of the experiences immensely.

I’m excited to introduce you to two incredibly talented people that are going to be contributors to TUSK magazine. Gabriel Christus and Jenny Luper both contacted me about working on TUSK, and I am thrilled to have them be part of the team. Find out more about them to the left, and enjoy their outstanding work in this issue (Gabriel’s feature starts on page 12 and Jenny’s poetry is featured on page 25. Jenny also helped a great deal with copy editing this issue). I think they add a great deal to TUSK and will bring new perspectives and artistry to my publication.

I sold my first ad this month to an amazing women whom I respect and so appreciate for supporting me and believing in TUSK. Marjorie Baumert, Director of Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, is inspiring both as an individual and as a business women. See her ad on page 19. If you are interested in helping keep TUSK going forward, you can find information about advertising on my web site. Most importantly, let companies and people you read about in TUSK know where you read about them.

Cheers!DeniseOwner of Faddis [email protected]

TUSK MagazinePublisher: Denise FaddisEditor: Denise FaddisContributing Editor: Jenny LuperContributing Editor: Gabriel ChristusPhotographer: Denise Faddis Contributing Photographer:Gabriel ChristusArt Director: Denise FaddisGraphic Designer: Denise Faddis

Meet this months contributors and look for their work in future issues of TUSK.

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Nonna’s Chicago Bistro is quaintly located in a strip mall just off Leetsdale at Monaco. There is a large neon Italy on the window and green neon lights that had me wondering what I would find inside, every time I drove by. Finally, after I don’t know how long, My husband Shane and I decided to give it a try. Actually, we saw an ad for their late night happy hour and connected the ad with the place that we had drove past so many times. We both ended up having to work late this particular evening and I had remembered that their late night happy hour began at 8 p.m. We needed a drink and some food and we wanted to go somewhere relaxed with good service and a comforting menu. We truly received everything we were looking for at Nonna’s. When we walked inside we were pleased with the ambiance and the overall feel of the place. I believe that a first impression of a restaurant is just as important as a first impression when you meet someone. If something feels off or uncomfortable

in those first few minutes, it usually sticks. Or even worse, starts a downward spiral of issues. Nonna’s felt right immediately; like when you meet someone that you feel like you have known forever. We were greeted casually yet professionally (I mention casually because nothing puts us off a place quite like being bombarded by an overly eager host) and were given the choice to sit in the front or the back. We chose a nice big corner booth with a table. The environment was exactly what we needed; as comfortable as being at your Grandma’s for dinner, but with out all the chotshkies and afghans. In fact, Nonna’s has an air of sophistication with their outdoor light posts, large piano, sleek tile, and soft orange lighting.

Our server, Mike, greeted us and asked if we had been in before. We let him know we hadn’t and he proceeded to give us just a little information about the menu. We brought up the late night happy hour we had seen in the ad, and

he graciously brought over that menu for us as well. Everything on their menu sounded fantastic but we ended up going with some old standbys. Shane ordered the Lasagna from the happy hour menu, and I had the anti pasta salad from their regular menu. Both dishes were fantastic and had generous portions. We had their decadent tiramisu for dessert and were pleased with the entire experience, especially the service. Mike was outstanding and although we have only been in a few times since, he has remebered us and our drink order. Litty and Mandy are outstanding as well, and Nonna has been there everytime. We plan on visiting Nonna’s Chicago Bistro many times in the future.

Excellent service, fantastic food, family owned and operated, and a great happy hour menu at a convenient time.

Nonna’s Chicago Bistrowww.nonnaschicagobistro.com

A few of my favorite things

This month I Love...

Nonna’s Chicago bistro

Rocky Mountain Thyagaraja Utsavam(Text from EventGuide Denver, http://denver.eventguide.com/)

Early in March, DesiShades and Bhairavi School of Music welcome Colorado Rasikas to pay tribute to the composers, philosophers and musicians of the past who made an everlasting contribution to the Indian heritage, featuring a number of talents and guest artists rendering masterpieces of Indian classical music. Call (303) 552-5066 for more information.

Saturday May, 8th 20108:30 am - 5:00 pm Douglas County Fair Grounds - Kirk Hall500 Fairgrounds Dr.Castle Rock, CO 80104


The Happs

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TranscendingArtistRichard Peterson is the kind of artist other artists like. He wants to create, inspire, and also be inspired. He has a robust career and has photographed an enviable and lengthy list of musicians and artists. With that being said, I find that Richard is genuine and nice as can be. Story & Photography by Denise Faddis

{TUSK} Richard, I’m so excited that you’ve agreed to be a part of TUSK. Your photography and innovative style inspire me. Not to mention that I truly think you are one of the most genuine and humble artists I know. On Saturday you spoke at the Photo Martini Club about your time in the 70’s as the photographer for Search and Destroy, a magazine out of San Francisco that represented the punk scene and artistic movements happening in that period. It really was a fun event and I loved seeing that body of your work. Tell me what it was like as a photographer during those days.

It was a creatively passionate time, and the entire circle of people seemed so energized that is was almost a mystical experience. It was the only time in my life that I truly felt that I was in the middle of a major art movement, which is what it was, of course, particularly in San Francisco with deep-roots in rebellious cultural trends.

