traitors & children

1 BRYNN I took my hair out of the braid I had put it in this morning. The air around me begins to fill with the scent of my favorite shampoo. School was over, and we all knew what that meant. It was time for training until 9 tonight because it was Friday and we didn’t have to be up early for school tomorrow. Everyone from grades 6-12 is required to train intensively everyday after school incase a war emerges. In our time, war was common. I'm only 16 and I had already lived through 5 wars. I knew what to do. When you start out in Pre-K, there are at least 8 war drills every month and you repeat the same thing every time until it was second nature to you. At the age of two, we’re sent to train (at an easy level) in order to allow us to be an asset to the nation. There are three groups of roles that you could be placed in. The minute you are born you are immediately shipped off for testing and watched very carefully. After your family gets the results, they raise you based on the role you were assigned to. The roles are based on a number of things, such as weight, height, intelligence, and many other factors. But there’s a catch, as always—if you test positively for all requirements except for one, then you are automatically moved down in the ranks. There are Fighters, who score positively for a healthy weight, a tall projected adult height (at least 5’6) and fairly high in intelligence. Those who are classified as fighters participate in weekly fight scrimmages and are required to fight in the military. Those who are classified as Helpers scored positively for short—average projected adult height, lighter weight and relatively high in intelligence. Helpers are required to

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Post on 06-Feb-2016




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Brynn and Varian, two very different people, from two very different nations come together as one to fight for the one thing they both want, peace.


Page 1: Traitors & Children


I took my hair out of the braid I had put it in this morning. The air

around me begins to fill with the scent of my favorite shampoo. School

was over, and we all knew what that meant. It was time for training

until 9 tonight because it was Friday and we didn’t have to be up early

for school tomorrow. Everyone from grades 6-12 is required to train

intensively everyday after school incase a war emerges.

In our time, war was common. I'm only 16 and I had already lived

through 5 wars. I knew what to do. When you start out in Pre-K, there

are at least 8 war drills every month and you repeat the same thing

every time until it was second nature to you.

At the age of two, we’re sent to train (at an easy level) in order

to allow us to be an asset to the nation. There are three groups of roles

that you could be placed in. The minute you are born you are

immediately shipped off for testing and watched very carefully. After

your family gets the results, they raise you based on the role you were

assigned to.

The roles are based on a number of things, such as weight,

height, intelligence, and many other factors. But there’s a catch, as

always—if you test positively for all requirements except for one, then

you are automatically moved down in the ranks.

There are Fighters, who score positively for a healthy weight, a

tall projected adult height (at least 5’6) and fairly high in intelligence.

Those who are classified as fighters participate in weekly fight

scrimmages and are required to fight in the military.

Those who are classified as Helpers scored positively for short—

average projected adult height, lighter weight and relatively high in

intelligence. Helpers are required to attend all the scrimmages and be

present to help during the wars.

Finally, those who aren’t classified as Fighters or Helpers are

classified as Scholars. This role is highly sought after by many Fighters

and Helpers due to the wish to be very intelligent. Many people spend

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their whole lives trying to boost their intelligence to be moved to this


Scholars are those who specifically tested positively for an above

average intelligence. However, those who don't pass the big “age 18

test” or Official Test (usually those who were originally Helpers or

Fighters) become guards.

Based on my stats, I was to be a Healer—for both animals and

Humans—as most girls are. But, there are some Physicals, Burners,

Speeders or even Technicals who are girls. Those are only 4 of the 12

roles that could be assigned to anyone.

In school we are taught what to do if a war ever does break out,

whether it be we’re in school, at home or in training. It is always on

everyone’s mind. War means less peace then there already is. We

constantly get updates from the president of Silvervale, President

Quench on how the armies are doing and if we had any fallen people.

He lives in Sageford, and is also known as my uncle.

Most of the wars, well basically all of the wars, are fought against

my Uncle's enemy, Emperor Slick, who rules Poplar Kingdom and lives

just beyond Cardean and Sageford in a completely different world with

completely different customs. Whenever we went there because we

were dared or it was summer and we were bored; we always watched

them live. Everything was so foreign.

Everyone wore different outfits depending on their rankings.

These outfits seemed heavy and especially for the soldiers, it seemed

like a burden to live like that. The soldiers there have huge black

masks, kind of like a fencing mask that cover them from the top of the

head to just about mid rib cage.

I could never imagine living there. I love Silvervale. Here, we are

able to wear anything as long as something we wear represents our


My name is Brynn McRae. I live in Brightley with my Mother,

Father, and two brothers, Bradley and Bryce. I go to school in Cardean

with everyone else who lives in Silvervale. Then, when you're old

enough, you’re supposed to come to Brightley and attend University.

