truweight book excerpt 1


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  • This book is sold subjected to the condition that it shall not, by

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    Truweight Food Plan is intended to supplement the advice of your

    personal physician, whom you should consult regarding

    individual medical conditions.

    Also, it is always advisable to consult a dietician for making any

    major modifications to your diet, as diets would vary from

    individual to individual, depending on your body type, medical

    conditions, age, gender, etc.

  • Dedicated to all those who believe:

    Food is the Best Medicine


    Section - I :



    7 root causes of weight gain

    Why Traditional Weight Loss

    Techniques do not work

    Meet the Dieters Next Door!!

    Learn the top 7 mistakes that are keeping you fat!

    Are health foods making you fitter or fatter?

    Section II:

    Truweight Food Plan

    4 Cycle Truweight Program

    Cycle 1: Anti Inflammatory Detox

    Cheat Days - Yipppeeee!

    Cycle 2: Fat Burning Cycle

    Phase 1:Nutritional Deficiency/Super Foods

    Phase 2: High Protein

    Phase 3: Immune Booster

    Phase 4: Forgotten Foods

    Phase 5: Metabolic Messengers

    Cycle 3: Metabolic Booster Cycle

    Cycle 4: Maintenance Cycle

    Superfoods you should eat to burn fat

    Weight Loss Starts in Mind, the Body Follows



















  • Section III:

    Know the macronutrients: The importance

    of protein, carb and fat in our diet

    Protein - A missing link in Indian Diet

    How to eat carb for Permanent Fat Loss

    Eat Fat to lose Fat

    Section IV:

    Knowledge is your armour!

    How to burn Fat from Belly, Butts and Thigh

    Your plate: your new eating guide

    Do you have a wheat/rice belly?

    Its all about timing - Eat Food at

    right time for maximum weight loss

    Add the following 5 foods to your diet today

    Most puzzling questions answered

    Section V:

    Quick useful tips!!

    Emotional eating & tips to control cravings

    How to read labels

    What to eat when you go out?

    Learnings from around the World














  • Section VI: Recipes

    Healthy food does not have to be bad in taste

    Main Course Recipes













  • FOREWORDWhen diet is wrong, medicine is of no use; when diet is correct,

    medicine is of no need. Ancient Ayurvedic proverb

    Today the number of people in the world who are overfed is

    greater than the number of people who are underfed. Closer home

    we are heading to a similar scenario. The unfortunate part is that

    despite excess intake of food, many of us are still undernourished,

    because we are eating the wrong foods and as a result we are not

    getting the required nutrition. Many nutrition experts have

    equated food with calories and hence the craze for low calorie

    food. Diet cola might have 0 calories, but it also has 0 nutrition.

    For us, food is much more than calorie, it is Gods greatest Gift.

    Eating excess food with less nutritional value has led to a plethora

    of other lifestyle diseases. More than 50% of our obese clients

    come to us with a known metabolic problem like thyroid or

    PCOD. Another 20-30% have underlying hormonal imbalances

    and deficiencies which they are not aware of. The trend differs

    with gender and age. Insulin imbalance, vitamin D deficiency and

    other nutritional deficiencies are the most common amongst our

    clients.These individuals are overfed but undernourished.

    Truweight was designed to address the current scenario of

    metabolic disturbances and over nutrition. This program provides

    a comprehensive solution to the weight problem with a belief in

    treating the system rather than the symptoms.

    The Truweight diet program has benefited thousands of our

    clients; it is based on scientific principles presented in the

    simplest and the most accessible way so that all our readers can


  • benefit from it. It does not matter if you are 16 or 60, these well

    researched dietary concepts can be followed by all.

    Truweight program consists of 4 cycles and 8 phases.

    Each phase has been planned after extensive research and

    experimentation. The knowledge of Ayurveda and the latest

    nutrition research are combined in these phases to derive

    maximum benefit.

    The program starts with an Anti-Inflammatory Detox cycle.

    Toxins from food, environment, our own metabolic by products

    get accumulated in the fat tissue. When you are on a weight loss

    program and you start losing fat, all these toxins flow into the

    bloodstream. This could have a negative impact on your health.

    Hence, a scientific detox program will not only help the body

    eliminate these toxins released from fat, but it also primes the

    body for further weight loss.

