ttllrftit - university of hawaiʻi

T4 pr Mm te -- ?"- ww wwww mm Ji wwm p i yi fffWWrtfrMP'giiMPa'Up T- - - - . jwai caw tt- i iff ii fir--- - i iiniwi in i.i ?. hi iiiiai ii ! ! ?W ttllrf tit S ' - vaiAgef-- ' i" -i- 1 "LIT Miyfwtw 'mil' ifiwmaigi.TgFJJi nwumu.i'.m n '.jwx Vol. XlII .&M .1860. HONOLULU H., L, WEDNESDAY EVENTING, FEBRUAIiY 15, 1838. GO CENTS auDtioniPTioN PER MONTH. L& : - I i f. f THE MILYBULLETIN JASvw .,.. Is printed andlTpUulishcdraHho ofllco,; Queen Utrcct, Honolulu, H. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, - BO cents pet Month. Address nil Oornmunioations Daily Bulletin. t, ' AdvortisomcutB, tc cn3iuo insertion, should be handed in boforo one o'clock r. m. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotor IAS. G. CLEVIOR Manager Bulletin Steam Printing Office Nowspapor, Book and Job Printing of all kinds done on the most favorable terms. Bell Telephone No. 2GG Mutual Telephone No. 250 Daily Mel Summary Published twice a Month. An interesting and comprehensive publication, and contains from 40 to 00 columns of Trading matter on local lop ics, and a complete rcsuino of Honolulu and Island News. It is the best paper Dubllshcd in tho' Kingdom. tbsend'to friends abroad. Subscription (mailed) 82.C0aycar. Commission.' Me'ruhanttfc TT licrcFJEJiri & Co., General Commission Agents. v (170 ly Honolulu Q. W. MACFARLAHE & Co. M POUTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. Queen street, - - 1G48 BREWER it OOMFANY, O. (Limitud) GKNiIRAL MKBCANTIIiK AND Commission Agents. ' list of ofwcems: P. C. Jones, Jr President & Manager J. O. Oajitek. . . ..Treasurer la Secretary ' ! DIKKCTOUS: Hon. U. R. Bishop. 8. C. Allen, H. WXTKBHOUSK. 338 ly , ' ; a T. "WATERHOUSE, JOHN Importer uud Dealer in General Merchandise, (iueeu it., Honolulu. 1 B. N. Castle.--J. B. Atherton-- G; P. Castle St OOOKE, CASTLE Snipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise No. 80 King Bt., Honolulu. L Clam Sprcckels. Wm. G. Irwin. IRWINl & COMPANY, WQ. Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. . 1 & CO., WILDER Dealers in'Lumbcr, Paints, Oils, Nails, SalV and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Port and Queen sts., ' Honolulu. 1 GRINBAUM It CO., MS. Importers of General Mor- - ohaudlse'diid CommlBsion Merchants, . and' ' ' Honolulu', (. 124 Califoiuia street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. Ii. Lowers, F. J. Lowrey, 0. M. Cooke. b OOOKE, (successors to Lowors & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers iu Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, llonolulu i h &ERTZ, til CHR. No. 80 Fort street, Honolul,!?" Importer and Doclor in Gent's, Ladies' and Children's' boots, shoes and slippers. &z Co., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 280 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Notice" of Removall THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Has removed to ono of the New Btorcs in tho TJioiimh Illoclc, KIii Street, Thrco doors from Castle & Cookes', Where he is prepared to mauufaeturo all iinds cf Jewelry. 00 A. M. HEWETT, Stationer & Newsdealer, Merchant Street,, Honolulu, B.I Mutual Tel.H7i: Bell Tel. SO!). Law Books & Lawyors' Stailonory a Specially. Older taken for Newspapers, Period!, culs, Books, Music, etc., from any part of the woild, uaviug made all arrange-meat- s therefor whilst in San Prauchco, lted Bobber JStuuipM to Order. 71 Professionals. ,M. THOMPSON, jVLtbi'M.oy-n.t-I.a'w- ., Offlco in OampboU's Block, Cor. Fort & Merchant Sts., llonolulu, II. I. . PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. 03?" When destred, will Rive thu law in a written opinion, as to the probiblb re- sult of tlto contention upon thu facts Btalcd. 16881y JM. MONBARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estato in any part of tho Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotla ted, Logal Documents Diawn. No. 37 Merchant St. (Gazctto Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 10U BROWN, Attorncrand Counsellor at Law Notary .Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowlcdgmcnts of Instruments for the Island of O.ihu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u. 1 Alfred magoon, J . ATTORNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly JOHN A. HASSINQBR, Agout to take Acknowledgments to Contiacts for Labor. Interior Office, Ilonoluln.j DOCTOR WEBB. Olllco and Residence next door to tho American! Minister's on Alikca street, botween Hotel mid Rcrctanln streets. Ofllcu Hours from 7 to 0 a. in.; from lito3ip,'ra, and 7 to 8 p irt. . Telephone . 01 2m MAX HAEDICKE, M". D. IMvynloImi nut! ui'lteon. ( 8 to 10a.rri. Oki'iok Houks M to 3 pwm (7 to 8 p. m. Ofllce and residence : Cor. of ..Adams' and Unl n S sect. SS Mutual Vulonliotio 438. lm VETERINARY. A RITCHIE ROWAT, Veterinary Snrseon. Offlco and Residence : 1130 King street Mutual Telephone 854. Orders left at Hotel Slable3 will bo received and promptly attended to. 43 3m J. H. SOPER, M. D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S, W. Coiner Sixth and Market streets, opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab- lishment, San Fiancisco. 23 ' .i . .n in MALCOLM BROWN, NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahu. Ofllce, Gov't Building, Hon-jlulu- . :J0 tf 11. II. 1IKNSON. a. w. smith. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing - Pharmacists, 113 & 11C Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Boerioke & Scechlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, 8 1 checker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y HOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Street, William's Block, ITpno-21- Honolulu, H. I. WEMER & CO. Blniiullactiirliit: JowellerH, NO. 03 JFOllT 8T11EEX. Constantly on hand a largo assortmen of overy description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 058 ly HAWAIIAN HOTEL CARRIAGE CO. Carriages at all hours, day and night. Saddle ifiirses, Buggies, Wagonrttos ami Villago Carts with stylish and gentlo horses to let. FOR SALE. ... it A few Horses, guaranteed. Second hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggioi, Carts and Harness. PRICES-T- SLHT'THE TIMES. Ring up Telophone 32 or apply t' MILKS &. BIAYIiKY. 1574, Iv Steam Wot Us. Snnnv South Tele, Bell 172,lMutual 215 Depot. MeiTliantUtrcet Tele, Bell 173, Mutual SCO. Tahiti Lmouali WorKs. , The undersigned having purchiisul the business of the Tahiti Lemonade Works, the depot has been removed to No. 23 Merchant Klieet. x All orders for Auratu) Waters manu factored at tlio above establishment will receive prompt attention. J. E. BROWNS. Co. P. 0. Box 409. - 1829 TF YOU LOSE ANYTHING, X advertise it lu thu Daily Uih.lutjm, Beaver gL, Saloon The Bost Lunoh in Town, Tea and Ooffee'at 111 Hours The Inoit Bi-- i. d ol Cigars & Tobacco always on hand. u. .1. NOLTE, Proprietor. The Cosmopolitaii Restaurant New House. VL Bethel Street (Nc.t Castle & Cooke's) Board, $5 f0 per week, 35 cts por meal. ?1B0 " 25 cts " The tables arc supplied with every delicacy obtainable In the market. 21 Patron.ige lm I?IOIST131!rt STHAI CANDY FACTOR! F. nORN, Practical Confectioner, ' Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- S2T Telephone 74 WM. McCAJNINLiESS, No. G Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Iteof, Tcni, glutton, Vtqli, dt, do Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vrssels at short notice, and Vegetables tf all kinds supplied to order H4rt ly rJ?IJ 33 WMsysmr Metropolitan Meat Company 81 King Street, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Bo tail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTOBS. 1717 ly D. MEME & Co. Commission jl Merchants SHIP CHANDLERY, Naval S torcH & Grocoric Jti'IcItH, liliuu & Cciuont. Families and Ships supplied ou most reasonable terms. BST ISLAND ORDERS SOLICITED. Mutual Tele, 212. P. O. Box, 479. No. 20 Fort-st- ., op. O. S. S. Co's Wharf. 1800 tf Polled Angus Stock: lis Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old. Ilcitor Calvos (ram 10 to 13 months old. ; APPLY TO J. I. DOWSETT. Honolulu, June 24, 1837. 70 Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Ruo doDunkerquo, -- . Paris, Executes IniJenti for every description of French, Belgian, SwU9, German, and English Goods, at the best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices. Commission, Two-and-- a Half por cent. All Trade arid Ciuh i)iFcoui)trt allowed to Clients. Original Invoices forwarded whonrcnuustod. Reniiitauccs, through a London or Paris Bankor, payable on delivery of Shipping docuuiLiita; or, direct to thu munnger. Tho Agency Represents, Buys, and Bells, for Homo ami Colonial Fiiras. Piece Hoods, Cashmeres, Cambrics, Silks. Velvets, Lawns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, Mlllineiy, Luces, Gloves, Fringes, l'ainsols, Haberdashery, Gold and Hllver Luce, Flannels, Feathers, Pearls, Boots and Shous, Gluts, ami China-wuro- , Clocks, Watches, Jewellry, Fanny Goods, Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments, Fans, Eechilastical and Optical Goods, Mlrrots, Toys. Perfumery, Wines, &o, Oilman's htoris Hook, Artistic Furniture, tita'I'iiiury, Ohmni'", Mni'hlmtiy, &c, fco. HID iy K TF YOU WANT A SERVANT, X udvertise iu tho Daily Bulletin, tffazJkmvjt. . ua .fejfctu-g.viiteiMft.- . - Corsets. Corsets. Corsets For a good durable and comfortable Corbet, go to the POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, 101 Port Street, Honolulu. N. S. SACHS, - v- - x. Proprietor. Try our Abdominal Corset It is a strong, good fitting, and especially adapted for stout ladies. Our Madamo Foy's Corset Is a health corset, with skirt supporters, light in weight, and highly recom- mended for this climate. Tho P. D. Corset Id so well known that they need no recommendation. have present, in all sizes. Our Venus Corset Cannot be beat for elegance fit and for couilort ; it is a fiOO-bon- e oorset, and we can recommend them to wear. Our Riding Corset Is just what is wanted here ; we had them especially made ; thoy are stiung and comfortable, and a trial of them will prove that they aro tho best over impoilcd into this Kingdom. Our Nursing Corset Is ft good fitting and comfortable corset, and low in price. We have a number of different brands too numerous to mention, but guarantee that our prices are tho lowest, and inspection is solicited. HAY HAY AND -- GRAIN GRAIN. Largest .Stocks, Choicest Quality, Lowest Prices. UNION FEED CO., TelophonoB 175. Corner Edinburgh & Queen Streets. JOHN NOTT, 1. 8 Wmm Street r" F I i"SriBf jHiBKi3j'1'?lrtSPPRSKfcv vB Granite, Iron OhaiLdeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE' House Keeping Goods, PLUMBING, TIN, C3PER, AND 003 SHgET IRON WORK. GEO. ENGELHARDT, (Formerly with Samuel Importer imtl Denier in STOVES, CHANDELIERS, LAMPS, OHOOKKKY, GLA8SWAHE, HOUSE FUKNIBHING HABDWAUE, AGATE IHON AND TINWAHE. Ag-en- t Hall's Safe and Lock Company. Beaver Block, - Fort Street. C2T Btoro formerly occupied by S. NO'lT, opposito Bprcckcls & Co.'i Bank.- - 108 Tahiti Lemonade Works, who have on hand any our Bottles or (.'me, would greatly oblige by sending word to the Depot, Merehuut Btrcet, and they will at once be called for. Our Bottles are all crystal valve, and the words "TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS" blowu ihircon. Bell Telephone m Mutual Telephone UG0. 15 tf J. E. BHOWN & CO. TF YOU FIND ANYTHING, X advcrtlso it iu tho Daily Bullktim We thorn, at of short, wo Nott). of 28 03 and Tin Ware ! NOTICE. ALL pirtiot having claims against Majoity's Elato aro requested tohavutliilr uceounti made out in de- tail, sworn to as to corn etness, and pro. t them to Col. O. P. laukea, at the otllie of II. M's Chamberlain, Honolulu, within thice months trom date of this notice, B. M. DAMON, J. O OAUTJJH, O. P, IAUICKA. TrimUes of His Majest)' Ebtate. Houolulu, Nov. 21, 1887. 03 3m DAILY BULLETIN SUMMARY $2 per luuum. RARE CHAHCE FOR INVESTMENT BETTER THAN A GOVERNMENT BOND OFFER BD BY THE Equitable Life Assurance Go ASSISTS OVER OF THE UNITED STATES. protection of Life Insuinnce combined with tho Investment Principle of THE Hank Kximp'.ool a'iO.year Kudoincnt Policy for $10,000 taken out at the age of S5 tus: Annual Total Premiums Cash Fund Equivalent Paid ou Annuity Premium. Paid in 20 yrs. Then due. Up Policy for Life. foj Life ?407 $9,740 $18,110 $43,000 $1,310 Intimates for different amounts and diflercnt ages cheerfully given, protect your family from future want or provide for your own old age.. Policies Free, Indisputable, Nou-Fo- i Tellable, &c, tfce. For full particulars, pply to Alexander J. Cartwrighf, 1010 ly General Agent, Hawaiian Islands. rj.EORGE LUCAS, M31J3. -- " Contractor g, &;&&$& and Builder,' Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Sciollaud Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to nnd work guaranteed. Orders from tho other ls solicited Contractor und Ituildcr. Stores and olllees fitted up, Estimates given ou all kinds of biick and wooden buildings, Plain and Sptcillcatinns fur- nished ESOlncc, 110 Bcrctania St.; Mutual Telephone, !J.V2; Postollico Box, ISO. !2 ly T PLANING MILL. Alultca, near (ucen St. i Telephone 51?. F. RUPPRECHT, Fresco JEaixit;oi, 126 Nuuonu St., Honolulu, H. L CG iim JOK-K- I MAGOON, - Offico 42 Merchant St, Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. 8y t Honolulu iron Wobkb, frTiiffls''""" engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 J. IIOPP & CO. 74 KiiiR Street. M'inufiiBturers and Importers of all kinds of Furniture & Upholstery Goods FINE BEDDING A BPECIALTY. All kinds el Jobbing promptly attended to. CHAIRS TO RENT For Balls or Paitles in small or largo 801 quantities. ly. -- IVES'W- Merchant Tailoring Establishing The undesigned having opened a llrkt-clab- s MeichantTalloilug Ehtab- - llsuiucnt at ttie Cor. King and Bethel Streets, (Damon Building) under thu tlrm name of F.Habermacher&Co. Begs have to solicit tie patronage of his friends nnd public generally. tc Cm F. HABERMACHEE. LABSME & CO. Have a Large otock of tho VERY BEST HAY. 3J-iaii-i, JBlt,G.9 Wliich is offered at Ia est Market Prices AND-Doliv- erod Freo to any part of the City AGKNTd FOB THE Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for thu Hoover Telephone, Commissioner of Deedsfor California Telephone No. 147. 706J SSO.OOO.OOO. JFIRE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Assets, $5,055,000 Commeroial Insurance Co. (Firo and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assuranoo Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Firo and Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $75,000,000 C.O.BEEGEE HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1053 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo &. Marino Insur'oe Agents. AOKNTS KOR Tlio Kcw EncloiKl MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. The JEtna Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. Tho Union Fire nnd Marine Insurance Co. of Ban FiaucUco, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'v KSTAnusiivD 1845, Capital 9,000,000 Reichsmarkt. undersigned, having been ap pointed agent of the above Company for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, agninst Fire, on Buildings Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Bujrsr Mills etc., ou the most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Pyblo In Honolulu. H. HIEMENBCnNEIDEK, 070 ly at Wilder & GVa. Hustace & Robertson, DRAYMEN. A LL orders for Cartage promptly at-E- tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prlew. Ofllce, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. The Inter -- iBlnnd Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hand for sale Steam Family and Blackimith Coa and a general assortment of 415 Bar Iron. TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS. HIGH CLASS AEHATED WATERS. Lemon Hoda and Ginger Alo of all la. feilor quality, In Miiail bottles, as by Chinamen at Five cents a hot. tie, are not and will not be made at this establishment. 17W t . 1

