€¦ · turtles. akmloglttl piimrtttlon upon edible shell, bacbl. ioal...

TURTLES. AKmloglttl PiiMrtttlon Upon Edible Shell, bacbl. I Oal vest too (Texas) New«. ] The green turtle is one of tbe largest of the genus, often measur- ing five feet in length aud weigh- ing about 500 to 600 pounds. The abell consist of thirteen dorsel seg- ments or divisions, surrounded by twenty-five marginal pieces, and Ha form is somewhat heart shaped, or pointed at the extremity. It receives Its name from tlie fat, Which is of green color. They feed on a kind of grass growing iv the bottom of the sea and gulf, com- monly called turtle grass, and are Dot found any distance from the place where this exists. The Isle of Ascension is called by Sir J. E. Alexander "the headquarters of tbe Quest turtle in the world," aud bis account of it in thut locality, which la subjoined, is really inter- esting: "We walked down to the turtle ponds, two large inclosure- Dear the sea, which flowed iv and out through a breakwater of large atones. A gallows was erected between the two ponds, where the turtle are slaughtered for shipping, by suspending them by tbe biud flippers and cutting tbeir throats. About 300 turtle, of 400 and 500 pounds each, lay ou the \u25a0and or swam about in the ponds, a algbt to set an alderman mad with delight." The most common way by which turtles are taken is to oatch them when tbey come ashore to lay tbeir eggs, and turn them on tbeir backs. Iv the Keelong Is- lands divers venture into the waters and seize a turtle by the flippers, forcing tbe animal to rise to tbe surface, when it is captured. This animal derives its name from the scales overlapping each other at tbeir extremities, 111 the manner nf trffes on tbe roof of a building. The outline of the shell is more heart- shaped than any other species, aud terminates more acutely; each of the middle row ot scales on the back is also of an acute form at tha tip, and has a ridge down the middle. Tho head is small- er than in auy other turtle; the neck longer and the beak nar- rower, sharper and more curved, so as to bear uo inconsiderable resem- blance to the bill of a hawk, heuce the eommou or popular name, "hawk's-blll turtle." It is a native nf the Asiatic and American seas, and is occasionally found in the Mediterranean. Its general length la about three feet, though it is sometimes much larger, aud lv the Indian Oceau specimens have oc- curred of more than twice that size. The flesh is held in no esti- mation as an article of food, but tbe plates of tbe shell are strouger, tbieker and clearer thau in any other kind, and afford the valuable substance called "tortoise shell." Tbey are semi-transparent and ele- gantly variegated with whitish, yellowish, reddish aud dark brown clouds and undulations, so as to constitute, when properly prepared ?nd polished, one of tbe most ele gant articles for ornamental pur- poses. AFlirt Justly Punished. Forney's Progress describes au interesting scene in a theater. The flirt for ouce met her match: Seat- ed in tbe orchestra a cert tin lady and gentleman; tbe former much enamored of tbe latter, in fact, de- sirous of winuing him. The h.dy, however, has flirting tendencies, and Indulges them with a baud- some person in the circle. The es- cort is not unobservant of this little byplay, and finally asks smilingly: "Do you kuow tbat gentleman with whom you are flirting?" An embarrassed negative is tbe reply. "Then excuse me a moment." The escort Immediately crosses the theater and puts a similar question to the otherconspirator. "rilr, are you acquainted with the lady at whom you bave been smiling this last half hour?" "No." "Would you like to be?" pleasantly. Very much surprised, "Certainly." "Then come with me " A moment later the escort introduced the not altogether comfortable pair. Then the mild expression leaves the In- sulted gentleman's face, and he says sternly: "Now, sir, you may ac- company this lady home." With a bow be takes his leave, and the woman who loves him never bears his voice again. An English physician relates tbat on the llth of February his wife, after mixing some corn meal for feeding the fowls, missed her Wedding ring from her linger, anil after a fruitless search gave it up ?a lost. On the Bth of April, while engaged eating au egg at break- fact, she felt the eggspoon grate against something hard at the bot- tom of the egg below the yolk, and on further investigation found the lost ring firmly fixed by membra- neous adhesions to the bottom of tbe egg. The egg was of extra large size, and was laid the day be- fore. Large bodies of troops are to be assembled durlug tbe present Hum- mer at the principal military sta- tions In Russia, to be exercised in manoeuvres on a large scale. Al together, thirty-one camps are to be formed, the aggregate of the foroes oollected in them amounting to 439 battallions of Infantry, 216 squadrons of cavalry and SBfi guns. Among the Intuntry are 42 of the newly-organized reserve battul- iona. dsdas Awarded tbe Higbeet Medal it Vienna I. ft. H. T. ANTHONY & CO. 591 Broadway, New York, (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel), MAKOFAOTUBERS, IMPOBTEEB ARD DEAL ERA IN Ohromos & Frames, Stereoscopes, Views, Albums, Graphoeeopas «.nd BuiUble Views. AFHIC MATEniALa. -ten Cor everything Id the nd May to Lanterns, uterus aud Hlldee, wltb ?\u2666 on application. make mono reference. OUR OWN COLUMN. DAILY AND WEEKLY HERALD The Leading Paper UF Southern California. Will devote its cotuinns to furthering tht Interests of Lob Angeles city and counts aud the Southern portion of the Stale. II is the Intention ofthe publisher o mak< THE HERALD Auewspaper of the day, complete in al Its details, and In evory department Full and Reliable, The Editorial Columns will discuss al live tnplcsof Ihe day, white the Telegrams, By arrangements uewly effected, will b, the fullest and most exhaustive to b found in any paper of the State, not be lngsurpassed by those of the SauFranciso datlies. The Local Columns Will contain a complete resume ol luca happening" ami sit matters ol home In teresl, DAILY HBBALD.byu.all.l year...UoO ~ \u25a0\u25a0 < 6 mouths.., 60 ~ ;) mouths... 21 Delivered In Ibe City St 25 CENTS PER WEEK THE WEEKLY HERALD! TBBMS: Weekly 1 yearbymnll 13 0( M smooths fit M | .'? 106 Payable lavarlably In advance Joseph D. Lynch, PUBLJj^JBR, , at * . MEDICAL. DR. PIERCES STANDARD REMEDIES Are not advertised us " cure-nits," but are specific. In tbe diseases tor which Ihey- are recommended NATURAL ELECTION. Investigators Of natural science have demonstrated beyond eonirovery that throughout the autmal kingdom ihe "survival of Ihe fittest" is the only law that vouehsutes thrift and perpetuity. Does not Iho same principle govern the commercial prosperity ot man? An in- ferior cannot supercede a superior arti- cle. Ky reason of superior merit, Dr. I'ierce's standard Medicines have out- rivaled ull oi hers. Hielr sale In the United States alone exceeds one million dollars pi r annum, while l lie amount ex- ported fools up to several hundred thousands more. No business could crow to such gigantic proportions and rest up- on any other basis' thuu that of merit. Dr.Sage'sCatarrh Remedy Is Pleasant lo Use. Dr.Sage'sCatarrh Remedy Its cures sxtead over a period of Twenty Years. Dr.Sage'sCatarrh Remedy Its sale Coustuntlv Increases. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy CuresTiy lis Mild, southing KUecl. Dr.Sage'sCatarrh Remedy c ures '-cold in Heud" aud Catarrh, ol Ozuma. AW OPEN LETTER?IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Kockpokt, Mass., April 2, 1877. Mb. Editok: ? Uuviug read in your pa- per repoits of the remarkable cures of ca- tarrh, i am induced lo tell " whal I know about catarrh," and 1 fancy the "snuff' 1 and "Inhaling tube" makers (mere dol- lar grabbers) would be glad if they could emblazon a similar euro lv the papers. For nilyears I raftered with catarrh, Tad uasul passages became completely closed.. "Snuff," "dust," "ashes," "Inhaling- lubes," nnd "sticks" would:.*! work though at Intervals I would sunt up the so-called catarrh smill. until 1 buciuue a valuable tester for such medicines. 1 gradually grew worte, nnd uj unu ens know how much 1 Buffered or what a miserable being I was. My head ached over my eyes until I wus confined lo my bed lor mauy successive days, infferini the most unease pain, which ai oue Unit lasted continuously lor Ilia hours. All seuseol smell and taste gone, slgul and Hearing Impaired, body shrunken aud weilKeuuu nervous system stral lered uud constitution broken, uud Iwm hawking and spilling seveu-eighlns ol the lime. 1 prayed lor death lo relieve me oi mv su fie ring. A favorable notice lv i oui panel 01 Dr.Sage'sCatarrh Kemedy In- duced me to purchase a package aud usi ll wllhtlr. fierce., J-ttwal Douche, willcli applies ihe remedy by hydrostatic pres- sure, the ouly way compatible wiih com- mon sense. Well. .Mr. Editor. It did not cure mc iv three-,ourths of a second, no/ m one hour or mouth, but iv less than eight minutes 1 was relieved, and in three mouths entirely cured, and navt remained so over sixteen mouths. Whilt usiug ihe Catarrh remedy. 1 used Dr, fleroe'a Cioideu Medical Discovery to pa- ruy my biood uud strengthen my stone ach. 1 also kept, uiy liver aelivo ali'J bowels regular by the uaeol his Pleasant Purgative Pellets. Jt my experience trill induce oilier sufferer* to seek Ihesanu meant oi relief, tht» letter will have air swered Us purpose. ?,-..,,.,. 1ours ,ruiy, S. D. RE MICK. A CLOUD OK WITNESSES.?The fob lowing uanied parlies are amoug the thousands who have oecu cured of ca tarrh by the use oi Dr. sage's Catarri Kemedy: A F Downs, New Geneva, Pa D J lirown, St Joseph, .Mo; B C Leuis Rutland, VI; Levi springer, Nettle Lake Ohio] Chas.Norcrop,.Vlh ches!erheld..Me; Millou Joues, bertha, WYi J E Miller, Bridget- sun-ion, Wy. ; J C Merriman, Lo- gulisport, lud; M M I'ost. Loguusporl, luu;J W Bailey,'lreiooul, Pa; 11 U Ayres La Pone, Ind; Jessie Msears, ri Branch, lud- 1, Williams, caulou. Missouri: W A Thayer, ouarga, 111; S 11 IN ieholS, Jr. Gal- veston. Texas: Jonas F Keinerl. Sloues- vllle, Pa; S W Lusk, McFarland. Wis. Johnson Wlilianis. HelnncK. Ohio: Mtt MACurry, Trenton, leun: JUJosiin Keeue, N 11; A J Caspar, table Kock, W Va: Louis Auuers. uayaport, Ohlol C II Chase. MHthart.ind; Mrs Uenry Height, sau fraucisco. Cal: Mis t. M Oallu-ha. Luwreuoevnle. N V: W J Graham. Adei, Iowa; A o smilh, Newiian. Un; Chas i-. Rice, BalUmore, Md: Jesse M Sears. Cur- able,lud: Dau'l li Miller,St Aayne.luu; Mra Mtunle Arnatse. AM Deiancy st.Meiv York; 11 W llall, Hasting*. Mich: Win I- Murstou, Loweii, Ma.-.-: 1 W Roberta, Maricopa, Ariz; Ciias el Uelauey, pjarris- burg, Pa; M C Cole, Lo well. Mass; Mrs C jspnriin,Camden, Ala; Chariot F Raw, Fredencalowu. Ooio: .Mrs Lucy hunt* iugtou, Farmlugloii.lll; Capt 1-; ,-s spaiild- iug. Camp slaniuaugh, W yo; 1 W Tracy, sileainboal KoeK. Iowa; litisLydia W aite. ahushail.iN V; .1 M Peck, Jauotion City, Mom; ileury liauias, Cal; L BCilUf llliugs, Kallloul, ill; S Si Jones. ChuUes- ton Four Cornels, N V; Oeo F Hall, Pueu 10. Call Wm E Bartrle. sierilug, la; 11 E Ebou, U4S Peiin SI, t'lllsuuig, Pa: J 1' Jackmun, Samuel's Depot, Ky; lienrj Zobnsl, Ueueva, N V: Miss Mai tie Pai roll, Montgomery. Ohio; L i.edbrook Lhalham. ill; s B McCoy, Naanpon Ohio; W W Winner. Noilli Jackson Mich; Miss Mary A Winue, Dailcn, v, is jonnSselgler, Carlisle springs, Pa.i Jamei louipkiiis. st cioud.Miuu: ninoen nuei Pawuee Ciiy,>et>; Jos X Miller. Xeuni Ohio; HilNichuts, oa I vision. Texas; li L Laird, Upper Altou, ill; Jonu Davlv Prescott, Ariz;Mrs Nancy Graham, Foi est drove, Ogn. Golden Medical Discovery Is alterative, or bloocl-c!eansiug. Golden Medical Discovery Is Pectoral. Golden Medical Discovery lb a CbolaMOgue, or Liver isiiinulanl Golden Medical Dscovery Is Tonic. Golden Medical Discovery By reason of its alterative properties cures Discuses of tin- Blood and hit in, * Sc ofula,or Kind's Evil; 'Juniors; UJclth or Oui Holes; HI niches, r/lutpiea anu Kru-L,Hons, U> virius 01 ns l*ector«,i properues It cliil's BruUOLl al, Throalniid L.uuy atleetions Incipient Consumption inn Coughs, and Cbronte Laiynni- lis. its Cbolugogue properties, render i( mi unequal raiosiiy lor jiiiiousness; i*or ¥id 1,1ver, or ''LiverCom plaint;" und it* onie properties make fi equally uih.'n- cious in curing Inditfeslioii Los-, oi Ap- petite and Dy.spej.Ni;,. Winire tiie sain is sallow and covered Willi blotches und pimples, o; where mere arc acromions, swelling! and utJoc- ttons, a low bottles oi" Guillen Medical Discovery will elfcot an enLire cuio. it you feel drowsy, debilitated, have sallow color of skin or yellowuh-biown spots on iace or body, (request neauacne or dizzi- uess, bad taste in mouth, internal beat or chills aliernaled with but Hushes, | 0 w spirltsi ana gloomy forebodings, irregular appetite und tongue coated, you are sui- icring from Torpid Liver or HiliousncaS. in many cases ot Liver Complaint, only parte! these syinpLoms are experienced. As a remedy for ail such cases, itr. I'ierce's ?Uoiden Medical Discovery bus no equal, as It streets perfect cures.leaving the liver strengthened aud heultby. THE PEOPLE'S MEDICAL SERVANT DR. R. V. PIKUCE is Iho snje proprie- tor and manutacturer of tiie foregoing reraedles.all of which arc sold by drug- gists. He is also tiie author ol the Peo- ple's Commou Heiise, Medical Adviser, v work of nearly XXX) pages, wiih wood enpfravimts cud colored plates. lie bus alreudy sold of this populur work Over 100,000 Copies! PRICE, (post-paid) s : : $1 50 Address: