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Training Guide TopSolid’Punch v6

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Training Guide TopSolid’Punch v6

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© 2014, Missler Software. 7, Rue du Bois Sauvage F-91055 Evry, FRANCE Web: E-mail: [email protected] All rights reserved. This information is subject to change without warning. No material may be reproduced or transmitted, regardless of the manner, electronic or mechanical means used or purpose, without formal written consent from Missler Software.

TopSolid® is a registered trademark of Missler Software.

TopSolid® is a product name of Missler Software.

The information and the software contained within this document are subject to change without prior warning and should not be construed as a commitment by Missler Software.

The software covered by this document is supplied under license, and may only be used and duplicated in compliance with the terms of this license.

Version 6.15 Rev. 01

Note: If you are experiencing problems using this training guide, please feel free to send your feedback and comments at [email protected].

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TopSolid'Punch ................................................................................................................................................ 1

Introduction: Terminology and representation ........................................................................................................ 1

Punching menu ................................................................................................................................................ 7

Turret operation mode ............................................................................................................................................. 8

Automatic allocation ................................................................................................................................................. 9

Notching .................................................................................................................................................................. 14

Notch with square tool ....................................................................................................................................... 14 Notch with triangular tool .................................................................................................................................. 15

Line or arc ............................................................................................................................................................... 17

Line or arc with a rectangular or square tool ..................................................................................................... 17 Automatic allocation on profiles ........................................................................................................................ 20 Line or arc with a triangular tool ........................................................................................................................ 23 Line or arc with a special tool ............................................................................................................................. 23

Put a tool on point .................................................................................................................................................. 30

Tool machining on profile ....................................................................................................................................... 30

Tool machining line to line ...................................................................................................................................... 31

Forced path ............................................................................................................................................................. 33

Free patterns on point ............................................................................................................................................ 33

Picked patterns ....................................................................................................................................................... 34

Patterns on selected elements ........................................................................................................................... 34

Search repeats ........................................................................................................................................................ 35

Punch modes ........................................................................................................................................................... 35

Induced machining .................................................................................................................................................. 36

Attaches menu ........................................................................................................................................................ 36

Create micro-joints ............................................................................................................................................. 37 Delete a micro-joint............................................................................................................................................ 39 Modify a micro-joint ........................................................................................................................................... 39 Punched attaches ............................................................................................................................................... 40

Nesting menu ................................................................................................................................................ 43

Automatic nesting commands ................................................................................................................................ 43

Unitary part ........................................................................................................................................................ 43 Part cluster ......................................................................................................................................................... 47 Rectangular nesting ............................................................................................................................................ 53 Complex nesting ................................................................................................................................................. 55 Load nesting list .................................................................................................................................................. 58 Duplicate nesting ................................................................................................................................................ 59

Manual nesting commands ..................................................................................................................................... 59

Insert parts ......................................................................................................................................................... 59 Move parts ......................................................................................................................................................... 59 Extract waste from a sheet ................................................................................................................................ 60

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Default settings ....................................................................................................................................................... 60

Default nesting parameters ................................................................................................................................ 60 Parts families ...................................................................................................................................................... 61

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Introduction: Terminology and representation

The ‘punching allocation’ correspond to the machinings and paths carried out by the punching head with a tool. These punched paths generally perform the effective geometry of parts. These punched paths consist of successive removals reproducing the geometry of the tool used. The direction of the path is always displayed inside the first removal of the allocation.

The punching sequences are displayed in green. The arrow indicating the allocation direction is shown in blue.

The ‘paths without punching’ are the paths used to go around the security areas of the clamps during repositioning.

These paths are shown in dark green.

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When launching Missler Software’s products, a window with thumbnails (on the left side) provides access to the different modules.

For Sheetmetal products (TopSolid’Punch), click the thumbnail .

This window provides access either to:

- the Part document (*.pch); - or the Nest document (*.meg).

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The Part document will allow you to add the machinings to the part.

The first step consists in importing the contours that define the part shape.

For this operation, click on the icon . The Explorer button on the screen allows you to browse for the .Top (2D) design file, which includes the part geometry. This method should be used if the file is not open on the screen. If the .Top file is open, click an element of the part to be imported in the document.

When importing the part in the .Pch document, a transformation can be applied to the imported contour. In this case, for example, a symmetry of the original folder is possible.

Click the Choose transformation button, or otherwise choose No transformation.

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TopSolid complex curves (ellipses, B-spline curves, Bézier curves) are automatically simplified into lines and arcs when importing the part. Associativity is kept when modifying complex curves in TopSolid. The curves that define the texts are also imported.

Note: TopSolid allows for use of Windows "True type" fonts, which can be machined, marked…


Preparation work for wireframe 3D unbent parts with thickness.

For 3D unbent IGES files with thickness, a specific procedure will be required:

Open the unfolded file (IGES,Top…).

Open a new part document (.pch).

Select the Miscellaneous > Import > Clear 3D wireframe command.

Select an element of the file to clean = the software deletes all Z elements.

Select the bend lines to be deleted.

Validate by pressing the END key.

Use the Curve > Other operations > Sew > Non associative > All curves command.

Finish with Curve > Manage > Rebuild.

Import the geometry in the part document (.Pch) using the icon described above. For a part created in TopSolid’Fold:

Click on the unbending that will be transferred to the part document (.Pch).

Warning: The unbending MUST be in the original XY plane of the drawing. The Project to machine option must be enabled when configuring the unbending. Otherwise, the contour will be deformed (and therefore the dimensions will be invalid).

Precautions to be taken:

To ensure that the importation only takes account of the unbending contours, it is recommended that you position the 3D sheet metal part on another level, or that the unbending and the sheet metal part are in two different documents, so that closed contours from the part design are not imported.

General parameters:

Once the part is imported in the part document (.Pch), specify the general parameters via the following dialog box.

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Specify the machine, the material and the thickness of the part.

The machine and the material are selected by clicking on their respective names (the element is blue-highlighted).

Warning: The thickness value is expressed in tenths of a millimeter, but it can be configured in a different unit of the metric system.

