tribuna graphic 2013+:tribuna graphic 2013+.qxdconsiliul judeţean cluj revista de cultură tribuna...

Expoziţie Internaţională de Grafică International Graphic Art Exhibition Muzeul de Artă Cluj-Napoca, 6 noiembrie - 1 decembrie 2013 Art Museum Cluj-Napoca, November 6 th - December 1 st 2013 Consiliul Judeþean Cluj Editura Tribuna Cluj-Napoca, România 2013 tribuna graphic 2013

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Page 1: Tribuna graphic 2013+:Tribuna graphic 2013+.qxdConsiliul Judeţean Cluj Revista de Cultură Tribuna Muzeul de Artă Cluj-Napoca Cluj County Council Tribuna Cultural Review Museum of

Expoziţie Internaţională de GraficăInternational Graphic Art Exhibition

Muzeul de Artă Cluj-Napoca, 6 noiembrie - 1 decembrie 2013Art Museum Cluj-Napoca, November 6th - December 1st 2013

Consiliul Judeþean ClujEditura TribunaCluj-Napoca, România 2013

tribuna graphic 2013

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Consiliul Judeţean ClujRevista de Cultură TribunaMuzeul de Artă Cluj-Napoca

Cluj County CouncilTribuna Cultural ReviewMuseum of Art Cluj-Napoca

În colaborare cu/In collaboration with:Fundaţia Culturală Bienala Internaţională de Grafică ClujCultural Foundation International Graphics Biennial Cluj

Curator, proiect, catalog/Curator, project, catalogueOvidiu PetcaComitetul de organizare/Organizing committeeMircea Arman, Călin StegereanTraducere în limba engleză/Translated into English byCristina Tătaru

ISBN 978-973-1878-02-7

© TribunaToate drepturile rezervate/All rights reserved


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Rakesh Bani (India)Borgó (Ungaria/Hungary)Sandro Bracchitta (Italia/Italy)Eduardo Brenes (Costa Rica)Wolfgang Brenner (Germania/Germany)Alicia Candiani (Argentina)Emilio Carrasco Gutierrez (Mexic/Mexico) Haruko Cho (Japonia/Japan)Ciprian Ciuclea (România/Romania)Hayri Esmer (Turcia/Turkey)Ron Garrett (SUA/USA) Esteban Grimi (Argentina)Irving Herrera (Mexic/Mexico)Zoran Jakimovski (Macedonia)Irina Kazeeva (Rusia/Russia)Erkin Keskin (Turcia/Turkey)Mikael Kihlman (Suedia/Sweden)Guy Langevin (Canada)Nedko Nedkov (Bulgaria)Márcio Pannunzio (Brazilia/Brazil)Valter Paraschivescu (România/Romania)Denise Pelletier (Canada)Endi Poskovic (SUA/USA)Tomiyuki Sakuta (Japonia/Japan)Nauer Spíndola (Brazilia/Brazil)Paul Ssendagire (Uganda)Géza Szõcs (Ungaria/Hungary)Giovanni Turria (Italia/Italy)Benjamin Vasserman (Estonia)Bart Verburg (Olanda/The Netherlands)

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Aflată la a patra ediţie, expoziţia internaţională Tribuna Graphic, organizată în parteneriat cu Muzeulde Artă din Cluj, tinde să devină nu numai o emblemă a oraşului nostru dar şi o manifestare care, prinamploarea sa, interesează şi adună arta mai multor continente. Expoziţia şi albumul editat de EdituraTribuna, sub patronajul Consiliului Judeţean Cluj, sunt meritul şi munca artistului plastic clujeanOvidiu Petca. Şi ediţia din acest an se bucură de sprijinul direct al domnilor Horea Uioreanu şi VákárIstván Valentin care au încurajat fervent această expoziţie şi menţinerea albumului Tribuna Graphic lao înaltă ţinută editorială. În calitate de manager al acestei instituţii aduc un călduros salut tuturorparticipanţilor la această expoziţie şi mulţumiri echipei editoriale care şi-a dat concursul neprecupeţit laapariţia acestui album. Prin modesta noastră contribuţie sperăm să fi făcut încă un pas spre dobîndireatitlului de Capitală Culturală Europeană de către municipiul Cluj-Napoca.

Mircea Armanmanager, revista Tribuna

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The fourth edition of the international Tribuna Graphic exhibition, organized in partnership with the Art Museum in Cluj, tends to become not only an emblem of our city, but also a manifestationwhich, by its proportions, involves and gathers the art of several continents. The exhibition and thealbum edited by Tribuna Publishing House under the patronage of Cluj County Council are the meritand the work of the visual artist Ovidiu Petca from Cluj. This year's edition also enjoys the directsupport of Mr. Horea Uioreanu and Mr. Vákár István Valentin who have fervently encouraged thisexhibition and keeping the Tribuna Graphic album at a high editorial standard. As manager of thisinstitution, I warmly greet all the participants to this exhibition and voice my thanks to the editorialteam, whose relentless work brought forth this album. By our modest contribution, we hope that onemore step has been taken for the city of Cluj-Napoca to gain the title of European Cultural Capital.

Mircea Armanmanager, Tribuna review

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Găzduită de Muzeul de Artă din Cluj-Napoca şi organizată de revista de cultură Tribuna, în toamna aceasta expoziţia internaţionalăde artă grafică revine, sub titulatura Tribuna Grafic 2013, cu cea de a patra ediţie. O expoziţie de nivel mediu, în ceea ce priveştenumărul participanţilor (30 de artişti din 20 de ţări), dar de înalt nivel în privinţa calităţii, profesionalismului şi a originalităţiilucrărilor. Trebuie menţionat de la bun început şi în mod special rolul crucial pe care artistul grafic Ovidiu Petca, în calitatea sa deredactor artistic al revistei şi curator al expoziţiei, îl are în proiectarea, configurarea şi realizarea acestor manifestări. Ovidiu Petca este omul care a pus Clujul pe harta graficii internaţionale, plasându-l la cel mai înalt nivel, realizând expoziţii de graficăde o dimensiune care, în cadrul cultural al României, erau aproape neverosimile. Iar în cadrul acestor expoziţii participanţii au fost decel mai înalt nivel - elita artei grafice internaţionale. Vorbim aici de bienalele de grafică desfăşurate între anii 1997 - 2005, care au ajunsla ediţia ultimă la un număr de 936 de artişti candidaţi cu 2367 de lucrări. Au fost selectaţi 450 de artişti cu 1018 lucrări, printre carese numărau nume dintre cele mai "grele", premiate, cunoscute şi respectate pe toate meridianele. În plus ele au adus patrimoniuluicultural al Clujului mii de lucrări donate cu generozitate de artişti. Nu ştim când se va realiza în această urbe un spaţiu expoziţionalcapabil să găzduiască măcar parţial aceste lucrări dintre care multe sunt adevărate capodopere. Din păcate, din cauza condiţiilor economice, dar mai ales a meschinăriei administrative, bienala n-a mai putut fi organizată, ajungândla sistarea unei manifestări ce făcea din Cluj una din capitalele graficii europene. Din 2010 însă, colaborarea a doi oameni de cultură(Călin Stegerean - directorul Muzeului de Artă şi Ovidiu Petca - redactor al Tribunei), a readus grafica internaţională în Cluj în fiecaretoamnă prin salonul de grafică al revistei Tribuna. În mod sigur în Cluj există deja un public format, educat şi avertizat asuprarealizărilor graficii contemporane; nu credem însă că este foarte numeros. Condiţiile relativ neprielnice culturii se manifestă şi aici ca şiîn alte domenii artistice. Totuşi, prezenţa anuală a salonului Tribuna este tonică şi îndreptăţeşte speranţa. Grafica însăşi este un paradox - pe de o parte ea pare a fi cea mai normală ipostază plastică, începutul tuturor artelor vizuale, căcigestul simplu de a mânui linia şi valoraţia tuşei a fost dintotdeauna la baza imaginii semnificative. Probabil că astăzi grafica esteminată dar şi susţinută de o polaritate paradoxală a opoziţiei contrariilor. Nu există artă vizuală care să păstreze în practica curentă,contemporană atât de bine, fidel şi conservator, vechile tehnici istorice, atestate încă din secolele XIV-XV, cum sunt xilogravura, apoilitografia, dar nici nu există altă artă în contemporaneitate care să evolueze atât de dinamic şi surprinzător, înglobând prompt şi cusuperbie orice posibilitate creativă a noilor plăci grafice din domeniul IT, fiece nou soft de prelucrare şi manipulare a imaginilordigitale, dar simultan şi noi posibilităţi de mânuire a paletei cromatice prin ultimii coloranţi şi pigmenţi sintetici. Specializare artisticăce e în mod efectiv cea mai veche şi cea mai nouă. În universităţile de arte încă se învaţă cu seriozitate toate tehnicile manuale clasice,dar şi prelucrarea imaginii în secţiile de tehnici fotografice şi video.Vom vedea acest lucru în egală măsură în lucrările cuprinse în salonul din această toamnă, ce explorează o largă paletă de tehnici şiprocedee care în ultimă instanţă, sunt în fapt idei, căci mâna artistului, condusă de exerciţiul supus lui ostinato rigore dobândeşte acea"inteligenţă proprie", care este marca de nobleţe a graficianului. Ochiul care polarizează, echilibrează şi mânuieşte subtil contrasteleeste poarta prin care semnele, compoziţiile şi structurile grafice pornesc spre lume. Încă mai adânc, mentalul ce suprapune inteligenţa,cultura şi instinctul, ar trebui căutat în fiecare imagine grafică ce poate fi numită artistică. Nu este cazul, aici şi acum, de a emite comentarii punctiforme, sau judecăţi de valoare asupra unui artist ori asupra unor lucrări. Amvăzut deja imaginile scanate ale lucrărilor şi pot să vă asigur că veţi (re)găsi în unele o superbă ordine a ideii în aparenţa dezordinii, înaltele o profundă meditaţie asupra "realului" în aparenţa banalului, ca şi proiecţii simbolice ori metaforizante asupra unor "lumi" ce arputea exista. Într-un cuvânt pasiune, originalitate şi har aşternute convenţional doar pe hârtia bidimensională, dar în care reverbereazăo libraţie multidimensională. Este însă de observat caracterul larg, într-un anume sens eclectic, ce cuprinde în egală măsură tehniciclasice ca şi altele de ultimă oră. Sunt prezente lucrări realizate excelent în tehnicile consacrate: acvaforte, acvatinta, pointe-seche: Giovanni Turria (Italia), MikaelKihlman (Suedia), Denise Pelletier (Canada), Tomiyuki Sakuta (Japonia), Hayri Esmer, Erkin Keskin (Turcia), Rakesh Bani (India)mezzotinta: Zoran Jakimovski (Macedonia), Guy Langevin (Canada), linogravura: Nauer Spindola (Brazilia), Emilio Carrasco (Mexic),

