tthhee sspprriinnggbbooaarrdd · cellist mihai marica, a frequent guest musician at spring glen...

1 _____________________________________________ T T h h e e S S p p r r i i n n g g b b o o a a r r d d Monthly Newsletter Spring Glen Church, UCC 1825 Whitney Avenue, Hamden CT 06517 February 2015 STRING QUARTET CONCERT Cellist Mihai Marica, a frequent guest musician at Spring Glen Church, will be visiting the church on Sunday, February 15. Mihai has won many prestigious international competitions, is a founding member of the award-winning Amphion String Quartet (which received another glowing New York Times review on January 26), and is currently an artist-in-residence at Lincoln Center. Mihai and friends from New York will be accompanying the 10:00 am service that Sunday, and will present a string-quartet recital at 12:00 noon in the church. The concert is open to the public, and a free-will offering will be received to present to the musicians. In This Issue page 1 ………………………..………..…...String Quartet Concert page 8……………………......................Sunday School News page 2 …………………Baby News/Worship/Hosting Schedule page 9……………………....Nominating Committees for 2015 page 2……………Pancake Breakfast/Note from Marian Page page 10…………………………………....Inter-faith Blood Drive page 3………………….....Annual Meeting Update/NeedleArts page 11………………………………December Financial Report page 4……Women’s Retreat/Silver Lake Conference Center page 12……………………………Pastoral Search Cmte Update page 5……....................Thank You From Columbus House page 13………………..Progressive Dinner/Silent Art Auction page 6…………… Abraham's Tent/Columbus House Update page 14………………..............................Upcoming Events page 7……………….....Lenten Book Discussion/Agape Meal page 15……………………………………SGC February Calendar

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Page 1: TThhee SSpprriinnggbbooaarrdd · Cellist Mihai Marica, a frequent guest musician at Spring Glen Church, will be visiting the church on Sunday, February 15. Mihai has won many prestigious



TThhee SSpprriinnggbbooaarrdd Monthly Newsletter Spring Glen Church, UCC 1825 Whitney Avenue, Hamden CT 06517 February 2015


Cellist Mihai Marica, a frequent guest musician at Spring Glen Church, will be visiting the church on Sunday, February 15. Mihai has won many prestigious international competitions, is a founding member of the award-winning Amphion String Quartet (which received another glowing New York Times review on January 26), and is currently an artist-in-residence at Lincoln Center. Mihai and friends from New York will be accompanying the 10:00 am service that Sunday, and will present a string-quartet recital at 12:00 noon in the church. The concert is open to the public, and a free-will offering will be received to present to the musicians.

In This Issue page 1 ………………………..………..…...String Quartet Concert page 8……………………......................Sunday School News page 2 …………………Baby News/Worship/Hosting Schedule page 9……………………....Nominating Committees for 2015 page 2……………Pancake Breakfast/Note from Marian Page page 10…………………………………....Inter-faith Blood Drive page 3………………….....Annual Meeting Update/NeedleArts page 11………………………………December Financial Report page 4……Women’s Retreat/Silver Lake Conference Center page 12……………………………Pastoral Search Cmte Update page 5……....................Thank You From Columbus House page 13………………..Progressive Dinner/Silent Art Auction page 6…………… Abraham's Tent/Columbus House Update page 14………………..............................Upcoming Events page 7……………….....Lenten Book Discussion/Agape Meal page 15……………………………………SGC February Calendar

Page 2: TThhee SSpprriinnggbbooaarrdd · Cellist Mihai Marica, a frequent guest musician at Spring Glen Church, will be visiting the church on Sunday, February 15. Mihai has won many prestigious


Baby News:

Natalie Rose Hawthorne born January 5th, 2015

daughter of Ben and Julie Hawthorne granddaughter of Doug and Susie Hawthorne great-granddaughter of Dick and Carol Shank

Sunday Worship Schedule February 2015

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany February 1, 2015: Deut 18:15-20, Ps 111, 1 Cor 8:1-13, Mk 1:21-28 Fifth Sunday after Epiphany February 8, 2015: Isa 40:21-31, Ps 147:1-11, 20c, 1 Cor 9:16-23, Mk 1:29-39 Transfiguration February 15, 2015: 2 Kings 2:1-12, Ps 50:1-6, 2 Cor 4:3-6, Mk 9:2-9 First Sunday in Lent February 22, 2015: Gen 9:8-17, Ps 25:1-10,

