trail daily times, august 23, 2013

If you’ve been searching for more, we’ve been waiting for you. Introducing MP Wealth Advisory Portfolios Discretionary Investment Management for the Serious Investor CANACCORD GENUITY WEALTH MANAGEMENT IS A DIVISION OF CANACCORD GENUITY CORP., MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN INVESTOR PROTECTION FUND. INDEPENDENT WEALTH MANAGEMENT ADVISORS ARE REGISTERED WITH IIROC THROUGH CANACCORD GENUITY CORP. AND OPERATE AS AGENTS OF CANACCORD GENUITY CORP. * ACCOUNT MINIMUMS APPLY T: 250.368.3838 Contact the Times: Phone: 250-368-8551 Fax: 250-368-8550 Newsroom: 250-364-1242 Canada Post, Contract number 42068012 Get ready for high school Page 3 S I N C E 1 8 9 5 PROUDLY SERVING THE COMMUNITIES OF ROSSLAND, WARFIELD, TRAIL, MONTROSE, FRUITVALE & SALMO Follow us online FRIDAY AUGUST 23, 2013 Vol. 118, Issue 133 $ 1 05 INCLUDING G.S.T. Thea Mario Stayanovich Berno All Pro Realty Ltd. 250.368.5000 Buying or Selling? Call us today! Securing the Kootenay and Boundary area 250-368-3103 SELKIRK SECURITY SERVICES Hwy 22A 250.368.6466 Time to visit Maglio’s! It’s almost the weekend... BELLA TiRELAND 2815 Highway Drive 250.368.9151 TRUST THE PROS We sell the best & service the rest. BY SHERI REGNIER Times Staff A surge of whooping cough cases in Greater Trail has prompted the Interior Health Authority to issue an alert to parents. Whooping cough (pertussis) is a highly con- tagious infection of the respiratory system which can result in prolonged illness in infants and young children. “There is a spread of the disease going on in Rossland and Trail,” confirmed Dr. Rob Parker, Medical Health Officer for the health authority. Since June, 19 cases have been diagnosed, 10 in Rossland and seven in Trail, compared to the usual one or two cases seen this time of year. The first symptoms of whooping cough are similar to those of a common cold, and may include runny nose, sneezing, mild fever, and a low-grade cough. After one to two weeks, the dry, irritating cough evolves into severe coughing spells which can last for more than a minute. “The child can cough so much they run out of breath,” said Parker, adding “when they breathe in after the coughing they get that whooping sound.” The illness is spread through coughing and infected people are most contagious during the earliest stages of the illness. Diagnosis is made by swabbing the throat or nose, and if positive for the pertussis bacteria, treatment includes a full course of antibiotics. “If you have kids that are sick the best way to stop the spread is to keep your child out of activ- ities and away from other kids,” said Parker. Whooping cough is best prevented with the pertussis vaccine, which is part of immunizations routinely given in five doses before a child’s sixth birthday. See LOW, Page 2 Health officials warn of whooping cough outbreak Several cases reported locally Fortis pulls plug on talks with union BY ART HARRISON Times Staff Without even completing the first day of mediation between Fortis BC and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW,) the company walked away from the table, dashing brief hopes that the eight-week lockout of almost 230 employees might be near an end. “They gave us a new proposal asking See FIRST, Page 3 ART HARRISON PHOTO South Columbia Search and Rescue volunteer Michelle Huber and her search dog, Rolf, training for action in Gyro Park in Trail on Thursday. Rolf a vital part of SAR team BY ART HARRISON Times Staff When Michelle Huber first got her pure-bred German Shepherd, Rolf, she read in a training manual that, as a working breed of dog, it wasn’t wise to own one unless you had a job for it. “We didn’t own a farm so I tried volunteering with the St. John’s Ambulance Society with him as a therapy dog,” Huber said. “He just wasn’t suitable. He was a big, bouncy, energetic puppy, not all that therapeutic.” It was at that point she began training Rolf for a job he turned out to be perfect for: a val- ued member of the South Columbia Search and Rescue team (SAR). Huber and Rolf joined SAR in 2011 and went through the required training for him to be “validated” as an official SAR dog. “There are three things that make an SAR dog,” said Huber. “You have to belong to a SAR team, you have be certified for ground search and rescue, and you have to validate with the B.C. Search Dog Association, which is governed by the RCMP.” Huber and Rolf’s first official job turned out to be a serious challenge; the coordinated search efforts after the Johnsons Landing slide in 2012. “We worked with the Heavy Urban Search and Rescue team out of Vancouver,” Huber said. “There were three dogs on the job, the RCMP dog handling team, another canine team trained for live finds only, and Rolf.” Since that time the South Columbia SAR See SEARCH, Page 2

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August 23, 2013 edition of the Trail Daily Times


Page 1: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013

If you’ve been searching for more, we’ve been waiting for you.

Introducing MP Wealth Advisory PortfoliosDiscretionary Investment Management for the Serious Investor



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Get ready for high

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Vol. 118, Issue 133


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B Y S H E R I R E G N I E RTimes Staff

A surge of whooping cough cases in Greater Trail has prompted the Interior Health Authority to issue an alert to parents.

Whooping cough (pertussis) is a highly con-tagious infection of the respiratory system which can result in prolonged illness in infants and young children.

“There is a spread of the disease going on in Rossland and Trail,” confirmed Dr. Rob Parker, Medical Health Officer for the health authority.

Since June, 19 cases have been diagnosed, 10 in Rossland and seven in Trail, compared to the usual one or two cases seen this time of year.

The first symptoms of whooping cough are similar to those of a common cold, and may include runny nose, sneezing, mild fever, and a low-grade cough.

After one to two weeks, the dry, irritating cough evolves into severe coughing spells which can last for more than a minute.

“The child can cough so much they run out of breath,” said Parker, adding “when they breathe in after the coughing they get that whooping sound.”

The illness is spread through coughing and infected people are most contagious during the earliest stages of the illness.

Diagnosis is made by swabbing the throat or nose, and if positive for the pertussis bacteria, treatment includes a full course of antibiotics.

“If you have kids that are sick the best way to stop the spread is to keep your child out of activ-ities and away from other kids,” said Parker.

Whooping cough is best prevented with the pertussis vaccine, which is part of immunizations routinely given in five doses before a child’s sixth birthday.

See LOW, Page 2

Health officials warn of whooping

cough outbreakSeveral cases reported locally

Fortis pulls plug on talks with union

B Y A R T H A R R I S O NTimes Staff

Without even completing the first day of mediation between Fortis BC and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW,) the company walked away from the table, dashing brief hopes that the eight-week lockout of almost 230 employees might be near an end.

“They gave us a new proposal askingSee FIRST, Page 3


South Columbia Search and Rescue volunteer Michelle Huber and her search dog, Rolf, training for action in Gyro Park in Trail on Thursday.

Rolf a vital part of SAR teamB Y A R T H A R R I S O N

Times StaffWhen Michelle Huber first got her pure-bred

German Shepherd, Rolf, she read in a training manual that, as a working breed of dog, it wasn’t wise to own one unless you had a job for it.

“We didn’t own a farm so I tried volunteering with the St. John’s Ambulance Society with him as a therapy dog,” Huber said. “He just wasn’t suitable. He was a big, bouncy, energetic puppy, not all that therapeutic.”

It was at that point she began training Rolf for a job he turned out to be perfect for: a val-ued member of the South Columbia Search and Rescue team (SAR).

Huber and Rolf joined SAR in 2011 and went through the required training for him to be

“validated” as an official SAR dog.“There are three things that make an SAR

dog,” said Huber. “You have to belong to a SAR team, you have be certified for ground search and rescue, and you have to validate with the B.C. Search Dog Association, which is governed by the RCMP.”

Huber and Rolf’s first official job turned out to be a serious challenge; the coordinated search efforts after the Johnsons Landing slide in 2012.

“We worked with the Heavy Urban Search and Rescue team out of Vancouver,” Huber said. “There were three dogs on the job, the RCMP dog handling team, another canine team trained for live finds only, and Rolf.”

Since that time the South Columbia SARSee SEARCH, Page 2

Page 2: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013

A2 Friday, August 23, 2013 Trail Times


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Trail Smoke Eater goalie Adam Todd reflects on a good season last year and is looking forward to the Smokies upcoming campaign. Trail finishes its training camp Saturday with the Orange and Black game at noon, and hosts the Selkirk College Saints in its only exhibition game at the Cominco Arena Tuesday at 7 p.m. See story on Page 10.

FROM PAGE 1K-9 unit has been involved in searches in the Beaver Valley, Ymir, Creston, and Castlegar, often being recruited by other SAR teams in the Kootenays who haven’t yet established a K-9 unit.

“Probably one of the most rewarding searches so far was the elderly gentleman who was lost in Fruitvale,” Huber said. “It was our first live-find. It was quite exciting and when we were de-briefing at the hall afterwards the ambulance honked at us as they drove by. It was then I realized that we really could help.”

Search dogs, like Rolf, actually search by using their incredibly sensitive sense of smell to track an individual human’s skin cells. Although they do some tracking on the

ground most of their search involves sniffing for “rafts” of cells floating in the air.

Not all of the searches have happy endings as there are searches that involve recover-ing the remains of missing individuals who didn’t survive. But in many cases just having a trained search dog on the job increases the possibility of a positive outcome.

“Sometimes it seems like he’s a symbol of hope for fam-ilies,” said Huber. “I work hard at emphasizing that he’s not there as a family pet, he’s my search partner. And he just lives for it.”

Huber and Rolf spend almost no time in pointless play, the majority of their time togeth-er is training of one sort or another. Although you wouldn’t know it watching as Rolf scours

the park, tail wagging and bark-ing excitedly whenever he finds his search goal.

“We have formal training twice a week but it’s every day,” Huber said. “My husband built an agility course in our back yard so every opportunity is training but Rolf loves it.”

Huber defers much of her and Rolf’s success as a team to the support of the South Columbia SAR.

“Every specialized group has allowed us to train with them, which is something not all groups allow,” she said. “I’ve also had a lot of support from my co-workers at the Trail air-port, my family, the community in general, and other search groups.

“Without that kind of sup-port it would have been hard to get this far with Rolf.”

FROM PAGE 1This whooping

cough outbreak fol-lows a similar scen-ario children in the area were subject to in 2010 due to the low rate of immun-ization in the West Kootenay.

Only 65 per cent of children are vaccin-ated in the area com-pared to 80 or 90 per cent in the rest of the province, explained Parker.

“When a large per-centage of the popu-lation is vaccinated, a disease can’t take hold,” he said.

Parker is referring to “herd immunity” which is a form of immunity that occurs when a significant portion of the popula-tion (herd) is vaccin-ated, which provides a measure of protec-tion for people who are not vaccinated or haven’t developed immunity.

“Parents have to realize that when they are making a choice around their own child it affects the children around them,” he said. “Immunizing your child not only pro-tects them but their friends and neigh-bours children as well.”

Parents are rec-ommended to review their children’s immunization record to make sure they are up to date with their vaccines before the new school year starts.

For more informa-tion, visit or contact Trail Public Health at 364-6219.

Low vaccine

rate adds to spread

MoMent of reflection

Search dogs detect skin cells

Page 3: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013

LocaLTrail Times Friday, August 23, 2013 A3

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B y S h e r i r e g n i e rTimes Staff

Moving into high school can be scary, so to settle the jitters of Grade 8’s and stu-dents new to the area, J.L. Crowe staff is hosting “Move Into Crowe” day Thursday from 9-11 a.m.

The program allows new pupils the opportunity to find their locker, walk through their timetables, and map a way to their classes before the first day of school on Sept. 3.

“This is one of my favourite

days,” said Dara Waterstreet, Crowe’s vice-principal.

Staff is on hand to help with questions, read time tables and show the students around.

“Some students need to walk through once, while others like to do it a number of times,” said Waterstreet, adding, “whatever makes them comfortable.”

Enrolment numbers at the high school are projected to be 815, compared to 753 last year, according to Greg Luterbach, School District 20

superintendent.Overall, the headcount

projection in the district is roughly 3,900, which is only five students less than last year.

Students in grades 10 to 12 from Rossland Secondary School went through orien-tation days in May and June.

However, the count could change during the month of September, when numbers tend to grow.

“There have been a num-ber of new students con-tacting the school looking

to register over the past few days,” said Waterstreet.

“And we have heard from a few that won’t be returning so the number will fluctu-ate.”

All schools will be open at 8 a.m. on Sept 3 for the regis-tration of students new to the district and for any local Kindergarten and Grade One pupils not previously regis-tered.

The first day will only be a half day from 8:30 a.m. until noon and regular classes will begin the following day.

Sheri regnier photo

Spanish teacher Claire Hewson, new to J.L. Crowe Secondary, moved into her classroom for the first time yesterday to prepare for student arrivals next week. The school offers a head start to the year for Grade 8’s and new students with “Move Into Crowe” Thursday from 9-11 a.m.