R. V. PIERCE, Nl. D., World* IHipeniary, Huflalo4N,Y. \u25a0irs-eod-dAw-Lv LEGAL. SUMMONS. IN the District Court of the Hpfi.ifcenth I Judicial District of tlie Htate of Califor- nia, in aud for the county of Loh Augeies. Farmers' und Merohiiula' Hank 01 Los Angeles, Plaintiffs, against John MO- Elrath et al., i)etenduuts. Action brought in tho District Court of ihe seventeenth Judicial District ofthe State of California,in and for tho County of Loh Angeles,and the complaint died In said Couniy of Los Angeles, lv the olnco of the Clerk Of said District Court. The People ofthe Htalo of California, send greeting 10 John McKlralb, F. K. Haskell, John Towusley, K. I*. Hero- lord, Jaeib Lower, D. C. Wilson, H. D Uurrowsand W.C. Kurrey, composing Ihe rlrmot Barrows, hurrej A> Co., and tl. Newmark. M. J. NcwmarK, K.Coh'i and Mi A. Newmark. composing the i'-m ol H. Newmark A Co., Defendants* YOU are here jy reujuired to up arln un action brought ago lost you - the above named Plaintiff iv iho itrlot Court of the Seventeenth Joule trict of the State ol California, ii. nd lot the County of I*os Angeles, an- ,0 an Bwerthe complaint filed tbereli .within ten days (exclusive ofthe day ol servl c) aft 01 tneaervloe on you of this summons ?ii scved wiibin tins county: 01 dfeemig] out of tills county, but in this DlatrloT within twenty days; otherwise, with lv forty days or Judgment by de fault will be taken against you accord ing to the prayer of said comnlalut. Tho sum action is Drought to obtain a decree of this court for the foreclosure a ceriain mortgage described in the Bald complaint, and executed by the said John McKlrath on the 20th day of Au- gust, A. O, 1877, lo secure the payment 01 aoertalb promissory nolo for the sum of $:J7 0 gnld coin, with interest thereon from date at the rate of l percent, per month, payable every three months in advance, and a<sns nerccnt.on the prin- cipal and i merest found due for attar- ueys* fees; that the premises conveyed by said mortgage may be sold, and the proceeds applied to the payment ot said sura of $3700 gold coin, with interest as aforesaid; also, 5 per ceut.ou the princi- pal and interest found due for attor- neys' fees; that a receiver be appointed to take charge of tho mortgaged prem- ises nnd to iccelvc th© r nta and profits thereoi during ihe pendency ol this ac- tion , and costs or suit; nnd In case sucb proceeds are not sufficient to pay the same, then to obtain an execu- tion ftgainat said John McKlrath for the balance remaining due; add also that the said defendants and all pcrson> claiming by, through .or under them, or either of them, mm be barred and foreclosed of all night, ti- tle, claim, lien, equity of redemption ami interest iv and lo said mortgaged prem- ises, and for other and further relief. Relerence \a had to complaint for partic- ulars. And you are hereby notified that if you fat] 10 appear and answer the said com- plaint as above required, tbe said piaintio will apply lo tlie Court for t iie relief de- manded in the said complaint. Oiven undermy hand ami the seal of the District Court of the Seventeenth Judicial District of the Stateof Ca llbrnla, In and for the county of I .os Angeles, '(his 20th day of March, in Iho year ol out Lord, one thousand eight hundred ami seventy-nine. [Seal.! A. W. POTTS, Clerk. By A. RIMPAU, Deputy Clerk, m2-2ui Notice to Creditors. _ IK TDK PROBATE COURT. LOBJ AN- GKLHS COUNTY. ESTATE OF A. PE LAN CON I, DEC'P. icon*?* lv hArehy given by Ihe under- signed* Executrix ot the aat*s« of Antonio Pelanconl, deceased, to the creditors of nud ull persons having claims against tlie an d deceased, to exhibit them with the neceasar} vouchers within ten months alter tin first publication of this not ice, to tlie said blxeeutrtx, at her residence In Los Ange les city, or to her attorney, F. P. Kami res, ai hta office, In 1 tin pic block, in said city. ISABEL R, PELANCONI, Executrix ot the last will and testa- men f of Antonio j el ancon L decease l. Los Angeles, Jtuie2iith, IgTv, je2o-5w Notice to Creditors. ESTATE OF 11. M, HALL, Pecensed. Notice is hereby given by tbe under signed, adminlatratiii 01 the estate oi 11 M. Bull, deceased, to the cred- itors of and all persons having claims against the suid deceased, to ex hi bit 1 hem, wiih tho necessary vouchers, with to tour months after the first publi- cation ot this notice, to tbe said admlnis tratrlX, at her residence, In I.os Angeles city, or to her attorney a, Glaeaell, Bin Kb A Smith, at their office in Temple Block, in said city. PAULINA BALL, Administratrix of the Estate 01 v. M. Ball, de ceased. Dated at Los Angeles, June 21, 1879. je2o In tho County Court Of the Couuty of Los Angelggj Stateof California. THOMAS J. ASKIN VS. BIS C'RED iTOP.H. Pursuant to Sb order Of I be lion. A 1berl sf* slovens, Judge ol tbe Com ty Court of loa Angeles county, notice is hereby given to the creditors of the Inaolveni, ihomaa J. Askln, to appear before sain J adge, at tlie court-room of said Court, in Angeles couniy, in the city and count) of Los Angeles, on the 21st day oi July, 1879, at ten o'clock A. M. o that day, then and there to show cause, If any there be, why the prayer of said pet it loner Should not be gran cdi that a cession of his estate be made and a dis- charge from all his debts, described 01 not described, be hud, as by statute pro- vided. All proceedings against suid insolvent are stayed. Wltneaa, my hand and the seal of the said Couit, this the 17th day nl June, 1878 A. W. POTTs, County Clera. By E. 11. OWENS, Deputy Clerk. |Seal.] Wlcksa WICKS, Attorneys, jeistd Certificate of CG-Partncrship. Notice is hereby given and this js to certify tbat Hie uudeisfgned have this day formed a partnership for the trans- action of business In this State; that the names of the persons hiteieeted aa part- ners In said business and the names It lull of nil the members of said oopari ner- ship are Kobert bills and Charles J Glover; ami that their place of residence is in the ckj and couniy or Los Angeles, state of California* Dated July 141 h, Ifc7!>. ROBttRT HILLS. CHARLES J. GLOVER. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, 1 County of Los Angeles. J as * On this fourieeuth day of July, in the year oue thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, before me, A W. Potts, County Clerk and ex-omofo Clerk of the County Court in and for said c u-.nty, pei- Bonally appegred Robert m lis ami I Ibsrh - J, Ulover, known to me to bo the persons whose names are subscribed to the within Instrument, ami acknowl- edged tc, me that ! hey exedu led the same. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal, 0/ said oouit,at my office* in the aald county oi t os Angi Its, the day and year iv this cer- tificate first above written. Meal.] A. W. POTTS, County cierk and ex-offloloClerk of aald County Court. Jyls-4W By A. NORTON, Deputy. In the County Court Of Los Angelea County, Htate of California. EUGENE GERMAIN Vs. HIS cred- itors. Pursuant lo an order oi l he Hon. Henry M. Will.a. Presiding Judge of the said County Court of Los Angelas county, no* lice is hereby given to all (he creditors of the said Insolvent, Eugene Germain to bo and appear before Ihe said Judge, In open court, at tho court room ot said Qolirt, at the Court House, in Ihe eliy and county of Loh Angeles, on Satur- day,tho lOtn day of August.A.D.lB79, at 10 o'clock a. wt. of that day, I hen and there to show cause, if any they can, why the player of said insolvent, ahoujd not be granted, und an assignmeniof his 1 slate be made, and he be discharged fmm bu debts and liabilities, In l ursimnceol tho statute In BUoDoa*e made aud provided. And In ihfl meau tin"" '* proceedings ag'dnst aald 1 nsoi ?<'\u25a0: . " .ayed. Witness, my 3 >c seal of suid K er ,A. D. ib79. tseal.j fZo/" >TTS, Clerk. J. A, GRAVES, j*! /or Petitioner. ]/ I LEGAL. MASTER'S SALE. n tho Circuit Court or the Untied scilcs. Ninth Circuit, in and tor the District oi California camilo m vhtin. Complainant, vs. VILLI am TKMPLE, Administrator pith the will annexed of the estate 01 VILLI AM WORKMAN, deeeas, ,1, et al., defendants, in pursuance of a decree ol said Circuit ourt, entered In the above entitled ause on tne l;uh day of February, lB7oi thereby I,the undersigned, Master in jhaucery of aald Court, waa authorised md directed lo make, comiuct an 1 carry uu the sale oi the property hereinafter icsi-ri bed. Notice Is hereby given that on SATURDAY, tbe -Oth DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1879, VtHoVluek P. M. Of that day, nt the uoor if tb«Court ilou-c, in tbe olty uf Lus Viiieies, in the couniy of Los Ange- es, In suid district, 1 shall sell at muljc auction. 10 1 he highest bidder, rm- \u25a0ash 111 gold com Ol the United slides, lv ia pa rate parcel-.a- betel uaf ter desert bed he following described property, oi so nuobthereoraaaball be Lccesaary 10 pay jomplainant the amount due under said iecree, with interes* and custa and ac- nuitg costs, e>cepl t he pur. ion* thereoi lierelnauer particularly nu ntioned and ieaeribed, the aaid property being aitu* I ted I" 'he county of Los Angeles, staie if California, dutrlcl aioreaald, and par- ticularly bounded and described as fol- icws, io wli: First?Ail that piece of land situated in the county 01 1 us Am - c.T kmi'Mi ami iesenbed In Ihe publ 0 v \>js ot the United states of America as the aoutb ban of tba south west quarter 01 section seventeen (17) in townsuip two {2), south range ihirteen (1:1J, west san Hernardlnu bane and meridian, containing 80 acres, more or less. Second?Ali that tract of land Minuted In the county of Los Angeles known 11s tho M Rancho Potrero urande," bounded and described in ihe patent for the same issued by the United states Uoverntnenl to Juan M. Hanobes, dated .Inly 10, 1850, recorded in liook 1 ot Patents, un puye 1 and following, uecords of the Couniy ol Los Angeles, to which, and lo the BUivej ofthe United stales (surveyor* lieneral and field uotofl therein contained, refer- ence is hereby made for a more particu- lar description thereoi, saving und ex ceptina fi uio the operal ion of said decree bo muoh thereof as ia contained and de- scribed in a certain deed made by Wil- liam Workman to Maryerna Workman JC Temple, dated Octoberiid, 1882; record ed October Bd, 1848, in book ft, page iiSl Uecords of Los Angeles count v. Third?AH that :ract of land situated inthe county of Los Angeies. being a portion of tho "Rancho La Puonte**atn being that portion conveyed to Williau. Woikman by John Rowland, .sr., by 1 deed of partition dated June 23d, 18ti8, re- corded June 25ih, Istis, in hook 1001 deeds pagt*o9, Kecoids of Los Angeles couniy saving and excepting 1 herefrom all thosi portions theieol described and conveyei in and by the followlDgdeedai bust ?A deed from William Workman to Marge ret Workman de Temple, dat'-d Marcl ith, recorded March 5th,,1868* in booh ?Jut deeds, page 888* second?a deed fron William workman to Frederick Lam courn, dated September nub, iB7O, am recorded Seplemiier 171 It. 1870, in book II \u25a0 d deeds, page 45». Thtrd-A deed Iron William Workman and peregrine KHz Hugh to BJ itBeale and Robert H Baker dated April Ist, 1872, und recorded Apri 2d, 1872, In book 20 of deeds, page Bi (fourth?A deed from William Workman u> Joseph W Workman, dated Uetobei ilth, 1870, and recorded March 27ih, l*7;t vi book 21 oi deeds, paire 27,y l"itth ?.\ deed I mm. William Workman to tlu '?>utherri Pacific Kallroad Com DACV dated August 2nt a, IS7J, nnd recorded No- vember 201 h, \HIA, in book 21 of deeds page 183* And six 1 li ?A deed from Wil- liam Woikman to tiie Southern faclfii Railroad Company dated AprilBth, I*7l and rccouled May 4t h, 1k74, in book 20 «.i deeds, 1 age Jl7, atl in Records vi' Los An- ?*elea county, which said tiact?after ea< ceptmg the portions referred to in the deeds last übove-inem iom d .i-s bound- ed and de--cribcd as follows: licmninnu \u25a0 t a point in tin- centre of Ihe old bed 01 the nvei San Gabriel on Ihe south suk d ihe road from Los Angeles to Han Her nardino, in an Irregular mound of rock from wblob a willow tree 7 inches in di- ameter bbars N Ti x A degrees W ulatanl OS, links; thence aocordiug to the true mo- tto lan (the magnetic vaiiatlon b< ju- 11 leg o0 minutes east) along tin* exterloi boundary 01 said kancho La Puente. a> surveyed and patented by the United -tates. as foi tows: n WW deg t-i 18 chains 4i links to a willow 0 niches in diameter, marked si a. 2; ihence N lt>4 degrees v j,' chains; theuee N 11 deg hi ost chains 10 station 4, to a rock 11 inches lonS iuchei tVldeaad Blnchesthiekt thence) IH 7-->de(j wktfcbalna to a ayoamore 84 inches m diameter, aboul one oualn Bomb ofthi road leading In San Meruurdino urn! marked station ii; t hence along the parti- tion line described in said deed of parti- tion between William Work man and John Lowland, sr, s 4 deg W 40 chains k Ihe northeast corner ot the 40 acre tract lif said i-rcderick Lam bourn ; tbenci along said tract i\ 8*) deg W 80 chains; s I dOg W 20 chains; and S 811 degrees X 21 cliains baca tosald partition Inn ; tbencf along aald partition line aaiollowai s -i leg W 88cbalna b2 links to a make ens! lU3cha>ns. to aslake in mound in ravine, from which stake the northern one 01 a group ot t breo syeamorea on 1 he southern udec- of a yuhy or wash, all of about thir- ty Inobea diameter, bears 88i deg Wdla- anl 10l linus, ami tin 1 southern one 01 ftatdgioup bears S s\i deg W distant 418 links; Ihe middle one of said group md being visible Irom tin; said stake; theuee »ver 1 lie san Jose Hilts S 21 degrees X lOli ihaina and 60 links to the northeasteoi- aer of tbe tiaot of land conveyed by Wil- liam Wprkmanend Peregrine Fitsbugb 10 KB Beale and RobertH baker; theuee along ibe northern boundary line ofa ml Beale and Raker tract, as foi- lows: S SSdeg \\ 47 chains U7 links to a \u25a0 take marked P FltshUgb ami William Workman,on top of a large hill; thonoe s 88 deg W 40 chains and 60 links to a stake in mound of stone marked "1* Fitz- liugli und W Woi km an,*' close to a Btnal] arroyo; thence ti tiOJi dog W 2:1 chains and o'J links to a big pile 01 recks on lop ot a hill, marked *'P F «V W \V,"tbenoe deg W IT) cliains and so links, 10 a stake marked "P Wt% W W," with mound and pks, posted on summit ol a nigh ami \u25a0deep hill; ihence S 88V* d*-g W 45 chains a links io a big pile or i maiked on fie northern side ".V W" and on ,ihe southern side "P F;" thenct 8 87 deg W 22 chains lo a stake marked "P F A W W," on tht summit of a high hill, wiih mound and nits; ihence S 05 deg W 45 chut ns Oft llnkl to a stake marked "P K& W W," with pits In a mouud; thence N 71 <U.