transforming performance management (not tinkering at the edges) feb 2017

Copyright 3C Associates Ltd | [email protected] | T: +44 (0) 1491 411 544 Transforming your organisation’s approach to Performance Management (not tinkering at the edges) How to get managers to have regular feedback and coaching conversations and manage performance all year round by Hedda Bird MBA Managing Director, 3C Turning experts and professionals into great people managers 3C Associates Ltd©

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Copyright 3C Associates Ltd | [email protected] | T: +44 (0) 1491 411 544

Transforming your organisation’s approach to Performance Management (not tinkering at the edges)

How to get managers to have regular feedback and coaching conversations


manage performance all year round

by Hedda Bird MBAManaging Director, 3C

Turning experts and professionals into great people 3C Associates Ltd©

Page 2: Transforming Performance Management  (not tinkering at the edges) feb 2017

Copyright 3C Associates Ltd | [email protected] | T: +44 (0) 1491 411 544

Good Performance Management

stops people dying

Turning experts and professionals into great people 3C Associates Ltd©

Page 3: Transforming Performance Management  (not tinkering at the edges) feb 2017

Copyright 3C Associates Ltd | [email protected] | T: +44 (0) 1491 411 544

Is your Performance Management fit for purpose?

The intention

• Everyone knows WHAT they should be doing

• Everyone understands HOW they should be doing it

• Everyone is held ACCOUNTABLE

Organisation performance should be improving

The reality

• Goals out of date/ irrelevant• Behaviour all over the place• Engagement dropping• Productivity stalling• Performance management

processes divorced from operations

Impact on organisational performance hard to discern

Turning experts and professionals into great people 3C Associates Ltd©

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Copyright 3C Associates Ltd | [email protected] | T: +44 (0) 1491 411 544

What’s going on?

A handful of well-known organisations are making announcements:

•Removing Ratings•Forgetting Forced Rankings•Abandoning Appraisals•Pausing Performance Management

At the same time there is a push for a more fluid approach to deliver •A feedback and coaching culture•Managing of performance all year round•A wider recognition that performance is driven by behaviour as much as tasks

Turning experts and professionals into great people 3C Associates Ltd©

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Copyright 3C Associates Ltd | [email protected] | T: +44 (0) 1491 411 544

Implications of these changes

Assumptions•managers will focus on having regular feedback and coaching conversations

•more feedback and coaching will increase employee engagement

•all employees will take a much greater responsibility for their own performance

•more feedback and coaching will improve organisational performance

However, most research shows…

•Managers don’t ‘notice’ the points at which to intervene

•They leave intervention in performance issues until they have become awkward, challenging or just plain difficult

•Once it’s difficult, then procrastination starts

•Even when they do aim for regular 1-2-1s, these frequently focus on operational issues and not performance

Turning experts and professionals into great people 3C Associates Ltd©

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Not all approaches have been succesful


• Senior Leaders set a powerful, motivating context for regular feedback and coaching

• Leaders and managers at all levels BELIEVE that frequent feedback and coaching will deliver the outcomes they WANT


• Big investments in ‘coaching skills’ are not matched by a change in role priorities for managers

• Regular feedback and coaching are not DESIGNED-IN to performance management practice

Turning experts and professionals into great people 3C Associates Ltd©

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Use Performance Management to TRANSFORM strategy implementation

Encourage innovationResearch ledTake risks

Customer experienceComplete packageService culture

Think ‘lean’Reduce wasteFocus on cost drivers

Weak decision makingConflicting prioritiesPet projects

Adapted from ‘The Discipline of Market Leaders’ by Wiersema + Treacy, 1995Ref: ‘Are Leaders Portable?’, Groysberg et al , HBR 2006

Employee engagement

Turning experts and professionals into great people 3C Associates Ltd©

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Copyright 3C Associates Ltd | [email protected] | T: +44 (0) 1491 411 544

Case Study Research shows approaches most likely to deliver success

• Begin with the most senior people – What do they really need to be different?– Where do they need/want to take the organisation?

Create the desire for managers to ‘talk performance’ and ‘spread the word’

• Engage professional and technical ‘experts’ in becoming people managers through a programme that goes straight to the heart of having great conversations

Create the light bulb moments - It’s a skill I can learn! I need to learn it (avoid the pain), I want to learn it (emotional pay-off)!

• Engage all employees through a similar journey…Turning experts and professionals into great people managers 3C Associates Ltd©

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TRANSFORMATION will win the resources(tinkering won’t)

• What do your leaders NEED…– What do they really need to be different?– Where do they need/want to take the organisation?

• How MUCH do they need it?

• DESIGN Performance Management to deliver this…– It MAY include dropping objectives, removing ratings, abandoning annual

appraisals…– Or it may not!

It WILL include your leaders and managers WANTING your transformed approach

Turning experts and professionals into great people 3C Associates Ltd©

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Next Steps

– Use the Jumpstart programme, for re-thinking Performance Management

– Engage senior managers and leaders with the ‘Delivering Strategy through Performance Management’ workshop

– Secure manager buy-in to a feedback and coaching culture with ‘Carry on Appraising’ Management Development Workshop

– Engage entire workforce with ‘It’s MY appraisal, it’s MY performance’ Forum Theatre Development Workshops

Turning experts and professionals into great people 3C Associates Ltd©

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