{TUSK} Who was the most memorable person you have ever photographed ?

That’s a hard-one to answer given that I’ve been fortunate enough to photograph many interesting people, and not just in the Punk-Art categories. It changes from day-to-day and depends on which memory I’m

having, or who I’ve been talking about with someone. It’s always more pleasurable and less difficult to photograph someone who appreciates my work. Two of my favorites to think about are the cable giant, John Malone, and Sex Pistols singer, Johnny Rotten, two interesting Johns, two very different worlds.

{TUSK} Who do you wish you could have had the opportunity to photograph?

I really wanted to photograph Joy Division, who were one of my favorite bands in the 1970s. That never worked out because band member Ian Curtis committed suicide; other bands I wish I had been able to meet and photograph include Wire and Cabaret Voltaire. I never managed to photograph Lou Reed off-stage, although I do have live shots of him, but he’s probably my longest-term influence from the music world.

{TUSK} Out of all of your photos, which one is your favorite?

Some days I hate all of them, some days I like all of them. Picking my favorite isn’t easy, plus I see them so often that I become oblivious to them. For long term viewing I tend to like the ambiguous or mysterious looking images, things I can see new worlds in each time I look at them. That probably comes from my Surrealist influences.

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{TUSK} Who or what is your biggest source of inspiration?

Currently, my children, Cornelia and Alden. In the creative realm, I’ve always liked looking in the wrong places for inspiration. For instance, instead of looking at other photographers, I read literature. As a matter of fact, I have a thing for 19th century French Symbolist writers. I’m also inspired by nature, especially considering the place I live.

{TUSK} You have a very cool studio at your home in Indian Hills. What is your favorite piece of equipment?

Actually, I’m happy with any equipment that works; all of this stuff breaks too easily. Obviously, I love my camera, whatever one I’m using, because it’s the main tool I use. If using cameras didn’t give me so much pleasure, I’d likely be a writer since that’s my other love.

{TUSK} What is your favorite part of photography?

I love the interaction with people, my best means of social contact. Every person is different, every person is interesting. Through photography you get to have personal contact with all kinds of people, and the time with them is very revealing and very interesting. People-photography is often a collaboration between

the subject and the photographer, and the mixture sometimes results in something powerful, art that goes beyond the abilities of just one person.

{TUSK} What is the one thing you have fought for or wanted most in your life?

To remain open-minded, to see the magic in everything.

{TUSK} Who is your favorite artist?

In photography, Joseph Sudek; in painting, Leonora Carrington.

{TUSK} You are a teacher to so many and I think it’s impressive that you make time to instruct accessible classes in Denver. What do you love most about teaching?

I love helping people, I love the social interaction. Whenever someone says, “Oh, now I get it,” it’s a very rewarding feeling.

{TUSK} What are some of the projects you are working on?

I’m curating a photography show at Vertigo Art Space for March and April called “A Something or other that has no name in any language.” It’s based on Arthur Rimbaud’s text on reaching the unknown, and includes some of Colorado’s best artists. I have a photo group called Heads of Hydra, formerly Denver Tea Party. Also, I met with Adam Lerner of MCA Denver this week to begin planning a Bruce Conner show for 2012, which I’m told is not far away in “museum time.” Conner is an important California artist I worked with for decades. Otherwise, I’ve been

shooting commercial work such as the ads for Denver Pavilions.

{TUSK} What political issue is most important to you right now?

I’m very politically aware, and pretty liberal, so I’m disappointed that the self-serving and greed-based right wing extremists are so intent on distorting reality and handicapping our best hope in ages. Former President Bush pretty much destroyed any trace of American integrity, so it’s going to be a major struggle to recover.

{TUSK} What is the best advice you have ever been given?

Be persistent, and accept every “no” as one step closer to “yes.”

{TUSK} Do you have any favorite restaurants or places you frequent in Denver?

I’m a coffeehouse nut, so you’ll often find me in any of the alternative places (as opposed to Starbucks). Recently I’ve been eating at Interstate on Santa Fe Drive, and I’m really liking it there.

{TUSK} If you were conducting this interview, what question might you ask yourself ?

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Why are we here? Why is this interview REALLY happening?

{TUSK} Your favorite all time musician /band?

Well, depends on my mood. From the ‘60s, Velvet Underground; in the ‘70s, Joy Division. Others that have really held up with time are Neil Young and Leonard Cohen.

{TUSK} What is the craziest/weirdest thing that you’ve ever done or had happen to you?

When I was a teenager, I used to leave my body, or Astral Project, on a regular basis. I had no idea what was going on; I thought I had some strange disease. That experience has actually been a lifelong influence on my art and caused me to lose my fear of death.

{TUSK} With all that you have achieved, what goals do you still have set for yourself ?

To make use of this huge body of work that I’ve created, and to be a successful example for my children. I know I’ve spent most of my life as a recluse, so I need to expose myself to the world.

{TUSK} Is there anything that people often assume about you that is not true?

