trivia questions -

Savannah River Trivia / Page 1 of 18 TRIVIA QUESTIONS Submitted by: ANS Savannah River - A. Bryson, D. Hanson, B. Lenz, M. Mewborn 1. What was the code name used for the first U.S. test of a dry fuel hydrogen bomb? Castle Bravo 2. What was the name of world’s first artificial nuclear reactor to achieve criticality? Chicago Pile-1 (CP-1), I also seem to recall seeing/hearing them referred to as “number one,” “number two,” etc. 3. How much time elapsed between the first known sustained nuclear chain reaction at the University of Chicago and the _____ Option 1: {first use of this new technology as a weapon} or Option 2: {dropping of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima} A3) First chain reaction = December 2 nd 1942, First bomb-drop = August 6 th 1945 4. Some sort of question drawing info from the below tables. For example, “what were the names of the other aircraft that accompanied the Enola Gay (one point for each correct aircraft name)?” Another example, “What was the common word in the call sign of the pilots who flew the Japanese bombing missions?” A4) Screenshots of tables from the Wikipedia page “Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki”

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Savannah River Trivia / Page 1 of 18

TRIVIA QUESTIONS Submitted by: ANS Savannah River - A. Bryson, D. Hanson, B. Lenz, M. Mewborn 1. What was the code name used for the first U.S. test of a dry fuel hydrogen

bomb? Castle Bravo

2. What was the name of world’s first artificial nuclear reactor to achieve criticality? Chicago Pile-1 (CP-1), I also seem to recall seeing/hearing them referred to as “number one,” “number two,” etc.

3. How much time elapsed between the first known sustained nuclear chain reaction at the University of Chicago and the _____ Option 1: {first use of this new technology as a weapon} or Option 2: {dropping of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima} A3) First chain reaction = December 2nd 1942, First bomb-drop = August 6th 1945

4. Some sort of question drawing info from the below tables. For example, “what were the names of the other aircraft that accompanied the Enola Gay (one point for each correct aircraft name)?” Another example, “What was the common word in the call sign of the pilots who flew the Japanese bombing missions?”

A4) Screenshots of tables from the Wikipedia page “Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki”

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5. True or False: Richard Feynman’s name is on the patent for a nuclear powered

airplane? (True)

6. What is the Insectary of Bobo-Dioulasso doing to reduce the spread of sleeping sickness and wasting diseases that affect cattle using a nuclear technique? (Sterilizing tsetse flies;

7. What was the name of the organization that studied that radiological effects on people after the atomic bombings? Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission

8. Who are the two financial supporters or the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF)? United States and Japan

9. What is the name of the United Arab Emirates first nuclear power project? Barakah Nuclear Energy plant (

10. What power plant just started producing power? Watts Bar unit

2 11. What temperature of fusion is required for commercial fusion? 50 million C 12. Q: The recently shut down nation’s smallest nuclear plant is adjacent to this river.

a. A: Fort Calhoun Nuclear Generating Station, Missouri River

13. Q:This home of a national laboratory, bearing the same name as the county wherein it resides, may also be known as The Cottonwoods or The Poplars

a. A: Los Alamos

14. Q: In the nuclear world, what does the acronym NORM stand for? a. A: Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material

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15. Q: This physicist has many honors (some posthumous) including being interred near Sir Isaac Newton at Westminster Abbey, having a chemical named after him/her, receiving a nobel prize in chemistry, and being knighted.

a. A: Ernest Rutherford. This is his arms for the presentation if you want it.


16. Plutonium's density always decreases with increasing temperature: true or false? a. Answer: False. There is a range between around 575K and 725K where the

density increases with increasing temperature

17. What caused Buck Rogers to go into "a state of suspended animation, free from the ravages of catabolic processes, and without any apparent effect on physical or mental faculties"?

a. Answer: Radioactive gas. In Rogers's back story, in 1927 he is working for the American Radioactive Gas Corporation investigating reports of unusual phenomena reported in abandoned coal mines near Wyoming Valley in Pennsylvania

