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Remote Assessment Discussion July 9,2020 Resources from Mark Swerdlik ´ Mediums of telesupervision include videoconference such as Zoom, e-mail and phone and you will want to consider using all three in combination ´ Original use of telesupervision was to mediate distance but many of us will be conducting telesupervision in the fall in response to COVID-19 ´ Telesupervision can be as effective as face to face - Although the literature on telesupervision is less than on face to face supervision we do see encouraging studies of its effectiveness ´ The same factors that contribute to effective face to face supervision also lead to effective telesupervision including supervisor characteristics such as strong interpersonal and communication skills, sets high goals, and a commitment to supervisee growth and supervisee characteristics such as recognizing their legal and ethical responsibility to share all information related to their clients with their supervisor, preparation for sessions, motivation, and willingness to be learner, structure such as the use of written contracts and setting and monitoring supervision goals, and using multiple methods of supervision. I would be glad to share examples of contracts and other structures that can support effective telesupervision. ´ It’s Important to recognize that telesupervision will require greater intentionality in building an effective supervisory relationship characterized by mutual trust and respect. Related to a supervisory relationship developed through telesupervision you will need to take more time getting to know your supervisee - you may want to conduct a number of structured “get to know you” activities which I’m also glad to share- As the supervisor, you will also need to pay close attention to body language observed on the screen and to supervisee facial cues, you also want look directly at the camera when speaking with your supervisee.

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Page 1: · Web viewRemote Assessment Discussion July 9,2020 Resources from Mark Swerdlik Mediums of telesupervision include videoconference such as Zoom,

Remote Assessment Discussion July 9,2020

Resources from Mark Swerdlik

´ Mediums of telesupervision include videoconference such as Zoom, e-mail and phone and you will want to consider using all three in combination

´ Original use of telesupervision was to mediate distance but many of us will be conducting telesupervision in the fall in response to COVID-19

´ Telesupervision can be as effective as face to face -Although the literature on telesupervision is less than on face to face supervision we do see encouraging studies of its effectiveness

´ The same factors that contribute to effective face to face supervision also lead to effective telesupervision including supervisor characteristics such as strong interpersonal and communication skills, sets high goals, and a commitment to supervisee growth and supervisee characteristics such as recognizing their legal and ethical responsibility to share all information related to their clients with their supervisor, preparation for sessions, motivation, and willingness to be learner, structure such as the use of written contracts and setting and monitoring supervision goals, and using multiple methods of supervision. I would be glad to share examples of contracts and other structures that can support effective telesupervision.

´ It’s Important to recognize that telesupervision will require greater intentionality in building an effective supervisory relationship characterized by mutual trust and respect. Related to a supervisory relationship developed through telesupervision you will need to take more time getting to know your supervisee - you may want to conduct a number of structured “get to know you” activities which I’m also glad to share- As the supervisor, you will also need to pay close attention to body language observed on the screen and to supervisee facial cues, you also want look directly at the camera when speaking with your supervisee. You also may want to check in at the start of each session as to how your supervisee is coping with the pandemic.

´ It will also be important to set up clear expectations and goals for the telesupervisory experience and for each session. You will want to use a written contract that includes explicit supervisor and supervisee expectations, and supervisory goals-you will also want to review this contract often. Related to goals for each supervision session, you can ask your supervisees to share their goals with you in advanced of the session and also ask prior to reviewing the agenda at the start of the session-what needs to occur to make this a worthwhile session for them, you also want to set and distribute an agenda prior to each supervision session.

´ Use multi-method approach to supervision. Just as in face to face supervision, you don’t want to rely solely on verbal self-report to assess competencies and monitor your supervisee’s clinical work but rather use a variety of supervision methods such as role play, co-therapy, and direct observation-the technology such as Zoom is available to implement multiple supervision methods.

