tuesday, june 25,1935 society^ clubs a. w. lucas co. · miss edna stenquist of wilton, sis ... with...

THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE, SOCIETY^ CLUBS Ruth A lice Stenquist Is Bride of Albert V• Hartl Income Tax Deputy and His Bride Are Taking Wedding Trip to Minnesota Simplicity and dignity marked the nuptial service and high mass read at fit. Mary's procathedral at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning at which Miss Rath Alice Stenquist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Stenquist, Wilton, be- came the bride of Albert Victor Hartl, £on of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hartl, New Rockford, Rev. Father Robert A. Ffeehan, pastor, officiated. The musical background for the ceremony was provided by Miss Marie Garske, organist, who played accom- paniments for Miss Rose Lefor, who eang appropriate hymns. Miss Edna Stenquist of Wilton, sis- ter of the bride, was her only attend- ant. Mr. Hartl had as his best man his brother, William Hartl, Jr., New Rockford. The bridesmaid's gown was fash- ioned of white organdy embroidered with blue eyelets with a short jacket of blue taffeta. With it she wore a white lace straw hat trimmed with white flowers, white shoes and gloves. Her flowers were a bouquet of pink carnations tied with pink ribbon. White Crepe For Bride The bridal gown was a form fitting mOdel of white silk cfepe simply fashioned along Grecian lines with a high neck; long sleeves, pin tucks and tiny buttons trimming the bodice and a long train made in one with the ekirt. The long veil of silk net was attached to a bonnet style cap banded with pearls and separated in back into two panels which extended over the train of the gown. The veil was edged with lace and the panels were fin- ished with wide silk lace in the same pattern. The bride's bouquet was of delicate pink roses and lilies-of-the- \alley tied with a large bow of white satin ribbon. Guests here for the wedding in- cluded members of the bridegroom's family, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hartl, Edmund Hartl and the Misses Frances, Georgia and Agnes Hartl from New Rockford, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lies of Cathay and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Toay of Jamestown, and sev- eral relatives of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Stenquist, Mrs. L. A. May- nard of Dresbach, Minn., who has been visiting here for a few weeks, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliam Bitner, Wilton. Other Wilton guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Steffen, Miss Ernestine Steffen, Mrs. Fred Christ, Carl and Miss Stella Christ. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Nielson, C. O. Peterson and Miss Louise Hagen. Bismarck guests at the three-course wedding dinner served after the cere- mony at the Stenquist home Included Mrs. Brownye Knutson and Miss Lefor. Covers were laid for 35 guests at tables centered with carnations. Trip to Minnesota Mr. and Mrs. Hartl have gone to Minneapolis and Detroit Lakes, Minn., for their wedding trip and will be at CAPITOL Last Times Tonight It's Comfortably Cool Screen's First Great Story of the World's Lost Frontier! PAT O'BRIEN JOSEPHINE HUTCHINSON JEAN MUIR A Fira **- III* - WEDNESDAY - 4 HARA C°^ 2«c Until 7:30 home in about 10 days at 423 Sixth St. The bride is a graduate of the Wil- ton high school and the Augsburg business college at Fargo and for the last two years has been employed in the gas refund department of the state tax commission. She has been an active member of the Cathedral Players. Mr. Hartl prepared for the Univer- sity of North Dakota, from which he has the degree of bachelor of science In commerce, at the New Rockford high school. He has filled his posi- tion of income tax deputy with the state tax commission for the last two years. He also has been active in the Cathedral Players and in the ac- tivities of the procathedral Boy Scout troop, which recently presented him with a scout statuette as a token of appreciation. At the university, he was elected to Delta Sigma Pi and Beta Gama Sigma, national honorary commerce fraternities. * * * Mrs. Margaret Gates of James- town is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Flannigan, 718 Ave- nue E. Meetings of Clubs | And Social Groups | •- Independent Charities The Independent Charities associa- tion will meet at 2:30 o'clock Wednes- day afternoon with Mrs. Minnie Hea- ton, 514 Seventh St. * * D. C. V. Tirsah Ann Barclay Tent No. 3, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, will