18. How many nuclear power stations will be operating in Massachusetts if Entergy

proceeds with the plan to shut down Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in 2019? a. Answer – 0; Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station is the only operating nuclear power

station in Massachusetts. (,

19. Rosalyn Sussman Yalow, Roger Guillemin, and Andrew Schally won the 1977 Nobel

Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the development of the radioimmunoassay (RIA) technique. What was the first disease studied using this technique? Answer: Diabetes mellitus

a. Alternative wording: Rosalyn Sussman Yalow, Roger Guillemin, and Andrew Schally won the 1977 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for a technique they developed which allowed researchers to observe the circulation of insulin in the body. What was the technique? Answer: 1 point for general description (use of radioisotope tracers), 2 points for the name (radioimmunoassay) or a more-specific description (injection of radioisotope-target material mixture, along with an anti-body that preferentially

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attaches to the non-radioactive molecules of the target mixture, allowing a comparison of the concentration of radioactive antibody-tracer-target materials in a blood sample the subject with a control mixture where the antibodies only had tracer-target molecules to attach to)

b. Bonus information: Rosalyn Yalow was the second American woman to win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, following Gerty Cori.

20. In September 1934, Ido Noddack published a criticism of Enrico Fermi’s nature paper,

“Possible Production of Elements of Atomic Number Higher than 92”. Part of her criticism was significant for what it suggested, and significant in that it was ignored. It related to a discovery that involved another female scientist. What was that suggestion? Answer: It suggested that Fermi had produced fission in his experiments. ((Bernstein, Jeremy, Plutonium, p. 30)

21. What was the name of the world’s first fast-neutron reactor?

a. Clementine, built as part of the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos in 1945-

1946. b. Why was the name “Clementine” given to the fast-neutron reactor built as part of

the Manhattan Project? Because it was built in a deep canyon, and because the reactor operators were known as 49ers, because 49 (for element 94, isotope 239) was a code name for plutonium at that time.

22. Tie breaker: How long is the half-life of the ground state decay for NA-24 to the nearest second?

a. (Ignoring uncertainties) A: 53,824 seconds (T1/2=14.997 hours * 3600 seconds/hour = 53823.6, round to 53,824 second)

23. Who coined the term “radioactive”? Answer: Marie Curie (Plutonium, by Jeremy

Bernstein 24. What European city; known for its historic architecture and numerous hot springs and

spas; is the birthplace of Edward Teller? Answer: Budapest, Hungary (

25. Found on an old draft, not sure if we used this one? What did the Manhattan Project site

replace on the mesa Los Alamos? The Los Alamos Ranch School ( (2 point question; 1 for “school”, 1 for full name?) Possible other answers: “trees” (suggest not accepting that one), township (still there)

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26. In what countries would you find a SLOWPOKE (safe low-power kritical Experiment) reactor? (Canada, Jamaica. China has similar design, Miniature Neutron Source Reactor MNSR)

27. What movie includes the line, "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room!" (Dr. Strangelove)

28. Name two comic book characters whose superpowers are attributed, directly or indirectly, to radiation exposure (Spiderman, the Hulk, Daredevil, the Fantastic Four, arguably all of the X-Men but Beast in particular, Firestorm, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Radioactive Man from the Simpsons, Atom Man, Superman, Doctor Solar, Dr. Midnight, etc.)

29. What term refers to positive health effects of low-level radiation? (hormesis) 30. With what element does the decay chain of Uranium-238 end? (Pb-206) 31. Where does the state historical marker commemorating the detection of the neutrino

stand? (Actually there are three historic markers that mention the discovery of the neutrino, one off Whiskey Rd at 278, P Reactor, and one is also in front of P-Reactor. - at the chamber of commerce - at P Reactor - at 278 & 19)

32. What country gets over 70% of its electricity from nuclear power plants? (France) 33. What is the most widely used radioactive isotope for medical diagnostic studies? Tc-

99M is more accurate. Tc-99M is milked from a Mo-99 (secular equilibrium source). Tc-99M isomeric transitions to Tc-99 with about a 6 hr half-life, Tc-99 beta decays with a half-life of about 213,000 years

34. Name three countries that are not part of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (Any 3 of North Korea, Israel, Pakistan, India)

