tugas ns anastasya

ENGLISH TASK GROUP 3 INARTRY MANGIWA MIA AUDINA WENDA MARINA ASSA SATRIANI BAWATAA YOAN KASIM A-2 Task 1 ( Page 53 ) Pain Assessment form A. Current pain medication Did you take any medicine for your pain ? Yes, I did, I took Asam Mefenamat How many do you take ? I took Asam Mefanamat 2 times. In the morning and afternoon. B. Where is the pain ? Show me where the pain is ... The pain is on my tooth Point at the pain you feel ... The pain at my molar teeth that perforated C. Describe cause of pain, it known Do you know the cause of your pain ? Yes I do, because my molar teeth that perforated Why do you feel that ? Because I rarely brushed my tooth so my molar teeth perforated

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Page 1: Tugas Ns Anastasya









Task 1 ( Page 53 )

Pain Assessment form

A. Current pain medication

Did you take any medicine for your pain ?

Yes, I did, I took Asam Mefenamat

How many do you take ?

I took Asam Mefanamat 2 times. In the morning and afternoon.

B. Where is the pain ?

Show me where the pain is ...

The pain is on my tooth

Point at the pain you feel ...

The pain at my molar teeth that perforated

C. Describe cause of pain, it known

Do you know the cause of your pain ?

Yes I do, because my molar teeth that perforated

Why do you feel that ?

Because I rarely brushed my tooth so my molar teeth perforated

D. How does the pain feel to the patient

What is the pain like ?

The pain like trouble some

Is it sharp, dull stabbing, aching ?

It is aching

E. Intensity of pain (on scale of 0-5

On a scale of 0 to 5, with five being the worst, how would you rate what you feel right

now ?

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I feel the scale of pain on 2 discomforting pain (troublesome, nauseating, pressing, numb,


F. Frequency of pain

How often do you feel the pain ?

I feel the pain every night if I forget to brush my tooth

Is it occasional, frequent or constant ?

It is frequent

G. Patients view of pain

What makes pain better ?

Brush the tooth and take medicine

What nakes pain worse ?

Forget to brush tooth, eat or drink something that more not or more cool, and have

very sweet taste

Any associated symptom ?

I difficult to chew food, to do activity, to sleep

Are there time of the day/ night when pain is worse ?

One time of the day

What has helped control pain in the past ?

Brush the tooth and take medicine

What is pain preventing patient from doing ?

Brush the tooth if eat or drink something that more hot or more cool, and have very

sweet taste

Does patient want something done about pain ?

Yes, she does

Coments :

The patient complaint about her molar teeth that perforated. She want to patch or pull

up her molar teeth so as not to let the pain occur again

Date : 1st December 2014

Signature of assesor :

Ns Inartry M, S.Kep, M.Kep

Imprint patient identification or write in information below

Patient’s name : Mrs Mia Audina

Medical Record No : 12345

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Activity 1

Task 1

What is the pain like ?

The pain is like agonizing and creep until to all of my body

Task 3

1. Did you take any self-medication ?

2. How many do you take self-medication ?

3. - What do you get after medication ?

- Is it better or worse ?

Task 4

1. The painful round on my chest

2. The painful round on top left stomach and radiate until right stomach

3. The painful round gastro and creep on leftback

4. I feel like throwing up, and my stomach sore

5. I feel difficulty breathing and my throat feel clogged

Activity 4 (Page 56)

Case 1

Did you take any medicine for your pain ?

Yes I did, I took Aspirin

Show me where the pain is ?

The pain on stomach (gastro)

Do you know the cause of your pain ?

Yes I do. the pain occour because I have heavy drinking, smoking or simply eating

too much eating something that is either to spicy or too acidic

On a scale of 0 to 5, with five being the worst, how would you rate what you feel right

now ?

I feel the scale of pain on 2 discomforting pain

What makes pain better ?

Antacid (Mylanta)

What makes pain worse ?

Heavy drinking, smoking or simply eating too much eating something that is either to

spicy or too acidic

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Any associated symptoms ?

Vomit, bloody vomit, upset stomach, nausea, loose bowel moveman

What has helped control pain in the past ?

Medication : Aspirin

Case 2

Did you take any self-medication for your pain ?

No, I did not

Show me where the pain is ?

The pain on kidney

Is it sharp, dull, stabbing, aching ?

It is stabbing

How often do you feel the pain ?

The pain often a few minutes apart

Is it occasional, frequent or constant ?

It is occasional

Any associated symptoms ?