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- vaiAgef-- ' i" -i-1 "LIT Miyfwtw 'mil' ifiwmaigi.TgFJJi nwumu.i'.m n '.jwx










Is printed andlTpUulishcdraHho ofllco,;

Queen Utrcct, Honolulu, H. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, - BO cents pet Month.

Address nil Oornmunioations DailyBulletin. t, '

AdvortisomcutB, tc cn3iuo insertion,should be handed in boforo one o'clockr. m.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotor


Bulletin Steam Printing OfficeNowspapor, Book and Job Printing of

all kinds done on the most favorableterms.Bell Telephone No. 2GG

Mutual Telephone No. 250

Daily Mel Summary

Published twice a Month.

An interesting and comprehensivepublication, and contains from 40 to 00

columns of Trading matter on local lopics, and a complete rcsuino of Honoluluand Island News. It is the best paperDubllshcd in tho' Kingdom. tbsend'tofriends abroad.

Subscription (mailed) 82.C0aycar.

Commission.' Me'ruhanttfc

TT licrcFJEJiri & Co.,

General Commission Agents. v

(170 ly Honolulu



Honolulu. H. I.Queen street, - -1G48

BREWER it OOMFANY,O. (Limitud)


Commission Agents.

'list of ofwcems:P. C. Jones, Jr President & ManagerJ. O. Oajitek. . . ..Treasurer la Secretary

' !


Hon. U. R. Bishop. 8. C. Allen,H. WXTKBHOUSK.

338 ly ,' ; a

T. "WATERHOUSE,JOHN Importer uud Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, (iueeu it., Honolulu. 1

B. N. Castle.--J. B. Atherton-- G; P. CastleSt OOOKE,CASTLE Snipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise No. 80 King Bt.,

Honolulu. L

Clam Sprcckels. Wm. G. Irwin.IRWINl & COMPANY,WQ.Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. . 1

& CO.,WILDER Dealers in'Lumbcr, Paints,Oils, Nails, SalV and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Port and Queen sts.,

'Honolulu. 1

GRINBAUM It CO.,MS. Importers of General Mor- -

ohaudlse'diid CommlBsion Merchants, .

and' ' 'Honolulu', (.124 Califoiuia street,

1 San Francisco, Cal.

Ii. Lowers, F. J. Lowrey, 0. M. Cooke.

b OOOKE,(successors to Lowors & Dickson.)

Importers and Dealers iu Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,llonolulu i

h&ERTZ, tilCHR. No. 80 Fort street, Honolul,!?"

Importer and Doclor in Gent's, Ladies'and Children's' boots, shoes and slippers.

&z Co.,Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants280 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice" of Removall

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to ono of the NewBtorcs in tho

TJioiimh Illoclc, KIii Street,Thrco doors from Castle & Cookes',

Where he is prepared to mauufaeturoall iinds cf Jewelry. 00

A. M. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Merchant Street,, Honolulu, B.IMutual Tel.H7i: Bell Tel. SO!).

Law Books & Lawyors' Stailonory a Specially.

Older taken for Newspapers, Period!,culs, Books, Music, etc., from any partof the woild, uaviug made all arrange-meat- s

therefor whilst in San Prauchco,

lted Bobber JStuuipM to Order.71


,M. THOMPSON,jVLtbi'M.oy-n.t-I.a'w- .,

Offlco in OampboU's Block, Cor. Fort &Merchant Sts., llonolulu, II. I. .


03?" When destred, will Rive thu law ina written opinion, as to the probiblb re-

sult of tlto contention upon thu factsBtalcd. 16881y


and Notary Public. Real Estato in anypart of tho Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgotlated, Logal Documents Diawn. No. 37Merchant St. (Gazctto Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 10U

BROWN,Attorncrand Counsellor at Law

Notary .Public, and Agent for taking Acknowlcdgmcnts of Instruments for theIsland of O.ihu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u.


Alfred magoon,J . ATTORNEY AT LAW.173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly

JOHN A. HASSINQBR,Agout to take Acknowledgments

to Contiacts for Labor. Interior Office,Ilonoluln.j

DOCTOR WEBB.Olllco and Residence next door to tho

American! Minister's on Alikca street,botween Hotel mid Rcrctanln streets.

Ofllcu Hours from 7 to 0 a. in.; fromlito3ip,'ra, and 7 to 8 p irt. .

Telephone . 01 2m

MAX HAEDICKE, M". D.IMvynloImi nut! ui'lteon.

( 8 to 10a.rri.Oki'iok Houks M to 3 pwm

(7 to 8 p. m.Ofllce and residence : Cor. of ..Adams'

and Unl n S sect.SS Mutual Vulonliotio 438. lm


A RITCHIE ROWAT,Veterinary Snrseon.

Offlco and Residence : 1130 King streetMutual Telephone 854. Orders left atHotel Slable3 will bo received andpromptly attended to. 43 3m

J. H. SOPER, M. D.

Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S, W. Coiner Sixth and Market streets,opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab-lishment, San Fiancisco. 23' .i . .n in


NOTARY PUBLICFor the Island of Oahu.

Ofllce, Gov't Building, Hon-jlulu- .

:J0 tf11. II. 1IKNSON. a. w. smith.


Manufacturing and Dispensing- Pharmacists,

113 & 11C Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boerioke & Scechlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,8 1 checker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fort Street, William's Block, ITpno-21-

Honolulu, H. I.

WEMER & CO.Blniiullactiirliit: JowellerH,

NO. 03 JFOllT 8T11EEX.Constantly on hand a largo assortmen

of overy description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

058 ly


CARRIAGE CO.Carriages at all hours, day and night.

Saddle ifiirses, Buggies, Wagonrttos amiVillago Carts with stylish and gentlohorses to let.

FOR SALE.... itA few Horses, guaranteed. Second

hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggioi,Carts and Harness.

PRICES-T- SLHT'THE TIMES.Ring up Telophone 32 or apply t'

MILKS &. BIAYIiKY.1574, Iv

Steam Wot Us. Snnnv SouthTele, Bell 172,lMutual 215

Depot. MeiTliantUtrcetTele, Bell 173, Mutual SCO.

Tahiti Lmouali WorKs.

, The undersigned having purchiisulthe business of the Tahiti LemonadeWorks, the depot has been removed toNo. 23 Merchant Klieet. x

All orders for Auratu) Waters manufactored at tlio above establishment willreceive prompt attention.

J. E. BROWNS. Co.P. 0. Box 409. - 1829

TF YOU LOSE ANYTHING,X advertise it lu thu Daily Uih.lutjm,

Beaver gL, Saloon

The Bost Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Ooffee'at 111 Hours

The Inoit Bi-- i. d ol

Cigars & Tobaccoalways on hand.

u. .1. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Cosmopolitaii Restaurant

New House. VL Bethel Street

(Nc.t Castle & Cooke's)

Board, $5 f0 per week, 35 cts por meal.?1B0 " 25 cts "

The tables arc supplied with everydelicacy obtainable In the market.21 Patron.ige lm



F. nORN, Practical Confectioner,' Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. -- S2T Telephone 74

WM. McCAJNINLiESS,No. G Queen street. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestIteof, Tcni, glutton, Vtqli, dt, do

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovrssels at short notice, and Vegetablestf all kinds supplied to order H4rt ly

rJ?IJ 33

WMsysmr Metropolitan

Meat Company81 King Street,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesale & Bo tail Butchers



D. MEME & Co.

Commissionjl Merchants


Naval S torcH& GrocoricJti'IcItH, liliuu & Cciuont.

Families and Ships supplied ou mostreasonable terms.

BST ISLAND ORDERS SOLICITED.Mutual Tele, 212. P. O. Box, 479.

No. 20 Fort-st- ., op. O. S. S. Co's Wharf.1800 tf

Polled Angus Stock:

lisBull Calves from 10 to 13 months old.

Ilcitor Calvos (ram 10 to 13 months old.


J. I. DOWSETT.Honolulu, June 24, 1837. 70

Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.36 Ruo doDunkerquo, -- . Paris,

Executes IniJenti for every descriptionof French, Belgian,SwU9, German, and English Goods, atthe best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Commission, Two-and-- a Half por cent.All Trade arid Ciuh i)iFcoui)trt allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhonrcnuustod.

Reniiitauccs, through a London orParis Bankor, payable on delivery ofShipping docuuiLiita; or, direct to thumunnger.