35. Name a country which has formally announced an intention to remove nuclear power from its electricity sources (Germany, Switzerland)

36. What percentage of South Carolina's power came from nuclear sources in 2010? (49.9% according to NEI, 50% effectively)

37. Who writes the "Backscatter" column shown on the last page of Nuclear News ( Bill Minkler)

38. What color is associated with Cherenkov radiation in water? (blue) 39. TRUE OR FALSE: A nuclear reactor can explode like a nuclear bomb. (False) 40. Name the only nuclear powered, U.S. commercial ship (USS Savannah) 41. What does SCRAM stand for? (Safety Control Rod Axe Man) 42. Where does the only known natural nuclear reactor lie? (Oklo region, Gabon, Africa) 43. Who were the “Radium Girls”? (one among many nicknames given to them) (Bonus for

knowing what company employed them)(The female workers who painted radium-glow-in-the-dark watch dials at United States Radium Corp – famous for their exposures resulting from licking the paintbrush tips and the resulting workers’ rights to be informed of hazards legal case.)

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44. Nucleosynthesis refers to what process and where is it used? (The process of creating new atomic nuclei from pre-existing nucleons. Besides occurring in particle accelerators, it is most predominant in cosmological element building and includes element building from the Big Bang, within stars and during supernova, and as a result of cosmic ray spallation.)

45. What famous phrase from what source did Oppenheimer utter at the Trinity Test? (Points depend on accuracy and spelling.) (“Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” – from the Bhagavad Gita.)

46. What is the process of joining two lighter nuclei to make heavier nuclei? Fusion 47. Iodine-131 collects where in the body? thyroid 48. Which activity exposes you to the most radiation: (D)

i. Live within 50 miles of nuke plant(001mrem) ii. Flying in an aircraft for 10 hours (5 mrem) iii. Living in a brick house (7 mrem) iv. From air and water (40 mrem)

49. How many active power generation reactors are in the united states? 104 50. What element is used as a liquid chemical shim in a nuclear power reactor? (boron) 51. Dead skin cells block which type of radiation decay:

i. Alpha ii. Beta iii. Gamma

52. What radioactive element was commonly used in exit signs? Tritium 53. What U.S. President presented Marie Curie with 1 gram of Radium in the White House

in 1921? (Warren Harding) 54. Which isotope was used to convert heat to electrical power to operate various deep

space vehicles, such as Galileo, Ulysses, Casini, and more recently the New Horizons mission to Pluto? (P-238)

55. What movie starring Jane Fonda was released 12 days before the Three Mile Island accident in 1979? (The China Sydrome)

56. Who is the mineral “Cuprosklodowskite” named after? (Marie Curie - Sklodowska is her maiden name. Cuprosklodowskite was among many of the minerals mined in the Katanga (fyi… 007 character), Congo (Zaire), near Oklo, Gabon, destined for Germany’s nuclear program that was “stolen” and shipped to Philadelphia for the US nuclear program at the start of WWII.)

57. Carnotite was mined in the desert Southwest for radium, uranium, and what other important element used in steel manufacturing? (Vanadium - used to improve steel strength and corrosion resistance. The great demand for vanadium just before and during WWII resulted in a ready source of uranium used at the start of the nuclear program.)

58. The neutron-initiator or “urchin” within early nuclear weapons was made of beryllium and what element separated by a thin barrier, which when the weapon was imploded incorporated the two materials together to produce neutrons? Extra points for the isotope number. (Polonium-210 – discovered by those Curie folks, named after Marie’s homeland of Poland, and identified after uranium and thorium were removed

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from pitchblende and it was noticed that the residue was more radioactive than both of them combined.)

59. When was the earliest patent for a nuclear chain reaction process filed? (Extra for who holds the patent and where it was granted.) (1934 – Leo Szilard patented a nuclear chain reaction in Great Britain, which was later assigned to the British Admiralty in 1936 to keep it from the Germans. He and Fermi also hold the first patent on a nuclear reactor from 1944.)