meet at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. B. Whittey, 722 Sixth fit. * * * Chapter BC, S. M. C. A special meeting of Chapter BC, Sponsor Mothers' clubs, will be held at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. J. I. Arman, 316 Ander- son St. Chi Chi Girls' Club The Chi Chi Girls club of the Mac- cabees will meet at 7 :30 o'clock Thurs- day evening at the Patterson hotel Terrace Gardens. D. MacNamara of Fargo, Maccabee state manager, will be a guest at the meeting. * * * Trinity Lutheran Study Circle Miss iriga Olson will lead devotions, Mrs. J. S. Fevold will discuss "Com- parative Religion" and Mrs. Karen Hendrickson will present the lesson when the Trinity Lutheran Study Circle meets at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening with Mrs. A. J. Lunde, 303 Broadway avenue, west, as hostess. Ends Tonite (Tues.) - with - Lionel Barrymore, Jean Arthur, Chester Morris Thrilling, Amazing, and Every Bit of It TRUE PARAMOUNT "Delightfully Cool" SHOWING WED.-THURS A Guess-Proof Mystery! A Mighty U. S. Warship at the Mercy of a Murder Fiend! YOU NAME THE KILLER! See murder com- mitted before a battleship full of witnesses! Then try and solve the mystery! Itf _ BOBSKT TAYLOR _ JIAN PARKER TIO H ALT UNA MtRKIL NAT PENDLZTON JIAN HUISHOLT ARTHUR BYRON FRANK SHIELDS * tfpKtfokttiynftya «nw Tiuill and Laugh- Crammed Romance PLUS 'Trettv Polly" A Musical Laugh Riot Buddy's Bug Hunt, cartoon Sound News 26c Until 7:80 . Dally 2:30 - 7 9 Feth-Kautzman Vows Exchanged Monday Miss Elizabeth Feth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Feth. Mandan, was married to Eugene Kautzman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kautz- man, also of Mandan, during a nup- tial high mass read at St. Joseph's Catholic church of Mandan at 9 o'clock Monday morning. Rev. Fath- er Francis Bernick officiated. The bride wore a floor length white satin gown and was attended by her sister, Miss Elizabeth Kautzman. who wore a floor length model in yellow. Christian Assel attended Mr. Kautz- man. The couple was honored at a wed- ding breakfast for 35 guests given by the bride's parents and at a wedding dance for 150 guests given in the evening at Hudson hall. They are to have a wedding trip to west coast cities and will be at home on a farm 16 miles north of Mandan upon their return. Out-of-town wedding guests in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schaff, Laurel, Mont.; the Misses Anna and Florence Schanz and Steve and Nick Schanz. all of Ryegate, Mont., and Matt Schaff, Laurel, Mont. * * * Grace Steinbruck to Be Bride Next Month Formal announcement of the en- gagement and approaching marriage of Miss Grace Steinbruck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Steinbruck. Man- dan. to Gordon Picker, son of Mrs. B. D. Rowley, also of Mandan, was made at a 6:30 o'clock bridge dinnei given Monday evening by Mrs. Steinbruck and another daughter, Miss Margaret Steinbruck. Covers were laid for 22 guests, in- cluding Mrs. A. Neil York of Bismarck and Mrs. Irvine Dietrich of Dickin- son. The centerpiece at the bride- elect's table was marked with a bou- quet of tea roses flanked by yellow tapers tied with white tulle. Tapers in crystal holders centered the four smaller tables. At the place of eacfr guest there was a rosebud in w.hich r tiny note giving the names of tlu prospective bridegroom and bride ana their wedding day, which will be July 10, was concealed. Baskets of peon- ies and other garden flowers were placed about the rooms. In the con- tract games, score awards went to Mrs. J. A. Kritz and Mrs. Dietrich. Both Miss Steinbruck and Mr. Picker are graduates of the Mandan high school. Mr. Picker Is employed as a bookkeeper in the Morton county auditor's office where Miss Stein- bruck also was employed until her resignation about a month ago. * • • Munz-Klein Nuptials Occur in Minneapolis Rev. J. M. Munz, Hebron, officiated at the marriage of his daughter, Miss Martha Munz, to Prof. E. M. Klein, who is an instructor at the Univer- sity of Chicago, which occurred Sat- urday, June 15, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bear, Minneapolis, brother-in-law and sister of the bride. Miss Alma Munz, wearing a blue net dress, was bridesmaid for her sister, who was gowned in white lace. Mr. Bear was best man for Professor Klein. The couple will make their homg in Chicago. * Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Joos, 422 Fifth St., had as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Joos and their children of Jamestown. (Additional 8ociety on SI BIG VALUE in cereals! m 2^7 