    In our Forgotten Foods phase we encourage our clients to

    prepare their meals with various millets. Modern diets consist of

    mostly wheat and white rice as our main course. But there are lot

    more grains which we have completely forgotten. For example

    ragi consists of carbohydrates that are digested slowly and has

    many phytonutrients that are beneficial for health. We

    recommend diversity in the diets.

    Excess weight is also burdensome to our immune system as the

    immune cells have to guard and defend more tissues. In our

    Immune Booster phase, we put together recipes with number of

    immune boosting nutrients. We have included herbs, fruits, nuts,

    greens which are all flavorful and rich in phytochemicals.

    Similarly, there are other phases where we focus on metabolic

    messengers, superfoods, nutritional deficiencies etc.


  • We demystify some of the common myths.

    Fat is the most misunderstood nutrient of the lot. When I speak to

    clients, they immediately tell me that they are very conscious of

    the amount and they purchase only refined oil which has the

    lowest cholesterol. Food marketers have made us believe that

    plant foods like oil have cholesterol. Truth is that oils have no

    cholesterol. So any company which claims cholesterol free oil

    is making a meaningless claim. Moreover, they have made us

    believe that refined oils are good, whereas the truth is just the

    opposite. Cold pressed oil is much superior to refined oil, as they

    retain their nutrients and flavour. We explain all this in detail in the

    book. We will also clear other myths like Banana should be

    avoided, All fats are bad, Eat less to lose weight, etc.

    Start a new relationship with food!

    I come across many clients who have a dysfunctional relationship

    with food, which is normally ignored when diets are planned.

    These people try to lose weight by avoiding food. But this never

    works. They have fixations about food and believe that certain

    food will make them fat.

    Food is our best friend! In fact, food is a blessing. And thats why I

    teach my daughters to pray and thank God before they eat. If we

    do that, we will realise the importance of food and we become

    conscious of eating anything unhealthy.

    If we need to have healthy weight loss, we need to have a healthy

    relationship with food!

    Suhasini Mudraganam

    Head Dietician at Truweight & Identity


  • Section I



  • INTRODUCTIONWeight Loss is the only game where you win when you lose!

    Have you ever wondered why losing weight is so difficult and

    puzzling? Have you ever got fed up with false claims made by

    weight loss companies? Have you ever felt why cant there be a

    simple and honest answer to all our weight loss woes?

    I did.

    Let me tell you my story.

    As a young teenager, I ate the most unhealthy food. I used to study

    in a hostel in Delhi and the food there was extremely bad. So, I

    would end up eating 2 minutes noodles (sorry, I cant take

    names here, but samajhdar ke liye ishara hi kaafi hai) just about

    every single day. Not once, but twice, and sometimes even thrice.

    Every night at 12, all my friends would gather in my room, and we

    would cook noodles. It was the common binding force that

    brought us together. It was the best of times. We have cooked

    noodles in every possible way. When we did not have heater, we

    used bulbs and even tried irons. And when nothing was available,

    we ate it raw. You can imagine our unflinching love for the


    But the love was not monogamous. I loved lot of other things

    equally e.g. cola. A bottle of water would cost Rs 10 and cola

    would cost Rs 8. Why waste money on water? It should be a free

    item. So, whenever I had to buy something to drink, I would buy a

    bottle of cola (and in the process save Rs 2). And I ended up

    drinking 2 bottles every day. I could never understand why would


  • anybody buy a bottle of water and not cola? I knew the reason,

    why I could not buy: I am a Marwadi :)

    When I joined a job after my graduation, it was a lottery. There

    was a cola vending machine at the office. And the canteen was

    filled with chips and biscuits of all kind. And it was all FREE. The

    company did not pay me too well, but I never complained.

    Because of the free foods, I was able to double my CTC (cost to


    But then slowly, all these foods started showing up.

    From a lanky 44 kgs teenager, I became 78 kgs.

    It took some 7-8 years, but 34kgs was quite a lot of weight gain for

    the same height.

    So, by the time, I finished my MBA and got into another job, I

    started understanding the importance of health. I was not used to

    being called Fat. I was always a lanky guy. So, I made some effort

    to change things. I did some quick reading on net and incorporated

    few changes in my lifestyle. I bought a stationary bicycle, so that I

    could exercise at home. For months, I cycled for 2 hours everyday.

