tso: concept, principles & approach concept, principles & approach ... analysis (computer...

TSO: Concept, Principles & Approach 06/10/2016 Dr Simanga Alex Tsela Mzesi Energy 1 st Nuclear Regulatory Information Conference

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Page 1: TSO: Concept, Principles & Approach Concept, Principles & Approach ... analysis (computer ... Since TSOs are very different; the concept is still not

TSO: Concept, Principles & Approach


Dr Simanga Alex Tsela Mzesi Energy

1st Nuclear Regulatory

Information Conference

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• Introduction

• Concept & Principles

• Conclusions

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Premise 1

TSO approach adopted by NNR is new for

South Africa…

Developing Local TSO capacity while still working

with International TSO

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Premise 2

The architecture: concept, principles, &

approach for use of TSO is still not

consolidated globally…

It means different things, and its utilization varies

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Thought Question

Does TSO’s exist only to enhance regulatory

function or as an essential contributor to the

nuclear value chain…?

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Definition of TSO varies from country to country

IAEA: Technical and Scientific Support Organisation (TSO)-

① Provides technical and scientific support to regulatory authorities or the industry

② Also advise Governments

③ TSO could also refer to Design Authority for a Vendor

Services to Regulatory authority, Industry, and Government

( Our understanding of regulatory independence requires separation of services between Regulator & Industry)

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Success factors for expanded deployment of nuclear power

① Technological advancements in future nuclear reactors

② Public understanding and acceptance of nuclear power

③ Regulatory effectiveness and efficiency in particular the

licensing/authorisation processes

TSOs provides an invaluable bridge from current nuclear

status of a country to a sustainable future expanded

nuclear power

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WHY IS TSO NEEDED Scenario: Nuclear Program in South Africa






Much has changed in 40 years

- technology, people, standards,

- What future we want-40yrs from now

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Several instances arises requiring a TSO, inter alia,

① Regulatory R&D; Continuous professional development

② Specialized expertise at different times of regulatory value chain (new design, site selection, modifications, etc)

③ Response to legal changes that require new regulatory processes (criteria, requirements, guidance)

④ Independent verification, detailed/advanced technical analysis (computer simulations, modeling)

⑤ Augmenting for lack of specific resources

⑥ Platform for neutral technical dialogue between regulator, stakeholders including the media (public confidence building)

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Nature of Regulatory external support within a country

① Advisory bodies/committees- specific issues

② Dedicated organisations- regular services to Regulator

③ Laboratories, research centres, academic institutions, etc

Nature of Regulatory external support beyond borders

① International organisations (eg: IAEA, ICRP, etc)

② Regulatory bodies of other countries

③ Regulatory bodies of vendor countries

④ International TSO’s

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Since TSOs are very different; the concept is still not

consolidated globally, we need to develop the appropriate

doctrine for TSO’s for instance:

Is a TSO only a resource to Regulator or industry where

they lack resources

or is it a function on its own right within the nuclear value

chain to promote efficiency, effectiveness and public

confidence in nuclear safety & security?

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Several Models:

① Model 1: develop it to support where Regulators lack

resources (direct extension of the Regulator)

② Model 2: develop it as a significant player in nuclear

value chain for achieving a high level of nuclear safety,

security, public confidence, nationally (Independent, also

serves as platform for dialogue for various


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TSO in NNR Framework

The evolution of the use of TSO’s varies globally depending

on many factors:

① In most countries @ start of nuclear program, a short

term solution is to use international TSO’s

② For NNR the developmental use of local TSO is new, for

years the approach has been to rely on international

TSO’s (eg: TUV, etc)

③ The NNR model thus far: combination of both

Independent entities and direct extension of NNR

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• 100% wholly black owned, managed, and operated

• Holding company with two subsidiaries: Mzesi Energy & Mzesi Academy

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• Mzesi has a core team of permanent employees

• Mzesi’s partners with local and international organisations and individuals to supply specific resources as needed to complement the internal team on a retainer basis

• The partnership is also used to develop further local capacity and competence

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TSO Resources


• Mzesi has partnered with organisations such as:


Excel Services




Several individual consultants

• Therefore Mzesi has access to resources with a wide range of skills such as:

Nuclear safety and safety analyses

Radiation Protection


Reactor physics

Plant operations


Manufacturing inspections

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TSO Projects

• As the TSO Mzesi has been supporting the

NNR on various projects with specific


• Some project are completed, while a few

others are active

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TSO Projects

Establishment of the Radio-analytical laboratory

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TSO Projects

Steam Generator Replacement Manufacturing Oversight

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Mzesi Academy

• Mzesi believes that nuclear technology provides a strategic tool for South Africa, as a component of the energy mix.

• Mzesi has however identified a number of gaps pertaining to the industry: Mentorship for new entrants in the nuclear industry

Demystification of nuclear technology / Public awareness

Provision of specific training courses for professional enhancement programmes:

Nuclear security

Nuclear Safety

Nuclear technology for non-nuclear professionals

Laboratory analyses training

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Mzesi Academy

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① TSO’s are invaluable for nuclear safety, security, & public

confidence building

② The NNR has chosen a path that is not the easy route,

however it will ensure local sustainability in TSO capacity

and capability, and hence Regulatory effectiveness &


③ Nothing is without its own dynamics…

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TSO Projects

① Development of the review guide for the steam generator

replacement project

② Establishment of the radio-analytical laboratory

③ Steam Generator Replacement Manufacturing Oversight

④ And others