Kellogg'* Corn FIskes with cool milk or cream! Delicious these hot days. And die son's biggest value. FOR COOLNKSS . - FEATURING - - 'Buzzington's National Barn Dance Band" "The Flannery Sisters" 'The Three Neighbor Boys" "Olaf, the Swede" an. "Spareribs" On the Screen "HOLD 'EM, YALE" MATINEE STARTING AT 2:30 P. M. ADMISSION: 10 and 26c Evening at 7 and 9 P. M. All Tickets 36 Cents Attend the Bargain Matinee And Avoid the Night Crowds 1 The onlij Rrew-£M7-co Beet Guaranteed fk^e for Better Ffcivor and Quality. Rrew -/7A7"E0 Distributed by HI-QUALITY PRODUCTS CO. 180C E. Main St. Bismarck, N. Dak. Phone 81 w TUESDAY, JUNE 25,1935 Bargain Matinee ONTHlUAE Friday Only Matinee and Night A GRAND MELANGE of Music, Dancing, Song, Comedy! Show ' i * A. W. LUCAS CO. Home of Nationally Advertised Merchandise llMMt % Thousands of yards of Beautiful New Summer Silks—Tub Silks, Celanese, Taffetas, Fancy Silks, All Silk Shantungs, Celanese Organzel, Printed Sheer Crepes, All Silk Crepes, Matelasses and Sport Checks, Wearabeau Prints, Willow Weaves, Rough Crepes, Fasheen Crepes, Silk Prints and Woolens—at thrifty prices for thrifty shop- pers—Buy now and save Tub Silks, a yard 94c Regular $1.19 Value 36 inches wide. Beautiful color combinations in sport stripes. All fast colors and washable. A pure silk crepe of the finest quality on sale during our Silk Sale at 94c a yard. Matelasses, Sport Checks ... .94c Regular $1.19 Values 39 inches wide. The finest acetate.yarns, dull finish in suitable summer patterns. A $1.19 value dn sale during our Silk Sale at 94c a yard. Wearabeau Prints, yard 94c Regular $1.19 Value 39 inches wide. All rayon crepes that are fast color and washable. These are woven of multi filament yarns that have greater strength and drape more softly. During our Silk Sale 94c a yard. Willow Weaves, yard ••••••• 39c Regular 69c a Yard Printed patterns in suitable warm weather combina- tions. Washable and durable. A 69c value on sale during our Silk Sale at 39c a yard. Rough Crepes, yard 49c Regular 79c a Yard 38 inches wide. Pastel shades, washable; nile, orchid, pink, peach. Values to 79q a yard on sale during our Silk Sale at 49c a yard. Fasheen Crepe, yard 29c Regular 39c a Yard 36 inches wide. A genuine ABC fabric, washable and durable. Made of fine rayon and cotton, printed in the finest patterns and regularly sold for 39c a yard. Dur- ing our Silk S&le, 29c a yard. Silk Prints, a yard. 94c $1.95 and $1.49 Values 39 inches wide. Pure silk and pure dye prints, sport crepes, crinkle crepes, flat crepes and sheers in this season's patterns. Regular $1.95 and $1.49 a yard val- ues on sale during our Silk Sale at 94c a yi Tub Silks, yard 94c Regular $1.19 Value 36 # inches wide; all silk crepes; color fast; woven stripes in multi-colored combinations; 14 new patterns. Our regular $1.19 value on sale during our silk sale at only 94c a yard. Celanese Taffeta, yard 59c Regular 69c Yard Value 39 inches wide; made of fine all celanese yarns; pastel shades only, for slips, blouses, dresses, neckwear, etc. Fancy Silks, yard 88c Regular $1.19 Value Matelasses, Seersucker, Matelassee Sheers and Sport Weaves. All in high quality acetate and rayon cloths. A host of new color combinations and patterns especial- ly adapted to the warm weather costume. Regular $1.00 and $1.19 values on sale during our June Silk Sale at only 88c a yard. Celanese Organzel, yard 94c Regular $1.19 Value 39 inches wide; fast color; washable; permanent fin- ish. Made by the Celanese Corporation of America. For our Silk Sale, 94c a yard. Printed Sheer Crepes 94c Regular $1.19 Value 89 inches wide. All celanese in beautiful summer pat- terns. Guaranteed to wash and wear. Softer than the finest silk and just as beautiful. A large selection of colors. Regularly sold for $1.19 a yard; on sale during Our Silk Sale at 94c a yard. All Silk Crepes, yard 88c Regular 95c and $1.19 Values 39 inches wide. Plain colors; pure silk and pure dye; washable. A high grade silk that is usually sold for much more. Our Silk Sale price, 88e * jnaaii* 54-Inch Woolens, a yard $1.59 Regular $2.50 and $2.95 Values Coatings, dress crepes, tweeds, sport weaves, and nub cloths in all wool. Values to $2.50 and $2.9& a yard on sale during our Silk Sale at $1.59 a yard. All Silk Shantungs 89c 38 and 39 Inches Wide pastel shades in all silk; washable. A very beautiful Uubbin thread weave that will make cool linen-like costumes. 89c a yard. Sale Closes July 3 Home Sewers will appreciate this opportunity—the most complete stocks in this ter- ritory to select from. A. W. LUCAS CO. Bismarck's Style and Shopping Center; m

