training & development - validation & implementation of training

M R Jhalawad

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Page 1: Training & Development - Validation & Implementation of Training

M R Jhalawad

Page 2: Training & Development - Validation & Implementation of Training

Validation & Implementation of Training 2

IntroductionValidation is derived from word ‘valid.’

Dictionary meaning of valid is:

Seen to be in agreement in facts

To be logically sound

In conformity with law

Based on sound principles

Validation in T & D means whether training program meet such criteria

Validation is an on-going activity in T&D implementation

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Validation & Implementation of Training 3

Validation & Evaluation

Validation Evaluation

1. Measure overall cost benefit of training program

2. Continuous monitoring of a program or training function as a whole.

1. Different opinions as to what this term means

2. Emphasis is on value & meeting specific objectives

3. It is also a form of evaluation

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Validation & Implementation of Training 4

Validity is a complex & dynamic function

Validation is also described as ‘reaction evaluation’

Designed to ascertain:

Whether objectives of training goal were met

If validation cause confusion, it is best avoided

Tests or survey are reliable if yield consistent results at two different point of times

Methods of validation are

Relevance of objectives with training needs

Do they meet criteria of effectiveness


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Validation & Implementation of Training 5

Exercise is done through end-of-course

A questionnaire is filled-in by participants

This is easy & quick to achieve instant evaluation

Objective is obtain participants reactions:

This is most common form of validation

Compile evidence for improvement

Provide training quality control mechanism

Level of satisfaction with the course

Validation Questionnaire

Provide feedback for improvement

Express views & feelings about learning

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Validation & Implementation of Training 6

In some cases tests are conducted or games are played

Validation Test

Guidelines to help construct valid test include:

Conduct test on what has been stated to be measured

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Validation & Implementation of Training 7

Types of Knowledge Tests

Multiple choice item


Multiple response Sequencing

Matching True / False


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Validation & Implementation of Training 8

Types of Knowledge Tests

Subjective TestWritten or Oral


Usually provide less valid data

Logs or Diaries

Oral Questioning




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Validation & Implementation of Training 9

Validation & Implementation of Training:

Aspects that may be validated to examine effectiveness of training program:

Understanding of basic requirements of learners

Understanding of basic requirements of supervisors

Developing training & development plan

Selecting training & development goals

Consideration of basic principles of adult learning

Course material

Selection of techniques & methods

Evaluation criteria

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• Evaluation & Validation are related terms• Evaluation:Measure overall cost benefit of training programContinuous monitoring of a program or training

function as a whole.

• Validation [according to Anderson - 1993]:Different opinions as to what this term meansIn evaluation emphasis is on valueIn validation emphasis is on meeting specific

objectivesValidation is also a form of evaluation

11Validation & Implementation of Training

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Validation• Validity is a complex & dynamic function

• Validation is also described as ‘reaction evaluation’

• Designed to ascertain:

Whether objectives of training goal were met

Relevance of objectives with training needs

Do they meet criteria of effectiveness

• Methods of validation are Questionnaire, Test

• Tests or survey are said to be reliable if it yields consistent results at two different point of times

• If validation cause confusion, it is best avoided

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Validation Questionnaire• Exercise is done through end-of-course

• A questionnaire is filled-in by participants

• This is easy & quick to achieve instant evaluation

• Objective is obtain participants reactions:

Level of satisfaction with the course

Express views & feelings about learning

Provide training quality control mechanism

Compile evidence for improvement

Provide feedback to trainer for improvement

• This is most common form of validation

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Validation Tests

• In some cases tests are conducted or games are played

• Tests must measure what has been stated to be measured

• Guidelines to help construct valid test include:

Have equal number of questions on each topic that has been taught

Phrase question in a neutral way

Clarify how test will be administered

Write clear questions to avoid vague answers

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Types of Knowledge Tests

1. Multiple choice item – Learners to select one answer from list of possible answer. Examples:

Multiple response



True / False

Rating scale

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Types of Knowledge Tests

2. Subjective test – usually provide less valid data. Examples are:


Logs or diaries

Oral questioning



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Validation & Implementation of Training

• Validation is derived from word valid

• Dictionary meaning of ‘Valid’ as adjective:

Seen to be in agreement with facts

To be logically sound

In conformity with law

Based on sound principle

• Accordingly for T&D validation means to examine whether training program meet above criteria

• If yes then implementation is effective

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Page 18: Training & Development - Validation & Implementation of Training

Validation & Implementation of Training:

Aspects that may be validated to examine effectiveness of training program

•Understanding of basic requirements of learners

•Understanding of basic requirements of supervisors

•Developing training & development plan

•Selecting training & development goals

•Consideration of basic principles of adult learning

•Course material

•Selection of techniques & methods

•Evaluation criteria Validation & Implementation of Training 18