B y A r t h A r r i S o nTimes Staff

As August draws to a close signalling to many students the approach of yet another school year, a new crop of kindergarten students are preparing for, what is for them, a whole new adventure into the world of formal education in the K–12 system.

Greg Luterbach, School District 20 Superintendent, is expecting a slight increase in the number of new kids entering the SD 20 system this autumn.

“As of the end of June we had 289 students registered for kindergarten for the fall,” said Luterbach by email. “We are projecting around 300 so we should achieve that once September comes. By the end of September 2012 (last year) we had 275 kindergarten students so we should be up (as projected) for this year.”

Although full-day kindergarten was brought into effect in 2011, the Ministry of Education allows gradual entry to kindergarten, under-standing that not all five year-olds are prepared to go into a day-long schedule immediately.

Each individual school will be issuing a letter to parents providing specific details of the plan for that school and a general schedule has been developed by SD 20 to help new students (and their parents) prepare.

It is important to note that there will be no bussing available for kindergarten students dur-ing the gradual entry process.

Starting Sept. 3, kindergarten students will begin with a one-hour class to introduce them to their new environment and parents will have the opportunity to sign up for a parent-teacher conference.

September 4 and 5 students will attend for two hours but will have Sept. 6 free while their parents have to go to school to begin confer-ences with their teachers.

The following week on Sept. 9 and 10 the new students will be expected to attend the entire morning but will not stay for lunch break and their parents will have to opportunity to con-tinue meeting with teachers in the afternoon.

September 11 and 12, students will again attend a half day, until noon and go home for lunch.

September 13 is another school free day for kindergarteners but the following week, starting Sept 16, students begin full days of instruction and a regular school bus schedule for them will begin at that point.

Numbers up for students entering


Head start for new high schoolers next week

FROM PAGE 1for some unbelievable concessions that we’ve never even seen before,” said IBEW business manager Rod Russell Wednesday evening. “It’s quite obvious they didn’t want a deal. They didn’t give (mediator, Vince) Ready anything to work with and then they walked out.”

Talks had barely begun before the two sides saw a widening gap between their positions, generally

focusing on the introduction of a two-tier pay and benefit package for newly hired employees, the intro-duction of new contract language regarding travel pay, retroactivity of any pay increase, and discus-sions around a compressed work week altering between five days at 7.5 hours or four days at 10 hours, based on the company’s discretion.

The company had a different opinion on the events at the bar-

gaining table.“Unfortunately, talks have broken

down,” said Joyce Wagenaar, direc-tor of communications for Fortis BC. “Fortis came to the table flex-ible and open, prepared to bridge the gap in differences but when it became clear that they weren’t going to move on their prior offer, we ended the talks.”

The breakdown in talks leaves the union on the picket lines pre-

paring to make applications to the B.C. Labour Relations Board (LRB) to expand their picket lines and looking towards a possibility of liti-gation to resolve the dispute.

“We went there being optimistic and hopeful,” said local bargaining committee member Al Bertolussi. “But the stuff they brought us in mediation took us miles apart. There was still room to negotiate but they walked away.”

First day of talks ends


Page 4: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013

A4 Friday, August 23, 2013 Trail Times


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B y G r e G N e s t e r o f fNelson Star

A Lemon Creek resident hardest hit by last month’s jet fuel spill dismisses environ-mental data released this week as “skewed.”

“The samples were taken by SNC Lavalin hired by Executive Flight Centre,” Russell Hulbert told the Star. “Interior Health and the Ministry of Environment make assess-ments and decisions based on that data. Where is a third-party monitor for the people getting the real information that supports us, not Executive Flight Centre?”

Hulbert and his family — including two young children — live on Lemon Creek 2.7 kilometres downstream of the spill site. Displaced since the incident, they have been renting a house in Slocan.

He says they continue to see and smell fuel in their water, which comes from a well 30 meters away from the creek. They have no idea how long it will be before they will able to use their water again, and fear it may not be until next year at runoff.

“We have nowhere to live and have been given no assistance. We have not turned our well on since the accident,” he said.

In a conference call this week, officials said no surface water samples have tested positive for fuel contamination since Aug. 1, and samples collected from at-risk shal-low wells downstream of the spill site haven’t detected any fuel —  but Hulbert isn’t buying it.

He questioned whether the samples were actually taken from the surface or sub-surface. He also doubts air samples taken in his yard are accurate. “I look at the test results and can’t believe it. I’m appalled. I have serious concerns about the way the samples were taken with regard to the type of fuel.”

Hulbert added he has received little sup-port beyond an offer of three days of accom-modation in Castlegar and a potable water station at Lemon Creek which was removed four days ago.

“We’ve had no backing from some mem-bers of our local and provincial govern-ment. We’re getting flopped on. We’re not happy about it.”

He did have praise, however, for those working for clean-up contractor Quantum Murray: “They’re the only ones who have been doing anything. They’re the only ones who have had my back.”

The fuel spill on July 26 saw 33,000 litres of jet fuel enter Lemon Creek.

Slocan valley

Fuel spill data challenged

B y s h e r i r e G N i e rTimes Staff

It’s been a long time coming but Salmo will soon be home to an affordable housing complex.

The Salmo and Area Affordable Housing project was first con-ceived by a group of residents in 1987, and in July, contractor Scuka Enterprises were on the Rotter Avenue site ready to finally dig in.

Former Salmo Mayor, Phil Berukoff, has been at the helm of the affordable hous-ing initiative since its inception 26 years ago.

“Through the years it felt like we were tak-ing one step forward and two steps back,” said Berukoff.

“But through the many studies and surveys we have funded, one thing was clear. There is a need for a senior’s home in Salmo.” The Salmo and Area Housing Society flipped a lot of burgers and auctioned count-less cords of firewood over the years to raise money to purchase the property currently under development.

Now, the Society

has teamed with BC Housing, BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA) and Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) to assist funding the $4.5 mil-lion project.

As the ground was being readied for con-struction, one taxing matter remained for Berukoff. Late July, he addressed Salmo coun-cil in a bid to request a 10-year tax exemption bylaw from the village.

He first approached the village in 2012 to request a yearly resolu-

tion from council for a tax exemption, that could near half a mil-lion dollars by 2023.

“BC Housing is financing part of our project and would like to have something definite,” explained Berukoff to council. “They’ve requested a bylaw so if coun-cil changes in a few years, it cannot come back and say ‘no’ to an exemption. BC Housing is already worried we can’t pay the taxes after the 10 years.”

Once the project is complete, taxes owed to the village would be $35,000 for the first year, and estimated to be $42,000 by year ten.

The life cycle of the complex is expected to be 50 years, explained Berukoff, adding, over

a 40-year span that would mean $1.6 mil-lion in revenue to the village.

“The village would stand to lose around $400,000 in taxes in the next decade,” he said. “But I think it’s a good investment because it was raw land before we started and will bring a good return in the future.”

Council conceded and gave the bylaw three readings. Next the bylaw must be pre-sented to the public at a Committee of the Whole meeting this fall before final adop-tion.

Historically, taking care of Salmo seniors who required extra help, meant relocation to a facility in Trail, Castlegar, Nelson and beyond.

“It’s about keeping our seniors in our own town,” said Berukoff.

“There has been a drive to make it hap-pen and everyone in the community deserves credit.”

Since 2005, the 1.6 acre property, located behind the Kootenay Savings Credit Union,was earmarked for the village’s need for senior housing.

However, in 2010, the Society, CBT and BCNPHA, in conjunc-tion with the village, determined an over-all need for affordable housing in the Salmo community and sur-rounding area, after a 2006 census revealed average household incomes were the low-est in the Basin.

One-third of the area’s population spends 30 per cent or more of its income on housing compared to 21 per cent in other Basin communities, according to a BC Housing summary report based on the census.

In addition to 20 units for seniors, design plans were updated to include two (four unit) townhouses for individuals who live in inadequate housing or cannot afford the housing they require.

“We are committed to a building that we can be proud of,” said Berukoff. “The units are not low cost, but they will be afford-able.”


Affordable housing project begins

Sheri regnier photo

The first stages of affordable housing in Salmo are finally taking shape.

Page 5: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013

Trail Times Friday, August 23, 2013 A5


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T H E C A N A D I A N P R E S STORONTO - The number of people

reporting symptoms of foodborne illness after attending the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto has now reached almost 100, public officials said Thursday.

About a dozen people who had symptoms of gastrointestinal illnesses were treated by paramedics at the fair Tuesday night and five of them were sent to hospital.

The number of reported cases rose to 34 on Wednesday.

A spokeswoman for Toronto Public Health said the agency is focusing its inves-tigation on Epic Burger and Waffles - a food vendor known for its headline-making cronut burger.

“However, all possible sources of illness are being investigated,” Dr. Lisa Berger said in a statement.

She added that “overall risk to the gen-eral public is low.”


Over 100 sick at fair


T H E C A N A D I A N P R E S SHIGH RIVER, Alta. - The southern

Alberta town that everyone had to leave due to flooding says it will no longer take donations of goods because it has run out of storage space.

High River said in an email Tuesday that it appreciates the generosity and overwhelming sup-port it has received since the devastat-ing flood in June.

But the town south of Calgary says it no longer has the capacity to sort, store and distribute any more donations of cloth-ing, furniture, appliances and personal care items. The town says if people still want to help, they can make a financial donation the High River Disaster Relief fund through the town’s website at or at any Royal Bank of Canada.

More than 400 people recently moved into a long line of trailers on a 40-hectare piece of land north of the town while their flood-damaged homes are either rebuilt or fixed.

No storage for donations


T H E C A N A D I A N P R E S SOTTAWA - The Canadian Federation

of Independent Business says the num-ber of job vacancies dropped slightly during the second quarter, an indica-tion of a weaker labour market.

The group representing small and medium-sized businesses says there were 289,800 unfilled jobs in the pri-vate sector during the April-July period, a drop of about 5,000 from the previous quarter.

The estimate is higher than the 225,000 job vacancies reported by Statistics Canada in May, although the two surveys were in agreement that vacancies are dropping.

CFIB chief economist Ted Mallet says the problem appears more acute for small businesses, which have a vacancy rate more than twice that of larger firms.

The CFIB notes that, historically, vacancies fall as the unemployment rate rises.

At 2.4 per cent of the market, the job vacancy rate in the CFIB survey remains higher than levels seen just following

the recession, but lower than the 2.8 per cent pre-recession peak in late 2007 and early 2008, when the unemployment rate stood near six per cent.

July saw the jobless rate rise one-tenth of a point to 7.2 per cent as the economy shed 39,000 workers.

The small business lobby group released the survey results in advance of a “Twitter chat” Thursday after-noon with Employment and Social Development Minister Jason Kenney.

During the online event, participants called for better labour market infor-mation, improved vocational training to address skilled trades labour short-ages and solutions to high youth and Aboriginal unemployment.

The federal government, with sup-port from business groups, has argued Canada faces an imminent labour short-age, requiring changes to employment insurance.

“Acute labour shortages of skilled labour are a real problem in many regions... We need to ensure that Canadians have the skills needed to fill local labour shortages,” Kenney tweet-

ed.“Key problem is the skills mismatch:

too many jobs without people and people without jobs.”

In the March budget, the govern-ment also pledged to create a jobs grant program whereby Ottawa, the provinces and businesses share equally - up to a total of $15,000 - in the cost of training a worker for an unfilled job.

The so-called “job grant” has been opposed by some provinces as ill-thought-out and an intrusion on their jurisdiction.

Some participants in the Twitter chat, mainly labour groups, questioned whether there actually is a labour short-age in Canada.

In a statement, the Alberta Federation of Labour said the Twitter forum was meant to perpetuate the “labour short-age myth” and called the exercise a “cheap gimmick aimed at justifying low-wage policies like the expansion of the Temporary Foreign Worker pro-gram,” which enables companies to bring in workers from abroad to fill short-term needs.

Unemployment rises while job vacancies fall

T H E C A N A D I A N P R E S SQUEBEC - Justin

Trudeau says, yes, he’s inhaled a few times and, yes, he was already a member of Parliament the last time he did and, no, he has no regrets about it.

The Liberal leader laid out his past mari-juana use in a lengthy interview and in an exchange with repor-ters Thursday in which

he made no apologies.He said he’s smoked

pot five or six times in his life - including three years ago during a backyard get-togeth-er - and never really liked it much.

Trudeau originally made the marijuana admission in a can-did interview with the Huffington Post, in which he also revealed that his youngest

brother, Michel, was charged with mari-juana possession shortly before his 1998 death in an avalanche.

Trudeau’s admis-sion will doubtless give more fodder to the Conservatives, who’ve been pointing to his support for legalizing and regulating mari-

juana as evidence that he doesn’t have the judgment to be prime minister.

The strongest reac-tion came from Justice Minister Peter MacKay.

“By smoking mari-juana as a Member of Parliament, Justin Trudeau demonstrates a profound lack of

judgment,” he said in a statement.

“By flouting the laws of Canada while holding elected office, he shows he is a poor example for all Canadians, particular-ly young ones. Justin Trudeau is simply not the kind of leader our country needs.”

