tree service palo alto

Do Landscaping Services Hire Arborists In Palo Alto? Trees provide plenty of benefits to business owners and home owners alike. If you’re the owner of a business or residential establishment, you may find that at some point you’re responsible for the care and maintenance or event the removal of a tree from your property. Some tree care can be done on your own, however more complicated tasks should be taken care of a professional arborist in Palo Alto. There may come a time when you’ll need to remove a tree from your property. Generally, this should be avoided if possible. Trees have many more benefits besides the obvious ones and you’ll lose those benefits if you remove a tree from your property. Trees are aesthetically pleasing. The greenery they have adds much beauty to any piece of property. Trees attract wildlife like birds. The oxygen from the leaves of a tree helps the environment and helps keep the air clean. The roots of trees can help the soil by preventing soil erosion. The roots hold the dirt together so it doesn’t get swept away by water or blown away by wind. These are the main reasons why you should reconsider any decision you may be considering to remove a tree from your property. However, even with all these benefits, there are times when it may become the only option to remove a tree. For example, the tree may be dead or dying and causing a hazard to people or property. The tree may be so far diseased that it can’t be treated and needs to be removed to stop the spread of the illness. Sometimes a tree may be in the spot necessary to use for renovations or expansions. If you find that you need to have a tree removed, the best way to make sure the process is done correctly is to hire a professional and skilled arborist in Palo Alto. While it’s possible to cut down a tree yourself with a good chainsaw and a truck to move away the wood, you’ll have a nicer job done by a professional. A professional will also be able to get the job done much quicker than you would have been able to on your won. This is because a professionally trained arborist in Palo Alto has had the special training necessary to understand plants and trees and the way they grow. They also have the knowledge and equipment to make sure the tree removal goes safely with little to no damage to the surrounding area or people. Additionally, they will be able to save the plants and trees around such trees. With a host of companies offering arborists to assist you with the plants and felling of trees, all you need to do is call them to get a quote on their services. They would either send a professional to evaluate the job or give you a quote based on the job you need completed.

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Post on 08-Apr-2016




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Bay Area Tree Specialists 490 S. California Ave Palo Alto, CA 94036 (650) 353-5671 We specialize in comprehensive quality tree services in Palo Alto Bay Area. As an experienced arborist, we offer residential and commercial tree services such as tree trimming, tree pruning, tree removal and more.


Page 1: Tree Service Palo Alto

Do Landscaping Services Hire Arborists In Palo Alto?

Trees provide plenty of benefits to business owners and home owners alike. If you’re the

owner of a business or residential establishment, you may find that at some point you’re

responsible for the care and maintenance or event the removal of a tree from your

property. Some tree care can be done on your own, however more complicated tasks should

be taken care of a professional arborist in Palo Alto.

There may come a time when you’ll need to remove a tree from your property. Generally,

this should be avoided if possible. Trees have many more benefits besides the obvious ones

and you’ll lose those benefits if you remove a tree from your property. Trees are

aesthetically pleasing. The greenery they have adds much beauty to any piece of property.

Trees attract wildlife like birds. The oxygen from the leaves of a tree helps the environment

and helps keep the air clean. The roots of trees can help the soil by preventing soil erosion.

The roots hold the dirt together so it doesn’t get swept away by water or blown away by


These are the main reasons why you should reconsider any decision you may be considering

to remove a tree from your property. However, even with all these benefits, there are times

when it may become the only option to remove a tree. For example, the tree may be dead

or dying and causing a hazard to people or property. The tree may be so far diseased that it

can’t be treated and needs to be removed to stop the spread of the illness. Sometimes a

tree may be in the spot necessary to use for renovations or expansions.

If you find that you need to have a tree removed, the best way to make sure the process is

done correctly is to hire a professional and skilled arborist in Palo Alto. While it’s possible to

cut down a tree yourself with a good chainsaw and a truck to move away the wood, you’ll

have a nicer job done by a professional. A professional will also be able to get the job done

much quicker than you would have been able to on your won.

This is because a professionally trained arborist in Palo Alto has had the special training

necessary to understand plants and trees and the way they grow. They also have the

knowledge and equipment to make sure the tree removal goes safely with little to no

damage to the surrounding area or people. Additionally, they will be able to save the plants

and trees around such trees.

With a host of companies offering arborists to assist you with the plants and felling of trees,

all you need to do is call them to get a quote on their services. They would either send a

professional to evaluate the job or give you a quote based on the job you need completed.

Page 2: Tree Service Palo Alto

More About Terms Used By Tree Service In Palo Alto

Tree service in Palo Alto can come with its own world of words. This tree service

terminology can be like a foreign language to anyone who doesn’t work in the industry or

who hasn’t received even the most basic primer of the terms used during tree care and


A basic education of tree terminology is good if you plan to do any tree maintenance

yourself or if you choose to hire a professional tree service in Palo Alto. Even when working

with a professional, it’s a good idea to have a general understanding of the terms required

so that you can have some security knowing that you’re requesting the correct service. Most

reputable companies will double check with you to make sure they’re providing you with the

service you want. Still, it’s a good idea to have some knowledge yourself. The best

companies may forget that not everyone knows the tree service lingo and may start

throwing out foreign terms that have the potential to leave you very confused. Here’s a look

at some of the most commonly used terms you might come across when requesting tree

service in Palo Alto.

Stump Grinding VS Stump Digging

These two terms may sound like the same thing, but they’re not really. They’re both

services that remove the leftover stump of your tree, however the process in which this is

done is quite a bit different between each process. Stump digging, as the name implies, is

actual digging around the stump. This is how the stump is removed. It’s basically dug out.