- VV 73 chat ol to a stake marked "P Fit zhugh Aw Work l man," on top of a hill; thence rt 6i deg W ,2 chains to a point in aald partition line: tlience along said partition line as foi- .own: N2B deg W2O chains to station 11 al a stump Of five prougß of an elder tret in tbe center 011111 arroyo, surrounded by eacius pniches; Ihence over ihe plain N 44){ degrees W 118 chains to a slake in a mound; thence 8 4 deg W 105 chains ttt links to a stake in mound at the lout. 01 tke western point of Ihe San Jose Hills, from which atake the house of wiiii im Workman hears 8 d< g W and s ft)Vs iegW; thecbapel bearsM .">i deg W;the mill of J- hn Rowland bears s 7 deg k, aud his house bears 8 deg VV; thence S 22% deg W 4K chains U7 links to the northern end of the division fence be tween the enclosures 01 Workman and Itnwland; Ihence along said fence < 22 deg W H chains 50 links to au oif-ei in lence ou the south hank ol un arroyo; [hence N 88d«g W34 Units lo corner 01 rence] thence s 22 deg W 10 chains links to the center of Nan Jose creek; thence along tbe channel of said oreeg ;> UM W 7 chains; ssl deg w Bchain*; \ 40M deg W y cliuiuh 60 links: N63dofi W 2cliains 50 links; N 18 de.' \V 2chains; NBO deg W 2 chains; N7i deg W 2 chains 30 knits; N 35 deg W I chsiu 50 links; N MH deg W 9 chains 2> links to Station 88 Hrnenee ihe Bontbeast corner ot Work- man* Chapel ber- N :o deg W; N 71 deg W 3 chains 60 links; N 81 deg W 8 ehalns (olinks; N ludeg w 3 chains .'»!? Unkai N4B deg W 2 chains 50 links; N 74X dey W 5 chains, to station 41 In said (peek, 'rom which the lenc-4 on the westt-ldenf Rowland's wheat tv hi ranges sii deg w, N;!sdcerecs W 4 chains; N 7714 deg 2 mains SO links; N 50 deg W 3 Chains6' l Inks; N 7734 deg W i chains to Station 48 n said creek; n deg w 2 chains <m inks to Hiatlnn 4U in said creek; thence cave crock and run In tho direction nf ho Suifar-Lonf lIHIrt 15 deg W liilluksto itatlou 4!i; Sl5 d<'g W IM chains to the md of said parMilon line, being a point v course I wenty-tour (2-1) of tlie .out in 1 n ixteritir boundary nf said Rspoho La 'uenk ; Ujenue along tho exterior bound- iry of said rancho as surveyed and pai- nitenicd by tin 1 United stales , t s jolla.vs: J Hy.% deg W li'schains2s links to atatloO 501 said rancho, to a charred stake In nouud; thence N 31 deg \v bin chains to tatlon 2', to post in mound; IhCQCe N 5!4 deg W lu7chalus lo Bigtton 27, in tbe ?-litre of the Klver 8»n Gabrieij at 03 haius on this course leaves hills, nnd to , point opposhe the dam of 1 lie Sun Jose reek, agreed upon us a point In line be- ween Iho Kanchos La Puente and San hirlolo, at a rock 2 feet long, IS Inches i-lde and 12 Inehcs ililck,on line; \u25a0\u25a0 1 halns crosses Hun Jose Creek al the dam 1 r Loma, I* links wide, course H 0, r » deg W, 1105.n0 chains to left hank ofthe Rivet an Oabrlel, to a rock 14 inches long, lo iches wide and 8 inches thick, on line, ira witness (o said utalluu 27; tl.ence long the centre ol tho River Ban Gabriel p stream as follows: N degrees X 5 halns; N 3Jl 4 / deg X 5 chains; N H]4 deg 5 chains; N 25deg W7chains; N 8 deg LKtIAL, ETchuins (at :i chains 73 links intersects tlUMinllt boundary of toW*.Mhip i, aouiti oi I lie huso Urn < \u25a0; range U WM( of the San Bernardino meridian, i| chains 60 Ltiikl Well «if »4 suction corner on tne south boundary ol lection 33)' N4ti; u ui-greos Mi 1: chums, N 1784 deg IS 7 chain*: N 10 deg \\ 5 cliaius; N U-,' 4 deg H 0 chains; N 42Jj dey m V ohatasi fcwJt ueg Jbl li pbalaaj n s&y 4 dagkUobalnsiß ";4 ueg bi 5 chain*: c 77J< dagKSebainii N MM deg B lobaim; sis deg El chains; :-»o.v 4 de.;E <> onaias; BOOM <kg a.6anamsbWltf deg X lo chains, &79degI£6ohaius; is. oi deg c q ohalui; N Htf J* deg X "> chains; N degrees En chains; 88 : > 4 deg h. fl chains tsJ links; N Uh'li deg E 8 ciiauis; jN oi'* deg E gchuiii*.; is 2it)4 deg X H chains; N 00' 4 deg E li chains; s 00! 4 ''eg Esch ilns; ... zll 4 deg E Hohains; N 7ij 4 E Heliums; .\ .jo' 4 deg H 9 chains; N 48 ueg B Itf chains; N ;V 4 ihg hi ii ehauiai N .MX decrees v> ;i chains BU links; ,\ MM deg W 11 chains; N c! 4 dcg,E 1 ti cliains. and N iv ( deg, al 87 chains, more or le*s, iut ne inoetwesterly point in the tractor land conveyed hy William Workman to Joseph w. Workman aforeeatu] thence along ihe exterior b hi mirks or simo I pact, and leaving tbe exterior boundaries t«< said Kancho "La Puente," SSJOIIOWSI S 68)4 ileg, E UO chains and 03 links; thence N 3H! 4 deg. E 77 chains nml7,> links to .sta- tion v; tlience N a, 1 ., deg, W i.">cliains and yjlinks Ul HtatlOU 13; tneuce N 16deg.B Hi chains to station 11; theuee N 75deg. \\ 57 chains and 78 Jinks to -tatlon one, a point, on the eastern bank ot a branch of the rlv r s*n Gabriel, and distant 158 chain.-, and 68 links BoUtb, audiOß chains ami 111111 us went from ih \u25a0 lyeaiuore tree, s.ui ion live (ft)of toe exterior boundary oi tne Government survey ot said ttanebo "m Fiu-nte;" thence along Said braueb »ol%degi W Ucbalna Lo station 2; tbenoe M deg, W 7 chains aud 60 linus to \u25a0taliou 3; t hence 5.,4 M deg.W lichalueand 50 liuks u> tiatiou 4i tbenoe s7l ' 4 deg, w (7 chains toital ion 5; ( hence 88)4 deg, W 7 cuaina to sin ion o; tbenoeaiong tin east, ban 1; of the nver san G.tbnel, Is 10! v <u-g, W 11 chains to station "; thence 6*t)4 deg, \V 0 chains log at ion t>; incoce s. iiui.jiJi'b', Wftouaina to station 0; thence Into tbe river bed, N 75 deg, W 90 ebal t ami 10 links to station 10, being tbi mosl westerly comer of humljoscvli We Work' man's ttac<, unda point on tbeexterioi line ol" said Haiu-ho ''La I'lienlt,''bear ing N 40)4 deg, c 27 obalns, more or less from tbe end of tbettSdcourieo said Kan cho. Tbenoe atouti the exterior line o said Rancho, N 40!' 4 ' deg, X 0 chulns more or less, to tbe irregular mound v rock aforementioned, being tbepiaoeo beginning. Mavimi and noWTXKa iron tbe above a certain tiuetoj land ooa\ eyec by William Workman to Murgarel Work man de Temple, dated Marcli sth, IsOS recorded Marcb fttb, lMiB, in hook 0 o deed*, page HA, and bounded und de acritwd us toilotrei Begiumn«i at tin moutb oi tiie mill race, wo ere ii la takei out of the creek ol wi.ler t hat runs ove aud tbrougb the Puente Kanebo, i.os au geiea eonnty, ami wb ob aaid mtilrwi supplies the mill of Wiiuam Woikman lateiy built In and upon the I'ueiHu Kan cho; Ihence down the be< ufaaid creek to .-aid mill,and on In con blnuatton down said bed, (he ulatenoe o otethousand(lfOwJ jrarda below taeaui< mill] tneuce nuitbwesterly, out iron said creek, one thuusMid yards tbenoe uortbessterly and parallel £o«al< creek, to a i m- in irunt of the moutb v the s. kl null race; 1 hence sou i heily dowi to the oret k and moili ll ol mill i ace nioie aaid, bo tbe oontentMmoreor less. s,*v (HQ am) kZOßmjrOi also, aoeriAin true ofiauucoreyea by William Woramauti tneUou'bern Paeiflo Hailroad Company by a need dated AUgU«t gtltb, ii>7J, and rS eoul'i in b«a>kS7oi dot da, page I*B, t.m deaorlbod ax loilowai A atrip or tract o land, one hundred (looi feel wlde t lylni equally on each aide vi ihe located Urn ofthe tSjutheru l'aciilc Railroad Com pany'a railroad, where the same Is look led througu thetruoi oranbdivlblun ot tin '?i,a Pneute ttanobOt'J 11 ib** ??wnty o L«a MidMi mnw t»i uanfornia.«nd wei known fts i lie "Win kmau i ract," and he ing more particularly described as 10l lowa f io*wlii Quiumenelng tor iueaam< at a pom I out he centre line of the miiiih era Paoiflo Railroad, w here said ccuin line lutorseota tbe northwestern line o ,>uid Woikman Tract at Hie ciosstngo the) nan (iaorlet river, and laniiiedlatetj ne>rtb ofoountj toad; and running thenoi easterly, along sani centre line of aaui noutuern Pact do Halt road ( near tobaicl county road, and entirely ihroughaaH Wm kmau i ret to the eastern boundary line t hereof, ut a point noi th of \u25a0 hi' lieu o ? un .lose Creek*embiaoin. a a (iipof Um< liny (ou) ieet wide on eaOII side oi sah centie line, for a dlvtanos oi 1 went v thou sand (.O.Oi Ol leet, more or less, contain* Ing an ana ol forty-six and iwo-ien h< v 4d l'-io) acres, more or less, havshg am KXt'KiTlMi, also, nil that tract ol la>m oouve> ed by Wttltam Workman m> lv southern Pacific Kallroad Company by » certain deed d tied April Btb. IttTS, record ed Mai lib, la i, in book 89 ot doid- pageBl7, Kec.-jds oi boa Augelea county and deacilbed aa follow.-: /»li tbaioer tain lot, piece or parcel of laud»ituaie I \ i ii i; and being In -aid count y Ol LoB An geles, and bouuded and particularly de scribed us mIIOWSf tO-Wltl ComRIOUCIUI ul a siabe W 70deg Mminutea, i L'l ll fei-i from ihe northweat corner of hrieli chinch: thence N 4.1 deg-j;i mm 588 fee Uiaatekei tbenoe 8 48aeg87mtu KBOTV feet lo n i take; ihence S 88 deg St) Din, W 074 feet to a sake; thence N iii deg;;; mm W 809>4 f'ut io the point of begin ningi co. t.onnig fexcluatveof tberiahi of way 100 lee! wide extending ihe samel live acre* of land, more or lass being a portion of tbe i<a puente Rancho rbO total area of Ihe linet herein doatg nati d ami described SS"Third," niter ex ospllng ihe ae*oral portion* mentioned and d-scribed in he six detils laatabuVf referred to, is i7,iib7 actea, be ihe B*m< more or Ichs, i oui.Tit?All that trad or land Mtuated In the County ot Los Angeles known at the Kancho Me Felipe Lugo,' or 'Jjolnrea, granted April tfttb, lß4ft, by PloPioob Teodoro Heuieru and Jorge Mori, io, ami containing 8048 81* JOJ acfea moie orleaa, whose ilth- w'ii-%coufirmed by the united k| itea Land Commissi..nern uc.ober Is h IBO.X lo the papers lv tho case beiore that tribunal, and Held notes of surveys in the ofiiee of tlu United .Slates Survejoi-Ueiieral In Sun Kruncisco, n fereuoo is hereby made 'or a more particular description\u25a0 saving and excepting therefrom an the Intttreal t herein owned or h-ld by lb.- dele ml an i Margarita Workman de Temple at im t >ma ol'bo execution of ihe mortgage in ih - bill of complaint herein all ged which iniensi. no excepted la bere hi re* -< rye l from (he openiuon of the Uicrei hen in. t-'lKiif?All that tract cf land BitUated in theoouuiyuf Loa Angeles, kuown a* i he Rancho 'La Merced,' ior v\ h h*h a pa l tent was issued hy the U' il- d KtSiel Groverumeni IoF. r. F. Tempi*) and Juan M. BanobUf dated Februeri IBtb, k which, and to the plat and tieid no ego] survey inert in comalned ro erunce li hereby made for a more pHrtlOUtar de- lorlptioutconta nlngBBBB7o 100 acres, sixth?Also, all I bat piece, parcel or int ~i land situated in the city oi Loi Ainteles, hounded uud described ns i«d- -lows: Commencing un the nortbweaterl) Hue ol spring street* al a potn* where tbi same is fntsrseoti <l by th \u25a0 southerly lim of land ot' Hamilton; run thence nortl deg wcul, 14") feet ami 9 Incurs: thenci BouiheaKdeg weat, along LhoHoutneaat< r ly line of New High sirect, 2;JO feet and i( Incbegj th Mice aouiheaateriy teet t< dm northwesterly line 01 spring sin-e;: and thence along said line ot tftprlna street, 840 (bet > nil 0 Inohea to the ot commencement. Any id tin-parties to ihe foregoing cm titled suit may become purchasers at an> such sule. Ualed at ran Fraoolson, Jnlvtfl, 1870, L. 8. H. H AWT EH, id iMiishr m Chancery, IN THE COUNTY COURT Of I,oa Angelei County, ol Call fowl». ItAAO 001) M ) vh. tin tnnolveuai'-No- Ills (.'ltKl'l tOR% ) ilea to Uredlto?. LIUBSUANTTO AN ORDER OF THK linn, A. M. siKl'lir.Ns, Jndiceol tlie above euttUe t r.,ur, uotle* I, liw by ilvon i», nil nf 11.0 nnd I ton i>i 1 UuN,an lo*olv, in debtor, 'i> bnund hp* pew before tbe Hon. A. M. Btepbene, L - niiiity Judge, al Un, Court Room "I Mid Court, la tbeeltjr and ooanty ol Lot An. Btate aloreeald,oo tho 21st DAY OK JULY, A. 1). 1ST:), At 11) o'clook, a, m., oi eald dey, then aud there i<, show eauae, if any t bey can, whj disiilhiiiion ,hop|d not !»t.' miii*-, agreea- ble in iiu' aontenle of tin- Matemenl by tbe aealett'ee nf Bald Ibeolveiii, hereto Ni- 'I In linn ollli'i', in tbliaollon. In uiinenH whini-m, I huvo tieronntoset my lininl, unit tin, hi-hI of tliu County Jmirl <.r Lo. Ahgele* I'niinty. IH'mil.] A.W. POT'Js.countyOlerk By K. 11. mvus, Deputy, Jelftd QftANT & CAMERON, BEEDSmEK. HELUOUIINE, VIOTOHIA, ACbTBAUA ?olleo|oyetej Heeae ol all Tree* and tihmbe iudigcnonH to tho Aiutralian Colonic,, icclu.-liD* n.