Tho Agency Represents, Buys, andBells, for Homo ami Colonial Fiiras.

Piece Hoods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks. Velvets, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Mlllineiy, Luces, Gloves,Fringes, l'ainsols, Haberdashery,Gold and Hllver Luce,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shous, Gluts, amiChina-wuro- , Clocks, Watches,Jewellry, Fanny Goods,Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Fans, Eechilastical andOptical Goods, Mlrrots, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &o,Oilman's htoris Hook, ArtisticFurniture, tita'I'iiiury,Ohmni'", Mni'hlmtiy, &c, fco.

HID iy K

TF YOU WANT A SERVANT,X udvertise iu tho Daily Bulletin,

tffazJkmvjt. . ua .fejfctu-g.viiteiMft.-

. -

Corsets. Corsets. Corsets

For a good durable and comfortable Corbet, go to the

POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE,101 Port Street, Honolulu.

N. S. SACHS, -v-- x. Proprietor.

Try our Abdominal CorsetIt is a strong, good fitting, and especially adapted for stout ladies.

Our Madamo Foy's CorsetIs a health corset, with skirt supporters, light in weight, and highly recom-mended for this climate.

Tho P. D. CorsetId so well known that they need no recommendation. havepresent, in all sizes.

Our Venus CorsetCannot be beat for elegance fit and for couilort ; it is a fiOO-bon- e oorset,and we can recommend them to wear.

Our Riding CorsetIs just what is wanted here ; we had them especially made ; thoy arestiung and comfortable, and a trial of them will prove that they aro tho bestover impoilcd into this Kingdom.

Our Nursing CorsetIs ft good fitting and comfortable corset, and low in price.

We have a number of different brands too numerous to mention, butguarantee that our prices are tho lowest, and inspection is solicited.


GRAIN.Largest .Stocks,

Choicest Quality,Lowest Prices.

UNION FEED CO.,TelophonoB 175. Corner Edinburgh & Queen Streets.

JOHN NOTT, 1. 8 Wmm Street

r" F I i"SriBfjHiBKi3j'1'?lrtSPPRSKfcv vB

Granite, IronOhaiLdeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE'House Keeping Goods,


GEO. ENGELHARDT,(Formerly with Samuel

Importer imtl Denier inSTOVES, CHANDELIERS, LAMPS,


Ag-en- t Hall's Safe and Lock Company.Beaver Block, - Fort Street.

C2T Btoro formerly occupied by S. NO'lT, opposito Bprcckcls & Co.'i Bank.- -108

Tahiti Lemonade Works,

who have on hand anyour Bottles or (.'me, would

greatly oblige by sending word to theDepot, Merehuut Btrcet, and they willat once be called for.

Our Bottles are all crystal valve, andthe words "TAHITI LEMONADEWORKS" blowu ihircon.

Bell Telephone mMutual Telephone UG0.

15 tf J. E. BHOWN & CO.

TF YOU FIND ANYTHING,X advcrtlso it iu tho Daily Bullktim

We thorn, at








and Tin Ware !


ALL pirtiot having claims againstMajoity's Elato aro requested

tohavutliilr uceounti made out in de-

tail, sworn to as to corn etness, and pro.t them to Col. O. P. laukea, at the

otllie of II. M's Chamberlain, Honolulu,within thice months trom date of thisnotice,


TrimUes of His Majest)' Ebtate.Houolulu, Nov. 21, 1887. 03 3m




Equitable Life Assurance Go


protection of Life Insuinnce combined with tho Investment Principle ofTHE Hank Kximp'.ool a'iO.year Kudoincnt Policy for $10,000 takenout at the age of S5 tus:Annual Total Premiums Cash Fund Equivalent Paid ou AnnuityPremium. Paid in 20 yrs. Then due. Up Policy for Life. foj Life

?407 $9,740 $18,110 $43,000 $1,310Intimates for different amounts and diflercnt ages cheerfully given, protect

your family from future want or provide for your own old age.. Policies Free,Indisputable, Nou-Fo- i Tellable, &c, tfce.

For full particulars, pply to

Alexander J. Cartwrighf,1010 ly General Agent, Hawaiian Islands.

rj.EORGE LUCAS, M31J3.--" Contractor g,&;&&$&

and Builder,'

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Sciollaud BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to nnd workguaranteed. Orders from tho other ls


Contractor und Ituildcr.Stores and olllees fitted up, Estimatesgiven ou all kinds of biick and woodenbuildings, Plain and Sptcillcatinns fur-nished ESOlncc, 110 Bcrctania St.;Mutual Telephone, !J.V2; Postollico Box,ISO. !2 ly


Alultca, near (ucen St. i

Telephone 51?.

F. RUPPRECHT,Fresco JEaixit;oi,

126 Nuuonu St., Honolulu, H. LCG iim

JOK-K- I MAGOON,- Offico 42 Merchant St, Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.

8yt Honolulu iron Wobkb,

frTiiffls''""" engines, sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

J. IIOPP & CO.74 KiiiR Street.

M'inufiiBturers and Importers of allkinds of

Furniture & Upholstery Goods

FINE BEDDING A BPECIALTY.All kinds el Jobbing promptly attended to.

CHAIRS TO RENTFor Balls or Paitles in small or largo

801 quantities. ly.

-- IVES'W-

Merchant Tailoring Establishing

The undesigned having opened a llrkt-clab- s

MeichantTalloilug Ehtab- -

llsuiucnt at ttie

Cor. King and Bethel Streets,(Damon Building) under thu tlrm

name of

F.Habermacher&Co.Begs have to solicit tie patronage of

his friends nnd public generally.


LABSME & CO.Have a Large otock of tho

VERY BEST HAY.3J-iaii-i, JBlt,G.9

Wliich is offered at Ia est Market PricesAND-Doliv- erod

Freo to any part of the City

AGKNTd FOB THEPacific Mutual Life Insurance Co.


Agents for thu Hoover Telephone,

Commissioner of Deedsfor CaliforniaTelephone No. 147. 706J



MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,055,000

Commeroial Insurance Co.

(Firo and Marine)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assuranoo Corporation(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Firo and Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000

New York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $75,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1053 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo &. Marino Insur'oe Agents.



of Boston.

The JEtna Fire Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

Tho Union Fire nnd

Marine Insurance Co.of Ban FiaucUco, Cala.

101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'v

KSTAnusiivD 1845,

Capital 9,000,000 Reichsmarkt.undersigned, having been ap

pointed agent of the above Companyfor the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, agninst Fire, on BuildingsFurniture, Merchandise, Produce, BujrsrMills etc., ou the most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Pyblo In


070 ly at Wilder & GVa.

Hustace & Robertson,

DRAYMEN.A LL orders for Cartage promptly at-E-

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prlew.

Ofllce, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.

The Inter -- iBlnnd SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for sale

Steam Family and Blackimith Coa

and a general assortment of

415 Bar Iron.


HIGH CLASS AEHATED WATERS.Lemon Hoda and Ginger Alo of all la.

feilor quality, In Miiail bottles, asby Chinamen at Five cents a hot.

tie, are not and will not be made at thisestablishment. 17W

t .


Page 2: ttllrftit - University of Hawaiʻi




pr- -

P '

V- -

:k4 &

V ft


7 ()ftiyaywiafljjsasiS&-s-



TENDERS.Scaled tenders will be ii'ceived nt

tlio Interiot Oflice until MONDAY,February 20th, 1S8S, at 12 o'clocknoon, for the coiistiuction of a sliedon the extension of the wluuf known ofas "Brewer's AVhftif," Honolulu.

1'lans and specifications for thewoik can be teen at the Oiliee of theSuperintendent of Public Woiks.

The Minister of the Interior docsnot bind himself to accept the lowestor any bid.

LOKU1N A. THURSTON,Minislei of the Inteiior.

Intel ior Olllce, Fob. 1888.

0G td


On WEDNESDAY, Fcbiuary 15,1SS8, at the fiont entiance of Aliio-la- ni

Hale, at 12 o'clock noon, will besold a certain tiact of land called"iMahani," in ICalihi Valley, Oahu,containing an area of IS acre's,more or lcs.

Tliis Und is suited to grazing pui-posc- s.

Term1! Upsot price ifS-lO- .

L. A. THURSTON,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Oilicc, Jan 10, 188S.

The above sale is postponed untilWEDNESDAY, February 22nd, atnoon.

LOIUtIN A. THURSTON.Minister of the Inteiior.

Inteiior Oflice, Feb. 15, 18S8.00 2toaw

BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu. Hawaiian Inlands

Draw Exchange on the ul Cu-lilornia- S3. IT.And their agents in


Messrs. N. SI. Rothschild &. Son, LondonThe Comincicial Bank Co., of Sydney,

London,The Commercial Bank Co . of Sydney,

Sydney,The Hank of New Zealand: Auckland,

Christchurch, and Wellington,The Bank of British Columbia, Vic

toria, B. C, and Portland, Or.

andTransact a General Banking Business.



Pledged to neither Seel nor Party,But established for the benefit of all.

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15, 1888.


All sorts of people find their wayto a newspaper oflice, all sorts of

projects aie submitted for advocacy,and all sorts of complaints arc en-

tered for publication. Even in alittle place like Honolulu the vaiictyand amount of matter, written andspoken, which readies the news-paper oillccs is quite surprising.Of course, much o.f it never gets intotype, l'erhaps the class of matterwhich is most abundant is that whichcomes under the head of "com-

plaints. " A person has a grievance,real or fancied. He longs t sec itin print. It may be a very hillingthing, and purely private in itsnature, and yet he thinks it ought to

be published. When told that it is

scarcely a proper subject for a news-

paper, the complainant generallyfeels himself badly treated. Qr thegrievance may be serious, and of acharacter that a judicious journalistwould consider proper for publicity,provided the evil cannot be easilyand quickly remedied by directlyappealing to its source. Still theaggrieved party prefers making apublic complaint rather than a pii-va- te

representation, paiticularly if

his personality be concealed and thenewspaper assume the responsibility.

Now, it cannot bo denied that Hie

public press is a reformer of evils

and a preventer of wrongs in every

freo country. The fear of publica-

tion prevents the perpetration in

many instances, and the fact of

publication leads to tho rpmoval inmany others. But, as a, general

rule, whore a wrong can bo recti-ile- d

or an evil removed, without un-

necessary delay, by direct icpre-scntatio- n

to those possessing tho

power and authority, it is premature

to appeal to tho press, Direct ap-

peal having failed and the grievancoremaining unredressed, it is un-

doubtedly the duty of the press to

etcp into tho arena.

&fcftftito,ttWifeifc... hjia.'.

Ll'"rjg!"mUTn" " BW-


ofA long fell want in this commun-

ity lias been a cheap yet safe meansillumination. A idly piinoipalh of

wood with n hijrh rale of insuva'ncp.without gai, subieol to all the clan-jfer- n

and honoi" of gasoline explo-sions and the hot uncleanly oillamp, would suppoit a good illiimiii-an- t CI

free from all Ihc disadvantagesand ilangeis of oil and gas, at aprice within theieach of every one.

To this end and for this purposethe Honolulu Elcetiic Light Co. hasbeen formed, an independent body

men able to carry out the enterprise, owning no exclusive fran-chises nor monopolies, etc.. Al-

most everyone is familiar with theelcetiic light, and know its advan-tages which arc peculiarly applicableto this climate.

There are two svstcms of electriclighting in use, the Aie and tho Incandescent. Arc lights being toopowerful for indoor use, it is the in-

candescent system wc shall deal with.The power lamp is thebtandard and the one ingciieial use.Allestimatcsaic based on this lamp.Unlike the aie light or stiect lampwire, the current of eleetiieityused is of low potential and js notany mote dangerous to handle thanyour telephone wire. Where an alter-nating current is used or a highforce to carry electiicity a greatdistance in order to save wire, atiaiibfonner or converter is used inthe attic or cellar which reduces thecurrent from a high to a low poten-tial.

The incandescent lamp enjoys afreedom from all tho objections ofgas and oil, such for instance asladiation of heat, vitiation of theatmosphere, noxious odors, all

and being more steadythan gas or oil, its color being sobright, cheerful and steady enablesthe detection of nice shades of coloras easy as by day ; it causes a holi-

day appearance, its bright and gayappearance adding greatly to theattractiveness of stores, dwellings,etc., etc.

The lamp can be any color or thebrightness diminished, when it is de-siic- d.

