transcription of video-migration

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  • 8/13/2019 Transcription of Video-migration



    0:03dude more than a hundred thousand years ago

    0:07the first modern humans left Africa and began to colonize the world

    0:11since then human history is also a history of migration

    0:15migration has always been a strong impetus towards human development

    0:19these days however migration is often seen as problem

    0:23threat but what exactly is migration

    0:26water underlying causes and what problems and opportunities

    0:31does migration present migration is defined as the permanent change of


    0:36a person or group I'm is a natural social phenomenon

    0:40humans have colonized the entire world and penetrated its remotest areas

    0:44the migration is taking place within very different contexts

    0:49military conquest play to refugees expulsion

    0:53Barnsley meant but migrants have also traveled in search of economic

    0:57opportunities new settlement areas

    0:59portrayed reads you currently approximately $216 million people

    1:04are living away from their place of birth this number

    1:07equals about 3 percent and the world population analyzing the reasons for


    1:13one distinguishes between push and pull factors often both appear together

    1:17push factors are circumstances in the country of origin that lead people to


    1:22for example poverty war or environmental disasters

    1:26from pull factors are conditions in the destination country

    1:29they make immigration attractive such as economic opportunity and political


    1:35you considering these reasons

    1:39one distinguishes between different forms of migration asylum seekers

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    1:44our flame war or persecution in their home country the internationally

    1:49accepted Geneva Convention States

    1:51no person may be sent back to a country where they face inhumane treatment

    1:56torture where the death penalty I'm

    1:59the labor migration is based on the hope for a better economic future

    2:04did but it can be difficult for people from poor countries together work for

    2:08residence visa in a rich country

    2:10get migrants who enter the destination country an informal way

    2:15or who do not leave the country after the expiration of a tourist visa

    2:18are referred to as illegal migrants another case

    2:23is the international migration and highly trained professionals

    2:26it takes place both between developed countries

    2:29and between developing and developed countries this format migration is often


    2:35encouraged by the destination countries it

    2:38what are the main migration routes today by far the most immigrants live in the

    2:46United States

    2:47followed by Russia and Germany world

    2:53the main countries origin are mexico

    2:56India China and Russia

    3:06in proportion to their population Persian Gulf countries host the largest

    3:10share of migrants

    3:11about 35 percent of their population weld

    3:16of they mostly come from South Asia

    3:20and Egypt %uh

    3:26most migrants in the US come from Latin America

    3:29particularly from Mexico you

    3:36in Europe the origin of immigrants differs considerably between countries

    3:41and reflects their historical development in Germany and Denmark

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    3:45a large share of migrants are Turkish origin most immigrants in France

    3:49Portugal and Spain come from their former colonies in addition

    3:53there's a strong migration within your this is promoted by the EU's principal

    3:58free movement

    3:59citizens at the EU are allowed to live in any member state

    4:03without restrictions nowadays migration is often seen as a threat

    4:07this is caused by a number fears for example

    4:11the idea that immigrants are expensive and a burden to the welfare system at

    4:14the destination country

    4:16especially in host countries that offer few opportunities have social mobility

    4:20to migrants

    4:21they are usually the most vulnerable parts of society


    4:27another fear is that the host country will lose what is perceived as its

    4:30national identity

    4:32especially through the influx of groups from other religions and cultures


    4:37of N there's no successful integration strategy

    4:40so different ethnic groups live in separate neighborhoods


    4:47as a result of these fears the migration policies in western industrial countries

    4:51have become increasingly restrictive them

    4:55the US has built a giant fence with high-tech surveillance

    4:58to seal its southern border with mexico el

    5:02the European Union is also fortifying its borders

    5:05migrations perceived primarily as a security problem

    5:08the EU is trying to block my Gran's before they reach its territory

    5:13this is done by bilateral agreements with the departure and transit country


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    5:18and in ever-increasing control of refugee roots on land and water

    5:22the in 2004 the EU

    5:26established Frontex a joint Agency to coordinate the surveillance and closure

    5:31amid external borders the %uh

    5:33human rights groups point out that many refugees with a legitimate claim for


    5:38are blocked this way the is increasingly difficult to reach Europe

    5:43the result is that migration attempt are getting more and more risky

    5:47and often and disastrously according to conservative estimates

    5:51between 1988 in 2010 approximately 15,000 people died

    5:56attempting to reach the EU more people bennett any other border in the world



    6:05what is not considered most at the time migration also has positive aspect

    6:09migration contributes to the economic development in migrants countries of


    6:14migrants around the world transfer over three hundred billion dollars to their

    6:17home country

    6:18each year that is considerably more than the official development assistance to

    6:22these countries

    6:23in European countries as well as in other industrialized nations

    6:26such as Japan the birth rate has dropped to a low level below the replacement


    6:31the result declining population an aging society

    6:35experts believe that Europe will soon be heavily dependent on migration

    6:39in order to meet its employment needs and to stabilize the retirement system's

    6:44way finally migration contributes to the cultural diversity

    6:48a destination countries well we see the debate over migration

    6:56is burdened by fear and prejudice defect

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    7:00is restrictive immigration policy constrict efforts to prevent migration

    7:04to destination countries

    7:06this is not just a problem in terms of ethics but also politically and

    7:10economically questionable

    7:12in order to deal with the problems attached to migration

    7:15it is especially important to develop implement

    7:18a constructive migration policy such a policy

    7:21would include regulate immigration as well as provide right

    7:25for legitimate asylum seekers %uh