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E\$e-wTt*r.i t , .$ep.ti.-ml > ef.,: ?4--- a,«d ¥%iy-* ' few;t.iil:.tKOftey • r Ith tawftk| i|t-. rill, o l , JU,&3» : . ir^e>^fi«>wn« . OU*th Mange* •• fefeil,.ot,th% : efouthMeol s-jjerrnesto^. aliie .degrees*. i j o t * jSortb\ tSgi.C'fr 2 ; 1 '', ti»k^i-cJ*»nt?yf."' ifext^?*lie -'-' $£$&. ;*~ [fl-iiM* itCigitir •• efnfettt vi'Q86 . - erollo^nlirip - sf' towitfisipS | -oi' | ; dn t p aloft &iBen> f<H3*r -jjts&^eg. i^tyf$iner-<!eV ,: to a,, mat feed o^aining otie Jiasit rt^%^fferlhet, fbb ptineij f*£jEfis- rtae#f| to^aleinjade srlhed; premtiie* •f -SMttfeeftj-'-^it' jon ofthat dapff Witt the.* H0RNRX •i^v •:•:-;.-•. -.--^ Biiya, of the * and Itate of /'. .our &pr*Jone f ^hety^ven* Fa certain fciia JtinrteJ^phj^ini ?iMps r ..j*ii ihe> AlAtbaKcerv to.mtoW«lbij* Raj^efinihe' wnmy«&.a#*e*. |ai(|3Lo,t,by a u^E-jjf. fajfd3bt| ?&f©falt-£he?\ n or upon fa id ?f t##lPoiting hyf#j^$#% i& <|el*«Jt/ Jsav-s entoftlttn** 'K3S..J* hereby iwcr^fttatinrei anil protfdedy es-wUtfce fold r«lafib^<ir%- iF%ti?€5ri*SNt* Us tun made u~ e0M*f*m*f tm c»tiiaining *m*fmfmtf U And in pur- cmfcmmdtmnd dged-p^mSh- U,*ttkth9*ft tntkt tillage mtUitekJsy «<* I': r f ' '•'' : :i •' A. It -f.'-v., «?• i»- •'•If * >•'• : JA * w).*^*"-"r" ..IM. .ji» "if if I^'I ' T T '-^>>-'^*i--^-(-| •••'•'•• -iff-.f 4 ••tt-f'-r ni f¥ii -r 'JII" T i-l •^• r -Ti-Tj ^-rT- ESTE JT I¥01 "''" 1 - • 'A/ t IT• ri-1 ;iij ',*t^T.-|{ ; A, H C^MrfAr-^^/^tf/rw.PRINTED ANp't^&t^Sfiai&VjiKy TUEbBaYf STfei£?|/X# &'.JM$Vs ^(&.'t!4.^0UH. «•**• *•»• *"»-^) * * ><—«*T* -4* f i ^ t j i ^ /•# »yn HMU ipiaw ^ J %l&ij, WJhOLENO, # ": ;, EI>'WASDS on B-A.rriSrM.- : ! •JfrtigY pt$Hfhttl t and jar fit'at the Bovh* fyiguui a M® and ingtriM'9 Ctfffo* itzrjtdlW&rk^ entitled . i •.' * CAJIIW&WSQNS 1 ' - V*" - F O R , i c \mfIP#BOBAPTISMi i' :: ""• :i- " -T i A.tS0 • ' \ffa$&t*g*JkW-ti*e*M wiik thsMaptijl's '•' '•• *•'• ' . ' ' ' i j 1 $tf$t0ymrs fapvvfthx B(f0CAmcfi *'-**".' ' j 0tJ*ortfetii $ant£< > '.'••.' ^r.?^' 'ikt[ rtc0mm&J*ii*ns fjf' tke shim : ^ym-P#kh<^viis*. wt iftik* the Jet* •• fi^kg^it-a&'f-^ - ; ••'''. ** T h e '^* iter |fe}e»Ri to be^b#owgWf »i|' bb ifebjeft afifl to haw ^ «l«ar vie¥r ** ^1 41 *b^ c<jn|e|pcn<?^» that *ay ^rtfc "f fern the various .argqlfiertts lirged eifcb- *Kc> iHf-ist. agalnft |titaw$. Bstp.ttfrri J"*and has jVc^talnljr g»v-e4 4 new tamitath^ cohtro- v 1 ! ^ r & , ; i»bile t! he has brought forward ;"*f k' <<#t»,jtfc*H^ i%; fwti'4xft|b«fdiy caps lor '/*! .0e ve/js' rer|o# siS^Qtloxi -itf thofe . **.ifeae^--Vbi* b|>.p«>-f».fi|faat:b '«^rtt«s.'\^tih';-i'f«tat perfpkaU, *^~wk&-ijvilU& Ja>c0, afid with no little **^i*ft.' |S«- *aMy. i t o s thofe.aiRefeftin|f jH^tt^ j*|ieh are cqaalty adiiifted <?a rims St ceptfon; the liflt of emigrantf to b? AfUE incited to'look*t Tow . XJL her 61, leventh Eange, now tor,fafe in larm lo^s, on 4 -credit of Ten iOff/, without Intertfl, ; Wheat; tlpur, Votk and "„tffa?e "''-'••' ^;~V:r; M •'••: - • ' • &****•'*'* <& exception t,f the ..'* E^QtfANB, X.OK»>N 9 May ^ and nt^at Cattle, ^iH be' received in pay^ OHiyATB letters frocn mem, at fiiitable places, from^hefirft fei- ^JL'-:fity., that at treaty of aili tier*. ', Th# (utiation Ot this TowniMpi* fa£ n >fc m * EmDerorsbaS vety 4v0i|able, blejtijj only fe\4ft mile* ^iftartt frotn Aik-Port, pn the Caftift^* tenjia larjpe Her 66. ^een jbe t^ Ernperors has bjeep a- with the exception l p{ the Bottrb^ti family*mayreturn to France^ and etyoy the rights of ftibjects. A promotfoii upon a large fcaje is to*be announced; everd officer in Ihe ar- fiiywEI be advanced a ftcp. i Bfmdron of Flii/hin^.-^-^^ I aiti ^reacly concerned in informing you, that on* indefatigable Commodore; . „„„„.