Trudeau not apologizing for smoking marijuana

Page 6: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013

A6 Friday, August 23, 2013 Trail Times


Abolishing the Senate not the answerIf abolishing the Senate

is the answer, we are asking the wrong ques-tion.

Yes, the current she-nanigans of a few sen-ators are unacceptable and worthy of censure. Yes, the way people get to be sen-ators is outdated, unaccept-able and prevents the upper house from playing its proper constitutional role. But abolition would also prevent that crucial role from being played and its disappearance would be a grievous blow to our con-stitutional order.

Every serious federation in the world has an upper chamber, but I have not seen anyone in the current debate explain why that is and why it matters.

Democratic federations seek to balance two kinds of representation: individuals and communities.

The lower house (in our case the Commons) rep-resents individuals and hence is universally based on representation by popu-lation. Legislation cannot pass parliament unless it has the consent of MPs representing a majority of Canadians. But Canada, like all federations, is also com-posed of constitutionally-recognized communities; in our case, the provinces. For national decision-making to be legitimate in

a federation, the virtually universal rule is that you need something more than the assent of the major-ity of individuals; you also need the assent of some important share of the communities that make up the country. The interests of the people who inhabit the provinces or states can-not be fully represented by rep by pop alone.

Why? Just think about Canada: for a long time Ontario and Quebec have had enough inhabitants that they could impose their will on the rest of the country if they so wished. Ditto in the U.S. for a hand-ful of big states. That is the vital role played by upper chambers: they confer greater democratic legitim-acy on national decisions by ensuring that a double majority is needed, one majority of individuals in the lower house, a major-ity of communities in the upper house.

Because rep by pop is the bedrock principle of democracy, the lower house is always the more powerful of the two. But in a federation it is also important that regionally concentrated majorities cannot run roughshod over the interests of smaller communities. Upper hous-es play that role. Coalitions of small communities can-

not rule over the majority of the population, because law-making also requires the agreement of the lower house. But in federations, agreement of the majority is not enough to achieve democratic legitimacy.

Perfect equality of provincial representa-tion is not required, but the unavoidable goal is to give smaller commun-ities some counterweight to a population’s political power, ensuring that their interests are also taken into account. Thus Quebec and Ontario, despite having two-thirds of the popula-tion, have fewer than half the seats in our Senate.

One of Canada’s great political and constitutional weaknesses has been the inability of the Canadian Senate to play this vital role of providing a credible community counterweight to the rep-by-pop based

power of the Commons. Appointed senators simply can never have the demo-cratic horsepower to be a real counterweight to the Commons. The fed-eral government’s legisla-tion, therefore, lacks the legitimacy of the double-majority system that other federations have found so indispensable, and this is at the root of many of the problems of regional alien-ation and suspicion of the national government that has plagued this country since 1867.

Saskatchewan’s Brad Wall, arguably the best pre-mier in the country, thinks that the way around this is to abolish the Senate and rely on the premiers to rep-resent community interests in national decisions. No federation in the world has found this a satisfactory solution, for a variety of reasons. The most import-ant is that premiers are elected to run their prov-inces. That is not the same thing as being chosen to be a national legislator, someone whose constitu-tional job it is to represent a provincial constituency while thinking about what is good for Canada.

There is a reason why governors are minor polit-ical players in Washington, while senators are second only to presidents.

American states are well-represented within federal decision-making by sen-ators who, while always attentive to the views of their constituents, under-stand they are there to be national policymakers. We have only to look at the laughable efforts of our premiers to act as nation-al decision-makers (think about removing internal barriers to trade, or cross-province collaboration on energy) to see that they are slaves to their parochial interests.

That is not a criticism; it’s their job. But it is also why their job cannot be to confer that vital missing element of regionally-rep-resentative legitimacy the federal government lacks and needs. Abolishing the Senate would get rid of the institution that should be playing that role, no mat-ter how badly its current version falls short. It would diminish the federal gov-ernment and empower provincial parochialism. Reform may be hard, but it is the only way. Canada deserves the effort.

Brian Lee Crowley ( is the Managing Director of the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, an independent non-partisan public policy think tank in Ottawa:

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Altering environments to suit our needs is not new. From clearing land to building dams,

we’ve done it throughout his-tory. When our technologies and populations were limited, our actions affected small areas – though with some cascading effects on interconnected eco-systems.

We’ve now entered an era in which humans are a geological force. According to the website Welcome to the Anthropocene, “There are now so many of us, using so many resources, that we’re disrupting the grand cycles of biology, chemistry and geol-ogy by which elements like carbon and nitrogen circulate between land, sea and atmos-phere. We’re changing the way water moves around the globe as never before. Almost all the planet’s ecosystems bear the marks of our presence.”

One of our greatest impacts is global warming, fuelled by mas-sive increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide from burning oil, coal and gas. Thanks in part to self-preserving industrialists, complicit governments and deluded deniers, we’ve failed to take meaningful action to address the problem, even though we’ve known about it for decades. Many now argue the best way to protect human-ity from the effects is to further alter Earth’s natural systems through geoengineering.

Geoengineering to com-bat climate change is largely untested. Because we’ve stalled so long on reducing carbon emissions and still aren’t doing enough, we may have to con-sider it. What will that mean?

As it relates to climate change, geoengineering falls

into two categories: solar radia-tion management and carbon dioxide removal. The former involves reflecting solar radia-tion back into space. The latter is aimed at removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it.

Solar radiation manage-ment includes schemes such as releasing sulphur aerosols

into the atmosphere to scatter sunlight and reduce radia-tion, creating or whitening clouds by spraying seawater or other materi-als into the air, and even installing giant reflectors in space. These meth-ods don’t affect CO2 levels and so don’t address issues like

ocean acidification, but they offer possible quick fixes to reduce warming.

An example of carbon remov-al is fertilizing oceans with iron. Iron stimulates growth of small algae called phytoplankton, which remove carbon dioxide from the sea and release oxygen through photosynthesis. This allows the oceans to absorb additional CO2 from the atmos-phere. When the plankton die and sink to the ocean floor, they become buried under other materials, storing the carbon within them.

The Alberta and federal gov-ernments have spent billions on their favoured carbon-reduc-tion method, carbon capture and storage – trapping CO2 released by burning fossil fuels and pumping it into the ground – but this method has yet to be perfected.

Many schemes are contro-versial and have shown mixed results in tests, and the danger of unintended consequences is real, including further catas-trophic, irreversible damage to the climate system.

One major drawback with

geoengineering is the mistaken idea that it can be a substitute for reducing greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change. That many geoengin-eering projects are fraught with danger and would not resolve the problem quickly enough or even effectively – and would do little or nothing to resolve other fossil fuel problems such as pollution – makes this a critical concern.

There’s also the matter of who would decide what methods to apply and when and where. The issue of “rogue” geoengin-eering has also cropped up in my part of the world, when an American businessman work-ing with the Haida village of Old Massett dumped 100 tonnes of iron sulphate into the ocean in 2012 for a salmon restoration and carbon-reduction project.

A U.K. Royal Society study concludes that geoengineer-ing “should only be considered as part of a wider package of options for addressing climate change” and carbon dioxide reduction methods should be preferred over more unpredict-able solar radiation manage-ment.

Scientists at the Berlin Social Science Research Centre suggest creating “a new inter-national climate engineer-ing agency . . . to coordinate countries’ efforts and manage research funding.” Because some geoengineering is likely unavoidable, that’s a good idea. But rather than rationalizing our continued use of fossil fuels in the false belief that technol-ogy will enable us to carry on with our destructive ways, we really need governments, scien-tists and industry to start tak-ing climate change and green-house gas emissions seriously. We can’t just engineer our way out of the problem.

Dr. David Suzuki is a scien-tist, broadcaster, author, and co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation.

An editorial from the Winnipeg Free Press

The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police has regrettably endorsed the obsolete view that marijuana should not be legal-ized or decriminalized.

The chiefs also failed to offer a solid argument in favour of the country’s failed prohibition policies, which have fuelled the growth of gangs, while crim-inalizing thousands of young people for what society largely regards as an acceptable indul-gence.

Police have the option of warning an offender in pos-session of a small amount of

marijuana, or charging them criminally, depending on the circumstances. The associa-tion, however, has proposed a third option that would allow officers the discretion of issu-ing a ticket that would involve a fine, but no criminal record.

The chiefs said they need the ticketing option to punish people whose offence warrants some punishment, but not a criminal record.

Such a policy would help reduce congestion in the courts, they say, which is prob-ably true, but decriminaliza-tion would go much further to reducing the problem.

The association said a man smoking pot while driving would normally be charged criminally with possession because it’s considered more serious.

But that makes little sense. Police shouldn’t be charging someone with possession to deal with impaired driving. Furthermore, in a legalized environment, pot smokers could be charged with impaired driving.

The chiefs missed an oppor-tunity to modernize the coun-try’s marijuana laws, demon-strating they are out of touch with public sentiment.

Old-time cops and old-time ideas

A silver bullet for climate change?

DaviD Suzuki

troy Media

Page 8: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013

PEOPLEA8 Friday, August 16, 2013 Trail Times

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HORNSETH (NEE MCKINNON), MARY ILEAN — was born on Novem-ber 29, 1930 at the Whim Road family farm house in Prince Edward Island. She was the 9th of 10 sur-viving children born to Mary and Hugh Mc-Kinnon; weighing just over two pounds she was wrapped in cotton and oil and kept alive in a shoe box placed on the warmer above the wood stove. Al-though a child of the depression years, her childhood was rich with family and food that was grown or raised on the farm.

Mary lost her parents while in her teens and left for Halifax, Nova Sco-tia at the age of eighteen. In 1955 she met and married the love of her life Ed Hornseth, who was a Navymen based in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia and while they divorced some 30 years ago, their love and support for each other endured to the end. Three of their five children were born in Halifax and in 1958 Ed, Mary, three toddlers and Mary’s sister (Minnie), piled into the car and headed west to BC where Ed was from. Cran-brook, Greenwood, Calgary and Creston were briefly visited by the family but Fruitvale become their home in 1963.

Mary was initially terrified of the

mountains but grew to love the security they provided and vowed never to leave them. Seventeen years passed before her first return to PEI and while afraid of flying, she returned two more times. Mary loved the open roads and her white 1963 Pontiac Persian convertible. She drove stock cars in the 70’s and won a Powder Puff race; enjoyed many years of bowling and bowled in the BC Seniors Games, while playing Yatzee, cards and bingo throughout her life.

Mary’s greatest accomplishment and love were her five children and she was so proud of us all. During her twenty years as a bartender, she also touched the lives of many people and as she set-tled with resistance into retirement at 60, she began nurturing her friends and neighbours at the Manor. Our mom was a great lady, a woman of inner strength and determination, a woman who gave freely of herself to us and others and a woman who aged with grace and gentle-ness never losing her sense of humour. She was predeceased by her parents, six brothers, two sisters and in 2007 our dad. She left us peacefully on August 16th and while she is gone in body, her spirit will live on and she will be greatly missed by her 5 children (Char-maine, Glen, Gwen, Lorne and Cindy); 9 grandchildren (Nicole, Brad, Wade, Lea, Bryce, Courtney, Cole, Dylan and Robyn); 10 great grandchildren; her sister, Minnie; nieces and nephews; ex-tended family and many friends.

A celebration of life will be held on Saturday, September 7th at 1:00 pm at her son’s house (Lorne), 2080 Grieve Road in Fruitvale (across from the saw-mill). In lieu of flowers, any donations on mom’s behalf to the Trail SPCA would be appreciated.


with a heavy heart that the family and friends of David are mourning his sud-den passing at the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital on August 20, 2013. His short, very painful bat-tle with cancer is over.

  Dave followed a “road less travelled” and experienced many things in his brief 54 years that most would dare not. He had dreams, one of which began when he joined Sea Cadets at a young age. The ocean beckoned, and his dream of sailing was life-long.  A kind and gentle soul, David always saw the best in people and was the first to lend a helping hand. Stray dogs were also taken in and that’s where Lodi came to share David’s life for many years.

  David was always in some type of construction work, and his tools were his prize possession; wherever he was, he was ready to work. Among carpen-

try jobs, Dave worked with steel and on many high-rise building around the province.  He dabbled in gold-panning, living off the land --- being the happiest near ocean.  Like Grumpa Steve (Mikali-shen), David was a ‘Jack-of-all-trades’.

 It meant a lot to Dave to have family around – all the ladies got one of his great hugs!! David loved the elderly people taking time to listen to their stories, yet would also find time to play with the children on their level. David had something that most should aspire to have – the biggest, most caring and loving heart.  A large part of Dave’s life was that he tried to live as his ‘daily read-ings/meditations’ suggested and would never utter an unkind word toward or about others. His hand-held “Twenty-four Hours a Day” book was at his side, which kept him focused and worthy of a ‘heart to heart’ with Auntie Bob! He was quite knowledgeable about life and how others should be treated.  Fittingly, the prayer on the day of Dave’s passing was... “I pray that I may be freed from things that hold me down. I pray that my spirit may soar in freedom.”

