tuesday 8:30 am jerry bailey - clover sitesstorage.cloversites.com/princeofpeacecatholic... · •...


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Page 1: Tuesday 8:30 am Jerry Bailey - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/princeofpeacecatholic... · • • • Happenings • • • Childcare services are available at the POP Nursery
Page 2: Tuesday 8:30 am Jerry Bailey - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/princeofpeacecatholic... · • • • Happenings • • • Childcare services are available at the POP Nursery

Visit us at www.popcatholic.org

Monday 8:30 am Sylvan & Joan Nich!ng Special Inten!on

6:30 pm Juanita Fournier †

Tuesday 8:30 am Jerry Bailey Special Inten!on

11:00 am Joe Davis †

Wednesday 8:15 am Robin Melendez †

5:00 pm Adelina Acce"a †

Thursday 8:30 am Ann & Walter Kopecky †

Friday 8:30 am Marie Pi"s †

Saturday 5:00 pm Frank B. LaRussa †

Sunday 7:00 am Inez Saia †

8:30 am Vincent Piazza II †

1:30 pm Ricardo Valera †

5:00 pm Lena Meyers †

Mass Intentions for May 16 - May 22

A ! #$% W&lc'(% ... Keep up-to-date with the latest Happenings on Facebook!

Prince of Peace-Hoover

Stewardship: Parishioner’s Answering God’s Call in Hospitality Recently a conversa!on was overheard in the preschool hallway at POP School. A 3 or 4 year old was telling his Mom that a

classmate didn’t have a snack today, so he shared his goldfish with her so that she could have a snack too. The mother praised

her son for his generosity to a friend. The Mom should also be praised for teaching her son about Chris!an kindness.

Please submit your stewardship story examples to [email protected].

They may be edited for space consideration.

Religious Education

Upcoming Events:

Sunday School (K3 - GR1):

Classes are year round at 8:30 and 11:00 am. Registra!on not

required for summer classes. No class on May 29 (Holiday).

Vaca!on Bible School:

‘Cave Quest - FOLLOWING JESUS The Light of the World’ June 6-10; 8:30 am - Noon; K3 - rising 5th graders. Register now!

Forms are available online at www.popcatholic.org or pick one up at

the Religious Educa!on or Church Office. Adult volunteers are also needed as teachers or to help with cra!s, snacks, games, etc. There

will be an adult Volunteer Mee"ng on Wednesday, May 18 at 6:00 pm in St. Jude. At this "me we have reached the limit on the number of teen volunteers that we can safely use. Thanks to those

who have volunteered!

Contact Megan Evere" for more informa!on,

megan.evere @popcatholic.org.

• • • Prince of Peace Catholic Church • • •

• • • Iglesia Católica Príncipe de Paz • • •

VBS Volunteers Needed June 6-10, 8:30 am - Noon

We are planning on having 350 children to a"end

and are looking forward to an incredible week of


You don’t want to miss the best week of the

Summer! We need several adults to help make

this week AWESOME! S!ll looking for these spots

to be filled: 3-3K teachers, 3-4K teachers, 2 -1st

grade teachers, 1-2nd grade teacher, 1-3rd grade

teacher, 2-4th grade teachers and 1-5th grade

teacher. There is also a need for several adults to

help in Snacks and Arts and Cra's! Please contact

Megan Evere", megan.evere @popcatholic.org

for more informa!on and to volunteer!

Page 3: Tuesday 8:30 am Jerry Bailey - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/princeofpeacecatholic... · • • • Happenings • • • Childcare services are available at the POP Nursery

Pr#)*+ & S*-/i0%

Financial Stewardship One miracle of Pentecost was that, despite

their diversity, each listener heard God’s word

in his or her own language. The meaning for

stewardship is that, by sharing the gi's

poured out on us by the Holy Spirit, we will be

empowered to meet the needs of our

brothers and sisters, whatever they may be.