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Page 1: TUESDAY, JUNE 25,1935 SOCIETY^ CLUBS A. W. LUCAS CO. · Miss Edna Stenquist of Wilton, sis ... with pearls and separated in back into ... Hendrickson will present the lesson when


SOCIETY^ CLUBS Ruth A lice Stenquist Is

Bride of Albert V• Hartl Income Tax Deputy and His

Bride Are Taking Wedding Trip to Minnesota

Simplicity and dignity marked the nuptial service and high mass read at fit. Mary's procathedral at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning at which Miss Rath Alice Stenquist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Stenquist, Wilton, be­came the bride of Albert Victor Hartl, £on of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hartl, New Rockford, Rev. Father Robert A. Ffeehan, pastor, officiated.

The musical background for the ceremony was provided by Miss Marie Garske, organist, who played accom­paniments for Miss Rose Lefor, who eang appropriate hymns.

Miss Edna Stenquist of Wilton, sis­ter of the bride, was her only attend­ant. Mr. Hartl had as his best man his brother, William Hartl, Jr., New Rockford.

The bridesmaid's gown was fash­ioned of white organdy embroidered with blue eyelets with a short jacket of blue taffeta. With it she wore a white lace straw hat trimmed with white flowers, white shoes and gloves. Her flowers were a bouquet of pink carnations tied with pink ribbon.