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Bart Verburg (Olanda), Valter Paraschivescu (România), xilogravura: Irving Herrera (Mexic), Márcio Pannunzio (Brazilia), PaulSsendagire (Uganda), litografia: Endi Poskovic (SUA), Nedko Nedkov (Bulgaria), serigrafia: Borgó (Ungaria), colografia: Esteban Grimi(Argentina), Ron Garrett (SUA) şi tehnici combinate: Sandro Bracchitta (Italia), Irina Kazeeva (Rusia), Alicia Candiani (Argentina),Géza Szőcs (Ungaria), Wolfgang Brenner (Germania). Dar şi tehnici recente: imprimarea digitală Benjamin Vasserman (Estonia),Eduardo Brenes (Costa Rica) sau de ultimă oră ce utilizează imaginea digitală generată pe computer: piezografia Haruko Cho(Japonia), imprimarea ultra-giclée Ciprian Ciuclea (România). Sunt lucruri ce ţin de tehnică (cu toată tehnologia inclusă), deperformanţă (ce vine cu acea ostinato rigore pomenită mai sus), de artizanat (adică priceperea în cel mai bun sens al cuvântului) şiiscusinţa (ce relevă simţ şi intuiţie). Sunt lucruri care se observă, se comentează, se discută doar în comunitatea artiştilor ori înconclavul criticilor profesionişti. Şi de obicei, din păcate, rămân doar acolo.Pentru omul obişnuit, interesat de cultură poate că încă mai interesantă este tematica variată ce merge de la idiosincrazii strictindividuale, ori imagini tipice ale spiritualitaţii etnografice de pe anumite meridiane până la reluarea imagistică a unor celebre lucrăricare crează ecouri neauzite şi punţi nevăzute. Dar şi "paşi peste graniţe" în lucrări surprinzătoare ce îndeamnă gândul să adaste înpolisemia sugestiilor. Vă invit a medita asupra subtilei melancolii cuprinsă în Drumul către nicăieri de Mikael Kihlman, asuprarosturilor existenţei personale din Identitate scanată de Ciprian Ciuclea, ori umorul grotesc din Am mâncat un crocodil de EstebanGrimi, sau realismul fantastic din Visul maimuţei de Eduardo Brenes, sau asupra metafizicii existenţei din Îngerii mor? de GuyLangevin, sau asupra misterului imaginii palimpsest din Nu este totul aşa cum pare de Giovanni Turria, ... sau, ... sau, ... Paleta egeneroasă, chiar deconcertantă însă niciodată inconsistentă şi veţi alege ceea ce credeţi a fi mai interesant, mai profund.Suntem zilnic asaltaţi de un număr nelimitat de imagini grafice în mass-media, în reclame, în afişe şi sloganuri, ori în simplificărilequasi-infantile ale comunicării pictografice. Limbajul imagistic adevărat însă nu este la îndemâna mediocrităţilor ce mânuiesc eficientcomputerul în vederea câştigului comercial imediat, ci în gândirea profundă ce investeşte semnul şi linia cu caractere perene, uneorichiar arhetipale. Trebuie să avem însă răbdare şi voinţă spre a ajunge la gândul prim şi imaginea ultimă a artistului. Salutăm cudeosebită satisfacţie coerenţa şi consecvenţa domnului Ovidiu Petca, care munceşte enorm pentru lucruri pe care doar o minoritate lecaută şi le înţelege. Mai există încă şi o umbră de speranţă căci în instituţiile de cultură (puţine la număr) mai sunt oameni ce încămai susţin astfel de manifestări. Adevărul unei asemenea expoziţii nu se vădeşte însă în festivismul vernisajului, în cuvântările maimult sau mai puţin savante ale criticilor de serviciu în faţa participanţilor ce umplu sala până la refuz. El este (poate fi doar) în"citirea" adevărată, care se realizează în zilele ce urmează, când sala de expoziţie este aproape goală, când eşti singur cu imaginile. Vom fi prezenţi la vernisaj, dar vă invit cu insistenţă să treceţi de mai multe ori, cu zile de pauză, prin faţa lucrărilor, căci codullecturii este de obicei ascuns şi nu se lasă decriptat cu facilitatea unei priviri grăbite. Veţi constata că lucrările merită investiţia detimp, iar artiştii merită consideraţia cuvenită celor ce luptă cu ideea întrupată în imagine. Cât despre noi vom merita doar ceea cevom putea cuprinde şi înţelege. Şi nu e puţin lucru.Se cuvin mulţumirile noastre celor ce au trudit ca noi să ne bucurăm de aceste imagini idei.

Pavel Puşcaşcritic de artă

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Hosted by the Arts Museum in Cluj-Napoca and organized by Tribuna cultural review, this autumn, the international graphic artsexhibition returns with its fourth edition under the title Tribuna Graphic 2013. It is a medium-sized exhibition (30 artists from 20countries), but of a high level in point of quality, professionalism and originality of the exhibits. The crucial part played by thegraphical artist Ovidiu Petca should be mentioned from the outset, as artistic editor of the review and curator of the exhibition, indesigning, configuring and achieving this manifestation.Ovidiu Petca is the man who set Cluj on the map of international graphics, placing it at the highest level by organizing exhibitions ofgraphics of dimensions which used to be almost unconceivable in the cultural framework of Romania. In these exhibitions the artistswere top rank - the elite of international graphical art. We are here talking about the graphic arts biennials between 1997 - 2005,which reached, in their last editions a number of 936 artist-candidates, with 2367 works. 450 artists with 1018 works were selected,among which names of the greatest resonance could be listed, which have been awarded, known and honored all over the world.Moreover, they brought to the cultural patrimony of Cluj thousands of works, generously donated by the artists. It cannot be saidwhen our city will be able to provide an exhibition space capable of hosting, at least partially, these works, out of which many aregenuine masterpieces.Unfortunately, due to economic conditions, but especially to the niggardly administration, the biennial could not be organized anymore, so that a manifestation which had made Cluj one of the capitals of European graphics was brought to an end. Since 2010,nevertheless, the collaboration of two men of culture (Călin Stegerean - manager of the Arts Museum and Ovidiu Petca - editor atTribuna) has brought international graphics back to Cluj every autumn, at the graphics salon of Tribuna review. There certainlyalready exists in Cluj a formed, educated public, who is aware of the achievements of contemporary graphics; still, we do not believethat it is very numerous. The relatively steep conditions in which culture manifests itself are present here, as well, like in otherdomains of artistic manifestation. Yet, the yearly presence of the Tribuna salon is a tonic one and allows hope to rise again.Graphics itself is a paradox - on the one hand it seems to be the most natural plastic hypostasis, the mother of all visual arts, sincethe simple gesture of the hand and the value of the touch have always stayed at the basis of the signifying image. Probably in ourdays graphics is both undermined and sustained by a paradoxical polarity of opposition of contraries. There is no other visual artthat should preserve in the current, contemporary practice so well, so faithfully and conservatively the old historical techniques,attested since the XIVth-XVth centuries, as do woodcut, then lithograph. On the other hand no other art does nowadays evolve sodynamically and surprisingly, promptly and haughtily taking in any creative valence of the new IT graphical plates, new softwarewhich processes and manipulates digital images, and, at the same time handles pioneering techniques in the chromatic palette,putting to use the newest synthetic pigments and colors. Fine Arts institutes still teach with utmost seriousness all the classicalmanual techniques, but also image processing in departments of photographical and video techniques.We shall see equal shares of all these things in the works exhibited this autumn, which explore a large range of techniques andprocedures which are, ultimately ideas, since the artist's hand, led by the exercise ruled by an ostinato rigore gains that "intelligenceof its own", which is the nobility crest of the graphical artist. The eye which polarizes, balances and subtly handles contrasts is thegate through which signs, compositions and graphical structures set out to the world. At a still deeper level, the mental thatsuperposes intelligence, culture and instinct should be sought-for in every graphical image that could be called artistic.It is not the case now and here to point comments or judgments of value at some artist or some work. I have already seen thescanned images of the works and I can tell you that you will (re)encounter in some of them a splendid order of the idea hiddenunder the appearance of disorder, in some others a profound meditation on the "real" hiding in the appearance of the banal, as wellas symbolic or metaphorical projections upon some "worlds" that might exist. In a word passion, originality and gift conventionallylaid out only on bi-dimensional paper, but in which a multidimensional librations reverberate. One should, none-the-less, notice thelarge, in a certain sense ecclectical character of the exhibition, which equally holds classical and very recent techniques.The works present us with excellent achievements in consecrated techniques: etching, aquatint, dry point: Giovanni Turria (Italy),