Some people think that I don’t like them when actually I’m just being shy. Happens less often than it used to now that I’m learning to talk to groups. I’m very open and intrigued by different kinds of people, so it’s very rare for me to come across someone I don’t like.

{TUSK} Richard, it’s been so neat for me to have had the opportunity to get to know you a little since we met last summer. You have taught me a lot about photography and have been a huge source of encouragement for me as an artist and with TUSK. Thank you so much for allowing me to interview and photograph you for this issue.

No problem, I really enjoy working with you


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You’ve been Informed

{TUSK}Kerry, when I think of cool and inspiring people in Denver, you come to mind immediately. For me, you epitomize the rock star - gutsy, gorgeous, and fun. The Informants shows are known for being a good time. In fact, I don’t think it’s possible to go to one of your shows and stay sitting. Hell, even if you don’t dance you are still going to stand up and shake around a little. For the few who haven’t heard The Informants, can you explain your style and what they can expect from a live experience?

Thank you, that’s quite a compliment! To me our style represents the ultimate experience in music, which is cutting loose, dancing your ass off and having the kind of fun you haven’t had in too long (and we hear that a lot). I feel that every time I’m on stage! We’re a high energy band with a rootsy sound that is reminiscent of the old juke joints and roadhouses back in the 50’s. We tend to fall into the blues category and initially we had a jump blues style with the horn section and keys, but we like everything from surf, rockabilly, punk and rock, so you hear all of those elements in our music. We’re very playful and naughty on stage and inevitably it rubs off on the crowd and they want more. One of the coolest outcomes for us is that from the first song to the last, the crowd hits the floor oblivious to the fact that our music is original. People like music they can count on even if they’ve heard it 10,000 times, so they tend to want the old covers.

{TUSK} How did you first get started with The Informants?

I got a call from Mac, our bass player, wondering if I’d be interested in starting a side project with him and his band. His lead singer had a job that kept the band from playing on a regular basis. And at the time, I was just putting my feelers out there for something new, as my rockabilly band, The Mean Eyed Cats, had just disbanded. Mac and I met and talked briefly about what each

of us wanted to play, handed each other a disc of about 20 songs we loved, and funny enough, had the same Ruth Brown songs on the discs. It was meant to be!

{TUSK} What’s the best part of being a member of The Informants?

The absolute love and hilarity we share! We’re nuts...but we’re great nuts! We’re good people that have been in the music scene enough to be disappointed, and because of that, we all bring a level of maturity and expertise to the experience, which in turn lets us just relax and have fun. No one ever feels unheard or invalidated, and we’re all very passionate about each other and this family we’ve created. We all really respect each other as talented musicians, which really helps in the creative process.

{TUSK} When did you first start singing?

Publicly or privately? Privately, around the age of 5. I’d sneakdownstairs into my sisters bedroom and play their records...Bowie, while they were in high school. Also, I had a natural love and attraction for big band around the same age. I was addicted to black and white big band movies. Funny though, my dad was in a big band, but I never got to hear or see him play, because he was older, but he talked about it all the time...kind of sad and I hope I never have to stop playing or singing. I also sang in high school and at some friends wedding’s, and then had my daughter, got divorced and life took over until I stopped the madness and started performing in my 30’s, so publicly about 15 years now. {TUSK} What is the best advice you have ever been given?

Get over yourself Kerry and change the situation.

Kerry Pastine, lead singer of The Informants, is one of those people you meet that sends a bit of shock through your solar plexus. Her energy seems to take over an entire room or venue; she definitely has the pipes and the personality to do it. The best part of her stage persona is that it is not a persona. She is as real as people get and tells it like it is. Not in that ever too common lack of filter way, but rather, in a no bullshit, refreshing, and delightful coating. Story & Photography by Denise Faddis

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{TUSK} Do you play any instruments?

Barely and pathetically, I play acoustic guitar, which I played in the rockabilly band. Also I started playing piano recently after 30 years. I’m actually taking lessons from our sax player, Jonny Love. I love the piano!

{TUSK} You always look like your having the best time at your shows. Actually, the entire band does. I think that is a big reason that every one of your shows is so much fun. What’s your favorite part of being in a band?

Wow...uh, being the only chick!!!!!! Well, that and the love I get from those boys on stage. Oh, and singing the coolest songs ever written by the brilliant Mark Richardson. That guy gets me. It’s like he’s writing songs I dream of writing and I’m a lyric freak, specifically dirty, dangerous lyrics.

{TUSK} What was one of the most memorable live shows you have had and why?

My most memorable was the CD release party for our second album “Crime Scene Queen” because my daughter, Joy, performed with me on stage. When she grabbed the mic and started talking to the audience, there was no doubt who’s daughter she was! I would’ve cried if I hadn’t been busy singing.

{TUSK} Have you sang with any other bands?

I have. I initially started as back-up for a blues band and then graduated to the front. I also had a short stint with a Latin swingband and then on to rockabilly, a Patsy Cline tribute and once in a while I’ll jump on stage if I’m in a bar and the band has asked me.

{TUSK} What’s one of the wildest things that has happened

on tour or at a show?Besides our baritone sax player lifting his kilt and showing his huge balls? Hmmm....