White Crepe For Bride The bridal gown was a form fitting

mOdel of white silk cfepe simply fashioned along Grecian lines with a high neck; long sleeves, pin tucks and tiny buttons trimming the bodice and a long train made in one with the ekirt. The long veil of silk net was attached to a bonnet style cap banded with pearls and separated in back into two panels which extended over the train of the gown. The veil was edged with lace and the panels were fin­ished with wide silk lace in the same pattern. The bride's bouquet was of delicate pink roses and lilies-of-the-\alley tied with a large bow of white satin ribbon. • Guests here for the wedding in­cluded members of the bridegroom's family, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hartl, Edmund Hartl and the Misses Frances, Georgia and Agnes Hartl from New Rockford, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lies of Cathay and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Toay of Jamestown, and sev­eral relatives of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Stenquist, Mrs. L. A. May-nard of Dresbach, Minn., who has been visiting here for a few weeks, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliam Bitner, Wilton. Other Wilton guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Steffen, Miss Ernestine Steffen, Mrs. Fred Christ, Carl and Miss Stella Christ. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Nielson, C. O. Peterson and Miss Louise Hagen. Bismarck guests at the three-course wedding dinner served after the cere­mony at the Stenquist home Included Mrs. Brownye Knutson and Miss Lefor. Covers were laid for 35 guests at tables centered with carnations.

Trip to Minnesota Mr. and Mrs. Hartl have gone to

Minneapolis and Detroit Lakes, Minn., for their wedding trip and will be at

CAPITOL Last Times


It's Comfortably Cool

Screen's First Great Story of the World's Lost Frontier!


A Fira **- — I I I *




C°^ 2«c Until 7:30

home in about 10 days at 423 Sixth St.

The bride is a graduate of the Wil­ton high school and the Augsburg business college at Fargo and for the last two years has been employed in the gas refund department of the state tax commission. She has been an active member of the Cathedral Players.

Mr. Hartl prepared for the Univer­sity of North Dakota, from which he has the degree of bachelor of science In commerce, at the New Rockford high school. He has filled his posi­tion of income tax deputy with the state tax commission for the last two years. He also has been active in the Cathedral Players and in the ac­tivities of the procathedral Boy Scout troop, which recently presented him with a scout statuette as a token of appreciation. At the university, he was elected to Delta Sigma Pi and Beta Gama Sigma, national honorary commerce fraternities.

* * * Mrs. Margaret Gates of James­

town is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Flannigan, 718 Ave­nue E.

Meetings of Clubs | And Social Groups |

•-Independent Charities

The Independent Charities associa­tion will meet at 2:30 o'clock Wednes­day afternoon with Mrs. Minnie Hea-ton, 514 Seventh St.

• * * D. C. V.

Tirsah Ann Barclay Tent No. 3, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, will meet at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. B. Whittey, 722 Sixth fit.

* * * Chapter BC, S. M. C.

A special meeting of Chapter BC, Sponsor Mothers' clubs, will be held at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. J. I. Arman, 316 Ander­son St.

• • • Chi Chi Girls' Club

The Chi Chi Girls club of the Mac­cabees will meet at 7 :30 o'clock Thurs­day evening at the Patterson hotel Terrace Gardens. D. MacNamara of Fargo, Maccabee state manager, will be a guest at the meeting.

* * * Trinity Lutheran Study Circle

Miss iriga Olson will lead devotions, Mrs. J. S. Fevold will discuss "Com­parative Religion" and Mrs. Karen Hendrickson will present the lesson when the Trinity Lutheran Study Circle meets at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening with Mrs. A. J. Lunde, 303 Broadway avenue, west, as hostess.

Ends Tonite (Tues.)

- with -Lionel Barrymore, Jean Arthur,

Chester Morris

Thrilling, Amazing, and Every Bit of It TRUE

PARAMOUNT "Delightfully Cool"


A Guess-Proof Mystery!

A Mighty U. S. Warship at the Mercy of a Murder


YOU NAME THE KILLER! See murder com­mitted before a battleship full of witnesses! Then try and solve the mystery!




Tiuill and

Laugh-Crammed Romance

— PLUS — 'Trettv Polly"

A Musical Laugh Riot Buddy's Bug Hunt, cartoon

Sound News

26c Until 7:80

. Dally 2:30 - 7 • 9

Feth-Kautzman Vows Exchanged Monday

Miss Elizabeth Feth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Feth. Mandan, was married to Eugene Kautzman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kautz­man, also of Mandan, during a nup­tial high mass read at St. Joseph's Catholic church of Mandan at 9 o'clock Monday morning. Rev. Fath­er Francis Bernick officiated.