When importing from a TopSolid’Fold part, the information about the part’s material and thickness is automatically retrieved. In this case, the thickness field will take the right value and the design material will be selected by default, provided that the software is properly configured (prerequisite: the material must be included in the list of materials of TopSolid’Punch (see paragraph Format management and configuration of TopSolid materials)).

During the import stage, you can choose a display color for the selected part. At this stage, it is also possible to choose the degrees of freedom of the part which will influence during nesting. For example, the part rotation or symmetry can be prohibited. Similarly, the part may be provided with a family of degree of freedom, which will be used to calculate the nesting (see the complex nesting).

Note: On an unbending from TopSolid’Fold, the designer can block the rotation and/or symmetry of the part. When importing this part to be machined, some options may already be selected and checked.

You can choose whether the drawing importation must include only the closed curves, or also the opened lines or arcs and texts.

Check the relevant box.

For the punching technology, click the icon .

The following option bar is displayed:

- The Load standard turret button loads a standard turret for the part. - The Load turret of another part button loads the turret of another part. - The drop-down list allows you to select the operation mode for the turret.

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Once the geometry is imported and the part parameters are defined, the machining allocations can be performed. The functions of the Punching menu are used to perform the allocations. It is then possible, at any moment, to work on the part to modify the characteristics or the machinings by using the Edit menu’s functions.

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TopSolid’Punch Punching menu

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Punching menu The Punching menu provides access to the following commands:

Automatic allocation of tools on the geometry

Notch machinings

Scheduling of different sequences

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Punching menu TopSolid’Punch

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Turret operation mode

TopSolid’Punch provides two operation modes for the turret:

- Manual mounting of tools as needed with the turret displayed; - Automatic mounting of the tool if it is not present on the turret.

A first selection between these two modes can be preset in the topzpch.cfg configuration file as follows:

#Automatic mounting of tools on the turret (1=yes, 0=no) ZPCHTO_TOOL_AUTO_MOUNT When importing the part in the Part document, you can choose the mounting mode.

When in Auto tool put on mode, the system directly shows all the tools of the tool file, including those already put on the turret.

However, the mode can be changed during use by selecting the Part Turret icon.

Mounting tools on the turret automatically

If the tool is mounted on a fixed station and the orientation of the geometry does not match:

- The system will dismount the tool of the fixed station and mount it on an indexing station (provided that the station diameter fits).

If a non-mounted tool is selected, the system will mount it as follows:

- If the tool must be put on a multitool, the system will search for the multitool that best matches the tool diameter. If the multitool is not mounted, the system will mount the multitool before mounting the tool.


- The tool is mounted on the first preferred station. - If this station is busy, the tool is mounted on the second preferred station (if it is not null). - If the second preferred station is busy, the tool is mounted on a station from the same group as the first

preferred station. - If the group of the first preferred station is full, the application will attempt to put the tool on a station of

the groups that have the same diameter as the group of the tool’s first preferred station. - Otherwise, the tool is mounted on an indexing station, provided that the diameter fits.

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Mounting tools on the turret manually

Choose a punching function and a tool. The system opens the turret and the tool list management window to allow for manual mounting on the selected station.

Automatic allocation

Two operation modes are possible with the automatic allocation. Indeed, this function works differently depending on the mode in which the turret operates. The Use local turret or the Automatic with assistance mode can be used.

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Punching menu TopSolid’Punch

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Local turret mode

The system recognizes the profiles and searches for the most appropriate tool (pre-mounted on the turret) in order to machine each profile according to the tools that have been put on the turret beforehand.

If no tool is suitable for machining a profile, the profile will not be machined. The tool(s) capable of machining the unmachined profiles will have to be mounted manually.

Automatic with assistance mode

The system recognizes the profiles and searches for the tool that is best suited to machine each profile in the entire tool file (tool library). For each new selected tool, the system will attempt to put it on the turret.

Reminder about the mounting: If the first preferred station is free, the tool is put on that station; otherwise, the tool will be mounted on the second preferred station if it is not null. When the stations are busy, the system searches for the stations of the same group as the group of the first preferred station and attempts to mount the tool. If these stations are busy, the system will search for the stations of different groups but of the same mounting diameter, and then it will try the indexing stations of matching diameters. If the system cannot mount the tool, this tool is kept as a non-mounted tool and the system reports this information in the following dialog box.

If the tool could be mounted, the specified station is actually the turret station. If the tool could not be mounted, the system indicates the first preferred station of the tool (see Tool management).

The Remove tool button is used to remove a selected tool (whether or not it is mounted on the turret). The impact is immediate: the allocations are then deleted and the tool will no longer be selected in subsequent steps.

The No fail button or phase allows the system to recognize the profiles and search for the most suitable tool to machine each unmachined profile. If the mounting on the turret fails, the system will choose another tool.

If there is any conflict in the mounting, you can sort the tool list displayed in the window above according to different criteria by using the Sorted by group button.

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TopSolid’Punch Punching menu

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At any time, the system provides access to the Use local turret mode, which will prevent it from mounting tools on the turret and selecting only from already mounted tools. The automatic allocation can be executed in two different ways:

- The automatic allocation is carried out before you started to allocate the part machinings so that a first machining solution is proposed. It will be possible to modify (if necessary) the allocated machinings

automatically by clicking the wrench icon.

- The automatic allocation is carried out after you have partially allocated the part machinings manually. This mode allows you to complete the machining of a part automatically.

Functioning of the Automatic allocation command

The Automatic allocation command offers various options to adjust the way this function works.

- 1: Notching by punching the notches or by splitting the notches into lines. - 2: Allocation of lines performed or not. - 3: Type of tool to nibble the arcs (round, square or rectangle) - 4: Tool width for line machining. - 5: Tool width for arc machining. - 6: Use local turret or Automatic with assistance mode.

The automatic allocation can be executed on the whole part by clicking on OK, or only on selected profiles using either the selection icon or the box selection with the mouse.

During automatic allocation with automatic mounting of tools, it is possible, if the tools are not mounted because of a full turret or any conflicts, to remove the unused tools on the turret to make space available so that the system can mount the tools it needs, without having to exit the function.

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Punching menu TopSolid’Punch

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Settings of the Automatic Allocation function

Access via Tools > Options.

The default values of the different options for the automatic allocation are defined by the settings in Tools > Options.