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Mikael Kihlman (Sweden), Denise Pelletier (Canada), Tomiyuki Sakuta (Japan), Hayri Esmer, Erkin Keskin (Turkey), Rakesh Bani(India), mezzotint: Zoran Jakimovski (Macedonia), Guy Langevin (Canada), linocut: Nauer Spindola (Brazil), Emilio CarrascoGutierrez (Mexico), Bart Verburg (The Netherlands), Valter Paraschivescu (Romania), woodcut: Irving Herrera (Mexico), MárcioPannunzio (Brazil), Paul Ssendagire (Uganda), lithography: Endi Poskovic (USA), Nedko Nedkov (Bulgaria), silkscreen: Borgó(Hungary), collography: Esteban Grimi (Argentina), Ron Garrett (USA), as well as combined techniques: Sandro Bracchitta (Italy),Irina Kazeeva (Russia), Alicia Candiani (Argentina), Géza Szőcs (Hungary), Wolfgang Brenner (Germany). But also recent techniquesare presented to the viewer digital print Benjamin Vasserman (Estonia), Eduardo Brenes (Costa Rica), or last moment techniqueswhich put to use computer-generated digital images piezograph: Haruko Cho (Japan), ultra-giclée print: Ciprian Ciuclea (Romania).All these pertain to technique (all technology included), to performance (which comes along with that ostinato rigore mentionedabove), to craftsmanship (that is, handling things in the best sense of the word) and skill (which reveals sensitivity and intuition).Some things will only be noticed, commented upon and discussed only within the community of artists or in the conclave ofprofessional critics. And, unfortunately, in most cases they will also remain there.To the average man interested in culture, what might present more interest is the large thematical range, going from strictlyindividual idiosyncrasies, or typical images of the ethnical spirituality in certain parts of the world, down to imagistic takeovers offamous works that create unheard echoes and builds unseen bridges. But there are also “steps over frontiers” in surprisisng workswhich urge the thought to pause in the polisemy of suggestions. I invite you to meditate on the subtle melancholy in Road toNowhere by Mikael Kihlman, on the meanings of personal existence in Scanned Identity by Ciprian Ciuclea, or on the grotesquehumour in I Ate a Crocodile by Esteban Grimi; also the fantastic realism in Monkey Dream by Eduardo Brenes, or the metaphysicsof existence in Do Angels Die? by Guy Langevin, the mystery of the palimpsest-image in Nothing Is as it Seems by Giovanni Turria,…or …or … The range is generous, disconcerting, even, but never inconsistent and you will choose what seems to you moreinteresting, more profound.We are assaulted on a daily basis by an unlimited number of graphical images in the mass-media, in advertisements, in posters andslogans, or in the quasi-infantile simplifications of pictographic communication. Real imagistic language is, nevertheless, not at thehand of mediocrities who efficiently handle the computer in the quest of immediate commercial gain, but lies in the profoundthought which vests the line and the sign with perennial, sometimes even archetypal character. What we need is the patience andwillpower to probe down into the primary thought and the ultimate image of the artist. We salute in all satisfaction the coherenceand consistency with which Mr. Ovidiu Petca deploys an enormous work for things which only a minority enjoys and understands.There is still a shadow of hope, since in a few cultural institutions there still exist people who encourage such manifestations. Thetruth-value of such an exhibition is not obvious in the festivism of the opening, in the more or less scholarly speeches of the criticson duty, delivered to the participants crowding in the hall. The truth-value lies (and can only lie) in the true "reading" that is to comein the following days, when the exhibition-hall is almost empty, when you are alone with the images.We shall be present at the opening, but I insistently recommend that you should come by again, several times, with days of pause,to watch the works, for the code of reading is usually hidden and will not let itself be deciphered with the ease of a passing glance.You will see that the works deserve the time vested in them and that the artists deserve the consideration due to those who strugglewith the idea embodied in the image. As to us, we shall only deserve what we can contain and understand. And that is no menialthing.Our thanks are due to those who have toiled so that we can enjoy these idea-images.

Pavel Puşcaşart critic

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DRUMUL SPRE NICĂIERI (2003), ac rece, 79 x 59,5 cm

ROAD TO NOWHERE (2003), drypoint, 79 x 59,5 cm

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ROTAŢII (2012), acvatinta, mezzotinta, 48,5 x 69,5 cm

ROTATIONS (2012), aquatint, mezzotint, 48,5 x 69,5 cm

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VARĂ INDIANĂ (2009), acvatinta, ac rece, 60,5 x 22,5 cm

INDIAN SUMMER (2009), aquatint, dry point, 60,5 x 22,5 cm

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COAJA (2013), acvaforte, acvatinta, colorat manual, 47 x 32,5 cm

THE SHELL (2013), etching, aquatint, hand coloured, 47 x 32,5 cm

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100 FEŢE-23 (2012), tipar adânc, 60 x 90 cm

100 FACES-23 (2012), intaglio, 60 x 90 cm

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SIGHIŞOARA VECHE (2007), linogravură, 16 x 25,5 cmCASE DIN SIGHIŞOARA (2007), linogravură, 21 x 25,7 cm• PLOAIE DE VARĂ (2009), gravură în plastic, 28 x 21 cm

OLD SIGHIŞOARA (2007), linocut, 16 x 25,5 cmHOUSES IN SIGHIŞOARA (2007), linocut, 21 x 25,7 cm• SUMMER RAIN (2009), plastic engraving, 28 x 21 cm

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IDENTITATE SCANATĂ (2013), imprimare ultra-giclée pe hârtie Ultrasmooth, 63 x 94,5 cm

SCANNED IDENTITY (2013), ultra-giclée print on Ultrasmooth paper, 63 x 94,5 cm

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O ALTĂ FAŢĂ. DOSAR 1. FAŢA 3 (2008), mezzotinta, linogravură, 59,5 x 48,5 cm

ANOTHER FACE. FOLDER 1. FACE 3 (2008), mezzotint, linocut, 59,5 x 48,5 cm

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ZACHLUMIA I (2012), litografie, 80 x 36 cm

ZACHLUMIA I (2012), lithography, 80 x 36 cm

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• AMINTIRI PĂSTRATE I (2006), litografie, 35 x 50 cmAMINTIRI PĂSTRATE II (2006), litografie, 35 x 50 cm

• KEEPING MEMORIES I (2006), lithography, 35 x 50 cmKEEPING MEMORIES II (2006), lithography, 35 x 50 cm

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ORDALIE (2011), imprimare digitală, 60 x 80 cm

ORDEAL (2011), digital print, 60 x 80 cm

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FAMILIE, (2010), xilogravură, 47 x 22,5 cm• GATA DE MUNCĂ (2010), xilogravură, 50 x 24,5 cm

FAMILY, (2010), woodcut, 47 x 22,5 cm• SET FOR WORK (2010), woodcut, 50 x 24,5 cm

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AM MÂNCAT UN CROCODIL (2010), colografie, 69 x 100 cm

I ATE A CROCODILE (2010), collography, 69 x 100 cm

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DIN SERIA INSIGNIA #3 (2013), colografie, 46 x 38 cm

INSIGNIA SERIES #3 (2013), collography, 46 x 38 cm

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OCUPĂ GEZI (2013), acvaforte, acvatinta, 44 x 83 cm

OCCUPY GEZI (2013), etching, aquatint, 44 x 83 cm

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PERNĂ-B GRAD NR. 1 (2013), piezografie, 73,5 x 103,5 cm

B-CUSHION GRADE NR. 1 (2013), piezograph, 73,5 x 103,5 cm

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AŞTEPTARE CICLICĂ (2004), ac rece, carborundum, corodare cu acid, 70 x 54 cm

WAITING CYCLIC (2004), drypoint, carborundum, pure acid bite, 70 x 54 cm

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NU ESTE TOTUL AŞA CUM PARE (2007/2012), dăltiţă, ac rece, 89 x 44,5 cm

ALL IS NOT AS IT SEEMS (2007/2012), burin, dry point, 89 x 44,5 cm

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MOR ÎNGERII? (2011), mezzotinta, 70 x 50 cm

DO ANGELS DIE? (2011), mezzotint, 70 x 50 cm

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DIANA (ŢINTĂ): CENTRUL 1 (2013), acvaforte, litografie, chine colle, perforare, 59 x 99,5 cm

DIANA (TARGET): CENTER 1 (2013), etching, lithography, chine colle, punching, 59 x 99,5 cm

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IA DOAR CE-ŢI TREBUIE (2013), fotografie, imprimare digitală, şablon, pastel roşu, 63 x 84 cm

JUST TAKE WHAT YOU NEED (2013), photography, digital print, stencil scripture, red crayon, 63 x 84 cm

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VISUL MAIMUŢEI (2012), imprimare digitală, xilografie, 81 x 59 cm

THE MONKEY'S DREAM (2012), digital print, woodcut, 81 x 59 cm

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MEMORIE W B (2001), serigrafie, 86 x 58,5 cm

STICK W B (2001), silkscreen, 86 x 58,5 cm

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SCUTUL (2010), activare, relief, 86 x 64 cm

THE SHIELD (2010), activation, embossing, 86 x 64 cm

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RASSAUNA (2013), linogravură, 50 x 80 cm

RASSAUNA (2013), linocut, 50 x 80 cm

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NAŞTEREA VENEREI, xilogravură, 97 x 68 cm

THE BIRTH OF VENUS, wood engraving, 97 x 68 cm

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VÂRSTA RAŢIUNII (2010), xilogravură, 17,5 x 18 cm

THE AGE OF REASON (2010), wood engraving, 17,5 x 18 cm

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- (2013), tipar adânc, 49 x 68,5 cm

- (2013), intaglio, 49 x 68,5 cm

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LEU (2012), linogravură, 61,5 x 73 cm

LION (2012), linocut, 61,5 x 73 cm

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ROADELE PĂMÂNTULUI (2007), linogravură, 24,5 x 19,5 cm• ROADELE PĂMÂNTULUI (2007), linogravură, 24,5 x 19,5 cmFIGURĂ ŞEZÂND (2007), linogravură, 26,7 x 19 cm