Perhaps the simplest w:vy

would be to paint the glass globesoaic dark color with artist's paint ;

very pretty and artistic effects aresecured iii this way. The glassglobe or lamp burns about onethousand hours though they havebeen known to last seven times asIoiik. Example: a lamp burns fromsix to ten o'clock each eveningor four hours, tins lamp Miouiulast about eight months. Or-

dinarily the lamps will not haveto be removed only once anually,unless broken by careless handling.There is no necessity for any onetouching the lamp as the light isconti oiled at will by means ot keysand switches placed at convenientplaces.

riacing the electric light in astore or house does not necessitatebuying new chandeliers or fixtures,as almost any kind of suspendedlamp or chandelier can be used. Indressing looms and bed rooms it ismore convenient to use wall brack-ets.

When gas is used and it is desiredto use the electric light, the fixturescan be wired or the lamps suspended under the jets, without impair-ing their usefulness as a gas fixture.Arrangement will be made to fur-

nish electrolics chandeliers andeverything pertaining to our busi-ness. The station will be locatedin a central part of the city and ser-

vice begins at once.


Mr. II. II. Ilaytcr, GovernmentStatist of Victoria, has issued a sum-

mary ot the statistics of Australasiafor 188G. He states that tho figuresare compiled from "olllcialreluriiH,"and though his information in rathermore than a year old, it ib still in-

teresting. The total population atthat date is set down nt :t,'120,f)(2,thu colonies of Victoria and NewSouth Wales being each slightlyover a million. For long thero hasbeen u hard race between these tuocolonies as to which of them shouldfirst contain ;v million inhabitants.The boast of being tho most popu-lous colony in thu group has nowforever passed away liom Victoiia;for while New South Wales has avast extent of country to fill up, thearea of Victoria is comparativelyicstricted.

Now Zealand, some six or sevenyears hence, will doubtless be thenext in the gioup which will have amillion or upwards settled withinher borders. Tho disproportion ofthe sexes is still considerable, for atthe closo of 1880 it has been ascer-tained that theio vvero 118.81 malesto every 100 females in thu group.Tho total births in tho group in 188Gwas 110,250, nnd the deaths 18,205,Tho excess of bfiths over deaths va-

ries greatly in each of the colonies,Now Zealand being at the top of thetree in this respect, with 1!1,1G'1 ss

of birtliH over deaths in thatyear, against Victoria 15,872 fromnearly twice tho total of population.Tho total length of railways open atthat date was 8881 miles, witlilOU2miles in com so of construction. Thelength of electrio telegraph inopeia-tio- u

was 30,(588 miles, with 70,1111miles of uiro in use for telegraphand about 5000 miles lor telephonepurposes, Tho total area under til-

lage was 8, .'107,487 acres, equal to2.I2 aoies per head of population.Wheat and hay wcro the two ciopsto which tho hugest areas of laudwcro devoted, being y,C52-,01- acresnnd 1 acres respectively.

area of 22,'JOG acres was dcvolcdvineyard purpose. The returnsslock assumed large figures.

Horses numhcied 1,5172,750 ; cattle,K,2G1,778; sheep, 80,1152,020; andpigs, 1,113,1)00 making a grandtotal of farm slock of !7,113,520.The wool production in 1880 was.'198,511,82811), of a total value- of1'1G,218,81U, equal to an average ot

10s Id per head of tho popula-tion.

Mystic Lodge, No, 2, K, of P,

A full attendance 1

THIS 'EVEN.1NG, at 7:"0 sharp, forconfcilng the AmplifiedKnight Rank, uud oilier "

impoitimt businessMember of Oahu

1,'oilge, No. 1, and visit,sLgyv-j- ing btolhcis uvo coi- -

tlially Invited.By order of

T. O'llUlEN, O. O.5

P. Waldiun, It- - of K. A; S UP It


a young ni.ii ried niun situation r,sBY clerk, or in any other capielty.Good handwriting, knowledge ot storewoik and shipping Good Island le.Terences. Addtis, "CI.EUK, offlco ofthis paper. GG lw


rent or lea'c Ihc house77011 Int nil flip. VlllitlP.feT&'Ma faring the Baseball Giounds,

anil at present ncrupic 1 by the under.signed. For paiiirumis apmv inou nn II. JJEKGKK.

j-- BY -


K0NA COFFEE, (.Gcnuino Articlo)

PIA, (By the Bag)

I. X. L. LIME,



00 lw


Just landed ex "Alameda"





FEED CO.03 lw


BEAUTIFUL residenceA nt Puunhou. Housecontains amnio convenience

lor a medium tized family, haslixturesand improvements of the lutdt styles,and is build on a largo lot, 2003O0 fret.Location is too weUknown for liciillhand beauty to need recommending. Forfurther paiticulars npply to

J. A. MAG.OON,Merchant street.

Honolulu, Feb. 13, 1883. 04 lw


A REGULAR qunitcrly meeting ofl'. the Unionwill be hold nt the Company's oflice, OnTllUHSDAY, the lOlh instant, at 12o'clock noon.

S. F. GRAHAM,t'5 2t Seei clary U. F. Co.


THE public is hereby notified that Isold nil my right, title and

intcrc-- t of my passenger e.prcss busi.nes In tin' city of Honolulu -- to E. G.t'chunrm. B. LESSER.

Honolulu, Jan. 21, 18-8- . 01 It


XIIKKEHY notify ihc Mutualthat, unlrss they remove

their telephone polo bniccs oil' iny pie.nii-e- at thu head of Emma htrcet, be-

tween now n ml Wednesday, the 14th nit, I shall remove them mvself.

EEN JOE 1GNACIO.Honolulu, Fob. !, 1888. 01


ALL hills due the undersigned, eon.acted pi lor to December 1, 1687,

must be paid before the end of the ent-rant month, or they will bu placed InIhehnndsofa collector who will haveinstiuctioiM to enforce tettlcmupt.

L B. KKBIl,C()2v M.rdmntTailoi.


rr,IIE Linn Kce Company uill do aX general ritiiil nioiciiniilu business"

nt Kapiiii, Island of Kauai, and ConOhcok is the manager of Fiiid biiflncs,and has full authoiity to sign the tlrmname in all matters iippeitaining to sUdbiifciness ' LUM KEE CO.



" Vestiges of the Molten Globe."


Tho Earth's Surface, Features and

Yolcanic Phenomena.

PRICE, $3.00.

To bo hud at J. II. SOPEH & CO.'SStationery stoic, Merchant This book contain a full

account and discission of Volcanic1'huiiomcim in geuuial and HawaiianVolcanoes in particular, with a map oftho Group showing all the rectal LavaFlows, Ci utcre, etc. MM

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.

10011 mamAT AUCTION.


At the premises, Hotel street, adjoiningGoimlvei Si Co., I will sell nt 02

l'ulillc Auction.THE




The building is noily new, nnd costSDOO.

within'days after sale


05 21 Auctioned.


On FRIDAY, February 18th,

AT 12:30 O'CLOCK,At the Knumakapill Church premises,

I will sell at Public Auction,


Lately used in packing the largeorgan.


CC2t Auctioneer.


T Tilln i

am directed by Messrs. II. Hackfeld& Co., to sell nt Public Auction, ul

their store, Queen street, on aliberal credit to the trade,




FEBRUARY 20, 21, 22, & 23,--. C03IMENCING AT ----


All their impoitations of mer-chandise of every description.The sale will compute speciallyselected goods of the late.--tstyle, to numerous to specify.Amo gst tho stock will befound full assortments of

New' & Fashionable Dry Goods

Bags and Bagging,Galvanized Corrugated Iron,

Groceries,Sydney & English Saddles,

Crockery,Glassware, Paper,

LIQUORS, WINES,Boers and Champagno,

Clothing,' Tailors Goods,





And large invoices will bo closed nt nnypi ice and on liberal tcnns,


JAS. F. MORGAN,COtd Auctioneer.


the diay of Castle & Cooke, uIjlItOM inaikcd "P. P," Pain,containing one SILVER WATCH. Asuitable lownrd will bo paid to anyonereturning tho some to Castle & CooUo.

G5 8t


GENTLEMAN can get a wcdlA lurnlshcd loom (if desiicd withboard.) Location about 10 minutes'walk from Post-oDlce- . Please apply atthe olllce ol tho Bom.min. 52 tf


TWO Itjoins, hi "Wilder & Co.'s Stoneopposite Likcllke

Wharf. WILDER & CO.01 2W

TO LET.AOTTAQE at Walkiki.

J.aiuu vaids. stables.etc. Rent verv moderate.

Apply to J. E HHOWN & CO.,(iOif 28 Merchant street.


rpWO nicely fuinisheil looms in a pri..X vnto family with or without board,about 10 minute walk from the Post.oflli-- In qulm ut this olllce. 01 2


AF. MADEIBOS & CO., merchanttnilois, have the pleasuie to in.

form thtir outtoincis, that ihoy havoicmovcd theli luiloiing establishmentIVom Gonsiilvo) A-- Co.'s store to (outerol Union aud Hotel siieoi wheiotlieywill bo to rcccito u call fioni theircufctomirs, and from the public ingeneral, C81m


IF you want your plnno rebuffed, re.ilttcd or tuned by a resident timer,

leave your orders at G-- . West & Co.'iMusic Stoic, 103 Fori street. Satisfactlon guaranteed. fi3 2v

,). O. MAKOllANT,(Successor to T. O. Thrum)

Book-binde- r, Papor-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k


l"iiciiil Hulldlng, llelhel street, llono.lulu. If


Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder.

Having 'Improved facilities, lsprcpiredto till orderH nt short notice.

1831 tf

New York Line.

An At vessel will bo despatched bythis Linn for Honolulu, to leave

New York in all May.

For further information apply to

W. H. GROSSMAN & BRO.,77 & 70 Broad Street,

New York.

-- on-

CASTLE & C00EE,07 3 m Honolulu.

To Stand this SeasonAT HAIKU, MAUI.

The Thoroughbicd Horse


(xiiinslioronch, a dark bay horsewith black point--- . Imported from Syd-nc-

N. S. YV., lust jenr.KninborougIi Is n strictly

thoroughbred horse, roI by 'Yatten-don- "

out of "Atholino" by "BlairAtliol," out ot "llabcnn," etc., etc.

"Hlair Athol," GuiiiNljorotiprH'sgrondslie, hold for 12 000 gs. in Eng-land, in 1873, whiln his ijianddam"Ilabena" was the winner of the 1,000gs. in England.


HAIKU MENTATION,04 2w Haiku, Maui.

"BI.UCHEK."Thc Fine KentuckyImported Jack

33 3L. XJ O EL 3E It,"Will stand at the Enterprise Ilnnch for

a limited number of maics.MoioaaK.A.'x'aE-s- B

Apply to J. A. Magoon, agent, 42Merchant stiect, or to Silvano de No-brig-

at the Enterprise Hunch, headof wyllie street, Nuunnu Valley.



A Chance to Procure a Good PayingBusiness.

OWING to my intended departure Ito sell my Olgnr Slore and

Billiard Room. This is one of the bestequipped Billinid Booms in tho town.I have four Tables of tho very latestdeigns, and one Pool Table with pa.tent attachment.42 1 n--

. o. j. McCarthy.

Notice of Election.

AT the annunl meeting of C. Brewer& Co., L'd , held this day, the fol.

lowing mimed persons were elected aioillceis for tho ensuing year:

P. C. Jones President,P. C. Jones Manager,J. O. Carter Seerelary,.1. O. Carter Trensurer,XT. V. Allen Auditor,

Hon. C. R. Bishop, Suni'l O. Allen nndHon. II. AVnlerlionso Directors.

J. O. OABTER. Secretary.C. Brewer & Co.

Honolulu, Fubruaiy 1, 18S8. 54 lm

NOTICE,All piT-on- s aie hereby forbid.den Inm exiuwiling, diggingor depoeiting n bblsh in thestiictH of this district, withouttin, order of iholtoadSupervisor.


Road Supervisor,SS lm Kona, Oahu.

Dissolution of Partnership,

rpiIB Interest of Mr. Clnrcnce Mae.X fin lane in the flim of WEST,

DOW & CO hat this day been pur-chased by Mr Gideon AVist, who as.sumes all liabilities of siid linn Alldebts due said tlrm are duo and payableto Mr. G. West.

WEST, DOW & CO.Honolulu, Jan. 14, 1883.

NOTICE.MR. G, WEST having become solo

owner of the business carried onunder the tlrm name of West, Dow &

Ce., wilt, in future, carry on said busi-noi- s

under the tlrm name and stylo ofG. WEST is CO.