    I stopped having regular colas, and shifted to diet colas. Also,

    instead of sugar, I would use artificial

    sweeteners. For breakfast, I would have corn-

    flakes. I also did a 7 day no food diet. I only

    drank water for those 7 days. It sounds crazy,

    doesnt it? Believe me it really was! I

    also bought a slimming belt and I would wear

    the belt and watch TV eating popcorns,

    thinking that the belt would melt away fat


  • from popcorns. I did morning walk every day for 30 minutes. But

    on morning walker!! If you do not know about this miracle device,

    you should google about it (you can do morning walk lying down

    on your bed; too good to be true, I bet.)

    And I was extremely proud of myself for being a health-conscious


    My weighing scale did move. It would come down by a couple of

    kgs and boy, how nice did it feel.

    In the meantime, I had quit my job to start a fitness centre called

    Identity. And it was obviously important for me to be fit. So, my

    love for all these so called health foods only grew.

    But all was not well. My knee had started to pain way back in 2008

    and there was some constant pain, though it was not much. My

    energy levels were too low. I had to push myself to do any job. I

    did a health check-up and was surprised to see that my cholesterol

    levels were high. And there were other issues also e.g. Vitamin D

    levels were extremely low and even Vitamin B levels were very

    low. And my weight had bounced back to 78!!! My body age

    showed 40 years, though I was only 28!!

    It was embarrassing.

    I was running a fitness centre and my job was to preach people on

    fitness. And here I was, struggling with my fitness. And then I

    realized that there was something about fitness that I did not

    know. Something which most of us did not know. And I had to find

    the answer.


  • So, my research started. One thing that I can feel proud about

    myself is that for anything and everything, I can do analysis till the

    point of paralysis. I read numerous articles, blogs and ordered

    every possible book on diet for the next 1 year. I have read over 50

    books since then!!!!

    And what I found was shocking, to say the least!. It seemed most

    of what I knew about nutrition and exercise was wrong. I figured

    out that eating less to lose weight is the worst thing to do. Also,

    regular cola is better than diet colas. The so called low-fat

    products were making me fat. And infact most of the popular

    information on the weight loss was misleading. It was popular,

    because some weight loss company or food company was

    benefitting from it.

    Truweight was born because of this experience. We wanted to

    create a company whom you can trust completely for your

    weight loss and health.

    A company which tells you nothing but the truth. A company

    which does not sell you some expensive gadget or pills to make

    some quick money. We took a conscious decision that we would

    never use anything artificial. All our products have to be 100%


    I dont take credit for creation of Truweight. It is a complete team

    effort. We have a team of 10 highly talented dieticians, led by our

    head dietician Suhasini. She is gem of a person, without whom all

    these would not have been possible. I met over 200 dieticians

    while I was trying to find a good dietician. And all I can say is she

    is Better than the Best. And her qualifications says it all. She has

    done her MS in Food & Nutrition from University of Missouri,


  • USA and has over 12 years of global experience. You can safely

    rely on her expert hands for your weight loss dream.

    Also, Truweight would not have been possible without Megha,

    co-founder at both Identity and Truweight. She has played an

    equally important role in every major decision that has shaped the

    company from diet plans to logo to name to super foods. We have

    spent hundreds of hours discussing every small detail.

    This book is not written by one person. It is again a team effort. It

    is a compilation of experiences of all our dieticians over the years.

    When we say I in the book, it could refer to any of the dieticians

    in the company.

    We have tried to keep the book very simple, so that everybody can

    read it and understand it. We have also tried to make it interesting

    by sharing some of our live experiences over the years. Instead of

    just sharing gyaan, we have kept it conversational, as it makes it so

    much more fun to read. You will not become a professor after

    reading the book, but you will definitely become a lot more

    educated about the subject. You will learn enough to make a

    substantial change in your life and also the lives of your near and

    dear ones.

    It is not a book which will preach you to lead a saintly life.

    We live in kalyug and we have a social life. It is not humanly

    possible not to eat unhealthy stuff. Life would be too boring if we

    could not drink cola any more, or eat that noodles ever. This book

    and Truweight is about having a balance in life. Everything is

    allowed, as long as one learns to have the correct balance in life.


  • So, go ahead and enjoy the journey.