Financial Stewardship for May 7 & 8:

Building Fund $ 19,056.00

Offertory $ 15,203.00

Weekend Backpack Program $ 95.00

Military Prayer List

Please pray for

all of our military

serving here and abroad:

Jared Fitzgerald, USMC

Joseph Byrd, ARNG

Craig Hollis, USAF

John Okon, USN

Jessica Stephens, USN

Matt Stephens, USN

Mark Okon, USN

Laurin Okon, USN

Harold Eddy, USA

Francisco Rodriguez, USMC

Duffy Towey, USCG

Joey Gable, USAF

Amy Williams, USN

Philiip West, USA

Bradley Hallmark, USAF

Matthew Russell, USMC

Aaron Torczynski, USAF

Austin C. Daniel, USN

Tim O’Connor, ANG

Charles L. Kidd II, USA

Joseph Lujano, USN

Eduardo Reyes, USNG

Prayer List

Please remember to pray for all of our sick and recovering loved ones.

If you would like to add or remove someone to/from the prayer list,

please contact the parish office. Names will remain on the list for 3

months unless notified. To be part of the parish prayer chain, email

[email protected].

The Prince of Peace community would like to extend our sympathy to David Chaplin and family on the death of his father, Hugh Chaplin, Jr.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

La comunidad de Príncipe de Paz quiere expresar sus más

profundas condolencias a David Chaplin y a su familia por el fallecimiento de su padre Hugh Chaplin, Jr.

Nuestras oraciones y pensamientos están con ustedes.

Casting Lots for the Seamless Garment (John 19:23-24) With and Within Us

Was it not the Spirit at work when delegates in the Sis!ne Chapel surprised the

church and the world by elec!ng Jorge Bergoglio as the next pope? When that

Argen!ne cardinal announced that his name as bishop of Rome would be Francis,

surely that, too, was the Holy Spirit se-ng the tone for a humbler, simpler papacy, geared toward the poor. Surely, the Holy Spirit is inspiring contemporary Chris!an martyrs who willingly admit their faith even though they know that they will be killed by radical terrorists. Isn’t the Spirit also speaking through Malala Yousafzai, the young Pakistani advocate for women’s rights who was shot but not silenced?

This same Spirit begs for your voice and mine. The Spirit was present with Peter, James, Paul, Mary and John and is present with and within us. Let the Spirit move us toward good, strengthen us to persevere and empower us with a martyr’s courage. (Na!onal Catholic Reporter: April 22 - May 5, 2016. Patricia Sánchez.)

Jake Culotta

Mary Kay Minor

Valerie Wallace

Carol Jean Miranda

Danielle White

Baby White

Elaine Heyne

Tom Kilgro

Kay Allen

Joseph Owens

Sue Delk

Michael Hofmann

Bryce Garmon

Nancy Emerson

Jerry Bailey

Paul Thielen

Mark Martincic

Cesar David Rivas

Nallely Vega

Kimberly Cisneros

Filigonio Buendiq

Arturo Castillo

Ana Maria Castillo

Jose Rodriguez

Mayra Castillo

Adan Benavides

Michelle Arteaga

Dionicia Flores

Dionicia Espinosa

Dionica Flores

Claudia Gil

Carmen Gil

Patricia Garcia

Austin Harris

Angela Judge

Lisa Woof

Graham Woof

Patricia Muldowney

Elizabeth Doyle

Carmella Pistone

Francis Pardi

Charles Pardi

Danese H. Daniel

Mary Sheppard

John Durnak

Robert Lizama

Clarissa Cruz

Isabel Manibusan

Matilde Santos

Roland Santos

Chareen Santos-Brown

Hunter Pace

Shawn Clark

Joe Pierce

Claudia Charme

Katie Stevens

Angel Bowles

Shay McNamee

Cecilia Ragusa

Marie Williams

Virginia Lorino

Gussie Oliver

Jim Herring

Josephine Graven

Page 3

Page 4: Tuesday 8:30 am Jerry Bailey - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/princeofpeacecatholic... · • • • Happenings • • • Childcare services are available at the POP Nursery

• • • Happenings • • • Childcare services are available at the POP Nursery during

Sunday morning programs.