FRUITS OF THE EARTH (2007), linocut, 24,5 x 19,5 cm• FRUITS OF THE EARTH (2007), linocut, 24,5 x 19,5 cmSEATED FIGURE (2007), linocut, 26,7 x 19 cm

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BorgóUNGARIA/HUNGARYBorn: 10 May 1950, Târgu-Mureş, RomaniaAddress: Vörösmarty u. 66, 3711 Szirmabesenyő, HungaryE-mail: [email protected]

Civilian name: Dr György István Csaba. Munkácsy Award-winningartist (2002) Professor of the Eszterházy Károly College Department ofVisual Arts. He graduated from the Bolyai Farkas High School in 1969and attended the University of Fine Arts between 1976 and 1980 inKolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), receiving a degree of teacher ofpainting and arts. His masters were Paul Sima and Victor Ciato.He has created paintings, drawings, prints, sculptures, and hugegobelins, tapestries and has participated in installations andperformances individually and with other artists.65 individual exhibitions: Budapest, Százhalombatta, Dresden, Kapolcs,Békéscsaba, Zalaegerszeg, Szeged, Szekszárd, Vienna, Miskolc, Graz.Awards: 1988 - 1st prize, Festival of Arts, Vác; 1992 - 2nd prize,Graphics Biennial Győr; 1993 - 1st prize, Arts Festival Érd; 2003 - Prizeof the International Graphic Exhibition Bangkok and many others.Works found in collections: European Parliament, Strasbourg; FerenczyMuseum, Szentendre; Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest; NationalMuseum, Cairo; City Museum, Namur; American Federal NationalMuseum, Washington; Museum of Tokyo University of Arts etc.

Exhibitions in Cluj: Mini-Print Biennial 2001 (Ex aequo Prize)

Rakesh Bani INDIABorn: 9 July 1974, at Kargi Road Kota, (C.G.) IndiaAddress: House No. - 345, F F, Sector - 13, Kurukshetra - 136119, Haryana, IndiaE-mail: [email protected]

At present teaching Printmaking last 13 Years in India.Post Graduate in Graphics (Print Making) from Indira Kala SangeetUniversity, Khairagarh (C.G.) India. Awarded Ph.D. Degree in 2013,Awards - Received 25 Awards Including Ex libris Competetion on 40thanniversary of the Department of Information Management atHacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey In 2012, Nokia Arts Awards -Asia Pacific at Singapore in 2000. 2nd Haryana Contemporary ArtAward, by Haryana Institute of Fine Arts (HIFA), Karnal, Haryana,India in 2012, Gold Medal, by Research Link, Issue - 91, Vol.- X (9),November - 2011, Indore, (M.P), India in 2011. Six Solo shows including " In Conversation" Two Men Graphic Printshow at Gallery Seasons, Sofia, Bulgaria 2013, Exhibition of Prints atMuseum of Modern Fine Art, Minsk, Belarus, "Metamorphosis" soloshow at Herji Gallery, Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai, India in 2012,"Metamorphosis" Galleria d'Arte Sangiorgio, Via Cavalli di Bronzo 95,Naples, Italy 2011 At Deco Gallrii, Tallin, Estonia in 2008.Participated in more then 40 International Print Biennial and TriennialExhibitions in Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, France, Macedonia, Brazil,Argentina, Mexico, China, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, India.

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Sandro BracchittaITALIA/ITALYBorn: 29 September 1966, RagusaAddress: Via deglli Aceri, 23 -97100 Ragusa, ItalyE-mail: [email protected],

Studies: Course on painting at the “Accademia di Belle Arti” Florence(1990), and graphics arts at “Il Bisonte", Florence (1992). His firstpersonal exhibition took place in 1991 at Palazzo Datini in Prato, Italy.At present, he holds the chair of engraving at the School of Fine Artsof Palermo. He also works in Ragusa, where he lives. Awards: 1994 - Mini Print International, Cadaqués (Spain); 2004 -Grand Prix, Mini Print Finland, Lahti; "Young Italian Engravers Prize",Contemporary Art Museum "Villa Croce", Genova (Italy); 2001 - Prizeof the National Museum of Modern Art Tokio, The EngravingTriennial, Kanagawa; Prize of the Municipal Museum in Győr,Hungary; 2007 - Prize Leonardo Sciascia Amateur d'Estampes andPrize, International Engraving Biennial in Acqui Terme; 2009 - GrandPrize, Triennale Print and Drawing Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand;2011 - Purchase Prize, “Space” Print Biennial, Seoul (South Korea); 54th Venice Biennale. Exhibitions: Chamalières (France), Lubliana (Slovenia), Biella (Italy),Ibiza (Spain), Cracow (Poland), Sint Niklaas (Belgium), Bitola(Macedonia), Kharkov (Ukraine), Uzice (Serbia), Győr, Budapest(Hungary), Sapporo (Japan), Tallinn (Estonia), Beijing (China) etc.

Eduardo BrenesCOSTA RICABorn: 6 April 1969 in San JoseAddress: Guadalupe de Goicoechea. San Jose, Costa RicaE-mail: [email protected]

Graduated with specialties in Printmaking and Painting at the NationalUniversity of Costa Rica in 1996. In 2003, he was awarded ascholarship by the government of Mexico for a stay in the engravingworkshop at the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).In 2013 worked as a professor at the Continental University ofSciences and Arts in Printmaking, Painting, Drawing and 2DAnimation. He currently works in Moving Image Engraving and hisstudio is in Guadalupe, San Jose, CR.International Exhibitions: In 1999, the magazine shows XILO graph,Fortaleza, Brazil. In 2002, he was appointed representative of theNational University of Costa Rica Cultural Exchange inter-universitybetween Brazil-Costa Rica, Graphic exhibition held at the CulturalCenter Oboe, Fortaleza, Brazil. Video 2005 art exhibition San IldefonsoMuseum, Mexico City. Awards: Honorable Mention 1996. Emerging Art of Costa Rica / BrazilArt Award, Embassy of Brazil. In 1998 Third Prize Contest Contest IIRecorded in Costa Rica, La Nacion Newspaper Gallery, San Jose. In2008 Ariel Award, with animation "Vision Of Love was born" for bestanimated short film in Mexico held at the Palace of Fine Arts, MexicoCity. DF.

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Alicia CandianiARGENTINABorn: 30 October 1953, Buenos AiresAddress: Av. Federico Lacroze 1956, 7 Piso, 1426 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaE-mail: [email protected], [email protected],

Visual artist and independent scholar. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentinain 1953, where she lives and works. She graduated of the NationalUniversity of Córdoba, Argentina, where she led the Printmaking andArt History Departments for 15 years, receiving the Excellence inTeaching Award in two opportunities. She lectures widely about newand digital media and her articles have been published nationally andinternationally as a collaborator in "Printmaking Today", UK;"Grapheion", Prague, Czech Republic; Art Notes in New York City,USA; "Papel&Estampa" and "Observador Daltónico" in Argentina. Shehas been selected by the Argentine National Academy of Fine Arts asone in ten best printmakers in her country and nominated for theGrand Prix in Printmaking in 1998, 2000 and 2004. She is the founderand current director of Proyecto'ace, an international artist in residenceprogram focused on printmaking and its interfaces with photography,design and digital media. She has served as International Representativeon the Southern Graphic Council International Executive Board for2008-2010 in the United States.Many national and international awards and participations inimportant exhibitions. Works in public collections.

Wolfgang BrennerGERMANIA/GERMANYBorn: 28 November 1956,OberweselAddress: Elsener str. 26 E, 33102 Paderborn, GermanyE-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Since 2003 Lecturer at Paderborn University, Faculty of CulturalStudies-Fine Arts & Textile. Since 2007 Lecturer at Summer Academy.Wolfgang Brenner`s pictures are not conventional, not classical butdifferent - seemingly elusive in their making, reduced in their colours,fragmentary irritating, enigmatic. With different materials andtechniques he always works in layers which he stacks one on theother. So it is a matter of course that this art is not an elusive, off-handed one. It is sophisticated, construed and elaboratelycomposed. The means he uses - photography and text - normallyguaranteed clear statements. Towards cursory views, though, they raisemore questions than they answer.Solo exhibitions: Haemeenlinna, Pamplona, Melle, Osnabrueck, Delft,Thessaloniki.He takes part in numerous national and international exhibitions sincethe 1970s. Many of his works are in possession of renownedcollections.

Exhibitions in Cluj: International Mini-Print Biennial 2003 (JuryMember and Solo exhibition in “Old Gallery” Cluj), 2005

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Haruko ChoJAPONIA/JAPANBorn: 10 April 1953Address: 2-31-6 Nishi-Ikebukuro Toshima-ku, Tokyo 11710021, JapanE-mail: [email protected],

Studies: Tokyo University of The Arts (1977), School of BostonMuseum of Fine Arts by Japan Government (2003).Solo Exhibitions: Meguro Art Museum, Shinjuku Isetan Art Gallery,Gallery Ginza bou, New York, Paris, Boston, German Culture Hall,The Kocaeli Museum (Turkey) etc... Awards: 1996 - China/Japan Art Exchange Exhibition, Shanghai(Gold/Grand Prix); 1997 & 1998 Contemporary Art Exhibition ofJapan (Museum Prize); 2001 - The 8th Liquitex Biennale (Glenn BrillPrize); 2003 - Print Triennial Krakow (Regular Award); 2006 - 21stCentury Prints Grand Prix Exhibition (Special Prize); 2007 - GuanlanPrint Biennial, China (Museum Prize); 2008 - Bharat Bhavan BiennaleIndia (Honorable Prize); 2011 - IMPRINT , Warsaw (3rd Prize), 2012 -Miniprint and ex libris Salon Argentina (2nd Prize),International Exhibitions: Krakow, Istanbul, Oldenburg, Vienna, Paris,Torun, Katowice, Sobral, Quebec, Tetovo, Sarcelles, Bristol, Seoul. Public Collections: Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art (Israel), NationalLibrary (France), Los Angeles County Museum of Art (U.S.A),Degirmendere Art Museum (Turkey), Manggha Centre of Krakow(Poland), Ibiza Art Museum (Spain), Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Egypt) Exhibitions in Cluj: International Mini Print Biennial 2005