Honolulu, Jan. 1C.1SS8. 1)0 lm


Mil. John Magnou is authorized tocollect for our account, and sign

receipts. J. E. BROWN & CO.Jan. 10, 1888. 1835


iP&&IH -.- '4 vlHHH nraniiiniMRiiliiiifrilsiii H


Ladies', and. Gents' Clitas' Boots and Shoes.

Carefully selected by Mr. Gertz wbilo in tho Stales.



01 1m



09I CD


a aM.

I &5o

cr; poo

4 913

on ar-- o W

it: .CD? CD c 0c 3ftft o UlS3.

H o Ba o



C CD13


THE Eemington Typewriter is thewilling machine of the

woild. It prinls 7G chnructeis, or withcertain combination, about 80 choracters,with the operation of only 39 keys. Themachine is so simple that anyone canwrite wiili it, and its manipulation is soeasily understood, that but little practico 13 required to enable tho operator toacquire facility in its use. The averagespeed of the pen is from 15 to 20words per minute, and the averago speedof the typo writer is from 40 to 80 oid3'per minute. Time spent in writingwith the pen is at least two thiidswasted.

Ordcis for the aLovc 'nstrument maybe left with the Undersigned at the of

ucc oi yv. u. lrwin .5 uo , ana win re-ceive prompt attention. The undersign-ed is also prepared to give purchasersfull instructions as to tho use of thomnchlue.

For fur her particulars apply toW. M. GIFFARD,

Sole Agent for the flavaiiun Islands1832 lm


SE.Thp undesigned respectfully notify

.the public, that thoy haeopcucd the

PACIFIC HOUSE,(Next above the Custom Houro)


First Class Chop and Lunch House,Wliero their patrons nro nssurcd of ie.

ceiving nothing nut what isfirst cluss In lood, cooking

and serving.


By strict attention to business nnd anearnest endeavor to please our patrons,'wo solicit your patronage.

llAltUIUt & McLfeAN.441m


(Lincoln Block, King Street.)

UPSTAIRS Is a select Dining Roomwhero Poultry, If desired, will bo servtdthree times a day. This room has CleanTablo Linen, Silver Plated Waic, NewChina, civil and altentivo waiters, andthe Tablo is supplied with every deli-cacy tho Markets afford.

Rates, $6.00 per Week.

DOWNSTAIRS, the General Restau-rant, is well supplied with Chan andSubstantial Food ot many varieties.

Board, $4.50 per Week.

First Class Cooking a Specialty.

40 4m . AHIIMi



fii 1,



Hell Tel. 172. Mutual Tef. 800.P. O. Box'409.

E. BROWN & CO.,Flic Proof Stone Building,

42 Merchant Street.


General Commission Merchants

General Agency for Haw'nlslandaof the

Burlington and Chicago Railway

Across America,Connecting at Boston with tho Azores

anu juaueiraThrough tickets gi anted from Honolulu

Merchandise stored and sold on coin,mission. Consignments solicited.

Propei ties leased, rented and sold.Legal documents drawu.Books audited and adjusted.Accounts collected.Authorized collector, Mr. O. Clarke.

Tahiti Lemonade Depot,28 Merchant Street.

High Class Aerated Waters,

Absolutely Pure,

Tahiti Lemonade Depot,23 Merchant Street.

Hop Ale,Tahiti Lemonade Depot,

8 Merchant Street

Tahiti Lemonade,Tahiti Lemonade Depot,

28 Merchant StreetGinger Ale, Grenadine & Cream Soda.

Ordirs promptly attended to.75 cents per dozen, delivered.

Tahihi Lemonade Depot,28 Merchant Street.

Plain Soda, equal to Schwcppcs. 33

Yosemite Skating


raiTv is:Skating! Skating! Skating!

Commencing January 0th,

Bray Friiay lumi !

For Ladies and their Escorls'.'

Every Friday Evenlug will bo keptperfectly select for ladles & gentlemen.

J3aud In jVttenduuco.S JE, WAJUI

1001 Proprietor. - lyr'

By tho S. S. "Australia" 8lh February,--A- ND NOW ON 8AL- E-

California Oranges-prim- a sample, BarrelsSaur kraut. Kegs Saurkraut, Crates White

Heart Cabbage, Celery on Ico,Crates Cauliflower,



A large consignment ofPototors, FJgj, Canned Fruits, Jirllle',Jnnip, Prunes, Raisins, Chestnuts, Will,nuts, Hardnuts, AliiioiiduutK, CannedTomatoes, Etc., Etc, Etc., Etc., Ete,



00 KhiK Htreet, Honolulu.


MESSRS J. E. BROWN &CO.lo collect for tho

BUU.LT1NHonolulu Juno 8th, 1887. 57

&... ' e fcf i . vpA - 4l. ,4i.4-

-- ,.lie i .1,- -

Page 3: ttllrftit - University of Hawaiʻi



xuvri! &.w rr.'i''iitft'Aft ft '.piXi VP I - y t m nx ary wai" tw r V '.3? TTtVrT .

Iho Arcado-EG- AN & CO. The Arcade-rEG- AN & CO. Tho Arcado-EG- AN & CO. Tho Arcado-EG- AN & CO. Tho Arcado-EG- AN- & CO.OF FASHION!

New Store, New Goods Cull nml r.xninlnl- - (lie Gents' Furnishing Goods Have Opened Dry Goods$12.60 Gent's Blue Flan'l Suits

ruolncrny IlloeU, Finest CiiHloiu JSailo Clothlnjr, Willi tlic l'lni-K- l IMnplny or Uootls NcwNtoelt, I.nlrMt Ht.virn to unit thofort Mti-ecr- . Worth 8SO. I.nilleV V Jcnt'M i'l no HlioeH. over hIiowii In Ihln Kingdom. Host I'nMtlillintn.

-- ir "'V J I 13

ailjl ifJuTI'qfin

y WEDNESDAY, FBI1. lii, 1888.


Schr Waloll from KuanWhaler J A liowinnu from u,n Fra n- -


DEPARTURES.Fuh 15-S- chr

Walull for Kimu'Stnir Iwnlanl for Lalmlna nml Iliininkun

nt 8 u inSchr lliilealeala for PcpcckcoStmf J A Cummins foi Koolmi ,


Bktno Geo C Perkins for Sun Francisco


For Kiumi, per steamer Mlknhaln, Fell14W II Watson, A. T Atkinson,-Ho- AO Forbes, W O l.'onradt, T Luc.ih, l)rWalters, Col G V Maefarlane, Hon II AWiilemann, Mrs rriicger, Mrs Honno-haitsu- n,

Mrs A Kekel, Mrs Kahuna andchild, Mrs 1) K Leleo and daughter, G NWilcox, and about 00 deck.

For Haul, per steamer Likeliko, Feb14 Hon 11 P Baldwin, W E Howell, U

N Spencer, S G Wilder Jr, L vonTenip-sky- ,Mrs von Tcmpsky Sr, Miss Chap-

man, E Pierce, 13 Kettle, Mrs L Kapn,Mrs Kahanamu and about 10 deck.


Schr Waloll 1,07 bags sugar.


The barks Velocity and Prindzcnhcrgarc due hero from Hongkong: the latterIs S3 days at sea y.


II 31 S Caroline, Sir W WisemanU S S Vandalia, Bear Admiral KimbcrlyBk Min, MoCrouoAm tern G C Perkins, Nordberg,Bktue Amelia, NewhallBgntuc Consuelo, Cousins



II Nelths M's Zllvercn Kruis, Jocko,from S America due Mar

Am bark Will W Case, Kobortson,from San Francisco, due at Kaliului,Jan 2-- lu

II 1 .1 M S Tsiikuba, from'Tahlti, duoApril 1-- 20

Gcr bark Dcutcliland, from Bremen,sailed October 28th, duo Feb 20

Am bk Martha Davis, F M Benson,from Boston, duo Mar 1

Am ship" Mystic Belle, Cooko, fromNew York, due March 20

Brit bk St Thomas Bell, sailed fromCardiff, October 22d, duo March 1--

Brit bk Natuua, sailed from Liver-pool, Nov 2iltli, due Mar 5--

Am bk Saranac, from Sau 'Francisco,due Jan

Gcr bkll PritzcuLcrg, from Ilonkong,d ue Dec ld-- 15

Am bktno "Eureka, Meyers, from SanFrancisco,-du- e Jan 10

Am bark UO 1 hitmorc, from PortTownsend, due Jan 20-J- 1,

U S S Adams from Samoa, due fob10-1- 5.

Am bk Edward May, Johnson, fromHongkong, due Jan 20-3- 1;

Am liUtne Hnttlc S Bangs, Bangs,from Hongkong, duo Feb 5.

LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS.A young man desires a situation

as clerk or slore-keope- r.

Meeting of the W. C. T. U. to- -

morrow afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock.

Tnn barkentine Geo. C. Perkinswill sail for San'Francisco

Mystic Lodge No. 2 Knight ofPythias meets at 7 :30'oclock.

Mn. Theo. II. iWies' garden partyyesterday is reported to have been asuccess. . ,

H. M. S.. Carolina will loavo Hono-lulu on a cruise aroiind the islandson Saturday next.

J. T. "Watf.iuioijbe offers for salegenuino Komi coffee, pin, lime, Port-land cement, Downer's keroseno oil,etc., etc.

Hibiscus flowers on a stalk withseveral leaves,-embroider- by Mrs.Win. Unger, may bo been at KingPros.' .'! !.,.The regular quarterly meeting oftho Union Feed 'Co. will bo held atthe company's oflieoat 12 noon ip-- .morrow.

Mr. Lewis J. Lovcy will hold liiH

regular cash sale nt 10 Fresh apples, groceries, provi-sions, furnUure, etc., will ho offered.

Tin: Hawaiian hark W. P. Godfreyis completely loaded, and will sail forSim Francisco as Boon as tho carpen-ters have finished repairs, probablynext Saturday.

Island scenes 'in oil painting byPitzoldt of San Francisco, taken fromphotographs nro on viow nt KingPros.' Ono of tho paintings fallows au poi 11911 of tho road to the Volcano.

., -Mit, Honry Pergcr advertises his

house and lot for rent or lease. Thishouso is plctuiuitly situated on theplains facing tho Mnkiki recreationgrounds.' 'It is 11 fine opportunity for11 person to obtain a very desirabloresidence in a healthy and attractivepart of the town.

Mn. Win. Renny WuUon, accom-panied by his Agont Mr. G. W. Mae-

farlane and Mr. Wideinnnn, weroamong the passongers to Kauai yes-terday afternoon on tho steamer

It is reported that nnotlierlargo scheme is afoot, and (alit KauaiiB to havo tho benoilt of a largoamount of Scotch capital boon.

wftaiaaiftrijfoHfrnftf Ify-I- - n, J

Tiu: steamship Zcalandiiv will hoiluc lii'l'c en mmiIo forNew Zealand and AuMmlin.

tAHiMii:uitYAi)i: in n delicious hover-ng- e

nianufaclurcd by J. E. Brown itCo., nt tho Tahiti Lemonade-- Work.

.JliliJT.hj: salt! of the land known us

Malum! in lviilihi valley has beenpostponed until Wednesday, Febru-ary 22nd, 1868. I "... "

. . '.L.!!j - " -

Tun slfyuiior Leluui left last eve-ning for Ltihai, ulid is expected toreturn this evening with Mr. llnyscl-de- n

ami, family.

Sr.Ai.ui) tenders are called for bythe Interior Department for the con-8- li

notion of a shed on the extensionof Brewer's wharf.

The committee of management ofQueon Emma Hall thankfully ac-

knowledge the gift of a croquet setfrom Mrs. Alexander Young.

"Tin: Owl" for the present monthmay be hud at Mr. Howell's book- -

stoie, at 25 cents per copy. It is nnamusing and entertaining number,

Mn. Jas. F. Morgan will sell atpublic auction at KnumnkapiliChurch on Friday, ten largo woodenpacking cases lately used in packingthe large organ.

The auction sale of .household fur-

niture on Lunalilo.Btrcet hjr .las. F.Morgan, this morning, amounted toabout $1,100. The piano was soldfor 375. Tho black walnut bedroomset brought $100, and the koa set$70. Tho horse and buggy wero notsold. The attendance, consideringthe weather, was very good.