{TUSK} Crime Scene Queen has one of my favorite songs by The Informants, Please Mr. Jailer. What song of yours do you love to perform most?

Yes, that too is one of my favorites. I like slow, painful,heart-wrenching ballads, like “I’ll Never Know”, which is basically a homicide-suicide song Mark Richardson wrote during his bathroom remodel...ha! I love “Salvation” because of the rich gospel feel and energy, and yet it’s still about heartache.

{TUSK} You are also a professional Career Coach. When did you start your business, True Self Essentials, and how can people work with you?

I’m more of a life coach, as our relationship with ourselves usually determines our relationship to everything else in life, like our careers, what we’re doing professionally and whether we love it or not. How we see ourselves determines our ability to love; how we get it and give it, and even our relationships to time, food, money, and how we get what we want in life. Coaching is super pro-active. On one hand you do get to find out what core beliefs play an active part in your life and where that crap came from, and then you get to the truth and find out what you really need to bring out the best in you and help you move forward. Most people don’t know how to dig that up or change it, but once they do they feel incredibly free and empowered. It also breaks our dependence upon certain situations, outcomes or people, to feel better and gives us the tools to help ourselves.

{TUSK} What is the one thing you have fought for or wanted most in your life?

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My own value and self-worth so that I could love myself and do the things I wanted to do like sing.

{TUSK} Who or what is your biggest source of inspiration?

Musically, Mark Richardson & Jonny Love, two members of the band, because of their passion and daily discipline. They’ve taught me that you have to work for what you love and make time for it and do it for you...the payoffs are personal. As a human being, I’d have to say my husband Brooke, as he is truly the most loving, unconditional soul I have ever met.

{TUSK} What is the craziest/weirdest thing that you’ve ever done or had happen to you?

That’s sort of relative really. Shaving my head? I mean it was a blast for me and my husband loved it, but some people would never dare. I don’t know...does stupid count?

{TUSK} With all that you have achieved, what goals do you still have set for yourself ?

Now that’s a scary question. Hold on, I have to go journal about that one. There’s more??? So, for The Informants, I really want the notoriety. We bring so much happiness to people...and good taste in music. I also want a European tour and a Blues Cruise tour for us in the next 2 years. For me, I tend to hear and feel what’s next, but have to finish where I’m at and then ultimately I keep manifesting what I want in life.

{TUSK} Your favorite all time musician/band?

That’s not a fair question to ask a musician. So much that makes me smile from the 40’s -80’s. Big band orchestras from the 50’s! How about what I’m listening to right now??? Gossip, The Dead Weather, Yma Sumac (50’s artist). {TUSK} Kerry, thank you so much or taking the time to be a part of TUSK. It truly means a great deal to me. Since I met you a few years back I have been continuously impressed by you and your talent. You have a way of putting things into perspective and inspiring everyone around you. There is an energy that you emit that makes me personally want to stand a little taller in my own shoes. A way of leading by example and epitomizing the idea of no guts no glory.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for valuing me. This was such an honor and so much fun Denise! I believe in you...


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When you walk into Sancho’s Broken Arrow on Colfax and Clarkson, you will probably hear Grateful Dead music blaring from the jukebox. The walls are covered with fuzzy wallpaper that looks like it is from the early seventies. The wallpaper is barely visible because the walls are plastered with rare concert posters, photographs, and murals from floor to ceiling. Even the ceiling tiles are painted, each by customers and friends of the Bianchi brothers. Unlike any other bar I have been to on Colfax, Sancho’s has a lively feel to it. People go there for three reasons: the location, the music, and the people. Many people go there for a drink before going to a show at the Filmore, no matter who is playing. That is one of the reasons for their diverse crowd. If there is a punk rock, heavy metal, or even a hip hop show the crowd will find its way into the bar. Sancho’s has a way of continuing the spirited environment of the live concert. Some of the regulars have been going there since it opened, but the new blood has found their third place, home and work being the first two. Sancho’s has managed to keep their original clientele while continuing bringing in new patrons who love the bar just as much. They say that they love the bar because of the cheap beer, music and the people.The Bianchi brothers; Jay, Aric, and Phil, opened Sancho’s nearly ten years ago. This was not their first venture in opening a hippie-bar in a less-than inviting neighborhood. Their first bar, Quixote’s True Blue, on East Colfax, was reopened on South Broadway. Sancho’s Broken Arrow is across the street from The Fillmore Auditorium, two doors down, separated by a porn shop, was Dulcinea’s 100th monkey, now Pete’s Monkey owned by their previous bartender.

There are a few places in Denver that seem to have a life of their own. The Bianhi brothers have created just that in Sancho’s Broken Arrow and Quixote’s True Blue.Story & Photography by Gabriel Christus

Free love and Cheap Beer

Jay Bianchi watches Joey Porter and members of The Motet present the music of Herbie Hancock during a recent show at Quixote’s True Blue.