Emilio Carrasco GutierrezMEXIC/MEXICOBorn: 4 October 1957Address: Calle Constitution nr. 20, Centro Guadalupe, Zacatecas, CP 98600, MexicoE-mail: [email protected]

Studies: 1976 to 1977. Workshops at "Escuela National de ArtesPlasticas' of UNAM. From 1978 to 1982 he attended to the "Circuto deBellas Artes de Madrid" and the "Facultad de Bellas Artes de SanFemando", as well as "Universidad Compultense de Madrid' where hegets the Degree of Drawing Professor.He has fulfilled 61 individual exhibitions in Mexico and Spain; and hehas been part of 142 group exhibitions in Mexico, Central and SouthAmerica in addition to U.S.A. and Europe.Awards: Honorary Mention at the third International contest of Woodsculpture in Toluca (Mexico), Prize for traditional techniques LeonardoMuseum, Vinci (Italy). His permanent creative labor has been enrichedwith a strong academic activity that he has been developing in the"Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas', since 1982, where he hasformed groups of artists and also he has participated in numerousvisual poetry festivals in a wide range of scenarios in the world.At the moment, the Visual Arts workshops at Franciso Goytia Museumin Zacatecas are coordinated by him.

Exhibitions in Cluj: International Mini-Print Biennial 2003, 2005, The Eye 2000, European Cities 2002, Breakfast with Drakula 2003

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Hayri EsmerTURCIA/TURKEYBorn: 3 August 1966, Diyarbakir, TurkeyAddress: Anadolu University, Fine Arts of Faculty, Eskişehir, TurkeyE-mail: [email protected]

Graduated from painting department of Gazi Üniversity EducationFaculty. In 1997, obtained the MA. Degree and PhD degree in 2001.Hewas head of Department of Printmaking between 2009-2012. Themember of the board of directors in Ankara agent, UNESCO AIAPNational Committee International Association of Arts, between 1999-2002. Studied as a member of article committee at jurnal of "AnadoluSanat" between 2001 and 2005. In addition, he prepared themathicfiles as an editor. His lot of articles, researches and studies about artwere published. 12 solo exhibitions in Turkey and Germany. At themoment, he is a member of department of printmaking at AnadoluUniversity Faculty of Fine Arts.Awards: 55th. State Print Exhibition, 1994 - Mention, (Turkey) - TheTGNA Painting Competition, 1995 - Mention, Turkey - A.Ç.S. 5th and7th Painting Competition, Mentions (Turkey) - 56th. And 64th.StatePrint Exhibition, Prizes, (Turkey) - 1th. Şefik Bursali PaintingCompetition, Prize. (Turkey)

Exhibitions in Cluj: International Mini-Print Biennial 2003 (HonoraryMention), 2005

Ciprian CiucleaROMÂNIA/ROMANIABorn: 5 September 1976, TimişoaraAddress: C.P. 32-175, Bucharest, Romania E-mail: [email protected],,

Graduate of the Fine Arts Faculty, Western University from Timişoara,Romania. Master in Visual Art - Fine Arts Faculty, Western University,Timişoara, Romania. Director of IEEB (International ExperimentalEngraving Biennial). President of Experimental Project Association.Solo exhibitions: Bucharest (2010, 2013), Evora (2011), Sibiu (2009),Timişoara (2009), Cuenca (2008), Quebec (2006), Saitama (2006). Awards (selection): 2010 - The Great Prize, 21 Maximo RamosPrintmaking Award, Ferrol, Spain; 2009 - Honorary Diploma,"ManuPropria" International Drawing Biennial, Tallinn, Estonia2008 - The Prize of the Teoartis Gallery, Evora, Portugal1997 - Great Prize of the Ministery of Culture, RomaniaInternational Exhibitions: Vilnius, Bitola, Gornji Milanovac, Sofia, Arad,Porto, Iowa, Ceara, Sint-Niklaas, Acqui Terme, Gliwice, Baia-Mare,Tetovo, Beijing, Koga, Tallin, Lessedra, Ganakkale, Warshaw, Guanlan, Durango, Ferol, Essen, Tokyo, Bangkok, Milano

Exhibitions in Cluj: International Mini Print Biennial 2001, 2003, 2005;Homage to the Poet 2000 (Diploma of Honour), European Cities 2002

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Esteban Grimi ARGENTINABorn: 29 February 1972, Rosario, ArgentinaAddress: Juan de Dios Videla 490, (5500) Mendoza, ArgentinaE-mail: [email protected],

He has studied at the Fine Arts School in the Rosario's NationalUniversity.Lives in Mendoza since 1996. He takes part in graphic competitionsand collective exhibitions in Argentina and abroad since 1993.Since 2010 he is Professor at High Level School "Profesor FranciscoHumberto Tolosa", Rivadavia, Mendoza. He gives engraving courses inthe Argentine and Brazil.Awards: Engraving Federal Prize "Irene y Oscar Pécora", Fine ArtsNational Academy, Buenos Aires (2010), Honourable Mention in the3rd International CGD (Computer Generated Design) Ex-librisCompetition, FISAE, Belgium (2008), "Grand Prix de la Ville d'Issy-les-Moulineaux" Exlibris, Concours International -"Ex-libris et PetitesGravures sur le theme des cartes a jouer et des jeux de cartes", France(2001), Nomination (Honourable mention) in the International ExlibrisCompetition "Guido Gezelle", Bruges, Belgium (1999), Mention "VeryHighly Commended", "The World of Exlibris - Exlibris & their Artists"Competition, Belgrade (1995).His works are in Museums, Institutions and private collections in:Argentina, Belgium France, Brazil, Serbia, Japan, Spain, Italy, Poland,Mexico, Cuba, USA, The Czech Republic, Switzerland and Belarus.

Ron Garrett SUA/USABorn: 29 June 1958, Burlington, North Carolina Address: 8591 Old Towne Way, Boca Raton, Florida, 33433, USA.E-mail: [email protected]

Ron Garrett earned a Masters of Fine Art in Printmaking from KentState University, Kent, Ohio, and also holds a Bachelor's of Fine Artsdegree from Guilford College, Greensboro, North Carolina. As an artist, growing up along the coasts of Florida created a deepsense of place for Ron. Its steamy landscapes decorated his childhood,etching vivid watercolor skies and waterways into his imagination.Much of his work emerges from his early encounters with nature or isinspired by organic abstractions, suggested in forms found in nature.Repetition is another key player often at work in his art, inspired bynumerous travels throughout India and the primitive village textilepatterns found there.He is a current faculty member of the Printmaking Department atFlorida Atlantic University and he has taught visual arts for over 20years at numerous academic institutions. Recently he also opened afine art printmaking atelier, specializing in traditional printmakingprocesses named, Raga Press.

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Zoran Jakimovski MACEDONIABorn: in 1953, Kumanovo, R. MacedoniaAddress: Nr 4, Trst Str. 1300 Kumanovo, MacedoniaE-mail: [email protected]

Graduated from the academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade 1978. Finishedpostgraduate studies at the same academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade in1982. He is employed as a professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts,Skopje, St.Kiril and Metodij University. At his Faculty he teachesgraphic arts. From 1998 to 2002 he was a dean of the Faculty.Member of DLUK and DLUM (Macedonian Artists Associations)Study trips: Italy, France Awards: 1970, 1971, 1972 - Youth Graphic Awards, Skopje; 1977- Award for Graphic-DLUK Kumanovo; 1978, 1980-First award forPainting-DLUK Kumanovo; 1982-Award "Mosha Pijade" DLUM, Skopje;1984-Award from the 13th exhibition for graphic in Zagreb JAZY,Zagreb, Croatia; 1984-Award for Drawing, DLUM-Skopje; 1985-Awardfor Graphic; 1985-November Award form the City Kumanovo; 1986-Second award DLUK, Kumanovo; 1987-Museum of ContemporaryArts, Skopje; 1987-Art Gallery "Mosa Pijade" Bitola.One man exhibitions: 1978 - Kumanovo, Belgrade; 1982 - Skopje,Varazdin, Kumanovo, 1987 - Belgrade, 1988 - Kumanovo; 1995 -Skopje;1996 - Curih; 1998 - Düseldorf, Lodz, Krakov; 1999 - Paris;2001- Zrenjanin, Novi Sad, Vrsac.Exhibitions in Cluj: International Mini-Print Biennial 1997

Irving Herrera MEXIC/MEXICOBorn: 1984 Huajuapan de León, OaxacaAddress: Calle Xicotencalt 317, Colonia Centro Historico, Oaxaca de Juárez Oaxaca, México 68000E-mail: [email protected]

Irving Herrera (Huajuapan de Leon, 1984), is a prominent engraver, aShinzaburo Takeda student, who has won awards in competitionsspecialized in this trade in different parts of the world.Awards: 2011 - Honorable Mention, Biennial of Engraving "Josep deRibera" Xativa (Valencia) Spain; 2012 - Honorable Mention, NationalGraphic Arts Biennial Sinzaburo Takeda, Oaxaca, Mexico.Exhibitions: 2012 - Print Biennial Douro Portugal; InternationalBiennial "Jesus Nuńez" Spain; 2013 - Xilografia V 20 x 20, Santiago deChile, Chile; International Symposium, Sao Paulo Brazil,Herrera's formation starts when, in order to begin his studies, hemigrates from his region to the city of Oaxaca, where he enters theSchool of Visual Arts, specializing as a painter. Also he states thatduring his undergraduate studies, he was able to meet artists who alsohelped him appreciate his craft in a more profound way and to workdiligently at it, especially through lecture. Herrera's path inwoodcutting is already eleven years old, The desire to get to knowother forms of graphic work, the art realized by his peers in otherlatitudes of the world, has favoured Herrera in having contact withartists from different parts of the world, who have invited him, due tothe quality of his work, to participate in various artistic projects.