60. Name that Nuclear power plant vendor (Give the acromyn and have them provide the vendor)

i. ESBWR – GE Hitachi ii. EPR – Areva iii. US-APWR – Mitsubishi iv. AP-1000 – Westinghouse/Toshiba v. ABWR – Toshiba or GE Hitachi

61. New study by DOE questions the principle of LNT. What does it stand for? (Linear no-threshold radiation dose model)

62. New American NPP design focuses on the SMR. What is this? (Small modular reactor, Bonus: Name one model and the vendor)

63. The first nuclear powered land vehicle called Curiosity is powered by what isotope?(Pu-238 Bonus: How many watts can it produce? 110 watts)

64. Name two James Bond movies that involve a nuclear threat? (Dr No, Thunderball, Goldfinger, Never Say Never, Diamonds are Forever, Goldeneye, The World is not enough, Octupussy)

65. What is the name of the 1989 movie about the Manhattan Project starring Paul Newman? (Fat Man Little Boy)

66. In the movie Manhattan Project, how much time was left on the clock when they diffused the bomb? (7:16:45 ; it was date of the first nuclear test)

67. What was the NRC called before it was the NRC? (Atomic Energy Commission) 68. How many years is a COL good for before the license needs renewing? (40 years) 69. What is the charge of neutrino? (It is neutral) 70. What is the chemical formula for heavy water? (D2O) 71. In what city was the first nuclear reactor built? (Chicago, IL. Bonus: Where, specifically

(athletic field, U. of Chicago)) 72. Of the following, which type of particle is a neutron classified as? A) Lepton B) Baryon

C)Quark (B: Baryon) 73. What type of nuclear reaction is the primary producer of the energy in the Sun?

(Fusion) 74. What is the definition of a Bequerel? (One disintegration per second) 75. What animal is used as a symbol for the dangers of radiation in the TV show, The

Simpsons? (Blinky the Three-eyed Fish) 76. Who was the Army officer in charge of the Manhattan Project? (Lieutenant General

Leslie Groves) 77. Who was the first woman to win the Nobel prize in Physics? (Marie Curie)

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78. How many intruders penetrated the security around Y-12 complex during the July 28 protest? (3, including 1 nun)

79. What was recently found that the bottom of the L area spent nuclear fuel pond that was also found at 3-mile island? (Cobweb-like bacteria)

80. List the 3 main decay chains: (Thorium, Neptunium, Uranium, Actinium) 81. What year was the K-reactor shut down? (1992) 82. What year was the neutrino confirmed at the P reactor? (1956) 83. Which isotope has a higher migration capability in automorphous minerals soils: Sr90

or Eu154? (Sr90) 84. In the aftermath of the Chernobyl incident, over 80% of Cs137 was found between 0-

10 cm deep. However, what is the deepest depth that Cs137 was found in reinforced concrete?D

a. 20 mm b. 30 mm c. 40 mm d. 50 mm

85. What is a FNR? Fast neutron Reactor -> Paraphrased into “What do these acronyms stand for: PWR, BWR, LMFBR, SMR (Ans. : Pressurized Water Reactor, Boiling Water Reactor, Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor, Small Modular Reactor)”

86. According to the IAEA, how big can the small reactors get and still be considered small? (B)

a. 200 MWe b. 300 MWe c. 400 Mwe d. 500 Mwe

87. What is the final isotope that radon-222 decay into? Lead-206 -> Paraphrased into “What is the final isotope of the uranium decay series (Ans. Lead-206).”

88. Who is credited with the discovery the beta particle? (Henri Becquerel) 89. What type of radiation was Bruce Banner exposed to that transformed him into the

Hulk? (Gamma) 90. What/who do a strobe light, The Academy Awards (OSCAR) and the end of the World

War II have in common? (Dr. Harold Edgerton (Tie-breaker)) 91. What precious metal is associated with the experiment that resulted in the planetary

model of the atom? (Gold) 92. What is the name of the first nuclear-powered submarine? (USS Nautilus) 93. Who is the bomber “Enola Gay” named after? (Enola Gay Tibbetts, mother of pilot

Paul Tibbetts) 94. What female scientist was part of the team credited with discovering nuclear fission?