<i Bail Hint Ptrjwrmll. Qirn,, AciKlIU, Et, lei* &EVOLVIE rum uuCl. uown a son, im ai^rwwKi«t.,i-aiiiwi|*,ya. LEGAL. IN the District Court or lne Heventceth I Judicial District ofthe state of Cali- fornia, in und for the county ofLoa Ait' geics* kenry Coweß,Plaintiff, vs. A. Me- serve ami others, Defendants* Action brought In the District Court of the 17th Judicial District 0/ the state ofCalifornia, In and for the tTountv ol i.os Angeles, and the Complaint (Hod iv suid city ami eeiinly of Los Angeles,ln Ihe oillce of Iho Clerk of said District Court. Tlie people of Ihe Stale or California send greeting to AlVln R. Meserve, Syd- ney Morby, bX F, Huao, Robert Cat heart, Arthur J* Hutchlnaon, L Brosaeau. Willi .m G. lialatead, Renry X, W. Kent, sar .h Uojaer, Ralph Leonard, William Riley,defendants: Yon me hereby required to appear In an action brought against you by the above named plaint ill lv the District Court of theSeveuloentb Judicial District of the,state 01 California, in ami for tiie county ol LOa Angeles, nnd lo answer the complaint died therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) alter the service on you ol this summons ?II served Within this county; or, ll served out oi this county, but in this dtstrlot, within twenty days; otherwise, within forty days-or lodgment hy default will betaken against yon, according to the prayer of said complaint* The saiil action is brought to obtain a decree of thla Court lortbe >i certain mortgage described m the saht complaint and exe- cuted hy tho said defendant A. r. Meserve 10 Los Angelei count y \u25a0 tank <di tbe twenty-eighth day ot Janu- ary, A, D 1874, to secure the payment 01 a certain promissory note mane by the said defendant a, k. Meaerve on the day nnd year last atore-ald fur the sum ol Jit 00, payah c six months after date to Loa Angelea County Hank or order, with Inierestfrom daieat the rate of one and ono quarter per cent, per month, paya- ble monthly 111 advance, aad compound- ing said lut rest monthly at toe same 1 ate and payable lv gold coin ofthe Unit- ed states, and by aaid I.os Angeles coun- ty Bank duly aligned to plafntlfl; thai no- premises conveyed by said ufortsage may in- .-old and the proceed a applied to the puynn nt of the sum ot $( 00 (ha aUce uf said note of fiouh.with interest there- on from A pill SI, 16>7, at t he rate of one mul oue*quarter per cent., per month, payable monthly in advance, and Com- pounding said Interest monthly at the tame rate; also, for 6121 79-100, tor so much money paid lor laxes aud redemption of mortgaged premises from tax Bale, with Intereat thereon irom February 0, ih;o, al two percent per monibj al-o, live per cent, on wbola amount due for counsel fees, ns provided In said mortgage; also, for costs aud expenses of ault, Ac, all tv gold coin of Ihe United States ol A tnerica; and to case such proceeds are not sutll- eteul to pay tbe same, then to ob am an execution agatust aaid deiendnntA It Meserve for the balance remaining due and also that the aaid ilcendauls and n 1 persons claiming by, through or ua* der them or either Ol 1 hem may be bar- red and foieeiosed or ail right, title, claim, llen,e<|itliy of redemption ami In iciest in ami to said nini tuSgSd premis. % and lor other and further relh i, as will more fully appear by reference to the complaint en Ale herein And you are hereby notified Hint if yen fat 110 appear ami answer the said com- plaint as above required, tbe said plain- tttl" willapply to the court for the relict demanded in the said comnlalnt. Given under my hand ami Ihe seal nt the District I \u25a0ourt of the Sevcnteehll Judicial District ofthe Stale of California, iv and for tho county of Los Angeles this eleventh day of June, In iho ye*.r oi our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. iscai of &eyent£*»*h District Court.] A, W. POT TS. Clerk. By D M.ADAMs. "opury Oierk. JosiAlt 11. APPLEGATtt, Plaintiff'! At'oruey, 7211 Montyonurv street, San Kranclaci. 1 7 2m IN THE PROBATE COURT Of tho CoUDty of I.os Angeles, Suite of Gal.fbroia* In the matter 1 f the estate nf carmen Pans de Charles, ni ceased. NOTICE FOR POSTING OF AVPLIOA- TION FJll L!:TIEKS OF .VDMIN- IsTKATION. Notice is hereby given tbat Henry Charles has filed with th» Clerk, of this Court a petition, preying for letters tee - autenlary Of tbe estate ot 1 armen Pana de Charles, deceased, and that Monday, the 21st day «f .July, A. D. 1*79, ut hi o'clock A. M. of said day. being a day *-f a gular term of tin-Court, to-wit,o' ihe July term, \. D 1a79, at the court-room of this court, al th \u25a0 Court If ouse, ta the city of Lo'j AngelOH, has been sot for bearing said petition* when and where any person IntoroHted may appear and show cause why the petition should not be gran cd. Dated Monday, July 7th, Lg79. A. W, POTTi. Clerk. By QUI*FIN JOHNSTON,DepuIj- Clerk. J y8t d Administrator's Sale. in pursuance cf an order of iho Probate Court or Los Angeles county, made on Ihe Kith day of Juno, 1879, in the mailer tifthe estate of Pedro Piiarfa, deceased, the undersigned, administratiix of said ? state, will sell nt private sale, tv the his beat bidder tor eesh in gold coin 01 the Government nt the United states ami kUbJfOt to Confirmation by said Probate \u25a0 ourt, on or after WEDNESDAY, tho lit DAY OF JVLY, 187!*, all Ihe personal property of Mild es- tate, consisting of gttout 10(000 sheep and some sheep corrals, and a moveable house ami one wagon and four horses, Terms of lhe sale?Cash, Bids may be made at amy time after tbe tir-t publics tion Oi I his notice ami before tlu* making of ihe sale, all bids or oilers must be in writing and left at the office of lilassell, Smith m Hmltb*attuineya al law.Temple Blook,Lofl anaelesclty, or delivered to the undelSigned personally. Dated June hi, 1079, JUVNA PI LABIA. Administratrix of the Estate of pedio Filarial deceased* jei7 Delinquent Sale. POMONA ORCHARD CO.?Location of principal place of business, Los a ngt lea, Cal. NO PICE. There are upon thelollow- llig described slock, on account Of assess- ment levied on iho oth day of June, lfc79, the several amounts SOI opposite the names Of the respective shareholders, as follows: No. of No. of Names, Cert i sea te shares. A int. L M Roll 66 and (i« 2 too A s Mpenoe NS t no S D Matlleld 4 1 .'JU Jami" Matlleld - - I :>o ki Hi Sbattuob 10 2 CO J c Mr Comas in I ao a adrew showers. ~,96 i o V Pom t 01 , I ;0 i A Duns moor 2> I ;o X Lstbron 4 1 ;to Arihur Itelmau 00... 1 au gnd In accordance with law, add an or- der 01 the Board or Directors, made on tbo tdxih day of June, 1679, so many share ?< of each parcel of stieti stock as may be necessary Will be sold at pub- lic auction, at tho otllco of the Compa rap, No, 6 Odd Fellows' block, Los Angeles, pal., on wi-'dnp.nijay, tt'o 3J'h day of July, 1879, at 2 o'clock I*. m., to pay l ip delinquent assessment., together with costs of advert ISIUg and expenses ot sale. By order Ol tbe Hoard of Directors. fr \nk k. fanning, Store tary* Offlcc -No. 3Odd Fellows 1 Block, July Hth, |a7O, jyia-td Notice to Creditors. EST AT E O X iiYD f A WI GST, Deceased, Pursuunt lo an order oi ihe Probate Court of Lob Angelei couniy, notice is hereby t;ivon to ull pt rsons having canns ngalnst the said eh ceased, to ex- hibit and present tbe same, with tho necesaary vouohers, to Ihe undersigned. administrator ot said OftSte* at his oillce and place of business, in the lurnltmo store of Hotter A Bradley, No. %?> Main street. Loh Angeles city, .-.dale of Califor- nia, according 10 law, within four mom ba a'ler the Oral publication Oftbhi notice. Los Angeles, April hi, IB7JI. ISAAC W. LOKD, Administrator of the ettata of Lydia We-, deceased. alfl-4w NEW YORKiniwißY PHIL. LAUTH [GucceHsor to Cl,t ia. Houne) PropPlelor. rhe CXjBABWT. fURKHT uuJ MOHI BtUbUAMT I.AOITR UKBU tii.atb -,r anu J.'m . I." j Ordure for BUAUdflt' ur rOTTLKJ Bn.h.K proiaptly uttended to. The celebrated Beer from tble Brewer, leflee comDetlUon In tbe Mate. mrS-lf MIBCK LI,AN KO US. Primary Ejections. Nolle* la hereby given thatal ll meet. liik oi the Demoefatlo County Central pominltu c for Los Ann. leg county, held in the city of l,oi Ang>le», on Monduv, the tirti day ofjaly, ifre, It ni Btetoleed, That a Oounty convention rortueconnty im i.os Anfle> les be held at TJiTIOISr HALL, IN THE CITY UF EOS ANUEL.ES. ON THURSDAY, THK 81st DAY OF JULY, 1879, Al 11 o'clock a. M.i fin* the purpose ol nominating candidate! lor couniy oiti- t ers io be elected ai i he general election io hi' held September Ba, W79j for the election *?( a County Central c- mmlttee, and lor such other purposes a* nmy prop- erly come before the Conventlon| That, for the purpose of electing dele- gates to said County Convention, A PRIM ABY ELECTION in*held hy i he Democrats of the several precincts herein titer named upon SATURDAY, THK 26TH DAY OF .JULY, IS7O. TU*t the polls in the several precincts bo opened at TW l O'CLOCK P.M. nnd Closed at SjX O'CLOCK I. M. of that day; Tnat the fid low ing hb tne test forvoters at said election: First, thai they are quellhod voters under tbe laws of this state; second, that they are Democrats; Tbat the several Judge* of Blec- tion holding the said election, whether appointed hy this committee or oi herwlse selected, he and t hey aro here* oy authorized ami required to canva-s the voies cast at their respective polling places and to Issue to the delegates tdieted tosaid Convention proper oerti- Hoatesol election, to he prt sentcd by the delegates to the Convention when assem bio i, and that such .Judges seal up Ihe ballots, poll and tally lists used at said election uud have them forwarded by some sa'o means before Ihe meettngol sa d Convention to tho Secretary of iho Democrat h- County Committee at Los Angeles < iiy; 'i htil the following ho und Is a list of the several precincts, polling places, Judges Of Election, ami the number of delegates to suid Convention t<> which Che several precincts are and shall bo entitled respectively j that is to say: Anaheim RM Harham's oitice; Theo Kin. pan, .1 udge] <I delegates. AXOSa?B ( alien's store; WA Palmer, jmigi; ? delegates* Cienega?Park Railroad station; J A Nichols, Judge, 9 delegates. Cahuenaa?school house; v Maud, Judge; l delegate* Common? New mark's store; (100 Car- son, Judge; 2 Ulegates, l'U.ule ? School house; I A Caldwell, Judge: 2 delegates. El Monte?McLsJd's store; J W Broad- ed. Judge; i delegates. Elizabeth Lake?Heffoer's Hotel; J Heiiner, Judge; 1 delegate, Florence? School house; G W Juden, Judge; 2delegate. Fountain \' al ley? -e'.ioo! house; E H Johnson, Judge; 2 delegates. Garden Grove?School house; Beau chain p. Judge; 2 delegates* Los Nietns ?it Gulrado's store; E M Bun ford. Judge; ;i delegates. La Hallona?school hou.-e; John I> Young. Judge; l delegate. Los Angela*?Flrai Precln ot?Bat b-at« BChool house; Jlj Wiitfht, Judge; 7 del- egates. second Precinct ?Olil Council rooms; A Davis, Judge; 6 deb urates. Third Precinct?Round House; Sidney Lnoy, Judge; 7 delegates. Fourth Preelnot?Court House; Wm U Workman, Judge; 10 delegates. Monte Vist . ? -chol house; O F Kirn ball, ludgi ; 2 deb gates. Norwala ? Rallioal depot; A >I Niece Judge: ;t delegates. Onl Mission Basey*a store; T.I Scully, Judge; 2 del* gates orange?Oraugo Hole!; Amos Travis, Judge; 2 delegates. Pasadena?School House; Dr W W Ed waids, judge; i delegate* Pomona - (School house; j A Berry, Judge; Odelegatea, Ravt na? school house; Jehu Hell, lodge; i delegate. San Gabriel?lnch's store { H BaJBll" ton, Judge; j delegates, Ban Jose?Caldwell's store; A It Cald- well, Judge; a delegates. Han Juan Oardatrano?Uer'a Hotel; R Began* Ju ig*j 2 del eg tie*. Man Antonio? Tweed n'a house; R Tweedy, Judge; 2 delegates, san 1 a Ana?school hmse; Trinidad Yorba, Judtre; Sdelegaies. ManJoaquin?J udg \u25a0 Humphrey 'a olBce; J II Finn , Judge; 4 delegates, San I*cniaiwo ? Moffat! \s store; A R Muiiatt, Judge; Odeieaati a. s iied d?Newbali citation 1 foeI Turner, Judge; 2 delegate** silver? Crowel Pa st re: F M Duster, Judge; 5 delegates. Santa Monica?Judge Morgan's offlee; .1 M Iluie, Judge; i' deb yales. Silverado?Gil Ull c House; J C Hill, Judgei l delegate. Tuatln? UtCs store; L Lit, Judge; 2 delegates, Vernon?School bouee, 1 C Curtis, Jndtu : 2 delegates. Wilmington?Railroad saloon; Oeorgu Denver, .Judge; Sdelegatea. Westminster?Hull A Lund's a! ore] A H McDowell,Judge; Sdelegatea, By order of ihe Democratic Central Committee* M. J NKW MA It X, ('hairmaUe Altos': R. A. LINO, Secretary. MACH I N KHY. Moray Sl Sperrv, I UttNIHIIKItH Ut Mining Supplies, 8S LIBERTY 81., NliW YoR,' unty STEEL SHOES AND DIES' A FI'EU many years of patient research ** und experiment, we bave succeeded lo producing steel Ahues and Bteel Dies for Quarts Mills, which are unequalled for durability, strength and economy] they wul wear tnree timet longer than any iron shoes. Wo manufacture, and 000 tract to erect, Gold and silver ilisluchig und Amal- gamating Machinery Inall it-* dossils, Pans, beparatorii Oouoentfstora, Jigs, Ruck Breakers und i'urusees. All order* promptly ti led, Rssgglnt* lions solicited, Adilrc-a MOREY cv SPIiItRY, 88 Liberty Ut., Neit Eur*, Agricultural Implement Depot .... li .... ffATKINS & BOOST! ALAMEDA t'OUISDRY b.Ui Jose, Crl, Agent far Walter A. Wood's How Inn Itwer, Iloaper and aelMJinder, Haines' Kin. ;10-Ot«tr Beadi r. Improved Hweupfttakc* Tuosher and sulky Hjikoh; blbo, the Oelfl irated Revolving milky Bake, and the Oban, ilon Uovolvhig Hake, and tue w<>}) know,. MBn Revolving ns!."; M Delia Pain Wagona nd spring wsgonsof ail Aeeerlptloiu), The attention of the farmers |fl particuliriv allod to the HEW KEVOLVINQSUI.EI &AX£, 1 hnn mer an ouoriismn 1,1hi at the Kant ami 1 and around Hacraincn >. Aisti, all kinds of nan d secontt-tiamt dj - binary for mle, Karm- and othurs win nd it to bo to their b->a * lv call on an utore buvhiir, &j ; ' ding avarylhl cr> law for esse \u25a0 * jeli> * iUVT;.h.h MiStO Hl* hour