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´ You also want to formulate a plan to address technological problems-such as text or phone each other if problems develop, identify a technical support person and include this information in written contract

´ Focus on communication. Related to communication, you want to consider the use of silence during telesupervision sessions and define a period that it will be allowed and accepted, you and your supervisee also want to explicitly avoid multi-tasking during the session and this should be written into your contract. You also want to pay attention to the use of appropriate speaking etiquette such as turn-taking, being clear while speaking, using the mute button while listening if a group supervision format or background noise is present, paraphrasing and use of questions.

´ You want to Plan for and factor in increased availability setting aside and protecting additional supervision time-this can be through videoconferencing, phone or e-mail. You would want to discuss this plan for increased availability at the onset of supervision and include this plan in your written contract revisiting it often

´ You want to have a Plan to protect online security, safety, and confidentiality´ Review telesupervision process regularly and finally it is important to regularly monitor

and evaluate the telesupervision process and outcomes- are your supervisee’s needs and learning goals being met? Is effective feedback being provided? What is the nature of your supervisory relationship? Is adequate support being provided? and you want to discuss with your supervisee how you can make the process of telesupervsiion more effective -frequently seek feedback from your supervisee.

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Mark Swerdlik


Your clinical supervisor is an experienced person with advanced training who is an over-seer of your clinical work and who is responsible, with you, for the quality of your clinical work. Clinical supervision focuses on the services you provide to clients and includes such areas as client welfare, the therapeutic relationship, assessment, diagnosis, mental health/educational interventions, prognosis, appropriate referral techniques, and advocating for your client with other agencies in the community. This is accomplished through a set of supervisory activities that include consultation, training and instruction, and evaluation.

I. Purpose, Goals, and Objectives of Clinical Supervisiona. To monitor and ensure welfare of clients seen by superviseeb. To structure the activities of the supervisee to insure they provide competent

servicesc. To ensure that the unlicensed provider functions within their level of

competenced. To facilitate the provider’s personal and professional development. e. To promote accountabilityf. To fulfill academic requirement for supervisee’s practicum

II. Context of Servicesa. Supervision will revolve around clients seen in the Child and Adolescent

Psychoeducational Assessment and Multidisciplinary Psychoeducational Assessment Services of the Psychological Services Center (PSC).

b. One hour of individual supervision will be provided weekly. Individual supervision will be conducted remotely (telesupervision). Include specifics (platform) and plan to address technological problems-such as text or phone each other if problems develop, identify a technical support person, address the use of silence during telesupervision sessions and define a period that it will be allowed and accepted, also include explicitly avoiding multi-tasking during the session. Also address appropriate speaking etiquette such as turn-taking, being clear while speaking, using the mute button while listening if a group supervision format or background noise is present, paraphrasing and use of questions. Include specific plan for increased availability setting aside and protecting additional supervision time. Specify how this additional supervision would be provided - through videoconferencing, phone and/or e-mail.

c. The supervisor works within the framework of the Developmental/Ecological/Problem-solving (DEP) Model of supervision. The Developmental focus tailors supervision activity to the intern’s experience and skill level at each stage of training. This approach is committed to supporting the trainee’s growth from intensely monitored and supported practice to relatively independent

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functioning characteristic of an entry level professional. The Ecological focus accounts for contextual and systemic factors impacting the professional development of the intern. It recognizes that multiple systemic contexts must be considered when supporting students and faculty. Training will develop competency in understanding and supporting the full range of student diversity including multi-cultural factors. A variety of supervisor and supervisee tasks (e.g., skills in assessment and intervention planning, professional role and function, self-evaluation) and functions (e.g., monitoring, advising, consulting, and evaluation) are addressed within a developmental framework which is impacted by client, supervisee, supervisor and systemic/organizational contextual factors. The Problem-solving focus applies systematic analysis and data-based decision making skills to all aspects of psychological intervention. It sets the foundation for choosing and implementing evidence-based practices for promotion of healthy psychological development and problem prevention, assessment, early intervention, crisis intervention, and therapeutic strategies. If the supervisee wishes, the supervisor is pleased to discuss any aspect of this supervision model with her/him.