(Lise Meitner) 95. What is the characteristic flame color of Cesium (Cs)? (Blue/Violet) 96. What was the subject of the first published x-ray image? (A hand wearing a ring; the

hand of Mrs. Wilhelm Roentgen) 97. What movie monster has “atomic breath” as its primary weapon? (Godzilla) 98. What type of particle is a neutron classified as?

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a. Baryon b. Lepton c. Quark (Ans. (a) Baryon)) This was added as a second-level tie-breaker

99. What is the name of the series of elements in the Periodic Table which includes the fissile isotopes used in nuclear fuel? (Actinide series)

100. What instrument is Richard Feynman known for playing? (Bongo drums) 101. What isotope is commonly used as a radiation source in smoke detectors? (Americium

241) 102. What did a team from ORNL recently pull out of the ocean? (Kilogram quantities of

uranium) 103. Who holds the first patent on atomic weapons? (Leó Szilard) 104. What was the name of J. Robert Oppenheimer’s mistress? (Jean Tatlock) 105. Name two neutron-absorbing noble gases that are commonly produced in nuclear

reactors (Xenon and Krypton) 106. How did the individual popularly referred to as “The Radioactive Boy Scout” get that

title? Where did the related events take place? (Building a nuclear reactor at home/Detroit, MI)

107. Name four countries involved in ITER (Japan, Korea, Russian, India, China, EU (incl. Switzerland through F4E), and the U.S.)

108. What is the technical background of the new chairwoman of the NRC, Allison McFarlane? (geologist)

109. True or False: There are public tours of Chernobyl site. (True) 110. What is the phrase that the unit rem is derived from? (Roentgen equivalent man) 111. Who discovered the gamma rays? Paul Villard (although Ernest Rutherford named

them gamma rays) 112. According to the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES), how many non-zero levels

are on the scale? (7….3-incident and 4 accident) 113. Which of the following is not one of the processes used for the irradiation of food? (D)

a. Gamma rays b. Electron Beams c. X-rays d. Beta Rays

114. What is the annual total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) for radiation workers? (5 rem)

115. How many days would you have to be in Atlanta to get a dose equivalent of 1 mrem? (3 days)

116. What is the approximate dose that can cause temporary sterility in men? (25 rem) 117. In 2011, the NRC sent out an Information Notice explaining the ASR-induced concrete

degradation at Seabrook Station. What is ASR? (Alkali-Silicia reaction) 118. Approximately how much spent fuel is being added each year to the stockpile to be

dispositioned? (2000 metric tons heavy metal) 119. When was the first recorded use of x-ray technology in a medical setting? (1896, Feb


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120. What was the first nuclear power plant to supply electricity commercially in the United States? (Shippingport Atomic Power Station in Pennsylvania. Test-mode startup in December 1957, formally opened on 26 May 1958. The first privately funded nuclear power station was Dresden 1 in 1958 in Illinois)

121. What makes concrete radioactive? (Earth materials/minerals used in making the concrete, which are radioactive. This one is WAY open-ended. Specific examples include fly ash, uranium, radon-emitting materials, tuff)

122. T or F. Neutrino’s can change types? (True) 123. Name the two different types of neutrinos. Muon &

Tau (

124. What artist labelled one period of his painting career 'nuclear mysticism'? (Dali) 125. What is the internationally recognized symbol originally designed in 1958 for the British

nuclear disarmament movement by Gerald Holtom? The peace symbol. 126. Is there a condition under which Uranium will glow green? Yes – under UV light 127. In the movie “The Sum of All Fears”, Jack Ryan determines that material in a bomb

was created by the US instead of Russia. Where was the bomb material supposedly manufactured? The Savannah River Site

128. Yellowcake typically is composed of 70% to 90% of what compound? U3O8 129. What is unique about CANDU refueling as opposed to PWR/BWR design? CANDU

reactors can be refueled online. 130. In 2010, what country produced the most Uranium? Kazakhstan 131. What cereal company loaned Percival Keith to the Manhattan Project? Kellogg 132. Describe a characteristic aspect or aspects of the nuclear propulsion systems of

Reaver ships in the sci-fi television series Firefly. Lack of containment on cores (also, lack of controls leading to accelerated speed, and lack of containment leading to easier detection)

133. What treaty was signed by the UK, Russia, and the United States on August 5, 1963? The Partial Test Ban Treaty, or Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space, and under Water

134. Name a non-nuclear source of gamma rays: They are observed in proximity to lightning strikes in a phenomenon called terrestrial gamma-ray flashes.