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Page 1:€¦ · TURTLES. AKmloglttl PiiMrtttlon Upon Edible Shell, bacbl. IOal vest too (Texas) New«. ] The green turtle is one of tbe largest of the genus, often


AKmloglttl PiiMrtttlon Upon Edible Shell,


IOal vest too (Texas) New«. ]

The green turtle is one of tbelargest of the genus, often measur-ing five feet in length aud weigh-ing about 500 to 600 pounds. Theabell consist of thirteen dorsel seg-ments or divisions, surrounded bytwenty-five marginal pieces, andHa form is somewhat heart shaped,or pointed at the extremity. Itreceives Its name from tlie fat,Which is of green color. They feedon a kind of grass growing iv thebottom of the sea and gulf, com-monly called turtle grass, and areDot found any distance from theplace where this exists. The Isleof Ascension is called by Sir J. E.Alexander "the headquarters oftbe Quest turtle in the world," audbis account of it in thut locality,which la subjoined, is really inter-esting: "We walked down to theturtle ponds, two large inclosure-Dear the sea, which flowed iv andout through a breakwater oflarge atones. A gallows waserected between the two ponds,where the turtle are slaughteredforshipping, by suspending themby tbe biud flippers and cuttingtbeir throats. About 300 turtle, of400 and 500 pounds each, lay ou the\u25a0and or swam about in the ponds, aalgbt to set an alderman mad withdelight." The most common wayby which turtles are taken is tooatch them when tbey come ashoreto lay tbeir eggs, and turn them ontbeir backs. Iv the Keelong Is-lands divers venture into the watersand seize a turtle by the flippers,forcing tbe animal to rise to tbesurface, when it is captured. Thisanimal derives its name from thescales overlapping each other attbeir extremities, 111 the manner nftrffes on tbe roof of a building. Theoutline of the shell is more heart-shaped than any other species, audterminates more acutely; each ofthe middle row ot scales on theback is also of an acute form attha tip, and has a ridge downthe middle. Tho head is small-er than in auy other turtle;the neck longer and the beak nar-rower, sharper and more curved, soas to bear uo inconsiderable resem-blance to the bill of a hawk, heucethe eommou or popular name,"hawk's-blll turtle." Itis a nativenf the Asiatic and American seas,and is occasionally found in theMediterranean. Its general lengthla about three feet, though it issometimes much larger, aud lv theIndian Oceau specimens have oc-curred of more than twice thatsize. The flesh is held in no esti-mation as an article of food, buttbe plates of tbe shell are strouger,tbieker and clearer thau in anyother kind, and afford the valuablesubstance called "tortoise shell."Tbey are semi-transparent and ele-gantly variegated with whitish,yellowish, reddish aud dark brownclouds and undulations, so as toconstitute, when properly prepared?nd polished, one of tbe most elegant articles for ornamental pur-poses.


Forney's Progress describes auinteresting scene in a theater. Theflirt for ouce met her match: Seat-ed in tbe orchestra a cert tin ladyand gentleman; tbe former muchenamored of tbe latter, in fact, de-sirous ofwinuing him. The h.dy,however, has flirting tendencies,and Indulges them with a baud-some person in the circle. The es-cort is not unobservant of this littlebyplay, and finally asks smilingly:"Do you kuow tbat gentlemanwith whom you are flirting?" Anembarrassed negative is tbe reply."Then excuse me a moment." Theescort Immediately crosses thetheater and puts a similar questionto the otherconspirator. "rilr,areyou acquainted with the lady atwhom you bave been smiling thislast half hour?" "No." "Wouldyou like to be?" pleasantly. Verymuch surprised, "Certainly.""Then come with me " A momentlater the escort introduced the notaltogether comfortable pair. Thenthe mild expression leaves the In-sulted gentleman's face, and he sayssternly: "Now, sir, you may ac-company this lady home." With abow be takes his leave, and thewoman who loves him never bearshis voice again.

An English physician relatestbat on the llth of February hiswife, after mixing some corn mealfor feeding the fowls, missed herWedding ring from her linger, anilafter a fruitless search gave it up?a lost. On the Bth of April, whileengaged eating au egg at break-fact, she felt the eggspoon grateagainst something hard at the bot-tom ofthe egg below the yolk, andon further investigation found thelost ring firmly fixed by membra-neous adhesions to the bottom oftbe egg. The egg was of extralarge size, and was laid the day be-fore.

Large bodies of troops are to beassembled durlug tbe present Hum-mer at the principal military sta-tions In Russia, to be exercised inmanoeuvres on a large scale. Altogether, thirty-one camps are tobe formed, the aggregate of theforoes oollected in them amounting

to 439 battallions of Infantry, 216squadrons ofcavalry and SBfi guns.Among the Intuntry are 42 of thenewly-organized reserve battul-iona.


Awarded tbe Higbeet Medal it Vienna

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591 Broadway, New York,(Opp. Metropolitan Hotel),



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found in any paper of the State, not be

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Will contain a complete resume ol luca

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REMEDIESAre not advertised us " cure-nits," but

are specific. In tbe diseases tor whichIhey- are recommended


Investigators Of natural science havedemonstrated beyond eonirovery thatthroughout the autmal kingdom ihe"survival of Ihe fittest" is the only law

that vouehsutes thrift and perpetuity.Does not Iho same principle govern thecommercial prosperity ot man? An in-ferior cannot supercede a superior arti-cle. Ky reason of superior merit, Dr.I'ierce's standard Medicines have out-rivaled ull oi hers. Hielr sale In the

United States alone exceeds one milliondollars pi r annum, while l lie amount ex-ported fools up to several hundredthousands more. No business could crowto such gigantic proportions and rest up-on any other basis' thuu that of merit.

Dr.Sage'sCatarrh RemedyIs Pleasant lo Use.

Dr.Sage'sCatarrh RemedyIts cures sxtead over a period of

Twenty Years.

Dr.Sage'sCatarrh RemedyIts sale Coustuntlv Increases.

Dr. Sage's Catarrh RemedyCuresTiy lis Mild, southing KUecl.

Dr.Sage'sCatarrh Remedyc ures '-cold in Heud" aud Catarrh, ol



Kockpokt, Mass., April 2, 1877.Mb. Editok: ? Uuviug read in your pa-

per repoits of the remarkable cures of ca-tarrh, iam induced lo tell " whal Iknowabout catarrh," and 1 fancy the "snuff' 1and "Inhaling tube" makers (mere dol-lar grabbers) would be glad if they couldemblazon a similar euro lv the papers.For nilyears Iraftered with catarrh, Taduasul passages became completely closed.."Snuff," "dust," "ashes," "Inhaling-

lubes," nnd "sticks" would:.*! work

though at Intervals Iwould sunt up the

so-called catarrh smill. until 1 buciuue avaluable tester for such medicines. 1

gradually grew worte, nnd uj unu ensknow how much 1 Buffered or what amiserable being I was. Myhead achedover my eyes until I wus confined lo mybed lor mauy successive days, infferinithe most unease pain, which ai oue Unitlasted continuously lor Ilia hours. Allseuseol smell and taste gone, slgul andHearing Impaired, body shrunkenaud weilKeuuu nervous system strallered uud constitution broken, uud Iwmhawking and spilling seveu-eighlns ol thelime. 1 prayed lor death lo relieve me oimv su fiering. A favorable notice lviouipanel 01 Dr.Sage'sCatarrh Kemedy In-duced me to purchase a package aud usill wllhtlr. fierce., J-ttwal Douche, willcliapplies ihe remedy by hydrostatic pres-sure, the ouly way compatible wiih com-mon sense. Well. .Mr. Editor. It did notcure mc iv three-,ourths of a second, no/m one hour or mouth, but iv less thaneight minutes 1 was relieved, and in

three mouths entirely cured, and navt

remained so over sixteen mouths. Whiltusiug ihe Catarrh remedy. 1 used Dr,

fleroe'a Cioideu Medical Discovery to pa-ruy my biood uud strengthen my stone

ach. 1 also kept, uiy liver aelivo ali'J

bowels regular by the uaeol his PleasantPurgative Pellets. Jt my experience trillinduce oilier sufferer* to seek Ihesanu

meant oi relief, tht» letter will have airswered Us purpose. ?,-..,,.,.

1ours ,ruiy, S. D. RE MICK.

A CLOUD OK WITNESSES.?The foblowing uanied parlies are amoug thethousands who have oecu cured of catarrh by the use oi Dr. sage's CatarriKemedy: A F Downs, New Geneva, Pa

D J lirown, St Joseph, .Mo; B C LeuisRutland, VI; Levi springer, Nettle LakeOhio] Chas.Norcrop,.Vlh ches!erheld..Me;Millou Joues, bertha, WYi J E Miller,Bridget- sun-ion, Wy. ; J C Merriman, Lo-gulisport, lud; M M I'ost. Loguusporl,luu;J W Bailey,'lreiooul, Pa; 11 U Ayres

La Pone, Ind; Jessie Msears, ri Branch,lud- 1, Williams, caulou. Missouri: W AThayer, ouarga, 111; S 11 IN ieholS, Jr. Gal-veston. Texas: Jonas F Keinerl. Sloues-vllle,Pa; S W Lusk, McFarland. Wis.

Johnson Wlilianis. HelnncK. Ohio: MttMACurry, Trenton, leun: JUJosiinKeeue, N 11; A J Caspar, table Kock, W

Va: Louis Auuers. uayaport, Ohlol C IIChase. MHthart.ind; Mrs Uenry Height,sau fraucisco. Cal: Mis t. M Oallu-ha.Luwreuoevnle. N V: W J Graham. Adei,

Iowa; A o smilh, Newiian. Un; Chas i-.Rice, BalUmore, Md: Jesse M Sears. Cur-able,lud: Dau'l li Miller,St Aayne.luu;Mra MtunleArnatse. AM Deiancy st.MeivYork; 11 W llall,Hasting*. Mich: Win I-Murstou, Loweii, Ma.-.-: 1 W Roberta,Maricopa, Ariz;Ciias el Uelauey, pjarris-

burg, Pa; M C Cole, Lo well. Mass; Mrs Cjspnriin,Camden, Ala; Chariot F Raw,Fredencalowu. Ooio: .Mrs Lucy hunt*iugtou,Farmlugloii.lll;Capt 1-; ,-s spaiild-iug. Camp slaniuaugh, W yo; 1 W Tracy,sileainboal KoeK. Iowa; litisLydia W aite.ahushail.iN V; .1 M Peck, Jauotion City,Mom; ileury liauias, Cal; L BCilUfllliugs,Kallloul, ill; S Si Jones. ChuUes-ton Four Cornels, N V; Oeo F Hall, Pueu

10. Call Wm E Bartrle. sierilug, la; 11E Ebou, U4S Peiin SI, t'lllsuuig, Pa: J 1'Jackmun, Samuel's Depot, Ky; lienrjZobnsl, Ueueva, N V: Miss Maitie Pairoll, Montgomery. Ohio; L i.edbrookLhalham. ill; s B McCoy, NaanponOhio; W W Winner. Noilli JacksonMich; Miss Mary A Winue, Dailcn, v, isjonnSselgler, Carlisle springs, Pa.i Jameilouipkiiis. st cioud.Miuu: ninoen nueiPawuee Ciiy,>et>; Jos X Miller. XeuniOhio; HilNichuts, oa Ivision. Texas; liL Laird, Upper Altou, ill; Jonu DavlvPrescott, Ariz;Mrs Nancy Graham, Foiest drove, Ogn.

Golden Medical DiscoveryIs alterative, or bloocl-c!eansiug.

Golden Medical Discovery

Is Pectoral.

Golden Medical Discovery

lb a CbolaMOgue, or Liver isiiinulanl

Golden Medical DscoveryIs Tonic.

Golden Medical DiscoveryBy reason of its alterative propertiescures Discuses of tin- Blood and hitin, *Sc ofula,or Kind's Evil; 'Juniors; UJclthor Oui Holes; HIniches, r/lutpiea anuKru-L,Hons, U> virius 01 ns l*ector«,i

properues It cliil's BruUOLl al, ThroalniidL.uuy atleetions Incipient Consumption

inn Coughs, and Cbronte Laiynni-lis. its Cbolugogue properties, render i(mi unequal raiosiiy lor jiiiiousness; i*or¥id 1,1ver, or ''LiverCom plaint;" und it*

onie properties make fi equally uih.'n-cious in curing Inditfeslioii Los-, oi Ap-petite and Dy.spej.Ni;,.

Winire tiie sain is sallow and coveredWilli blotches und pimples, o; wheremere arc acromions, swelling! and utJoc-ttons, a low bottles oi" Guillen MedicalDiscovery will elfcot an enLire cuio. ityou feel drowsy, debilitated, have sallowcolor of skin or yellowuh-biown spots oniace or body, (request neauacne or dizzi-uess, bad taste in mouth, internal beator chills aliernaled with but Hushes, |0 wspirltsi ana gloomy forebodings, irregularappetite und tongue coated, you are sui-icring from Torpid Liver or many cases ot Liver Complaint, onlyparte! these syinpLoms are experienced.As a remedy for ail such cases, itr. I'ierce's?Uoiden Medical Discovery bus no equal,as It streets perfect cures.leaving the liverstrengthened aud heultby.


tor and manutacturer of tiie foregoingreraedles.all of which arc sold by drug-gists. He is also tiie author ol the Peo-ple's Commou Heiise, Medical Adviser, vwork of nearly XXX) pages, wiih woodenpfravimts cud colored plates. lie busalreudy sold of this populur work

Over 100,000 Copies!

PRICE, (post-paid) s : : $1 50

Address: R. V. PIERCE, Nl. D.,World*IHipeniary, Huflalo4N,Y.



SUMMONS.INthe District Court of the Hpfi.ifcenthI Judicial District of tlie Htate of Califor-nia, in aud for the county of Loh Augeies.

Farmers' und Merohiiula' Hank 01 LosAngeles, Plaintiffs, against John MO-Elrath et al., i)etenduuts.

Action brought in tho District Court ofihe seventeenth Judicial District oftheState ofCalifornia,in and for tho Countyof Loh Angeles,and the complaint diedIn said Couniy of Los Angeles, lv theolnco of the Clerk Of said District Court.