III. Duties and Responsibilities of Supervisor and SuperviseeYour clinical supervisor is legally and ethically responsible, with you, for the services you provide and the manner in which you conduct yourself. It is therefore your responsibility to keep your supervisor well informed as to your activities. Openness with and trust in your supervisor will enhance your experience of supervision and your professional growth. A supervisor has full responsibility for the supervised work of the supervisee, including assessment, diagnosis, and educational/treatment planning

It is your supervisor’s role to do the following:a. Provide telesupervision that is safe enough for supervisees to lay out practice issues

in their own wayb. Formative and Summative Evaluation/Assessment of Progress: The supervisor will View videotapes of your assessment sessions with you and provide feedback. The supervisor will also provide written and/or oral feedback (including strengths) on all aspects of your clinical work. This will culminate in the final grade for the PSC Psychoeducational assessment and intervention practicum. If the supervisee desires additional feedback, it is his/her responsibility to request it from the supervisor. c. Help the supervisee explore and clarify thoughts and feelings, which underlie their practiced. Assist supervisee in anchoring assessment planning, diagnosis and interventions in a theoretical approach e. Identify supervisee’s personal and/or professional blind spotsf. Bring to the supervisee’s attention those personal difficulties of the supervisee that directly affect the supervisee’s clinical work and recommend a course of action to address these difficultiesg. Present and model appropriate directivesh. Intervene if client welfare is at risk

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i. Ensure that ethical guidelines of both the American Psychological Association (APA, 2002) and the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP, 2010) are upheld

j. Conduct activities in accordance with the ISU PSC Policies and Procedures Manual/Handbook

k. Sign off on all client documentation including psychological reportsl. Maintain weekly supervision notes.

The supervisor will discuss any concerns regarding the supervisees’ performance in a timely fashion and to develop, in collaboration with the practicum student, a remediation plan if deficits/problems are identified.

Always remember: your clinical supervisor is legally and ethically responsible, with you, for the services you provide and the manner in which you conduct yourself. It is therefore your responsibility to keep your supervisor well informed as to your activities. Openness with and trust in your supervisor will enhance your experience of supervision and your professional growth.

It is your role as supervisee to do the following:

1. Be punctual, both at sessions with clients as well as at supervision. In the event that you are delayed for or unable to attend a supervision session, it is your responsibility to notify your supervisor and make alternate arrangements. If the individual appointment cannot be kept due to scheduling conflicts, an effort will be made to reschedule an alternate date/time and will only be cancelled upon the mutual agreement of the both the supervisee and supervisor.

2. Be prepared, both for sessions with clients as well as for supervision. You are expected to (a) have viewed assessment session videotapes/audio-tapes in advance of weekly supervision and follow any specific instructions from the supervisor; (b) have client notes, protocols, and videotapes ready to review; and (c) have an agenda of issues that you need to have addressed, together with the files of the clients involved. As part of this advanced preparation, the supervisee will have completed a Session Planner for each session with the client, parent, teacher etc to discuss in supervision and having “scored” all formal psychological tests administered.

3. The supervisee will video or audiotape all assessment sessions with the child and interviews with the parent. These video/audio tapes will be reviewed/critiqued by the practicum student and brought to the next supervisory session (keyed to a section that supervisee would like to review with the supervisor). The supervisee will also provide a written summary or transcription of all parent, teacher, and student (client) interviews and intervention activities for the supervisor and the client’s folder.

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4. If the supervisee believes that client issues/concerns have not been adequately addressed during the regularly scheduled supervisory session, the supervisee will bring this to the attention of the supervisor and another (s) session will be scheduled.

5. Share with the supervisor your learning goals for the practicum experience. This will require self-reflection and self-evaluation regarding your current level of clinical skill.

6. Be receptive to guidance and instruction from your supervisor, that is, be attentive to feedback and suggestions from your supervisor and follow through on such instruction promptly. It may be necessary to take notes during supervision in order to execute all instructions identified by your supervisor.

7. Inform your supervisor of any difficulties you are having in the areas of delivering services to clients, completing paperwork, or coordinating with other agencies or providers such as schools or independent practitioners.