^ »^ c ..- . t , . . , ., tbe entefprifing Sir S. Smith! k fo* fiounlhing'village of Danlviilc* wlience- arinjes have^beenaugmented, and arfe tin well as to compel him for the pre- a wdi —- 'i-„u J;. J»... w^ «^tR«rf.' *t«^.^_L_i-^:-' __J••"__..£_^jjk-_"__ A ii**.- ^ i^«__.,.«&] ;.* - i*» r ? •throw e laniicea ***^ 5 to, jind ¥hat its fignature onlf {*f.ece-.8fca«*t. loadea principally witC :•?*• tW^fctfrft^ King of?ru£ Wheat, th^' fwfqnjiook iWf *piiWW' Jfr.^art?nvit^tjon to accede d>t^- for Bttltimort) and Itwo* mite's fioto khe. The AultTiati %i weH a!s the ?.ttfiga» his command oft aggon road is Jow opened,, paffin^ r ;'.JS^I^ complete*-„and new fortrelfes are fen't^ to felinquim hi« M t h e a b w tdf*nfcMp #$****; tMxiimm qti the Auttrianfrktfer|* tbi^j ttatitJn,'' of Angelica attd * » * J P # $ ; J * May if Jaands arc ,4ty:fuftab1c tor ^^btog-^?* ''&** Cmmemizl P°^^ ^ fa ^ btiiia^ o n : t he fqhjea of the tfhmjp timbered chiefly, w^ith Oak and Hiekory j they talk of pc^ccf doubt its lor|g con- ttPfi of ffnperiat dignity by Boriapartej aftia portion excfctlent for Grafs,ftiniberi tinfia a porjEinr ed with Bdech, Bm t SugSr-tree, ^lictnj* A :^*r|aring for $jar. ancc 5 and sire therefore priidetidy,, ha* beel tranfmitted to "the Conferva tive Seftate in thefe term* : i f<- thai carpenter both excellent : workmen, wiih" .whom' Ma ir ' *"- ""-''- -- — — thd .flitp of the lipfe is in the road of , learn from andoubffed autliof- * *t He and -flBaf- **IZ?> *&i ~-±-*- . ; f»'A 0.g'U f F.'R.'A,l. "-A4:S.dRT'M£-NTr Olt v .* • 0 O O 0 Si .A4<kpw.£f<t iht 'prefmt 'Smfptf - • Jcr > vfawfortb,orConneaic«t f a^fro%-' »r?tyed at P3ymouih,M^^ bim?io'K<*bJrtTftiupj otthe oity t>f#ew,;'fterdanulie beginning df the pref(£rit the efefaiton of a foreign Ufu'rpef id month? al whie^^ tr<fc>ps were embarking at Efcntaafi of Emperor; &nd to calfTuporl'dl ie- m$ 'tI^OQO; French were d a w ex- gitfttiate' fovejeigns to defend their peeked iherefo^ the ianie pttrBofe.^-. r^n^ arid rights. i , | ~ , .^i^^^W^re^vV^'^theli'fiei afc, tbe fopt. of the American mlp; gay» and iw6 ftoops of war ffing in Frfendfliipjwhich arrived at ^ajmnutH the J^el^^teyide^lfd^ti^o^tbea- !n S^ days from the Cape bfjlGood- b^oye troops for th^^^purpofe^'.-of inva- fio|xef reports that the Dutdi" trorfp^ ilb^£bgrahd. ! , =the|f were daily deferring, Mgfnd e^c- 3Vfay.i^ pr^^ed a wifiito b^ under itfc t OriulH berfe-is MtM d'o&bt that Bo [ia|>art^ joy'toment. title of Emrjeror of v : * Majj .i.fc Yi>rk*JEf<j^ the prefent pro^HeVor"; ^lio hath dpfy author^ed the fubferiber to fell the'-fame'i ! • • •>,',.,'•• ,, : •••; ' • i J0HN SfcTHi - i^th April, 1^04. f. ' ttt II llii feV^fj Matmmjt" c^yii, it Judge •;•!-•• 1 ^ U^'^ftamtv top o i W . . S T 9 N 1 a F u l i ^ g , | I U BloomfM and at :Di<cK&tt$fc!N 6? BAKP(J;ST^R% a»^» *fe^.iqianfitv _ttf 5At*T# to es^ ;'••• ^.c^^^^*^>r : PX*D0lJ.CE.'Osgood t«rmjs.« -•. ;•." , v 't|^- A;LL MASONS b^vjbg'A^ ; -jfeswuts p U4iitt*ued', at* «ai.n,elll'y req-iAelie'd t L:{ftai| -autl 'niaice; im-'jrif.fesdjaie faiil;$xti.eni-^-* . ml fbef^w^nfelJM&aftd Accdcints have < 1 h&ea <3*je inoFC tijarl tbrce •mdiu-h'Sj, are4a- f^mtdiitet unl^fs ^aynrentjr are made by : ^ Jirii of* Augv/i nexi % their Accounts -l^lfl'be: pt|t imdthe bands of an Attorney '-'• ffer co!!e£|ion, without further notice, as »j# longer;indulgence can be giv«in. x ylrmdeq-uM landing, 1 (;i©' 301)- ''^ j;- /«^'o, ,1804] > ' •• ' ^, ! ; -> iwy"****!-" v'i""i** . «i 1, 1, • -• •'!.•- 1...1 •• - •' •*•— -..••• .ie.--j.-.- _!__—. I Parmerfcip DiiTolved. " 1 ' - ... [ • • J : ._ . "*0E j^artner/bip^of F*BEM«N AT- y^A-jr^H '<£?.JA-MES COCHIIIAN^ in the Tm-fpf&rc Bujhtefs, is by mmmal eon- f^nt ^iJJujyed, ' .