The People ofthe Htalo of California,send greeting 10 John McKlralb, F. K.Haskell, John Towusley, K. I*. Hero-lord, Jaeib Lower, D. C. Wilson, H. DUurrowsand W.C. Kurrey, composing Iherlrmot Barrows, hurrej A> Co., and tl.Newmark. M. J. NcwmarK, K.Coh'i andMi A. Newmark. composing the i'-m olH. Newmark A Co., Defendants*

YOU are here jy reujuired to up arlnun action brought ago lost you - theabove named Plaintiff iv iho itrlotCourt of the Seventeenth Jouletrict of the State ol California, ii. nd lotthe County of I*os Angeles, an- ,0 anBwerthe complaint filed tbereli .withinten days (exclusive ofthe day ol servl c)aft 01 tneaervloe on you of this summons?ii scved wiibin tins county: 01 dfeemig]out of tills county, but in this DlatrloTwithin twenty days; otherwise, withlv forty days or Judgment by default will be taken against you according to the prayer of said comnlalut.

Tho sum action is Drought to obtaina decree of this court for the foreclosurea ceriain mortgage described in the Baldcomplaint, and executed by the saidJohn McKlrath on the 20th day of Au-gust, A. O, 1877, lo secure the payment 01aoertalb promissory nolo for the sum of$:J7 0 gnld coin, with interest thereonfrom date at the rate of l percent, permonth, payable every three months inadvance, and a<sns nerccnt.on the prin-cipal and imerest found due for attar-ueys* fees; that the premises conveyedby said mortgage may be sold, and theproceeds applied to the payment ot saidsura of $3700 gold coin, with interest asaforesaid; also, 5 per ceut.ou the princi-pal and interest found due for attor-neys' fees; that a receiver be appointedto take charge of tho mortgaged prem-ises nnd to iccelvc th© r nta and profitsthereoi during ihe pendency ol this ac-tion , and costs or suit; nnd In casesucb proceeds are not sufficient to paythe same, then to obtain an execu-tion ftgainat said John McKlrathfor the balance remaining due; add alsothat the said defendants and all pcrson>claiming by, through .or underthem, or either of them, mmbe barred and foreclosed of all night, ti-tle, claim, lien, equity of redemption amiinterest ivand lo said mortgaged prem-ises, and for other and further relief.

Relerence \a had to complaint for partic-ulars.

And you are hereby notified that if youfat] 10 appear and answer the said com-plaint as above required, tbe said piaintiowill apply lo tlie Court for t iie relief de-manded in the said complaint.

Oiven undermy hand ami the seal ofthe District Court of the SeventeenthJudicial District of the Stateof Ca llbrnla,In and for the county of I .os Angeles, '(his

20th day of March, in Iho year ol outLord, one thousand eight hundred amiseventy-nine. [Seal.!

A. W. POTTS, Clerk.By A. RIMPAU,Deputy Clerk, m2-2ui

Notice to Creditors._IK TDK PROBATE COURT. LOBJ AN-


ESTATE OF A. PE LANCONI, DEC'P.icon*?* lv hArehy given by Ihe under-

signed* Executrix ot the aat*s«of Antonio Pelanconl, deceased, to thecreditors of nud ull persons havingclaims against tlie an d deceased,to exhibit them with the neceasar}vouchers within ten months alter tinfirst publication of this not ice, to tlie saidblxeeutrtx, at her residence In Los Angeles city, or to her attorney, F. P. Kamires, ai hta office, In 1tinpic block, in saidcity.

ISABEL R, PELANCONI,Executrix ot the last will and testa-

men f of Antonio j elancon L decease l.Los Angeles, Jtuie2iith, IgTv, je2o-5w

Notice to Creditors.ESTATE OF 11. M, HALL, Pecensed.

Notice is hereby given by tbe undersigned, adminlatratiii 01 the estate oi11 M. Bull, deceased, to the cred-

itors of and all persons having claimsagainst the suid deceased, to ex hibit1hem, wiih tho necessary vouchers,withto tour months after the first publi-cation ot this notice, to tbe said admlnistratrlX, at her residence, In I.os Angelescity, or to her attorney a, Glaeaell, Bin KbA Smith, at theiroffice in Temple Block,in said city.

PAULINA BALL,Administratrix of the Estate 01 v. M.

Ball, de ceased.Dated at Los Angeles, June 21, 1879. je2o

In tho County CourtOf the Couuty of Los Angelggj

Stateof California.


Pursuant to Sb order Of Ibe lion. A 1berlsf* slovens, Judge ol tbe Com ty Courtof loa Angeles county, notice is herebygiven to the creditors of the Inaolveni,ihomaa J. Askln, to appear before sainJ adge, at tlie court-room of said Court, inAngeles couniy, in the city and count)of Los Angeles, on the 21st day oiJuly, 1879, at ten o'clock A. M. othat day, then and there to show cause,Ifany there be, why the prayer of saidpet itloner Should not be gran cdi that acession of his estate be made and a dis-charge from all his debts, described 01not described, be hud, as by statute pro-vided.

All proceedings against suid insolventare stayed.Wltneaa, my hand and the seal of the

said Couit, this the 17th day nl June, 1878A. W. POTTs, County Clera.

By E. 11. OWENS, Deputy Clerk.|Seal.]

Wlcksa WICKS, Attorneys, jeistd

Certificate of CG-Partncrship.

Notice is hereby given and this js tocertify tbat Hie uudeisfgned have thisday formed a partnership for the trans-action ofbusiness In this State; that thenames of the persons hiteieeted aa part-ners In said business and the names Itlull of nil the members of said oopari ner-ship are Kobert bills and Charles JGlover; ami that their place of residenceis in the ckj and couniy or Los Angeles,state ofCalifornia*

Dated July 141 h, Ifc7!>.ROBttRT HILLS.CHARLES J. GLOVER.

STATE OF CALIFORNIA, 1County of Los Angeles. J as

*On this fourieeuth day of July, in theyear oue thousand eight hundred andseventy-nine, before me, A W. Potts,County Clerk and ex-omofo Clerk of theCounty Court in and for said c u-.nty, pei-Bonally appegred Robert m lis amiIIbsrh - J, Ulover, known to me to bo thepersons whose names are subscribed tothe within Instrument, ami acknowl-edged tc, me that ! hey exedu led thesame.

In witness whereof, I have hereuntoset my hand and affixed the seal, 0/ saidoouit,at myoffice* in the aald county oit os Angi Its, the day and year iv this cer-tificate first above written.Meal.] A. W. POTTS,County cierk and ex-offloloClerk of aald

County Court.Jyls-4W By A. NORTON, Deputy.

In the County CourtOf Los Angelea County, Htate of


EUGENE GERMAIN Vs. HIS cred-itors.

Pursuant lo an order oi lhe Hon. HenryM. Will.a. Presiding Judge of the saidCounty Court of Los Angelas county, no*lice is hereby given to all (he creditorsof the said Insolvent, Eugene Germainto bo and appear before Ihe said Judge, Inopen court, at tho court room ot saidQolirt, at the Court House, in Ihe eliyand county of Loh Angeles, on Satur-day,tho lOtn day ofAugust.A.D.lB79, at 10o'clock a. wt. of that day, I hen and thereto show cause, ifany they can, why theplayer of said insolvent, ahoujd not begranted, und an assignmeniof his 1 slatebe made, and he be discharged fmm budebts and liabilities, In lursimnceol thostatute In BUoDoa*e made aud provided.And In ihfl meau tin"" '* proceedingsag'dnst aald 1 nsoi ?<'\u25a0: . " .ayed.

Witness, my 3 >c seal of suidK er ,A. D. ib79.

tseal.j fZo/" >TTS, Clerk.J. A, GRAVES, j*! /or Petitioner.

]/ I


MASTER'S SALE.n tho Circuit Court or the Untied scilcs.Ninth Circuit, in and tor the District oiCaliforniacamilo m vhtin. Complainant, vs.

VILLIam TKMPLE, Administratorpith the will annexed of the estate 01VILLIAM WORKMAN, deeeas, ,1, et al.,defendants,in pursuance of a decree ol said Circuitourt, entered In the above entitledause on tne l;uh day of February, lB7oithereby I,the undersigned, Master injhaucery of aald Court, waa authorisedmd directed lo make, comiuct an 1 carryuu the sale oi the property hereinaftericsi-ri bed.

Notice Is hereby given that on


VtHoVluek P. M. Of that day, nt the uooriftb«Court ilou-c, in tbe olty uf LusViiieies, in the couniy of Los Ange-es, In suid district, 1 shall sell atmuljc auction. 10 1 he highest bidder, rm-

\u25a0ash 111 gold com Ol the United slides, lviapa rate parcel-.a- betel uafter desert bedhe following described property, oi sonuobthereoraaaball be Lccesaary 10 payjomplainant the amount due under saidiecree, with interes* and custa and ac-nuitg costs, e>cepl the pur. ion* thereoilierelnauer particularly nu ntioned andieaeribed, the aaid property being aitu*Ited I" 'he county of Los Angeles, staie

ifCalifornia, dutrlcl aioreaald, and par-ticularly bounded and described as fol-icws, io wli:First?Ail that piece of land situated in

the county 01 1 us Am - c.T kmi'Mi amiiesenbed In Ihe publ 0 v \>js ot theUnited states of America as the aoutbban of tba south west quarter 01 sectionseventeen (17) in townsuip two {2), southrange ihirteen (1:1J, west san Hernardlnubane and meridian, containing 80 acres,more or less.

Second?Ali that tract of land MinutedInthe county of Los Angeles known 11s

tho MRancho Potrero urande," boundedand described inihe patent for the sameissued by the United states UoverntnenltoJuan M. Hanobes, dated .Inly 10, 1850,recorded in liook 1 ot Patents, un puye 1and following, uecords of the Couniy olLos Angeles, to which, and lo the BUivejofthe United stales (surveyor* lieneraland field uotofl therein contained, refer-ence is hereby made for a more particu-lar description thereoi, saving und exceptina fiuio the operal ion of said decreebo muoh thereof as ia contained and de-scribed in a certain deed made by Wil-liam Workman to Maryerna WorkmanJC Temple, dated Octoberiid, 1882; recorded October Bd, 1848, in book ft, page iiSlUecords of Los Angeles count v.

Third?AH that :ract of land situatedinthe county of Los Angeies. being aportion of tho "Rancho La Puonte**atnbeing that portion conveyed to Williau.Woikman by John Rowland, .sr., by 1

deed ofpartition dated June 23d, 18ti8, re-corded June 25ih, Istis, in hook 1001 deedspagt*o9, Kecoids of Los Angeles couniysaving and excepting 1herefrom all thosiportions theieol described and conveyei

in and by the followlDgdeedai bust ?Adeed from William Workman to Margeret Workman de Temple, dat'-d Marclith, recorded March 5th,,1868* in booh?Jut deeds, page 888* second?a deed fronWilliam workman to Frederick Lamcourn, dated September nub, iB7O, amrecorded Seplemiier 171 It. 1870, in book II

\u25a0d deeds, page 45». Thtrd-A deed IronWilliam Workman and peregrine KHzHugh to BJ itBeale and Robert H Bakerdated April Ist, 1872, und recorded Apri2d, 1872, In book 20 of deeds, page Bi(fourth?A deed from William Workmanu> Joseph W Workman, dated Uetobeiilth, 1870, and recorded March 27ih, l*7;tvi book 21 oi deeds, paire 27,y l"itth?.\deed Imm. William Workman to tlu'?>utherri Pacific Kallroad Com DACV

dated August 2nt a, IS7J, nnd recorded No-vember 201 h, \HIA, in book 21 of deedspage 183* And six 1li?A deed from Wil-liam Woikman to tiie Southern faclfiiRailroad Company dated AprilBth, I*7land rccouled May4t h, 1k74, in book 20 «.ideeds, 1 age Jl7, atl in Records vi' Los An-?*elea county, which said tiact?after ea<ceptmg the portions referred to in the

deeds last übove-inem iom d .i-s bound-ed and de--cribcd as follows: licmninnu

\u25a0 t a point in tin- centre of Ihe old bed 01the nvei San Gabriel on Ihe south sukd ihe road from Los Angeles to Han Her

nardino, in an Irregular mound of rockfrom wblob a willow tree 7 inches in di-ameter bbars N TixA degrees W ulatanl OS,

links; thence aocordiug to the true mo-ttolan (the magnetic vaiiatlon b< ju- 11leg o0 minutes east) along tin* exterloi

boundary 01 said kancho La Puente. a>surveyed and patented by the United-tates. as foi tows: n WW deg t-i 18 chains 4ilinks to a willow 0 niches in diameter,marked sia. 2; ihence N lt>4 degrees v j,'chains; theuee N 11 deg hi ost chains 10station 4, to a rock 11 inches lonS iucheitVldeaad Blnchesthiekt thence) IH 7-->de(jwktfcbalna to a ayoamore 84 inches mdiameter, aboul one oualn Bomb ofthiroad leading In San Meruurdino urn!marked station ii; t hence along the parti-tion line described in said deed of parti-

tion between William Work man andJohn Lowland, sr, s 4 deg W 40 chains kIhe northeast corner ot the 40 acre tractlif said i-rcderick Lam bourn ; tbencialong said tract i\ 8*) deg W 80 chains; sI dOg W 20 chains; and S 811 degrees X 21cliains baca tosald partition Inn ; tbencfalong aald partition line aaiollowai s -ileg W 88cbalna b2 links to a make ens!lU3cha>ns. to aslake in mound inravine,from which stake the northern one 01 agroup ot t breo syeamorea on 1 he southernudec- of a yuhy or wash, all of about thir-ty Inobea diameter, bears 88i deg Wdla-anl 10l linus, ami tin1 southern one 01

ftatdgioup bears S s\i deg W distant 418links; Ihe middle one of said group mdbeing visible Irom tin;said stake; theuee»ver 1lie san Jose Hilts S 21 degrees X lOliihaina and 60 links to the northeasteoi-aer of tbe tiaot of land conveyed by Wil-liam Wprkmanend Peregrine Fitsbugb10KB Beale and RobertH baker; theueealong ibe northern boundary line ofa mlBeale and Raker tract, as foi-lows: S SSdeg \\ 47 chains U7 links to a\u25a0 take marked P FltshUgb ami WilliamWorkman,on top of a large hill; thonoes 88 deg W 40 chains and 60 links to astake in mound ofstone marked "1* Fitz-liugliund W Woi km an,*' close to a Btnal]arroyo; thence ti tiOJi dog W 2:1 chainsand o'J links to a big pile 01 recks on lopot a hill, marked *'P F «V W \V,"tbenoe

deg W IT) cliains and so links, 10 astake marked "P Wt% W W," with moundand pks, posted on summit ol a nigh ami\u25a0deep hill; ihence S 88V* d*-g W 45 chainsa links io a big pile or i maiked on