    P.S. By following the program, I was able to lose 5.5 kgs in 47

    days. Also, my knee pain is gone, my cholesterol levels are normal

    again. And I feel more energetic than ever. And all these, I was

    able to achieve without sacrificing my late night parties on

    Saturdays :)

    Vishnu Saraf

    Co-founder & Director


  • Inspiring Success Story

    Due to her sedentary lifestyle Dr. Archana ended up

    with borderline diabetes. When she joined us, her

    HbA1C levels were 6.1, which comes under diabetic


    Dr. Archana Chaudhary

    prevented diabetes!

    Age : 32 years

    Profession: Dentist

    Problem before joining Truweight: Obese and Diabetic

    What she gained: Her blood sugars came down to

    normal levels & she lost 8 kgs in 2.5 months!

    She had earlier tried other diet programs like Atkins, GM diet and in her

    words none of them worked as they were very complicated and

    boring. She was also skipping her breakfast and had never eaten

    millets like ragi and other high fiber foods which were beneficial to

    control blood sugars.

    We started her on our customized diabetic diet plan. We ensured her

    eating habits were corrected, and that she started enjoying healthier

    foods. She started having breakfast every day and infact ate 5-6 small

    meals throughout the day to maintain optimal blood sugars and to

    avoid insulin spikes.

    We also added superfoods like wheatgrass, trifala to her diet, which

    helped not only in detoxifying but also in increasing her energy levels.

    We introduced foods that help stabilize blood sugars like methi. Within a

    couple of months, her HbA1C levels came under non diabetic range i.e

    5.6. Also she lost significant weight in less than 3 months!

    Truweight is a revolutionary program which provided a 360 degree

    transformation to my life. The program has actually transformed me

    physically as well as mentally towards leading a healthy life. I am

    very happy and I consider myself lucky to join Truweight as I have

    been protected from taking diabetic medications all my life.


  • 7 ROOT CAUSES OF WEIGHT GAINWeight loss is a sum of all of your habits - not individual ones.

    Helen M. Ryan, 21 Days to Change Your Body

    I do everything right, but why am I still not losing weight?,

    asked Meera in despair. She looked totally lost and hassled as she

    walked in. She wasnt the first person to break down like that and

    she wont be the last. I prepared myself to give her my did you

    know, even something as trivial as sleep affects weight gain?

    speech. But before that, I must understand her condition first, so I

    started discussing with her about her life.

    There was anger in her voice, when she said, Please dont waste

    my time giving me gyaan on what to eat and how to exercise, I

    have met enough dieticians already and I bet my years of

    experience in trying to lose weight outnumbers yours in giving

    advice regarding it. Fair point, I thought!

    Nonetheless, I got her talking about her life and very soon I

    realized that she was making the same mistakes that almost

    everyone else does. Trying to attack the symptom without

    attacking the root cause. I asked her a simple question, Meera, if

    you have a headache caused due to acidity, would you try to cure

    the headache or the acidity? This got her interested and she

    exclaimed, So are you saying my effort is not in the right


    Yes, Bingo! Most of us dont understand that what we perceive to

    be the problem is actually only the symptom of a bigger problem.

    Obesity is a symptom, and most weight loss programs try to cure

    just the symptom with short term solutions and hence the results


  • are also short term. This brings to mind a quote from the character

    Rancho from the film, 3 Idiots: Don't run after success. Run after

    excellence. If you run after excellence, success will run after

    you. This thought can be modified to state: Dont run after

    weight loss. Run after good health. If you run after good health,

    weight loss will run after you.

    Meera was totally tuned in by now and said Oh, so thats why the

    weight comes back after the program is over, along with a host of

    other problems like lethargy, hair fall, dry skin, weakness and so

    on. Please tell me more.

    Ill tell you about the 7 important root causes leading to weight

    gain. Youll be surprised to learn some of them, but bear with me

    and by the end of it youll understand the importance of each one

    of them. If you promise to heed my advice for 4 weeks, I promise

    you weight loss and a more relaxed mind and body.

    Now, coming to obesity, youll be surprised to know that there are

    seven basic causes of it, each one as important as the other.

    Hormones do matter

    Meera, do you have any idea how important hormones are to our

    survival and well being? Oh yes! she said, Ask my husband

    and hell tell you all about my hormones!