Settings of the Automatic allocation function in detail

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- 1: Notching by splitting the notches into lines. o Box checked:

o Box unchecked:

- 2: Lines = maximum tool width – Arcs = maximum tool diameter. o For lines, a rectangular tool with any maximum width can be automatically allocated on all lines. o For arcs, you can choose to nibble these elements with a round or square tool by selecting the

maximum diameter of the tool.

- 3: Repeats search: o Lines o Grids o Circles

- 4: Automatic allocation of special tools.

o The software recognizes and automatically allocates the removals which are exactly shaped like a special tool existing in the tool list.

Automatic allocation on:

o External lines o External arcs o Internal circles

- 5: Search parameters

The software allows you to set:

o A maximum diameter value for a punched arc; beyond the entered value, the arc will be nibbled. o A maximum diameter value for a punched full circle. o A maximum overflanking value for a notching.

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Punching menu TopSolid’Punch

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- 6: Parameters for machining the oblongs. The software configures the machining of the oblongs using the round and rectangle tools.

Miscellaneous: The system recognizes among other things the corner radius tools and can allocate them automatically on the external contour at fillets, for example if the radius values match.


The menu provides two options for notchings:

- Notch with square tool

- Notch with triangular tool

Notch with square tool

The square tool designation also includes the rectangular-shaped tools. This command allocates the zones 1 and 2 in the following diagram:

To define the notching 1, activate the command and select the lines 1-a and 1-b. These lines will define the limits on which the notching will be based.

To define the notching 2, activate the command and select the lines 2-a and 2-b (in any order) to obtain the desired machining. If the line 2-c and one of the lines 2-a or 2-b are selected, the software will not rely on the right lines and the notching may overflank in the part.

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Notch with triangular tool

This command allocates the zones 1 and 2 in the following diagram:

To define the notching 1, activate the command and select the lines 1-a and 1-b which must have the same length.

To define the notching 2, activate the command and select the same line twice.

Notch overflanking

When creating notches of 2 or 3 elements, the system provides the opportunity for calculating the value of overflanking associative to a geometry. For each dimension of the notching (side and height), it is possible either to:

- use the default overflanking; - or select a line of the geometry as the overflanking reference.

The Default side overflanking option allows the notching to overflank according to the settings in Tools > Options > Punch > Allocation > Obligatory overflanking for notching.

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Example of an overflanking calculated by an element according to the height and the side:

The notching will overflank to the vertical geometry and on the horizontal geometry. These two overflankings are associative with the vertical and horizontal geometries.

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TopSolid’Punch Punching menu

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Line or arc

The Punching menu provides seven options for machining a line or an arc. Six types of tools correspond to the standard tools and the last type is for the special tools. To use the command for machining a line or an arc, select the command either in the menu or by clicking the corresponding icon.

Detailed icons (above) for machining a line or an arc:

Machining a line or an arc using a:

1 - Rectangular or square tool 2 - Oblong tool 3 - Calked end tool 4 - Trapezoid tool 5 - Round tool 6 - Triangular tool 7 - Special tool

Line or arc with a rectangular or square tool

This function gives you access to the list of tools of the desired type. The dialog box that pops up is the same as that for the profile machinings.

If the turret operates in Manual tool put on mode, only the tools on the turret will appear. If the turret operates in Auto tool put on mode, the complete tool file is displayed.

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The dialog box's buttons in detail:

The button allows you to sort the rectangular or square tools of the tool list.

The button is used to change the display order (ascending or descending).

The button allows you to choose between the mode in which only the tools mounted on the turret are displayed and the mode in which all the declared tools are displayed.

Note: In Manual tool put on mode on the turret, it is possible to allocate a tool not present on the turret. If the selected tool is not mounted on the turret, the Turret definition dialog box (see corresponding paragraph) is displayed to put this tool on a station. The dialog box for selecting tools is only displayed automatically the first time that a type of tool is selected.

To get access to this dialog box again, click the button with the tool name.

You can choose a tool by clicking the Same tool as button. This option allows you to select the same tool as that allocated to a machining without having to search for it in the lists.

By clicking the Tool width button, you can choose whether the line will be machined on a tool width or on a larger width. By default, the machining will be performed on the tool width. When choosing to machine the line on a larger width, you should set the button to By set width and enter the desired width value in the provided edit field.

In this first example, the Tool width option is enabled. The result is a line of punches.

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In this second example, the Tool width > By set width option is enabled. The result can be compared to a notch processing.

This button allows you to manage the collisions between the tool and the part. It is possible to disengage the tool’s automatic positioning mode by clicking the Check collisions button.

The resulting mode is .

In some cases it must be possible to disengage the collision detection in the matter in order to manually manage the overflankings for example. Warning: A message may appear indicating that you cannot position a tool, but this is possible. In this case, you should disengage the collision management.

This button allows you to allocate the tool width on a profile.

Allocation of the width of the square or a rectangle on profiles.

Invert profile direction

This button is used to invert the profile direction.

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Machining of a line using a:

- Oblong tool - Calked end tool - Trapezoid tool - Round tool

Follow the same procedure as for the square-rectangle tool.

Automatic allocation on profiles

- Round - Rectangular - Oblong - Triangular

The menu provides four options for machining the classical shaped profiles:

The main profiles recognized by these commands are:

- The round profiles that must be machined with a round, square, oblong or special tool. In the case of a square, oblong or special tool, it will not be possible to punch the profile.

- The rectangular profiles requiring a square or rectangular tool. - The oblong profiles to be machined with an oblong tool or a correct diameter round tool - The triangular profiles that must be isosceles right-angled triangles.

In the case of round profiles, it is possible to machine a square or rectangular tool, instead of the usual round tool.

You get this type of machining:

A machine stop is allocated by default. Use the command to select another type of stop.

Warning: It may be necessary to modify the roughness, which is set by default and may be too high (particularly for profiles with large radii).

Punching with a square tool can be an interesting option for machining a round profile.

Click the round tool. The following icon bar is displayed:

Click on No central tool to enable the function. This type of machining enables the number of tool punches to be reduced.

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You can use a round tool (larger diameter) to punch the internal waste.

If the function is deactivated, the result looks like the next image:

For oblong profiles, a ‘Round’ button is available at the bottom of the icon.