fie northern side ".V W" and on,ihe southern side "P F;" thenct8 87 deg W 22 chains lo a stakemarked "P F A W W," on thtsummit of a high hill, wiih mound andnits; ihence S 05 deg W 45 chutns Oft llnklto a stake marked "P K&W W," with pitsIn a mouud; thence N 71 <U.- VV 73 chat olto a stake marked "P Fit zhugh Aw Worklman," on top of a hill; thence rt 6i deg W,2 chains to a point in aald partition line:tlience along said partition line as foi-.own: N2B deg W2O chains to station 11al a stump Of five prougß of an elder tretin tbe center 011111 arroyo, surrounded byeacius pniches; Ihence over ihe plain N44){ degrees W 118 chains to a slake in amound; thence 8 4 deg W 105 chains tttlinks to a stake in mound at the lout. 01tke western point of Ihe San Jose Hills,from which atake the house of wiiiiimWorkman hears 8 d< g W and s ft)VsiegW; thecbapel bearsM .">i deg W;themill of J- hn Rowland bears s 7 deg k,aud his house bears 8 deg VV; thenceS 22% deg W 4K chains U7 links to thenorthern end of the division fence between the enclosures 01 Workman andItnwland; Ihence along said fence< 22 deg W H chains 50 links to au oif-ei inlence ou the south hank ol un arroyo;[hence N 88d«g W34 Units lo corner 01rence] thence s 22 deg W 10 chainslinks to the center of Nan Jose creek;thence along tbe channel of said oreeg ;>UM W 7 chains; ssl deg w Bchain*;\ 40M deg W y cliuiuh 60 links: N63dofiW 2cliains 50 links; N 18 de.' \V 2chains;NBO deg W 2 chains; N7i deg W 2 chains30 knits; N 35 deg W I chsiu 50 links; NMHdeg W 9 chains 2> links to Station 88Hrnenee ihe Bontbeast corner ot Work-man* Chapel ber- N :o deg W; N 71 degW 3 chains 60 links; N 81 deg W 8 ehalns(olinks; N ludeg w 3 chains .'»!? UnkaiN4B deg W 2 chains 50 links; N 74X deyW 5 chains, to station 41 In said (peek,'rom which the lenc-4 on the westt-ldenfRowland's wheat tv hi ranges sii deg w,N;!sdcerecs W 4 chains; N 7714 deg 2mains SO links; N 50 deg W 3 Chains6' lInks; N 7734 deg W i chains to Station 48n said creek; n deg w 2 chains <minks to Hiatlnn 4U in said creek; thencecave crock and run In tho direction nfho Suifar-Lonf lIHIrt 15deg W liillukstoitatlou 4!i; Sl5 d<'g W IM chains to themd of said parMilon line, being a pointv course Iwenty-tour (2-1) of tlie .out in 1 nixteritir boundary nf said Rspoho La'uenk ; Ujenue along tho exterior bound-iry of said rancho as surveyed and pai-nitenicd by tin 1United stales ,

t s jolla.vs:J Hy.% deg W li'schains2s links to atatloO501 said rancho, to a charred stake Innouud; thence N 31 deg \v bin chains totatlon 2', to post in mound; IhCQCe N5!4 deg W lu7chalus lo Bigtton 27, in tbe?-litre of the Klver 8»n Gabrieij at 03haius on this course leaves hills, nnd to,point opposhe the dam of 1 lie Sun Josereek, agreed upon us a point In line be-ween Iho Kanchos La Puente and Sanhirlolo, at a rock 2 feet long, IS Inchesi-lde and 12 Inehcs ililck,on line; \u25a0\u25a0 1halns crosses Hun Jose Creek al the dam 1r Loma, I* links wide, course H 0,r » deg W,1105.n0 chains to left hank ofthe Rivetan Oabrlel, to a rock 14 inches long, loiches wide and 8 inches thick, on line,ira witness (o said utalluu 27; tl.encelong the centre ol tho River Ban Gabrielp stream as follows: N degrees X 5halns; N 3Jl4/ deg X 5 chains; N H]4 deg

5 chains; N 25deg W7chains; N 8 deg


ETchuins (at :i chains 73 links intersectstlUMinlltboundary of toW*.Mhip i, aouitioi Ilie huso Urn < \u25a0; range U WM( of the SanBernardino meridian, i| chains 60 LtiiklWell «if »4 suction corner on tne southboundary ol lection 33)' N4ti; u ui-greos Mi 1:chums, N 1784 deg IS 7 chain*: N 10 deg \\5 cliaius; N U-,'4 deg H 0 chains; N 42Jj deym Vohatasi fcwJt ueg Jbl li pbalaaj n s&y4dagkUobalnsiß ";4 ueg bi 5 chain*: c77J< dagKSebainii NMMdeg B lobaim;sis deg El chains; :-»o.v4 de.;E <> onaias;BOOM <kg a.6anamsbWltf deg X lo chains,&79degI£6ohaius; is. oi deg c q ohalui;N HtfJ* deg X "> chains; N degrees Enchains; 88 :>4 deg h. fl chains tsJ links; NUh'li deg E 8 ciiauis; jNoi'*deg E gchuiii*.;is 2it)4 deg X H chains; N 00' 4 deg E lichains; s 00! 4 ''eg Esch ilns; ... zll4 deg EHohains; N 7ij4 E Heliums; .\ .jo'4 degH 9 chains; N 48 ueg B Itf chains; N;V4 ihg hi ii ehauiai N .MX decreesv> ;i chains BU links; ,\ MM degW 11 chains; N c! 4dcg,E 1ticliains. and Niv ( deg, al 87 chains, more or le*s, iutneinoetwesterly point in the tractor landconveyed hy William Workman toJoseph w. Workman aforeeatu] thencealong ihe exterior b himirks or simo I pact,and leaving tbe exterior boundaries t«<said Kancho "La Puente," SSJOIIOWSI S68)4 ileg, E UO chains and 03 links; thenceN 3H!4 deg. E 77 chains nml7,> links to .sta-tion v; tlience N a,1., deg, W i.">cliains andyjlinks Ul HtatlOU 13; tneuce N 16deg.BHi chains to station 11; theuee N 75deg.\\ 57 chains and 78 Jinks to -tatlon one, a

point, on the eastern bank ot a branch ofthe rlvr s*n Gabriel, and distant 158chain.-, and 68 links BoUtb, audiOß chainsami 111111 us went from ih \u25a0 lyeaiuore tree,s.ui ion live (ft)of toe exterior boundary oitne Government survey ot said ttanebo"m Fiu-nte;" thence along Said braueb»ol%degi W Ucbalna Lo station 2; tbenoeM deg, W 7 chains aud 60 linus to

\u25a0taliou 3; t hence 5.,4 Mdeg.W lichalueand50 liuks u> tiatiou 4i tbenoe s7l '4 deg, w(7 chains toital ion 5;( hence 88)4 deg, W7 cuaina to sin ion o; tbenoeaiong tineast, ban 1; of the nver san G.tbnel, Is 10!v<u-g, W 11 chains to station "; thence6*t)4deg, \V 0 chains log at ion t>; incoce s.iiui.jiJi'b', Wftouaina to station 0; thenceInto tbe river bed, N 75 deg, W 90 ebal tami 10 links to station 10, being tbi moslwesterly comer of humljoscvli We Work'man's ttac<, unda point on tbeexterioiline ol" said Haiu-ho ''La I'lienlt,''bearing N 40)4 deg, c 27 obalns, more or lessfrom tbe end of tbettSdcourieo said Kancho. Tbenoe atouti the exterior line osaid Rancho, N 40!' 4' deg, X 0 chulnsmore or less, to tbe irregular mound vrock aforementioned, being tbepiaoeobeginning. Mavimi and noWTXKa irontbe above acertain tiuetoj land ooa\ eyecby William Workman to Murgarel Workman de Temple, dated Marcli sth, IsOSrecorded Marcb fttb, lMiB, in hook 0 odeed*, page HA, and bounded und deacritwd us toilotrei Begiumn«i at tinmoutb oi tiie mill race, wo ere iila takeiout of the creek ol wi.ler t hat runs oveaud tbrougb the Puente Kanebo, i.os augeiea eonnty, ami wb ob aaid mtilrwisupplies the millof Wiiuam Woikmanlateiy built In and upon the I'ueiHu Kancho; Ihence down the be<ufaaid creek to .-aid mill,and on In conblnuatton down said bed, (he ulatenoe ootethousand(lfOwJ jrarda below taeaui<mill] tneuce nuitbwesterly, out ironsaid creek, one thuusMid yardstbenoe uortbessterly and parallel £o«al<creek, to a i m- in irunt of the moutb vthe s. kl null race; 1hence sou iheily dowito the oret k and moili llol mill iace nioieaaid, bo tbe oontentMmoreor less. s,*v(HQ am) kZOßmjrOi also, aoeriAin trueofiauucoreyea by William WoramautitneUou'bern Paeiflo Hailroad Companyby a need dated AUgU«t gtltb, ii>7J, and rSeoul'i in b«a>kS7oi dot da, page I*B, t.mdeaorlbod ax loilowai A atrip or tract oland, one hundred (looi feel wlde t lylniequally on each aide vi ihe located Urnofthe tSjutheru l'aciilc Railroad Company'a railroad, where the same Is lookled througu thetruoi oranbdivlblun ot tin'?i,a Pneute ttanobOt'J 11 ib** ??wnty oL«a MidMimnw t»i uanfornia.«nd weiknown fts i lie "Win kmau iract," and heing more particularly described as 10llowa fio*wlii Quiumenelng tor iueaam<at a pom Iout he centre line of the miiiihera Paoiflo Railroad, w here said ccuinline lutorseota tbe northwestern line o,>uid Woikman Tract at Hie ciosstngothe) nan (iaorlet river, and laniiiedlatetjne>rtb ofoountj toad; and running thenoieasterly, along sani centre line of aauinoutuern Pact do Haltroad ( near tobaiclcounty road, and entirely ihroughaaHWm kmau iret to the eastern boundaryline t hereof, ut a point noith of \u25a0 hi' lieu o? un .lose Creek*embiaoin. a a(iipof Um<liny (ou) ieet wide on eaOII side oi sahcentie line, for a dlvtanos oi 1went v thousand (.O.Oi Ol leet, more or less, contain*Ing an ana ol forty-six and iwo-ien h<v4d l'-io) acres, more or less, havshg amKXt'KiTlMi, also, nil that tract ol la>moouve> ed by Wttltam Workman m> lvsouthern Pacific Kallroad Company by »certain deed d tied April Btb. IttTS, recorded Mai lib, la i, in book 89 ot doid-pageBl7, Kec.-jds oi boa Augelea countyand deacilbed aa follow.-: /»li tbaioertain lot, piece or parcel of laud»ituaieI\ i iii; and being In -aid count yOl LoB Angeles, and bouuded and particularly described us mIIOWSf tO-Wltl ComRIOUCIUIul a siabe W 70deg Mminutea, i L'l ll fei-ifrom ihe northweat corner of hrielichinch: thence N 4.1 deg-j;i mm 588 feeUiaatekei tbenoe 8 48aeg87mtu KBOTVfeet lo n i take; ihence S 88 deg St) Din, W074 feet to a sake; thence N iii deg;;;mm W 809>4 f'ut io the point of beginningi co. t.onnig fexcluatveof tberiahiof way 100 lee! wide extendingihe samel live acre* of land, more or lassbeing a portion of tbe i<a puente RanchorbO total area of Ihe linet herein doatgnati d ami described SS"Third," niter exospllng ihe ae*oral portion* mentionedand d-scribed in he six detils laatabuVfreferred to, is i7,iib7 actea, be ihe B*m<more or Ichs,

i oui.Tit?All that trad or land MtuatedIn the County ot Los Angeles known atthe Kancho Me Felipe Lugo,' or 'Jjolnrea,granted April tfttb, lß4ft, by PloPioobTeodoro Heuieru and Jorge Mori, io, amicontaining 8048 81*JOJ acfea moie orleaa,whose ilth-w'ii-%coufirmed by the unitedk| itea Land Commissi..nern uc.ober Is hIBO.X lo the papers lv tho casebeiore that tribunal, and Heldnotes of surveys in the ofiiee of tluUnited .Slates Survejoi-Ueiieral In SunKruncisco, n fereuoo is hereby made 'or amore particular description\u25a0 saving andexcepting therefrom an the Intttrealt herein owned or h-ld by lb.- dele mlan iMargarita Workman de Temple at imt >ma ol'bo execution of ihe mortgage inih - bill of complaint herein all gedwhich iniensi. no excepted la bere hi re*-< rye lfrom (he openiuon of the Uicreihen in.

t-'lKiif?Allthat tract cf land BitUatedin theoouuiyuf Loa Angeles, kuown a*ihe Rancho 'La Merced,' ior v\ h h*h a paltent was issued hy the U' il- d KtSielGroverumeni IoF. r. F. Tempi*) and JuanM.BanobUf dated Februeri IBtb, kwhich, and to the plat and tieid no ego]survey inert in comalned ro erunce lihereby made for a more pHrtlOUtar de-lorlptioutconta nlngBBBB7o 100 acres,

sixth?Also, all Ibat piece, parcelor int ~i land situated in the cityoi LoiAinteles, hounded uud described ns i«d--lows: Commencing un the nortbweaterl)Hue ol spring street* al a potn* where tbisame is fntsrseoti <l by th \u25a0 southerly limof land ot' Hamilton; run thence nortldeg wcul, 14") feet ami 9 Incurs: thenciBouiheaKdeg weat, along LhoHoutneaat< rly line of New High sirect, 2;JO feet and i(Incbegj th Mice aouiheaateriy teet t<dm northwesterly line 01 spring sin-e;:and thence along said line ot tftprlnastreet, 840 (bet > nil0 Inohea to the otcommencement.

Any id tin-parties to ihe foregoing cmtitled suit may become purchasers at an>such sule.

Ualed at ran Fraoolson, Jnlvtfl, 1870,L. 8. H. HAWT EH,

id iMiishr m Chancery,

IN THE COUNTY COURTOf I,oa Angelei County, ol

Callfowl».ItAAO001) M )

vh. tin tnnolveuai'-No-Ills (.'ltKl'l tOR% ) ilea to Uredlto?.

LIUBSUANTTO AN ORDER OF THKlinn, A. M. siKl'lir.Ns, Jndiceoltlie above euttUe tr.,ur, uotle* I, liwby ilvon i», nil nf 11.0 nnd Iton i>i1 UuN,an lo*olv, in debtor, 'i> bnund hp*pew before tbe Hon. A. M. Btepbene,L-niiiity Judge, al Un, Court Room "I MidCourt, la tbeeltjr and ooanty ol Lot An.

Btate aloreeald,oo tho

21st DAYOK JULY, A. 1). 1ST:),At 11) o'clook, a, m., oi eald dey, then audthere i<,show eauae, if any t bey can, whjdisiilhiiiion ,hop|d not !»t.' miii*-,agreea-ble in iiu' aontenle of tin- Matemenl bytbe aealett'ee nf Bald Ibeolveiii, heretoNi- 'I In linnollli'i', in tbliaollon.

In uiinenH whini-m, I huvo tieronntosetmy lininl, unit tin, hi-hI of tliu CountyJmirl <.r Lo. Ahgele* I'niinty.

IH'mil.] A.W. POT'Js.countyOlerkBy K. 11. mvus, Deputy, Jelftd


HELUOUIINE, VIOTOHIA, ACbTBAUA?olleo|oyetej Heeae ol all Tree* and tihmbe

iudigcnonH to tho Aiutralian Colonic,,

icclu.-liD*n.<i Bail Hint Ptrjwrmll. Qirn,, AciKlIU, Et,


&EVOLVIErumuuCl. uown ason, imai^rwwKi«t.,i-aiiiwi|*,ya.


