troll = threats and violence as a working environment issue

TROLL = Threats and violence as a working environment issue

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TROLL = Threats and violence as a working environment issue. Mayor. Municipal executive. Work Environment Committee. Administration chief. Senior safety representative. Senior Union representative. Department of working environment. Head manager. Manager. Team leader. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: TROLL =  Threats  and  violence as a working environment issue

TROLL = Threats and violenceas a working environment issue

Page 2: TROLL =  Threats  and  violence as a working environment issue

Team leader


safety representatives



3 party cooperation

Municipal executive


Senior safety representative

Senior Union representativeHead


Administration chief

Work Environment Committee

Department of working environment

Page 3: TROLL =  Threats  and  violence as a working environment issue

The purpose of the Act

a) to secure a working environment that provides a basis for a healthy and meaningful working situation, that affords full safety from harmful physical and mental influences and that has a standard of welfare at all times consistent with the level of technological and social development of society,

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The purpose of the Act

b) to ensure sound conditions of employment and equality of treatment at work,

c) to facilitate adaptations of the individual employee’s working situation in relation to his or her capabilities and circumstances of life,

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The purpose of the Act

d) to provide a basis whereby the employer and the employees of undertakings may themselves safeguard and develop their working environment in cooperation with the employers’ and employees’ organisations and with the requisite guidance and supervision of the public authorities,

e) to foster inclusive working conditions.

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Duties of safety representatives

(1) The safety representative shall safeguard the interests of employees in matters relating to the working environment. The safety representative shall ensure that the undertaking is arranged and maintained, and that the work is performed in such a manner that the safety, health and welfare of the employees are safeguarded in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

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Safety representativ vs. trade union

Safety representativ

Trade union

Responsibility area: All employees Their own trade union members

Election: All employees (not the manager)

Their own trade union members

Rights are described in:

Working Environment Act

Basic agreement

Supervisory tasks: Health, safety and environment

Labor law matters (eg employment contract and negotiations)

Complicity:be consulted in the work environment issiues

be consulted in the work environment issiues+ negotiations

Right to halt work By dangerous work Non

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HistoryMainly the care units saw the

problemIn Fredrikstad municipality they

are filling out deviation formsWe have around 15 000

deviations a yearUnderreportingMost of them from the care units

but also schools and social services

3 party cooperation at every individual workplace

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Deviation formNr. Dato K

ode bruker











Verbal utagering

Truende situasjoner

Navn ansatt Fødselsnr.(11 siffer)

(Hendelsesforløpet skrives på neste ark, bruk skade nr.)

Page 10: TROLL =  Threats  and  violence as a working environment issue

HistoryThe Care units required

courses in acting out/aggressive behavior.

a group was put together to create a series of courses

To make a plan what one should do with the challenge

Important for us to distinguish between professional handling and physical handling

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Objectives of the coursemove decisions from

individual to system levelIt should not be up to the

individual employee to decide when a situation becomes too uncomfortable/dangerous

Employees must be able to physically free themselves in an attack situation.

Know how to prevent battles

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Setting boundariesIndividual level

System level

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Objektives of the coursehow can my body

language have a dampening effect

An example here is that love and affection is often expressed with the same body language as aggressive behavior.

Know how to take care of each other after an incident

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Aftercare of the employeesHow to take care of

employees who has been exposed to aggressive behavior?

We created a procedure for managers.

We created guidelines for debriefing conversations

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Systematics3 days courses for

educating experts/supervisor at their own individual workplace.

that teaching their own individual workplace practical and theoretical.

adjusted to the challenges that the individual workplace has

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The course3 days½ day theory1 ½ day practical trainingLast day with the leaderGoing through the

procedures.manager and

expert/supervisor create lessons for their own individual workplace

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question 3 parties cooperate must ask them selvesWhat kind of

challenges do we have in our workplace?

What kind of skills do we need to deal with those?

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Procedures The procedures are adopted in

”AMU” (cooperation agency for politicians, management, union- and safety representatives)

Training in the handling of TROLL What to do in a threatening

situation. How to follow up employees who

have been exposed to aggressive behavior.

Necessary steps after a traumatic incident

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Attachments to the procedures

Information meetingDebriefingDefusingWritten information to

employees and their families about normal reactions.

Report to the PoliceGuidelines for debriefing


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4 phases



Damage averting


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PositioningProximity/distance: body language of caring and love is

almost the same as the attack / anger / intimidation. Positioning as proximity, eye contact, frontal, touch, etc.

Fast / slow movements: fast and large movements can signal aggressive intentions