“Hey, Brynn!” I recognize the voice as Grey Fernwood, who

everyone thinks I should start dating. I mean he is beautiful. He has

beautiful sand colored hair and blue almost grey eyes, kind of like me.

I grab my book and close my locker and see him running down the hall

towards me.

"Hey, Gray” I say as he bumps into me. Knocking my book on the


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“Hey, um,” We both bend down and reach for my book. His hand

touches mine. We both pull back and I stand up. "Do you want to head

to practice?” He asks picking up my book and handing it to me.

“Sure.” I say.

“Cool.” He says. “Shall we go?”

“Yeah.” I say. We walk in silence for a while. I look around at the

buildings that fill Cardean, trying not to look at Gray. I know he is

nervous and I can tell that he wants to say something, believe me, I

want to say something too, but I don’t know what.

Neither of us says anything as we walk through the streets until

we reach the Central Avenue subway. We head to the Red Line, which

leads to Clearwood where we both train.

Gray is a physical, which means he battles with axes and

hammers and sometimes even with his bare hands. I've always looked

up to them, because we healers obviously heal them and we've seen

what they go through, during training and especially during war. We've

seen the injuries they have.

Once when Gray took me to training with him, I saw how hard

they worked and it really showed that they cared for Silvervale. I even

tried some of the exercises and Gray's trainer; Beau Moon told me how

good I was.

But, that was back in 6th grade, they're probably so much

stronger now than how they were. Plus, Beau is dead now and his new

leader would never believe me. I could never measure up to them.

"You know, Brynn. Word on the street is that war is coming."

Gray says as we step off the train.

"Oh." I say.

"Yeah." He says. "Aldridge had been talking to some of the

Hunters and while they were searching for some game in the forest

around Poplar Kingdom, they heard some of their hunters talking about

it. But, Aldridge says for us not to worry because we're all doing really

well and he's said that I'm doing so well that going to move me up

higher in the ranks."

"Congratulations!" I say and hug him.

"Thanks!" He says. "What about your training? How's that


"Same old, same old." I say.

"Yeah well, what are you going to do? Healers don't do much."

He says and chuckles.

"What!" I stop in my tracks. "Are you kidding me?"

"What?" He turns around.

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"Healers don't do much?" I cross my arms. "Healers don't do

much huh, Gray?" I walk up to him and kick him in the shin.

"Ow!" He says and bends down and rubs his shin. Once he

straightens up, I stand as high as I can and look him in the eyes.

"Healers don't do much? How many people have I healed and

they're still fighting today! How many times have I mended your cuts

and bruises? Healers don't do much." I keep repeating that. Every time

I stick my face in his. "I'll remember that when you're injured. Just

wait." I say. I walk a head of him and mock him. "Oh, Brynn. Healers

don't do much! What's there to do! Well do this, Gray!" I throw a rock

at him. "I'm not healing that! Get someone else to do it! I hate you,

Gray Fernwood!" I run ahead to the horse stables.

"Brynn! Wait!" He calls. I ignore him and keep running until I

reach the stables. I bend over and catch my breath.

"Brynn!" My friend Storme calls and waves her arms. I straighten

up and spot her. I run over and sit next to her. "Ready for more horse

healing today?" She asks.

Storme Etherton and I have been close ever since we met at

basic training when I was 2 and she was 4.

"Uh huh, yeah." I say.

"Are you okay, Brynn? What's up?"

"Gray and I got into a tiny fight and I threw a rock at him.”

"Oh. I'm sorry Brynn. I was so sure you guys would have… you

know… You guys would have been the power couple at Cardean!" She

says and grabs my hand.

"I guess, it just was never meant to be." I say and look Storme in

the eyes. She nods.

"Welcome back healers!" Park Matheny, our coach says as he

steps into the stables. "Get ready for a full 5 hour session! Lets get to

work!" He says.

*After 5 hours of work, I'm used to Gray coming to pick me up, but after

our fight, I just walk the 10-minute walk home alone. I pass Gray's

house and don't even take one look at it. I walk into my house.

"Hey Brynn!" My father says when I walk into the kitchen. I wave

to him. "How was training?"

"Fine." I say. I hear Gray's voice in my head. Healers don't do


"Well are you hungry?" I shake my head.

"I'm going to head to bed." I say.

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"Alright! Goodnight!" He says. I wave and walk to my room. I look

out the window at the water. It's calm tonight. I watch as the moons

glow makes the water shine. I stare at it for a while and just listen.