Colic, lower back pain in one side, just below the ricks. Feel nauseated, dribbled

water works

Case 3

Did you take any medicine for your pain ?

No, I did not

Show me where the pain is ?

The pain on around the base of penis

Is it sharp, dull, stabbing, aching ?

It is dull

What makes pain better ?

Antibiotic, antipyretic

Any associated symptoms ?

Painful water works, having a dull heavy in crotch, fever

(Page 59)

Task 1

What is the family history ?

His father died aged 56 of a coronary thrombosis

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Task 2

1. What’s the patient’s name ?

Peter Green

2. What’s the patient’s occupation ?


3. Who refers the patient to the specialist ?

dr. Mary Chapman

4. Who is the specialist ?

dr. Scott

5. Mention the patient’s complaint.

A severe attack of central chest pain

6. When did the complaint start ?

Six month ago

7. How long did it last ?

10 mins

8. What’s the diagnosis ?


9. Does the patient need help for mobilization ?

No, he does not

Task 3

1. What is your name ?

2. Are you married ?

3. - Where is your address ?

- Where do you live ?

4. Do you bring referral from GP ?

5. What is your occupation ?

6. Who is close relatives can we contact ?

7. – What is your date of birth ?

– Your date of birth please.

Activity 4 (page 61)

Task 1

Nurse : Good morning, what is your name ?

Patient : Good morning, my name is Susan Jakes

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Nurse : Where is your address ?

Patient : 33, Duck Lane



Nurse : Who refers you to the specialist ?

Patient : dr. Mc Donald

Nurse : Your next of kin?

Patient : My son, George Jaces

Nurse : What is patient’s understanding of admission ?

Patient : Investigation of chest pain

Task 2

Nurse : Good afternoon Ms. What is your name ?

Patient : Good afternoon, My name is J A

Nurse : How much your ages Ms J A ?

Patient : 37 years old

Nurse : Are you married ?

Patient : Yes

Nurse : Have you children ?

Patient : Yes, I have five children

Nurse : What is your husband occupation ?

Patient : He is a carpenter in Illinois

Nurse : What is his address ?

Patient : At 115 riverview, midleton

Nurse : What is his phone number ?

Patient : 312 437 6677

Nurse : Who is your family physician ?

Patient : dr Scott

Nurse : What is dr Scott address ?

Patient : 30 miles from my home

Nurse : Please mention your complaint

Patient :Use of continence aids to manage frequent seepage of stool, which began after a


Nurse : When the surgary was performed ?

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Patient : 4 days after a vaginal delivery of may fifth child, a boy weighing 10 pounds, 2

ounces. The hemorrhoides were very painful throughout the last trimester of my pregnancy

and during the delivery. I elected to have surgary done in the immediate post partum period

Nurse : Why ?

Patient : Because, my oldest daughter was home from collage for the summer

Nurse : What is your activity ? Can you explain

Patient : My primary exercise was caring for my husband, the children, and my home. I and

my husband went bowling every Wednesday evening ad visited my parents every other

Sunday after church. The remainder of us social life revolved around us family life and the

children’s activity.

Nurse: What has done by dr.N?

Patient: Anorectal manometric assessment and protoscopy

Nurse: What was reported by dr.N?

Patient: A less than normal maximal squeeze pressure, intact internal and external anal

sphincters, a small rectal fissure and perianal redness

Nurse: What was suggested by dr.N?

Patient: A trial of pelvic floor exercises, addition of fiber to my diet, use of ointment for

perianal redness, and regular physical activity three times a week. He recommended that I

return in 2 months, and if I had not improved he would begin a course of biofeedback.

I did not require additional surgery and agreed to follow dr.N recommendation

Task 3

St.James Medical Center

Admission Card

Hospital Reg.No:

Ward/Dept :


- What is your surname?

- Inartry Mangiwa


- What is you first name?

- Inartry


- Where do you live?

- Bahu

- Are you on the phone?

- Yes. 0812345678


- When were you born?

- 2nd October 1994

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- Are you married?

- Yes.


- What is you occupation?

- Nurse


- What is your religion?

- Cristiant


- Who is your nearest relative?

- Elheart (Husband)

- Do you live at the same address?

- No, I don’t


- Who is your family doctor?

- dr. Mia Audina

- Her address?

- Bahu


- Whom can I give message?

- Elheart (0812345678)


- Who is the doctor in charge of your case?

- dr. Wenda Assa

Task 4

Do you know the doctor in charge of

your case? Yes, I know. She is dr. Satriani Bawataa

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