It allows you to choose a round tool over an oblong tool to perform the machining. The diameter of the selected round tool must match the width of the oblong. For round profiles, the starting point can be selected. By default, this point starts at the zero of the trigonometric circle. This point can be modified in two different ways:

- By choosing one of the predefined angles (0°,90°,180°, 270°) in the list.

- By clicking the Position of start point button, and then entering the desired angle value. When the desired type of machining is selected, buttons are displayed below the icon.

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A window with the tools available on the turret for this machining is displayed.

If the turret operates in Automatic with assistance mode, the complete tool file is displayed. If the turret operates in Use local turret mode, only the tools on the turret will appear.

The Rect. and Square button provides access either to the list of rectangular tools, or to the list of square tools.

The Decreasing order button is used to modify the order of tools (ascending or descending).

The On turret button allows you to choose between 2 modes:

- All mode - On turret mode This mode allows you to allocate a tool that does not appear on the turret. If the selected tool is not mounted on the turret, the turret definition dialog box is displayed in order to put this tool on a station.

You can also choose a tool by clicking the Same tool as button.

This option allows you to choose the same tool as a tool already allocated on a machining without having to search for it in the lists. Simply click this button, and then select the supporting element of the sequence whose tool is to be copied. The mouse pointer shows whether the tool has been selected and takes the tool shape. This will give you an idea of the tool size relative to the machining to be performed. Once the tool is selected, click the profile to be machined. The result appears on the screen.

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Line or arc with a triangular tool

This type of machining is suitable for the triangular tools defined as isosceles right-angled triangles and driven by the point in the middle of their base. The machining of a line or an arc with a triangular tool is done by selecting the tool side to be used via the following menu:

Line or arc with a special tool

Creating a special tool

In a .top design document, draw the geometry of the special tool.

Open a .pch punching/cutting document.

Go to Manage > Special tools creation.

Select the geometry of the special tool. This must be closed curve (simple tool) or a group of curves (multiple tools).

Select a reference point for the tool; its center or a definition coordinate system.

Enter the name of the special tool. If the name already exists, confirm the overwriting of the old file to prevent any operating error (two special tools cannot have the same name).

You can select a closed curve that defines the security area of the special tool (see Security area of a special tool).

If the environment contains several machines, the system prompts you to select the machine on which the special tool must be created.

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Enter the characteristics of the special tools in the Tools characteristics dialog box which pops up automatically. Specify whether the tool is a special type of tool (forming tool…). Allow this tool to be used for the desired matters and thicknesses.

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Machining with a special tool

There are two possible scenarios for the machining of a line or an arc with a special tool:

- Single punch with a special tool - Nibbling with a special tool

Single punch with a special tool

Example of a special tool created based on a closed contour that is declared as a special tool. This T-shaped special tool will be used to punch the following part’s contour.

Click the Special tool icon.

In the dialog box which pops up automatically, choose the special tool to be used.

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Select an element of the contour to allocate the special tool.

Choose which element of the tool the application must match to the shape to be machined. Use the Next element and Previous element buttons to move from one element to another.

The allocation is performed.

Note: The lines shown by the red arrows are to be declared as induced machinings. This operation is very important since it enables the automatic allocation not to allocate duplicate machinings on the profile processed with the special tool. Nibbling with a special tool Manual allocation:

If the dimension of the element to be machined is greater than that of the special tool, the application will perform a nibbling operation (linear or circular as appropriate).

The following example shows the machining of a concave arc with a special tool.

Click the arc to be machined.

Choose the most appropriate part of the tool for the machining.

By clicking the right mouse button, select the different parts of the special tool.

Validate so that the special tool is allocated on the geometry to be machined.

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Automatic allocation:

Criteria for selecting the automatic allocation:

- In the case of line allocation, the segment of the special tool must be a line the same length as the line to be machined.

- In the case of arc allocation, the segment of the special tool must be an arc with a radius and length equal to that of the arc to be allocated.

- When creating a special tool, you will be asked to choose the tool’s curve, its reference point (= punch point) and its name.

- Then, you will be prompted to select the segments to be considered during the automatic allocation (this question is not asked if it is a multi-tool).

- It is possible to choose all the segments by clicking on ALL.

- All segments are shown in green.

- You can select some segments to be used during automatic allocation by clicking the desired segments in the .top document.

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Security area of a special tool

Option to define a security area for the special tool.

Warning: Before you can create the special tool, first draw in the .top document the closed curve corresponding to the security area. If you don't want to define any security area for the special tool, click on NONE.

This security area can be displayed as soon as the tool is used (with the mouse or when sequences are represented and in simulation). This can be configured in Tools > Options > Display options.

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This curve defining the security area of the special tool is used for simulation to determine the succession of paths without punching to be done to avoid the tool when a toolpath goes through the special tool. The contouring is performed in simulation if the option has been validated in Tools > Options > Simulation > Other options.

The calculated paths without punching take account of the size of the tool or the station on which the tool will be mounted or the punching head. This can be configured in Tools > Option > Simulation > Other options. By default, the size of the station will be taken into account for the circular or linear turret machines. For the other types of machines, the size of the punching head will be taken into account. Warning messages

Warning messages are displayed in the alert window.

- A warning message in simulation will notify you when a punch is given inside the security area of the already punched special tool. Exceptions:

o The tools associated with the special tool. o The tools declared as ‘Autodev’ tools in the tool management (code 81 or 82 in the High standstill

field). - A warning message is displayed if a sequence without punching for a special tool contouring could not be

calculated, because this results in sequences that are out of action fields. - A warning message is displayed if the paths without punching calculated for the clamp contouring could

not be properly modified to take account of the security areas of the special tools that were passed through.

Modifying a special tool

Option to modify a special tool.

Manage menu > Special tools modification.

If this function is called up from a blank document, you will be asked to choose the machine.

The list of special tools is then displayed. From this list, select the special tool to be modified.

Once the tool is selected, the .spc document of the special tool will open with the following menu bar that allows you to make the changes you require.

Modification of the punch point (= reference point).

Modification of the security area.

Modification of the elements to be used for the automatic allocation.

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To make the changes, do the following:

Modify the .spc document.

Without closing the .spc document, go back to the Special tools modification function from the .pch document and confirm your changes.