I hear the waves crashing on the sand and the occasional

birdcall. I sit down on my bed and take off my boots and then lie down.

I close my eyes. I miss Gray. I love him. He's oh so handsome.

*I had a dream that Gray and I made up and we were taking a walk

along the shore. Mom always told us kids that when we dream, it's our

unconscious telling us what we really want. Gray brings me towards

the water. We step inside and the cool clear water feels great on my


"Brynn, I need to tell you something." He says.

"What, Gray?" I ask and take his hand.

"I..." He says and mouths something.

"You what?" I ask.

"I..." He drops his head.

"Come on, Gray! What?" I lift up his head by his chin and the

minute he looks at me and opens his mouth, a siren rings.

"Brynn!" Dad calls. I shoot up from my bed and open my eyes. I

start to breathe heavily as red lights flash on and off. Dad bursts in my

room. "Come on!" I slip on my boots and grab my sweater as Dad

grabs my arm and pulls me out of my room and outside.

"Where are Mom, Brad and Bryce?" I ask.

"Brynn, there's no time for questions!" Dad says. We keep

running and eventually a crowd of people forms. We all run towards

the Mountains and into the cave where everyone in Brightley takes


We're inside the shelter for what feels like a whole day, but

we've only waited for about 3 hours, until the sirens finally subside and

most of us are sleeping again, but I can't sleep. To be honest, I'm

worried about Gray.

I don't know where he is. I don't know if he's out fighting or if

he's here inside the shelter. I sit down on my bed and so many

different thoughts race through my head. Do I really care about him? Is

he worth caring about? I shake my head and stand up and begin


"Are you alright?" I hear someone ask me. I stop pacing and

suddenly there is a hand on my shoulder. I turn around. This guy looks

at me with a concerned face.

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"Um, sure." I say and rub my arm and look down at his feet. He's

wearing these shoes that I recognize. They're speed shoes. "Hey,

you're a speeder." I say and point at his shoes.

"Yeah." He says and shrugs. He smiles. "I'm Adelard Nash. I

actually live just down the street from you. You're Brynn right?"

"Yeah? How did you know my name was Brynn?"

"Everyone is talking about Brynn and Gray! The power couple."

He shoots his hands apart and adds jazz hands to it and smiles at me,

but I don't smile back.

"Yeah, we'll. We're not so powerful anymore."

"What do you mean? You can tell me." He's says and puts his

arm around me. "Let's talk." We walk to some place private and sit


"We kind of got into a huge fight because he said 'Healers don't

do much.’" I say and mock him again.

"Is he kidding? I would not be here, if it weren't for you guys." He


"Yeah. So after I yelled at him, I threw a rock at him." I say.

"Well you know Brynn." He says and takes a deep breath. "He's

the one who sent us into this war."

"What?" I look at him.

"Yeah. Apparently Aldridge told him to come up with a plan so

that they would be able to attack first and catch them off guard."

Adelard says. He takes out a piece of paper. It has a bunch of notes on


"What’s that?" I ask.

"The story of how he got us into this." He says and hands me the

paper. "He was second in the ranks, right behind the head Physicals,

Aldridge and Urban." Aldridge is about 24. He was the leader of all the

physicals. He helped them train alongside Urban.

Urban was a super strong and tall 17 year-old who everyone

loved, especially the younger kids. They all looked up to him. And

about an hour later, he tells me Gray goes up to Aldridge and tells him

to send out the troops because they didn't need a plan as long as they

attack first, catching the Poplar army off guard.

Troops were sent out by tram, on foot and in aircraft and

attacking at precisely 11:00, but a group of the Poplar spies had

warned Emperor Slick and the Poplar army was able to attack first. In

my mind I can't even put together what just happened. It all happened

too quickly.

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"Many soldiers fell in the first moments of the fight and many

aircrafts that were filled with dozens of our Technicals were shot down.

Emperor Slick took it as a signal to attack us. And boy is he Slick." He


"Brynn McRae, Adelard Nash." Two men wearing a lack suit

approach us. "You're needed in Sageford now." They grab our arms

and walk us past all of the residents of Brightley.

"Hey! Where are you taking our kids?" Our parents approach the

men. Another four men come out from behind a wall and hold back our


"Mom! Dad!" Adelard and I scream.



Suddenly a burst of white light shines into our eyes. I'm blinded.

Eventually my eyes get used to the light and as I look around I realize

what I'm being dragged through. It's Brightley. They destroyed it. For a

second, I resist being escorted.

"Keep moving." The man holding my arms says and pulls me

along with him until we approach the dock.

"Get on." The other man says. Adelard and I step onto a ship.