Monday - May 16

Centering Prayer - 9:30 - 10:30 am - St. Martin

Hispanic O.L.G. Dance Practice - 6:30 - 8:30 pm - Deasy Hall

Knights of Columbus - 7:00 pm - St. Jude

Tuesday - May 17

Weekday Faith Study - 9:30 am - St. Monica

Topic: The Dead Sea Scrolls

- Qumran Vision for a New Temple

Women of Worship - Resumes in the Fall

Minus One - 11:00 am - Deasy Hall

Caring Needles - 1:00 pm - St. Elizabeth

Youth Protection Training - 6:00 pm - St. Jude

Wednesday - May 18

Bible Study with Fr. Holloway - 6:15 pm - Chapel

Topic: Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love)

High School Youth Group - 6:30 pm - Youth Room

Thursday - May 19

Centering Prayer - 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Friday - May 20

MOMS Group - 9:30 am - St. Monica Room

Topic: Annual Pool Party - We will carpool to location

Contact: Isabelle Silko at 205.821.1390

Date Night - 6:30 pm - Deasy Hall

Sunday - May 22

Scripture in “Action” - 9:45 am - St. Elizabeth

Topic: Discussing the Sunday Readings in Today’s World

Adult Education Series - 9:45 am - St. Monica

Topic: The Lives of Great Christians - St. Thomas More

Ladies Auxiliary We will meet Monday, May 16 at 6:30 pm in the St. Jude Room. The conven!on will be discussed and sign up for the SEC.

Seniors Lunch The Seniors Lunch will be held Tuesday, May 17. Mass will be celebrated at 11:00 am, followed by lunch and bingo at 11:30 am in Deasy Hall. Cost is $6 per person. Please RSVP by calling the parish office at 205.822.9125.

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Adventure Ark Nursery & Playschool

• Sunday Nursery available: May 22 - CLOSED May 29

• Last days of Playschool: May 16 & 17

Bread & Roses

Thank You!

Thanks to everyone who prepared food and

served at the Church of the Reconciler last

week. Thanks to your generosity, 200 people

enjoyed a nutritious meal and

experienced warm hospitality.

POP Sports Camp Soccer & Basketball Date: June 20 - 23 Ages: 1st - 8th Graders

Soccer Camp: 9:00 - 11:30 am

Soccer Check In: 8:30 - 9:00 am Basketball Camp: 1:00 - 4:00 pm

Basketball Check In: 12:40 - 1:00 pm

Cost: Soccer: $100 Basketball: $100

Both: $180

Make checks payable to Prince of Peace. Lunch should be packed if a"ending both camps.

To register, email Ma$ Kirkpatrick: [email protected]

Include: Par!cipant’s name, age, email, shirt size, and phone number

Page 5: Tuesday 8:30 am Jerry Bailey - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/princeofpeacecatholic... · • • • Happenings • • • Childcare services are available at the POP Nursery

Respondiendo al

Llamado de Dios

Recientemente se escuchó una conversación en el pasillo de preescolar en la escuela de Príncipe de Paz. Un niño de 3 o 4 años le contaba a su mamá que una compañera de clase no llevó merienda ese día, por lo que el decidió compar!r sus galle!tas de “goldfish” con ella. La madre alabó a su hijo por su generosidad con una amiga. La mamá !ene un rol especial en la enseñanza de su hijo acerca de la bondad cris!ana.

Número de teléfono

de la oficina

205.822.9125 x 22

Horarios de Oficina Padre José Luis Guevara

Lunes 10:30 am - 4:30 pm

Martes y Jueves 2:00 - 8:00 pm

María Elena Rathbun

Martes 8:30 am -2:30 pm

Miércoles y Jueves 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

M56is7*-i8 Hi9p#n8

MATRIMONIOS Arreglos para la preparación al matrimonio se deben hacer con 6 meses de an!cipación y consta de un curso Prematrimonial. Por favor, registrarse en la oficina.

FUNERALES Arreglos para funerales se deben hacer directamente en las oficinas de la Iglesia. Por favor, no acuda a otras personas. La parroquia !ene formas de ayudar y los trámites son más sencillos y rápidos.


Este programa es para adultos que estén interesados en la fe católica, para aquellos que no han sido bau!zados, confirmados y no hayan hecho la Primera Comunión. Para mas información, llamar a la oficina.