The different modifications correspond to the way you create a special tool.

To modify the reference point, select the new reference point in the .spc file.

To modify the security area, select the new curve that defines the security area.

To modify the elements used during the automatic allocation, click the elements to be used.

Click on OK to confirm your changes.

Put a tool on point

This command allows you to position a tool punch on the sheet or the part in free mode (manual mode), therefore in non-associative mode. When this command is selected, the following dialog is displayed, allowing you to select the tool to be used.

For each tool, information on the tool’s mounting orientation and its punch conditions is displayed. The Th reference means that the tool is allowed to punch the current material and thickness. Otherwise, the tool can be used, but a warning message will be displayed.

After choosing the tool by clicking on the relevant tab, select the tool to be allocated from the list.

Tool machining on profile

This command allows you to select a tool to perform the machining of the part’s profile.

It is possible to machine a full profile by selecting only the part’s profile.

Or by switching the FULL PROFILE button to create a part of profile by selecting the start and end elements on the profile.

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The direction of the toolpath is indicated by an arrow which can be inverted.

It is also possible to replace the existing tools with the selected tool to perform the profile machining.

Tool machining line to line

Automatic mode

A configuration is needed to activate the function automatically.

Automatic allocation > Automatic allocation configuration > Check the Search machinings of type line to line box.

Depending on the search parameters set in Tools > Options, all the "line to line" machinings on external contours will be automatically searched.

Tools > Options > Punch > Automatic allocation > Adjustments.

Check the Search machinings of type line to line box. Default number of lines: 2 = Mini. number of lines to put in relation included in the "line to line" machining. Gap maxi. between 2 lines (by default = 20mm); beyond this value, it is considered as invalid.

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The following example shows two "line to line"machinings since the middle notch is over 20mm in length.

Manual mode

Click the Tool machining line to line icon.

Select a tool in the tool list.

Select the start element.

Select the end element or click the Automatic search button. In manual mode, no constraints are imposed on the minimum number of lines in the machining (there must at least 2 lines). For the gap maxi. between 2 lines, the tool length is taken into account. When a gap is greater than the length of the selected tool, the machining is considered as invalid.

Warning: This only applies if you click on Automatic search. If you click on Terminate element, no constraints are imposed. This automatic mode works on internal and external contours.

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Forced path

This function allows a sequence of machinings to be forced by creating a path between them with or without passing points.

The CREATE button allows you to define the scheduling between the selected elements.

The INSERT button is used to insert a sequence between two linked sequences, and insert paths without punching using the Passing points button.

The EXTRACT button deletes a scheduling inside a chaining of schedulings.

Schedulings can be deleted by using the DELETE > OTHERS command.

The EXPLODE IN 2 button is used to separate a scheduling in two.

Free patterns on point

This function is based on a tool allocated on a point and allows you to create a ‘matrix’ and/or ‘circular’ or strictly linear repetition. The characteristics of the pattern are to be entered from the keyboard via the contextual menu or by clicking an existing pattern to copy the values.

Example: If you choose to create a ‘LINE’ free pattern on point:

Click a tool allocated on point that will be the base element for the repetition.

Click an element of the drawing or press a button giving the direction of the line.

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Confirm if the line is parallel to the selected directrix; otherwise, modify the angle.

Set the computation mode to Step (distance between 2 punches). Or

Distributed along a length or a total length.

Enter the total number of tool punches to be created.

Picked patterns

This function allows you to create a punch pattern based on a geometry drawn in TopSolid. This geometry has been created in a TopSolid document using the Edit > Repeat command. The punching application will only recognize the matrix, circular and linear propagations and will let you choose whether or not to keep the associativity with TopSolid on the characteristics of the repetition.

Note: In non-associative mode and for an axis, you must select the basic element to calculate the coordinate system, then the nearest element to calculate the step, and then the last element to set the direction and the total number of punches.

Patterns on selected elements

This scenario is interesting when all the original elements have not been drawn in the TopSolid document. Indeed, it is complicated to draw all the elements of a grid that consists of many elements. Users will prefer a simplified representation by specifying only some representative elements of the pattern.

Select the Picked Patterns option.

The system will search in the turret for the valid tool with which to machine the profile in one punch.

For a second line of punches, the system will ask you to select:

- The second element to define the direction and the step. - The last element to set the number of punches of the line.

The system creates the pattern and makes the selected elements invisible. This pattern cannot be modified with the wrench. This pattern is associative when the elements that were used to generate the pattern are modified.

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Search repeats

If a pattern is drawn in TopSolid, the Search repeats function in the TopSolid’Punch document automatically recognizes the created pattern.

Punch modes

This function can be accessed via the Punching menu.

This function can only be used on machines where some punching modes are set. This setting is made in Machine management > Technology > Speed. The punching modes are normally used on recent TRUMPF machines and the codes are the following: M25-M26-M27-M28. If this function is activated and the punching modes are enabled, these are displayed in yellow on the part’s machinings.

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Induced machining

This function isolates some geometries of the part as an "induced machining". During an automatic allocation, the geometries which have the Induced machining property will not be allocated. These geometries are shown in yellow.

Attaches menu

This menu refers to the micro-joints and punched attaches. Three of the four attach commands are grouped in the following icon bar. These are the commands relating to the classic attaches.

The commands related to the punched attaches (creation, deletion, modification) are grouped under the menu’s Punched attaches command.

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The punched attaches are used in punching and on combined machines. A specific type of lead in/lead out can be defined for micro-joints. This is done using the Lead in and Lead out configuration button that can be accessed from all the cutting functions.

Create micro-joints

After selecting this option in the Attachs menu > Create micro joints or by clicking the icon , three types of positioning are available:

- On corner - Distribute - Manual

For the On corner nesting, you have to click on the desired corner.

The Distribute option positions a number of micro-joints on a line at regular distances. By default, the number of micro-joints is 1. You can change this number either by clicking the Number = 1 button, and then entering the desired number of micro-joints, or by modifying the number using the Number + and Number - buttons. Then, click on the relevant line and the system automatically distributes the micro-joints on the lines.

Example: If the user chooses to position two micro-joints, the software will put one micro-joint at the first third of the line and another one at the second third of the line.

