tupper seminar stri scientistsstri-sites.si.edu/sites/strinews/pdfs/october_15_2010.pdftupper...

Tupper seminar Tuesday, October 19, Tupper 4pm seminar speaker will be Rudiger Krahe, McGill University The energetic cost of electric signaling in weakly electric fish Paleo-Talk Wednesday, October 20, CTPA Paleo-Talk speaker will be Sebastian Zapata, STRI Evolution of South-America during Jurassic after the Pangea breaking Bambi seminar No Bambi scheduled for Thursday, October 21. If you wish to give a Bambi, please send an e-mail to Brian Sedio at [email protected] Arrivals John Layne, University of Cincinnati, to study path integration in fiddler crabs: Its interaction with stabilizing reflexes and co-evolution with social behavior, at the Naos Island Laboratories. Anna Schurkmann, University of Postdam, Germany, to join the Agua Salud Project- Hydrological Studies, on Barro Colorado. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panamá STRI news www.stri.org October 15, 2010 STRI scientists distinguished at APANAC Congress Marcela Paredes, president of Panama´s Technological University and president of the Association for the Advancement of Science (APANAC) presented STRI scientists Fernando Santos Granero, Mireya Correa, Hector Guzmán and Anthony G. Coates, as well as Diving Program officer Edgardo Ochoa, with gold pins commemorating the 25 years of APANAC, for their contributions presented during the XIII National Congress of Science and Technology of Panama in the symposium “Smithsonian: 100 years of Science in Panama.” Mireya Correa The Centennial Symposium, held on Saturday, October 9, at the City of Knowledge, was a great success. The photo above shows Michel Bergeron, University of Montreal, and STRI´s Oris Sanjur, Coates, Santos-Granero and Ochoa. Héctor Guzmán Marcela Paredes, presidenta de la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá y presidenta de la Asociación Panameña para el Avance de la Ciencia, APANAC, hizo entrega de pines de oro que conmemoran los 25 años de APANAC a Fernando Santos Granero, Mireya Correa, Héctor Guzmán y Anthony G. Coates, así como a Edgardo Ochoa, director de Buceo de STRI, por sus contribuciones durante el XIII Congreso Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de Panamá, en el simposio “Smithsonian: 100 años de Ciencia en Panamá. Este Simposio, dado el sábado, 9 de octubre en la Ciudad del Saber, fue un gran éxito. La foto de arriba muestra a Michel Bergeron, Universidad de Montreal, Oris Sanjur, Coates, Santos y Ochoa.

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Page 1: Tupper seminar STRI scientistsstri-sites.si.edu/sites/strinews/PDFs/October_15_2010.pdfTupper seminar Tuesday, October 19, Tupper 4pm seminar speaker will be Rudiger Krahe, McGill

Tupper seminarTuesday, October 19, Tupper4pm seminar speaker will beRudiger Krahe, McGillUniversityThe energetic cost ofelectric signaling in weaklyelectric fish

Paleo-TalkWednesday, October 20,CTPA Paleo-Talk speaker willbe Sebastian Zapata, STRIEvolution of South-Americaduring Jurassic after thePangea breaking

Bambi seminarNo Bambi scheduled forThursday, October 21. If youwish to give a Bambi, pleasesend an e-mail to Brian Sedioat [email protected]

ArrivalsJohn Layne, University ofCincinnati, to study pathintegration in fiddler crabs: Itsinteraction with stabilizingreflexes and co-evolution withsocial behavior, at the NaosIsland Laboratories.

Anna Schurkmann, Universityof Postdam, Germany, to jointhe Agua Salud Project-Hydrological Studies, on BarroColorado.

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panamá STRI news www.stri.org October 15, 2010

STRIscientistsdistinguishedat APANACCongressMarcela Paredes, president ofPanama´s TechnologicalUniversity and president of theAssociation for theAdvancement of Science(APANAC) presented STRIscientists Fernando SantosGranero, Mireya Correa,Hector Guzmán and AnthonyG. Coates, as well as DivingProgram officer EdgardoOchoa, with gold pinscommemorating the 25 yearsof APANAC, for theircontributions presented duringthe XIII National Congress ofScience and Technology ofPanama in the symposium“Smithsonian: 100 years ofScience in Panama.”

Mireya Correa

The Centennial Symposium,held on Saturday, October 9, atthe City of Knowledge, was agreat success.

The photo above shows MichelBergeron, University ofMontreal, and STRI´s OrisSanjur, Coates, Santos-Graneroand Ochoa.