135. Tie Breaker: True or False: Gamma rays can be refracted by lenses. True. Gamma rays with energies above 700 keV have been slightly bent by silicon prisms, and it is proposed that prisms made of heavier materials may provide stronger effects.

136. Which country recently became the seventh country to use (or to have used) MOX fuel? Netherlands (

137. Which element is used to define the second? Cesium 133 ( Cesium 133 The second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to

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the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom.

138. In the TV show The Simpsons, what area of the plant does Homer Simpson work in? 7G

139. What is special about a recent find at the Green Bank Telescope in the United States National quiet zone? It a neutron star to transform from a radio pulsar into an X-ray pulsar and back quickly. (

140. Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in physics for his work on what? The photoelectric effect

141. Name the 1980 Atari game in which the player must defend against a never-ending series of incoming nuclear missiles. (Missile Command)

142. Say you wanted to send a letter to a Manhattan Project scientist at Los Alamos in 1943. How would you address it? To the only Los Alamos P.O. Box at that time (1 pt) : P.O. Box 1663 (1 pt and a round of applause) Santa Fe, NM (1 pt)

143. Where was the first floating nuclear power station located for most of its operational life? MH-1A, or Sturgis, was located from 1968 – 1976 in Lake Gatun, in the Panama Canal Zone, although it was built and decommissioned at Ft. Belvoir, VA, as part of the Army Nuclear Power Program. The station was intended to relieve demand on hydro systems.

144. What is the primary advantage of the proposed TRISO fuel design? It is safe even at accident temperatures, i.e., it wil not melt down under credible accident conditions.

145. What is the most common neutron source used in oil well logging? Am-Be

146. Name the six flavors of quarks: Up, Down, Charm, Strange, Top, and Bottom 147. What type of quarks are protons and neutrons understood to be made of? Up and

Down 148. What does BED stand for? Banana Equivalent Dose 149. What year was it when Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize? 1922. He won the Nobel

Prize for Physics in 1921, but the prize was awarded in 1922 because the awarding committee didn’t feel any work merited the prize at the time the awards were decided in the calendar year 1921.

150. Name the region-specific treaty that establishes limits on the presence of nuclear weapons in the South Pacific. The Treaty of Rarotonga, or South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty

151. Name the band that released the song “Radiation Vibe” in 1996. Fountains of Wayne

152. What is sodium-24 used for in human medicine? Sodium-24 is used for studies of electrolytes within the body

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153. What is eka-radon? Ununoctium, which was synthesized in 1998 to become the heaviest element on the periodic table. Mendelev’s nomenclature for predicted elements used the prefix “eka” to denote the hypothesized element one space down from a known element.

154. Why was there a government helicopter flying over Metlife Stadium on January 27th, 2014? It was there for the purpose of making background radiation surveys in support of a security plan.

155. What recently published phenomenon has been observed in leaves and other forest floor debris in the path of the radioactive plume from Chernobyl? Decay of forest floor litter is delayed proportional to contamination, likely due to the absence of microbial activity

156. In what country did the Radioactive Orchestra originate? Sweden, KTH

157. Name the term first used in INSAG’s (1988) Summary Report on the Post-Accident Review Meeting on the Chernobyl Accident, described as: “That assembly of characteristics and attitudes in organizations and individuals which establishes that, as an overriding priority, nuclear plant safety issues receive the attention warranted by their significance.” Safety culture

158. In the episode “Homer’s Odyssey” of The Simpsons, who stars in the film strip shown to visitors at the power plant? Smilin’ Joe Fission

159. Name the top six major contributors to the world’s supply of isotopes for medical use (country or company). Covidien (Ireland) MDS Nordion (Canada) IRE (Europe) NTP (South Africa) Isotop-NIIAR (Russia) ANSTO (Australia)

160. Name minor league and/or high school baseball teams with nuclear-related names. Albuquerque Isotopes, Richland Bombers, Palo Verde Titans

161. Name the super-villain group who oppose Radioactive Man in his final battle. (Collective and individual names) The Fossil Fuel Four: The Fracker, Charcoal Briquette, Petroleus Rex, Old King Coal

162. Which United States agencies contribute to the Coordinated Universal Time? National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the US Naval Observatory (USNO) (

163. What is new use of the atomic clock? A quantum simulator (

164. How many treaties establish the nuclear-weapon-free areas? 9 a. 4-nulear weapon free zones b. 1-nuclear weapon free status c. 3-nuclear weapon-free geographical regions d.