For the Manual nesting, use the mouse to select the approximate position of the micro-joints by clicking a line close to where they are to be positioned. Other options in the menu are available to the user to put the micro-joints manually:

1 - Position value

This function positions a micro-joint relative to the beginning of the line. Specify the distance you want in millimeters and click on the line. 2 - At extremity

This function positions a micro-joint at the end of a line or an arc.

3 - At one punch from border

This function positions a micro-joint at one punch from the part’s border. To do this, select the element to allocate near the desired border.

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A default value applied to a micro-joint is provided in the Manage menu > Micro joints.

The default value is 0.2mm. You can define the desired micro-joints before defining a single machining. The previously created micro-joints will then be respected. The micro-joints can be configured according to the material and thickness.

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Delete a micro-joint

A micro-joint can be deleted via the menu. After selecting this command, you can delete all the micro-joints of the contour = All on contour or all the micro-joints put on an element All on element.

Modify a micro-joint

A micro-joint can be modified via the menu. When this function is activated, two buttons are displayed:

- Attach tool - Brittle tool

The Attach tool function is used to allocate a tool on an attach, a tool which is different to that for the line machining. You can choose a calked-end, rectangular, square or trapezoid tool. By using this function, you can perform the following type of machining:

If you only want to modify an attach and not the tool used for the attach, click the line near the relevant micro-joint. The following dialog box is displayed:

In this dialog box you can modify the size of a micro-joint, change its position, deactivate it or delete it.

Note: A micro-joint on corner whose position does not match with the beginning or the end of the line will be automatically converted into an intermediate micro-joint.

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Punched attaches

A punched attach is a big micro-joint which will generally be punched at the end of the part machining. When enabling this function, 4 buttons are available:

The To position button allows you to position a punched attach on the part.

Click on the line where you want to position the punched attach.

Possibility of associating a trapp door or a stop.

In the case of an associated trapp door, the following dialog box is displayed:

The trapp door number is selected using the button of the Trapp door number for evacuation edit field.

The shift and temporization values can be defined in the relevant fields.

You can choose the operating mode of the trapp door using the Open and close and Open without close radio buttons.

By default, the attach breaker tool is the tool used for machining the line or the arc, but it is possible to select another tool by clicking the Change button; this action takes you to the overall list of tools.

The Report type edit field provides access to 3 options:

- Internals and externals immediate = The attaches are broken when machining the part. - Internals immediate and externals reported = The external attaches will be broken subsequently. - Internals and externals reported = The attaches will be broken after machining all the parts.

In the case of an associated stop, click the Define stop button. The stop is automatically positioned on the punched attach.

The Delete button is used to remove a punched attach from an entity.

Click the line where the punched attach is located.

Option to delete all the punched attaches in one go by clicking the By lines button.

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The Modify button is used to change the parameters of a punched attach, define a trapp door or modify the sequences associated with these attaches. To modify the characteristics of an attach, select this element and a dialog box is displayed, allowing you to make the desired changes.

This dialog box allows you to modify the position of the attach and change its width by entering the new values in the edit fields. You can also delete the punched attach by checking the Delete it box.

To associate a trapp door, click the Define trapp door button and select the relevant line. Then, fill in the corresponding dialog.

To define a machine stop, click the Define stop button. The stop is automatically put on the punched attach.

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To modify the associated sequences, click on Modify, and then on Associated sequences and the relevant line. The following dialog box is displayed:

An overview of the line’s attaches is shown at the top of this dialog box. Each attach can be modified by selecting it (it is blue-highlighted), and then entering the new values in the two edit fields next to the Modify button. Choices are validated when clicking on the Modify button.

In the Sequences field, you can click for each sequence on the statement of the Reverse column to change its status (Yes/No switch). The order of the sequences is modified by selecting one of them and moving it in the list using the Before and After buttons.

Choices are validated by clicking on OK.

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Nesting menu

The nesting document is used to cluster or automatically nest different parts and generate the relevant machine program.

The update status of the nesting is represented by a traffic light icon:

Green: The part geometries are up-to-date with the part files.

Red: The part geometries are not up-to-date with the part machinings.

Commands that can be executed from a nesting document are available either via the menus, or via the icons on the toolbar. The nesting commands can be accessed via:

- The icon bar:


- The Nesting menu:

Detailed nesting commands (above) by type:

Automatic nesting commands

The following commands correspond to the four nesting functions described below.

Unitary part

This command allows you to nest a part on a sheet whose dimensions are given by the part’s enclosing rectangle by adding security margins or not. Once the command is run, the part to be nested must be selected. This selection can be made in two ways:

- By selecting a part in an already open document. - By selecting a part file using the Explorer button.

Nesting and automatic nesting management commands

Nesting configuration commands

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The nesting parameters are managed in the following dialog box:

The Rotation Family section sets the position of the part for the nesting in relation to the position of the Punch part. You can rotate the part by a multiple angle of 90° using the +/- buttons of the Rotations field. To choose a different angle, you just need to enter the value in the corresponding input field. It is also possible to define a symmetry to be applied to the part.

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Example of mirrored parts:

The Take care of tools allocations checkbox affects the calculation of the part’s enclosing rectangle.


Original part Enclosing rectangle without taking into account the tool allocations

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Enclosing rectangle considering the tool allocations

The Loading field allows you to choose the loading position (centered or in thrust). For a machine with several thrusts, the software will select the loading according to the sheet dimensions and the parameters entered in the machine management.

The Security margins field (see Sheet managemement) is used in the calculation of the sheet size.

Sheet length = Left security margin + Length of the enclosing rectangle + Right security margin Sheet width = Top security margin + Width of the enclosing rectangle + Bottom security margin The matter, the thickness and the machine appear at the bottom of the dialog box.

The Load button allows you to reload a previously saved nesting order (*.plc files).

The Save button is used to save the current nesting order.

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Part cluster

This command allows you to cluster a part on a sheet whose dimensions are defined by the application or the user. A cluster is a matrix copy of a pattern part. The part is regularly arranged without a change in orientation inside the cluster.