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They opened Cervantes and the third Quixote’s on Welton St. in Five Points, which has been blessed with some of the best musical talent coming through Denver. Finally two years ago they opened Owsleys, which has now transformed into the fourth Quixote’s at 21st and Lawrence, just blocks away from multiple homeless shelters.The newest Quixote’s is a venue to see live music, but it doesn’t stop there. Like Sancho’s, there are concert posters and artwork all over the walls. Most of the concert posters are from the previous Quixote’s that the Bianchis opened. In the main room is a large dance floor leading up to a big stage that could easily handle a band with ten or more musicians. The back room has another smaller stage wtih a small arcade room attached. The best part of the venue is the patio; it has the feeling of a Spanish courtyard, with awnings shading two of the walls and multiple picnic tables to relax and catch a breath of fresh air. People come for the venue and as a bonus live bands play seven nights a week.The names of the bars come from the book The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha written by Miguel de Cervantes, where Don Quixote went on a quest to find adventure and beauty in the everyday. That is what the Bianchis are doing; finding beauty and adventure where you would least expect to find it.

Sanchos Broken Arrow741 E Colfax AveDenver, CO 80203303-832-5288http://quixotes.com/

Quixote’s True Blue2151 Lawrence StreetDenver, CO 80205303-366-6492http://quixotes.com/

(left) Dominic Lallie plays the sax with Joey Porter and members of The Motet present the music of Herbie Hancock during a recent show at Quixote’s True Blue.

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Paul Winner dances with his girlfriend Noel Kountz during a show at Quixote’s True Blue.

Jeff Hess sits in the corner of Sanchos Broken Arrow waiting for his turn at billiards.

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Opening New Doors

Kathy Bacon spent years as the Director of Dress for Success Denver. In 2010 she is ready for a change. Not for the sake of change, but rather because she sees opportunity behind every door. She is filled with optimism for what her next challenge brings and is ready to follow her new dreams with gusto. Story & Photography by Denise Faddis

{TUSK}Kathy, I love that you are a part of TUSK’s March Issue featuring inspiring and creative people of Denver. You are someone that has personally inspired so many women as the original Director of Dress for Success Denver. With your recent decision to hand the reins over to a new Director, what will you miss most about DFSD?

I think what I will miss the most is the transformation of the women. To see their faces in the mirror when they come out of the dressing room. They stand taller and hold their head higher. To get a sense from them that they can get a job and they can do well in the interview. The overall confidence that can start building in that hour is remarkable. I love that.

{TUSK} What brought you to Dress for Success Denver?

It was a calling for me to give back to women in my community – give them a second chance. I can’t explain how loud that voice inside me was to do my part. Once I started the organization I knew it was the right thing to do because things just fell into place and people were there to help.

{TUSK} What was the biggest lesson you learned in your three years as Director?

I learned that we all have a story and that story has been our journey. What people see on the outside may not be the right perception of what we have been through in our lives. What matters is that we are here and we are all just learning about how to better live our lives and be better people.

{TUSK} Currently you are volunteering at The Denver Film Society and MCA Denver. Would you tell me a little bit more about both organizations and what led you to them?

The DFS is an amazing organization that supports independent film makers, producers, etc. Who wouldn’t love the making of a

film? I hope to be able to immerse myself in all that I can as a volunteer. I would love to get to Sundance and volunteer at some point. It is so awesome to see actors you don’t know actually do some amazing performances.

The MCA is such a wonderful hidden gem in Denver. The artists that have their pieces in the museum are so incredible. I am able to be there when all of the art will be changed out to new artists. I love hearing their stories and how they came to be an artist. It has such a good feeling just to be there. I am extremely fortunate to be able to participate. As luck would have it, I am helping with the Oscar Party for the DFS that will be held at the MCA. It is my job to get designers to participate and show some of their fashions that night. These fashions will be donations that will be bid on by the guests. We have some amazing fashion designers in Denver.

It has been my goal for the New Year to erase the message my parents gave me about the arts. I find it to be my duty to indulge myself mentally and physically into this world of color and creativity on all levels. I feel alive when I am immersed in such a diverse community. I will find my place within this realm and give a voice to those who do not feel that they have one. I am grateful to start my new life today and see where it may lead. I feel like a kid in a candy store. What an exciting time for me to proceed!

{TUSK} So, what is your all time favorite film? and why?

A Box of MoonlightIt is a quirky film about an engineer who takes a road trip and ends up doing things he would have never dreamed of doing. Very funny, you must rent it.

{TUSK} And Artist? and why?

I am still exploring who my favorite artist is……that is very hard – not sure I could ever have a favorite. I do enjoy abstract and contemporary art.

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{TUSK} Who or what is your biggest source of inspiration?

I am always inspired by nature. The sound of water in an ocean or a river, or the green trees against the bright blue sky. Hiking deep in to the woods where your breath is the most you hear. I love color and how it makes me feel. I am inspired by artists of all kinds. I think I will end up doing some sort of art. I was meant to be creative.

{TUSK} You are also on the verge of an exciting new venture establishing your own company. I love your title, Visionary Consultant. Could you tell me a little bit more about your company and what a Visionary Consultant does?