The bride wore a floor length white satin gown and was attended by her sister, Miss Elizabeth Kautzman. who wore a floor length model in yellow. Christian Assel attended Mr. Kautz­man.

The couple was honored at a wed­ding breakfast for 35 guests given by the bride's parents and at a wedding dance for 150 guests given in the evening at Hudson hall. They are to have a wedding trip to west coast cities and will be at home on a farm 16 miles north of Mandan upon their return.

Out-of-town wedding guests in­cluded Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schaff, Laurel, Mont.; the Misses Anna and Florence Schanz and Steve and Nick Schanz. all of Ryegate, Mont., and Matt Schaff, Laurel, Mont.

* * *

Grace Steinbruck to Be Bride Next Month

Formal announcement of the en­gagement and approaching marriage of Miss Grace Steinbruck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Steinbruck. Man­dan. to Gordon Picker, son of Mrs. B. D. Rowley, also of Mandan, was made at a 6:30 o'clock bridge dinnei given Monday evening by Mrs. Steinbruck and another daughter, Miss Margaret Steinbruck.

Covers were laid for 22 guests, in­cluding Mrs. A. Neil York of Bismarck and Mrs. Irvine Dietrich of Dickin­son. The centerpiece at the bride-elect's table was marked with a bou­quet of tea roses flanked by yellow tapers tied with white tulle. Tapers in crystal holders centered the four smaller tables. At the place of eacfr guest there was a rosebud in w.hich r tiny note giving the names of tlu prospective bridegroom and bride ana their wedding day, which will be July 10, was concealed. Baskets of peon­ies and other garden flowers were placed about the rooms. In the con­tract games, score awards went to Mrs. J. A. Kritz and Mrs. Dietrich.

Both Miss Steinbruck and Mr.

Picker are graduates of the Mandan high school. Mr. Picker Is employed as a bookkeeper in the Morton county auditor's office where Miss Stein­bruck also was employed until her resignation about a month ago.

* • •

Munz-Klein Nuptials Occur in Minneapolis

Rev. J. M. Munz, Hebron, officiated at the marriage of his daughter, Miss Martha Munz, to Prof. E. M. Klein, who is an instructor at the Univer­sity of Chicago, which occurred Sat­urday, June 15, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bear, Minneapolis, brother-in-law and sister of the bride. Miss Alma Munz, wearing a blue net dress, was bridesmaid for her sister, who was gowned in white lace. Mr. Bear was best man for Professor Klein. The couple will make their homg in Chicago.

• * • Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Joos, 422 Fifth

St., had as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Joos and their children of Jamestown.

(Additional 8ociety on SI

BIG VALUE in cereals!

m 2^7

Kellogg'* Corn FIskes with cool milk or cream! Delicious these hot days. And die son's biggest value.


. - FEATURING - -'Buzzington's National Barn Dance Band"

"The Flannery Sisters" 'The Three Neighbor Boys"

"Olaf, the Swede" an. "Spareribs"

— On the Screen —



Evening at 7 and 9 P. M.

All Tickets 36 Cents

Attend the Bargain Matinee And Avoid the Night Crowds

1 T h e o n l i j R r e w - £ M 7 - c o B e e t

Guaranteed fk^e f o r B e t t e r F f c i v o r

a n d Q u a l i t y .

Rrew -/7A7"E0

Distributed by

HI-QUALITY PRODUCTS CO. 180C E. Main St. Bismarck, N. Dak. Phone 81



Bargain Matinee


Friday Only

Matinee and Night

A GRAND MELANGE of Music, Dancing,

Song, Comedy!