General philosophy:

The cluster, the rectangular nesting and the complex nesting (optional) share a common interface. Some input fields are different to suit the characteristics of each function. The dialog box consists of five tabs:

- Parts - Gaps - Sheets - Nesting - General

Parts tab

This tab determines:

- The parts to be nested - The specific nesting option for each part - The quantities of parts to be nested - The rotation family of the parts

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Zone 1 – List of parts to be nested:

This field is used to select the parts to be nested. These parts can be selected using the Add button that allows you to select the .pch file(s) in the explorer. Multiple selection is possible. For the matrix nesting, the current part to be nested is automatically selected before the dialog box is opened.

These two arrows allow you to reorder the list of parts to be nested. It is possible to remove parts from the list by selecting them and activating the Remove button.

Multiple selection allows you to make changes to several parts at the same time (rotation family-rotation-…).

The system can color the nested parts. To do this, the Colouring box must be checked.

Zone 2 – Properties of the nested part:

This field allows you to choose the type of cluster you want:

- Matricial - Unitary part (see previous paragraph) - Vertical band: The sheet length is defined by the part length, its width and the security margins.

- Horizontal band: The sheet width is defined by the part length, its width and security margins.

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Zone 3 – Quantity

This field allows you to set or not the quantity to be nested for the selected part. If the Optimize quantity box is checked, the value entered in the Wanted box is concealed and the sheet will be filled to full capacity.

Zone 4 – Rotation family/Rotations

This field allows you to set the degrees of freedom in rotation for each part. The minimum orientation sets the orientation of the part positioned relative to the original part of the part document.

Zone 5 – Rotation family/Symmetries

This field allows you to set the degrees of freedom in rotation for each part. The minimum orientation sets the orientation of the part positioned relative to the original part of the part document. Alternate symmetries are used to nest the parts ‘same edge to same edge’.

Example of an alternate symmetry along the horizontal axis:

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By default, the software does not allow you to nest parts with different materials and/or thicknesses in a same sheet. This check can be deactivated by unchecking the Check parts compatibility option.

However, the application will check whether the matter has been defined in the sheet management.

Gaps tab

This tab defines the gaps between parts according to:

- The splitters; - The skeleton to be kept; - The tool allocations.

Zone 1 – Gaps between parts

Use this field to define the gaps between parts along X and Y. If splitting tools are used, values are calculated from desired splitter widths and the width of the skeleton to be kept.

Double blade The gap between two parts along X will be calculated as follows: Width of a left splitter + Width of the vertical skeleton + Width of a right splitter

The gap between two parts along Y will be calculated as follows: Width of a bottom splitter + Width of the horizontal skeleton + Width of a top splitter.

Zone 2 – Vertical and horizontal splitters

Use this field to select the type of splitters you want to use:

- Without (= none) - Double blade - Common blade

with the corresponding values.

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Zone 3 – Tool allocations

The Take care of tools allocations checkbox (included in this zone) affects the calculation of the part’s enclosing rectangle

Warning: Taking account of the tool allocations helps ensure that the requested gap between parts (=the skeleton) will be performed. The software ensures that the sheet will be rigid enough.

Sheets tab

This tab determines the sheets to be used for the nesting.

Zone 1 – Sheet management

This zone defines the exact list of available sheets for the nesting. If the Optimize box is checked, a sheet called standard sheets (defined in the sheet management) is added to the list. In this case, the selection of the sheet will be made on the basis of all sheets.

If the number of parts is fixed, the software will choose the smallest sheet possible.

If the number of parts is ‘optimized’, the software will choose the sheet for which the loss ratio is low.

To impose a sheet with specific dimensions, use the Add button to get access to the list of sheets available in the library. Specific dimensions for a sheet can be entered in Zone 2/Dimensions/Length/Width.

To delete a sheet from the list, use the Remove button.

Zone 2 - Quantity

This field allows you to set the quantity of sheet metal parts available for each sheet.

Zone 3 - Loading

This field allows you to select the loading position of the sheet, either centered or in thrust. For a machine with several thrusts, the software will select the loading according to the dimensions of the sheet depending on the parameters entered in the machine management.

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Zone 4 – Security margins

The Security margin field is used in calculating the size of the nesting area that can be used for the nesting.

Nesting tab

This tab defines the nesting parameters.

Zone 1 - Packing

This field sets the position of the sheet nesting:

- Top left corner - Top right corner - Lower left corner - Lower right corner

Select the box of the desired packing. Zone 2 - Scheduling

This field sets the type of nesting:

- S along horizontal axis - S along vertical axis - Weft along horizontal axis - Weft along vertical axis

Select the box of the desired scheduling.

This field also determines the starting point on the sheet metal:

- Top left corner - Top right corner - Lower left corner - Lower right corner

Select the box of the desired starting point.

All of these parameters determine the order in which the parts are created on the sheet metal, and therefore the order in which the machinings are performed before optimizing the path.

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General tab

This tab sets the general parameters for the nesting.

The zone 1 Saving allows you to enter a path and a generic name for the generated nesting files.

Example: For a rectangular nesting which would produce three different sheets with a "nesting" generic name, the three generated files will be:

- Nesting#1.meg - Nesting#2.meg - Nesting#3.meg

The zone 2 Optimizing is used to optimize either:

- The number of generated programs - Or the global loss ratio

In the zone 3 Default nesting parameters, the Modify button allows access to the nesting parameters for the current machine.

The Linked actions zone allows you to control the activation of actions which will be executed automatically. This means that the automatic behavior of the application will be preferred.

Rectangular nesting

This command automatically nests a number of different parts on a given sheet. The software will nest the maximum amount of parts by rotating the parts or not (nesting in the part’s original orientation or rotated 90°). Parameters are entered via the previously described dialog box.

Special features of this nesting in detail:

Parts tab

This tab lets you choose one or more parts to be nested with their respective quantity, priority and rotation family.

Nesting priority: The smaller the value, the more a part is preferred for the nesting (the number zero is the highest possible priority). A completion part is nested only after the other parts when there is space left.

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Gaps and Sheets tabs

Operation is identical to that of the cluster.

Nesting tab

In this type of nesting, it is all about packing. The scheduling settings cannot be adjusted because of the irregular aspect of the generated pattern.

General tab

A Strategy field allows you to define nesting algorithm choices.