; .wood.The British bark Lady TIarewood,

Captain T. II. Williams, arrivedyesterday afternoon, !)8 days fromHongkong. Tho Lady Ilarewoodhad very severe weather in theChina Sea3. Several of her sparsand sails were earried away and herbulwarks stove in.

Last Sunday she ran by the isl-

ands under bare poles, not riskingto heave to.

The Lady Ilarewood brought 22Chinese passengers and a cargo ofgeneral merchandise. She is con-

signed to a Chinese firm, and ischartered for the round trip. Cap-

tain "Williams is accompanied by hiswife and 3 children.

WiHW! 1 I



Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1888.The Court opened at 10 a. m.

Hawaiian jurors insattendance ; andat 10. 01) a. iri. ' adjourned until 1

)i m.Estate of Mauac;. probate appeal.

For trial before a Hawaiian jury.On motion of respondent post-

poned until 1 p. m.A. C. Smith and A. Rosa for con-

testant; W. L. Holokahiki for thewill. .


hei'oke 1'ukston, ,i.

Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1888.Jas. W. Gay vs. Jos. P. Mcn-don-

; motion for new trial. Ar-

gument on delcndaiit's motion fornew trial heard and the case rebut-ted.

Ilartwell for plaintiff; Hatch lordefendant.



Wednesday, Feb." 15th.Geo. Beck, drunkenness, SG.

Two casss of assault arid battorywere continued.

Sue Vai and Lum Chung, charg-ed with conspiracy,' by maliciouslyundertaking to groundlessly accusoSam,Lee of an illegal offense and tocause him to bo prosecuted thcrc"-fo- r;

and charging said Sam Leowith nn offense for the purpose ofextorting money from him. V. V.Ashford to assist tho crown ; J. A.Mngoon for S110 Wni ; continued to20th.'

Kaluahine, larceny of 81 worth ofsalmon from schooner Waimalu ; 10days at hard labor.

civa. OAsr.s.Allen & Robinson vs. Kanuikaono

and Hikiau ; deserting contract ser-

vice. Ordered to return to ser-

vice.AV. F. Allen, rccoiycr.for Spear

&Pleiffor'vs"J. , Kalu'n, fromtho 8th ; Judgment' for, plaintiff for823.50.. V-"-- ; - , .,.

J. F. Colbiim vs". T. G. McGuiro,from the 8th ; judgment for plain-tiff for 821.12.

Puuinium vs. Kuliana, from tho8th ; judgment for plaintiff forhorse contested for.

II. Johnson vs. Jose Pachcco for8123. 17, and Chas. Hummer vs, K.L, Daglo 813, were continued.

The Kansas Ulizzard "Its prettychilly in Kansas in winter, I sup-pose," said a New York lady to avisitor from the West, "Well, Ishould say so. For six months intho year out thero I always put ongloves before I wash dishes. ,

Many a broadcloth husband oweshis prosperity to the fact that homarried a gingham girl.



Looking back to tho year 1800,we arc astonished at the change.The comparatively simple science ofthe heavenly bodies known to ourpredecessors, almost perfect so faras it went, incurious of what laybeyond itsgiasp, has developed intoa body of manifold powers andparts, each with its separate modealid menus of growth, full of strongvitality, but animated by a restlessand unsatisfied spirit, haunted bythe sense of problems unsolved, andtormented by conscious impotenceto sound the immensities it perpet-ually confronts.

Knowlcdgo might then be said tobe bounded by the solar system ;

but even the solar system presenteditself under an aspect strangely dif-

ferent from that it now wears. Itconsisted of the sun, seven plandets,and twice as many satellites, all cir-

cling harmoniously in obedience toa universal law, by the compensa-ting action of which tho indefinitestability of their mutual relationswas secured, llic occasional incur-sion of a comet, or the periodicalpresence of a single such wandererchained by planetary or solar attrac-tion to prevent escape to outerspace, availed nothing to impairtho symmetry of the majestic spec-tacle.

Now, not alone have the ascer-tained limits of the sj'stem beenwidened by 1,000,000,000 of miles,with the addition of one more giantplanet and six satellites to the an-

cient classes of its members, but acomplexity has been given to itsconstitution baflling description orthought. Two hundred and seventycirculating planetary bodies bridgethe gap between Jupiter and Mars,the complete investigation of themovements of any one of whichwould overtask the energies of alifetime. Meteorites, strangers ap-

parently to the fundamental order-ing of the solar household, swarm,nevertheless, by millions in everycranny of its space, returning atrecnlar intervals like the comets sosing'ularly associated with them, orsweeping across it with hyperbolicvelocities, brought perhaps fromsome distant star. And each ofthese cosmical grains of dust lias atheory far more complex than thatof Jupiter; it bears within it theSecret of its origin and fulfills'" afunctiond in the universe. Tho sunitself is no longer a semi-fabulou- s,

fire-gi- rt globe, but the vast scene ofthe play Of forces as j'et imperfectlyknown to us, offering a boundlessfield for the most arduous and in-

spiring researches. Among theplanets, the widest variety in physi-cal habitudes is seen to prevail, andeach is recognized as a world apart,inviting inquiries,which, to be effec-tive, must ncccssarib be special anddetailed. Even our own moontlncatcns to break loose from thetrammels of calculation, and com-

mits "errors" which sap the veryfoundations of the lunar theory, andsuggest the formidable necessity forits revision. Nay, the steadfastearth has forfeited the implicit con-

fidence placed in it as a time-keepe- r,

and questions relating to the stab-ility ot the earth's axis, and the con-

stancy of the earth's rate of rotationare among those which it behoovesthe future to answer. Everywherethere is multiformity and change,stimulating a curiobity which therapid development of methods ofresearch offers the possibility of atleast partially gratifying.

Outside tho solar system the pro-blems which demand a practicalsolution aro' all but iiillnito in num-ber and extont; and these have allarison and crowded upon ourthoughts within less than 100 years ;

for sidereal science became ti recog-nized branch of astrouomy onlythrough Ilcrschcl's discovery of therevolutions of double stars in 1802.Yet already, it may be, and has beencalled, " the astronomy of thefuturo," so rapidly has the develop-ment of a keen and universal inter-est attended nnd stimulated thegrowtli of power to investigate thissublimo subject. What has beendone is little is scarcely a beginning ;

yet it is much in comparison withthe total blank of u century past.And our knowledge will, wo aroeasily persuaded, appear in turn thomerest ignorauco to those who conicafter us, Yet it is not to bo, dcs-- .piscdi since by it we reach up grop-ing fingers to touch the hern of tjogarment 6f tho-Mos- t High. Side-real Messenger.



Tho "Christian Leader," Univer-salis- t,

argues that it is not the low-tone- d,

but tho high-tone- d readerswho aro responsible for the low-ton- ed

press, and that any paperwould sink wero it not for tho re-

sponsibility given to it by its contin-gent of M'espectablo patrons. Tho'Leader" is therefoio of tho opin-

ion that there will bo no improve-ment in tho papers which print copi-ous reports of piize lights, divorcesuits and scandals until

readers withdraw their supportfrom lucui.


About 1830 I had occasion to callat the dwelling-hous- e of CaptainWinthrop Fificld, in Franklin, thoroto do some wiiting for him. ThereI had conversation with Mrs. Fificld,a very credible and intelligent lady.She was long the near neighbor ofJudge Webster, and she, on this oc-

casion, alleged that she was presentat the birth of Daniel Webster, inJanuary, 1782.

She described the room of hisbirth as being the south room of thedwelling-hous- e of Judge Webster,one story in height.

Another of the neighbors presentat the birth was Mrs. Joshua Snow.She called attention to the child, ex-

claiming in strong emphatic lan-

guage: "This is nn uncommonchild 1 Look at his great Bize ! Hislargo head! His cycsl I tell 3011,here is a wonderful child. I neversaw his equal befoie. Ho will boWorth raising. Conn. Concord.


"I would like to tell you aboutmy first appearance as an amateuractor," said Nelson Wheatcroft.

"1 was horn a stutterer. I hada hi other two years older than my-

self. He stuttered too, and weused to stutter at each other and atmother and father. Very few peo-

ple would let us stutter at them be-

cause wo stuttered so badly. Myfirst day at school I was put into aclass conducted ' by a monitor whostuttered also, and I thought I waslucky and that he would sympathisewith me. I was mistaken. Hespoke to me, and when I tiicd toanswer he sent me to the bendmaster to he punished for mimick-ing him. This was more fun for theboys than it was for me. At writ-ing lessons they often gave me thewords : 'The man that hesitates islost' as a copy. I took it as beingpersonal. When I reached the ageof sixteen or seventeen years my'father had to keep mo in the backolllce where I couldn't meet custom-ers he was afraid they might, notcome again if they got one dose ofmy long-drawn-- out conversation.This touched my pride and broughtme to a proper sense of duty to my-self. I heard a recitation once thatI thought I should like to learn. Icommitted the words to memory andused to sing it to myself. Theneaino a revelation. 1 was so familiar with the verses that they camemechanically, and I started in tospeak them. On the third attemptI got through without more thanthree contortions of tho face in eachline. Then I tried it on my mother.She pronounced it wonderful nnd Iwas encouraged. I joined an elocu-tion class, which met every Tuesdayand Friday evenings Tuesdays un-c- er

a professor and Fridays on themutual improvement plan. Theprofessor wouldn't tackle me at anyprice said I ought to go to a sur-geon and get my tongue cut. Inever forgave that man ; but on Fri-days I held forth regularly, Mostof the members left the room whenI got on the platform, but I thoughtit was jealousy that made themslight me. However,' matters soonimproved, and in three months I hada small part in a dramatic perform-ance given by the class. I had onoline to sa--

, but I was so long instarting on that" line that they wenton without it. I tried to get it insomewhere else, and had just strug-gled and strained, grimaced andcoaxed the first word out, when, tomy discomfiture, I realized that thocurtain had fallen on tho cud of theact.

"It is 'a remarkable fact though,that by sheer perseverance I curedmysclt of stuttering in eight mouths,and soon afterward adopted thestage as a profession. N. Y. Tri-



Five immense petitions have beensent to Washington from the variousdresscd-bee- f and canning companiesin Chicago to the Interstate Com-merce Commission. It Is the begin-ning of a great lawsuit involvingmillions of dollars in interest, whichwill bo contested in the U. S.

Court and involve the con-stitutionality of the Interstnto Commerce law. The individual damagesclaimed by losses in rebates sincothe enforcement of the law amountto 8950,000, as follows: S. NV. n,

850,000; Nelson Morris,8100,000;-P- . D. Armour, 8200,000;G. H. Hammond, 8200,000; G. F.Swift, 8100,000. A groat array oflegal talent has been engaged for thodifferent interests, among othersbeing Senator Edmunds and Hon M.Dickinson, who aro, counsel for thebeef companies. The ilvo beefcompanies mentioned are thosewhich havo formally petitioned forrelief. Tho petitioners chargo thattho railroads discriminate againstthem in transportation charges.

IJoslon Transcript.


BAGGAGE K.piess and Drnymnn.on King, near cornir of

Fort btrect. Mutuul Telenhono J50.")

All kinds of curling faith fully andpromptly attended to, Furniture- inovidand carefully handled. If you wdiit uwagoa or dray, you will find it to youradvautugo to ring up Telephone CU5,


.V..vXi.'j . . t .i IV . w&M. .. 3k.


"Yes," remarked the St. Paulman to a friend from Chicago, ns liestood arrayed in his blanket suitmid adjusted a couple of buckskinchest protectors; "yes, there issomething in the air in this North-western climate which causes a per-son not to notice the cold. "Its ex-treme dryness," he continued, as hedrew on a couple of extia woolensocks, a pair of Scandinavian sheep-skin boots and some Alaska over-shoes "its extreme dryness makesa degree of cold, reckoned by thomercury, which would be unbear-able in other latitudes, simply ex-hilarating here. I have sufferedmore with cold in Michigan, for in-

stance,', he added, as ho drew on apair of goat-ski- n leggings, adjustedn double fur cap, and tied on sonicEsquimaux ear-muf- fs "in Michi-gan or Illinois we will say, with thethermometer at zero or above, thanI have here with it at from 15 to 55degrees below. The dryness of ourwinter air is certainly remarkable,"ho went on, as he wound a coupleof rods of red woolen scarf abouthis neck, wrapped a dozen news-papers around his body, drew on afall-clot- h overcoat, a winter-clot- h

overcoat, a light buffalo-ski- n over-coat nnd a heavy polar bear-ski- n

overcoat; "no, if you have neverenjoyed our glorious Minnesottawinter climate, with its dry atmos-phere, its bright sunshine and in-

vigorating ozone, you would scarcelybelieve some things I could tell youabout it. The air is so dry," hecontinued, as he adjusted his leather

r, drew on his reindeer-ski- n

mittens and carefully closedono eye-ho- le in the seal-ski- n maskhe drew down from his cap, "it is sodry that actually it seems next toimpossible to feel the cold at all.We can scarcely realize in thespring that we have had winter,owing to the extreme dryness of theatmosphere. By the way," he wenton, turning to his wife, 'just bringme a couple of blankets and thosebedquilts to throw over my shoul-ders, and hand me that muff withthe hot soap-ston- e in it, ami nowI'll take a pull at this jug of brandyand whale-oil- , and then, if you'llhave the girl bring my snow-shoe- s

and iceberg scaHnj stick, I'll stepover and see them pry the workmenoff the top of tho ice palace whowere frozen on yesterday. I tellyou we wouldn't be going out thisway 500 miles further south, wherethe air is damp and chilly. Nothingbut our dry air makes it possible."

