transportation and industry revolution factories roads railroads canals steamboats

Transportation and Transportation and Industry Revolution Industry Revolution Factories Factories Roads Roads Railroads Railroads Canals Canals Steamboats Steamboats

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Page 1: Transportation and Industry Revolution Factories Roads Railroads Canals Steamboats

Transportation and Industry Transportation and Industry RevolutionRevolution




Page 2: Transportation and Industry Revolution Factories Roads Railroads Canals Steamboats

SteamboatsSteamboatsTransporting by the

river was faster and cheaper but boats could only travel downstream because of their heavy cargo

The steamboat was able to travel upstream

First steam boat (Clermont) was invented by Robert Fulton

Page 3: Transportation and Industry Revolution Factories Roads Railroads Canals Steamboats

CanalsCanalsLink farms to

citiesErie Canal connected Northeast to West◦Expense goes

from $100 to $4◦Made NYC a

commercial center

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Railroads (“Iron Horses”)Railroads (“Iron Horses”)Idea brought back by Peter Cooper from Britain

Helped settle the West

Pulled heavier loads than horses

Page 5: Transportation and Industry Revolution Factories Roads Railroads Canals Steamboats

11stst Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution

Technological developments changed manufacturing , culture, social life and politics

Manufacturing shifted from hand tools to complex machines, unskilled labor

Work is done in factories not the home

Created a middle class…this is good

Page 6: Transportation and Industry Revolution Factories Roads Railroads Canals Steamboats

Samuel SlaterSamuel SlaterBritain had strict laws

prohibiting anyone from sharing their inventions with foreigners

But in 1789, Samuel Slater came to America and constructed the British water frame from memory

Used the water to power the textile mill

Factories must be near water (Northeast region)

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Francis LowellFrancis LowellOpened mills in Massachusetts where he

introduced mass production of cotton cloth after touring Britain, not just making the thread

Built residences for workers in Lowell, MA, strict rules for behavior

Employed women (“Lowell girls”) until they got married

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Interchangeable partsInterchangeable partsInvented by Eli WhitneyTransformed gun making

from a one-by-one process into a factory process by making all parts of one product the same

This process will be used on other technologies to turn out large quantities◦ Sewing machines invented

by Elias Howe and perfected by Isaac Singer

Page 9: Transportation and Industry Revolution Factories Roads Railroads Canals Steamboats

Samuel F.B. MorseSamuel F.B. MorseInvented the

telegraphDeveloped the

Morse code for sending messages (dots and dashes)

Before messages would take as long as a horse took

Now messages were almost instant

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ImmigrationImmigrationIndustrialization drew millions of

immigrants (Ireland and Germany) to cities in search of factory jobs◦Disliked by Americans because they were

not Protestant and were prosperous Nativism: favoring native born Americans

over immigrants

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FarmingFarmingStill dominated the

American economySouth relies on

slave labor for cotton production (Cotton Kingdom)

Steel plow by John Deere

Mechanical reaper by Cyrus McCormick◦Cut and gather


Page 12: Transportation and Industry Revolution Factories Roads Railroads Canals Steamboats

LET’S REVIEW!LET’S REVIEW!1. Which of the following is

NOT true about the Industrial Revolution?

A. machines replaced hand tools

B. employed highly skilled workers

C. work was done in factories not homes

2. How did transportation improvements contribute to the growth of American cities?

A. Workers could travel easily from rural homes to urban jobs

B. New inventions aided industrialization

C. Cities along canals and railroads became business and shipping centers

3. Why did towns and cities grow larger?

A. People went to cities to watch movies

B. All airports were located in cities

C. Most factories were located in cities

4. Why do factory owners hire immigrants?

A. They were bilingual

B. They were willing to work long hours for low wages

C. They were especially skilled in making textiles