training, outreach & education enabling, facilitating and delivering quality training in the uk...

Training, Outreach & Education and Internationally Author/Presenter : Training, Outreach & Education Making use of the UK's advanced computing services for research - an overview David Fergusson

Post on 20-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Training, Outreach & Education Enabling, facilitating and delivering quality training in the UK and Internationally Author/ Presenter : Training, Outreach

Training, Outreach & Education

Enabling, facilitating and delivering quality training in the UK and Internationally

Author/Presenter :

Training, Outreach & Education

Making use of the UK's advanced computing services for research

- an overview

Making use of the UK's advanced computing services for research

- an overview

David Fergusson

Page 2: Training, Outreach & Education Enabling, facilitating and delivering quality training in the UK and Internationally Author/ Presenter : Training, Outreach

JISC eRoadshow Liverpool

National eScience Centre

Open meeting place for researchers using computingExamples and projects to help show what can be doneBringing users, developers and service providers togetherHelping represent the UK internationallyTraining & outreach


Page 3: Training, Outreach & Education Enabling, facilitating and delivering quality training in the UK and Internationally Author/ Presenter : Training, Outreach

JISC eRoadshow Liverpool

What is JISC?

The mission of the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) is to provide world-class leadership in the innovative use of ICT to support education and research. JISC funds a nationalservices portfolio (e.g. JANET) and a range of programmes (e.g. Use of Technology to Support Admissions to HE) and projects (e.g. Google Generation project).


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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool12/3/06


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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool 512/3/06

Socio-technical change

Swimming in a digital sea!Community intelligenceUbiquity of network devicesTransition in power of affordable computingScale and variety of digital dataAdvances in digital communications

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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool 712/3/06


Some customers are using the Amazon Web-scale computing services to provide grid-like environments (Werner Vogels)

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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool 812/3/06

eBay> 15,000 “standard” PCs

Updates on 2 week cycle

“build Grid” development environment

build in 1/2 hr

Deploy automatically

Federated databases


Enterprise grid alliance - implementing OGSA

Ability to scale and adapt rapidly

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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool 912/3/06

Convergence of simulations

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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool 1012/3/06

Research activity is changing

The view of what is a research grouping is undergoing a profound changeCommunity resources becoming central

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British Trust Ornithology

Long term volunteerCommunity effort

Creates the definitive Research resource

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Protein Data Bank

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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool

Diseases by location


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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool 1512/3/06

Grid - integrating resources

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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool 1612/3/06


Need a new type of underlying infrastructure to support access to the data torrent & collaboration.

Not just super computing but high throughput computing

Democratising data access & computing power

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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool

An e-Infrastructure Ecosystem- types of computing

Providing broad access to a range of servicesHigh Performance Computing

Large computationally intense simulationsRequires cutting edge super computing

High Throughput ComputingVery large numbers of small jobsCan use large numbers of consumer computers


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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool

An e-Infrastructure Ecosystem



Interface machine

Cluster of PCs

Higher performance clusters


Research Group ownershipResearch Group ownership

Departmental ownership

Departmental ownership

Institutional ownership

Institutional ownership

National ownershipNational ownership

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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool

An e-Infrastructure Ecosystem



Interface machine

Cluster of PCs

Higher performance clusters


Constant accessConstant access

Easily accessedEasily accessed

Requires grant support

Requires grant support

Peer reviewed access

Peer reviewed access

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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool12/3/06

International collaborations

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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool




