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NAMA: Artikel Perilaku Organisasi

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Post on 05-Dec-2015




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Artikel Perilaku Organisasi

Jangan Hanya Lihat Survei, Politisi Muda Banyak yang Bersih dan Cerdas

LINK: http://www.detiknews.com/read/2011/11/02/092537/1758023/10/jangan-hanya-lihat-survei-politisi-muda-banyak-yang-bersih-dan-cerdas

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I agree the words of Abdul Malik Haraiman (members of the House FPKB) that the young politically much smarter, cleaner, and can we trust. Similarly, a political need to be able to work optimally with professionals. Despite many rumors circulating is not true. In Indonesia the media is one major factor that could give a major influence on one's view. And I think this is bad news can be said to someone in dropping his opponent competition. Effectiveness of government entitled to entrust someone unless it is a fact that really there then we can follow up to the next stage.

90 Persen Calon TKI Pinjam Uang ke Renternir

LINK: http://regional.kompas.com/read/2011/11/02/20064293/90.Persen.Calon.TKI.Pinjam.Uang.ke.Renternir

In my opinion, the People's Business Credit (KUR) is one good step for the workers in a work placement abroad. Also make sure workers are placed with a clear contract, their rights are met, and obtain appropriate services. So it can reduce the displaced workers, the state budget can be resolved, and the all negative aspects of what happened. Understanding of KUR is a credit to

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the productive segment of micro business financing, small, medium, and viable cooperatives / feasible but not bankable through a pattern of direct financing and indirect (linkage) which is guaranteed by Credit Guarantee Institution.