-• j FREEMAN ATWATER, v- '" • j.JASfiES COCHRAST.- . Gmmdmw, June 19,1804.' (8} T HE fdbfcribcjr haviit| creeled ins MficMtrts: at rh'& fo,-h>winff 'pl*- S^yii, it; Judge AUG USTUtBoRfli + t the French o r o|f the Gauls* Private ti Was yefte'rday c that to re- Mill, in Phelps^intorrris -the publi they wlff be in operation, and ready ; ceke WOOL, by the firft o! Tone next*' JONATHAN BOOTH. rived in the ri v^ r bat brought M ay i»; 1804; 4 4*1 ditional jntetiig4nc«u that be has an- be*ed tor tbe 1 . liile thait of i^in^. of at JWIsv After the molb mmlrtc erf- . is^riibartry. ^bataConfiderabiepro FOpNt), -g^ft to bWeii itfade in this imperial t-umourwasdefervirigof mtich|cre'dtt; Wthel 3d July, between GorbaJn^ arrah^erraentj wpkh We thhiS is rfo Somel^utch papers were yefterdajr, Tavejr* and die Bed Mills, a'REl) good omen ibr the torfican and his* feeefved to the d(»te of the ioih of MOR0O&G ?mkET BOOK, con- family, is abVtoas from the following, taining fo^e money,, feveraj Notes and . e ^ a of a: (etlir from Roue nV of the Other papers, ot qolnnderaMe confecfuehce > V L : n j| r, wh<^ can have the fame by applying t4 v 1 JOHN RAMSEY. CananddigUa, jfMiy 16 (z,j ^ ,r •_ . . t f . . . . J . j , . 1—^mmMm •!•• ••—-— ..•J-uiiii 1 nm. , ,„ , i ,. Mpi i m • • i, . n W.H—^MJH^—ni»»^w>^,» "' '\MkF8. SALES, ' * c 1 ft. That Napoleon Bonaparte, Firil Cqrrful, Ihalj be proclaimed Em- B Y virtue of a Writ of Fieri F<!fias, it* fared out of the reportetl irVfjSie rf- thead- fiibje6 4 6f Peaces in^de through ih6 Americah ^ffniftqr faidltf Mfe'be'efi ay; one of which contains a' rtote* CXtraaed fromtb^M'o'niteuV'of the relative to the iavafiprf, irt ich the Frendh threaten to attempt a defcent when convmiprit loltkcm- peror of the frencb^and in thit qual- jfefyh ; and add, that if it is' deferred ity. be charged With the governpoent Of Jarjiik^ their fuccefs will be t/i&mor.i' France*. ! ' certain* |' **ai That the title of Empero^ ! *1}.p&t&M ibejebfced ta him to make im* lie venduei. on Wednefday, the £a*d day mediate pdjmtnty An AFEKENTICE of Atfdujft next, at, two o'clock in th<* af- ioiiht nh&kt P.* «**»*' .t * m ? l P 0 *** 0 ** ^h^withthdittoperialpoWi^fliaa : : ^Y«OOTH 1 May 7. Pieas, of the 6oumy of Ontario, and tome t ?L ^- .>!'/• -i :_, . ^ t - 'jh .v, f. A ; ]L/ Wk 5 - X direaed and delivered, agafnft thejroods | e hereditary fn his family, iri tie male Came in an American foip^f.Bof- atid chattel!, lands ^nd teriertj^ntsol W*L. '^ add in the brolei* of pfogfeniture- ton, from Amiterdam, in only 8|dsys } a $L t ne cpnllituted authoritte* me mafter reports he was under anf tn forming the necclfary fegijlations embargo in the ^uydee Zee fair fomd for the efta"bliflxi|nent of the h?re.dita- time, when an order carne fron^ the ry .powers, ftiall maite all cfue: ptovi. French CojtfnWndam, for her and al[ fiorts K>t preferving equality, liberty^ neutrals to. fail the-gotb April, or Btifinefs w4-Hmlfiet with lib*- ,t<*rndo}i, at TAYLOR'S Hotel, in Cahan. «o^ the rights of the people. 11 they would be Jaid under a Arrtliejf «4tb. The prefent vote ifiall be embargo, and their rodders unfhip- earried to the Se|nate by a deputation ^d- " of fix numbers; who are to explaiit Fifteen thoufand French troops ba^f " WtW JHufineCt in future" ^111 btf c^dapfceffl'! t?V' tnc^n-Wcrii?.ejr,'Wbo fecjacfts 5 ^r htAU NICHOLS, jt have taken'an^ feized* a4l the §aods aiid dhauels, Jan'ds anH fene- inept^ of the faid WiUiarrV* in my jSaifi- wick, ^vhlch j (Hall expofe to fale, at pub- tii? encoatiigement bv applyine tot" V '• l1 ; • yirWATflGL. That t^rge and CoWtnodious ~WT^vir' OGCtiptekl by th:^ ftib|cri- X >N._ b|e|[ ai a Ta/vern -*-a! fo Tn ree A,. Ac^esof IjLandi a<||oining the fame, yF ^ieibnvebuildfngafituateidon X the; main |road thrdogh this town— Q * fa* r4d* inwty of the Cot^ru ,$ l„trmfe.