 As Dave’s sickness developed, he kept in touch with others through Facebook under the name ‘Fortunate One’ which of course was answered with – “That’s my Boy—!” His positive outlook was like a magnet and before retiring for the evening, Dave would say, “thanks for cooking – Love You”. He suffered much under the guise of his beautiful smile and sparkling blue eyes.

He is survived by his parents, Carl and Bev Thompson, sisters Jodi (Jus-tin), Stephanie (Chris), niece Jaiden, nephews Connor, Lachlan, Tristan and Colton; many uncles, aunts and cousins and two special ladies. David has joined his grandparents and great-gramma Nellie.

  We have solace to know that Dave now sails upon the Calming Seas of Forever with loved ones gone on be-fore, Lodi and Yazza at the helm with him. The Fortunate One will be greatly missed.

 A Celebration of David’s Life will be held at Carl and Bev’s home, 900-12th Avenue, Montrose on Sunday, August 25, from  12pm to 5pm.  Parking of motorhomes and campers may be at the Lion’s Park in Beaver Falls. 

As an expression of sympathy, dona-tions may be made to the BC Cancer Foundation at 150-686 West Broadway St., Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1G1, or the S.P.C.A. at 7700 Highway 3B, Trail, BC V1R 2L9,

You are invited to leave a personal message of condolence at the family’s online register at


passed away peacefully on August 18, 2013 with her family by her side. She

was born in Medicine Hat, Alberta on July 25, 1918.

Zerma is survived by her son Robert (Rosy), daughter Marie, grand-children, Lindsay and Jarrod, great-grand-children, Nevada, Oakley, Lincoln, her sister Nita and numer-ous nieces and nephews. She was pre-deceased by her husband Thomas, her parents Enrico and Teresa Bellagente, her sister Clara and her brothers Victor, Carlo and Albo.

Zerma was employed at Trail Me-morial Library for 25 years, retiring at age 65. She was a champion of women’s rights and in 1999 attended a confer-ence in Alberta to celebrate the achieve-ments of Canadian women. She loved her city and was an enthusiastic volun-teer and eager supporter of Trail. She was a member of the Neighbourhood Improvement Program, Friends of the Library and was a Board Member of Mc-Bride Manor.

Physical health was very important to Zerma. She was a loyal member of the Memorial Centre Gym and later the Trail Aquatic and Leisure Centre. She finally retired her membership at the age of 92.

The family would like to thank the Assisted Living staff and management at Rosewood Village for their excel-lent care and kindness extended to our mother. The family wish to acknow-ledge all the residents in Assisted Liv-ing who made her time at Rosewood so special, re-kindling old and starting new friendships. We are also grateful to the care-givers of the 2nd and 3rd floors at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital, and especially Dr. Aiken and Dr. Fisher.

At Zerma’s request, there will not be a funeral service. Jordan Wren of Alterna-tives Funeral and Cremation Services™ has been entrusted with arrangements.

As an expression of sympathy, dona-tions in Zerma’s name may be made to the Friends of the Library, c/o Trail & District Public Library, 1051 Victoria St., Trail, BC, V1R 3T3.

You are invited to leave a personal message of condolence at the family’s online register at

***EVANS, ANDREW LEE — A celebra-

tion of life for Andrew Evans will be held at Beaver Creek Camp Ground (Kiwanis) on Saturday August 24 at 4:00 pm.

All who knew him and loved him are wel-come.

This is an outside service. People are encouraged to bring a lawn chair.


It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Barry Edwin Thoen on August 19, 2013. He passed away from complications following a stroke at the Kelowna General Hospital. Barry was predeceased by his parents, Edwin and Agnes as well as his brother Brian. He leaves behind his two daughters, Emily and Melissa and their mother, Donna. He will be remembered by all of his family and friends.

Barry enjoyed many outdoor activities, including fi shing, camping and hunting. His outgoing personality and sense of humor could always get the whole crowd going. He will be missed by many.

A Celebration of his life will be held on Thursday, August 29, 2013 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Bradner Hall, 5305 Bradner Road, Bradner, BC.

In lieu of fl owers, please make a donation to the Abbotsford Hospice Society, Holmberg House, 33134 Marshall Road, Abbotsford, BC V2S 1K5.

Tributes and condolences may be left

THOEN, Barry Edwin

Henderson’s Funeral Home604-854-5534

It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Barry Edwin Thoen on August 19, 2013. He passed away from complications following a stroke at the Kelowna General Hospital. Barry was predeceased by his parents, Edwin and Agnes as well as his brother Brian. He leaves behind his two daughters, Emily and Melissa and their mother, Donna. He will be remembered by all of his family and friends.

Barry enjoyed many outdoor activities, including fi shing, camping and hunting. His outgoing personality and sense of humor could always get the whole crowd going. He will be missed by many.

A Celebration of his life will be held on Thursday, August 29, 2013 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Bradner Hall, 5305 Bradner Road, Bradner, BC.

In lieu of fl owers, please make a donation to the Abbotsford Hospice Society, Holmberg House, 33134 Marshall Road, Abbotsford, BC V2S 1K5.

Tributes and condolences may be left

THOEN, Barry Edwin

Henderson’s Funeral Home604-854-5534

Page 9: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013

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After several weeks of hot summer sun, I’ve become

even more fond of shade gardens. I’d probably do a lot more work in the gar-den beds if they were all in shaded areas, with a cool breeze blowing through! My brother would tell me “in Patty’s perfect world.....”

There aren’t too many shrubs that do well without sun, but there’s no end of interesting perennials to brighten shady spots. I’ve brought a few favourites with me to the new gar-den. Number one on the list is an orna-mental grass I’ve mentioned previously - the golden-variegat-ed Japanese Hakone grass (Hakonechloa aureola). It’s soft, yellow, bamboo-like leaves have narrow green strips and arch all to one side like a waterfall. In moist, well-drained soil, Hakone will grow two feet tall and wide.

I’ve tried lots of ferns but the ones who made ‘the cut’ were the Japanese Painted fern (Athyrium nip-ponicum ‘Pictum’) with its beautiful grey/green fronds and wine red stems and the Maidenhair fern (Adiantum pedatum) with finely-textured

splayed fronds and black, wiry stems. Both grow approxi-mately 12 to 14 inch-es tall and wide.

The only other perennials I could squeeze into the shade garden were the spectacular ‘Jack Frost’ Siberian bugloss (Brunnera) that offers a month of bright blue flowers first thing in spring followed by stunning foliage for the rest of the season; the Lenten rose (Helleborus niger) that blooms in March; and of course, my two favourite hos-tas - ‘Elegans’ and ‘Francee’.

If I had more room, I’d add some large-leafed, fabulous foli-ages like the Shield Leaf (Astilboide tubalaris). It’s round-ed leaves can reach two to three feet across and it grows four feet tall and three feet wide. Another would be the Umbrella plant (Darmera pel-tata) with foliage that forms a lovely,

vase-like clump. It’s leaves are also two to three feet across but it grows three to six feet tall and three feet wide. For addi-tional bold impact, I’d plant a ‘Chocolate Wings’ Rodger’s flower (Rodgersia pinnata). It’s divided, quilted leaves begin deep cocoa bronze in spring, later changing to dark green in sum-mer before returning to brown in fall. Big plumes of deep-pink flowers appear on tall stalks in early sum-mer.

It grows about two feet tall by three feet wide. And, last but not least, I’d love to include a number of Astilbe, a perennial with beautiful, showy flowers in either pink, red or white atop glossy, fern-like foli-age.

The flower clus-ters vary in size from six inches to two feet and its height varies from six inches to five feet, depending on the variety. While some experts will classify them as ‘tough’, I’ve found they will only survive in dappled sunlight and even moisture. If allowed to dry out, they don’t recover.

All these perennial beauties for shade need to be kept con-sistently moist and are zone hardy in the

Kootenays. They will add dynamic visual-elements and help create a garden full of texture and colour.

Patty Siddall and Betty Drover operate a local garden busi-ness and will share their expertise in the Trail Times every other Friday. Contact Siddall Drover Garden Services at 250-364-1005

Perennials can help brighten shady spots

patty siddall

Ground rules in Gardening

Patty Siddall PhotoS

The Hakonechloa aur-eola (above) and the Astilboide tubularis are examples of perennials that add variety to a garden while thriving in shaded areas.

Page 10: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013


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A10 Friday, August 23, 2013 Trail Times

B y J i m B a i l e yTimes Sports EditorAs the Trail Smoke

Eaters finish off train-ing camp this week-end, they look forward to their only exhibition game at home against the Selkirk College Saints in a game that will showcase lots of local talent in the historic first meet-ing Tuesday at the C o m i n c o Arena.

“I expect it to be a pretty good game they’re a pretty good team, so it will be lots of fun,” said S m o k i e s d - m a n B r a d e n Pears. “I have some friends on that team too so looking forward to it.”

It’s the first exhib-ition game of the year for either team, and the first chance for Smokie fans to get a glimpse of this year’s talent, led by team cap-tain Adam Wheeldon of Nelson, and assist-ant captains Scott Davidson of Trail and Victoria native Pears.

“I’m completely excited for this year,” said Wheeldon. “We got a great group of guys out there already

and everyone seems to get along, it’s going to be awesome, I can’t wait.”

Selkirk College won the BC Intercollegiate Hockey League cham-pionship last season, and although it is the inaugural meeting between the Smokies and the Saints, Selkirk College coach Jeff Dubois says it could

be the start of a popular annual tilt.

“I think it’s great and hope-fully a game that gets some local i n t e r e s t , ” said Dubois. “Before I came to S e l k i r k ,

I was at SFU and we did a game with the Coquitlam Express in the BCHL and it was always competetive and it always some-thing that got a bigger crowd than a typical BCHL versus BCHL exhibition game, and it was a good way to expose our program to that team.”

The Smokies will ice returning Trail natives in Davidson and Jake Lucchini, as well as Fruitvale’s Mitch Foyle, and last sea-son’s AP Riley Brandt of Trail. Throw in Jesse

Knowler of Castlegar and Wheeldon, Adam Maida, and Linden Horswill from Nelson and the home team has strong Kootenay representation.

Similarly, when the Saints come marching into Cominco Arena they’ll be led by former Trail forward Logan Proulx, as well as new recruit Garrett Kucher of Trail, formerly of the Osoyoos Coyotes of the

KIJHL, and Fruitvale’s Arie Postmus who fin-ished his junior career with the Beaver Valley Nitehawks last season.

“There’s some cool connections there, I mean Logan Proulx was the captain in Trail for a short time and Darnell Dyck who is one of our incoming first year guys played in Trail, and some local kids and relationships there, so I think there

will be some friendly rivalries,” said Dubois.

The Smokies will likely carry 27 skat-ers into the exhibition game against Selkirk, a team that is made up of college age play-ers, but as Davidson says, “It should be fun playing Arie Postmus, and Mason Spear, and they’re pretty good so it will be a challenge for sure.”

Despite the edge in

age, Dubois expects it to be a good game, with the teams evenly matched.

“You have a bit of advantage in some cases with older guys, but the flip side of that is just the physical condition that junior age players keep them-selves in. I expect that they’ll be raring to go, and certainly my experience playing col-lege teams against jun-ior teams has always been a competitive experience.”

While the Smokies wrap up their camp on Saturday, the Saints won’t have a chance to hit the ice until Sunday.

“We’re on the ice the first day the ice goes in on Sunday in Castlegar, so we’re going to be play-ing Tuesday night on a fairly quick turn around,” said Dubois.

Trail has a good core of players returning this season, but there are some noticeable absences from camp in Marley Keca, Shane Poulsen, Austin Adduono, and Luke Sandler.

“Obvously coming in and losing Sandler and Adduono, two key players, was kind of uneasy about it,” said Davidson. “But seeing a bunch of the kids

that have come out gives me an optimistic feeling.”

The Smokies also welcome the return of goalie Adam Todd, d-men Valik Chichkin and Braedon Jones, and the return of a healthy Bryce Knapp. After coming so close last season, Trail will look to take the next step into the playoffs this year.

“Honestly I think if we play the way we can, there’s no doubt we won’t make the play-offs,” said Wheeldon.

As for the Saints, with 15 players returning from last years championship team, the coach is con-fident his team has the potential to repeat.

“There’s always talk of the champion-ship hangover,” added Dubois. “I think we’ve got a group of guys that won it last year, certainly we’re a skilled team, but the X-factor was the work ethic and the compete level, and I suspect that guys are going to come back very hungry to do it again.”

The Smokies con-tinue camp today at 6 p.m., and culminate with game on Saturday at noon. The Smokies play the Saints Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Cominco Arena.

Jim Bailey photo

Goaltender Dustin Nikkel had no chance as Alex Kalav made no mistake on this nice centring pass at the Trail Smokies training camp scrimmage on Thursday at the Cominco Arena. The Smokies open exhibition season when they host the Selkirk College Saints on Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Cominco Arena.