Héctor Guzmán

Marcela Paredes, presidenta dela Universidad Tecnológica dePanamá y presidenta de laAsociación Panameña para elAvance de la Ciencia,APANAC, hizo entrega depines de oro que conmemoranlos 25 años de APANAC aFernando Santos Granero,Mireya Correa, Héctor Guzmány Anthony G. Coates, así comoa Edgardo Ochoa, director deBuceo de STRI, por suscontribuciones durante el XIIICongreso Nacional de Ciencia yTecnología de Panamá, en elsimposio “Smithsonian: 100años de Ciencia en Panamá.

Este Simposio, dado el sábado,9 de octubre en la Ciudad delSaber, fue un gran éxito. La fotode arriba muestra a MichelBergeron, Universidad deMontreal, Oris Sanjur, Coates,Santos y Ochoa.

Page 2: Tupper seminar STRI scientistsstri-sites.si.edu/sites/strinews/PDFs/October_15_2010.pdfTupper seminar Tuesday, October 19, Tupper 4pm seminar speaker will be Rudiger Krahe, McGill

New publicationsCorre, Marife D., Veldkamp,Edzo, Arnold, Julia, andWright, S. Joseph. 2010."Impact of elevated N input onsoil N cycling and losses inold-growth lowland andmontane forests in Panama."Ecology 91(6): 1715-1729.

Craven, Dylan, Dent, Daisy H.,Braden, D., Ashton, Mark S.,Berlyn, G. P., and Hall,Jefferson S. 2010. "Seasonalvariability of photosyntheticcharacteristics influencesgrowth of eight tropical treespecies at two sites withcontrasting precipitation inPanama." Forest Ecology andManagement Online.

Dapper, Amy L., Baugh,Alexander T., and Ryan,Michael J. 2010. "The soundsof silence as an alarm cue intúngara frogs, Physalaemuspustulosus." Biotropica Online.

Dijkstra, Michiel B., vanZweden, Jelle S., Dirchsen,Maria, and Boomsma, JacobusJ. 2010. "Workers ofAcromyrmex echinatiorleafcutter ants policeworker-laid eggs, but notreproductive workers." AnimalBehaviour Online.

Escobedo Galvan, ArmandoH., Vanegas-Anaya, Myriam,Espinal, Mario R., Platt, StevenG., and Buitrago, Fabio. 2010."Conservation of crocodiliansin Mesoamerica." In Wilson,Larry David, Towsend, JosiahH., and Johnson, Jerry D.(Eds.), Conservation ofMesoamerican amphibians andreptiles: 746-757. EagleMountain, Utah: EagleMountain Publishing.

Heckadon Moreno, Stanley.2010. "Alexander Wetmore yArmagedón Hartmann en elGolfo de San Blas, 1957.""Épocas" Tercera Era(Supplement to El PanamáAmérica) 25(9): 10-11.

More arrivalsSaara DeWalt, ClemsonUniversity, to study theimportance of secondaryforests to biodiversityconservation, on BarroColorado.

Aldo Rincón, University ofFlorida, to continue researchwith the Panama Canal SalvagePaleontology/Geology Project,at the CTPA, Ancón.

DeparturesAllen Herre and Sunshine VanBael to Tempe, to participate,with Juergen Gadau, in acourse at the Arizona StateUniversity, and to presentlectures.

STRI in the news“Caribbean coral die-off couldbe worst ever”, by EliKintisch. 2010. Science Now: 14October 2010.

“Smithsonian reports regionalsea temperature rise and coralbleaching event in WesternCaribbean.” Science Centric:October 13.

New publications Baeza, Juan Antonio. 2010."The symbiotic lifestyle and itsevolutionary consequences:Social monogamy and sexallocation in thehermaphroditic shrimpLysmata pederseni."Naturwissenschaften 97(8):729-741.

Cheesman, Alexander W.,Dunne, Ed J., Turner,Benjamin L., and Reddy, K.Ramesh. 2010. "Soilphosphorus forms inhydrologically isolatedwetlands and surroundingpasture uplands." Journal ofEnvironmental Quality 39(4):1517-1525.

More arrivalsSaara DeWalt, ClemsonUniversity, to study theimportance of secondaryforests to biodiversityconservation, on BarroColorado.

Aldo Rincón, University ofFlorida, to continue researchwith the Panama Canal SalvagePaleontology/Geology Project,at the CTPA, Ancón.

DeparturesAllen Herre and Sunshine VanBael to Tempe, to participate,with Juergen Gadau in acourse at the Arizona StateUniversity, and to presentlectures.

STRI in the news“Caribbean coral die-off couldbe worst ever”, by EliKintisch. 2010. Science Now: 14October 2010.

“Smithsonian reports regionalsea temperature rise and coralbleaching event in WesternCaribbean.” Science Centric:October 13.