INthe District Court or lne HeventcethI Judicial District ofthe state of Cali-fornia, in und for the county ofLoa Ait'geics*

kenry Coweß,Plaintiff, vs. A. B« Me-serve ami others, Defendants*

Action brought In the DistrictCourt of the 17th Judicial District 0/ thestate ofCalifornia, In and for the tTountvol i.os Angeles, and the Complaint (Hodiv suid city ami eeiinly of Los Angeles,lnIhe oillce of Iho Clerk of said DistrictCourt.

Tlie people of Ihe Stale or Californiasend greeting to AlVln R. Meserve, Syd-ney Morby, bX F, Huao, Robert Cat heart,Arthur J* Hutchlnaon, L Brosaeau.Willi .m G. lialatead, Renry X, W. Kent,sar .h Uojaer, Ralph Leonard, WilliamRiley,defendants:

Yon me hereby required to appear Inan action brought against you by theabove named plaintill lv the DistrictCourt of theSeveuloentb Judicial Districtof the,state 01 California, in ami for tiiecounty ol LOa Angeles, nnd lo answerthe complaint died therein, within tendays (exclusive of the day of service)alter the service on you ol this summons?II served Within this county; or, ll servedout oi this county, but in this dtstrlot,within twenty days; otherwise, withinforty days-or lodgment hy default willbetaken against yon, according to theprayer of said complaint*

The saiil action is brought to obtain adecree ofthla Court lortbe>i certain mortgage described mthe saht complaint and exe-cuted hy tho said defendant A.r. Meserve 10 Los Angelei count y

\u25a0tank <di tbe twenty-eighth day ot Janu-ary, A, D 1874, to secure the payment 01a certain promissory note mane by thesaid defendant a, k. Meaerve on the daynnd year last atore-ald fur the sum olJit 00, payah c six months after date toLoa Angelea County Hank or order, withInierestfrom daieat the rate of one andono quarter per cent, per month, paya-ble monthly 111 advance, aad compound-ing said lut rest monthly at toe same1 ate and payable lv gold coin ofthe Unit-ed states, and by aaid I.os Angeles coun-ty Bank duly aligned to plafntlfl; thaino- premises conveyed by said ufortsagemay in- .-old and the proceed a applied tothe puynn nt of the sum ot $( 00 (ha aUceuf said note of fiouh.with interest there-on from ApillSI, 16>7, at t he rate of onemul oue*quarter per cent., per month,payable monthly in advance, and Com-pounding said Interest monthly at thetame rate; also, for 6121 79-100, torso muchmoney paid lor laxes aud redemption ofmortgaged premises from tax Bale, withIntereat thereon irom February 0, ih;o, altwo percent per monibj al-o, live percent, on wbola amount due for counselfees, ns provided In said mortgage; also,for costs aud expenses of ault, Ac, all tvgold coin of IheUnited States ol Atnerica;and to case such proceeds are not sutll-eteul to pay tbe same, then to ob am anexecution agatust aaid deiendnntA ItMeserve for the balance remaining dueand also that the aaid ilcendauls andn 1 persons claiming by, through or ua*der them or either Ol 1 hem may be bar-red and foieeiosed or ail right, title,claim, llen,e<|itliy ofredemption ami Iniciest in ami to said nini tuSgSd premis. %and lor other and further relh i,as willmore fully appear by reference to thecomplaint en Ale herein

And you are hereby notified Hint if yenfat 110 appear ami answer the said com-plaint as above required, tbe said plain-tttl" willapply to the court for the relictdemanded in the said comnlalnt.

Given under my hand ami Ihe seal ntthe District I \u25a0ourt of the SevcnteehllJudicial District ofthe Stale of California,iv and for tho county of Los Angelesthis eleventh day ofJune, In iho ye*.r oiour Lord, one thousand eight hundredand seventy-nine.

iscai of &eyent£*»*h District Court.]A, W. POT TS. Clerk.

By D M.ADAMs. "opury Oierk.JosiAlt 11. APPLEGATtt, Plaintiff'!

At'oruey, 7211 Montyonurv street,San Kranclaci. 1 7 2m

IN THE PROBATE COURTOf tho CoUDty of I.os Angeles,

Suite of Gal.fbroia*In the matter 1 f the estate nf carmen

Pans de Charles, ni ceased.


Notice is hereby given tbat HenryCharles has filed with th» Clerk, of thisCourt a petition, preying for letters tee -autenlary Of tbe estate ot 1 armen Panade Charles, deceased, and that Monday,the 21st day «f .July, A. D. 1*79, ut hio'clock A. M. of said day. being a day *-f ar» gular term of tin-Court, to-wit,o' iheJuly term, \. D 1a79, at the court-roomof this court, al th \u25a0 Court Ifouse, ta thecity of Lo'j AngelOH, has been sot forbearing said petition* when and whereany person IntoroHted may appear andshow cause why the petition should notbe gran cd.

Dated Monday, July 7th, Lg79.A.W, POTTi. Clerk.

By QUI*FIN JOHNSTON,DepuIj- Clerk.Jy8td

Administrator's pursuance cf an order of iho Probate

Court or Los Angeles county, made onIhe Kith day of Juno, 1879, in the mailertifthe estate of Pedro Piiarfa, deceased,the undersigned, administratiix of said

? state, will sell nt private sale, tv thehis beat bidder tor eesh in gold coin 01

the Government nt the United states amikUbJfOt to Confirmation by said Probate

\u25a0 ourt, on or afterWEDNESDAY, tho lit DAY OF JVLY,187!*, all Ihe personal property of Mild es-tate, consisting of gttout 10(000 sheep andsome sheep corrals, and a moveablehouse ami one wagon and four horses,

Terms of lhe sale?Cash, Bids may bemade at amy time after tbe tir-t publicstion Oi I his notice ami before tlu* makingof ihe sale, all bids or oilers must be inwritingand left at the office of lilassell,Smith m Hmltb*attuineya al law.TempleBlook,Lofl anaelesclty, or delivered tothe undelSigned personally.

Dated June hi, 1079,JUVNA PI LABIA.

Administratrix of the Estate of pedioFilarial deceased* jei7

Delinquent Sale.POMONA ORCHARD CO.?Location of

principal place of business, Los a ngt lea,Cal.

NO PICE.There are upon thelollow-

llig described slock, on account Of assess-ment levied on iho oth day of June,lfc79, the several amounts SOI opposite thenames Of the respective shareholders, asfollows:

No. of No. ofNames, Cert isea te shares. Aint.

L M Roll 66 and (i« 2 tooA s Mpenoe NS t noS D Matlleld 4 1 .'JUJami" Matlleld - - I :>oki Hi Sbattuob 10 2 COJ c MrComas in I aoa adrew showers. ~,96 i oV Pom t 01 , I ;0i A Duns moor 2> I ;oX Lstbron 4 1 ;to

Arihur Itelmau 00... 1 augnd In accordance with law, add an or-

der 01 the Board or Directors, made ontbo tdxih day of June, 1679, somany share ?< of each parcel of stieti stockas may be necessary Will be sold at pub-lic auction, at tho otllco of theComparap, No, 6 Odd Fellows' block, LosAngeles, pal., on wi-'dnp.nijay, tt'o3J'h day of July, 1879, at 2 o'clock I*. m., topay lip delinquent assessment., togetherwith costs of advert ISIUg and expenses otsale.

By order Ol tbe Hoard of \nk k. fanning,

Store tary*Offlcc -No. 3Odd Fellows 1 Block, July

Hth, |a7O, jyia-td

Notice to Creditors.

EST ATE O X iiYDfA WI GST,Deceased,

Pursuunt lo an order oi ihe ProbateCourt of Lob Angelei couniy, notice ishereby t;ivon to ull pt rsons havingcanns ngalnst the said eh ceased, to ex-hibit and present tbe same, with thonecesaary vouohers, to Ihe undersigned.administrator ot said OftSte* at his oillceand place of business, in the lurnltmostore of Hotter A Bradley, No. %?> Mainstreet. Loh Angeles city, .-.dale of Califor-nia, according 10 law, withinfour mom baa'ler the Oral publication Oftbhi notice.

Los Angeles, April hi, IB7JI.ISAAC W. LOKD,

Administrator of the ettata of LydiaWe-, deceased. alfl-4w


[GucceHsor to Cl,t ia. Houne) PropPlelor.


anu J.'m . I."j

Ordure for BUAUdflt' ur rOTTLKJBn.h.K proiaptly uttended to.

The celebrated Beer from tble Brewer,leflee comDetlUon In tbe Mate. mrS-lf


Primary Ejections.

Nolle* la hereby given thatal ll meet.liik oi the Demoefatlo County Centralpominltu c for Los Ann. leg county, heldin the city of l,oi Ang>le», on Monduv,the tirti day ofjaly, ifre, It ni

Btetoleed, That a Oountyconvention rortueconnty im i.os Anfle>les be held at



Al 11 o'clock a. M.i fin* the purpose olnominating candidate! lor couniy oiti-t ers io be elected ai ihe general electionio hi' held September Ba, W79j for theelection *?( a County Central c- mmlttee,and lor such other purposes a* nmy prop-erly come before the Conventlon|

That, for the purpose ofelecting dele-gates to said County Convention,

A PRIMABY ELECTIONin*held hy ihe Democrats of the severalprecincts herein titer named upon


TU*tthe polls in the several precinctsbo opened at TW l O'CLOCK P.M. nndClosed at SjX O'CLOCK I. M. of thatday;

Tnat the fidlow ing hb tne test forvotersat said election: First, thai they arequellhod voters under tbe laws of thisstate; second, that theyare Democrats;

Tbat the several Judge* of Blec-tion holding the said election,whether appointed hy this committee oroi herwlse selected, he and t hey aro here*oy authorized ami required to canva-sthe voies cast at their respective pollingplaces and to Issue to the delegatestdieted tosaid Convention proper oerti-Hoatesol election, to he prt sentcd by thedelegates to the Convention when assembio i, and that such .Judges seal up Iheballots, poll and tally lists used at saidelection uud have them forwarded bysome sa'o means before Ihe meettngolsa d Convention to tho Secretary of ihoDemocrat h- County Committee at LosAngeles < iiy;

'i htil the following ho und Is a list ofthe several precincts, polling places,Judges Of Election, ami the number ofdelegates to suid Convention t<> whichChe several precincts are and shall boentitled respectively j that is to say:

Anaheim RM Harham's oitice; TheoKin. pan, .1 udge] <I delegates.

AXOSa?B ( alien's store; WA Palmer,jmigi;? delegates*

Cienega?Park Railroad station; J ANichols, Judge, 9 delegates.

Cahuenaa?school house; v Maud,Judge; l delegate*

Common? New mark's store; (100 Car-son, Judge; 2 Ulegates,

l'U.ule ? School house; I A Caldwell,Judge: 2 delegates.

El Monte?McLsJd's store; J W Broad-ed. Judge; i delegates.

Elizabeth Lake?Heffoer's Hotel; JHeiiner, Judge; 1 delegate,

Florence? School house; G W Juden,Judge; 2delegate.

Fountain \' al ley? -e'.ioo! house; E HJohnson, Judge; 2 delegates.

Garden Grove?School house; Beauchain p. Judge; 2 delegates*

Los Nietns ?it Gulrado's store; E MBun ford. Judge; ;i delegates.

La Hallona?school hou.-e; John I>Young. Judge; l delegate.Los Angela*?Flrai Precln ot?Bat b-at«

BChool house; Jlj Wiitfht, Judge; 7 del-egates.

second Precinct ?Olil Council rooms; ADavis, Judge; 6 deb urates.

Third Precinct?Round House; SidneyLnoy, Judge; 7 delegates.

Fourth Preelnot?Court House; Wm UWorkman, Judge; 10 delegates.

Monte Vist . ? -chol house; O F Kirnball, ludgi; 2 deb gates.Norwala? Rallioal depot; A >I Niece

Judge: ;tdelegates.Onl Mission Basey*a store; T.IScully,

Judge; 2 del* gatesorange?Oraugo Hole!; Amos Travis,

Judge; 2 delegates.Pasadena?School House; Dr W W Ed

waids, judge; i delegate*Pomona -(School house; j A Berry,

Judge; Odelegatea,Ravt na? school house; Jehu Hell,

lodge; i delegate.San Gabriel?lnch's store { H BaJBll"ton, Judge; jdelegates,Ban Jose?Caldwell's store; A It Cald-

well, Judge; a delegates.Han Juan Oardatrano?Uer'a Hotel; R

Began* Ju ig*j 2 del eg tie*.Man Antonio? Tweed n'a house; RTweedy, Judge; 2 delegates,san 1a Ana?school hmse; Trinidad

Yorba, Judtre; Sdelegaies.ManJoaquin?J udg \u25a0 Humphrey 'a olBce;

J II Finn, Judge; 4 delegates,San I*cniaiwo? Moffat!\s store; A R

Muiiatt, Judge; Odeieaati a.s iied d?Newbali citation 1 foeI Turner,

Judge; 2 delegate**silver? Crowel Pa st re: F M Duster,

Judge; 5 delegates.Santa Monica?Judge Morgan's offlee;

.1 M Iluie, Judge; i' deb yales.Silverado?Gil Ullc House; J C Hill,

Judgei l delegate.Tuatln? UtCs store; L Lit, Judge; 2delegates,Vernon?School bouee, 1 C Curtis,

Jndtu : 2 delegates.Wilmington?Railroad saloon; Oeorgu

Denver, .Judge; Sdelegatea.Westminster?Hull A Lund's a! ore] A

H McDowell,Judge; Sdelegatea,By order of ihe Democratic Central

Committee*M. J NKW MA ItX,

('hairmaUeAltos': R. A. LINO, Secretary.


Moray Sl Sperrv,


Mining Supplies,8S LIBERTY 81., NliW YoR,'unty

STEEL SHOES AND DIES'A FI'EU many years of patient research** und experiment, we bave succeeded loproducing steel Ahues and Bteel Dies forQuarts Mills, which are unequalled fordurability, strength and economy] they wulwear tnree timet longer than any ironshoes. Wo manufacture, and 000 tract toerect, Gold and silver ilisluchigund Amal-gamating Machinery Inall it-* dossils, Pans,beparatorii Oouoentfstora, Jigs, RuckBreakers und i'urusees.

All order* promptly ti led, Rssgglnt*lions solicited, Adilrc-a

MOREY cv SPIiItRY,88 Liberty Ut., Neit Eur*,

Agricultural Implement Depot.... li....


b.Ui Jose, Crl,

Agent far Walter A. Wood's How InnItwer, Iloaper and aelMJinder, Haines' Kin.;10-Ot«tr Beadi r. Improved Hweupfttakc*Tuosher and sulky Hjikoh; blbo, the Oelflirated Revolving milky Bake, and the Oban,ilon Uovolvhig Hake, and tue w<>}) know,.MBn Revolving ns!."; M Delia Pain Wagonand spring wsgonsof ail Aeeerlptloiu),The attention of the farmers |fl particuliriv

allod to the


1hnn mer an ouoriismn 1,1hi at the Kant ami1and around Hacraincn >.Aisti, all kinds of nan d secontt-tiamt dj -binary for mle, Karm- and othurs win

nd it to bo to their b->a * lv call on anutore buvhiir, &j ; ' ding avarylhlcr> law for esse \u25a0 *jeli> * iUVT;.h.h

MiStO Hl*hour