' i *

A. W. LUCAS CO. Home of Nationally Advertised Merchandise



Thousands of yards of Beautiful New Summer Silks—Tub Silks, Celanese, Taffetas, Fancy Silks, All Silk Shantungs, Celanese Organzel, Printed Sheer Crepes, All Silk Crepes, Matelasses and Sport Checks, Wearabeau Prints, Willow Weaves, Rough Crepes, Fasheen Crepes, Silk Prints and Woolens—at thrifty prices for thrifty shop­

pers—Buy now and save

Tub Silks, a yard 94c Regular $1.19 Value

36 inches wide. Beautiful color combinations in sport stripes. All fast colors and washable. A pure silk crepe of the finest quality on sale during our Silk Sale at 94c a yard.

Matelasses, Sport Checks ... .94c Regular $1.19 Values

39 inches wide. The finest acetate.yarns, dull finish in suitable summer patterns. A $1.19 value dn sale during our Silk Sale at 94c a yard.

Wearabeau Prints, yard 94c Regular $1.19 Value

39 inches wide. All rayon crepes that are fast color and washable. These are woven of multi filament yarns that have greater strength and drape more softly. During our Silk Sale 94c a yard.

Willow Weaves, yard • • • • • • • • 39c Regular 69c a Yard

Printed patterns in suitable warm weather combina­tions. Washable and durable. A 69c value on sale during our Silk Sale at 39c a yard.

Rough Crepes, yard 49c Regular 79c a Yard

38 inches wide. Pastel shades, washable; nile, orchid, pink, peach. Values to 79q a yard on sale during our Silk Sale at 49c a yard.

Fasheen Crepe, yard 29c Regular 39c a Yard

36 inches wide. A genuine ABC fabric, washable and durable. Made of fine rayon and cotton, printed in the finest patterns and regularly sold for 39c a yard. Dur­ing our Silk S&le, 29c a yard.

Silk Prints, a yard. 94c $1.95 and $1.49 Values

39 inches wide. Pure silk and pure dye prints, sport crepes, crinkle crepes, flat crepes and sheers in this season's patterns. Regular $1.95 and $1.49 a yard val­ues on sale during our Silk Sale at 94c a yi

Tub Silks, yard 94c Regular $1.19 Value

36 # inches wide; all silk crepes; color fast; woven stripes in multi-colored combinations; 14 new patterns. Our regular $1.19 value on sale during our silk sale at only 94c a yard.

Celanese Taffeta, yard 59c Regular 69c Yard Value

39 inches wide; made of fine all celanese yarns; pastel shades only, for slips, blouses, dresses, neckwear, etc.

Fancy Silks, yard 88c Regular $1.19 Value

Matelasses, Seersucker, Matelassee Sheers and Sport Weaves. All in high quality acetate and rayon cloths. A host of new color combinations and patterns especial­ly adapted to the warm weather costume. Regular $1.00 and $1.19 values on sale during our June Silk Sale at only 88c a yard.

Celanese Organzel, yard 94c Regular $1.19 Value

39 inches wide; fast color; washable; permanent fin­ish. Made by the Celanese Corporation of America. For our Silk Sale, 94c a yard.

Printed Sheer Crepes 94c Regular $1.19 Value

89 inches wide. All celanese in beautiful summer pat­terns. Guaranteed to wash and wear. Softer than the finest silk and just as beautiful. A large selection of colors. Regularly sold for $1.19 a yard; on sale during Our Silk Sale at 94c a yard.

All Silk Crepes, yard 88c Regular 95c and $1.19 Values

39 inches wide. Plain colors; pure silk and pure dye; washable. A high grade silk that is usually sold for much more. Our Silk Sale price, 88e * jnaaii*

54-Inch Woolens, a yard $1.59 Regular $2.50 and $2.95 Values

Coatings, dress crepes, tweeds, sport weaves, and nub cloths in all wool. Values to $2.50 and $2.9& a yard on sale during our Silk Sale at $1.59 a yard.

All Silk Shantungs 89c 38 and 39 Inches Wide

pastel shades in all silk; washable. A very beautiful Uubbin thread weave that will make cool linen-like costumes. 89c a yard.

Sale Closes July 3 Home Sewers will appreciate this opportunity—the most complete stocks in this ter­

ritory to select from.

A. W. LUCAS CO. Bismarck's Style and Shopping Center;