Chicago Tribune.


"There is always one sure sign I13'

which you may know a well-bre- d

man," sajrs a cosmopolitan who isjust now in Philadelphia.

"And, pray, what is that signrhe was asked.

"It is his laugh. The butcherand the baker and thestick-make- r, not to speak thetailor, may do a good deal for manbut only thorough refinement canmake him laugh like a gentleman."

"And, now, what is that laughlike?"

"As for the quality we call styloit can not be defined ; but, just thesame, there is no mistaking the laughof a gentleman. Listen and notethe next time you go to a receptionor dinner party. PhiladelphiaPress.


FINEST BRANDS OF CALI- -JL' foinia l'oit. Madeira mid Malimu,lor sale 111 Keg mm casi-- uy

GONSALVES & CO.,fll Queen strict.

BOAT BTJILDINaRYAN'S Hear of Lucas' Mill.(W

9 NICE LARGE FURNISHEDJ rooms, No. 4 Uuulen Lime, the

second door from Union Urtet. Apiilyon the premises. 1 if

CLEAN RAGS and second handwill he gratefully recclv.

eil.fnr the ue of Ihe iimmtcH of thoIirniich Iloiilnl for Lepers at Kokuako,or M llic Leper Sitllnient on Molokal,if loft '.iltli J I'. Wmerliouse, jr., nt tlioQuecm Kireui Store. tSsf tf


npHE unilcrBlgued with thoX miiiiiiL'eineiit of the outside plan-luilo-

worK seeks an engagement asluudluim. Address,

A. MOItOPF,01 !)w Kuglu IIoueo.


Mrs. A. M. MellisHaviug removed her Dressmaking

EatiibMblunciU to

No. 17 Emma St.,Will be pleased to bccjicr friends and

patrons thero from mid aflur JautmryHri), 186S.

Mutual Tclcphono 484 ; Bell 410.1!H tin

Hawaiian LlYery Stables,LELEO, Palama.

Ilorsea taken to board by the day, weekor month fill will, and looked afterby careful and experienced btablciuon.Carrluges mid all kinil of Vehicleskept clean and cured fir, ns well 119

Harrcss. MOSES PALAU,45 lm Muiugcr.


63 & 65 FORT STREET.


c6- -






Remember tlio nbove mentioned articles will be sold

at such prices

fob::::::::::::::0NE WEEK"'-'""S--




-- a



S. EHULICH,63 & 65 Fort street.

58 Opposite Irwin & Co.


Genex-a- l AyMtHExpert Accouniants and Collectors, Real Estate, Firo &. Life Insuranoo

Agents, Cuslom-Hous- o, Loan and Exchango Brokers.Departments of Business.

Books and Accounts accurately kepi nnd adjusted.Collections will ircelvo special attention anil returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. searched nnd correct Abstracts of Title

furnished.Letjal Documents and Papers of every discription carefully drawn and hand.

somelj cngrsrcd.Copying and Translating in all languages in general uic ii this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and bold. Tuxes paid and 1'ioperty safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and icntcd, and rents collected.Firo and Life Insurance effected in first cl iss Insurance Compnnica.

-- -

Custom-Hous- o Business transacted with accuracy ami dispatch.Loans negotiated at favorable rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions bolicitid for Publishers.Any Article purclin-e- or bold on most favorable terms.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.

2T All Business entrusted to our care will receive prompt and faithful attention atmoderate chargos.

IlaUng lind an extensive business experience for ocr twenty-flv- e years inXew York City nnd elsewhere, wo feel competent to attend to all business of anintrleite and complicated nature, or requiring tact nnd discretion, and respectfullysolicit u llill.

Bell Telephone No. 274. XXn.-wniin.1- 1 23iiNiiicMM Agency.Inn. ly

Telcpffine lioth Companies 240. p. O. Box 297.


KUKSH (iOODS from Uiilifoiniii on I OK, by eacii steamer of Ihe O. S. S. Co.- A COMI'l.KTK MN1C ok .




A Very Choice Lot of ti.Z. ' Taranaki Butter,"All of which wo oiler to the Public ut REASONABLE PIUCES.

Fresh New Zealand Butter, ON ICE, In 1 Pouud Pats I

By eneli arrival from Nv Zealand SOMETHING PINE.UfiO







B. F. EHLERS & CO.1731 ly

Just Received at Hollister & Co.'st

A. large assortment of-- t-

PERFUMES! PERFUMES!Comprising tlio well-know- n brands of




Xoi filo ait 3R.ecmnll IPrioes,I5i2 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.

sturJt fet A .& :AA


JLAfearfitiftM?t jjgfc'





Page 4: ttllrftit - University of Hawaiʻi






mjj LLPnir?Ts



Tho month of February, 188G,wns in ono respect tho moVt remark-able in the world's histoiy. It hailno full moon. January had twofull moons and so had March, butFebruary had none. Do you realizewhat a rare thing in nature thatwas? It had not occurred since thetime of Washington, nor since thodiscovery of America, nor since thobck'nning of tho Christian cu, norsince tho creation of the world.And it will not occur again, accord-ing to the computation o f astrono-mer, for how long do you think?Two and a half million of years!Was not that truly a wonderfulmonth?


It has at last reached the cars ofthe London Times that Englishmenresiding permanently in Americahave made up their minds that it iswell for them to become Americancitizens, and are acting accordingly.The London paper has been in-

formed by its Philadelphia correspondent mat in laau there were inthe United States 1,500,000 personsof British birth, of whom 100,000were males of voting age. all intend-ing to spend their lives in this coun-try, with few exceptions, but notvery many of whom had thought itwortli their while to take out citizenspapers. The number has increased,of course, by immigration tincc1880. Probably the number ofadult males born in Britain nowliving in this country is fully half amillion. But of these perhaps one-fift- h

have already been naturalized,so that the possible early additionto the voting population by the na-turalization of the clabs under con-sideration may bo placed at 100,000.That certainly is a sufficient numberto affect the result of national elec-tions very materially, if marshalledon one side of the boundary line be-tween the parties. There is some-thing in the tone of the Times arti-cle when read between the lineswhich seems to advise Amcricau-En-glishmc- n

that they ought to becomevoters, and help elot a Free TradePresident. But when the native ofEngland elects to make his home inAmerica he is liable to become asgood a citizen, as loyal to the inter-ests of his adopted country as werethe pioneer Englishmen who com-menced coming to this country 250years ago.

"No lady can tell one of my plushsacques from a real sealskin withoutrubbing her hand over it," is theadvertisement of a Jersey City mer-chant, and most of the ladies of thatcity talk to each other from a dis-tance of six feet.


Arrive at Honolulu from San Francisco.

Zcalnndia Fcbruaiy 10Australia March 0Alameda March 15Australia April 3Mariposa April 12Australia May 1Zealandia May 40Australia May 29Alameda June 7Australia June 20Mariposa July 5Australia July 21Zealandia August 2Australia August 21Alameda August 30Australia September ISMariposa Soptembcr 27Australia October 10Zealandia October 25Australia November 13Alameda November 22Australia December 11

Leave Honolulu lor San Francisco.

Mariposa. ..,., March 11AustralinT March 13Zcalandia April 8Australia April 10Alameda May 0Australia May 8Mariposa Juno iiAustralia Juno 5Zealandia July 1Australia , July 3Alameda July 20Australia. ...'., July 31Mariposa ... August 2GAustralia' , . .August 28Zcnlnmliu September 23Australia September 25Alameda October 21Australia October 23Mariposa November 18Australia November 20yiealandia December 10Australia December 18Alameda . , , .(1880) Junuary 13

"Bulletin "Summary

FuBiiuAirr 11. No. 30.

60 Columns of Original Matter.

Is now issued and will bo found tobo an interesting and comprehensivenumber, containing GO columns ofreading matter on local topics, anda complete resume of Honolulu andisland nows. There is no better paperpublished in tho Kingdom to send tofriends abroad. Subscription 82.50

per annum, including postage toforeign countries. To bo had from

J. IIS Soper, Merchant street,A. M. Ilowctt, Merchant street,and Bulletin Offico.

T YOU WANT A SITUATION. advcrtlto in tho Daily Bulletin.

u ,.


Under the abovo heading the

Doncaslcr Reporter of July Gth,

1887, publishes the following in its

editorial columnsOur readers 111113 recall the

of a young clerk, named

Arthur Richold, falling insensible

on the Wcatley Lane in this town

some time ago, and being pickedup, as he continued perfectly help-

less, and taken in a cab by twogentlemen to the office of F. "W.

Fisher, Esq; the solicitor who cm-ploy-

him. On restoring him toconsciousness it was ascertainedthat he was aflictcd with whatseemed to be an incurable disease.

When he was able to speak hesaid ho had been to his dinner andand was on his way back to hiswork, when suddenly his head wasin a whirl and he fell in the streetlike a man who is knocked down.On coming to his senses in the (sol-

icitor's olllce he thought what thismight mean, and feared lie wasgoing to have a fit of illness, whichwe all know is a very dreadfulthing for a poor man with a familyto care for.

With this in his mind lie at oncesought the best medical advice,telling the doctors how lie had beenattacked. They questioned liim

and found that his present maladywas exhaustion of the nervous sys-

tem resulting from general debility,indigestion, and dyspepsia of achronic nature. This in turn hadbeen caused by confinement to hisdesk and grief at the loss of dearfriends by death. The coming on

of this strange disease, as describedby Mr. Richold, must be of inter-est both to sick and well. He hadnoticed for several years previously,in fact, that his eyes and face be-

gan to have a yellow look; therewas a sticky and unpleasant slimeon tho gums and teeth in themorning; the tonguo coated; andthe bowels so bound and costivethat it induced that most painfuland troublesome ailment the piles.He says there was some pain inthe sides and back and a sense offulness on the right side, as thoughtho liver were enlarging, whichproved to be the tcrriblo fact.The secretions from the kidneyswould be scanty and high-coloure-

with a kind of gritty or sandydeposit after standing.

Theso things had troubled Mr.Richold a long time, and after hisfall in the street lie clearly perceivedthat the fit of giddiness was nothingmore than a sign of the steadljand deadly advance of the complaint,which began in digestion and dys-

pepsia. His story of how ho wentfrom one physician to another insearch of a cure that his wife andlittle ones might not come to want isvery pathetic and touching. Finallyhe became too ill to keep his situa-tion and had to give it up. Thiswas a sad calamity. He was appall-ed to think how he should be able tolive. But God raised up friendswho helped to keep the wolf fromthe door. lie then went to the seaside at "Walton-on-the-Naz- e, butneither the change, nor the ph'-sicia- ns

who treated him there, didany good. All being without availhe visited London, with a sort ofvaguc hope that some advantage

"might happen to him in the metro-polis. This was in October, 1885.

How wonderful, indeed, arc theways of Providence, which dashesdown our highest hopes and thenhelps us when we least expect it.

While in London he stated his con-

dition to a friend, who strongly ad-

vised him to, try a medicine which hecalled Mother Seiyel'a CurativeSyrup, saying it was genuine andhonest, and often cured when everything else had failed, lie boughta bottle of a chemist in Pimlieo, andbegan using it according to the di-

rections, lie did this without faithor hope, and the public, may there-fore judge of his surprise and pleasure when a,ftcr taking a few doseshe felt great relief. Ho could catbetter ; his food distressed him less ;

the symptoms wo have named abated ;

the dark spots which had floatedbefore his eyes like smuts of soot,gradually disappeared, and hisstrength increased. Before thistime his knees would knock togetherwhenever he tried to walk. .So

.vas he now that he kepton using Mother Seiyel'a CurativeSyrup until it ended in completelycuring him.