CLASES DE BAUTISMO 2do Jueves del mes a las 7:00 pm

4to Domingo del mes a las 11:00 am

Es un requisito REGISTRARSE para las plá"cas y bau"zos en la oficina. Por favor, llegar 15 minutos antes de las plá!cas y bau!zos.

BAUTISMOS 2do y 4to Sábado del mes a las 10:00 am

3er Domingo del mes después de la misa (2:45 pm) Por favor, deben tomar plá"cas antes.

QUINCEAÑERAS Arreglos para quinceañeras deberán hacerse con 6 meses de an!cipación. La quinceañera deberá tomar una preparación religiosa y prestar un servicio voluntario a la parroquia. Registrarse en la Oficina.

Page 5

Curso de Catecismo

en Línea La Universidad de Notre Dame STEP (Teología en línea) junto con la SEPI (Southeast Pastoral Ins!tute) están ofreciendo cursos de verano de Catecismo Católico aprobados por la Conferencia Episcopal de los Estado Unidos. La duración de los cursos es de 6 semanas. Si está interesado puede inscribirse en la página web:


Campamento de Deportes de

Príncipe de Paz 2016

¡Diviértete desarrollando tus habilidades

en el soccer y el basquetbol en un

ambiente posi"vo y Cris"ano!

Fecha: Junio 20-23

Edades de 1er grado-8th grado

$100 Soccer - 8:30 - 11:30 am

$100 basquetbol - 12:40 - 4:00 pm

$180 Soccer y Basquetbol 8:30 am-4:pm (Empaque su comida)

Haga el cheque a nombre de Príncipe de Paz

Para registrarse, email [email protected]

y de la siguiente información: Edad, email, T-shirt size (tamaño de camisa) y teléfono

Page 6: Tuesday 8:30 am Jerry Bailey - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/princeofpeacecatholic... · • • • Happenings • • • Childcare services are available at the POP Nursery

Por favor, registrarse en nuestra página web: www.popcatholic.org o con Laura Mar<nez en la

escuela de Educación Religiosa.

Junio 6 - 10 - 8:30 am - 12:00 pm

De PK 3 a empezando el 5to grado

es Bienvenido a asistir!

Necesitamos voluntarios para los juegos, el arte, los salones y las

meriendas! La reunión para Voluntarios es el miércoles 18 de

Mayo a las 6 pm en le Salón St. Jude.

M56is7*-i8 Hi9p#n8

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Seis Características de la Administración de Nuestros Dones

1. CONSCIENTE: Vive en el presente sin cargar cosas del pasado, y sin miedo al futuro.

2. DEVOTO: Ve el día entero como una oportunidad para estar en la presencia de Dios.

3. AGRADECIDO: Da gracias a Dios por todas las bendiciones, especialmente las bendiciones diarias.

4. CORTÉS: Recibe a todas las creaturas de Dios con una bienvenida y con hospitalidad.

5. COMPROMETIDO: Persevera diariamente en una forma de vida, reconociendo que todo le pertenece a Dios.

6. RESPONSABLE: En!ende el valor de la comunidad de una parroquia y el rol que realiza.

¡Necesitamos Voluntarios! Se necesitan voluntarios para el programa educacional de La Casita, “La Plaza Comunitaria.”

Interesados, por favor, contactar a la Hermana Martha Elena al 205-987-4771.

Esquina de Seguridad Código blanco: Emergencia Médica

Por favor, este pendiente. Si hay una emergencia médica durante la Misa. El personal de seguridad está entrenado para ayudar. Si es necesario, la persona enferma será asis!da a salir de la Iglesia y se llamará a 911. El equipo de seguridad está entrenado con el uso del DEA (Desfibrilador Externo Automá!co) y pedirá ayuda a cualquier personal medico presente. Recuerde revisar los lugares seguros en la página web de la Iglesia.

Page 7: Tuesday 8:30 am Jerry Bailey - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/princeofpeacecatholic... · • • • Happenings • • • Childcare services are available at the POP Nursery
Page 8: Tuesday 8:30 am Jerry Bailey - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/princeofpeacecatholic... · • • • Happenings • • • Childcare services are available at the POP Nursery