-' Therein not,., perhaps* Morefct{||!bleftamfeither for a Ta. § #wror : :%ore t iff-rhfo ciotSTitry* _ Terrripof faf«f mav be'ktiowtt^by at*f|>J'y-m-ar to the fubfcfibeii on the ....... pWiiifen.; ; JOHiN HOtlSKi W ;a . ' 'Cman4m^u^ Mank&&** «tl | liiClvH 4p by ilie-jfabiciiber, in.tttfe 'tix»t*fi: ttf;,M*y ht4,a. Buck MARK, -«»ii4t BNee.rt !bafld« Hkh, a : natural' pacer p •hgx mir hint) toot whje; ihu h « fart^lc gatf« Upflftf';ij|er .b-*«k,, and. 1* tweh** 0f •. Ii?wn««w y t * ^ o i *|e». i'Tfre owmt tt de- •ii^t to*aU: # jfrove property, pay cwarg^rj *iidi»k«herpway* t' :• ' t , •, j>AVip WARMER. 100ii, at 1 A"! toaa BEN J. BARTON, Sheriff, wyg, i'804. J if 6w 5 VL Y A t mt 6f ? # / k ^^ ^ r£i F " cias > if ~ by it the motives! which bav* induced marched into Amfterdam fn ihe cpurfe f f i J f ^ l ' l ^ P r & S K ^'1V«mn^^u»^ rf tb^weelc preceding b^depa}^ " and to me direded and delrvered, againft ;" 1t , . . r *%7 lS ' I x '• ^ r th ^ P? T Pf e ' ",, was j* ld ',° f X ?^ the gooBs and chattels, lands and tene- Intelligence is* reported tp' have *ng England/ The 0utch troop^ mentsbf ^AI^ES IJEWEY, I have feized been received b^ a foreign A wtjafTa- where they can do it," .heantlycmfe and taken all the goods atfd chattels,* dor f » that Bonaparte has beet* pro"- - t h e i r #rench^^ allies-, and the expedition? lands and tenementsidf (He faid James, in claimed. Emperor: of .Franfie in all the agfamtf this country. | r y t 7?«P^*VL A exp °d c £l,c f L m u Ktectg and puDlic ftfuare^ of Paris. \ -~ ; tolare,atriitbhcVendue.onth<!twentieth *u' ** v l#«i' •*!_*« »* t \\* t t • -day of Auguft ne^t, atthe Store of The ^ . ^ oT 4DOi^ii« llg. «wjfe . . L r vE«Poo W May i# | laid Jatnes, ib the town of Canandaigua. ls J * ^ *fide, tbe Stenatus Cotifuituy The bwediib government has; orV BEN. B'ARTOK, Sheriff, * °^ l b ft Confervative Senate, and the detfed a number of gun rVoats' to be $ufy o, 1H04, ' '^ decree 6f tbe* tribunate, are'con^lt fitted out -, they are to-'repair, to StraU ^-—«-M— ^^ '••••» ' •• ^ ^ * ^redjuffilcierit. atithoritf to change fund as fobn a* poffibte. It ihoultf B Y jirtue of two write of Fieri fori**, the Erench* Republic into a irfoMf- ftttirfftdm this meafure;rfsif Sweden ' i%ed out of the court of Common c by> and thi ele&lve €hht Maglt ^ere aporehenfive of Ibme at,tack : Piea^cjftheeonntyolOhtario,and tome t ^^ a ^ m o h ^ t e i ^i h e |^ IrWlrfl,* rcditajyfoverc] go of an emj»irf / It _,„,.„.._,,., ^„,,« „^,. ,..« ti now reported at^ Paris tliat tKe Cor?* ., .... ,, , . t 4U the goods and ch»ttles,Wd#*nd onatidn j* to' tafee pfailc ne^t A^tJgtllli Go»ree by the French, andf which Ue mm ol the faid Philip, in my batlt-. upoil' B^hlprte'f birth4ayi anito fe eanffered: a*\exblblung ^favorable wtefc, Which J malfexpofc to fair, at pub-, perform^ at Al* ItChapeMe, where 3pnm of the faecefi of thfc s>\ iatcr e«. ttitllt*£ o«^feu»^^^" 0harlchiagnfc wai *ro%n«f fotitteeh i*€|!oii, whieh ii to be iwde&tet a. gt<it next, at one the ait*ruoo« # ji«*»*-i^**v 1*^A au* «^;.u^, tirk«» f«». »r ««? ; I B&NJ. bMiTQN Skeriff* -A general amncity it tc> b# |irt3N om^fl will they confider the re-c#^' 3uKi2^,i*o± * %6w cHm^foraU tmmn*!*, without ex- tureof Gorec? - -- - • -w -• 4< —* . " i -• -——- direclbed and delivered, againll the goods andtfhaWes,lands tnA tciicmcnti of PHl^. LIP BEVEREAIIX, I h«ve uien ««d m trance. The farts Jourmdi ^ive a" ycry, fluttering account of the capture of 'tenement »»i I.I|M-'«II -*«