    This is where most of us are wrong again. Hormones have a much

    bigger role to play. Hormones play an essential role in every part

    of our lives including body metabolism, weight gain, energy

    levels, emotions and moods. Several hormonal disorders can lead

    to diseases such as diabetes, thyroid, obesity, PCOS, high


  • Have you heard of invisible Inflammation?

    I always thought inflammation meant a cut or a swollen tissue

    which is painful. It is the bodys response to removing damaged

    cells or irritants before the healing process can begin. What is

    invisible inflammation?, asked Meera.

    It is called internal inflammation, and is the second big cause for

    obesity. It is neither painful nor visible, but its extremely deadly.

    It is a fire that is kept hidden by the bodys immune system as it

    Truweight is one of the few programs in India which

    looks at diet from hormone perspective. Everybody

    else is still busy counting calories.

    How Truweight helps !

    cholesterol, facial hair growth, irregular menstrual cycle and


    For example, deficiency of Vitamin D and calcium leads to

    deficiency of estrogen (sex hormone) among females, causing

    bone problems.

    Hormonal imbalance sets in when you eat unhealthy food,

    maintain long gaps between two meals, indulge in binge eating,

    take a lot of sedatives and do not drink enough water or eat enough

    of nutrient rich wholesome food. Though hormones are so

    important to us, its sad that we always tend to overlook them

    when considering weight loss. But the good news is that they can

    be controlled and made to work to your best interest. With a little

    conscious effort, your hormones can be brought in order

    and you can lose weight naturally!


  • combats food allergens, toxins, stress and bad food, I explained

    to her.

    Even though this inflammation is harmful, we sadly dont have

    any antiseptic that can cure it. Internal inflammation occurs due

    to refined carbs, sugar, trans fats and many inflammatory Omega-

    6 fats, artificial sweeteners, gluten, dairy, processed plant oils,

    chronic infection, stress, hidden food allergies and sensitivities,

    etc. It can cause diseases ranging from common cold to obesity to

    even cancer!

    Each individual is different and different factors would lead to

    inflammation. You must first locate all the symptoms of

    inflammation that you experience and then get rid of them. In fact,

    if you try Truweight Program, you will realize that it is

    thoughtfully created to help you realize what causes you to suffer

    from inflammation so that you can address the problem.

    Nutritional Imbalance - I bet you knew this one!

    Yes, I know about it. Weight loss is all about calories. Food

    means calories and calories means weight gain. So, we should eat

    less food, explained Meera proudly to me.

    I laughed. This is the most common mistake everybody makes.

    Food is not our enemy, but our best friend. It is not just about

    calories, but about nutrients. We narrow our vision to just think of

    how best to reduce our calories. Instead of this, we should ask

    ourselves how best to increase the nutrients in our food. You must

    realize that food is indeed the best medicine in the world that can

    cure you of any disease you suffer from.


  • Looking at food only from calories perspective is a crime. A

    medium size apple has more calories than 200 ml of cola. Does it

    make cola superior to apple? What about nutrients?

    The difference between brown rice and white rice is not much in

    terms of calories. But the difference is huge when it comes to

    nutrients. So, brown rice is any day a better food than white rice.

    Lack of healthy foods can lead to several nutritional deficiency

    like Omega 3 fatty acid deficiency, magnesium deficiency and

    Vitamin B complex deficiency. And such deficiencies not just

    affect your health but also your weight. Ill talk about all the right

    kind of foods in detail as part of the Truweight food plan, and this

    will be my biggest gift to you!

    Lack of sleep can also lead to weight gain!

    But why is it so? I dont burn any calories during sleep. I prefer to

    stay awake and be active so that I can burn calories, Meera was a

    little surprised.

    The problem remains the same: our love with calories. If you do

    not sleep enough, it affects your hormones. When youre sleep

    deprived, theres very little leptin and high ghrelin in your system,

    causing the body to think that it is hungry and needs more food.

    So, this leads to overeating and in turn leads to weight gain.

    Sleep deprivation also wears down ones immunity to insulin,

    thus causing weight gain. A lowered resistance to insulin can also

    cause Type 2 diabetes. So, get into bed and lead a healthy life by

    just sleeping well.