100 years100 years


100 years100 yearsTelecommunicatTelecommunicationsions

170 years170 years


170 years170 years

PrintingPrinting600 years600 yearsPrintingPrinting

600 years600 years

WritingWriting5,000 5,000 yearsyears

WritingWriting5,000 5,000 yearsyears

Grunts andGrunts andbody body languagelanguage

500,000 500,000 yearsyears

Grunts andGrunts andbody body languagelanguage

500,000 500,000 yearsyears

SpeechSpeech300,000 300,000 yearsyears

SpeechSpeech300,000 300,000 yearsyears

Home ComputersHome ComputersInternet and WWWInternet and WWW

Mobile phonesMobile phonesGrid and Web 2.0Grid and Web 2.0

~30 years~30 yearsWeb 3.0 and Ubiquitous Web 3.0 and Ubiquitous

connected devicesconnected devices

Home ComputersHome ComputersInternet and WWWInternet and WWW

Mobile phonesMobile phonesGrid and Web 2.0Grid and Web 2.0

~30 years~30 yearsWeb 3.0 and Ubiquitous Web 3.0 and Ubiquitous

connected devicesconnected devices“Wellbeing” the global-scale killer app., Sir Robin

Saxby Oct. 2006

Foundations for Collaborative Behaviour

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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool 2212/3/06

EGEE Expertise & ResourcesMore than 90 partners 32 countries12 federations

Major and national Grid projects in Europe, USA, Asia

+ 27 countries through related projects:


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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool



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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool

Workflow sharing2512/3/06

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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool

Workflow example


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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool

Roadshow entry – file sharing


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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool 2812/3/06

What are distributed services

Not end to end solutions but sets of resources that can be combined to make solutions.

Individual bricks to build up.

What is the glue?

Application to application communication.- Web services and intermediate data formats- Not always there yet

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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool12/3/06

NGS providing the glue to allow access to heterogeneous systems

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Training, Outreach & Education

Author/Presenter :

UK e-Infrastructure




Users get common access, tools, inf ormation, Nationally supported services, through NGS

I ntegratedinternationally


Regional and Campus grids

Community Grids

Slide: Neil Geddes

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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool12/3/06

JISC Services

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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool12/3/06

JISC Services – Access to UK collections

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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool


Collections DescriptionDigimap is a collection of EDINA services that deliver maps and map data of Great Britain to UK tertiary education. Data is available either to download to use with appropriate application software such as GIS or CAD, or as maps generated by Digimap online.There are a number of collections available, each requiring a separate institutional subscription. Once subscribed, access is free at the point of use. Some collections also require individual registration.

• Digimap - Ordnance Survey® CollectionHistoric Digimap - historic maps from LandmarkGeology Digimap - geological maps and data from the British Geological SurveyMarine Digimap - hydrographic maps and data from SeaZone

Uses of DigimapExample ApplicationsDetailed Case Studies


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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool


What is Mimas?

Mimas is a JISC and ESRC-supported national data centre providing the UK Higher Education, Further Education and research community with access to key data and information resources to support teaching, learning and research across a wide range of disciplines.

• Users from authorised institutions can access Mimas services free of charge*.

This website is a gateway to all Mimas services and projects.


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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool

MIMAS services


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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool

JISC services

JISC funds a range of content, resource discovery, advisory and support services to address the needs of all users in further and higher education, and research councils. Some of these services are included in this catalogue.

For more information about all JISC Services visit:


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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool

UK Data Archive

• UK Data ArchiveThe UK Data Archive (UKDA) is a national resource centre that acquires, disseminates, preserves and promotes the largest collection of digital data in the social sciences and humanities in the United Kingdom.



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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool

JISC Virtual Research Environments


VRE definitionA VRE helps researchers in all disciplines manage the increasingly complex range of tasks involved in carrying out.

 A VRE will provide a framework of resources to support the underlying processes of research on both small and large scales, particularly for those disciplines which are not well catered for by the current infrastructure.

VREs add value to the research process across all disciplines by complementing and inter-working with existing resources and by being flexible and adaptable to changing requirements.

The approach being taken is based on an architecture which is extensible and supports, but does not restrict, the resources needed by individual research teams.

The concept of a VRE is evolving, and the intention of this programme is not to produce a complete VRE, but rather to define and help to develop the common framework and its associated standards and to encourage others to work within this framework to develop and populate VREs with applications, services and resources appropriate to their needs.

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JISC eRoadshow Liverpool



Virtual Research Environment for Archaeology