Well, when I decided to call myself a Visionary Consultant, to me it meant believing, achieving, and receiving. Having the ability to listen to those who want to create a something in their lives and helping them with the process to get them there. visionary - vizh-uh-ner-ee - a person of unusually keen foresight – This is the only definition that I felt comfortable with for me personally. I feel my strength is listening and believing to what someone is trying to achieve, and then showing them the process to receive it in their lives. Thanks for letting me go over this a bit. I thought maybe I should change it but I decided I will keep my first thought about it.

{TUSK} So, working with artists, what piece of advice would you give to artists trying to earn a living doing what they love?

I would tell them to do what they love and find someone else to do those details of networking, deciding on prices, target audiences etc. to someone who believes in them as well. I think when you are the artist - it is enough just to keep doing it. To have someone help you is worth every penny. Some of us can see where the artists need to go next as far as galleries, portfolio and just overall networking. The artists I know don’t seem to have that component and don’t want to do that part anyway. I enjoy that part so much. I become very passionate about the art and how I can get it to the population so people can immerse themselves in the overall feeling of the art. If you are an artist, keep creating so that we all can lose ourselves in the view.

{TUSK} What’s something most people don’t know about you?

I wanted to be an actress and I wanted to be on CNN. I went to acting school and also broadcasting school but then life happened and kids and what I wanted went by the wayside. I still enjoy being on camera and I am considering taking acting classes. I think it is a great outlet for those of us that are so involved in what we do every day.

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{TUSK} What political issue is most important to you right now?

The most important political issue for me is bringing our most courageous and brave men and boys home from a war. It is time for that war to be over.

{TUSK} Is there anything that people often assume about you that is not true?

I think people look at me and think that I have always had an incredible life because of the way I carry myself and am always so positive. Not true. The not so good journey at times led me to be who I am today. I am grateful for those times because they have created a sense of humility.

{TUSK} What is the one thing you have fought for or wanted most in your life?

I fought for ALL people to be treated equally no matter their race, color or creed. I would love for all of us to put aside our prejudices and just get to know people for who they are instead of always judging who they are not.

{TUSK} What is the best advice you have ever been given?

The best advice that I have ever been given is: “If you are going

to hate something - Hate the false idea that you are not capable of your dreams.”

{TUSK} What do you love most about Denver?

I love that there is 320 days of sunshine in Denver. I am so energized by the sun in my life and being able to put the top down on my car so much of the year!

{TUSK} If you could see yourself in five years what would you hope to be doing?

I would hope to be working with incredible artists and fashion designers. I believe I could give them a voice in the community. I would love to be able to hear their stories. I believe we all have a story. I would definitely love to be traveling more. I am still trying to get to Argentina…..LOL

{TUSK} Kathy, I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. I feel lucky to have had the chance to get to know you over the years. You are truly someone who has contributed to Denver so much and helped a great deal of our community. Thanks for being a part of TUSK.

Thank you so much Denise – I am honored to be a part of your most fabulous project, TUSK. You are an amazing woman and I love being a part of your circle. Thank you!

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My appointment was set for 11 a.m. Monday morning to meet Yasu Kizaki at Den Deli Seafood and Noodle Bar (http://www.dendeli.net). In typical fashion, my fear of being late had me circling Pearl Street for twenty minutes before I finally parked, took a deep breath, and walked inside. Den Deli was just opening for the day and was filled with employees getting ready for what I later saw was a very busy lunch crowd. My nerves were immediately calmed when I was greeted by Yasu’s wife, Elizabeth Montana. Her warm and welcoming smile served as a lullaby for the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. She walked me to the back seating area, a bit of a quiet refuge perfectly placed behind a brick wall weaved with vast arch window cutouts. There I met Mr. Kizaki and was invited to take a seat across from him at a large dark wooden table with bench seats. Elizabeth had left to order us tea and coffee, then returned and sat next to her husband. Our meeting started out with Yasu interviewing me. I found myself answering questions that seemed to be cleverly pointed to helping not only Yasu figure out who I was, but also served as an opportunity for me to delve deeper into my own truth. I’m almost certain that this is a common practice of Yasu’s; he has a passion to know about others and as later stated by his wife, “an ability to store all of his knowledge about people he meets and later access it, his mental storehouse”.

When it came time for me to ask a few questions of my own, I started with the most obvious - I wanted to learn more about Den Deli. This was my first visit and I was really intrigued by the setup, food, and location. Den Deli Seafood Market and Noodle Bar, Sushi Den, and Izakaya Den are all located right next to one another on South Pearl. Sushi Den has been a fixture in this neighborhood for years now and is known for its high standards and excellent service. A few years back, Izakaya Den was established as way to offer this same set of standards and quality in another form - Asian fusion and tapas. The founders also saw

Business with Heart

Yasu Kizaki and his wife Elizabeth are both smart and dynamic people, but as a team, they are truly an inspiring force. I had the opportunity to sit down and talk with them at Den Deli, the newest addition to the Sushi Den Family. I learned a lot about their ever growing list of ven-tures, and, a little something about myself. Story & Photography by Denise Faddis

Yasu and Elizabeth photographed at Balistreri Vineyards.Look for a story about Balistreri Vineyards in a future issue of TUSK magazine.