1 Peter 3:18-22, Mark 1:9-15

February Fellowship Hour Host Schedule

The following individuals are scheduled to serve Fellowship Hours in the next month. If you cannot serve on your

assigned date, we appreciate you helping identify a substitute host and notifying Debby Jagielow at [email protected] or (203) 623-2419. To learn more about hosting duties or to see the full year's schedule, visit:

Feb. 1 – Lunch and Learn Event Feb. 8 - Pancake Breakfast Feb. 15 - Diane & Jay Hirsch with Katharine Healy

Feb. 22 - Kathy & Larry Lee with Nancy Dittes

NOTE from Marian Page: I would like to thank everyone for your kindness, cards and phone calls in response to my son Doug's recent death. Your efforts are much appreciated by my family. Love, Marian

Annual Pancake Breakfast Sunday, February 8, after worship

in the Great Hall Join us for a fun and delicious breakfast – pancakes, eggs, bacon, juice, coffee – cooked and served by our youth group. Enjoy great food and conversation while supporting our youth. Proceeds will support their summer mission trip.

Tickets: Adults $8, children $5, Family $20.

Page 3: TThhee SSpprriinnggbbooaarrdd · Cellist Mihai Marica, a frequent guest musician at Spring Glen Church, will be visiting the church on Sunday, February 15. Mihai has won many prestigious


Annual Budget Meeting for 2015 Thank you to all who joined us for the Second Hour discussion on Sunday, January 11, for a discussion of the proposed budget, to all who voiced their opinions, questions, and concerns in email and in conversations, and to all who were able to be present at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 25, to discuss and vote on the 2015 budget. As a church, we had to make some tough budget choices this year, and your opinions, questions, conversations, and participation were essential. The trustees had proposed an initial budget. Following the Second Hour discussion, Council proposed modifications to the budget: adding back funding for certain line items, decreasing the amount for Insurance, decreasing the amount for Benevolence, and adding a provision that if there are unspent funds in the 2015 Contingency line at the end of 2015, then as part of the 2016 budget process, there will be a recommendation and congregational vote on whether any additional amount from that 2015 Contingency line should be allocated to 2015 Benevolence. Church members were emailed that the modified proposed budget was available on the website, by email, and in the church office. At our Annual Meeting on Sunday, an amendment to the proposed budget was proposed, further amended, and ultimately approved by the congregation, moving $878.14 from Contingency to Benevolence, so that the 2015 Benevolence budget equals the 2014 Benevolence budget, $49,749.33. (2015 benevolence pledges thus constitute 13.65% of total 2015 pledges.) The budget as thus amended was approved by the congregation. The Annual Meeting booklet has been updated to show that it now includes the budget as amended and approved. The booklet is available on the website and in the church office. To access the booklet and the 2015 budget (as amended and approved), visit and click the "login" button in the upper right. "January 2015 Annual Meeting Booklet with Amended Budget" is a menu option in the Member links box on the right that appears once you are logged in. The amended and approved budget is in the back of that booklet. If you have forgotten your password, you may request your forgotten password on the login page. If you have difficulty downloading, please email Julia at [email protected] during regular business hours and she can email you a PDF of the booklet. Paper copies of the booklet are available at church. Again, thank you to all for actively participating in the life of the church.


The February meeting of the Knitting Group will be held on Monday, February 9th at the home of Amy Baker. All crafters are welcome. Questions? Please contact Connie Rogers at 203-248-2629 or email [email protected] or Jean Davis at 203-248-6685 or email [email protected]

Page 4: TThhee SSpprriinnggbbooaarrdd · Cellist Mihai Marica, a frequent guest musician at Spring Glen Church, will be visiting the church on Sunday, February 15. Mihai has won many prestigious