Smokies, Saints square off in preseason

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KAMLOOPS - The Kamloops econ-omy is getting a shot in the arm this week as nearly 4,000 B.C. seniors with their families and supporters des-cended on the Okanagan city for the BC Seniors Games.

Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Coralee Oakes lit the torch Wednesday in Kamloops, officially opening the Games.

“The BC Seniors Games are a joy-ous and inspiring celebration of good health throughout life. The partici-pants in these Games show all British

Columbians that fitness and active, healthy lifestyles can be maintained at any age. I congratulate all the partici-pants, coaches and volunteers involved in these Games-they are great role models for us all.”

The government of British Columbia is contributing $175,000 for the sport and cultural event - an investment that typically results in over $2 million in economic impact for the host com-munity.

The Zone 6 Kootenay-boundary contingent had won eight medals by

press time Thursday, with three gold, two silver, and three bronze won in the pool and on the track. Fraser Valley leads all Zones with 27 medals, includ-ing 11 gold, 11 silver, and five bronze.

The BC Seniors Games celebrate active and healthy seniors in British Columbia. Participants range in age from 55 to over 90 and take part in 24 events at the Games.

One of the key goals of the BC Seniors Games is to provide a platform for competition, demonstrating the abilities of seniors in the process.

Games influx injects life into Kamloops economy

“Honestly, I think if we

play the way we can, there’s

no way we won’t make

the playoffs.”

adam wheeldon

SenIor GameS

Page 11: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013

SportSTrail Times Friday, August 23, 2013 A11


Friday, Aug. 23Seattle at Green Bay, 8 p.m.Chicago at Oakland, 10 p.m.

Saturday, Aug. 24Buffalo at Wash 4:30 p.m.Cleveland at Indy, 7 p.m.

N.Y. Jets at N.Y. Giants, 7 p.m.

KC at Pittsburgh, 7:30 p.m.Phila at Jacksonville, 7:30 p.m.

Tampa at Miami, 7:30 p.m.St. Louis at Denver, 8 p.m.Cincinnati at Dallas, 8 p.m.

Atlanta at Tennessee, 8 p.m.San Diego at Arizona, 10 p.m.

Sunday, Aug. 25

New Orleans at Houstn, 4 p.mMinnesota at San Fran, 8 p.m.

BaseballAmerican LeagueToday’s Games

Minnesota (Deduno 7-7) at Cleveland (U.Jimenez 9-7),

7:05 p.m.Oakland (Straily 6-7) at

Baltimore (B.Norris 9-10), 7:05 p.m.

Detroit (Fister 10-6) at N.Y. Mets (Matsuzaka 0-0), 7:10

p.m.N.Y. Yankees (Kuroda 11-8) at Tampa Bay (Archer 6-5),

7:10 p.m.

Texas (M.Perez 6-3) at Chicago White Sox (Sale

9-11), 8:10 p.m.Toronto (Redmond 1-1) at

Houston (Lyles 5-6), 8:10 p.m.Washington (G.Gonzalez 7-6) at Kansas City (B.Chen 5-1),

8:10 p.m.Boston (Lackey 8-10) at L.A. Dodgers (Nolasco 9-9), 10:10

p.m.L.A. Angels (Richards 3-5) at Seattle (F.Hernandez 12-6),

10:10 p.m.National LeagueToday’s Games

Arizona (Miley 9-8) at Philadelphia (Hamels 5-13),

7:05 p.m.Colorado (Chacin 11-7) at

Miami (Koehler 3-8), 7:10 p.m.Milwaukee (Gallardo 9-9) at Cincinnati (H.Bailey 8-10),

7:10 p.m.Washington (G.Gonzalez 7-6) at Kansas City (B.Chen 5-1),

8:10 p.m.Atlanta (Medlen 10-11) at St. Louis (Wainwright 14-7), 8:15

p.m.Chicago Cubs (E.Jackson

7-13) at San Diego (Volquez 9-10), 10:10 p.m.

Pittsburgh (Morton 4-3) at San Francisco (Bumgarner 11-7),

10:15 p.m.


Due to increased bear activity, Meadow Creek Spawning Channel, at the north end of Kootenay Lake, will be open to the public between:

10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. each day You can see spawning kokanee between late August and early October,

with the best viewing time typically during the first two weeks of September. Please be aware that due to human-bear conflicts, Meadow Creek Spawning Channel may be completely closed to the public at any time, by the Ministry

of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO).

OPEN HOUSEOn Sunday Sept 8, the Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program and FLNRO will be hosting an Open House at Meadow Creek Spawning Channel. View the kokanee, talk to biologists, find out about ‘BearSmart’, and the Nutrient

Restoration Program in Kootenay Lake. A great free, family event!

For more information about the new opening times, or the Open House, call 250-354-6333

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Located in East Trail(Close to Safeway)

Jeanie TourcotteChristina Lk., associate

1-year paddler

Kathy HansonRossland, associate

12-year paddler

Pat TjaderTrail, survivor


The Trail Times features five more of the Kootenay Robusters dragon-boat team that originally formed in 2001 as a group of breast-cancer survivors brought together for support, socializing, and exercise, and to promote awareness that there is life after breast cancer. The team is now recruiting and encouraging all women to come out, join the crew and become a Robuster. To join or for more info ph: Debbie at 364-0993 in Trail; Joy in Castlegar at 365-3794; Rae in Grand Forks - 442-3333; Kathy in Rossland - 362-9644; Jeanie, Christina Lk.- 447-6169.

Time was, when the players were all local, fans knew from

year to year who would be on, or trying to make, the local junior hockey team roster.

These days, not so much.

So, every sea-son fans need to re-learn to support the, “local,” team. It helps that there are usually several local, or rela-tively local (Castlegar, Nelson, Nakusp, even Grand Forks, Spokane and even the East Kootenay can count here) players, among whom are important pieces of the team puzzle.

Quite often the, “local,” teams are staffed predomin-antly with, “imports,” from all over North America and beyond, which makes it just a bit harder to learn to love the roster.

That learning can be further hindered when, after spending the off-season antici-pating those players eligible to return and further fulfill appar-ent potential will return and help the team step up a notch, and a few standings places, are nowhere to be found when training camp begins.

That is true this season. The 2012-13 Smokies looked to be losing six or seven

players, max, from the team that fin-ished strongly, but out of the playoffs. It looks now like that count will be 12 or 13, including at least a few who were/are expected to fully blossom as Junior A elite play-ers this season.

S o m e t i m e s those deletions come by way of trades and are

announced to the press/fans. Sometimes fans are pleased with the trades, sometimes not.

Sometimes, how-ever, players are just not there when the team comes back, which cuts a hole in the emotional link the fans have developed with whatever roster existed the last time they saw the team play.

Insiders often have the skinny on those happenings, but most fans spend little time in the off-season quiz-zing those insiders about the new season - until the new season

arrives.Then, the, “learn-

ing to love again,” pro-cess can begin.

The 2013-14 jun-ior hockey season approaches apace, so even though the arena entrance looks to be protected from incur-sions by everything but razor wire, ambi-tious Smoke Eater supporters can begin the process of learn-ing the team anew, grabbing their season or block passes and hoping for the best.

The only exhibition game at Cominco Arena is Tuesday. The first regular season game is Sept. 13.

Here’s hoping fans of junior hockey stay hopeful, and get com-mitted - a strong start by the team would help in that regard - because junior hockey is a significant part of the winter economy here and the teams’ books must, eventu-ally, balance for the enterprises involved to stay afloat in the area.

See you at the rink.

DAVE Thompson

Sports ‘n’ things

Jan MicklewaiteRossland, survivor

12-year paddler

Joy AndersonCastlegar, survivor

13-year paddler

kooteNay roBusters

Smokies’ fans learning to love again

T h E A s s o C I A T E D p R E s sEDMONTON - Lydia Ko is back on top of the

Canadian Women’s Open leaderboard.The 16-year-old Ko, the winner last year at

Vancouver Golf Club at an LPGA Tour-record age of 15 years, 4 months, shot a 5-under 65 on Thursday at Royal Mayfair for a share of the early first-round lead. The South Korean-born New Zealander had six birdies and a bogey.

Angela Stanford also opened with a 65, and Paula Creamer shot 66.

Charley Hull, the 17-year-old English player coming off a strong performance last week in Europe’s Solheim Cup victory, had a 69 playing alongside Ko.


Ko looks to repeat at Canadian Open

Page 12: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013

LIFESTYLESA12 Friday, August 23, 2013 Trail Times

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Every week there will be a new question in our print edition. � e answer and code number can only be found on our website

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� at number can be found on a renewal notice or by contacting our circulation department.

Once you have the correct answer and code number, email it to [email protected] with your name, phone number and Trail Times

subscription number. Each subscriber is allowed one entry per week.

We’ll draw a $20 gi� certi� cate courtesy of Lil T’s Cafe every week and on August 31 all correct responses will be entered into a draw for a new iPad.

� e Trail Times website o� ers links to more photos from events around Greater Trail, an archive of previously published stories as well as news and

entertainment from the family of Black Press publications around B.C.


Lil T’s Cafe

� is week’s question:Who is the regional honouree for the Kidney Walk in Trail?

Find the answer and answer code on until Sunday night.

Last week’s winner isRosemary Gaudry

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Rhiannon Louise Wallace, daughter of Lawrence and Corinne Wallace of Trail, graduated with honours from the Bachelor of Science in Microbiology program at the University of British Columbia Okanagan on June 6, 2013. Rhiannon has secured a gradu-ate student position at the University of British Columbia Okanagan and is now pursuing her Masters and eventually a doctorate degree supported by Agriculture Canada.


T H E C A N A D I A N P R E S SOTTAWA – The Fraser Institute says it’s never

been easier financially to raise a child in Canada, with the annual cost much lower than many believe.

The conservative think-tank says it is possible to raise a child on about $3,000-$4,000 a year, and even less if parents only include necessary expenses and are careful with their dollars.

That is a far cry from some studies that have put the annual expense per child in the $10,000-$15,000 range _ with the total bill for raising a child to age 18 at more than $200,000.

The Fraser Institute says in a new paper that the higher numbers are discouraging for lower income Canadians, who might come away with the conclusion they cannot afford to have chil-dren.

But many lower income people can and do raise healthy children, says the paper, authored by economist Christopher Sarlo.

Sarlo concedes his lower estimate is based on the cost of providing a child’s essential needs, such as food, clothing, personal care, household supplies, recreation and school supplies.

Very few frills are included in the Fraser total, including no allowance for daycare or lost income if one parent decides to stay home to take

care of the children. That is likely to raise the ire of some family

and early-education supporters, who argue that daycare has become a necessity for many dual income couples and important for a child’s social and educational development.

Sarlo said the exclusion of daycare is not because it is not a legitimate expense but because the majority of parents have zero child-care costs, saying the item is best treated as a special expense for families for whom it applies. That cost alone, however, would more than double the Fraser annual estimate for those families.

The paper also notes that some affluent par-ents no doubt spend plenty of money on their children _ for music lessons, trips to Disney World, expensive clothing, elaborate toys and games, and on education, including private school.

But these expenses are not needed in order to raise a healthy child at socially acceptable stan-dards, the paper argues.

In truth, Sarlo says, it has never been finan-cially easier to raise a child in Canada because the necessities represent a smaller portion of family income, real incomes are higher, there are more dual income families, and couples are having fewer children than ever before.


Emily Zahn and Jason Gora were married in Trail on June 1. The couple honeymooned in Hawaii. The couple, both employed in Trail, now reside in Castlegar.


Cost of raising a child lower than most people believe, says institute

Page 13: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013


Trail & District Churches

Sponsored by the Churches of Trail and area and

Denotes Wheelchair Accessible

The opinions expressed in this advertising space are provided by Greater Trail Area Churches on a rotational basis.


Holy Trinity Catholic Parish2012 3rd Avenue, Trail 250-368-6677No Masses during the summer, church is being renovated

Holy Trinity ParishSt. Anthony’s Church315 Rossland Avenue, TrailMass Times: Saturday Evening 7pm Sunday Morning 8:30am and 10:30am

No Wheelchair Access Pastor: Fr. James McHugh

1 Samuel 16:7 “The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance but the

Lord looks at the heart.”The prophet Samuel quoted these

words when he was about to choose a new king. People thought they knew who he would pick because of how they looked. He reminds them that

this is not how God makes His choice.This verse reminds us as well that

things have not changed. People still look at the outside of a person- their appearance. Perhaps there has never been a time when looks have been so

important. Check out any modern magazine and it is full of advice on how to look good and stay young.

People look at the status and family background and the credentials of

others. It seems who people are on the outside is all that matters. This verse clearly states that God does not see us that way, He looks at what is going on

inside, looking at the inner person, looking at the heart.

When He looks within He sees everything, the things we want to

hide, the things that bring us hurt, all our thoughts and feelings are open to

Him. He sees the real us. There are things inside that no one knows about.