  • Interesting Tit-bits

    A study conducted found that those who

    slept for six hours every night were 27% more

    overweight than those who slept for about

    eight hours on an average. On the other

    hand, those who slept for five hours a night

    were 73% likelier to be obese than their

    counterparts who slept longer.

    Along with proper sleep, it is also important to lead a healthy

    lifestyle. Life has become so convenient and comfortable for us

    that we hardly move our body. In apartment complexes, elevators

    are comfortably positioned for us to get into them whenever we

    need to get in or out. Reaching even the closest destination by car

    is the order of the day. But this has to change if you want to shed

    those extra kilos and look slimmer. Even if you cannot exercise,

    you need to make small lifestyle changes to ensure that your body

    gets enough physical activity.

    Have you heard of Bacteria Army?

    Eeeeeeee. I find it so creepy, thats why I make sure I eat only

    healthy and fresh food. There cant be bacteria inside my body,

    said Meera with a frown on her face.

    All of us know what are antibiotics, but how many of us know

    about their counterpart called probiotics? These are micro-


  • Idlis have three different

    varieties of good bacteria.

    organisms like yeast or good bacteria that are known to enhance

    ones health. They are usually found in supplements and foods

    like yogurt and buttermilk. It may seem strange to take in live

    bacteria as part of your food, but it is a normal practice and is very

    good for you.

    The ratio of good bacteria to bad bacteria in your stomach is

    usually 85 : 15. When you maintain this ratio, youre in good

    health and can lose weight easily. Probiotics help in keeping the

    lining of intestines healthy and thus help with breaking down and

    absorption of food. Probiotics are found in curd and buttermilk,

    though not in great numbers. However, since many of us dont get

    enough probiotics in our daily diet, the proportion of good

    bacteria goes down and we often suffer from digestive disorders

    and lower immunity.

    When you begin a weight loss program, it is very essential that

    you have a probiotic drink or take a probiotic tablet every day for

    the first month, as it will perform the duty of cleansing your

    system. Unless you have a clean system, you cannot expect to lose


    Interesting Tit-bits

    The human stomach contains trillions of good

    bacteria. Isnt it amazing? This number is a

    minimum of 10 times more than the total

    number of cells in the body.


  • Wow, I always thought that I knew a lot about weight loss. All

    this is news to me. I am elated to know that a bacteria army resides

    in my body which can help burn fat and also keep me healthy. I am

    feeling good. Tell me more, said an elated Meera.

    Tanya lost weight by cheating!!!

    Let me tell you a story of one of our clients who lost weight by


    She had been at it for years. She was a perfect little dieter. Counted

    everything. Never missed a workout and did everything right

    according to the laws of dieting. She ate less. She exercised more.

    The only problem was, she was not getting results. In fact, she

    had slowly been gaining weight over the last few years.

    By the time she came to see me, she was fed up. Exhausted and

    disillusioned. We started working together and I would like to tell

    you I got her immediate results. But I didn't. In fact, she was still

    gaining. Over the next 2 months we tried everything, but when it

    was all said and done, she was exactly where she was when she

    first came to see me.

    Then something amazing happened. She came in for her bi-

    monthly visit, stepped on the scale and had lost 2.5 kgs. And

    almost all of it was FAT!!

    She looked at me in shock and said, "That's impossible! I


    She had just returned home from a two week vacation in Thailand.

    She did not exercise, other than walking everywhere she went.


  • She ate more carbs than she had in years. She lounged in the sun,

    caught up on sleep and even took naps. I was baffled.

    Then it hit me. It was STRESS. That is what had been causing

    the issues all these years. I didn't see it at first. At that time, I was

    hyper focused on how many carbs she was eating. Or whether she

    was getting the right fats. Or if she was doing enough high

    intensity exercise. But for her, it was none of those things.

    Shockingly, some of those things were actually making her

    situation worse.

    11 kgs lost in 4 months!

    After that visit I put her on what I call an "eat more, exercise less"

    plan. You know, like the way our grandparents used to live. I told

    her to do 30 minutes of circuit training, 3 times a week. I

    recommended that she prioritize sleep, get regular massages and

    take hot baths whenever she could. My goal was to retrain her

    nervous system to be more relaxed and balanced.

    Guess what happened? She went on to lose close to 11 kgs over

    the next 4 months. At that time it was a shock to me, but since then

    I have seen this same thing play out in dozens of women.