8. As you establish a working relationship with your supervisor, it is hoped that you will become increasingly able to share issues and concerns you may have that impact your clinical work. Be open to feedback from others and monitor any tendency you may have toward defensiveness.

9. Select a theoretical model(s) from which you will work. Formulate client case conceptualizations from this approach. Be ready to discuss the theoretical reasons for your assessment approaches, interventions and techniques.

10. You will not engage in dual relationships with clients, that is, student clinicians will not socialize with clients or their families, nor will they provide services to individuals they know from other contexts, such as friends or acquaintances. In the event that someone you know is being seen at the PSC, you are expected to remove yourself from situations where that client’s assessment, treatment and progress are being reviewed. It is your responsibility to alert your supervisor to such situations.

11. You are responsible for ensuring that the parents/guardian of all clients are informed of the supervised nature of your work as a supervisee, and of the ultimate professional responsibility of the supervisor.

12. You are responsible for ensuring that all evaluative letters and reports concerning clients are co-signed by your clinical supervisor before they are sent out from the PSC. It is also your responsibility to determine that an active Authorization for Release of Confidential Information form is present in the client’s file before presenting the letter/report to the supervisor for signature.

13. Supervisees must advise their clinical supervisor of all important changes related to a case, i.e., client starting a new school, suspensions and other disciplinary actions, school

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progress, client becoming involved in a legal case. The results of intake parent interviews must be reviewed with your supervisor to determine an assessment plan. Any changes to the assessment plan must be reviewed with and approved by your supervisor before they are presented to the client.

14. Keep your supervisor informed about clients who are suicidal, homicidal, or threatening to harm others. Notify your supervisor about clients who are involved in child custody disputes, Disability Determination assessments, or any other matter that affects the client’s legal status. Notify your supervisor immediately if you receive any summons to testify or you are told that you will be subpoenaed to testify. Do not under any circumstances release client information to an attorney or court or anyone else without a proper Authorization for Release of Confidential Information signed by the client and your supervisor’s signature on the document being released.

15. Seek supervision whenever you are uncertain about a situation. Make every attempt to reach your clinical supervisor before taking action with that client. If your supervisor cannot be reached, contact another clinical supervisor (Kelly in the PSC has a list of supervisors and their phone numbers). You may also consult informally with more experienced clinicians in the PSC, but your clinical supervisor must be kept abreast of any and all emergencies.

In the event of emergency, the supervisee is to contact Dr. Swerdlik at his office at 309-438-5720, at home at 454-1871, or by cell at 838-9358 Follow the guidelines in the PSC Policy and Procedure Manual for emergency situations.

16. Implement supervisory directives in subsequent assessment sessions.

17, Uphold ethical APA and NASP principles in all client-related activities.

18, Be familiar with and follow the PSC Policy and Procedure Manual/Handbook. The supervisee agrees to complete all required PSC forms, including billing, termination summaries, and parent interpretive summary reports, in a timely fashion for all cases. The final written psychological report will also be completed in a timely fashion according to the agreed upon date.

19, Complete professional tasks (clinical documentation, reports, contacting clients) within time frames specified by the PSC Policy and Procedure Manual and Quality Assurance guidelines.

V. Terms of the Contract

This contract serves as verification and a description of the clinical supervision provided by Mark E. Swerdlik, Ph.D., ABPP to _______________________________ (“Supervisee”), enrolled in the Psychoeducational Assessment and Intervention practicum in the School Psychology program at Illinois State University for ______________ semester 20____.

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Supervisee: _________________________________________ Date: _____________

Supervisor: _________________________________________ Date: _____________

This contract is effective from __________________________ (start date)To ______________________ (finish date).

Adapted from C.J. Osborn & T.E. Davis (1996). The supervision contract: Making it perfectly clear. Clinical Supervisor, 14(2), 121-134.

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Mark Swerdlik


Last session follow-up:

Activity summary:(How time spent)

Cases/Activities to review:

Questions/Concerns/Feedback required:

Self-assessment of Progress:([Not completed every time] Include strengths and areas of need)

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