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Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2013 - Main Figures

Urban areas

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2016

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In 2014, about 26.000 people were killed in road accidents throughout the EU, 9.923 of whom were killed in accidents on urban roads in the EU. This is 38% of all road accident fatalities in 2014. Since 2005, urban road fatalities were reduced by more than two fifths (42%): Table 1 presents the number of fatalities in accidents on urban roads by country from 2005 to 2014.

Table 1: Urban road fatalities by country by year, 2005-2014 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

BE 255 265 275 274 257 246 281 213 179 188

BG - - - 447 312 - - - - -

CZ 503 427 442 444 329 291 280 265 241 234

DK 95 101 129 129 92 78 69 59 59 46

DE 1.471 1.384 1.335 1.261 1.225 1.011 1.115 1.062 977 983

EE 46 46 63 41 19 14 25 - - 22

IE 80 62 77 62 56 45 38 36 35 -

EL 758 774 724 744 646 593 559 499 464 401

ES 790 736 740 634 584 550 457 461 450 441

FR 1.664 1.346 1.359 1.235 1.252 1.133 1.096 1.027 932 993

HR - - 328 414 316 265 252 230 213 191

IT 2.588 2.494 2.269 2.070 1.892 1.782 1.744 1.602 1.428 1.505

CY 61 53 49 57 42 42 40 31 30 34

LV 125 148 165 97 68 78 53 53 53 69

LT - - - - - - - - - -

LU 13 8 9 9 10 3 7 7 15 9

HU 502 508 505 419 301 272 234 210 232 237

MT 17 11 12 9 15 13 - - - -

NL 254 283 270 243 227 199 233 208 201 158

AT 202 200 173 189 173 141 139 151 115 123

PL 2.495 2.349 2.549 2.499 2.171 1.813 1.959 1.652 1.581 1.466

PT 537 448 389 417 386 484 487 397 352 347

RO 1.895 1.638 1.780 1.922 1.756 1.493 1.271 1.246 1.160 1.146

SI 81 92 94 73 64 60 47 42 53 -

SK 277 291 298 280 176 157 - - 157 -

FI 101 93 81 108 76 63 74 56 57 62

SE 110 106 127 99 89 67 80 87 55 67

UK 1.302 1.326 1.178 1.087 1.000 597 645 632 553 631

EU 16.997 15.964 15.867 15.263 13.535 11.802 11.667 10.733 9.939 9.923

Yearly Change

-6,1% -0,6% -3,8% -11,3% -12,8% -1,1% -8,0% -7,4% -0,2%

IS 3 10 1 5 5 4 3 2 4 0

NO 0 0 0 0 54 34 41 0 31 30

CH 137 124 141 135 137 114 133 125 113 93

Source: CARE database, data available in May 2016 Totals for EU include latest available data (Lithuanian data not included in totals)

Fatalities on urban roads

were reduced by 42% between 2005 and 2014.

In 2014, about 9.900 people died in accidents on

urban roads in the EU. This corresponds to 38% of all

road fatalities.

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Figure 1 shows the total number of fatalities within urban areas for the years 2005 to 2014, and the proportion of all fatalities that occurred within urban areas. Although the number of fatalities within urban areas has fallen, the proportion has slightly increased.

Figure 1: Number of urban road fatalities and percentage of all road fatalities, 2005-2014

Source: CARE database, data available in May 2016

The number of fatalities in urban road accidents has

fallen since 2005. The percentage of all fatalities that occurred within urban

areas, however, has increased slightly to 38%.

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In order to compare the urban fatality data of the different countries, the respective population size has been taken into account (Table 2).

Table 2: Urban road fatalities per million population by country, 2014 or latest available year

Urban road fatalities

Population [million]

Urban road fatalities by million inhabitants

BE 188 11,2 17

BG 312 7,7 41

CZ 234 10,5 22

DK 46 5,6 8

DE 983 82,5 12

EE 22 1,4 16

IE 35 4,6 8

EL 401 11,1 36

ES 441 46,8 9

FR 993 63,9 16

HR 191 4,3 44

IT 1.505 60,8 25

CY 34 0,9 39

LV 69 2,2 31

LT - - -

LU 9 0,5 16

HU 237 10,1 23

MT 13 0,4 31

NL 158 16,8 9

AT 123 8,5 14

PL 1.466 38,2 38

PT 347 10,6 33

RO 1.146 21,4 54

SI 53 2,1 26

SK 157 5,4 29

FI 62 5,5 11

SE 67 9,6 7

UK 631 64,3 10

EU 9.923 510 19

IS 0 0,3 -

NO 30 5,1 6

CH 93 8,1 11

Sources: CARE database (EUROSTAT for population data), data available in May 2016

The rate of urban road accident fatalities per million population was eight times higher in Romania than in


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In 2014, on average in the EU, 19 persons per million population died in urban road accidents. In Romania, this rate was eight times higher (54) than the Swedish rate of 7 (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Urban road fatalities per million population by country in the EU, 2014

Source: CARE database (EUROSTAT for population data), data available in May 2016

The rate of urban road accident fatalities per million

population was below average in most north and

western EU countries.