    Researchers have always suspected a link between stress and

    obesity and now they think it is due to the bio-chemical reactions

    inside the body. Different hormones are released under stressful

    situations that lead to weight gain. We also tend to eat more of

    comfort foods rich in sugars or fat while under stress.

    At times of stress, we tend to eat high carb foods as they help in

    treating the stress we experience. When you eat carbs, it increases


  • your bodys serotonin level, which is the brain chemical that helps

    you feel better. It has been found that the body also releases a

    hormone called cortisol when it is under stress. This hormone not

    only leads to storage of fat in the body, but also increases food

    cravings and encourages hunger pangs for fatty or sugary foods.

    Body toxins can also lead to weight gain

    Let me come to the last cause of weight gain i.e. toxicity.

    According to a research, several contributory factors lead to the

    accumulation of body fat. They can be traced to environmental

    toxins or artificial preservatives found in foods. Researchers have

    found a direct link between these toxins and obesity.

    I understand there is pollution in the air. But apart from that, how

    can toxins enter my body?, asked a puzzled Meera.

    Its very easy for toxins to enter your body from processed food

    or in the form of food pesticides or through plastic containers. Yes,

    you heard it right, even plastic containers can be toxic. And the

    food now-a-days is not same as what our grandparents ate. It is

    My husband and my kid made me fat!

    I agree we are wrong. There are more than 7 reasons for

    weight gain; two major ones being marriage and

    pregnancy. Pregnancy is obvious but even marriage

    causes weight gain. In the first couple of years, couples

    want to show love to their partners (ok, few want to show

    love even after couple of years) and how do you show

    love: by cooking tasty food and by going out to eat!


  • full of pesticides and other chemicals. There are toxins


    I get it that toxins can be bad for health, but how can toxins lead

    to weight gain?, asked Meera. I was glad that she was listening so

    attentively to everything.

    When we are exposed to toxins in such large quantities that our

    bodies cannot handle, our self-protection mechanism towards

    such contamination forces us to take them over and save them in

    small fat pockets.

    Besides, toxins change the bodys hormonal levels. For this

    reason, physicians see the good effects of detoxification as the

    main factor that leads to substantial, effective and sustainable

    weight loss. Therefore, detoxification should be seen as the first

    step in a weight loss program.

    Does it make any sense, Meera?, I asked her.

    It does make so much sense. I feel stupid looking at weight loss

    only from calorie perspective all these years. I will start my

    weight loss journey again with a fresh approach, promised an

    elated Meera.

    Now that you have realised that weight gain is because

    of 7 factors, please dont fall for Eat less to lose

    weight. Unless you attack all 7 causes, you will not

    find a permanent solution to your weight problem.

    How Truweight helps !


  • Truweight has given me a new hope

    Inspiring Success Story


    overcame PCOD

    Age: 27 years

    Profession: Marketing

    Problem before joining Truweight: PCOD, stress,

    multiple weight loss attempts failed miserably

    What she gained: She lost 6.3 kgs and stopped taking PCOD (Polycystic

    ovarian disease) medicines as her condition improved drastically.

    When Chandni came to us, she was feeling highly stressed. She was not

    feeling fit and was usually lethargic. She was highly prone to injuries and

    had constant cravings and no control on her appetite. Her major

    problem was irregular periods due to PCOD, which is a nutritional and

    metabolic problem affecting hormones.

    She was skeptical about the program initially because her previous

    weight management programs had failed miserably.

    Chandini was put under our customized PCOD diet program. We

    introduced her to gluten free foods, focused on good fats, included

    foods high in selenium, chromium, B vitamins etc. Meals were planned

    to lower insulin spikes, and to take care of her cravings. She followed the

    program with lots of dedication and sincerity and she started seeing

    good results. After a month we asked her to stop medications with her

    physicians permission. She was on insulin sensitizers to control

    hyperinsulinemia which is characteristic of PCOD. To her and her

    doctors surprise her period regularized and insulin levels also came

    back to normal even without the medications.

    Her devotion was awe-inspiring. She says that she always felt motivated

    to lose weight and normalize her condition at Identity (Identity Fintess

    Club offers Truweight program).

    She says that she feels fit, healthy and confident now. Her stamina has

    also increased. She has found a new identity at Identity.


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