It is possible to give priority to the nesting of big parts and/or create a ‘guillotine’ nesting. Guillotine nesting:

Parts will be nested in such a way as to avoid overlapping geometries. Example:

Non-guillotine nesting Guillotine nesting This nesting maintains an alignment to favor the shearing

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Complex nesting

The complex nesting generates one or more automated nestings of a number of different parts on one or more given sheets. The software will nest a maximum number of parts by rotating the parts or not, according to the user-defined orientations, and will change the sheet when it is filled. This nesting takes into account the exact geometry of the part and wastes, unlike the nesting by box which only takes account of the part’s enclosing rectangle.

Note: This function is optional in the Punching module, but it is integrated into the Cutting module.

The parameters of the complex nesting are entered via the previously mentioned dialog box, which is common to the cluster and the rectangular nesting.

Special features of the complex nesting:

Parts tab

Operation is identical to that of the cluster and the rectangular nesting.

The Rotations fields of the Rotation Family section allow you to set for each part the orientations in which they can be nested. The higher the number of orientations, the higher the number of nesting combinations. This parameter will condition the calculation time.

Recommendation: There is no need to allow a large number of nesting rotations to get better results. The rotations to apply for the nesting will be chosen based on the shape of parts. For rectangular parts, a rotation step of 90° is enough. For more complex-shaped parts or for very small parts, a rotation step of 30° is satisfactory. If necessary, increase the allowed rotations to improve the loss rate. It is the responsibility of users to evaluate the profitability of such an operation (increased calculation time) and perform the necessary tests.

The Priority field defines the priority for nesting parts. The higher the index, the less priority the part will have. A completion part is a part that is placed after all the other parts and will not generate a new sheet.

The Use holes to nest other parts box is used to nest a part in the wastes of another part.

Gaps tab

Only the actual minimum gap between the part geometry is to be provided.

Sheets tab

Operation is identical to that of the cluster and the rectangular nesting. It is possible to select a sheet of any shape defined from a drawing file by using the Explorer button.

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The Optimize box is initially grayed out and is enabled as soon as there are at least two sheets in the list.

If the Optimize box is not selected, the nesting module sorts the sheets in order of priority before choosing them. If sheets have equal priority, the module takes the order of the list.

If the Optimize box is selected, the nesting module takes the first sheet in the list and nests the parts, and then considers the percentage of waste before returning the nested parts to use. Then, it will proceed in the same way for the other sheets. In the end, it will choose the sheet which produces the least waste and will validate this sheet by counting the parts. The nesting module will also increment the multiplier of sheets if the parts are well suited to this kind of strategy.

The nesting module will proceed in the same way for parts which are still to be nested.

You can enter a priority on each sheet (identical to the notion of priority on parts).

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Nesting tab

The complex nesting makes it possible to perform part packings. You can force the system to start the nesting from:

- the top left border of the sheet - the top right border of the sheet - the bottom left border of the sheet - the bottom right border of the sheet

By checking the Optimal box, the software will choose the most suitable packing depending on the geometry of the parts to be nested.

General tab

The Strategy field defines the nesting method.

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Two main strategies are available:

- Maximum fill nesting - Straight front

Use the Maximum fill nesting strategy when you are sure the available parts will completely fill the sheet, i.e. when the generated waste cannot be used. This algorithm starts the nesting by placing the parts on the edges of the sheet and moving towards the center.

The Straight front strategy will nest the parts by packing them on the edges of the sheet.

Maximum fill nesting strategy Straight front strategy

Load nesting list

This command is used to reload a nesting order previously saved in an external file with a.plc extension. To save a nesting order, click the Save button of the nesting order dialog box and select the backup directory and name of the nesting. The Load nesting list command reloads the nesting order by retrieving the stored nesting type. The Load button of the nesting order dialog box allows you to load a .plc file in the current nesting.

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Duplicate nesting

This function is used to copy the current nesting onto another machine by keeping the declared machinings. This copy will allow you to reuse a nesting for another punching or cutting machine. When a sheet contains parts with machinings to be performed on a punching machine and a cutting machine, you can use this function to carry out the program on the punching machine, and then duplicate the nesting to finish machining on the cutting machine.

This function defines whether the machinings already allocated on the part must be kept, deleted or converted into induced machinings. The function will ask you to choose the destination machine, the name of the new document and the destination directory for the parts to be duplicated.

Manual nesting commands

The application allows you to manually nest the parts by using the Insert parts and Move parts commands. These commands can be used to complete an automatically generated nesting or create an entire nesting.

Insert parts

This command allows insertion by duplicating one or more parts with or without transformation.

The Dynamic button allows parts to be inserted in dynamic mode and provides access to the following parameters:

The Rotate button is used to rotate the pattern of the rotation step. The Angle step button indicates the current angle which can be modified. The Symmetry button makes the part symmetrical in relation to Y. The NbX GapX… button is used to duplicate the select pattern based on a grid whose directions and gaps will be chosen. If an orientation different from the original one has been chosen, some machinings performed with a (keyed) tool may be displayed in blue. This means these machinings cannot be performed with the selected tool; in this case, use the automatic replacement function on the sheet.

Move parts

This command works in the same way as the Insert parts command.

Select the part(s) to be moved, and then click at their new position either in the same sheet or in another sheet (or sub-sheet of the nesting), or in the sheet of another nesting file.

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Extract waste from a sheet

To delimit the border curve, a new TopSolid contour can be created. This contour must start and end ‘out of the sheet’. The application will ask you the name of the storage drawing file. The current sheet is reduced so the loss ratio will be recalculated.

The Store sheet as waste button stores the entire sheet in a drawing file.

The Store internal hole as waste button is used to store a sheet resulting from an opening contained in a part.

Default settings

Default nesting parameters

This command sets the value of the default nesting parameters for each of the different machines.

For each new nesting, the values entered in the above dialog box determine the default values to be used for the corresponding parameters.

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Parts families

This command allows you to create part rotation families which can be directly selected when generating an automatic nesting in order to predefine the rotation family and symmetries of a part without completing the input fields.

At the top of the dialog box, you will find the list of defined families. The buttons on the left allow you to modify this list (by adding, deleting or reordering the defined families).

The Identifier field corresponds to a marker for referencing rotation families; this marker must be unique.

In the bottom of the dialog box you can modify the properties of the current family.