Women’s Retreat Women’s Retreat Update: Self-Acceptance on your Spiritual Journey "Merciful God, whose care never ceases, we come to you as we are. We are tired from trying to do more than we can manage. We are anxious about problems, which go unresolved. We are worried about events beyond our control. We do not easily let go. For mistakes we cannot redeem, for tasks left undone, for uncertain goals, we need your forgiveness and ask for your understanding. For recovery of strength and enthusiasm, we pray for your spirit. For fullness of life, generous hearts, and contented souls, we pray to be followers of Christ Jesus. In

your mercy, restore us and lead us. In Jesus' name we pray." This meaningful prayer was written by The Rev. William Hobbs, a beloved former pastor of our Church. Senior Deacon Dave Myers read it at the Deacons’ meeting in January, and many commented on its wisdom. This prayer sums up beautifully the spirit of the upcoming Women’s Retreat: “Self Acceptance on your Spiritual Journey.” Our retreat leader this year is The Rev. Donna Manocchio. She is the associate pastor of Asylum Hill Congregational Church and an experienced retreat organizer and spiritual director. Rev. Manocchio is working with the leadership team, Shelia Brantley, Gayle Logan, Nancy Whitney and Pastor Clare to develop our weekend program, which will include Biblical stories, personal quiet time and plenty of room for lively exchanges and recreation traditional for this retreat. It promises to be an exceptional experience! We will gather at the Incarnation Center from Friday night March 13 through lunch on Sunday March 15. Please sign-up in the lobby of the Church or call the office to register. Cost is $175 and scholarships are available.

We hope you will join us! Pastor Clare

Silver Lake Conference Center Silver Lake Conference Center is the outdoor ministry program of the CT United Church of Christ. Located in Sharon, CT, Silver Lake offers children from grades 4-12 week-long camps from June 28-August 15. Themes for this year include Fun in the Son, Superheroes of the Bible and Sing Praise. Many children from Spring Glen Church have camped at Silver Lake, including seven last summer, and all have had wonderful experiences. The facility is beautiful with comfortable rustic accommodations. They offer many activities including swimming, crafting, ropes courses and other sports. Please see the brochure hanging in the hallway for more information or visit the Silver Lake website at Your child will make unforgettable memories and learn about faith at the same time.

Page 5: TThhee SSpprriinnggbbooaarrdd · Cellist Mihai Marica, a frequent guest musician at Spring Glen Church, will be visiting the church on Sunday, February 15. Mihai has won many prestigious


Thank You Letter from Columbus House

Page 6: TThhee SSpprriinnggbbooaarrdd · Cellist Mihai Marica, a frequent guest musician at Spring Glen Church, will be visiting the church on Sunday, February 15. Mihai has won many prestigious


Abraham's Tent

…I was a stranger and you invited Me in” (Matt. 25:35)

That they may all be One. [John 17:21] This motto of the United Church of Christ reflects the spirit of unity on which it is based and points toward future efforts to heal the divisions in the body of Christ. We are a uniting church as well as a united church.

For the sixth year in a row Spring Glen Church’s Great Hall became a shelter for 12 homeless men during the week of January 19th – 25th, 2015. In opening our doors, we gained a glimpse of the beloved community God desires. Women, men, and children who were strangers sat together, sharing…sharing a meal, talking about their day, serving one another. More children came this year with their parents, learning a critical life’s message that (although we may not all be alike) we may all be One. This would not have been possible if it weren’t for the outpouring of support from our Spring Glen Church Family and our friends from B’nai Jacob. Thank you to the numerous volunteers that helped to make Abraham’s Tent a huge success by providing meals, camaraderie, and staying overnight.