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Post on 09-Aug-2019




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E\$e-wTt*, r£ .$ep.ti.-ml>ef.,:

?4--- a,«d ¥%iy-* ' few;t.iil:.tKOftey • rIth tawftk| i|t-. r i l l , o l , JU,&3»:. ir^e>^fi«>wn« . OU*th Mange* ••

fefeil,.ot,th% :


s-jjerrnesto^. aliie .degrees*.

i jo t* jSortb\



ifext^?*lie -'-' $£$&. ;*~ [fl-iiM* itCigitir •• efnfettt vi'Q86 . -

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f<H3*r -jjts&^eg. i^tyf$iner-<!eV

,: to a,, mat feed

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to^aleinjade srlhed; premtiie*

•f -SMttfeeftj-'-^it' jon ofthat dapff

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• i ^ v •:•:-;.-•. - . - - ^ Biiya, of the * and Itate of

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.our &pr*Jone f ^hety^ven* Fa certain fciia JtinrteJ^phj ini ?iMpsr..j*ii ihe> AlAtbaKcerv

to.mtoW«lbij* Raj^efinihe'

wnmy«&.a#*e*. |ai(|3Lo,t,by a u E-jjf. fajfd3bt| • ?&f©falt-£he?\ n or upon fa id ?f t##l P oiting

hyf# j^$#% i& <|el*«Jt/ Jsav-s entoftlttn** 'K3S..J* hereby iwcr^fttatinrei

anil protfdedy es-wUtfce fold r«lafib^<ir%-


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tm c»tiiaining

*m*fmfmtf U And in pur-cmfcmmdtmnd dged-p^mSh-U,*ttkth9*ft tntkt tillage




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H C^MrfAr-^^/^tf/rw.PRINTED A N p ' t ^ & t ^ S f i a i & V j i K y TUEbBaYf STfei£?|/X# &'.JM$Vs

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W J h O L E N O ,


":;,EI>'WASDS on B-A.rriSrM.-:!

•JfrtigY pt$Hfhttlt and jar fit'at the Bovh*

fyiguui a M® and ingtriM'9 Ctfffo* itzrjtdlW&rk^ entitled . i

•.' * CAJIIW&WSQNS 1 ' - V*" • - F O R , i

c\mfIP#BOBAPTISMi i' :: ""• :i- " -T i A.tS0 • '

\ffa$&t*g*JkW-ti*e*M wiik thsMaptijl's ' • ' '•• * • ' • ' . • ' ' ' i j 1

$tf$t0ymrs fapvvfthx B(f0CAmcfi *'-**".' ' j 0tJ*ortfetii $ant£< > ' . ' • • . '

^ r . ? ^ ' 'ikt[ rtc0mm&J*ii*ns fjf' tke shim

:^ym-P#kh<^viis*. wt iftik* the Jet* • •• fi^kg^it-a&'f-^ -; • • ' ' ' .

** The ' * iter |fe}e»Ri to be^b#owgWf

» i | ' b b ifebjeft afifl to haw ^ «l«ar vie¥r ** ^1 41 *b^ c<jn|e|pcn<?^» that *ay ^rtfc

"f fern the various .argqlfiertts lirged eifcb-*Kc> iHf-ist. agalnft |titaw$. Bstp.ttfrri J"*and has jVc^talnljr g»v-e4 4 new tamita th^ cohtro-

v1! ^ r & , ; i»bilet! he has brought forward

;"*f k ' <<#t»,jtfc*H^ i%; fwti'4xft|b«fdiy caps lor '/*! .0e ve/js' rer |o# siS^Qtloxi -itf thofe . **.ifeae^--Vbi* b|>.p«>-f».fi|faat:b '«^rtt«s.'\^tih';-i'f«tat perfpkaU, *^~wk&-ijvilU& Ja>c0, afid with no little **^i*ft.' |S«- *aMy. i t o s thofe.aiRefeftin|f

jH^tt^ j*|ieh are cqaalty adiiifted <?a

rims St ceptfon; the liflt of emigrantf to b?

AfUE incited to'look*t Tow . XJL her 61, leventh Eange, now tor,fafe in larm lo^s, on 4 -credit of Ten iOff/, without Intertfl, ; Whea t ; t l pu r , Votk and

" „ t f f a ? e "''-'••' ^ ; ~ V : r ; M •'••: - • ' • • &****•'*'* <& exception t,f the


E^Qt fANB, X.OK»>N9 May ^

and nt at Cattle, ^iH be' received in pay^ O H i y A T B letters frocn mem, at fiiitable places, from^hefirft fei- ^JL'-:fity., t h a t at treaty of aili tier*. ', Th# (utiation Ot this TowniMpi* fa£n >fc m* EmDerorsbaS vety 4v0i|able, blejtijj only fe\4ft mile* ^iftartt frotn Aik-Port, pn the Caftift^*

tenjia larjpe Her


^een jbe t ^ Ernperors has bjeep a-

with the exception lp{ the Bottrb^ti family*mayreturn to France^ and etyoy the rights of ftibjects. A promotfoii upon a large fcaje is to*be a n n o u n c e d ; eve rd officer in Ihe a r -fiiywEI be advanced a ftcp. i

Bfmdron of Flii/hin^.-^-^^ I aiti ^reacly concerned in informing you , that on* indefatigable Commodore;