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Erkin Keskin TURCIA/TURKEYBorn: 1 August, 1969, Şavşat, Artvin, TurkeyAddress: Uludag Universitesi Egitim Fak. Resim Ögretmenligi Bölümü, Nilüfer, Bursa, Turkey E-mail: [email protected] --

Occupation: Printmaking Artist and Lecturer at Uludag University,School of Education, Art Education Department Education: 1996 MA in Art Education -Uludag University, GraduateSchool of Social Sciences, Bursa, Turkey. 1992 BA in Art Education &Graphic Design-Uludag University, School of Education, Bursa, Turkey Awards: 2005 - 3rd Award, Art and Sculpture Museums Association-International Mini Print Competition, Istanbul; 2007 - The Jury Award,GRAFIX, Breclav, Czech Republic; 2010 - 1st Prize, ÇanakkaleOnsekizmart University Gravure Competition; 1st Prize, Small GraphicPrint Biennial, Aiud, Romania; 2011 - Bilim-Sanat Prize, UludagUniversity, Bursa,Turkey; 2012 - Bronze Medal, Exslibris InvitationExhibition, ShanghaiSolo Exhibitions: 1993 - Bandirma; 1996, 2005, 2012, - Bursa; 2009 -Izmir; 2011 - SakaryaInternational Exhibitions: Bitola, Gniezno, Varna, Cairo, Kiwa, Ankara,Uzice, Breclav, Alijo, Ufa, Taragona, Milano, Cremona, Chemalieres,Guangzhou, Shangai.

Exhibitions in Cluj: International Mini-Print Biennial 2005

Irina Kazeeva RUSIA/RUSSIABorn: 14 May 1973, Moscow, RussiaAddress:Stroginskiy bul., 7-1-292, 123592, Moscow, RussiaE-mail: [email protected]

Education: Arts Faculty of Moscow State University of Print, graduatedin 1995. Currently lives and works in Moscow, RussiaUnreal and independed object is the favorite image of the artist. Themain theme of works is the combination of biology and technique,construction of the object as its essence. Besides crayon andaerography Irina Kazeeva uses traditional printmaking techniques:etching, dry point, linocut, lithography. Her new series "Bestiary offossils" in 19 engravings is executed in soft varnish. Last time Kazeevapaints on canvas with acrylics and water soluble crayon. Selected exhibitions: 2001 - Exlibris Competition in Sint-Niklaas,Belgium, Prize of Circle of former Atheneum Students; 2004 - Soloexhibition in the "Our Heritage" magazine gallery, Moscow, 2006 - Competition of Ex Libris "Remo Palmirani Prize". Soncino, Italy;2007 - Russian Works of '900 of the Sandretti Collection. MARTmuseum, Rovereto, Italy.Last activity: 2010 - The 1st International Art Camp in Erythrai,Turkey, Ex-libris Competition - Istanbul; Triennial of Small GraphicForms, Vilnius, Lithuania; Art Shop Galery, Izmir, Turkey; 2011 - PrintBiennial. Varna, Bulgaria; 2013 - Izmir Biennial of Art, Turkey.Exhibitions in Cluj: International Mini-Print Biennial 2003, 2005

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Guy LangevinCANADABorn: 29 May 1954, ChicoutimiAddress: 2590 Lajoie, Trois-Rivières, QC, Canada, G8Z 3G7E-mail: [email protected],

Graduated from Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières in 1977, Guy Langevin has made more than 50 solo exhibitions in Quebec,Canada, U.S.A., France, Belgium, Portugal and Germany. He hasparticipated to more than 400 group exhibitions, throughout the world,including approximately 80 international biennials or juried exhibitions. Mainly known for his work in mezzotint, he received several awards(Bharat Bhavan International Print, India; Guanlan International PrintBiennial, China; Fushun Biennial, China; International MezzotintFestival, Russia). Langevin has given many masterclasses in differentcountries as Canada, Belgium, China, Luxembourg, U.K.Deeply involved in his cultural milieu, at the end of the 70's, heparticipated to the creation of Atelier Presse Papier, a collectiveprofessional printmaking studio, in 1984-85, he was president of theQuebec Printmakers' association, and he is one of the founders of theBiennale internationale d'estampe contemporaine de Trois-Rivières. His work is part of numerous art collections throughout the world.

Mikael Kihlman SUEDIA/SEWEDENBorn: 15 Augut 1953, UppsalaAddress: Mariatorget 1A, 11848 Stockholm, Sweden E-mail: [email protected],

Printmaker and painter, resident in Stockholm. He has had a large number of exhibitions in Sweden and abroad. Forhis black and white prints, in the drypoint technique, he has receievedmany international awards, among them in Canada (Toronto andMontreal), Poland, China, Romania, Serbia, Spain and Japan. InSweden he has recieved the Karlskoga Nobel Art Award 2001, theSwedish Printmakers Associatons Eric Wessel-Fougstedts Scholarship2004 and together with the cultural journalist Karl Haskel, honoraryscholarship from the Nils G. Stenqvists Memorial Fund 2009.His works is in the collections at The British Museum, London,National Museum, Modern Museum, Malmö Art Museum, NorrköpingArt Museum, Borĺs Art Museum, Värmlands Museum, Karlstad, theSwedish Art Council, Municipal and private collections andInternational Biennales and Triennales collections.Member of the Swedish Printmakers Association, Grafik i Väst(Gothemburg), Taidegraafikot, Finland and the Swedish Artist Union,KRO.

Exhibitions in Cluj: International Mini-Print Biennial 1999, 2001.Honorary Mentions in 1999, 2001

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Márcio Pannunzio BRAZILIA/BRAZILBorn: 13 November 1958, Casa BrancaAddress: Caixa Postal 33, Ilhabela SP 1130-970, BrazilE-mail: [email protected]

Márcio Pannunzio is a brazilian artist, working with differenttechniques: print, drawing, painting and photography. He did twenty-seven individual shows. Participates regularly in internationalcontests of printing and was awarded in the XYLON 12 - InternationalTriennial Exhibition of Artistic Relief Printing (Switzerland), theBiennale Internationale d'Estampe Contemporaine de Trois-Rivičres(Canada), the BIMPE V - The Fifth Biennial International MiniaturePrint Exhibition (Canada), the 11th Bienal de San Juan del GrabadoLatinoamericano y del Caribe (Puerto Rico), the 3rd InternationalBiennial Racibórz 2000 Poland (Poland), the 3rd International MiniPrint Cluj-Napoca (Romania), the 3rd Contest International MiniGrabado "Ciudad de Ourense" (Spain), the 5th Bienal Naticional deGrabado en Relieve - 1st Iberoamerican XYLON Argentina, the 3rdBienal Argentina de Gráfica Latinoamericana, the 1st InternationalSmall Engraving Salon Inter-Grabado 2005 (Uruguay), the 2nd and 3rdMuestra Internacional de Miniprint en Rosario (Argentina).Many exhibitions and awards in Brasil

Exhibitions in Cluj: International Mini-Print Biennial 1999, 2001(Honorary Mention), 2003, European Cities 2002

Nedko Nedkov BULGARIABorn: 21 May 1968, DobrichAddress: D. Kovachev 17-D-15 Str., 9300 Dobrich, BulgariaE-mail: [email protected],

Education: St. st. Cyril and Methodius University, Veliko Tarnovo, withProf. M. Bumov. Member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists since 1997.Author of International art project called Paper and Print TogetherExperimental studio - 2001. Solo exhibitions: Albena (1993, 1994 - General Toshevo, 1996 - Goldenaerial Festival), Dobrich (1995 & 1998 - Art Gallery), Sofia (1996 ATA -RAI, 2008 - Testa Gallery, 2010 - Velmar Fondation), Varna (1996 -Palace 5 Gallery, 1997 - Palace 2 Gallery, 2002 - Artin Gallery, 2011 -Grafiti Gallery), Plovdiv (1997, 1998 & 2006 - "Art of Mexico" House),Sliven (2005 - Art Gallery).Participation in exhibitions: Kanagawa (Japan), Sofia, Gabrovo, Varna,Veliko Tarnovo, Dobrich, Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Belgrade (Serbia), Bitola,Veles, Makedonski Brod, Probishtip, (Macedonia), Kishinev (Moldavia),Bacau, Baia-Mare, Timişoara (Romania), Thessaloniki (Greece), Vienna(Austria), Tarnos (France), Kuklica (Croatia), Cheju (Korea)

Exhibitions in Cluj: International Mini-Print Biennial 1999, Image ofRomania in the Word Eyes 1999

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Denise Pelletier CANADABorn: 9 March 1948Address: 1184 Impériale, Québec, Qc., Canada, G3K 1M2E-mail: [email protected],

Studies: Fine Arts, Laval University, QuebecActive member: Engramme, Québec & Graver Maintenant, Paris Solo Exhibitios: Québec, Baia Mare, Timişoara, Liege,Awards: 2011 - Honorary Medal, Triennial of Small Graphic Forms,Lodz, Poland; Special Mention, Jean Anouilh Year, Bordeaux, France;2004 - Silver Medal, Biennial Print and Drawing Exhibition, TaipeiTaiwan; 2004 - First Prize, Small Engraving Salon, Baia Mare, Romania; 2003 - Prize of Jury, Experimental Engraving Project, Timişoara.Exhibitions: 2000 - Chamalieres (France), 2001 - Macao (China), 2002 - Warsaw (Poland), 2003 - Lubin (Poland), 2004 - Sant Carles dela Râpita (Spain), Evora (Portugal), 2005 - Timişoara, Baia Mare(Romania), Tokyo (Japan), Varna (Bulgaria), Lodz (Poland), 2007 - Cremona (Italy), 2009 - Belfast (Northern Ireland), Glasgow(Scotland), Toronto, Québec, Trois Rivières (Canada), Paris (France),Festival de Cervantino (Mexic), Sarcelles (France), 2010 - Guyancourt(France), 2011 - Lodz (Poland), 2012 - Landivisiau, Reims, Avray, Reuil-Malmaison (France), Hannut (Belgium), Dundee (Scotland), Brest (France)