165. Name three of the main world isotope suppliers: (1-point for each country):

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a. Covidien (Ireland), MDS Nordion (Canada), IRE (Europe), NTP (South Africa), Isotop-NIIAR (Russia), ANSTO (Australia)


166. What recently observed phenomenon could assist nuclear fusion? Flow of hot electrons affecting the magnetic field a.

vance.nuclear.fusion 167. During the 1950s, Biologists from what University began ecological studies of local

plants and animals during the construction of Savannah River Site. (University of Georgia)

168. Name two high school mascots with nuclear-related names a. Palo Verde Titans (Tuscon, AZ) b. Richland Bombers

169. What universities were involved with the science/engineering/production of materials for the Manhattan Project? Source: Savannah River at 50, Wikipedia

a. Iowa State University – U metal production b. Columbia University – Pile reactor, gaseous diffusion c. University of Chicago – Graphite Pile d. University of California, Berkley – Electromagnetic separation “calutrons”,

discovery of plutonium e. University of Minnesota – separation of U-235 f. University of Virginia – Centrifugal isotope separation

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170. Name 5 of the individuals on the 1927 Solvay Conference photo.

171. What year was each of the particles discovered; proton, neutron, electron Source:

Wikipedia a. 1917-1919, 1920 b. 1932 c. 1897

172. Match the isotope with its half-life: Source: Nuclear Wallet Card, April 2005, Brookhaven National Lab

a. Au-198 2.70 d b. U-238 4.49E9 a c. Pu-239 2.41E4 a d. Co-60 5.27 a e. Sr-90 28.90 a f. Cs-137 30.03 a g. Xe-135 9.14 h h. Mo-99 2.75 d i. N-16 7.13 s j. Na-24 14.95 h

173. In the 2nd season of House of Cards, the element samarium plays an important role. Why is Raymond Tusk so interested in the element? Source: House of Cards

a. It has multiple naturally isotopes with large a large cross section and is used in control rods to absorb neutrons.

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174. What year was the NRC formed? Source: Wikipedia a. January 19, 1975

175. You have 14 grams of radium-226 (t1/2=1600 years). What is the activity of the sample? Source: Wikipedia

a. 14 Ci or 5.18E11 Bq 176. To the nearest 10 MeV, what is the average amount of energy released during nuclear

fission? Source: Wikipedia a. 200 MeV

177. What experiment did Ruthorford use to discover the nucleus of an atom? Source: Wikipedia

a. Gold Foil Experiment 178. What does a Farnsworth-Hirsch fusor do? Source: Wikipedia 179. Fuses ions using strong electrical fields. 180. What is the recommended annual Dose Limit for Hands and Feet as defined by the

ICRP? Source: ICRP 103 a. 500 mSv or 50 rem

181. What was the name of the B-29 that dropped Fat Man on Nagasaki? Source: Wikipedia

a. Bockscar 182. What was the name of the plutonium bomb design that was abandoned during the

Manhattan project? Bonus points for why. Source: Wikipedia a. Thin Man, the spontaneous fission rate of reactor-made Pu was too high, making

a gun-type bomb impossible 183. Which type of nuclear reactor is the most commonly used in the US? Source:

Wikipedia a. PWR (approx. 65 units)

184. What is the definition of a barn (non-SI unit)? Source: Wikipedia a. 1E-28 m2

185. How long is a shake and why am I asking this? Source: Wikipedia a. 10 nanoseconds, it is a convenient way of expressing timing in a nuclear

explosion. It is roughly the time it takes for a neutron to cause a fission event. 186. What does TLD stand for? Source: SRS Radworker Training Study Guide, March