. „„„„.^ » ^ c ..- . t , . . , „ ., tbe entefprifing Sir S. Smith! k fo* fiounlhing'village of Danlviilc* wlience- arinjes have^beenaugmented, and arfe tin well as to compel him for the p r e -a w d i — - ' i -„u J;. J»... — w ^ «^tR«rf.' * t « ^ . ^ _ L _ i - ^ : - ' __J••"__..£_^jjk-_"__A • ii**.- ^ i^«__.,.«&] ;.* - i*» r ? •throw

e laniicea ***^5 to, jind ¥hat its fignature onlf {*f.ece-.8fca«*t. loadea principally witC : • ? * • t W ^ f c t f r f t ^ King of?ru£ Wheat, th^' fwfqnjiook iWf *piiWW' Jfr.^art?nvit^tjon to accede d > t ^ -for Bttltimort) and Itwo* mite's fioto khe. The AultTiati %i weH a!s the ?.ttfiga»

his command oft aggon road is Jow opened,, paffin r;'.JS^I^ complete* -„ and new fortrelfes are fen't to felinquim hi« M theabw tdf*nfcMp #$****; tMxiimm qti the Auttrianfrktfer|* tbi j ttatitJn,''

of Angelica attd * » * J P # $ ; J * M a y i f

Jaands arc ,4ty:fuftab1c tor ^ ^ b t o g - ^ ? * ' ' & * * Cmmemizl P ° ^ ^ ^ f a ^ btiiia^ o n :the fqhjea of the tfhmjp timbered chiefly, w ith Oak and Hiekory j they talk of pc^ccf doubt its lor|g con- ttPfi of ffnperiat dignity by Boriapartej aftia portion excfctlent for Grafs,ftiniberi tinfia a porjEinr ed with Bdech, Bmt SugSr-tree, lictnj*A :^*r|aring for $jar.

ancc5 and sire therefore priidetidy,, ha* bee l tranfmitted to "the Conferva tive Seftate in thefe term* : i f<- t h a i

carpenter both excel lent : workmen, wiih" .whom' Ma ir ' *"- ""- ' ' - -- — — thd

.flitp of the lipfe is in the road o f , W « learn from andoubffed autliof-

• *

* t

He and -flBaf-

**IZ?> * & i ~-±-*-

.;f»'A 0.g'UfF.'R.'A,l. "-A4:S.dRT'M£-NTr Oltv.* •

0 O O 0 Si .A4<kpw.£f<t iht 'prefmt 'Smfptf - •

J c r > v f a w f o r t b , o r C o n n e a i c « t f a ^ f r o % - ' »r?tyed at P 3 y m o u i h , M ^ ^ bim?io'K<*bJrtTftiupj otthe oity t>f#ew,;'fterdanulie beginning df the pref(£rit the efefaiton of a foreign Ufu'rpef id

month? al whie ^ tr<fc>ps were embarking at Efcntaafi of Emperor; &nd to calfTuporl'dl ie-m$ 'tI^OQO; French were d a w ex- gitfttiate' fovejeigns to defend their peeked iherefo^ the ianie pttrBofe.^-. r^n^ arid rights. i , | ~ , .^i^^^W^re^vV^'^theli ' f iei a f c , t b e fopt. of the American mlp; gay» and iw6 ftoops of war ffing in Frfendfliipjwhich arrived at ^ajmnutH the J^el^^teyide^lfd^t i^o^tbea- !n S^ days from the Cape bfjlGood-b oye troops for th ^ purpofe '.-of inva- fio|xef reports that the Dutdi" trorfp^ ilb^£bgrahd. ! , =the|f were daily deferring, Mgfnd e c-

3Vfay. i^ p r ^ ^ e d a wif i i to b^ under itfct OriulH berfe-isMtM d'o&bt that Bo [ia|>art joy' toment.

title of Emrjeror of v : * Majj .i.fc

Yi>rk*JEf<j the prefent pro HeVor"; l io hath dpfy author^ed the fubferiber to fell the'-fame'i ! • • •>,',., '••

,, : •••; ' • i J0HN SfcTHi -

i^th April, 1^04. f. ' t t t • II l l i i

feV^fj Matmmjt"

c ^ y i i , i t Judge

•;•!-•• 1 ^ U ^ ' ^ f t a m t v top o i W . . S T 9 N 1 a F u l i ^ g , | I U BloomfM and at :Di<cK&tt$fc!N 6? BAKP(J ;ST^R% a»^» * fe^.i qianfitv _ttf 5At*T# to es^

;'••• ^.c^^^^*^>r:PX*D0lJ.CE.'Osgood t«rmjs.« -•.

;•." ,v ' t |^- A;LL MASONS b^vjbg'A^ ; -jfeswuts pU4iitt*ued', at* «ai.n,elll'y req-iAelie'd

tL:{ftai| -autl 'niaice; im-'jrif.fesdjaie faiil;$xti.eni-^-* . ml fbef^w^nfelJM&aftd Accdcints have

< 1 h&ea <3*je inoFC tijarl tbrce •mdiu-h'Sj, are4a-f^mtdi i te t unl^fs ^aynrentjr are made by

: ^ Jirii of* Augv/i nexi% their Accounts -l^lfl 'be: pt|t i m d t h e bands of an Attorney

'-'• ffer co!!e£|ion, without further notice, as »j# longer;indulgence can be giv«in.

x ylrmdeq-uM landing, 1 (;i©' 301)-''^ j ; - / « ^ ' o , ,1804] > ' •• '

^, ! ; • -> i w y " * * * * ! - " v ' i " " i * * . «i 1, 1, • -• • ' ! . • - 1...1 •• - •' • * • — -..••• . i e . - - j . - . - _ ! _ _ — .