Exhibitions in Cluj: International Mini-Print Biennial 2005

Valter Paraschivescu ROMÂNIA/ROMANIABorn: 14 December 1959, PloieştiAddress: str.Splaiului 20, bl 34H, ap15, 100150 - Ploiesti, Prahova - RomaniaE-mail: [email protected]

Active painter and graphic artist.Studies: Fine Arts Academy "Nicolae Grigorescu", Bucharest. Memberof the Romanian Fine Artists Association.22 Solo exhibitions in Ploieşti, Bucharest, Galaţi, Craiova; Constanţa;Câmpina, Tecuci. Many awards and group exhibitions in Romania. International exhibitions: Magdeburg, Torun, Ostrow, Cracow, Lom,Escrenes, Vilnius, Sint-Niklaas, Budapest.Grants, documentations, camps: Câmpeni, Calica, Torun, Brebu, Valea Neagră, Kasterlee, Galaţi, Tulcea, Târgu-Mures, Cornu, Lom,Costineşti2007 "The Water Temple" project nomination for the Romanian stand,at the Venetian biennale;Works in state and private colections: Austria, Australia, Argentina,Belgium, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Holland,Korea, Luxemburg, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland.

Exhibitions in Cluj: International Mini-Print Biennial 1999, 2003, 2005The Eye 2000

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Tomiyuki SakutaJAPONIA/JAPANBorn: 22 January 1960 Address: 1-5-11 Takagi-cho, Kokubunji-city, Tokyo, 185-0036 JapanE-mail: [email protected],

Education: Tokyo Zokei University of Art and Design, 1984.Part-time teacher of the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts andMusic (2009-2012).Solo exhibitions: Tokyo (1990, 1993, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2004, 2005,2008, 2009, 2013), Sakata (1993), Yamagata (1994, 1998), Shizuoka(1997, 2000), Utrecht, The Netherlands (2007), Sendai (2008), Niigata(2008, 2011), Kunitachi (2008), Osaka (2008), Kobe (2008), Kyoto(2012)Awards: 1993 - 2nd Prize, 2005 - First Prize, Kochi Print Triennial,Japan; 2008 & 2012 - First Prize, BIMPE, Miniature Print Exhibition,Vancouver, Canada; 2011 - Prize for Graphics & Drawing of theMinistry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria, Gabrovo Biennial;2012 - Purchace Prize, Bankok Triennale; 2013 - Grand Prix, PrintBiennial Varna; Special Award, Splitgraphic, Croatia; Premio Arozena -Madrid, Spain. Many prizes in Japan.International Exhibitions: Washington, Maarstricht, Cracow, Sapporo,Cadaques, Taipei, Kochi, Tokyo, Vancouver, Delft, Jyvaskyla, Seoul,New York, Guanlan, Seatle, Gabrovo, Istanbul, Douro, Ploieşti,Bangkok, Tallinn, AlgardenExhibitions in Cluj: International Mini-Print Biennial 1997, 2005

Endi Poskovic SUA/USABorn: 29 January 1969, Sarajevo, YugoslaviaAddress: University of Michigan, Stamps School of Art & Design, 2000 Bonisteel Blvd. AnnArbor, MI, 48109, USA. E-mail: [email protected]

Graduated from the University of Sarajevo Academy of Fine Arts 1990.and the State University of New York at Buffalo 1993. Professor of Art and Design at the University of Michigan.Over 40 solo exhibitions: Philadelphia Print Center (2001), Plains ArtMuseum (2001), Des Moines Art Center (2006), Bemis Center forContemporary Art (2007), Interlochen Arts Academy Dow Center forthe Arts (2008), Frans Masereel Centrum in Leuven and Ghent (2009).International exhibitions: Shanghai, Crakow, Taichung, Frechen, Varna,Tallinn, Trois-Rivieres, Ljubljana and many others in the USA andabroad.Grants and Fellowships: John Simon Guggenheim MemorialFoundation, New York (2011-2012), John D. Rockefeller Foundation,Bellagio Center Italy-New York (2010), Open Studio-Toronto/OntarioArts Council (2008-2009), Durfee Foundation, Los Angeles (2008) etc. Public Collections: Philadelphia Museum of Art, Royal AntwerpMuseum of Fine Arts, China Academy of Art, Centre National des ArtsPlastiques Cairo, Fogg Art Museum-Harvard University, NationalTaiwan Museum of Fine Arts, New Orleans Museum of Art, OrangeCounty Museum of Art-California, Des Moines Art Center, VaasaOstrobothnian Museum-Finland etc.

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Paul Ssendagire UGANDABorn:22 September 1979, KampalaAddress: PO Box 71387, Clock tower, Kampala, UgandaE-mail: [email protected].

I am an art educator, print maker, painter and fabric decorator. I havea post graduate diploma in education and a degree in industrial andfine art from Makerere University, Uganda.My works have been greatly exhibited in Uganda, Tanzania, France,Nigeria, Portugal, Switzerland, Greece, Italy, among many othercountries and I am a prestigious winner of several national andinternational awards including The 2007 commonwealth Art andcrafts award.Woodcut is my best means of expression. It is through this mediumthat I play loudest music with the intention of carving multiple smilesonto my heart and eventually affecting others from kids to the seniors.The joyful single eyed angels especially female angels bursting withforce and energy capture my thoughts, dreams and culture.And I feel that at a certain time in my life, I will be able to create a 2dimensional work that can jump off the paper!

Nauer Spíndola BRAZILIA/BRAZILBorn: 3 June 1960, Sao Bernardo - Ma, BrazilAddress: Caixa Postal 12136, Fortaleza - Ceara - Brazil, CEP 60020-970E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Graduated in Social Science. Studied drawing, wood engraving andetching in Museu de Arte da Universidade Federal do Ceará. Teacher in engraving and Art History. Ilustrated many publications.Awards: 2012 - Bienal Intercontinental de Arte Indigena, Equador; 2011 -Bienniale of Small Graphic Forms and Ex-Libris Ostrów, Poland; 2010 -International Exlibris and Mini-prints Biennale, China; 2004 - Salao deAbril, Brazil; 2001 - Salao de Arte Contemporânea de Piracicaba/SP,Brazil; 1998 - Salao Norman Rockwell, Brazil; 1994 - Bienal da Gravurade Sao José dos Campos, Brazil. Exhibitions: 1990 - Ciudade de Curitiba (Brazil), 1993 - Joao Pessoa(Brazil), 1997 - Ljubliana (Slovenia), 1998 - Prague (Czech Republic), 1999 - Varna (Bulgaria), 2000 - Caixanova (Spain), Caracas (Venezuela),Chamalieres (France), 2003 - Cremona (Italy), Győr (Hungary),Novosibirsk (Russia), 2005 - Tokyo (Japan), Šiauliai (Lithuania), 2009 - Skopje (Macedonia), 2010 - Penang (Malaysia), 2011 - Lodz(Poland)

Exhibitions in Cluj: International Mini-Print Biennial 2001, 2003, 2005,European Cities 2002

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Giovanni Turria ITALIA/ITALYBorn: 20 Juin 1970 Francavilla di Sicilia Address: Contrà Carpagnon 17/a, 36100 Vicenza, ItalyE-mail: [email protected]

He graduated in Fine Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, in1994. He specializied as an etcher at the Florence International School'Il Bisonte'. Member of the Association of the Veneto Etchers and ofthe Ex Libris Association. Presently teaching at the Academy of Urbinoand Venice.His works were exhibited at the most importantinternational engraving expositions as Biennial of Alijo (Portugal),Junior Prize in 2001 and Acqui Terme Biennial (Italy), First Prize in2005. He also took part in important group shows as "Grafica Oggi,viaggio nell'Italia dell'Incisione" at Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria inTurin (Italy) and "L'incisione Italiana Contemporanea" at SlesianMuseum in Katowice (Poland), until the recent special project forItalian Pavillon at 54th International Art Exhibition in Venice. In 1997he also founded the Officina arte contemporanea studio in Vicenza(Italy). His works can be seen in private and public collections, suchas 'Collezione Bertarelli' (Milan), 'Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe' of Uffizi(Florence), 'Museo Villa Croce' (Genoa), 'Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe'of Bagnacavallo (Ravenna), 'Museo Dino Formaggio' (Padua), and'Museo della Stampa' of Soncino (Cremona).Exhibitions in Cluj: International Mini-Print Biennial 2003 (Ex aequoPrize), 2005, European Cities 2002

Géza Szõcs UNGARIA/HUNGARYBorn: 24 September 1967, VásárosnaményAddress: Várkerület 10, 9400 Sopron, Hungary E-mail: [email protected],

He regards as his masters the painter János Horváth from Nyíregyházaand Tamás E. Solrta from Sopron. 2001-2010: he leads the InternationalEtching Workshop in Barcs, he is a member of the Association of Artistsof Kapos- Art and a Curator of Graphic Workshop in Győr. 2008 toteach at the University of West Hungary artwork Szombathely Arts,Education and Sport Sciences.Member of the National Union of Hungarian Creative Artists andSociety of Hungarian Graphic Artists.Solo exhibitions: 2002 & 2010 - IX. Gallery, Budapest, 2003 - ArtMuseum of Vác, Cellar Gallery of Ferencváros, 2006 - ÖKO GalleryAwards: 1997 - Special prize, Autumn Exhibition, Sopron; 1998 -Ministry prize, of the National Drawing Biennale, Salgótarján;1999 - Prize of National Union of Hungarian Creative Artists of Győr; Grand prize of Győr, 2008 - Prize of the society of Hungarian GraphicsArtists, Miskolci Graphics Triennale.International exhibitions: Udine, Cracow, Varna, Torun, Szczecin,Budapest, Czestochowa, Katowice, Miskolc, Baia Mare, Kanagawa.