Alice White and Sue Spight

COLUMBUS HOUSE “For I was hungry, and you gave me food.” Matthew 25:35

Thank you to all who celebrated Christmas Day by providing the Columbus House dinner meal: chicken and stuffing casserole, sweet potatoes, green beans, salad, cranberry sauce, bread & butter, and cake. Thank you to cooks and shoppers Lynn Andrewsen, Laurie Bleickardt, Brownell family, Hugh Davis, Jean Davis, Nancy Elliott, Doug Hawthorne, Katharine Healy, Diane Hirsch, Barbara Hobbs, Bobbie Krauss, Marge Lafex, Cynthia Licata, Lynn family, Marian Page, Ellen Schowalter, Rhonda Voos, Theresa Voss, Watkins family, Nancy Whitney, Liz Wootton. Thank you to our servers, the Offutt family (Ron, Judy, Mary, Adam) and the Heath/Lamothe family (Peter, Jennifer, Owen, Evan). On January 22nd, we served a warming meal of casserole, green beans, salad, applesauce, bread & butter, and cake. Thank you to cooks and shoppers Amy Baker, Betsy Barker, Laurie Bleickardt, Pam Brownell, Mary Cameron, Catie Carrigan, Carol Cotton, Annette Harris, Barbara Hobbs, Meredith Kinkle, Bobbi Kraus, Marge Lafex, Amy Lynn, Gayle Logan, Michele O’Connell, Ellen Schowalter, and Theresa Voss, and to servers Amy Lynn, Gayle Logan, Mary Manion, and Theresa Voss. This is a wonderful ministry, and one that is easy to get involved in. Spring Glen Church provides the evening meal at Columbus House on the fourth Thursday of each month. It’s an easy way to help others on your own time – even if you can’t serve on Thursday night, you can shop or cook ahead of time – and if you have young children in your life, it’s a great way to get them involved in helping others. Our next opportunities to serve will be Thursday, February 26 and Thursday, March 26. Look for the sign-up sheet each month in the entryway, and join us in this fun, rewarding, and essential ministry. (Questions? Contact Gayle Logan, [email protected], or Amy Lynn, 203-281-7089, [email protected] )

Page 7: TThhee SSpprriinnggbbooaarrdd · Cellist Mihai Marica, a frequent guest musician at Spring Glen Church, will be visiting the church on Sunday, February 15. Mihai has won many prestigious


Lenten Book Discussion Announcing Lenten Book Discussion: My Life with the Saints Although we may not think about it much or even be particularly aware, all of our faith journeys have been influenced by others who have supported, challenged, inspired, and encouraged us. Some of these persons are living, some dead, some are people we met in person, others may be historical figures whose writings or individual stories are known to us. In a recent book, My Life with the Saints, Fr. James Martin, S.J., a contemporary Catholic author, has written about sixteen heroes of the faith (“saints,” as he calls them, though several are not saints in the technical sense as defined by the Church) who he feels have been particularly important for his faith as it has continued to unfold. The book is part history as James Martin gives a brief account of each person’s life and part memoir as he explores how each person has had an impact on his life at critical moments. Fr. Martin’s writing style is lively and humorous and, therefore, quite readable. My Life with the Saints was named one of the best books of 2006 by Publishers Weekly. Each evening over the course of three Thursdays in March (March 5, 19, and 26) from 7:00-8:30 pm the group will discuss three or four of the “saints” about whom Fr. Martin writes. Since he devotes one chapter to each saint, that means the group will read three or four chapters each week; the specific chapters to be read and discussed at each meeting have not yet been decided. Although the lives of these men and women are fascinating in their own right, the major focus will be on the meaning they have for James Martin in his life and how/whether they might have significance for each of us in our own lives. Susie and Doug Hawthorne will be acting as co-leaders/facilitators. All are invited to join the discussion. Because different chapters/saints will be discussed each week, anyone wishing to participate should feel free to attend one, two, or (ideally!) all three of the sessions. The book is available directly from Amazon in paperback or Kindle format. If you would like a paperback copy ($14), contact Debra Tangarone, [email protected], by Monday, February 9.

Agape Meal- A Christian Education Lenten Program

The Christian Education Committee invites you to an Agape Meal on March 8 following worship. An Agape Meal is a unique worship experience that allows us to partake in a meal as the disciples and other early Christians might have experienced it. The word “agape” means love in Greek and is an expression of the spirit with which the early church gathered for worship. They met secretly by candlelight and shared soup, bread, wine, fruit and cheese. Although they did not yet have the sacrament of Communion, these meals contained the elements of bread and wine that we see in Communion today. It is our hope that as we learn the traditions of the early Christians and the roots of our Communion service, we can reflect on our current worship experiences in a new way. This program is an intergenerational event and we invite all members of the Congregation to join us. Please save March 8 for our Agape meal and be on the lookout for more information about this program.