But God knows.The great thing is He also sees someone He loves. He sees the

changes He can make in us and what we can become with His help. What

hope this gives us!Major Heather Harbin The Salvation Army

How God sees us



Sunday Services10:30 am

2030-2nd Avenue,Trail 250-368-3515

E-mail: [email protected] Everyone Welcome


8320 Highway 3BTrail, opposite Walmart

250-364-1201 Pastor Rev. Shane McIntyre

Affiliated with the PAOC


Special Guest SpeakersSun August 25th Illusionist/Speaker

Rodney Fortin Fun for the Whole Family

Further Info

Weekly Snr & Jnr Youth Programs

Mom’s Time Out Prism Weight Loss Program Weekly Connect Groups

Fri. Kidz Zone Sunday Children’s Program

Sun – Infants Nursery Bus Pickup Thurs thru Sun

3365 Laburnum DriveTrail, BC V1R 2S8Ph: (250) 368-9516

[email protected]

Sunday Morning Worship Service

at 10:30am

Prayer First beginsat 10am.

1139 Pine Avenue (250) 368-6066 Reverends Gavin and Meridyth Robertson

10am Sunday Worship and Sunday School

The UniTedChUrCh

of CanadaCommunities in Faith

Pastoral Charge

Trail United Church and St. Andrew’s United

Church Rossland Join for Worship in

Rossland from August 4th to September 4th

Service at 9am

Beaver Valley United Church

1917 Columbia Gardens Rd, Fruitvale

Worship at 9amSalmo United Church 304 Main St, Salmo Worship at 11am

For Information Phone 250-368-3225or visit:

Anglican Parish of St. Andrew /

St. George1347 Pine Avenue, Trail

Summer Service – Family Eucharist –

Sundays @ 9 am. (One Service Only)

Contact Canon Neil Elliotat 250-368-5581

Trail Times Friday, August 23, 2013 A13

B y M a r v i n B e a t t yCastlegar News

St. Rita’s church in Castlegar, a parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nelson, was struck by arson five months ago, destroying a building that had been home to weddings, funerals, bap-tisms and much prayer.

Three days after the blaze, Lee Wilding of Castlegar was arrested. He and a female — also from Castlegar and who cannot be named under the provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act — were each charged with two counts of arson relating to the fire at the church and another the same night which destroyed a vehicle owned by the Red Cross at Kinnaird Community Church.

Though the building is gone, the church community remains strong and a path forward is being forged.

“A lot of people were very upset and dis-tressed because they really felt a loss. Not only that, there was the fact that we didn’t know why the events had happened,” said Reverend Father David John.

John said people may have felt different if the church had, for example, been hit by lightning but when the cause was determined as arson it was unsettling.

“It made it very difficult because [we asked] was it an attack against us or was it just ran-dom?”, he said. “It’s sort of odd when a complete stranger does something that impinges your life because you just ask why.”

He added if there’s a why you can get past that question and get on with healing.

John said it was recognized early on that the way forward had to involve all church mem-bers. The Diocese, erected February 22, 1936 and serving parishes in the Kootenays and the Okanagan, currently ministers to approximately 78,000 Catholics.

After the fire, decisions were made to convert some of the remaining space to other uses, pro-viding continuity of the many services offered.

One classroom is now a temporary office, another has become a weekday chapel with seat-ing for about 30 and the hall has become the location for mass.

John said he’s not rushing through the rebuild because he wants people to understand what a church is and what is done within it.

“The hall we’ve got set up for our liturgy at the moment is much more attuned to the type of liturgy that I celebrate than a long, thin church was,” he said. “I actually feel much more comfortable because there was 20-something rows there [in the former church] and we’ve got five rows here; I can have eye contact with everyone.”

John said it was important in the process of rebuilding, that all of the aspects of the way the church celebrates their religious beliefs were examined.

“If we had started designing the church the day after the old one burned down, we would have built the old one again,” he said. “It would have been the primary model in people’s minds.”

John said he would like to forgo the trad-itional architect and tender process.

“We want to get a specification, not a design,” he said. “So many seats, these features and then throw it out to tender and say we have this amount of money, what can you do with this?”

The hope is to get three or four outline ideas they can look at and decide upon.

“It’s not an easy process but that’s where we are at the moment,” said John.

Keeping the congregation informed is important, he said, as there will be a lot of prac-tical things involved once at the building phase.

“I’d like to see us break ground after the win-ter,” said John. “And by the end of the summer have a building we can get in to.”


The rebuilding of St. Rita’s

Page 14: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013


Dear Annie: My hus-band and I have been married for 20 years. He has four children with his ex-wife, who lives nearby. The divorce was not pleasant, and my husband still has a lot of resentment. Neither of us is comfortable around the ex.

So how do I explain to my 30-year-old step-daughter, “Susie,” that when we have gather-ings with his kids, we don’t want to include their mother? Three of their kids live in the area and can visit Mom whenever they wish. When Susie comes into town, all of the kids gather at their moth-er’s, and she never invites us. That’s fine. But for some reason, Susie feels that since her mother is single and “alone,” she should be invited to our home whenever Susie is in town.

Until now, I’ve been nice about it and included her. But I recently found out that the ex has been

saying hurtful things about me to the kids, who apparently don’t defend me. I’ve always made myself available for emergency calls, babysitting the grand-children, etc. How do I handle the next visit? -- No Longer So Nice

Dear No: With kind-ness. The ex is going to say bitter things, and when her kids are with her, they don’t defend you because it would create a problem with their mother. We urge you not to make an issue of this. They obviously have a decent relationship with you, and this should not be taken lightly. It’s also possible that Mom, with her own insecurities, is

pressuring Susie. You don’t have to include her in everything you plan, but please be the bigger person and do so when you can.

Dear Annie: I’m a healthy, active, hap-pily married 61-year-old female. I work part time, but after all these years, I find the work monotonous. I exer-cise and socialize at the local fitness facility, but that’s kind of same old, same old. Then I go home, do some clean-ing and organizing, and end up looking for things to do.

I don’t know where I’m going or what to do with myself. My husband is a few years younger. We have different interests, so he isn’t going to be help-ful. I keep an eye open for volunteer opportu-nities, but haven’t seen anything that’s a good fit. I know I’m lucky and am not complain-ing. But do you have any suggestions for me? -- Montreal West Island, Quebec

Dear Quebec: First, decide where your interests lie. Do you enjoy the arts? Join a choir or theater group. Sign up for an art class or learn guitar. Do you like working with kids? Volunteer with a literacy program or at a children’s hospi-tal. Interested in civ-ics? Offer your time to a local politician, or check city hall for opportunities to make a difference in your com-munity. Can you help at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen? What about your local library or chamber of com-merce? Try or the Red Hat Society ( You may need to try out a few places before you find some-thing that’s a “good fit,” but please don’t give up. Many places would welcome someone with your energy.

Dear Annie: “California” wondered whether it was rude to read his hosts’ news-paper before they woke

up. I, too, like to read my paper with my morning coffee.

Here’s my solution: When I travel, I take my home paper with me. I then buy a local paper at a gas station, convenience store or some place in the town I am visiting. I tend to

buy additional papers from surrounding towns. Since the people I am visiting usually subscribe to only one newspaper, they enjoy reading the additional ones I bring. That way, I have several papers to read at my leisure, and my hosts have theirs.

-- Another Early News Addict

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime edi-tors of the Ann Landers column. Please email your questions to [email protected]

Today’s Crossword









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, Inc


Difficulty Level 8/22





























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By Dave Green

Difficulty Level 8/23

Solution for previouS SuDoKu

Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with sev-eral given numbers. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box con-tains the same number only once.

Today’s PUZZLEs

Annie’s MAilbox

Marcy sugar & Kathy Mitchell

A14 Friday, August 23, 2013 Trail Times

Turn the other cheek with angry ex

Page 15: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013


For Saturday, Aug. 24, 2013 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Relations with others are passionate today; in fact, a casual relationship might heat up into something romantic. Actually, all your encounters with others will be intense. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Don’t be demanding with co-workers today, which you might be tempted to do. Yes, you feel your needs are preeminent and important, but others feel the same way. Cool your jets. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Romantic passion is strong today. This is the kind of day when love at first sight can begin. Sports events, activi-ties with children, movies, musical performances and show business are likewise affecting today. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Family discussions will

be passionate today because people are intense about what they want. Basically, you are lobbying for improvements at home. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) You can sell snow to the Eskimos today, because you are so convincing! This is a strong, productive day for those of you who write, sell, market, teach or act for a living. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) If shopping today, you might feel obsessed with getting something. (“I have to have it!”) Some of you will feel similarly obsessed with earning money or hanging on to your posses-sions. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) Usually, you are wise about seeing the middle ground. Today, however, everything seems to be black or white; yes or no; right or wrong. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)

Disturbing influences might create tension for you today. Some of you are involved in behind-the-scenes activities, including secret love affairs. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Your dealings with others today, especially in group situations, will be intense and memorable. You feel compelled to tell others your views. You even might want to rally others to join

you. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) Romance with your boss or someone older, richer or worldlier might begin now. Perhaps this is just a secret crush. Whatever the case, it’s intense, not mild. (Oh yeah.) AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) You feel passionately about many things today, especially philosophical ideas, politics and religion. You also might

be keen to travel somewhere. A foreign romance could begin. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) You might benefit from the wealth of others at this time. (Be open to gifts, good-ies and favors coming your way.) Meanwhile, back in the boudoir, relationships are hot! YOU BORN TODAY You have an investigative mind and are thorough in every-

thing you do. You like to unravel mysteries and dis-cover the truth of things. You love to learn anything -- philosophy, science, mod-ern history. You’re a natural researcher, both academi-cally and about the world around you. You can be a good parent. This year you will focus on partnerships and close friends. Birthdate of: Orson Scott Card, author; Rupert Grint, actor; Orla Fallon, singer.







YOUR HOROSCOpEBy Francis Drake

Trail Times Friday, August 23, 2013 A15

Page 16: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013

A16 Friday, August 23, 2013 Trail Times


Apply online today at

BUILD YOUR CAREER WITH US!Do you thrive in a dynamic and challenging environment with opportunities for continuous growth and development? When you join Tolko Industries, you are signing on with an industry leader in world markets that has built success through three generations with over 3000 employees and growing. We provide a dynamic environment with competitive compensation where people succeed as our most valuable resource. Our structure and culture encourage innovation, growth, and change in an open environment, and we believe in and practice environmental sustainability. For more information visit

Journeyman Millwright certifi cation;Ability to read blue prints, plans and schematics.Strong problem solving skillsCommitment to working safely coupled with strong communication & interpersonal skills.Ability to work independently with little supervision Organizational and planning skills as well as profi ciency in Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook

This is an excellent opportunity to engage in interesting work and in excellent working conditions in modern wood manufacturing facilities.APPLY TODAY!Our tradition of excellence is built on strong company values, a challenging environment, and continuous development. To explore current career opportunities and become a part of our community, apply online today at Applications will be accepted until the positions are fi lled.

We thank all candidates for their interest; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

CERTIFIED MILLWRIGHTSOkanagan Region, BCTh is right now is a

beautiful moment I close my eyes – capture it, hold it Th e sky cascades somewhere beyond I feel the wind and I know you ride onI can see the art you’ve carved in the sky I know you have wings, I can see you fl yI can feel your presence in the cool winter airbut always I’ll wonder, why can’t you be here Some of life’s questions are too heavy to holdso I’ll put to rest the ones I can’t knowSave for the certainty that lives within you ride on, the breath of the wind.


In Loving Memory ofCory Elias McOrmondMay 9, 1990 - Aug 25, 2012

Missed by Mom, Dad, Shanna, Dante, Oakley,Niko & Nitro, Family and Friends.

“Th e Sun will always Shine on Cory’s Run” ~ newly named run at Red’s expansion. ~

career opportunity

To apply for this position please submit cover letter & resume to [email protected] by September 6

Reference Number 1310

Reporting to the Manager, Procurement and Contracts, the Contracts Technician is accountable for the preparation, development, and administration of purchase orders and contracts for Columbia Power Corporation, as well as providing support to the project managers overseeing the work under service and construction contracts. This includes obtaining and processing various contractor pre-qualification documents such as WCB, insurance, and bonding as well as preparing and issuing purchase order and contractual changes and amendments.

The Contracts Technician will also be responsible for creating competitive bid documentation and developing related agreements for various program operations and support services under the guidance and direction of the Manager, Procurement and Contracts. This position will prepare, review and administer agreements by working closely with business stakeholders, and will correspond with outside parties to ensure service contracts meet Columbia Power’s business goals and requirements.


College diploma or university degree.Completion of a Professional designation or Diploma in Supply Chain Management would be preferred.Be in good standing with the Purchasing Management Association of Canada.Minimum 3 years of demonstrated experience in a related position.A good knowledge of contract language and legal requirements for contracts (note that this requirement will be tested).Adaptable/flexible; being open to change in response to new information in a high paced environment.Strong negotiation skills, business acumen, interpersonal, and communication skills.

Contracts Technician

Gilbert (Bert) RobsonWe the family of Bert Robson would like to express our gratitude for the kindness and

sympathy shown in the recent passing of dad.

