true love 29

print or standard for building a unifi all people live and work together in h

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Page 1: True love 29

The blueprint or standard for building a unified world where all people live and work together in harmony

is surely

True Love

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True Love is our hope, our only hope,

in order to realize

a loving

and caring world

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Once we realize the immense preciousness of True Love all our senses will awaken to eagerly search for this greatest value

and once we

found it

we will never let go of

this priceless treasure

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True Love can fully awaken all five senses of the body

which want to perceive it all without losing any part of it

because we are destined to live in the embrace of this indescribably great present

from our Loving Creator

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When ourHeavenly

Parent looks at

humankind, He/She surely

does so through the eyes

of True Love.

Therefore the highest teaching

about our Creator

puts True Love

at the very centre

of any form of


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The purpose of creation is the consummation of True Love.

That is the essence of the existence of all beings

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As we go through life, every person has to lay

his or her own True Love


in order to be able to enjoy the fruits of loving relationships

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As God’s sons and daughters

we naturally want to do anything for the sake of True Love,

even suffer joyfully in order to secure

and preserve this most

precious value

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Once it is established, nothing can conquer

True Love, not even death;

everything is under its dominion

fully obedient

to the

Principle of True Love

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What exactly is True Love? When we call anything true, we mean it is consistent;

we mean it has been the same from

beginning to end. People seek that

genuine quality in everything.

We look for what is true

within ourselves

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Everyone must

follow the path leading

to True Love if they expect to find it

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True Love does not flow randomly; it is not sporadic, influenced by the

ups and downs of emotion. True Love

follows a definite pattern.

Three principles guide True Love: purpose, direction and order

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True Love has an unchanging direction and operates to produce specific


such as


happiness, and


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To say that True Love has a certain purpose, direction, and order has several implications. Our purpose in life becomes the quest

for True Love, but no individual

can achieve it alone; each person needs

a companion in order to fulfill Love's purpose

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Furthermore, whoever wants to be a part of True Love needs to be heading

in the same direction as True Love

and live by its standard without making any false compromises

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If someone just wants

to be left alone and not

bothered by others,

he can never attain True Love

even if he seeks it

because he is going

against the order, purpose

and direction

of Love

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Self-centred individualistic thoughts and actions

will prevent a person

from finding True Love

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Every being must head

in the

direction of

True Love in order

to fulfill its purpose

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While we are dwelling

on earth we need

True Love, and after we

go to the spirit world

we will need it there as well.

Do only human beings seek True Love?

Animals, vegetables

and minerals all seek True Love;

they all seek the person who has

True Love and welcome

the personification

of True Love

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All things, the - animal, vegetable ormineral - would like to live harmoniously

with the person who has True Love.

They want to cling to and follow whoever embodies True Love

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Considering all this, what is the greatest treasure here

on earth and in the cosmic universe?

Your first answer might be True Love, but it is also the man and woman

who embody True Love. They are the most precious beings

in the entire cosmic universe