Page 8: TThhee SSpprriinnggbbooaarrdd · Cellist Mihai Marica, a frequent guest musician at Spring Glen Church, will be visiting the church on Sunday, February 15. Mihai has won many prestigious


Sunday School News Spring Session of Sunday School Begins March 8

As the Spring term of Sunday School quickly approaches, we are looking for two new teachers and a Toddler Room assistant. We need teachers for the pre-K/K class and the Grades 1/2 class. Teaching dates for the spring term will be: March 8, 15, 22, April 12, 19, 26, May 10, 17, 31 and June 14. If you can only commit to some of the dates, please let me know. Maybe you could work with another teacher and share dates. I would love to accommodate your schedule so you can share your faith with our students. The curriculum is provided. We also seek a volunteer to assist our Toddler Room attendant with the toddlers. You may sign up for as many or as few Sundays as your schedule allows. Please contact Laurie Bleickardt at [email protected] or at 203 287-9246 for more information.

Craft Items Requested for Sunday School

Are you ready for some spring cleaning? The Sunday School is seeking to replenish some crafting supplies. If you have any of these items lying around your house, please feel free to bring them in:

Used DVDs and CDs – (not to watch or listen to, but to craft with) Small glass baby food jars

Old baby socks (Toddler size or smaller – the more colors, the better) Toilet tissue tubes

Construction paper (all colors) Card Stock (all colors) Thanks for all help!


This year the CE Committee hopes to host another Easter Egg hunt on Easter morning following worship. Do you still have the plastic eggs from last year in a bag at your house? Please bring them into church so we may reuse them for this year’s hunt. Questions? Contact Laurie Bleickardt at [email protected] or at 203 287-9246. Thanks.

Page 9: TThhee SSpprriinnggbbooaarrdd · Cellist Mihai Marica, a frequent guest musician at Spring Glen Church, will be visiting the church on Sunday, February 15. Mihai has won many prestigious


Nominating Committee for 2015 - How will you serve? Would you like to get better acquainted with some of your fellow members while contributing to the ministry of Spring Glen Church? We have countless opportunities for you to serve! Spring Glen's Nominating Committee, which is charged with matching people with opportunities to serve on the various boards/committees, has begun its work for 2015.

Short descriptions of the various boards/committees follow. Look for more information in the months to follow as our Nominating Committee prepares for this year's Annual Meeting in May. If you feel called to serve in any of these areas, please contact any member of the Nominating Committee:

Alice White, Chair ([email protected]) Meg Myers ([email protected]) Helen Schaefer ([email protected]) Anne Dembinski ([email protected]) Jennifer McCleery ([email protected]) Deacons: Welcomes new members and provides receptions, schedules ushers, accepts responsibility for in-care ministers or divinity students, recruits greeters, compiles lists of lay readers and provides training, delivers flowers at Easter and Christmas to shut-ins, is responsible for Lay Caregivers in the church, organizes and produces the tape ministry, assists with baptisms, prepares and serves Holy Communion, and participates in Christmas, Lenten, and other special services such as Maundy Thursday, Confirmation Sunday and receptions.

Board of Trustees: Manages the assets of the church, prepares and monitors the church annual budget, places and monitors investments and endowments, contracts and maintains insurance for the church, develops and monitors facility usage, and develops and monitors policies to coordinate church personnel matters.

Christian Action Committee: Facilitates, organizes and provides opportunities for our members to participate in people-to-people missions both locally and in the wider world. Christian Action works with many organizations, including Columbus House, Habitat for Humanity, Covenant to Care, Christian Community Action and the Ella B. Scantlebury Senior Residence. Its Farmer’s Market subcommittee provides a weekly outdoor market at the church from June through October.

Christian Education Committee: Guides the educational ministry of the church by supporting the children’s church school, confirmands, youth group, adult education, and intergenerational activities. The committee provides oversight and leadership around educational opportunities that encourage and nurture the life-long process of faith formation.

Music Committee: Supports and coordinates the musical programs of the church, enhancing the worship of the church through music. It is responsible for the use, care and repair/maintenance of all musical instruments, purchasing of hymnals and overseeing the care of the choir robes.

Delegates Committee: Represents the Church at meetings of the New Haven Association and Connecticut Conference of the United Church of Christ, and other activities of these organizations, including those related to ordination to ministry.

(committees are continued on next page)

Page 10: TThhee SSpprriinnggbbooaarrdd · Cellist Mihai Marica, a frequent guest musician at Spring Glen Church, will be visiting the church on Sunday, February 15. Mihai has won many prestigious


Benevolence Committee: Responsible for allocating the yearly Benevolence budget and special offerings to social service agencies and UCC initiatives. The committee responds, on behalf of the congregation, to emergencies such as natural disasters and provides periodic “Moment for Mission” talks on Sundays to educate the congregation on both needs and results, locally and internationally. This committee reviews agencies and applicants for support to assess their work, goals and accomplishments, and verify the use of our church gifts.