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it as a way to accommodate their loyal customers when Sushi Den was experiencing a large volume of visitors and long waiting times. As keen business people, they also understand that keeping the proximity of their restaurants close allows for better control over each one. Yasu Kizaki, is of course one of the founders of these restaurants. He is the eldest among 4 brothers and the second brother, Toshi, is the head of the organization. Toshi is also the master chef for all of the restaurants. The youngest brother lives a few minutes away from the fish market in Fukuoka, southern Japan, and handpicks the freshest fish and sends them daily to the restaurants. Elizabeth and Yasu also let me know that Toshi is the real visionary and artist behind the three establishments. “Toshi has an ability to predict and understand restaurant trends.” Judging by the success these restaurants have experienced, I would have to agree with them wholeheartedly. I also believe it has a little something to do with Yasu’s comprehensive knowledge of business and marketing. He understands the importance of working with others and opening up doors to every possibility. I can tell by talking with him that part of his success comes from his desire to understand others and help them achieve their dreams.

Den Deli opened its doors a couple months ago and has already seen a real following. They offer people a relaxed yet sophisticated environment, with a large range of food options and ways to

enjoy it. You can go to have a casual lunch with friends, simply have coffee and dessert (Toshi’s wife is the pastry chef of all three establishments), or get Sushi Den sushi in to-go packages. And get this; you can buy everything you need to make your own sushi at home. Now that’s visionary thinking at it’s best. The Kizaki’s walked me around Den Deli and it was a real sensory experience. The front cases are set up with colorful food displays that truly make you want to taste it all. The menu includes traditional Japanese noodles, Greek Salads, and Kobe Beef Sliders to name a few. Something about the setup and layout of this restaurant gives you a feeling of robust flavors and choices beyond most.

After our tour of Den Deli we sat down to talk about the various other projects that keep Yasu and Elizabeth busy. Elizabeth owns Dream Italia Tours (www.dreamitalia.com), a company she started seven years ago along with her business partner, Elena Pietrunti (a Florence native). Elizabeth is very passionate about Italy and Dream Italia. It’s obvious when she speaks about it, with big eyes and lots of hand gestures, that this is important to her and her commitment to it is strong. I can tell you that when I travel, I tend to steer clear of any type of organized touring. However, after hearing Elizabeth explain how Dream Italia operates, I would certainly be open to one of her tours. In fact, it seems as though she has found the perfect combination of planning and freedom to

Den Deli Ton-Kotsu Style Ramen Noodle

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explore. Dream Italia Tours have small group sizes (10-15 people) and comfortable and charming upscale accommodations, digging deep into the Italian culture that Elizabeth loves so much. She first fell in love with Italy when she was in film school, living and studying in Florence. Originally, Elizabeth had careers in clothing design and film. Eleven years ago something changed; she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and her life seemed to take on a whole new meaning. She had the opportunity to really look inside and connect with her true passions. One of the many positive things that came out of her struggle was her realization that she wanted to start Dream Italia. Elizabeth is now thriving and her grateful and optimistic personality has only grown stronger, along with her business venture. Coincidently, Yasu also has his hands in a touring company. Undiscovered Japan takes you on tours through the Kanazawa region - the epicenter of Japan’s rich food culture. Learn more about Undiscovered Japan at www.undiscoverdjapan.com.

When the discussion had turned to health, another important part of Yasu and Elizabeth’s daily lives was brought up. They have been taking USANA Health Sciences vitamins since 2008 when Elizabeth went for a yearly check up and had less than desirable results. She wanted to take charge of these issues naturally and was given a year to do so by her doctor. They suggested adding some important vitamins into her diet. When she started doing research on supplements she was shocked to see how many vitamins are out there with varying doses and different suppliers. When she was introduced to USANA she immediately took to the company and was impressed by their high standards, including the fact that they were pharmaceutical grade supplements. Elizabeth noticed a dramatic increase in her energy after three months and Yasu felt better in just one month’s time. Both Yasu and Elizabeth also wanted to lose some weight so they decided to try USANA’s cleansing programs and both saw dramatic results.

As part of the cleanse you eat 5-6 meal replacement shakes and nutrition bars for the first 5 days, then begin to introduce healthy, low glycemic foods. Yasu joked that at first he felt like it might be too hard because he felt so hungry. Then he remembered how years ago when he was studying to be a Buddhist Monk, he successfully accomplished his given task to have nothing but water for three weeks. He went on to tell me that after his Buddhist studies, he went to London to work with sick children. During that time he had to take a job in a restaurant to make ends meet. This was the beginning of his interest in the food industry. His compassion to help others is still alive inside. He is involved in many different types of fundraising projects and donates a great deal of money to schools each year. (When you look into USANA, also take a look at their M.O.N.E.Y.T.R.E.E. Formula, as Yasu mentions he is very impressed by the way this business model is done and hopes to someday apply it to his fundraising efforts).

As part of my March interviews, I wanted to find out the common characteristics of successful individuals. The recurring attitude people like Yasu and Elizabeth possess is resilience and strength.

They connect with their inner power and keep trying until they reach their goals. As Elizabeth mentioned, it also means using your skills to find a way around a road block. After my time with this dynamic team, I think they could pretty much outsmart any roadblock that comes their way.