New publications Baeza, Juan Antonio. 2010."The symbiotic lifestyle and itsevolutionary consequences:Social monogamy and sexallocation in thehermaphroditic shrimpLysmata pederseni."Naturwissenschaften 97(8):729-741.

Cheesman, Alexander W.,Dunne, Ed J., Turner,Benjamin L., and Reddy, K.Ramesh. 2010. "Soilphosphorus forms inhydrologically isolatedwetlands and surroundingpasture uplands." Journal ofEnvironmental Quality 39(4):1517-1525.

Canadian ambassador andconsul visit STRICanada's ambassador toPanama, Pat Langan-Torell (atright), and Canadian consulRebecca Van Vlasselaer visitBarro Colorado Island onTuesday, October 12, withBioInformatics director StevePaton, at the invitation of theDirector´s Office.

Langan-Torell had visited PuntaCulebra Nature Center duringthe recent opening of theTouch Pool, showing greatinterest in STRI´s activities andresearch programs. She isstudying the possibility ofconvening members of theDiplomatic Corps to supportPanamanian children´seducation.

La embajadora de Canadá enPanamá Pat Langan-Torell(derecha) y la cónsul cana-diense Rebecca van Vlasselaer,visitaron BCI el martes 12octubre con Steve Paton,director de la Oficina deBioinformática, por invitaciónde la Oficina del Director.

Langan-Torell había visitado elCentro Natural Punta Culebradurante la recienteinauguración del Acuario deContacto, y mostró graninterés por las activdades yprogramas de investigación deSTRI. La embajadora estudia laposibilidad de reunir al cuerpodiplomático para apoyar a laeducación de niñospanameños.

Page 3: Tupper seminar STRI scientistsstri-sites.si.edu/sites/strinews/PDFs/October_15_2010.pdfTupper seminar Tuesday, October 19, Tupper 4pm seminar speaker will be Rudiger Krahe, McGill

New publicationsHochberg, Rick, and Atherton,Sara. 2010. "Acanthodasyscaribbeanensis sp. n., a newspecies of Thaumastodermatidae(Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida)from Belize and Panama."ZooKeys 61(1): 1-10.

Jansen, Patrick A., Elschit, Kelly,Verkerk, P. Johanes, and Wright,S. Joseph. 2010. "Seed predationand defleshing in theagouti-dispersed palmAstrocaryum standleyanum." Journalof Tropical Ecology 26(5).

Leigh, Jr., Egbert G.. 2010. "Theevolution of mutualism." Journalof Evolutionary Biology Online.

Perez-Ortega, B., Fernandez-Marin, Hermogenes, Loiacono,M., Galgani, Paola, and Wcislo,William T. 2010. "Biologicalnotes on a fungus-growing ant,Trachymyrmex cf. zeteki(Hymenoptera, Formicidae,Attini) attacked by a diversecommunity of parasitoid wasps(Hymenoptera, Diapriidae)."Insectes Sociaux 57(3): 317-322.

Schwarz, Michael P., Tierney,Simon M., Rehan, Sandra M.,Chenoweth, Luke B., andCooper, Steven J.B. 2010. "Theevolution of eusociality inallodapine bees: workers beganby waiting." Biology LettersOnline.

Wester, Stefan, Mendieta-Leiva,Glenda, Nauheimer, Lars,Wanek, Wolfgang, Kreft,Holger, and Zotz, Gerhard.2010. "Physiological diversityand biogeography of vascularepiphytes at Río Changuinola,Panama." Flora - Morphology,Distribution, Functional Ecology ofPlants Online.

Winters, Kate L., vanHerwerden, Lynne, Choat, J.Howard, and Robertson, D.Ross. 2010. "Phylogeography ofthe Indo-Pacific parrotfishScarus psittacus: Isolationgenerates distinctive peripheralpopulations in two oceans."Marine Biology 157(8): 1679-1691.

Sixty specialists are gatheredat STRI to participate in the2010 Global InvasionsNetwork Meeting, focusedon the ecology and evolutionof biological invasions. Themeeting, supported by the USNational Science Foundation,will include discussions andupdates of ongoing projects,discussions of new directions,and the development of thewebsitehttp://www.invasionsrcn.org

The Global InvasionsResearch CoordinationNetwork group is integratingdisparate hypotheses toexplain invasions, andcoordinating both theoreticaland empirical research onbiological invasions aroundthe globe. The website indiscussion will provide aresource for scientistsworking on invasions to findcolleagues located ingeographic regions of interestto aid in sampling andexperimental work. Meetingdiscussions and activitiesbegan on Monday, October11, and will continue until theend of the week, with visitsto various STRI facilities.