Th ank you to the caring staff at Trail Hospital and the Interior Health home support ladies,

Neil Jarvie, legion members and ladies auxiliary for the wonderful service and lunch. Th ank you to the staff at Alternative Funeral Services and the Bank of Montreal who were

so caring and helpful.

Special thanks to our friends and family for your caring help and comfort, food, fl owers,

cards and phone calls. “May” thank you for your years of caring companionship.

Everyone’s kindness, stories and memories made this diffi cult time a celebration of life as

dad would have wanted.

Dad you will certainly be missed.

Love your family

Wes, Elaine, Brenda, Terr y, Wendy, Brian, Sandra, our spouses, children and



Coming EventsDo you like to skate or want

to learn? Rossland Figure Skating

Club invites you to join us. Mark these dates!

Sat, Sept 7th, Look for us at the Golden City Days Parade

Tues, Sept 10th 6:30-7:30 Skate & Gear Swap / Registra-tion Rossland Arena Lounge.

Sept 9th 6-7pm Drop off skates and gear at the arena Thurs. Sept 19th 3-6 Late Registration & Bake Sale

Rossland Mtn. Market. Cansk-ate, Rising Stars & Starskate Programs (ages 3-18) run Oct 2nd-March 12th in Rossland Arena. For more info. contact Teri Mack [email protected]


TUPPERWARE BACK TO SCHOOL SALE! Saturday September 7, Sandman Inn 1944 Columbia Avenue, Cas-tlegar, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Great in-stock savings. Susan Wilson, Independent Tupper-ware Consultant (250) 226-7751, [email protected] or visit


The Trail Times is a member of the British

Columbia Press Council. The Press Council serves as a forum for unsatisfied reader complaints against

member newspapers.

Complaints must be filed within a 45 day time limit.

For information please go to the Press Council website at or telephone (toll free)




FOR INFORMATION,education, accommodation

and supportfor battered womenand their children

call WINS Transition House 250-364-1543

WANTED: a warm congenial soulmate. Should be literate, optimistic and loves to laugh. If this is you, drop me a line: Box 562, C/O Trail Times, 1163 Cedar, Trail, BC V1R 4B8




Van Kam’s Group of Compa-nies requires HighwayOwner Operators for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training.

We offer above average rates and an excellent

employee benefi ts package.To join our team of Profes-sional drivers, email a resume, current driver’s abstract & details of truck to:

[email protected] or call Bev at 604-968-5488

or Fax: 604-587-9889Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility.We thank everyone for ap-plying, however we will only contact candidates that interest us.


Education/Trade Schools


HOME JOBS • Huge Demand In Canada

• Employers Seek Out Canscribe Graduates

• Over 90% Graduate Employment Rate

[email protected]


Help Wanted

Colander Restaurant is now taking applications for

Prep Cook /Line Cook

Career training availableBring resume to

1475 Cedar Ave, TrailAn Alberta Oilfi eld Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing re-quired. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta.

GRAVEYARD F/T POSITION Opened for responsible adult. Apply with resume to manager @ Tim Horton’s, Trail, Tues-Sat. 9-5.

JANITOR, part time, evenings and weekends. Experience an asset.Must have own transpor-tation. Send resume to Trail Times Box 563

LITTLE SCHOLARS Chil-dren’s Village now hiring quali-fi ed ECE & Infant Toddler edu-cators. For more information


TRAIL TIMESExcellent ExerciseFun for All Ages

Call Today -Start Earning Money

TomorrowCirculation Department250-364-1413 Ext. 206For more Information


Financial ServicesGET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB.


Garden & Lawn

Siddall Drover Garden Business

Light Pruning • WeedingGarden Clean-Up

Design • Consultation



Household ServicesA-1 FURNACE & Air Duct Cleaning. Complete Fur-nace/Air Duct Systems cleaned & sterilized. Locally owned & operated. 1-800-565-0355 (Free estimates)

Pets & Livestock


small square$160/ton


Merchandise for Sale

Building SuppliesLOG HOME shell kit WRC 6X8 fl at 3 bdrm w/grge & curved glass sunroom, ready to ship, 604-856-9732

Food Products



Hormone FreeGrass Fed/Grain Finished$100 Packages Available

Quarters/Halves$2.60/lb Hanging WeightExtra Lean Hamburger


250-428-4316 Creston

Garage SalesE.TRAIL, 1144 2nd Ave. Sat. Aug.24th, 8:00am-1:00pm. An-tiques, vintage collectables & furniture; Freemason books & sashes; Pkt books and more. No Early Birds.FRUITVALE, 1758 1st St. Multi-family. Sat. Aug.24, 8:30am-3pm. Furniture, winter tires, car accessories & more.FRUITVALE, 2039 Caughlin Road, Sat. Aug.24, 8am-2pm.DOWNSIZING.GIANT SALE, all proceeds to be donated to area food banks.The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, La-burnum Road by the Police station. Sat.Aug.24, 8am-3pmROSSLAND, Sat 9am-Noon. Moving, Furniture, craft sup-plies. 2085A Monita St., Upper Rossland, off Columbia Ave., off Cliff St. - look for the signs. WEST TRAIL 1273 Birch Ave. Sat. Aug.24. 8am-noon

Heavy Duty Machinery


Used 20’40’45’53 in stock.SPECIAL

44’ x 40’ Container Shopw/steel trusses $13,800!

Sets up in one day!40’ Containers under $2500!

Call Toll Free AlsoJD 544 & 644 wheel loaders

JD 892D LC ExcavatorPh. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale12cu.ft. 2dr. fridge, electric 40gal hot water tank,$100./ea; 30” electric stove $50.; trailer leveling jacks; equalizer hitch & bars. 250-368-5749ADJUSTABLE ELECTRIC bed, similar to hospital bed. New mattress; bookcase; headboard. Good condition. $350. 250-364-1967 before 9pm

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837

In Memoriam

Cards of Thanks

In Memoriam

Cards of Thanks

Career Opportunities

Help Wanted

Career Opportunities

Help Wanted


fax 250.368.8550 email [email protected]

Your classifieds. Your community

The eyes have itFetch a Friend

from the SPCA today!

Place a classifi ed word ad and...


Page 17: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013

Trail Times Friday, August 23, 2013 A17

Wayne DeWitt ext 25Mario Berno ext 27Dawn Rosin ext 24

Tom Gawryletz ext 26Keith DeWitt ext 30

Thea Stayanovich ext 28Joy DeMelo ext 29

Denise Marchi ext 21

1148 Bay Ave, Trail 250.368.5000

All Pro Realty Ltd.




Warfi eld$187,500










Warfi eld








Warfi eld$275,000









East Trail$189,900


East Trail$259,500










Warfi eld$239,000














Columbia Heights$167,500






Sat, August 24 11am-1pm 965 Columbia Gardens Rd. Fruitvale




Sat, Aug. 24 1:30-3:30pm 2039 Coughlin Rd. Fruitvale











Call Today! 250-364-1413 ext 206

GenelleRoute 302 8 papers 12th & 15th AveRoute 303 15 papers 12th Ave, 2nd St, GrandviewRoute 304 13 papers 12th & 14th AveRoute 307 21 papers 16th & 17th Ave, Smith Cres, Tamara Cres

SunningdaleRoute 211 27 papers Hazelwood Dr, Oliva Cres, Viola Cres Route 218 10 papers Glen Dr, Hermia CresRoute 219 15 papers Hazelwood Dr

West TrailRoute 142 22 papers Railway Lane, Rossland AveRoute 149 7 papers Binns St, McAnally St, Kitchener Ave

WarfieldRoute 195 12 papers Blake Crt, Whitman WayRoute 202 14 papers Forrest Dr, Laurier DrRoute 208 12 papers Calder Rd, Schofield Hwy

MontroseRoute 342 8 papers 3rd St & 7th Ave Route 348 19 papers 12th Ave, Christie RdRoute 343 25 papers 8th, 9th & 10th AveRoute 340 28 papers 7th, 8th, & 10th StRoute 346 27 papers 8th, 9th & 10th Ave

RivervaleRoute 300 35 papers 1st, 2nd, 3rd Ave

FruitvaleRoute 365 23 papers Laurier Ave, Main StRoute 366 18 papers Beaver St, Maple AveRoute 375 12 papers Green Rd & Lodden RdRoute 378 22 papers Martin St, Old Salmo RdRoute 379 18 papers Cole St, Nelson AveRoute 380 23 papers Galloway Rd, Mill RdRoute 381 7 papers Coughlin RdRoute 382 7 papers Debruin Rd & Staats RdRoute 384 19 papers Cedar Ave, Kootenay


For all areas. Excellent exercise, fun for all ages.


West Kootenay AdvertiserALL AREAS ONE DAY A WEEK -

Merchandise for Sale

Misc. for SaleWINE PRESS, Crusher, 4 plastic barrels. $200. OBO. 250-368-3268

Misc. WantedGenuine Coin Collector BuyerCollections, Olympic Gold &Silver Coins etc 250-499-0251

Real Estate

For Sale By OwnerChristina Lake level entry3 bed, 3 bath House: full

daylight basement: .5 acre. Open concept, vaulted ceilings

country kitchen with pantryGarage, extra parking, easy access. Extras, quality, move

in ready. 250-365-5582



Above Kootenay Lake. 4km to Ashram, Marine, Golf Course, Riondel & beach. 2 3/4 acres & 2 storey unfi nished (but furnished) “Small is Beautiful” cabin. Good benches for building, one with lake view. In Aug, 12 appraised at $170,000 but older, fl exible vendor open to offers & might carry part of mortgage for suitable person or couple. For info & viewing please call:




To Rent or Buy for earliest Oct 1st or Nov 1st

Can accommodate date for the right place &

arrangement.Reasonable pricing for Sale. or can commit to Long term lease of 1 yr, 3-4 bedroom with yard & garden space. Upper Rossland preferred. We are a family with be-haved outdoor dog & cat. Professional couple with

steady income and children. Please call 250-362-7681

evenings & weekends. 250-231-2174 daytime. Monika



FREE Market EvaluationAir Miles/Moving Trailer

GREG GRITCHINCentury21Mountainview Realty


Revenue PropertyQUALIFIED BUYER looking to purchase Mobile Home Park. Must be in good state of repair. Reply @ [email protected] or leave message @ 250-777-3810


Rent To OwnSunningdale, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 5 appl, must be employed. For more info call Ron 250-505-3453

Apt/Condo for RentBella Vista, Shavers Bench Townhomes. N/S, N/P. 2-3 bdrms. Phone 250.364.1822Ermalinda Apartments, Glen-merry. Adults only. N/P, N/S. 1-2 bdrms. Ph. 250.364.1922E.TRAIL 1 Bdrm furnitured aptutil. incld. 250-364-1728

E.Trail small house 1bd. with parking. W.Trail 1bd. f/s, 250-368-3239Francesco Estates, Glenmer-ry. Adults only. N/P, N/S, 1-3 bdrms. Phone 250.368.6761.


Apt/Condo for RentGLENVIEW APTS. Large, Quiet 1bd. apt. available. 250-368-8391, 250-367-9456Montrose 3 brm, W/D, newly reno, must have ref. NS $800/month 250-231-6651ROSSLAND, 2bd. F/S, W/D. N/S, N/P. Covered carport. 250-362-9473ROSSLAND, Downtown, apt and rooms for rent, short-term/ long-term. 250-231-8015SUNNINGDALE, spacious, bright 1bd, perfect for couple/ senior, n/p,n/s. 778-515-1512 250-368-5695TRAIL, 2 Bdrm condo, eleva-tor, fridge, stove, laundry room, 1 parking stall, NS, NP $750 incl. elec. & heat 250-364-3978WARFIELD- Clean 1 bedroom apartment avail now, $550 utilities included 250-231-1242

WARFIELD 2bd condo totally renovated 250-362-7716W.TRAIL, basement suite, newly reno. $600./mo. incl.util. Avail. immed. 250-364-5678

Homes for Rent2 BDRM, detached garage, driveway, small fenced yard in lower Warfi eld. 5 appliances, gas fi replace, hardwood fl oors. Avail now 1-250-688-8835.