In speaking of his wonderful re-

covery Mr. Richold says it madehim think of poor Robinson Crusoe,and his deliverance from captivityon his island in the sea; and added,"But for Mother Soigel's Curat!voSyrup the grass would now begrowing over my grave."

Our readers can rest assured ofof the strict truth of all the state-ments in this most remarkable case,as Mr, Richold (now residing atSwiss Cottage, Walton-oii-tlie-Naz-

belongs to ono of the oldest andmost respected families in the beau-tiful village of Long Melford,Suffolk, and his personal characteris attested by so high an authorityas the Rev, C. J. Marlyn, rectorof that parish, besides other excel-lent names. We have deemed thecase of such iuportauco to the pub-lic as to justify us in giving thisshort account of it in our columns.

January 13, 1888.

UcUTol.lUS. Jtlntunl Tel. inu1. O.110X415.

Otllco - 38 Merchant St., Honolulu

General Business Agency.


Conveyancing a Specially IJccord"! tcarnh-c- d

and abstracts of tltleYurnishcd onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing In nillanguages In general usu In the King,dotn.

Custom Houso brokerage Flic and Lifolnsuiai'co receive prompt attention.


MR. JOHN GOOD JR. AuthorizedCollector

Skilled ar.d Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,bought, sold and rented.

Several valuable properties in andnrouml the city now for talu on easyterms.Convenient Collages in desirable healthy

locations in nnd near thu city to let orlease al rcsisouablo rates.

Employment Wanted by several men nndboys, who will miiko themselves use-

ful in pel forming ibovni ions ofllcosnnd chores lemilud by pnvute nulli-fies. .

Full paiticulnrs givon on applicationat the agency.

Orders Irom the other Islands piompt-l- v

attended to.

Richard Cayford,Late Farrier to II. It. H. l'rincc of

Wales' 12th Royal Lancers.



Horses and Cattle Treated forall Diseases.

Itcsiilcncc: 31 Alnlcen Street,r. o. box 4.0s. 20tf


Australian Mail Service

FOB SAN OTtAKVISCO,Tho new nnd fine Al steel steamship

ii lariposa,Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu from Sydneynnd Auckland on or ubout

, Rlarch I I, 1888.And will leave for tho above port withmails and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, having SU-


WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland,

Tho new flno Al steel steamship

it Zealandia,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu .from SunFrancisco on or nbout

February 16, 1888,And will have prompt dbpatcu withmnilsiind pupscngeis for the ubovo ports.

. For freight or passage, having SU.PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply10 ,!7 WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

ticeto SuDSGribars

Oi ai after Dec. 31, '87



"Tho Daily Bulletin."

All complaints, &c, In future,

must bo made direotto the Manager

of the Daily Bulletin ; and

All' SubscriptionsDue up to this day, Doo. 31st, 1887

will be collected by J. E. Brown &

Co., whoso recolpt for the 6ame will

be recognized only.

Bulletin Office,

Honolulu, Deo. 31, 1887.

Grass Seeds

Grass Seeds

Grass Seeds

Nov is flu Tine to Plant


ninnuN I Tnrams alu ri'


Tho umlcrslgmd have just received,

fresh, from the Colonics,

Pasture Grass Seeds

In great variety, and which

they ofler

In Lots to Suit.

As tlio rainy season is now com-in- g

on, Planters and Grnzicra

are particularly called on to

Give Attn Grasses a trial

WM. G. IRWIN & Co.

07 lm25




Your wives and children will rejoice,

Having found tho Samplor Cigar your choice


21 First Street, S. F.

For sale Everywhere.05

Hawaiian Livery Stables,LELEO, Palamo.

Horses taken to hoard by tho day. weekof month fed well, and looked afterby careful and experienced Stablemen.Carriages nnd nil kinds of Vehicleskept clean and cured for, as well asHarness. MOSES PALAU,45 lm Manager.


3 WHALE BOATS: 1 DeckedWhale Bom, 30 feet long, 3 feet

deep; 8 feet wido; 2 22 feet Surf Boats:1 18 feet Surf Bout j 2 Decked Plunger,1(1 feet long, 0 fuot 0 Inches wide, 3 feet0 inches deep, with mast and sails allcomplete; 1 2J feet Sailing Scow, withmast uml sails all complete. Anply to.

E. R. RYAN.Boat Builder and General Jobber. 01 tf

mmm 'J&ttfr&sHkfr KLE0TEIOAtfriQAJ ka tasruniyrtjriect BELTHady Mattery

Averfiivmil'd! 1J28T Mil) ElutVtiManElua. rJironloDin.trio Current,, efUHuof Iwithwltliorwilli- iVJKflsJtirt wLJnn i aexvHOur(tnur AOIDH. WitlinutMcdifllim.

H'r.Fcn mo buPKNuonv )tab.U73.Keudforll'ltHttwlth i n i.i.jit. i.ion x uu4iuiuv nu,ii'.WftfT PELABTiC TBUG8 OO.,I7Q4 BT BAN yAAMOlBC0bA&

Fob. 28, '87. 1D7I ly

u, m. . gjuu'umumi-oua-


ALL persons who want to communlwith tho Poitucucsc, cither

for business, or for procuring workmen,servants or any other help, will find Itihomnst prolltablo wtiy to advertlsolntho Luto Ittvwaiiano, tho now organ oftho Portuguese colony, which Is pub.lished on Merchant streot, Gaxcllc Uuild.lug, (Post-Onic- o Letter Box E.), andonly charges rcasonablo rates for adverliscmcutA.

Horse Clipping!NEATLY DONE nnd with despatch


Hand Clippers. , 82tf

LOVEJOY & CO.,Importers and Jobbers of Fino


No. 15 Xuunnn Nt., Honolulu.G5 TELErnoxa 808. 3in.w&s


The Waiklkl residence of Mr. Fred HIlajscldcn situated at Kapiolmii Parkbetween the residences of Hon. W. Q.Irwin, and Mr. Frank Brown, Is offeredfor rent, lensc, or sale. For terms applyto tho undersigned92 tf FRED II. HAYSELDEN".

New Goods perApples, Honey,Boned Chicken & TurkeyBreakfast GemBran, Oats,Citron, Lemon & Orange PeelCala Prunes, Dates,Cape Cod CranberriesEastern CodfishFrench Peas, Rolled OatsGermca, Crackers,Jersey Blue PotatoesKegs Family BoofLunch. Tonguo

And n general assortment

Olias, Hustace, -



SamoaiiViews !

At J. J. iiUiams03 tf

For Sale! To Let! For Lease!

FOR SALE 1 Lot of Land. 176x108 ft.Healthy Location. Good viow, $9G0.

1 Lot of Land, 155x108 ft. Healthy Lo-

cation, etc., $850.

TO LET 1 Dwelling House, 4 rooms,$15 per mouth.

1 Houso with Store, $40 per month.Booms, en suite or single, from $3 to $5

per week.FOR LEA8E I Lots, each C0x70 feet,

lor building. Good Location; waterlaid on ; terms easy and thu right par-tic- s

assisted in building.APPLY TO

FRANK GODFREY,CopylHt ami (Ji'iieral lluslness Agent

No. 84 King Street.

P O. Box 845. Burgess Express Office.09



Manufacturer.Book Binding of all description neatly

and promptly executed.Campbell Block, Rooms 10 and 11, Mer-722-1

chant street. 1y

late ArrivalsMince Meat, in 5 lb tubsNuts, Kaisius,Oxford SausagesOnions, Wheat, Corn,Paragon BaconPlum PuddingRussian CaviarSaloon & Medium BreadSmoked BeefSalt Pork, 5 lb tinsSmoked HalibutWorld's Breakfast FoodWhittaker Hams

of Groceries, for sale by- EGLnjr Street.




Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern States and EuropFresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended to.and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders 'f

Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box 145. Telephone No. 93. 108 ly





Every Description of

ok and General PrintiniExocutocl with neatness and dispatch,

wiwmtMnta VMM ate


Many pcoplo bcliovo that Naturehns somowhero a remedy for everydisease. So many and so terriblearc tho ills of life, nnd so slight thopleasure wo get as time (lies past,that such a belief is tho least 'faithwe can show in n gracious and all-wi-

Providence. A fow remediesbut, alas, how fowl have been

found. Others, so far, Ho hiddenfromhunian inquiry. Occasionallydeath follows quickly on tho heels oftho evil an Illustration of tho dan-

gerous character of the ailment to-b-e

relieved.For example, Nervous Dyspepsia

is n comparatively new diseasegrowing out of tho conditions ofmodern life. It is a joint affectionof tho digestive organs and of thenervous system. These two weroformerly treated as separate ail-

ments, and it was loft for tho clear-

sighted thinkers to provo that thebasis of this terrible and often fatalcomplication lies chiefly in the dlsordered and depraved functions ofdigestion and nutrition. Theyreasoned thus: "If we can inducethe stomach to do its work, andstimulate the excretivo organs todrive out of tho body the poisonouswaste maltprs which remain afterthe life-givi- elements of the foodhave been absorbed, we shall haveconquered Nervous Dyspepsia andNervous Exhaustion.", And theywere right. Knowing the infalliblepower of Siegel's Syrup in less com-

plicated though similar diseases,they resolved to test it fully in this.To leave no ground for doubt, theyprescribed the remedy in hundredsof cases which had been pronouncedincurable with perfect success inevery instance where their directionsas to living and diet were scrupu-lously followed. Nervous Dyspep-sia and Exhaustion may aluiostbecalled a peculiarly English disease.To a greater or less extent half thepeople of this country suffer from it

both sexes and all ages. In nocountry in the world arc there somany insano asylums filled to over-flowing, all resulting from thisalarming disease. Its leading symp-toms arc these; frequent or con-

tinual headacho ; a dull pain at thebase of the brain; bad breath;nauseous eructations ; tho rising ofsour and .pungent fluids to thethroat; a sense of oppression andfaintness at the pit of the stomach,flatulence ; wakefulness and loss ofsleep ; disgust with food even whenweak- from tho need of it; stickyand sliiny matter on the teeth or inthe mouth, especially on rising inthe morning; furred and coatedtongue ; dull eyes ; cold hands andfeet; constipation; dry Oi1 roughskin; inability to fix the mind onany labour or calling continuous at-

tention; and oppressive and sad.forebodings and fear."

All this terrible group MotherSiegel's Curative Syrup removes byits positive, powerful, direct, yetpainless and gentle action upon thefunctions of digestion and assimila-tion. Those elements of the foodthat build up and strengthen the83'stem arc sent upon their mission,while all waste matters (the ashes' oflife's fire) which, unremoved poisonand kill, are expelled from the bodythrough the bowels, kidneys, andskin. The weak and prostrated '

nerves are quieted, toned, and fedby the purified blood. As the re-

sult, health, with its enjoyments,blessings and power, returns to thesufferer, who has perhaps abandonedall hopo of ever seeing another wellday.

Mother Seigcl's Curative Syrupis for sale by all chemists

vendors, and by the proprietors,A. J. White, Limited, 35, Farring-do- n

Rond, London.Janunry 13, 1888.

Honolulu LibraryANB- -

Reading Room Association.

Cor. Ilotol Jk. Alakca (Streets.Open every Day and Evening.

Tho Library consists at the present'time of over Five Thousand Volumes.

'The Reading Room Is supplied withabout fifty of the leading newspapersand periodiculs,

A Parlor is provided for conversationnd games.Terms of membership, fifty centa a

.month, payable quarterly in advance.No formality required in joining exceptsigning the roll.

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors from thu other Islands are wel-come to tho rooms at all times as guests.

This Association haying no regularmeans of sunpert except tho dues ofmembers, It is expected that residentsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of Us privileges, and all who feelan interest in maintaining an institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand become regular contributors.

A. J. OARTWRIGIIT, Pres.,M. M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside- nt,

II. A. PARMELEE. Secretary,A. L. SMITH, Treasurer,O. T. RODGERS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library Committee.

THE PEOPLES PAPER-T- hoX Dally Rullotlu 53 els per month.

: iinr- jw, .,-..- . ,- -' . .--


- M.j. r&U. itrt9 '.it - y. i JteJ&i&atf Uvii ;.jii&amBkikju4i&--



j t