Sesenta especialistas estánreunidos en STRI paraparticipar en el Congreso de2010 de la Red de InvasionesGlobales, que se centra en laecología y la evolución deinvasiones biológicas. Lareunión, financiada por laNational Science Foundation delos Estados Unidos, incluirádiscusiones y actualizacionessobre proyectos en marcha,discusiones sobre nuevasdirecciones y el desarrollo de lapágina de webhttp://www.invasionsrcn.org/.

El grupo de la Red deCoordinación deInvestigaciones sobre

Invasiones Globales, integradiferentes hipótesis paraexplicar las invasiones. Además,coordinan tanto investigacionesteóricas y empíricas sobreinvasiones alrededor del globo.

La página de web en desarrolloproporcionará una fuentecientífica sobre invasiones, paraencontrar colegas en regionesgeográficas de interés, y asíayudar en el muestreo y en eltrabajo experimental. Lasdiscusiones del congreso seiniciaron el lunes, 11 de octubrey terminarán al final de lasemana con visitas a diferentesinstalaciones de STRI.

Global Invasions Network Meeting

Page 4: Tupper seminar STRI scientistsstri-sites.si.edu/sites/strinews/PDFs/October_15_2010.pdfTupper seminar Tuesday, October 19, Tupper 4pm seminar speaker will be Rudiger Krahe, McGill

Bocas del Toro coralbleaching update

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, October 15, 2010

Photos: Edgardo

Ochoa and Arcadio

Castillo, Isla Colón,

Wednesday, October

13, 2010

On October 1 , west

reported an anomalous

sea temperature rise

and a major coral

bleaching event in

Bocas del Toro.

Following our report,

other reports came

from Costa Rica and

Colombia confirming

these abnormal


occurring in the wider


According to Plinio

Góndola, from the

Bocas del Toro

Research Station

(BRS), "dissolved

oxygen dropped to less

than 3 milligrams per

liter at 10 meters and

nearly zero milligrams

per liter at the bottom"

in waters off BRS on

Isla Colón, during the

warming event.

Days later, Héctor

Guzmán, marine

biologist and head of

STRI´s Coral Reef

Monitoring Network in

Panama, informs that

the wind has picked up

since the previous

report and there is

more mixing in the

water column.

Dissolved oxygen

levels are back to

normal, but the

bleaching event was

very extensive. They

won't know how many

corals will end up

dying. This information

will be provided in

about a month.

The background photo

shows Catherina

Caballero, from


monitoring the coral

bleaching in Bocas del


El 1ro de octubre

informamos sobre un

aumento anómalo en la

temperatura del agua y

un evento de

blanqueamiento de

corales en Bocas del


Después de nuestro

informe se empezaron

a recibir noticias de

Costa Rica y Colombia

confirmando estas

temperaturas elevadas

en el Caribe.

De acuerdo a Plinio

Góndola, de la

Estación de

Investigaciones en

Bocas del Toro (BRS),

“El oxígeno disuelto

era menos de 3

miligramos por litro a

10 metros de

profundidad y casi

cero miligramos en el

fondo” frente a la

Estación de STRI en

Isla Colón, durante el


Días más adelante, el

biólogo marino Héctor

Guzmán, líder de la

Red de Monitoreo de

Corales del

Smithsonian, informa

que el viento ha

tomado fuerza desde

entonces y hay más

movimiento en el agua.

Los niveles de oxígeno

disueltos ya son

normales pero el

blanqueamiento fue

muy extenso. No se

sabe aún cuantos

corales morirán. Esta

información se espera

tener en un mes.

La foto de fondo

muestra a Catherina

Caballero, INDICASAT,

quienes también

monitorean el

blanqueamiento de los

corales en Bocas del


Plexaurella sp.

Mussa angulosa

Page 5: Tupper seminar STRI scientistsstri-sites.si.edu/sites/strinews/PDFs/October_15_2010.pdfTupper seminar Tuesday, October 19, Tupper 4pm seminar speaker will be Rudiger Krahe, McGill

Requisitos:• Ser estudiante de Biología (al menos de cuarto año o de maestría)• Excelencia académica• Buen dominio del idioma inglés• Disponibilidad a dedicarse al curso tiempo completo

Entregar carta de presentación de 2 páginas (en inglés), indicando su interés en el curso, junto con su hoja de vida y créditos universitarios oficiales

Del 2 al 16 de enero de 2011

El Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales yla Universidad de Arizona ofrecen becas para estudiantes universitarios panameños para participar en un curso de Ecología Tropical.

Fecha límite para aplicar: 12 de noviembre de 2010

Enviar documentos a:Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones TropicalesAttn.: Nilka Tejeira - TupperApartado 0843-03092Panamá, República de PanamáO por Fax: 212-8150, o a [email protected]