tuesday, november 20, 2018 vol. 286 sanmin news messenger ...–°版宅... · hubble space...

The Ups and Downs of the Hubble Space Telescope by Jason Grenier, special correspondent Advances in technology have allowed us to see far beyond what is visible to the naked eye and get a good look at what lies in the darkest reaches of the universe. When it comes to deep space exploration, the Hubble Space Telescope represents the jewel in the crown of human achievement. This amazing tool uses a 2.4 meter mirror and precision-crafted lenses to see galaxies located more than 13 billion light years away. High-resolution images Hubble collects with its cameras and other instruments allow scientists to better understand how the universe was formed and the rate at which it continues to expand. The Hubble mission hasn’t always gone smoothly. In fact, when it was first carried into low orbit above the Earth by the space shuttle Discovery in 1990, a critical flaw in Hubble’s mirror was discovered. The telescope couldn’t focus sharply, and the problem couldn’t be fixed until the first scheduled servicing mission in 1993. Mechanical parts can be expected to wear out with use and require replacement. The task falls to specially trained astronauts who perform difficult and dangerous “spacewalks” to reach the telescope and swap new working parts for old ones. Each servicing mission carries a heavy price tag, and there have been five so far. Even recently, Hubble went out of service when three of the six devices that stabilize and aim the telescope at targets failed. Fortunately, scientists found a solution to bring the telescope back online. NASA will continue servicing Hubble until its useful life ends in 2021. Download Scan to download the full-color PDF and translation. This month in history On November 20, 1945, the Nuremberg War Crime Trials began, accusing former Nazi leaders of war crimes against humanity. Like us on @SanminEnglishEditor Tuesday, November 20, 2018 vol. 286 復北店:臺北市 10476 復興北路 386 號 電話:(02)2500-6600 傳真:(02)2506-4000 重南店:臺北市 10045 重慶南路 1 段 61 號 電話:(02)2361-7511 傳真:(02)2361-3355 Sanmin News Messenger

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Page 1: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 vol. 286 Sanmin News Messenger ...–°版宅... · Hubble Space Telescope by Jason Grenier, special correspondent Advances in technology have allowed us

The Ups and Downs of the

Hubble Space Telescope by Jason Grenier, special correspondent

Advances in technology have allowed us to see far beyond

what is visible to the naked eye and get a good look at what lies

in the darkest reaches of the universe.

When it comes to deep space exploration, the Hubble

Space Telescope represents the jewel in the crown of human

achievement. This amazing tool uses a 2.4 meter mirror and

precision-crafted lenses to see galaxies located more than 13

billion light years away. High-resolution images Hubble

collects with its cameras and other instruments allow scientists to better understand how the universe was

formed and the rate at which it continues to expand.

The Hubble mission hasn’t always gone smoothly. In fact, when it was first carried into low orbit above

the Earth by the space shuttle Discovery in 1990, a critical flaw in Hubble’s mirror was discovered. The

telescope couldn’t focus sharply, and the problem couldn’t be fixed until the first scheduled servicing mission

in 1993. Mechanical parts can be expected to wear out with use and require replacement. The task falls to

specially trained astronauts who perform difficult and dangerous “spacewalks” to reach the telescope and

swap new working parts for old ones. Each servicing mission carries a heavy price tag, and there have been

five so far.

Even recently, Hubble went out of service when three of the six devices that stabilize and aim the

telescope at targets failed. Fortunately, scientists found a solution to bring the telescope back online. NASA

will continue servicing Hubble until its useful life ends in 2021.


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the full-color PDF

and translation.

This month in history

On November 20, 1945, the Nuremberg

War Crime Trials began, accusing former

Nazi leaders of war crimes against humanity.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2018 vol. 286

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Page 2: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 vol. 286 Sanmin News Messenger ...–°版宅... · Hubble Space Telescope by Jason Grenier, special correspondent Advances in technology have allowed us

Reading Comprehension

( ) 1. When a problem was discovered with Hubble’s mirror in 1990, what did this mean? 細節

(A) The telescope could not focus sharply.

(B) The telescope could not send any data to scientists.

(C) The telescope could not be stabilized and aimed at targets.

(D) The telescope could not be launched by the space shuttle Discovery.

( ) 2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? 整合

(A) The Hubble Space Telescope is more a jewelry decoration than a useful tool in deep space


(B) Because of mechanical failures, the Hubble Space Telescope hasn’t provided any good images of


(C) Astronauts performed spacewalks in servicing missions to fix the mechanical failures of the

Hubble Space Telescope.

(D) Servicing missions cost a lot of money, so scientists are considering ending the useful life of the

Hubble Space Telescope in 2021.

( ) 3. Why do you think there have only been five missions to service Hubble in the 28 years the telescope

has been operating? 推論

(A) Servicing missions are very expensive and cost a lot of money.

(B) NASA scientists question the value of the images Hubble collects.

(C) Astronauts are often fearful of performing dangerous “spacewalks.”

(D) The telescope’s operation has been smooth and mostly problem-free.