Stump grinding is different in that the stump is removed by cutting pieces of it away and

then placing those pieces in a grinder. Stump grinding is often the preferred choice because

of the lower impact to the area. With digging, you’ll end up with a very large hole and a torn

up yard.

Down Only VS Standard Removal

Down only is the removal of the tree. There’s no clean up which means that you’ll be

responsible for the disposal of the fallen tree. Standard removal is generally the preferred

choice because it includes clean-up of the wood. Clean up includes removal of debris and

firewood chopping or other disposal of the trunk and branches of the tree. The tree services

have the large trucks to ease removal. Even if you got the tree felled on your own, removal

services might be needed.

Thinning VS Cleaning

Thinning is the removal of branches and foliage in a tree to allow for more light and air

movement among the branches. Cleaning also involves the removal of branches and foliage,

but the purpose of it is to remove dead growth that’s preventing new growth from coming.

Now when you discuss your requirements with the tree services, you’ll be on the same page

when it concerns the different services that are being offered.

Page 3: Tree Service Palo Alto

How can Tree trimming In Palo Alto Services Be Of Assistance?

If you’re a property owner in Palo Alto looking to learn to do some tree trimming, the good

news is that there are many botany books that will teach you the basic of tree trimming in

Palo Alto. In these books you’ll learn the basics of tree maintenance and tree care. You’ll

also find out that trimming is one of the main tasks you can do (or have done) to keep your

trees healthy and happy.

In a nutshell, tree trimming in Palo Alto is the process of removing dead or dying branches

from a tree. These diseased branches take crucial nutrients away from the healthier parts of

the tree making it more susceptible to disease and draught. Extra branches and diseased

parts of a tree can also take away air and additional sunlight that should reach the healthier

parts of the tree.

Shrubs, for example, tend to have very dense bushes. There can be a lot of leaves and

branches on a shrub giving the illusion that the plant is healthy. It may be. But without

regular tree trimming, the outside of the tree will be healthy while the inner branches and

possibly the entire tree will slowly be dying.

While the heavy foliage of a shrub is great for providing shelter and privacy, it can have a

negative effect as well. It is that it could impact the life of the tree. The dense foliage may

be too thick to allow the tree to get enough light. There may also be too many branches

that require water so that during times of draught, there’s not enough moisture in the

ground that can keep the tree healthy.

You can still have a healthy, bushy shrub, but it requires some work. With dense foliage,

sunlight and oxygen often can’t reach the interior parts of the tree. This results in the tree

slowly dying from the inside out. Tree trimming in Palo Alto trees will prevent this from

happening through strategic thinning of the branches. It’s done in such a way that the tree

will still have sufficient rich, green foliage, but it won’t be so thick that it’s slowly suffocating

the tree.

The challenge can often be in determining which branches should be removed and which

branches should be kept. Removing too many branches could stunt the growth of the tree

while removing too few won’t make much of a difference at all. One way to remove

branches is to cut away any of the ones that look like they’re dead or soon to be dead. A

botany book may provide you with a detailed diagram of which branches are the best to

remove. You also have the option to hire a professional tree trimming in Palo Alto service to

take care of those details for you. They not just have the equipment and the crew but have

the experience of professional tree trimming, making your property look good.

Page 4: Tree Service Palo Alto

Role And Importance Of Tree Trimming Service In San Jose

Tree trimming in San Jose can be done by yourself if you have the tools and the skills to do

so. There are some, though, who insist that the only way to make sure tree and shrub

grooming is done correctly and in such as way as to not kill the tree, is to hire a professional

arborist or tree care specialist.

Botany books regularly mention that grooming is an important part to the health of trees

and shrubs. It keeps them healthy by removing dead or dying branches that are taking

unnecessary nutrients from the healthy parts of the tree. Tree trimming in San Jose trees

also keeps trees free of disease while allowing additional air and sunlight to get to the parts

that require it the most.

Shrubs tend to have dense leaves. While the dense leaves can provide significant privacy or

shelter, they have the downside that they’re often a bit too thick to allow enough sunlight or

even rain get to the parts of the tree that need it the most. With dense leaves, the interior

of the tree too often lacks getting enough air and sunlight. This is why it’s common to see

dead or dying leaves and branches in the center of a shrub even though the outer branches

and leaves may look healthy and vibrant. Thus, slight trimming is needed after every few

months as the tree grows.

Finding the branches and leaves to remove as opposed to the ones to keep can be

challenging for a do it yourself. You can take a guess and remove whatever looks dead. Or

you could spend some time studying the basics of botany to find out which branches is a

better choice to remove. Or you could hire professionals a tree trimming in San Jose to

access your tree and use their knowledge to remove whatever the problem of the tree may

be. Sometimes removal of branches and leaves may not be necessary, but you won’t know

that until you get a professional assessment.

One of the ways a professional will check to see which branches can be left and which

should be removed is by testing different sections of the branch for the strength and

endurance. If a branch doesn’t have the level of endurance it should have, a removal

process is begun.

It’s important to try to prevent too many weakened branches from being removed at one

time. This is only done through regular watching of the trees and shrubs on your property.

If a tree becomes so damaged that many branches need to be removed, the tree might not

be salvaged. It may not recover from such a significant pruning. That is why it is essential

to call in an arborist or tree trimming service as they know and have the skills to do it all

right. If you haven’t ever called in a service it is time to ensure that you get the best service

to prune and trim your trees.