Hospitality Committee: Provides a welcoming atmosphere, fellowship and refreshment following the Sunday worship service. Fellowship Hour Ambassadors assist the families who are hosting Fellowship Hour by answering questions and providing support as needed. Ambassadors serve approximately once every six weeks. House Committee: Maintains, repairs, secures and improves the building and grounds. Members can work on projects by themselves or on special work days or evenings. Often people outside the committee are recruited for a specific project. Members also share oversight of work hired out to contractors. Members with experience in building and the repair trades would be very helpful.

Blood Drive

INTER-FAITH BLOOD DRIVE For more than thirty years, Spring Glen Church and Temple Beth Sholom have cooperated to run two community blood drives for the Red Cross; one in Feb. and one in June. Until around 1990 they were all held at the temple and we were the helpers and back-up team. Then in about 1990 the elevator was installed in our new entryway and we became accessible to all donors and our Great Hall became reachable for the Red Cross equipment. Now we could host every other drive. Then when the temple underwent construction we held three consecutive drives. We had become full-fledged partners! But there is one area where we consistently lag behind. We at SGC have never been able to muster more than a quarter of the registered donors for any drive - and often less. Maybe this is the time that we can change that. PLEASE. If you are 17 years or older, weigh at least 110 lbs. and are in good health call 1-800-4483-3543 or go online at [email protected] to make an appointment to donate blood on FEB. 25 between 1:45 - 7:30 pm. We, your friends and family, all humans who are in need of life saving blood and the Red Cross need you!

See you at Spring Glen Church on Wed. Feb 25th. Barbara Hobbs

Page 11: TThhee SSpprriinnggbbooaarrdd · Cellist Mihai Marica, a frequent guest musician at Spring Glen Church, will be visiting the church on Sunday, February 15. Mihai has won many prestigious



Income exceeded expenses by $2727.88, so we ended the year with an operations balance of

$13674.10. In December of 2013, income exceeded expenses by $6679.13, and our end of

the year operations balance was $5729.37.

Income was almost exactly on budget - short by $350. Most

income line items came in close or over budget.

Overall, expenses came in at 95% of their budget. We were

fortunate that there were no snow removal expenses in


Our bank balances are about $23,000 less than they were at the end of December last year. At

the end of 2013, our balances were $7000 less than they were at the end of 2012.

We received $9625.99 in prepaid 2015 pledges, twice the amount we received for prepaid 2014

ledges by the end of 2013.

The Christmas offering was down this year as compared to last year - $3353.46 for 2013, and

$2507 for 2014.

A copy of the detailed Treasurer’s Report is always available in the church office or on the Committee

bulletin board for anyone to review; copies can also be emailed by contacting Sue Wilber at 203-288-

5847 or by email at [email protected]. If there are specific questions regarding the church’s

financial health, please contact Treasurer Sue Wilber or Senior Trustee Bethany Appleby.

Page 12: TThhee SSpprriinnggbbooaarrdd · Cellist Mihai Marica, a frequent guest musician at Spring Glen Church, will be visiting the church on Sunday, February 15. Mihai has won many prestigious


Pastoral Search Committee - Frequently Asked Questions One question we often hear about the search process is some variation on the following:

“Why do we have to painstakingly follow the UCC rules for pastoral searches? Can’t we just post an ad on Craigslist, or something?”

There are several very good reasons for using the ‘official’ UCC process for our search, even though it may feel long and laborious at times. A very simple one is, “because we want applicants to understand that we are serious in our search, and are looking for someone who is equally serious in responding.” Potential candidates for a UCC pastoral position know that, for a church to have a vacancy posted in the UCC listings, that church has taken the trouble to carefully go through all the steps necessary to prepare it for posting, and that the UCC has endorsed that church’s search as being legitimate. Ads listed in other forums, online or otherwise, don’t come with any kind of similar assurance – for the most part, anyone can post a vacancy notice. A knowledgeable and experienced pastor looking for a position at a UCC church is unlikely to waste time looking for a position anywhere other than in the ‘approved’ listings.

