trends and issues wikis in education created by brendon wade

Trends and Issues Wikis in Education Created by Brendon Wade

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Page 1: Trends and Issues Wikis in Education Created by Brendon Wade

Trends and Issues

Wikis in Education

Created by Brendon

Page 2: Trends and Issues Wikis in Education Created by Brendon Wade

Introduction 1

• What is a wiki?

-Online Web 2.0 collaboration tool

-Easy to use


-Hyper linking ability


-Example• Research

-ERIC and EdITLib databases

-Peer Reviewed Literature

-Limited amount in primary and secondary education

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Introduction 2

• Distribution of articles across the education sectors

Primary (4)

Secondary (2)

Higher Education (1)

Cross Sector (1)

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Introduction 3

• Distribution of articles by country of origin

Hong Kong (2)

Australia (2)

UK (2)

Japan (1)

Spain (1)

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Trends 1• Diversity in learning tasks across research

Researchers Educational Sector and Year Level

Learning Area Task Title Sample Size

Hastie, Casey and Tarter (2010)

Secondary: Year 10/11 Physical Education PE Invasion Game 28 students

Mak and Coniam (2008)

Primary: Year 7 Literacy: Writing School Brochure 24 students

Tokito and Kubota (2011)

Primary: Year 3 Culture Intercultural Understanding

32 students

Grant (2009) Secondary: Year 9 History Innovation in Technology since the 1950s

45 students (estimate)

Piffaré and Staarman (2011)

Primary: Year 3/4 Science Colony on Mars 25 students(12 students in depth)

Woo, Chu, Ho and Li (2011)

Primary: Year 5 Literacy: Writing Text About an Animal

38 students

Thompson and Absalom (2011)

Secondary/Tertiary: Year 11/12, undergraduate students

Italian Italian Regions 45 students (estimate)

Ruth and Houghton (2009)

Tertiary: undergraduate and graduate students

Workforce Technology

Mobile Workforce Technology Textbook

86 students

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Trends 2

• Common thread of collaborative writing

• Trends categorised as

-Collaborative / Social




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Trends 3

• Collaborative / Social Trends

-collaborative nature of wikis


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Trends 4

• Cognitive Trends

-higher order thinking

-Thinking Together: Neil Mercer video

-reflective tool

-collective ownership of co-constructed work

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Trends 5

• Pedagogical Trends

-motivation and engagement

-authentic tasks

-Experts in the Field


-scaffolding learning

-shift from consumers to creators of knowledge

-variety of learning areas

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Trends 6

Physical Education







Learning areas represented

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Trends 7

• Technological Trends

-24/7 virtual classroom

-Trackability function

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Issues 1

• Trends can also present as the issues• Solutions can be found for many issues

• Issues categorised as

-Collaborative / Social

-Research Related



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Issues 2

• Collaborative / Social Issues

-difficulty with editing work of peers

-social conflicts

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Issues 3

• Research Related Issues

-limitation of available research

-limitation of primary school related research

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Issues 4

• Pedagogical Issues

-prior skills needed

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Issues 5

• Technological Issues

-technology mediated learning environment

-slow loading problems

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• Harnessing the affordances of wikis• Finding solutions to issues• Future research opportunities• Future potential is immense

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Grant, L. (2009). ‘I don’t care do ur own page!’ A case study of using wikis for collaborative work in a UK secondary school. Learning, Media and Technology, 34(2), 105-117.

Hastie, P.A., Casey, A. & Tarter, A. (2010). A case study of wikis and student-designed Games in physical education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 19(1), 79-91.

Herrington, J., Reeves, T.C. & Oliver, R. (2010). A guide to authentic e-learning. Routledge: London and New York.

Mak, B. & Coniam, D. (2008). Using wikis to enhance and develop writing skills among secondary school students in Hong Kong. System: An International Journal of Educational

Technology and Applied Linguistics, 36(3), 437-455.Pifarré, M. & Staarman, J.K. (2011). Wiki-supported collaborative learning in primary Education: How a

dialogic space is created for thinking together. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 6, 187-205.Ruth, A. & Houghton, L. (2009). The wiki way of learning. Australasian Journal of Educational

Technology, 25(2), 135-152.Thompson, C. & Absalom, M. (2011). Working with wikis: Collaboration, authorship and assessment in

higher education. In S. Barton et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011 (pp. 375-384). AACE.

Tokito, J. & Kubota, K. (2011). A study on effect of inter-school collaborative learning with overseas through using ICT. In S. Barton et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011 (pp. 385-387). AACE.

Woo, M., Chu, S., Ho, A. & Li, X. (2011). Using a wiki to scaffold primary-school students’ collaborative writing. Educational Technology & Society, 14(1), 43-54.

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