truck routing and environmental justice

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Truck Routing and Environmental Justice. Talking Freight: Freight and Livability June 15, 1022 Michael Kray, Atlanta Regional Commission. Agenda. Base Transportation Network Land Use Environmental Justice Groups Methodology. Roadway Network Analyzed. N. Land Use by Color. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


PowerPoint Presentation

Talking Freight: Freight and LivabilityJune 15, 1022Michael Kray, Atlanta Regional CommissionTruck Routing and Environmental JusticeAgendaBase Transportation NetworkLand UseEnvironmental Justice GroupsMethodology

Roadway Network Analyzed

NLand Use by Color

Regional Land Use

Industrial Uses

Land UseFreight IntensiveCommercialYesIndustrialYesTransportation, Communications, Utilities (TCU)YesIndustrial, Commercial ComplexesYesUrban otherNoAgricultureYesForest MixedYesRiversNoReservoirsNoWetlandsNoExposed RockNoQuarries/Pits/MinesYesTransitionalYesResidential Low DensityNoResidential Medium DensityNoResidential High DensityNoResidential Multi-familyNoInstitutional IntensiveYesLimited Access HighwaysNoGolf CoursesNoCemeteriesNoParksNoLand Use and FreightAll Freight Intensive Uses

Environmental JusticeCensus Block GroupsPovertyMore than 9.1% of block group in povertyRaceMore than 30.4% African AmericanMore than 3.6% AsianMore than 7% HispanicAgeMore than 9.6% over 65 living in povertyMore than 18.1% under 11 living in poverty

Percentage of Block Groups with EJ presence within mile of RPFHN

MethodologyHalf mile buffer around RPFHNAnalyzed Land Use and Demographic Data

Balanced EJImbalanced EJBalanced Non-EJImbalanced Non-EJFreight IntensityEJPresenceMethodologyHalf mile buffer around RPFHNAnalyzed Land Use and Demographic Data

Balanced EJImbalanced EJBalanced Non-EJImbalanced Non-EJFreight IntensityEJPresenceIn an ideal world all the truck routes would fall in this category.12MethodologyHalf mile buffer around RPFHNAnalyzed Land Use and Demographic Data

Balanced EJImbalanced EJBalanced Non-EJImbalanced Non-EJFreight IntensityEJPresenceUnless other compelling reasons exist, routes through areas under the balanced categories would be the easiest to remove from the network.13MethodologyHalf mile buffer around RPFHNAnalyzed Land Use and Demographic Data

Balanced EJImbalanced EJBalanced Non-EJImbalanced Non-EJFreight IntensityEJPresenceThis is the category with the most EJ conflicts and presents the most challenges.

14Block Group EJ Characteristics

Barrow County ExampleState andCountyFIPSCensusTractCensus BlockGroupCensusBlockGroupFIPSTotalPopulationEnvironmental Justice (EJ)Communities< Against ARC Criteria >EJRank/Order(map label)Health Impact VulnerableCommunities< Against Regional Mean >AfricanAmerican> 30.4%Asian> 3.6%HispanicOrigin> 7.0 %IncomeBelowPoverty> 9.1%Children( 11 and under )in Poverty> 18.1%Elderly( 65 and over )in Poverty> 9.6%Barrow County13013180101113013180101179012. in BarrowNorthern/WesternCentralSouthern/EasternGA-8Imbalanced EJImbalanced EJImbalanced EJGA-11Imbalanced EJImbalanced EJImbalanced EJGA-53Imbalanced EJImbalanced EJImbalanced EJGA-211Imbalanced EJImbalanced EJImbalanced EJSpatial Representation

Elementary Schools in MPO Boundary(519 Total)

Elementary Schools within mile of freight intensive land use (306 of 519 or 59%)

Elementary Schools Within Mile of Final Truck Network (176 of 519or 34%)

Final ASTRoMaP Network