The reverse is also true – in order for a candidate to gain access to the details of a church’s available position, he or she has to go through a thorough vetting process, during which the UCC runs background checks, contacts references, and confirms that the candidate really has the credentials and experience claimed. So when we receive an application from a candidate, we already know that they have gone through some scrutiny by the UCC.

The UCC search process rules also make it easier for potential applicants to accurately determine whether they are likely to be a good match for our needs. When a pastor is looking for a position in those listings, they are able to request access to the profiles for any churches of interest. Since the profiles all have to follow a very specific format, with every church answering the same questions in the same order, it is relatively easy for the pastor to compare profiles, see where each church and posted position differs, and identify the ones for which they are best suited.

Another reason that we follow the UCC process is that by doing so, we gain access to a large number of very useful resources on how to conduct a successful pastoral search. These include ‘hard copy’ resources such as printed guides and videos – but in addition, they include access to advice from the UCC Regional Minister. While neither the Regional Minister nor the UCC as a whole has any influence over a church's decision about which candidate to call, they do have a great amount of experience with the process that makes their advice extremely useful to us.

Overall, following the UCC search process is hard work – but it provides numerous benefits for a church seeking new leadership.

Yours in Christ,

The Spring Glen Church Senior Pastor Search Committee Janice Ammons, Nick Appleby, Michele Backus, Nancy Beals,

Rick Brownell (Chair), Jennifer Heath, Laurel Laster, Mike Palmieri

We plan to continue to answer questions about the search process in the Springboard each month. If you would like to suggest a particular question that we might address, please contact Rick Brownell, Senior Pastor Search Committee Chair, at [email protected].

Page 13: TThhee SSpprriinnggbbooaarrdd · Cellist Mihai Marica, a frequent guest musician at Spring Glen Church, will be visiting the church on Sunday, February 15. Mihai has won many prestigious


Progressive Dinner The annual Spring Glen Church Progressive Dinner will be held on Saturday, February 28, 2015. Each person or couple will sign up for hosting a preferred course--Appetizers at 5:00, Soup and Salad at 6:15, Main Course at 7:30, and everyone at the church for dessert at 8:45. There will also be a column for signing up for whichever course may be needed. You will host up to eight people at your home, including you, and after each course, you will travel to another home, until 8:45, when we will all end up at the church. If hosting at your house won't work for you, you may sign up for hosting the Dessert course, or you may host an earlier course in the Fellowship Room at the church. It's a great way to meet other people from the church you may see, but might not talk to, otherwise. It's a fun event, and the more people who sign up, the merrier! A sign-up sheet is in the entryway; to participate, you need to sign up by Feb.22. Please look for it. If you have any questions, please contact Carolyn Paul at 203-248-3581, or at [email protected]. Thanks!

Spring Glen Church Silent Art Auction

Do you like to knit, sew, paint, photograph, or create other forms of artwork? The music committee will be hosting the second Spring Glen Church Silent Art Auction on Sunday, March 22nd from 11AM to 12PM. Support your singers! Support your community! Proceeds from this year's auction will be divided between two great causes. Half will support extended toddler room hours, which will allow parents of young children to join the choir for Sunday morning rehearsals. The remainder will go to the benevolence committee, which provides donations to causes like Christian Community Action, Columbus House, and New Reach/Life Haven. All forms of artwork will be accepted and should be in a new or like-new condition. Please leave your donation on the table inside the door of the church office or with a member of the music committee. All donations must be accompanied by a Donation Card which can be obtained in the vestibule. If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Cecala at [email protected].

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Weather-Related Closings

We are registered with TV stations nbcconnecticut, WVIT channel 4 news and WTNH NewsChannel 8. Please check our Spring Glen Church website as well, at

Page 14: TThhee SSpprriinnggbbooaarrdd · Cellist Mihai Marica, a frequent guest musician at Spring Glen Church, will be visiting the church on Sunday, February 15. Mihai has won many prestigious


Upcoming Events

February Sun, 2/1: Inter-generational Lunch and Learn Program Thurs, 2/5: Book Discussion: Take this Bread, 7-8:30 FR Sat, 2/7: Confirmation Retreat Sun, 2/8: Pancake Breakfast (during Coffee Hour Time) Wed, 2/18: Ash Wednesday Service at Dunbar, UCC Sat, 2/28: Progressive Dinner, starts 5:15pm