2010 a. Thermoluminescent Dosimeter

187. How many elements have only 1 stable isotope? Source: Nuclear Wallet Card, April 2005, Brookhaven National Lab

a. 14 b. 18 c. 10 d. 15

188. Name all six parts of the six factor formula: Source: Nuclear Reactor Analysis (Duderstadt + Hamilton)

a. η (eta) – Thermal Fission Factor b. f – thermal utilization factor

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c. p – resonance escape probability d. ε (epsilon) – Fast fission factor e. PFNL – fast non-leakage probability f. PTNL – thermal non-leakage probability

189. What is the name of the 1st nuclear powered aircraft carrier? Source: Wikipedia a. USS Enterprise

190. In the movie Ghostbusters, how long is the half-life of the proton packs? a. 5000 years

191. What is the recommended annual Dose Limit for Hands and Feet as defined by the ICRP? Source: ICRP 103

a. 500 mSv or 50 rem 192. List the Actinides

a. Actinium, Ac, atomic # 89

b. Thorium, Th, atomic $ 90

c. Protactinium, Pa, atomic #91

d. Uranium, U, atomic #92

e. Neptunium, Np, atomic #93

f. Plutonium, Pu, atomic #94

g. Americium, Am, atomic #95

h. Curium, Cm, atomic #96

i. Berkelium, Bk, atomic #97

j. Californium, Cf, atomic #98

k. Einsteinium, Es, atomic #99

l. Fermium, Fm, atomic #100

m. Mendelevium, Md, atomic #101

n. Nobelium, No, atomic #102

o. Lawrencium, Lr, atomic #103

(Source: 193. Name the H.G. Wells book that originated the term “atomic bomb”.

a. The World Set Free (Source:

194. This item is commonly used in a lab or kitchen.

Swap two of the letters around, and replace one with a different letter and the word

becomes the name of element 18.

Add two more letters and it’s the name of a national laboratory.

Which laboratory is it?

a. Argonne National Laboratory (Source: Mary Mewborn, logic)

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195. What father-and-son pair shared a Nobel Prize for their work in x-ray crystallography?

a. William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg

(Source: 196. What was produced, beginning in 1953, by Abbott Laboratories in a facility they built at

Oak Ridge National laboratory?

a. Radiocaps, calibrated iodine-131 pills, radioactive pharmaceuticals

(Source: References: Creager, Angela N., The Life Atomic, p. 194-195;

197. What power station signed a contract for the first EPR-type reactor to go into construction?

a. Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant, Okiluoto Island, on the Gulf of Bothnia in Eurajoki

municipality, Finland.


198. What company has received a permit to build a small modular reactor within Idaho

National Laboratory?

a. NuScale (Source:

199. What title of the Code of Federal Regulations governs the use of nuclear material?

a. Title 10 (Source: 200. What is a common name for uranium ore

a. Pitchblende, uranite

201. On what date did the Chernobyl disaster occur?

a. Saturday, April 26, 1986 (Source:

202. Tie breaker: Estimate the coolant flow rate of the high-flux isotope reactor (HFIR).

a. Approx. 16,000 gpm

(Source: 203. What was “Nevada Semipalatinsk”? Answer: the first anti-nuclear movement in


204. Why was it named “Nevada Semipalatinsk”? Answer: Solidarity with protesters against the Nevada test site (

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205. Who led the atomic weapons effort on behalf of the USSR? Igor Kurchatov (

206. What Soviet scientist was nicknamed “The Beard”? Answer: Igor Kurchatov (, Dark Sun by Richard Rhodes)

207. What was the subject of Kurchatov’s first published scientific paper, written while he was a researcher at the Pavlovsk Observatory of the Polytechnical Institute in Petrograd? Answer: the radioactivity of snow.( (Alternatively: What leading Soviet nuclear scientist published his first scientific paper on the radioactivity of snow? Answer: Igor Kurchatov, the director of the Soviet weapons program)

208. What was the name of the primary testing venue for the Soviet atomic weapons program? Answer: Semipalatinsk Test Site, also known as STS or Semipalatinsk-21 (