(Above) Den Deli Asian Pear Salad. (Below) All the ingredients you need to make your own sushi are offered.

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Rocky Mountain Children’s Law Center Founded in 1981, the Rocky Mountain Children’s Law Center protects and saves the lives of Colorado’s abused and neglected children through zealous legal advocacy, inno-vative programs, and public policy reform. Although many people believe that abused children are safe once they are removed from their abusers, the trauma and instability of state care can inflict a different kind of abuse that is just as damaging.

The plight of former foster youth shows just how detrimental the system can be:- Only 46% graduate high school, compared to 84% of the general public.- One in five become homeless. In fact, 27% of the homeless population spent time in foster care.- 25% are incarcerated within two years of leaving the system.- Girls who spent time in foster care are six times more likely to have a child before the age of 21.

The Children’s Law Center aims to prevent this grim future by providing maltreated children with critical direct services while they are in foster care, educating the commu-nity about their struggles, and pursuing public policy reform.

In addition to providing direct representation to maltreated children, the Children’s Law Center also recruits and trains volunteer attorneys. Misha’s story is but one child’s story that was impacted by the work of a pro bono attorneyhttp://www.rockymountainchildrenslawcenter.org/success_stories/misha

All names of Children’s Law Center Clients have been changed to protect their identity.www.rockymountainchildrenslawcenter.org

From the heart

Mission: The Rocky

Mountain Children’s Law

Center protects and saves

the lives of Colorado’s

abused and neglected

children through zealous

legal advocacy, innovative

programs and public policy


Note worthy non-profits

Photos and text provided by RockyMountain Children’s Law Center.

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TUSK Magazine is part of Faddis CreativeAll rights reserved

Please contact me and tell me what you think. Do you know a great company or restaurant you think I should visit and possibly write about? Let me know. Do you own a product or clothing line you want me to feature? Contact me.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Enjoyed this issue? Send it to your friends and coworkers.

Please let companies and people you read about in TUSK know where you heard about them. Also, visit our website to learn more about advertising opportunities with TUSK.


[email protected]


FixedBy Jenny Luper

I fix my stare at you,trying desperately to memorize each line;

the curve of your jaw as you laugh (not at my jokes)the crinkle in your eyes as you smile (not at me)the curve of your back as you turn (not to me).

Every night I assemble these pieces,the mosaic of your face and body,

but it’s never the same;I add too much glue,

and I’m always missingat least one shard.

Cow Heads and DefibrillatorsBy Jenny Luper

I walk through your terminal unsureof where to go, am I at the right gate,

can I make it there in time for pre-boardingor will your cowboys look at me and know I am

some willful, liberal, woman writerwho waits for the next town with baggage of fear I won’t check

standing in the company of who knows,and is more than a little unsure.

I race through your terminal and am startledby your cow head hanging not in your store,

not next to your store’s sign, but proudly displayedabove your store’s moniker, and it holdsthe largest eyelashes I have ever seen.

I have little time to understand, I am still racingup your stairs and through your construction and

all of the way which must be a half-mile yet toconnect to the same damn airline in two different terminals

and I notice the same lit-up, red against white and blackdefibrillator sign, stationed every 200 feet.

I have raced one-half mile (I know my pace) andI must have seen at least ten.

Does your everyman race through your airportwith terminally clogged arteries to necessitate your signs?

Have they a class in grade school to teach them thebasics of jumping their heart with your cables?

My mouth hangs open and I stare at theFOX News Store where one can buy what I

don’t think I want to know, and I amterminally unsure as I race through to C24.

FixedBy Jenny Luper

I fix my stare at you,trying desperately to memorize each line;

the curve of your jaw as you laugh (not at my jokes)the crinkle in your eyes as you smile (not at me)the curve of your back as you turn (not to me).

Every night I assemble these pieces,the mosaic of your face and body,

but it’s never the same;I add too much glue,

and I’m always missingat least one shard.

Cow Heads and DefibrillatorsBy Jenny Luper

I walk through your terminal unsureof where to go, am I at the right gate,

can I make it there in time for pre-boardingor will your cowboys look at me and know I am

some willful, liberal, woman writerwho waits for the next town with baggage of fear I won’t check

standing in the company of who knows,and is more than a little unsure.

I race through your terminal and am startledby your cow head hanging not in your store,

not next to your store’s sign, but proudly displayedabove your store’s moniker, and it holdsthe largest eyelashes I have ever seen.

I have little time to understand, I am still racingup your stairs and through your construction and

all of the way which must be a half-mile yet toconnect to the same damn airline in two different terminals

and I notice the same lit-up, red against white and blackdefibrillator sign, stationed every 200 feet.

I have raced one-half mile (I know my pace) andI must have seen at least ten.

Does your everyman race through your airportwith terminally clogged arteries to necessitate your signs?

Have they a class in grade school to teach them thebasics of jumping their heart with your cables?

My mouth hangs open and I stare at theFOX News Store where one can buy what I

don’t think I want to know, and I amterminally unsure as I race through to C24.