March 3/13 to 3/15: Women's Retreat Sun, 3/22: Silent Art Auction during Coffee Hour Sun, 3/29: Palm Sunday

April Thurs, 4/2: Maundy Thursday Fri, 4/3: Good Friday Sun, 4/5: Easter Sunday 4/20 to 4/27: Spring Service Trip 4/23-25: Spring Play

May Sun, 5/17: Congregational Meeting Sat, 5/30: Talent Show Sun, 5/31: Confirmation

The Rev. David Minnick, Interim Senior Pastor • [email protected] The Rev. Clare Robert, Associate Pastor • [email protected] Laurie Bleickardt, Christian Education Coordinator•[email protected] Dr. Terese Gemme, Organist and Choir Director • [email protected] Julia McLaughlin, Office Manager/Springboard Editor • [email protected] Ed Ercolano, Custodian • [email protected]

Page 15: TThhee SSpprriinnggbbooaarrdd · Cellist Mihai Marica, a frequent guest musician at Spring Glen Church, will be visiting the church on Sunday, February 15. Mihai has won many prestigious


Spring Glen Church Calendar • February 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 9-9:45a FR Bible Study 10a Worship/Communion Sunday School/Food Bank 11:15a Lunch and Learn 1p GH Auditions for Play 6:30p FR Youth Group


1:30p FR Bible Study 7p FR Deacons Meeting


11a FR Staff Meeting 7pm FR Confirmation Class


12p FR Open Door 6:30p CR Soul Singers Rehearsal 7p FR House Cmte 7:30p CR Choir Rehearsal


7p FR Book Group 7p FR Pastoral Search Cmte

6 7

Confirmation Retreat OC

8 9-9:45a FR Bible Study resumes 10a S Worship/ Sunday School 11a GH Youth Group Pancake Breakfast 1p GH Play Rehearsals 5:30p N Young Adult Bible Study


1:30pm FR Bible Study 7p FR Council Meeting

10 10a FR Staff Meeting 6:30p FR Spring Service Trip Meeting 7pm CR Play Rehearsals


6:30p CR Soul Singers Rehearsal 7:30p CR Choir Rehearsal

12 7p FR Pastoral Search Cmte

13 7p GH Play Rehearsals



9-9:45a FR Bible Study 10a S Worship/Sunday School 1p Play Rehearsals 6:30p FR Youth Group

16 President's

Holiday OFFICES CLOSED 7p FR Christian Action Cmte


7p FR Christian Ed Cmte 7p CR Play Rehearsals


Ash Wednesday 6:30p CR Soul Singers 7p Confirmation Class 7:30p CR Choir Rehearsals

19 12p FR Staff meeting

7pm FR Pastoral Search Cmte


7p GH Play Rehearsals

21 1:45-3p OC Ella Scantlebury visit; meet @ Christian Tabernacle

22 1st Lent

9-9:45a FR Bible Study 10a S Worship/Sunday School 11:30a Second Hour Planning Session 5:30pm N Young Adult Bible Study 6:30P FR Youth Group


1:30p FR Bible Study 7p FR Confirmation Class 7:30p FR Benevolence


11a FR Staff meeting 7p CR Play Rehearsals


1:45a GH Blood Drive 6:30p CR Soul Singers 7:30p CR Adult Choir


7pm FR Music Cmte 7pm FR Pastoral Search Cmte

27 7p GH Play Rehearsals


4p GH Progressive Dinner

Email: [email protected] GH = Great Hall S = Sanctuary CR = Choir Room Website: FR = Fellowship Room OC = Off Campus

Page 16: TThhee SSpprriinnggbbooaarrdd · Cellist Mihai Marica, a frequent guest musician at Spring Glen Church, will be visiting the church on Sunday, February 15. Mihai has won many prestigious


The Springboard newsletter is published monthly, with one issue for July/August

SPRING GLEN CHURCH, UCC An Open and Affirming Congregation

1825 Whitney Avenue, Hamden CT 06517

Worship and Sunday School 10:00 AM Holy Communion first Sunday of the month phone 203-288-3381 fax 203 248-2070 email [email protected] website