Castlegar furnished 3 Bdrm main fl oor, short term tenant

required, Sept to June, directly across from Community Complex, $1,195/mth includes utilities, 250-365-2839 or 365-3621

showing Aug 10th, 12 - 2E.TRAIL, 2+bdrm. house, no bsmt. Pets ok. $795./mo. Near Safeway. 250-368-6076.Small 1 bdrm cabin in Nelson

w/beautiful lake view, recent reno, new kitchen, windows etc... great for non smoking, mature single or couple with

no pets. $850/mo heat, power & water included. Avail Oct 1st

Phone 250-551-3336TOWNHOUSE Glenmerry, newly renovated, 3 bdrm,1.5 baths, 5 appl.N/S, N/P,$1000/month plus utilities, Avail Sept 1, 250-365-3401TRAIL, 2BD., newly renovat-ed. N/S, N/P. Avail. immed. 250-367-7558

Help Wanted Help Wanted


Homes for RentTRAIL, 3 bedroom 1 bath-room, minutes to Gyro Park and Columbia River. 4 appli-ances, fenced yard, covered patio, parking, NS, pet nego-tiable, $1,000. + utilities. 250-364-3978

TRAIL, 4 b/r home, 1 newly renovated bathrm, central A/C, f/s/w/d, ns np, full basement, rv carport, close to Aquatic Centre, 1534 4th Ave, $1200 + utilities. 250-364-3978

Trail, quiet adult building, walk to downtown , coin op laundry reno’d units, heat & hot water included. N/S Only. 1 bdrm avail. immediately $515. 2 bdrm avail. Aug 15th $595. 1 bdrm avail. Sept 1st $515 Call 250-226-6886

W.TRAIL, 3BD. fully furnished home, beautiful garden, $1,300./mo. 250-364-5678

Shared Accommodation

TRAIL, 1 Bdrm $395/month, near shopping & bus, seekingquiet person 250-368-6075


HOUSING CO-OP affordable clean 3 bedroom townhouse

with basements centrally located and close to

amenities, park like setting Applications forms at

#1,1692 Silverwood Crescent Castlegar, 250-365-2677

leave msg


Antiques / Classics1955 Dodge Royal Lancer4 dr sedan, good condition V8, red ram hemi motor

$7500, 250-365-5003







Call Dennis, Shawn or Paul 1-888-204-5355






• YO




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Cars - Sports & Imports

2006 Hyundai Elantra, auto in excellent condition, reg

maintenance, car proof available, $6,800 OBO Call 250-365-6243 please leave

msg & or email at [email protected]

Recreational/Sale1984 CLASS “A” Southwind Motorhome 454 engine, many extras, fi ne condition, re-markably well kept. $7,500. 250-367-7485

Castlegar 1976 two wheel Travelaire rebuilt with new

plumbing, fl ush toilet, battery & brake magnet

Call 250-304-2766

Boats19’ Campion SE Bowriderc/w trailer and many extras5L 1/0, less then 200 hourslike new - asking $17,500

OBO, Phone 250-365-5663email: [email protected]

Help Wanted

Houses For Sale Houses For Sale Houses For Sale


Page 18: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013

A18 Friday, August 23, 2013 Trail Times

1st Trail Real Estate

Jack McConnachie250-368-5222

Fred Behrens250-368-1268

Rob Burrus250-231-4420

Patty Leclerc-Zanet 250-231-4490

Rhonda van Tent250-231-7575

Nathan Kotyk250.231.9484

Marie Claude Germain250-512-1153

1252 Bay Avenue, Trail (250) 368-52221993 Columbia Ave, Rossland (250) 362-5200

917 7th St.Montrose$319,900

Stunning home set in the heart of Montrose close to all amenities, great neighborhood for family living All

new windows and doors. Interior and exterior all newly painted.  All new light fixtures and a nice sauna for an

added bonus. This home has been totally upgraded and is definitely worth a look for any serious buyer.

Fred Behrens 250-368-1268

MLS# 2216882

Trail $221,000Rhonda van Tent 250-231-7575

MLS# 2389162Christina Lake $1,250,000

Rob Burrus 250-231-4420

MLS# 2213216Renata $249,000

Rob Burrus 250-231-4420

MLS# 2215536Warfield $249,000

Rhonda van Tent 250-231-7575

MLS# 2389662Rossland $379,000

Rhonda van Tent 250-231-7575

MLS# 2391973Beaver Falls $299,500

Nathan Kotyk 250-231-9484

MLS# 2392333

Trail $179,900Patty Leclerc-Zanet 250-231-4490

MLS# 2390566



Rossland $339,900Marie Claude 250-512-1153

MLS# 2390923



Rossland $199,900Marie Claude 250-512-1153

MLS# 2392303

New Listing

Rossland $114,900Marie Claude 250-512-1153

MLS# 2392383Trail $109,900

Fred Behrens 250-368-1268

MLS# 2214582

Trail $149,900Nathan Kotyk 250-231-9484

MLS# 2391999Montrose $265,000

Patty Leclerc-Zanet 250-231-4490

MLS# 2390612Trail $249,900

Patty Leclerc-Zanet 250-231-4490

MLS# 2391504Trail $99,500

Nathan Kotyk 250-231-9484

MLS# 2218895

Renata $249,000 Rob Burrus 250-231-4420

MLS# 2215924

5 Acres

New Price

Trail $255,500Fred Behrens 250-368-1268

MLS# 2215314


OpportunityNew PriceNew Listing

New Listing 620ft.



A18 Friday, August 23, 2013 Trail Times

1st Trail Real Estate

Jack McConnachie250-368-5222

Fred Behrens250-368-1268

Rob Burrus250-231-4420

Patty Leclerc-Zanet 250-231-4490

Rhonda van Tent250-231-7575

Nathan Kotyk250.231.9484

Marie Claude Germain250-512-1153

1252 Bay Avenue, Trail (250) 368-52221993 Columbia Ave, Rossland (250) 362-5200

917 7th St.Montrose$319,900

Stunning home set in the heart of Montrose close to all amenities, great neighborhood for family living All

new windows and doors. Interior and exterior all newly painted.  All new light fixtures and a nice sauna for an

added bonus. This home has been totally upgraded and is definitely worth a look for any serious buyer.

Fred Behrens 250-368-1268

MLS# 2216882

Trail $221,000Rhonda van Tent 250-231-7575

MLS# 2389162Christina Lake $1,250,000

Rob Burrus 250-231-4420

MLS# 2213216Renata $249,000

Rob Burrus 250-231-4420

MLS# 2215536Warfield $249,000

Rhonda van Tent 250-231-7575

MLS# 2389662Rossland $379,000

Rhonda van Tent 250-231-7575

MLS# 2391973Beaver Falls $299,500

Nathan Kotyk 250-231-9484

MLS# 2392333

Trail $179,900Patty Leclerc-Zanet 250-231-4490

MLS# 2390566



Rossland $339,900Marie Claude 250-512-1153

MLS# 2390923



Rossland $199,900Marie Claude 250-512-1153

MLS# 2392303

New Listing

Rossland $114,900Marie Claude 250-512-1153

MLS# 2392383Trail $109,900

Fred Behrens 250-368-1268

MLS# 2214582

Trail $149,900Nathan Kotyk 250-231-9484

MLS# 2391999Montrose $265,000

Patty Leclerc-Zanet 250-231-4490

MLS# 2390612Trail $249,900

Patty Leclerc-Zanet 250-231-4490

MLS# 2391504Trail $99,500

Nathan Kotyk 250-231-9484

MLS# 2218895

Renata $249,000 Rob Burrus 250-231-4420

MLS# 2215924

5 Acres

New Price

Trail $255,500Fred Behrens 250-368-1268

MLS# 2215314


OpportunityNew PriceNew Listing

New Listing 620ft.





Various routes availableCall Michelle

to get your route today!250-368-8551 ext 206


is looking for full time and substitute paper carriers!Deliver the Trail Times

four days a week, or the Advertiser one day a week, or both to

make additional cash!


Got a friend who wants a route? Bring them in for a $20 bonus. Ask for details!

Page 19: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013

Trail Times Friday, August 23, 2013 A19R

















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Page 20: Trail Daily Times, August 23, 2013

A20 Friday, August 23, 2013 Trail Times

For additional information

and photos on all of our listings,


KOOTENAY HOMES INC.1358 Cedar Avenue, Trail 250.368.8818

The Local Experts™

Tonnie Stewart ext 33Cell: [email protected]

Deanne Lockhart ext 41Cell: [email protected]

Mark Wilson ext 30Cell: [email protected]

Mary Martin ext 28Cell: [email protected]

Richard Daoust ext 24Cell: [email protected]

Ron Allibone ext 45Cell: [email protected]

Terry Alton ext 48Cell: [email protected]

Christine Albo ext 39Cell: [email protected]

Art Forrest ext [email protected]

Darlene Abenante ext 23Cell: [email protected]

WE CAN SELL YOUR HOME. NOBODY HAS THE RESOURCES WE DO! Jodi Beamish ext 51Cell: [email protected]

650 9th Avenue, Montrose $295,000

Take advantage of this fully fenced, fl at lot, insulated and powered shop,

covered and open decks, 3 bdrm + den, 2 bath unfi nished basement. The benefi t of a NEW HOUSE with NO GST! Quick

possession available! Call Tonnie (250) 365-9665



840 Forrest Drive, Warfi eld $285,000

5 beds, 2.5 baths. This home is sure to please with its great Warfi eld location and beautiful fenced yard with a deck. Features a large two car car-port and

daylight basement with plenty of space for your family.

Call Jodi 250-231-2331



1922 Meadowlark Drive, Fruitvale

$279,9005 bdrms & 2.5 baths. This wonderful family home features many recent upgrades. The large back deck is great for entertaining right off the

newly updated kitchen. Family friendly neighborhood and just minutes to

downtown Fruitvale.Call Jodi 250-231-2331


#78, 500 16th Ave, Genelle $19,900

Affordable living in peaceful Genelle. 2 bed room 1 bath home with good fl oor plan, and parking. Enjoy the beautiful Columbia River right nearby! Call your

REALTOR(R) now before it’s gone.Call Deanne (250) 231-0153


1739 First Street, Fruitvale $239,000

This spacious family home has excellent fl ow and a convenient location close to all amenities. Enjoy the large foyer,

master bed with full ensuite, 3 bdrms on the main, large windows, huge family room and covered parking for 2 cars. This is and excellent value! Call your

REALTOR® now for your private viewing! Call Deanne (250) 231-0153

Thinking of

moving? Call me

for a FREE market

evaluation today!Call Art

(250) 368-8818

1223 Primrose Street, Trail $225,000EXCELLENT

TOWNHOUSE - end unit - Double

Carport - Fantastic Solarium- this

home has many upgrades - newer

roof, hot water tank, carport 5 years young-fenced &

private back yard u/g sprinklers- this home needs to be seen. Book your

viewing.Call Mark

(250) 231-5591


With 3 fl exible options available:• 2 separate garages with a large 29 x 12 workshop

• Single garage and a large rec room with 4 piece bath and room for a man/woman cave

• Single garage with added full 1 bdrm suite* * Additional cost of $13,000 for this option

Home also includes: • 1,590 sq. ft. of tastefully finished living space

• Wide open kitchen, dining, living space• Master bedroom with walk-in-closet and 5 piece ensuite

• 2 spacious bedrooms with 4 piece bath on 2nd floor• Spacious covered deck

Construction starts September 2013!!

Ron & Darlene Your Local Home Team

OPEN HOUSESaturday, August 23 12-2pm

635 10th Avenue, Montrose $314,500

Dive into this deal. Fabulous 4 bedroom 2.5 bath family home in mint condition. Forget the travelling to the lake – your

back yard is an oasis. Stunning in ground pool, patio, and deck.

1969 Old Salmo Road, Fruitvale$498,500

3.16 acres inside the village with a sensational 4 bedroom 3 bathroom

home. Completely fenced and landscaped backyard ready to host

all your family activities. 3 bay garage plus large shop. Fantastic fl oor plan.

Unsurpassed quality.

Ron 368-1162 Darlene 231-0527

Commercial Opportunities


441 Whitman Way, Warfi eld $575,000

This Emerald Ridge home is beautifully planned and fi nished. The home offers a great fl oor plan, deluxe kitchen and fabulous hobby room. There is lots of custom woodwork and you will surely appreciate the high quality fi nishings.

You must see this home to appreciate all it has to offer! Call now.

Call Mary M (250) 231-0264

2302 Happy Valley Rd, Rossland $999,000

Stunning home and property! Located on over 6 acres of prime land, this

meticulously designed and built home offers mature landscaping, open, sunny fl oor plan and views from every window.

Inground swimming pool, 6 stall barn, the list goes on. Call today!

Call Mary M (250) 231-0264


1602 Kootenay Avenue, Rossland

$249,000If you are looking for space, this is it!

3 bdrms, 2 baths situated on a 60x100 corner lot. Home offers a covered deck,

single car garage, bamboo fl oors, massive mud room for all your toys and

a large basement space for storage. Nothing to do but move in! Call your REALTOR® today.

Call Christine (250) 512-7653


1317 Columbia Ave, Trail $149,000

This little 3 bdrm home has great hardwood stairs, wood doors and the hardware and trim are original. The

location can’t be beat. Features include large rec room, laundry room and another bonus room that could act as a 4th bdrm. There is a covered patio at the back and

tons of off alley parking.Call Christine (250) 512-7653

9340 Station Road, Trail$999,000

83 Walnut Avenue, Fruitvale

$340,000Ultimate family home with large yard

and covered deck. Home has new roof, windows, doors, fl ooring and bathroom.

Call today for your personal viewing!Call Terry 250-231-1101


1932 2nd Avenue, Trail$105,000

Call Tonnie (250) 365-9665

948 Glover Road, Trail$99,000

Redstone Introduces The Newest Design... “The Craftsman”


#4 - 4430 Red Mountain Road, Rossland

$239,000Call Bill (250) 231-2710