triatlon nutrition


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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Triatlon nutrition. Content presentation. Food pyramide Most important rules Nutrients Energy in food and expendure Before , during and after . Protein , Carbohydrates , fat Vitamines, Minerals Fluid Supplements. Food Pyramide. Most important rules. Protein 10 – 25 % - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Content presentation Food pyramide Most important rules Nutrients Energy in food and expendure Before, during and after. Protein, Carbohydrates, fat Vitamines, Minerals Fluid Supplements

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Food Pyramide

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Most important rules Protein 10 – 25 % Carbohydrates 45 – 65 % Fat 20 – 40 % Max 10 % saturated fat Eat many different foods 1.5 – 2.0 liters Fruit and vegetables

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Nutrients Protein Carbohydrates fat Dietary fiber Vitamines Minerals fluid

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Energy in Food Protein 4 kcal Carbohydrates 4 kcal Fat 9 kcal Alcohol 7 kcal Fiber ( soluable ) 2 kcal

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Energy use Basal metabolic rate Exercise Swim 3 / 3.5 kcal/kg/km Bike 1 kcal/kg for every 3 km Run 1 kcal a kilogram for 1 kilometer

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Breakfast before race 3 hours before 80 – 150 grams carbs 15 – 40 grams protein Little fibers and fat 500 ml fluid Muesli, plain yoghurt Bread with jam, honey and glass of milk

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Before 10 min 200 ml fluid Small snack Banana, bread with honey, jam Drink electrolyte drink Avoid fiber rich food

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During Sportbars / gels Max 1 gram / kg / hour 200 ml/15 min Snack 30/40 min Don’t try something new

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What to eat when Swim: drink, gels 1 gram carbs a hour/kg Solid foods ( bike ) 200 – 400 kcal/hour More fluid ( run )

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On the bike Banana Energy bar 250 – 400 kcal hour Start directly

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On the run 200 – 300 kcal/hour Energy gels / less solid Keep drinking Small amounts energy gel every 30 - 40 min

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Afterwards Protein and Carbohydrates A.S.A.P 0.4 gram protein/kg 1 gram carbohydrates/kg Chocoladmilk Protein shake + banana Glass milk + bread with honey

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Protein 15 – 20 % energy intake 1.2 / 1.6 gram 20 different aminoacids

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Carbohydrates 40– 65 % intake 5 – 8 gram per kg bodyweight Whole grain, fruits and vegatables

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Fats Min 20% Max 10 % saturated Unsaturated Limit before race/training Hidden fats

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Dietary Fibers 40 grams optimum Mostely too low Whole grain, rice, fruit, vegatables Limit before race/training

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Vitamines Vitamine A, D, E and K Dissolvability Vitamine B and C Storage in body

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Minerals Elements from nature Needed for functioning body Salt ( sodium, potassium ) Iron Magnisium

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Fluid 2 Liters a day Hypotonic: 0 - 6 gram / 100 ml Isotonic: 6 – 8 gram / 100 ml Hypertonic 8 – 15 gram / 100 ml

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Supplements Multivitamine Max 100 % RDI Iron, Magnesium, Calcium Vitamine B, C and E Omega 3 fatty acids

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The end

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