Vocabulary and Phrases

1. telescope [τΕλ1&σκοπ] n. [C] 望遠鏡

2. the naked eye phr. 肉眼

3. exploration [&Εκσπλ1ρεΣ1ν] n. [C][U] 探勘

4. precision [πρΙσΙΖ1ν] n. [U] 精準;精密

5. galaxy [Γ8λ1κσΙ] n. [C] 星系

6. shuttle [Σ⊥τΛ] n. [C] 太空梭

7. mechanical [µ1κ8νΙκΛ] adj. 機械的

8. wear out phr. 磨損,用壞

9. astronaut [8στρ1&νΟτ] n. [C] 太空人

10. swap [σωΑπ] vt. 替換

11. stabilize [στεβΛ&αΙζ] vt. 使穩定

12. service [σ3ϖΙσ] vt. 檢修

Words for Recognition

1. the jewel in the crown phr. 最珍貴的部分 3. high-resolution [ηαΙ&ρΕζ1λυΣ1ν] adj. 高解析度的

2. light year [λαΙτ&ϕΙρ] n. [C] 光年 4. spacewalk [σπεσ&ωΟκ] n. [C] 太空漫步,艙外活動

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Page 3: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 vol. 286 Sanmin News Messenger ...–°版宅... · Hubble Space Telescope by Jason Grenier, special correspondent Advances in technology have allowed us

India’s Anti-Plastic “Blue

Squad” Has a Tough Job to Do by Jason Grenier, special correspondent

Like most other countries struggling to deal with a garbage crisis, India is trying to cut down on the

amount of plastic waste it generates. As one measure designed to do this, single-use plastics have been

__1__ in the city of Mumbai, home to 20 million people.

Having a law in place is one thing; convincing people to follow it is another. The burden falls to

government workers, known as the “Blue Squad,” who are responsible for enforcing the ban. This means

visiting markets, food courts, and shopping centers every day to make sure businesses are following the law

by not providing things like disposable shopping bags, drinking straws, and plastic bottles to customers. The

Squad’s name comes from the __2__ of the jackets the inspectors wear while working. On any given day,

there are about a dozen blue-__3__ inspectors performing what is proving to be a difficult, demanding, and

dangerous job.

Shopkeepers are never happy when they’re caught breaking the law, since it means they must pay a

__4__ equal to about 2,100 New Taiwan dollars for a first offence. This represents a large sum of money in

India, especially for small business owners. For businesses caught more than once, the financial penalties are

even higher and owners can be sentenced to jail time. Facing such heavy consequences, angry merchants

often turn to violence to resist being __5__ for violating the ban on plastics. Despite regularly being beaten,

cursed, threatened, and chased, Blue Squad members vow they will continue performing their duty.

Fill in the Blanks

(A) fine (B) cited (C) color (D) banned (E) coated (F) vendor

(1)__________ (2)__________ (3)__________ (4)__________ (5)__________

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Vocabulary and Phrases

1. squad [σκωΑδ] n. [C] (軍警等的)小隊,小組

2. generate [δΖΕν1&ρετ] vt. 產生

3. in place phr. 就緒,安排好,準備妥當

4. one thing…another phr. …是一回事…是另一回事

5. fall to phr. 成為…的責任義務

6. given [ΓΙϖ1ν] adj. 特定的

7. demanding [δΙµ8νδΙ9] adj. 耗費心力的

8. financial [φ1ν8νΣ1λ] adj. 財務的;金融的

9. consequence [κΑνσΙκωΕνσ] n. [C] 結果,後果

Words for Recognition

1. single-use [&σΙ9ΓΛ&ϕυσ] adj. 一次性的,用完即丟的 2. food court phr. (購物中心等的)美食街

Did You Know?

Thanksgiving Day this year falls on November 22nd, the fourth Thursday of November in 2018. The

following is a list of some words and phrases about the holiday:

Thanksgiving (Day) 感恩節

indigenous people 原住民

Native American 美洲原住民,印第安人

Pilgrim 清教徒先民 settler 開拓者

harvest 收穫 prayers 祈禱詞

parade 遊行 floats 花車 balloon 氣球

cheerleaders 啦啦隊 marching band 樂儀隊

American football 美式足球

Thanksgiving feast 感恩節大餐

turkey 火雞(肉) gravy 肉汁

stuffing (火雞等的)填料 dressing 佐料

mashed potatoes 馬鈴薯泥 cranberry sauce 蔓越莓醬

pumpkin pie 南瓜派 pecan pie 胡桃派

(Presidential) turkey pardon 火雞赦免

Black Friday 黑色購物節(感恩節後第一天,聖誕購物潮的開始)

Scan the picture with COCOAR2 or visit https://goo.gl/Ub68BC to learn more information!

閱讀測驗解答:1. A 2. C 3. A

文意選填解答:1. D 2. C 3. E 4. A 5. B

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在深度太空探測上,哈伯太空望遠鏡是人類成就的珍貴結晶。這個神奇的工具利用 2.4 公尺的

鏡面和精心打造的鏡頭,觀測 130 億光年以外的星系。哈伯以相機和其他儀器所收集到的高解析度


哈伯任務並非一直都很順利。事實上,哈伯的鏡面在 1990 年首次由發現號太空梭送到地球上

空的低軌道時就被發現有重大瑕疵。望遠鏡無法精確對焦,而這個問題直到 1993 年進行第一次定




而就在最近,哈伯望遠鏡故障了,因為用來維持穩定並瞄準目標的 6 個設備壞了 3 個。幸運的


2021 年其使用年限結束為止。










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