"Let's go." He calls up to the captain. A horn blows.

"Next stop, Sageford!" He calls out and we pull out of the dock. I

take a deep breath as Adelard grabs my hand. His hands are soft, but

this feels wrong. But, I decide to keep holding on.

*Not too long after we depart from what was left of Brightley, I spot my

uncles house in the fog.

"There it is." Adelard says. "I've only seen photos of this place.

Now when I see it with my own eyes, I realize it's so beautiful. I nod.

"Have you ever been here?" He asks me.

"Um, Adelard. I think you should know that President Quench is

my uncle." I say.

"President Quench is your uncle!" Adelard gasps. "Wow!" He

says. The men come back and hold our arms and escort us off the


"Now, Adelard. You have never been to the presidents house so

it's important you know these three rules." The man holding him says.

"Number one. Say Please and Thank You. Number two. Let the

president speak first and don't speak unless you are asked a question.

Number three. Bow when you meet him and wait to shake his hand

until he extends his own hand towards you."

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"Simple enough." Adelard says.

"Good." The man holding him says. We walk further into

Sageford and the presidents house grows bigger and wider with every

step. "Quicker!" They say. We pick up the pace and climb the 10 steps

that lead to the house. We bow our heads as we pass the soldiers until

we get to the front doors.

"We're here to see President Quench."

"In the Library." One of the Soldiers says and leads us there.

There are pictures of me and my siblings and my parents everywhere.

We walk to the left and into the library and through the many aisles of

books until we reach his quarters.

"Enter." He says. The doors open and there's my uncle but he

looks different. He has dark circles around his eyes and he seems

exhausted and depressed. To be honest, I don’t blame him. "Good

morning Brynn. Good morning Adelard." President Quench says. I

curtsey and Adelard bows.

"Hi, Uncle Colton!" I say and run over to him, but the two men

pull me back.

"Not now, Brynn. This is serious."

"But," I'm placed back next to Adelard.

"Adelard. Brynn. We are short on fighters, physicals and hunters

and with what Gray has brought upon us, we need the strongest of the

strong. We need you to join us. You two are the strongest who could

easily play any of these rolls. We are asking you to come fight for

Silvervale and to help bring back the peace. It’s gone.

Where has it gone?

Emperor Slick is growing more powerful by the hour, recruiting

more and more soldiers. What are we going to do when the whole

Kingdom is fighting against us?"

"Okay, sir! Don’t you think you're over reacting just a little bit?"

Adelard asks.

"Excuse me!" President Quench exclaims and stands up. Adelard,

please stop… you're making things worse. I think to myself. President

Quench takes a deep breath. "Please, Adelard." President Quench says.

"Just consider it. Get back to me as soon as possible." Adelard turns

around and leaves. The two men follow after him.

“Adelard wait!” I turn around.

"Brynn." My uncle comes around to hug me. "We need you to

fight. You're strong! You're the only one, other than the physicals who

have had several physical training experiences and you're the best

healer! Please consider it."

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"I don't know Uncle Colton." I say.

"We could really use your help, Brynn. You and Adelard could

make a great team!" He says.

"I'll think about it." I say and leave.

I walk out of his office and begin to walk up and down the aisles of his

library. I find the section where my Outside of the house I meet up with


"You aren't seriously thinking about joining in the war? Are you

Brynn?" He asks me. I shrug. “Come on Brynn. You're risking your life!"

He says. "It's not worth it! Stay here! Be a healer!"

"I can be a healer there too." I say. He shakes his head. "Trust

me, Adelard. I just need to think. I'll consider my options and make a

decision when I know what's right." I say.

"Okay." He says monotonously. "I'll see you later. Bye." He says

and makes his way back to the dock. I’m left alone. I start walking

towards the Silvervale Forest where I always go when I need to think. I

walk into the forest and purposely walk off the path.

I've been this route many times. Down this path, there's the tree.

It's the only regular oak tree in the forest, all the other ones are boring

old dark oak trees. Up on one of the highest branches I have my own

seat that I built myself.

While I'm up there, sirens disrupt my thinking. My heart starts

pounding. I'm out in the forest. Alone. The sky turns grey and every 5

seconds or so I feel a drop of rain on my skin. Then as the lights begin

to flash, thunder booms and I hear screams from people in the


"This way! There's a safety spot this way!" I recognize the voice

as Adelard. I shake my head. I look back up at the hovercrafts roaming

over Sageford. Some drop bombs on houses and some deploy some of

Poplar Kingdom’s best spies. I watch as they raid my uncle’s house and

punch everyone and fling them all into a pile like they’re dirty clothes.