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Les plantes et les arbres sont nos amis pour toujours Author: Vibha Lohani Illustrators: Ketan Raut, Ruchi Shah, Sahitya Rani, Sanjay Sarkar, Vinayak Varma, Yulianto Qin Translator: Sak Untala

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Page 1: › bbs › titles › 359 › file › Les... · Author: Vibha Lohani Illustrators: Ketan Raut, Ruchi Shah, Sahitya Rani, Sanjay Sarkar, Vinayak

Les plantes et les arbres sont nos amis pour toujoursAuthor: Vibha LohaniIllustrators: Ketan Raut, Ruchi Shah, Sahitya Rani, Sanjay Sarkar, Vinayak Varma,Yulianto QinTranslator: Sak Untala

Page 2: › bbs › titles › 359 › file › Les... · Author: Vibha Lohani Illustrators: Ketan Raut, Ruchi Shah, Sahitya Rani, Sanjay Sarkar, Vinayak

Les arbres et les plantes mettentdu temps pour pousser,

Il faut d'abord une petite graineenterrer,

Une jeune pousse pointe alors lebout de son nez,

Arrose-la bien et tu la verraspousser,

Ajoute de l'engrais pour lanourrir et la renforcer,

Bientôt elle grandira, tu nepourras plus l'arrêter.


Page 3: › bbs › titles › 359 › file › Les... · Author: Vibha Lohani Illustrators: Ketan Raut, Ruchi Shah, Sahitya Rani, Sanjay Sarkar, Vinayak

Nous sommes entourés d'unegrande variété de végétaux :

- des arbres et des plantesgrimpantes ;

- des arbustes munis de petitesbranches qui touchent le sol ;

- des tubercules et des bulbes quisont des racines ou des pousses.


Page 4: › bbs › titles › 359 › file › Les... · Author: Vibha Lohani Illustrators: Ketan Raut, Ruchi Shah, Sahitya Rani, Sanjay Sarkar, Vinayak

Viennent ensuite les plantesaquatiques qui poussent dansl'eau.

Certaines s'épanouissent surl'eau, d'autres sous l'eau.

Les châtaignes d'eau et leslentilles d'eau se cachent au fondde l'eau.

Les lotus et les nénupharsfleurissent à la surface de l'eau.


Page 5: › bbs › titles › 359 › file › Les... · Author: Vibha Lohani Illustrators: Ketan Raut, Ruchi Shah, Sahitya Rani, Sanjay Sarkar, Vinayak

Et enfin, les arbres aux troncsépais et rectilignes.

Ils verdissent au printemps etperdent souvent leurs feuilles àl'automne.

Certains ploient sous le poids deleurs fleurs ou de leurs fruits.

D'autres encore sont droitscomme des I.

Ils se présentent sous des formesnombreuses et variées.

Mangues, pommes, dattes,palmes et cocotiers !


Page 6: › bbs › titles › 359 › file › Les... · Author: Vibha Lohani Illustrators: Ketan Raut, Ruchi Shah, Sahitya Rani, Sanjay Sarkar, Vinayak

Les bienfaits des plantes sontinnombrables, dit l'institutrice.

Elles nous fournissent de l'ombrelorsqu'il fait beau, de lanourriture, de l'oxygène, desabris…

Les arbres et les plantes sont desalliés essentiels.

Plantons donc des arbres !

Ce sont nos meilleurs amis pourtoujours !


Page 7: › bbs › titles › 359 › file › Les... · Author: Vibha Lohani Illustrators: Ketan Raut, Ruchi Shah, Sahitya Rani, Sanjay Sarkar, Vinayak

This book was made possible by Pratham Books' StoryWeaver platform. Content under CreativeCommons licenses can be downloaded, translated and can even be used to create new stories ‐provided you give appropriate credit, and indicate if changes were made. To know more about this,and the full terms of use and attribution, please visit the following link.


Some rights reserved. This book is CC -BY -4.0 licensed. You can copy, modify, distributeand perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.For full terms of use and attribution,

Story Attribution:This story: Les plantes et les arbres sont nos amis pour toujours is translated by Sak Untala . The © for this translation lies with Sak Untala, 2018. Some rightsreserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license. Based on Original story: 'Plants & Trees: Our Friends Forever', by Vibha Lohani . © Vibha Lohani , 2017. Some rightsreserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.

Illustration Attributions:Cover page: Jadav in a forest filled with trees, animals and birds, by Vinayak Varma © Storyweaver, Pratham Books, 2016. Some rights reserved. Released under CCBY 4.0 license. Page 2: A tree in different stages of its growth, by Ketan Raut © Pratham Books, 2004. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license. Page 3:Forests and trees, by Ruchi Shah © Pratham Books, 2014. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license. Page 4: MM_Pg_3_Children Fishing in a LotusPond, by Sahitya Rani © Sahitya Rani, 2018. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license. Page 5: A patch of coconut trees, by Yulianto Qin © Storyweaver,Pratham Books, 2016. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license. Page 6: Teacher taking class under the tree, by Sanjay Sarkar © Pratham Books, 2010.Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.

Page 8: › bbs › titles › 359 › file › Les... · Author: Vibha Lohani Illustrators: Ketan Raut, Ruchi Shah, Sahitya Rani, Sanjay Sarkar, Vinayak

This is a Level 2 book for children who recognize familiar words and can read new words with help.


Les plantes et les arbressont nos amis pourtoujours

Un résumé en rimes pour présenter les différents types de plantes auxenfants.

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