transit exchange eu5 market size estimates

The Transit Exchange ridematching | order matching |pricing empty seats Market Size for Western Europe (EU5)

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Post on 24-Jan-2015




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Total available market of 223 billion in Western Europe alone, assuming EUR0.05 / mile


  • 1. The Transit Exchange ridematching | order matching |pricing empty seats Market Size for Western Europe (EU5)

2. A transit exchange does forvehicle operators and passengerswhat an agricultural exchange did for farmers and produce buyers 3. It does this making use of social networks, futuresexchanges and mobile devices* 4. Nobody has anyidea of what a new inventionwill really be good for.The crucial question is, what happens wheneveryone has one?- Kevin Kelly Founder WIRED Achieving Techno Literacy NYTimes article 2010 5. What do the statisticstell us about the"market for emptyvehicle seats" inEurope ? 6. % 1 That if we sold just a tinyfraction of the empty seatsin private automobilespriced at 0.05 per km 7. in the largest 5countries of theEuropean Union 8. The total annual market comes to....2.23billion 9. Not convinced? 10. The European car fleet is mainly concentrated inWestern Europe.... 11. ...with over 7 out of 10 cars registered in Germany,Italy, France, the UK andSpain. 12. There are more than 250million vehicles on the European roads and justunder 160 million are in the EU5 countries 13. Total number of cars in theEU 256,000,000 UK 28,247,000Source: ACEA, 2009 14. Total number of which of cars in theEU 70% are in the EU5 256,000,000UK28,247,000Source: ACEA, 2009 15. Germany France41,738,000 17.7% 31,393,734 13.3% Total number of cars in the WesternEurope (EU5)EU159,734,734 256,000,000 UKItalySpain UK28,247,000 36,372,00041,738,000 28,247,000 15.4%9.5% 12.5%Source: ACEA, 2009 16. The average annual distance travelled by a car in the EUis about 14 000 km/year*. 17. Western Europe Eastern Europe 1.54 1.8Average Vehicle Occupancy 18. Country Car Popn Average Average annual km (miles) Vehicle travelled OccupancyGermany 41,738,000 1.5UK28,247,000 1.6Italy 36,372,001.7France31,393,734 1.7Spain 21,984,000 1.7EU256m 1.6 14,000 19. In cars which can carry at least 4 people, and thus assuming 2 spare seats, 20. we can estimate the total market made if we pricedthose 2 empty seats each at0.05 per km, 21. using the 14,000 km (9,000miles) per year travelled bythese 160m cars in theWestern EU 22. 14,000 * (2 * 0.05) *159,734,734 =223.628 billion 23. Lets review some facts about travel in the UK in 2010 24. UKPopulation 73mCars - 28mAverage Occupancy(all modes) - 1.6Average annual car mileage - 8,430Average annual # trips per person -960 Average distance of trip - 7 milesAverage distance travelled - 6,726 miles Most of the decline in overall trips rates between 1995/97 and2010 can be accounted for by a fall in shopping and visitingfriendsTrips by car (as a driver or passenger) accounted for 64% of all trips made and 78% of distance travelled in 2010 25. Lets take a closer look at vehicle occupancy for the UK 26. UK Travel Survey 2010 Use Case Occupancy Percentage Commuting1.2 84 Business 1.2 84 Education2.0 36 Shopping 1.7 48 Personal Business1.5 67 Leisure1.8 51 Holiday / Day Trip 2.0 40 Other2.0 33 Total2.0 60 27. In cars which can carry at least 4 people, and thus assuming 2 spare seats, 28. we can estimate the total market made if we pricedeach of those 2 empty seats at 0.05 per km, 29. using the 14,000 km (9,000miles) per year travelled by these 28,000,000 cars in the UK 30. 14,000 * (2 * 0.05) * 2.8*107 =39.2 billion 31. Of course, that is for *all*the cars all the time, so letsfocus on just % of the car fleet 32. 196m 33. And for reference, taxis inthe U.K. cost at least 2.20per mile 34. SourcesDepartment for Transport, UK28 July 2011 | National Travel Survey Statistical ReleaseEuropean Environment Agency, BrusselsJuly 2010 | Home Data and maps Maps and graphs Car occupancy ratesEuropean Environment Agency, BrusselsJul 2010 | Occupancy Rates of passenger vehicles (TERM 029) AssessmentACEA - European Automobile Manufactures Association2010 | Vehicles in UseUnited Nations Economic Commission for EuropeDec 2009 | Passenger Vehicle Numbers as of 31 Dec 2009Nokia Research 2007June 2007 | Empty Seats Travelling 35. More presentationsTexxi - The Electricity MarketTexxi - The 7 ModesThe Core Concepts of a Transit ExchangeTexxi - Company OverviewConnectivity of a Transit ExchangeTexxi - EU Market SizeTexxi - The Market OpportunityNew Transport Policy OptionsThe DRT Exchange ExplainedThe New Transport Economy (REPLAY)Results from Texxi Deployments 2006 - 2009Market Makers and Liquidity in DRT MarketsThe Long Tail for the Transport IndustryThe Evolution of Travel and Search