Exhibitions in Cluj: International Mini-Print Biennial 2005

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Bart Verburg OLANDA/THE NETHERLANDSBorn: 12 August 1960, LeidenAddress: Postbus 323, 6800 AH Arnhem, the NetherlandsE-mail: [email protected],

Education: 1978 t/m 1983 Fine Arts, Academie Beeldende KunstenArnhem. 1983 - now, Artist working in the field of printmaking,drawing, painting, photography & filmmaking. 1995 - now.Participating and contributing in Mail Art.Exhibitions in the Netherlands: Galerie Marzee, Grafiekbeurs in stStevenskerk, (Nijmegen). Kunstcentrum De Gele Rijder, GalerieHooghuis, Sonsbeek Art & Design, CBKG, (Arnhem). Royal Palace ofAmsterdam, (Amsterdam).Kunst Ahoy, (Rotterdam). Stickerart, NP3,(Groningen). Hommage to Rembrandt, Sidac Studio, (Leiden). GalleryPlaatsmaken,. "Verzamelen",van Abbemuseum, (Eindhoven). Selection of International Exhibitions: Galerie Kaufhof, Kassel(Germany). Project Train Ticket, Chateaubourg, (France). GalleryDragonflydream, Santa Fe, (United States). Gallery 1114, Midland,(United States). Gendaikko Museum, Miyazaki City, (Japan). ArtGallery Ripustus, Hämeenlinna, (Finland). Fairywaters, Gallery du VieilEngreux, Houffalize, (Belgium). Verbindungen, Röbling DerBrooklinbridge, Mühlhausen, Kunstwesthuringer, (Germany). Snailartin Artway Gallery, Brampton Ontario, (Canada). Publication in"Maintenant 7", New York, (United States). Cover Design, "AlessiosAbenteuer in Wunderland", (Germany).

Benjamin Vasserman ESTONIABorn: 11 June 1949, Sovetsk, Kirov region, RussiaAddress: Vőru 12 - 105, 13612 Tallinn, EstoniaE-mail: [email protected] Website:

Studied graphic art at Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn, graduatecategory could be Master of Arts. Member of the Estonian Artist'sAssociation (1989) and member of the Association of EstonianPrintmakers (1992). Over 120 international exhibitions in 40 countries. Selected awards: Engraving Biennial, Ourense, Spain - HonourableMention (1994, 1998), Tallinn Print Triennial, Estonia - Special Prize(1995), Print Biennial, Varna, Bulgaria - Special Prize (1997), Printmakerof Year 2001 - Annual Prize of Estonian Printmaking, Print Biennial inBeijing, China - Gold Prize (2003), Internet ArtworkCompetition, Czestochowa, Poland - First Prize (2007, 2008), Biennial"The Masters of Drawing & Graphic Arts", Győr, Hungary - HonoraryMention (2007), Small Graphic Forms, Vilnius, Lithuania - 2nd Prize(2007), Digital Graphic Arts Biennial, Gdynia, Poland - Third Prize(2008), Kristjan Raud Prize of Estonian Art (2010), ARTOTEQUE'sOnline Global Art Annual 2 ART NOW, London, United Kingdom -Prize of Excellence (2010).20 solo exhibitions in Estonia, Finland, Germany, Denmark, Latvia,Russia.Exhibitions in Cluj: International Mini-Print Biennial 1997, 1999, 2001(Honorary Mention)

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ExpoziţiaTribuna Graphic organizată de revista Tribuna la Muzeul de Artă Cluj, sub patronajul ConsiliuluiJudeţean Cluj, la a patra ediţie, se află în faza consolidării. Scopul revistei Tribuna este de a promovaarta grafică contemporană în cele mai diverse manifestări ale sale, atât tehnice cât şi stilistice pe de oparte, iar pe de altă parte este dorinţa de a mări patrimoniul public cultural clujean prin donaţiile anuale.Fără restricţii concurenţiale, tematice şi cu multă indulgenţă la cele mai diverse combinaţii în privinţatehnicilor folosite, Tribuna Graphic încearcă să evidenţieze, în primul rând, actul creator, personalitateaartistică. S-a pus accent atât pe diversitatea tehnică, fiind prezente tehnici clasice şi moderne, în starepură sau în inedite combinaţii, dar şi pe varietatea stilistică susţinută de personalităţi puternice,inconfundabile ale graficii moderne. Fiind vorba de nume consacrate, pentru un cunoscător, chiar la oprivire sumară, această amprentă individuală este o dovadă de excelenţă. Din perspectiva experienţei, arenumelui, în cazul artiştilor experimentaţi, sau spiritului inventiv al unor tinere talente în expansiune,expoziţia este un îndreptar profesional dar şi o paletă agreabilă pentru amatorii mai puţin pretenţioşi.Preferinţa pentru lucrări de dimensiuni medii şi mari conferă o spectaculozitate în plus expoziţiei. Avândîn vedere numărul relativ mic de graficieni invitaţi şi faptul că pentru fiecare artist participarea laTribuna Graphic este unică şi irepetabilă, suprafaţa propusă (100 x 7o cm) este un mod onorabil de agestiona iscusinţa tehnică, forţa şi inteligenţa creatoare. Participă 30 de graficieni din Europa, America,Asia şi Africa, reprezentând 20 de ţări. Pentru unii artişti participanţi, 2013 a fost un an de succese majore, fiind câştigatorii unor competiţiiinternaţionale importante. Astfel, pot fi văzute la Cluj lucrări care sunt încă expuse pe mult râvnitele simezeale unor centre de elită ale graficii mondiale.Şi de această dată materialul expoziţiei va îmbogăţi patrimoniul Muzeului de Artă din Cluj conformregulamentului Tribuna Graphic.Mulţumesc pe această cale domnilor Mircea Arman, manager al revistei Tribuna, şi Călin Stegerean,directorul Muzeului de Artă Cluj, pentru sprijinul acordat acestui proiect.

Ovidiu Petcacurator

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Already at its fourth edition, Tribuna Graphic, organized by Tribuna review under the patronage ofCluj County Council, is now in a stage of consolidation. The purpose of Tribuna review is topromote contemporary graphic art in its most diverse manifestations, both technical and stylistic, onthe one hand, and, on the other hand, in the wish to increase the public patrimony of Cluj County byannual donations. Under no thematic or competitive restrictions, and accepting the most diversecombinations in point of techniques put to use, Tribuna Graphic attempts at first obviating thecreative act, artistic personality. Stress was laid both on technical diversity, in that classical andmodern techniques are present in pure state or in new combinations, but also on a stylistic varietysustained by outstanding, unique personalities of modern graphics. Since these are well-known namesto a connoisseur, even at a first glance, this individual blueprint is proof of excellence. From the pointof view of experience, of notoriety, in the case of consecrated artists, or of the inventiveness of youngtalents in expansion, the exhibition is a professional guidebook as well as a pleasant item of diversityfor less pretentious amateurs. The preference for large or medium-sized works gives an extraspectacular touch to the exhibition. Having in view the relatively small number of graphicians invited,as well as the fact that for each artist the participation in Tribuna Graphic is unique and unrepeatable,the surface proposed for the exhibits (100 x 7o cm) is an honorable way to manage technical skill,creative force and intelligence. 30 graphicians from Europe, America, Asia and Africa participate,representing 20 countries.For some participants, 2013 was a year of major achievements, since they were the award-winners ofimportant international competitions. Thus, one can see in Cluj works that are still exhibited in muchcraved-for exhibiting spaces of elite centers on world graphics.This time, as well, the material of the exhibition will enrich the collections of the Art Museum inCluj, according to the regulations of Tribuna Graphic.My thanks hereby go to Mr. Mircea Arman, manager of the Tribuna review, and to Mr. Călin Stegerean,manager of the Art Museum in Cluj, for the support given to this project.

Ovidiu Petcacurator

Page 59: Tribuna graphic 2013+:Tribuna graphic 2013+.qxdConsiliul Judeţean Cluj Revista de Cultură Tribuna Muzeul de Artă Cluj-Napoca Cluj County Council Tribuna Cultural Review Museum of



Bani Rakesh, 14, 42 Borgó, 33, 42Bracchitta Sandro, 27, 43 Brenes Eduardo, 32, 43Brenner Wolfgang, 31, 44Candiani Alicia, 30, 44Carrasco Gutierrez Emilio, 40, 45, 60 Cho Haruko, 26, 45Ciuclea Ciprian, 17, 46Esmer Hayri, 25, 46Garrett Ron, 24, 47Grimi Esteban, 23, 47Herrera Irving, 36, 48Jakimovski Zoran, 12, 48Kazeeva Irina, 18, 49Keskin Erkin, 38, 49Kihlman Mikael, 11, 50Langevin Guy, 29, 50Nedkov Nedko, 20, 51Pannunzio Márcio, 37, 51 Paraschivescu Valter, 16, 52Pelletier Denise, 13, 52Poskovic Endi, 19, 53Sakuta Tomiyuki, 15, 53Spíndola Nauer, 35, 54Ssendagire Paul, 22, 54Szõcs Géza, 34, 55Turria Giovanni, 28, 55Vasserman Benjamin, 21, 56Verburg Bart, 39, 56

Page 60: Tribuna graphic 2013+:Tribuna graphic 2013+.qxdConsiliul Judeţean Cluj Revista de Cultură Tribuna Muzeul de Artă Cluj-Napoca Cluj County Council Tribuna Cultural Review Museum of

Tiparul executat de: IDEA Design + Print Cluj Tirajul: 300 exemplare

Emilio Carrasco Gutierrez Fruits of the Earth (2007)