I Parmerfcip DiiTolved. " 1 ' - • ... [ • • J : ._ .

"*0E j^artner/bip^of F * B E M « N A T -

y^A-jr^H '<£?.JA-MES COCHII IAN^ in the Tm-fpf&rc Bujhtefs, is by mmmal eon-f^nt ^iJJujyed, ' .-• j FREEMAN ATWATER, v- '" • j.JASfiES COCHRAST.-. Gmmdmw, June 19,1804.' (8}

THE fdbfcribcjr haviit| creeled ins MficMtrts: at rh'& fo,-h>winff 'pl*-

S^yii, it; Judge AUG U S T U t B o R f l i + t

the French o r o|f the Gauls* Pr ivate ti Was yefte'rday

c that to re-

Mill, in Phelps^intorrris -the publi they wlff be in operation, and ready ;

ceke W O O L , by the firft o! Tone next*' JONATHAN BOOTH.

rived in the ri v r bat brought

M ay i » ; 1804; 4

4*1 ditional jntetiig4nc«u that be has an-b e * e d tor tbe1. l i i le thait o f i^in^. o f at JWIsv Af te r the molb mmlr tc erf-

„ . is^riibartry. ^bataConfiderabiepro F O p N t ) , -g^ft to bWeii itfade in this imperial t-umourwasdefervirigof mtich|cre'dtt;

Wthel 3d July, between GorbaJn^ arrah^erraentj wpkh We thhiS is rfo Somel^utch papers were yefterdajr, Tavejr* and die Bed Mills, a'REl) good omen ibr the torfican and his* feeefved to the d(»te of the ioih of

MOR0O&G ?mkET BOOK, con- family, is abVtoas from the following, taining fo^e money,, feveraj Notes and . e ^ a of a: (e t l i r from R o u e nV o f the Other papers, ot qolnnderaMe confecfuehce > V L : n j |

r, wh< can have the fame by applying t4v 1 J O H N R A M S E Y .

CananddigUa, jfMiy 16 (z,j ^ ,r •_ . . t f . . . . J . j , .

1—^mmMm • ! • • • • — - — ..•J-uiiii 1 nm. , ,„ , i , . Mpi i m • • i, . n W . H — ^ M J H ^ — n i » » ^ w > ^ , »

"' '\MkF8. SALES,

' *c 1 ft. That Napoleon Bonaparte, Firil Cqrrful, Ihalj be proclaimed Em-

BY virtue of a Writ of Fieri F<!fias, it* fared out of the

reportetl irVfjSie rf-

thead- fiibje646f Peaces in^de through ih6 Americah ^ffniftqr

faidltf Mfe'be'efi

ay; one of which contains a' rtote* CXtraaed fromtb^M'o'niteuV'of the

relative to the iavafiprf, irt ich the Frendh threaten to attempt

a defcent when convmiprit loltkcm-peror of the frencb^and in thit qual- jfefyh ; and add, that if it is' deferred ity. be charged With the governpoent Of Jarjiik^ their fuccefs will be t/i&mor.i' France*. ! ' • certain* |'

**ai That the title of Empero^ !

*1}.p&t&M ibejebfced ta him to make im* lie venduei. on Wednefday, the £a*d day mediate pdjmtnty An A F E K E N T I C E of Atfdujft next, at, two o'clock in th<* af-ioiiht nh&kt

P . * «**»*' • .t * P°m ?l P0***0** ^ h ^ w i t h t h d i t t o p e r i a l p o W i ^ f l i a a • : : ^ Y « O O T H 1 May 7. Pieas, of the 6oumy of Ontario, and t o m e t ?L ^ - . > ! ' / • -i :_, . ^ t - 'jh .v, f. A ; ]L/ Wk5- X direaed and delivered, agafnft thejroods | e hereditary fn his family, iri tie male Came in an American foip^f.Bof-atid chattel!, lands nd teriertj ntsol W * L . ' ^ add in the brolei* of pfogfeniture- ton, from Amiterdam, in only 8|dsys }

a$L t n e cpnllituted authoritte* me mafter reports he was under anf tn forming the necclfary fegijlations embargo in the ^uydee Zee fair fomd for the efta"bliflxi|nent of the h?re.dita- time, when an order carne fron^ the ry .powers, ftiall maite all cfue: ptovi. French CojtfnWndam, for her and al[ fiorts K>t preferving equality, liberty^ neutrals t o . fail the-gotb April , o r

Btifinefs w4-Hmlfiet with lib*- ,t<*rndo}i, at T A Y L O R ' S Hotel, in Cahan. «o^ the rights of the people. 11 they would be Jaid under a Arrtliejf « 4 t b . T h e prefent vote ifiall be embargo, and their rodders unfhip-

earried to the Se|nate by a deputation ^ d - " o f fix numbers ; who are to explaiit Fifteen thoufand French troops ba^f

" W t W JHufineCt in future" 111 btf c^dapfceffl'! t?V' tnc^n-Wcrii?.ejr,'Wbo fecjacfts

5 ^ r

htAU N I C H O L S , jt have taken'an^ feized* a4l the §aods aiid dhauels, Jan'ds anH fene-inept^ of the faid WiUiarrV* in my jSaifi-wick, ^vhlch j (Hall expofe to fale, at pub-

tii? encoatiigement bv applyine tot"

V • '• l1 ; • yirWATflGL.

Tha t t ^ r g e and CoWtnodious

~WT^vir' OGCtiptekl by th:^ ftib|cri- X >N._ b|e|[ ai a Ta/vern -*-a! fo Tn ree A,.

Ac^esof IjLandi a<||oining the fame, yF ^ieibnvebuildfngafituateidon X

the; main |road thrdogh this town— Q * fa* r4d* inwty of the Cot ru ,$

l„trmfe.-' Therein not,., perhaps* a § More fct{||!ble ftamf either for a Ta. § #wror::%oret iff-rhfo ciotSTitry*

_ Terrripof faf«f mav be'ktiowtt^by at*f|>J'y-m-ar to the fubfcfibeii on the

....... pWiiifen.; ; JOHiN HOt lSKi W ;a . ''Cman4m^u^ Mank&&** «tl |

liiClvH 4p by ilie-jfabiciiber, in.tttfe 'tix»t*fi: ttf;,M*y ht4,a. Buck MARK,

• -«»ii4t BNee.rt !bafld« Hkh, a:natural' pacer p •hgx mir hint) toot w h j e ; ihu h « fart^lc gatf« Upflftf';ij|er .b-*«k,, and. 1* tweh** 0f

•. Ii?wn««w y t * ^ o i *|e». i'Tfre owmt tt de-•ii^t to*aU:# jfrove property, pay cwarg^rj *iidi»k«herpway* t' :• ' t, •, j > A V i p W A R M E R .

100i i , at 1 A"!

toaa BEN J. BARTON, Sheriff, wyg, i'804. J if 6w

5 VLYA tmt 6 f ? # / k ^^ ^ r £ i F " c i a s > if~ by it the motives! which bav* induced marched into Amfterdam fn ihe cpurfe f • f i J f ^ l ' l ^ P r & S K ^ ' 1 V « m n ^ ^ u » ^ rf tb^weelc preceding b ^ d e p a } ^ " and to me direded and delrvered, againft ;" 1t, . . r *%7 lS' I x '• ^ r t h^ P?TPfe ' ", ,w a s j * l d ' , ° f X ? ^

the gooBs and chattels, lands and tene- Intelligence is* reported tp' have *ng England/ The 0utch troop^ mentsbf ^AI^ES IJEWEY, I have feized been received b^ a foreign A wtjafTa- where they can do it," .heantlycmfe and taken all the goods atfd chattels,* dorf» that Bonaparte has beet* pro"- -their #rench ^ allies-, and the expedition? lands and tenementsidf(He faid James, in claimed. Emperor: of .Franfie in all the agfamtf this country. | r y t 7 ? « P ^ * V L A

exp°dc £l,c fLmu Ktectg and puDlic ftfuare^ of Paris.\ -~ ; tolare,atriitbhcVendue.onth<!twentieth *u' ** v l#«i' •*!_*« »* t \\* t t • -day of Auguft ne^t, a t t h e Store of The ^ . oT 4 D O i ^ i i « l l g . « w j f e . . L r v E « P o o W M a y i # | laid Jatnes, ib the town of Canandaigua. l s J *^ *fide, tbe Stenatus Cotifuituy The bwediib government has; orV

BEN. B'ARTOK, Sheriff, * °^ lbft Confervative Senate, and the detfed a number of gun rVoats' to be $ufy o, 1H04, ' ' ^ decree 6f tbe* tribunate, are'con^lt fitted out -, they are to-'repair, to StraU

^ - — « - M — ^^ '••••» '•• „ • — — ^ — ^ * ^redjuffilcierit. atithoritf to change fund as fobn a* poffibte. It ihoultf

BY jirtue of two write of Fieri fori**, the Erench* Republic into a irfoMf- ftttirfftdm this meafure; rfs if Sweden

' i%ed out of the court of Common cby> and thi ele&lve €hht Maglt ^ere aporehenfive of Ibme at,tack:

Piea^cjftheeonntyolOhtario,and tome t ^ ^ a € ^ m o h ^ t e i ^ i h e | ^ I r W l r f l , * rcditajyfoverc] go of an emj»irf / It

_ , „ , . „ . . _ , , . , ^„ , ,« „ ^ , . ,..« t i now reported at Paris tliat tKe Cor?* . , . . . . , , , . t

4U the goods and ch»ttles,Wd#*nd onatidn j * to' tafee pfailc ne^t A^tJgtllli Go»ree by the French, andf which Ue mm ol the faid Philip, in my batlt-. upoil' B^hlprte'f birth4ayi ani to fe eanffered: a*\exblblung ^favorable

wtefc, Which J malfexpofc to fair, at pub-, perform^ at Al* ItChapeMe, where 3pnm of the faecefi of thfc s>\ iatcr e« . ttitllt*£ o « ^ f e u » ^ ^ ^ " 0harlchiagnfc wai *ro%n«f fotitteeh i*€|!oi i , whieh ii to be iwde&te t a. gt<it next, at one 0 flioci. in the ait*ruoo«# ji«*»*-i^**v 1 * ^ A au* «^;.u^, tirk«» f«». »r ««?

; I B&NJ. bMiTQN Skeriff* -A general amncity it tc> b# |irt3N om^fl will they confider the r e - c#^ ' 3uKi2^,i*o± * %6w cHm^ for aU tmmn*!*, without ex- tureof Gorec?

— - - - - • -w -• — 4< — — * . " i -• - — — -

direclbed and delivered, againll the goods and tfhaWes, lands tnA tciicmcnti of PHl^. LIP BEVEREAIIX, I h«ve uien ««d

m trance. The farts Jourmdi ^ive a" ycry,

fluttering account of the capture of


» » i I . I | M - ' « I I -*«