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The proportion of the total number of fatalities in 2014 that occurred within urban areas is shown for each EU country in Table 3 and Figure 3. This proportion varies from 18% in Ireland to 76% in Cyprus. Greece, Croatia, Portugal, Romania and Slovakia also show a proportion of urban road fatalities of more than 50%.

Table 3 Urban road fatalities as a percentage of total fatalities by country, 2014 or latest available year

Urban road fatalities Total fatalities Ratio

BE 188 727 26% BG 312 901 35% CZ 234 688 34% DK 46 182 25% DE 983 3.377 29% EE 22 78 28% IE 35 188 19% EL 401 795 50% ES 441 1.688 26% FR 993 3.384 29% HR 191 308 62% IT 1.505 3.381 45% CY 34 45 76% LV 69 212 33% LT - - - LU 9 35 26% HU 237 626 38% MT 13 13 100% NL 158 476 33% AT 123 430 29% PL 1.466 3.202 46% PT 347 638 54% RO 1.146 1.818 63% SI 53 125 42% SK 157 321 49%

FI 62 229 27%

SE 67 270 25% UK 631 1854 34%

EU 9.923 25.991 38%

NO 30 147 16%

CH 93 243 35% Source: CARE database , data available in May 2016

From all the EU countries, Ireland, Denmark and

Sweden had the lowest proportion of urban road

fatalities with respect to the total number of fatalities

(below 25%).

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Figure 3: Urban road fatalities as a percentage of total fatalities by country, 2014 or latest available year

Source: CARE database, data available in May 2016

In Romania 63% of fatalities took place inside urban


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Age and gender

The percentage of the elderly fatalities in road accidents in 2014 was much higher inside urban areas than outside, as shown in Figure 4. A possible explanation may be that trips made by the elderly are usually short and mostly done as pedestrians, and because they do not often travel outside urban areas. This trend is inverted for the age groups between 18 and 49 where the percentage of fatalities is clearly higher outside urban areas.

Figure 4: Inside/outside urban area fatality percentage by age group in the EU, 2014

Source: CARE database, data available in May 2016

Figure 5a compares the proportion of fatalities by gender in urban and rural areas. A higher proportion of females died in urban areas compared to rural areas. Cyprus, Portugal, Greece, Italy, are the countries with the lowest percentage of female urban road fatalities (see Figure 5b).

Figure 5a: Share of gender for urban and rural fatalities in the EU, 2014

Source: CARE database, data available in May 2016

The proportion of elderly fatalities (65+ years) was much higher inside urban

areas than outside.

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Figure 5b: Distribution of urban fatalities by gender and country in the EU, 2014

Source: CARE database, data available in May 2016

Of all EU countries, Estonia had the highest percentage

of female urban road fatalities.

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Road user type and transport mode

Table 4 shows the distribution of the fatalities by type of road user inside and outside urban areas in 2014. Inside urban areas, 50% of the fatalities were drivers and 39% were pedestrians. Outside urban areas, these percentages were 69% for the drivers and under 11% for pedestrians.

Table 4: Inside/outside urban area fatalities by road user type and country, 2014 or latest available year

Inside urban area Outside urban area

Driver Passen

-ger Pedes-trian

Total Driver Passen-

ger Pedes-trian


BE 60% 9% 31% 188 77% 16% 7% 358

BG 38% 19% 43% 312 54% 35% 11% 589

CZ 54% 10% 36% 234 72% 19% 10% 454

DK 65% 9% 26% 46 73% 20% 7% 136

DE 56% 6% 38% 983 78% 15% 7% 2.394

EE 38% 5% 57% 21 61% 13% 26% 54

IE 51% 14% 34% 35 69% 18% 12% 153

EL 65% 12% 23% 401 71% 21% 8% 394

ES 47% 7% 46% 441 67% 22% 11% 1.247

FR 56% 10% 34% 993 76% 18% 7% 2.391

HR 59% 12% 29% 191 62% 24% 15% 117

IT 59% 10% 31% 1.505 75% 19% 6% 1.876

CY 61% 15% 24% 33 64% 18% 18% 11

LV 33% 25% 42% 69 43% 27% 30% 128

LT - - - - - - 0

LU 67% 11% 22% 9 81% 15% 4% 26

HU 55% 12% 33% 237 59% 22% 19% 389

MT 54% 31% 15% 13 - - - 0

NL 80% 4% 16% 158 80% 12% 9% 256

AT 67% 4% 29% 123 76% 13% 11% 307

PL 39% 10% 50% 1.466 56% 22% 22% 1.736

PT 56% 11% 33% 347 69% 20% 10% 291

RO 34% 17% 50% 1.146 46% 35% 19% 672

SI 70% 6% 25% 53 71% 19% 10% 72

SK 48% 13% 39% 157 65% 23% 12% 164

FI 61% 6% 32% 62 74% 17% 10% 167

SE 55% 3% 42% 67 69% 20% 11% 186

UK 43% 11% 46% 631 70% 17% 14% 1.144

EU 50% 11% 39% 9.921 69% 20% 11% 15.712

IS 0% 0% 0% 0 50% 50% 0% 4

NO 47% 7% 47% 30 75% 21% 3% 117

CH 61% 3% 35% 93 75% 19% 7% 150

Source: CARE database, data available in May 2016

Inside urban areas, 39% of the fatalities were

pedestrians compared to 11% outside urban areas.

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Map 1: Distribution of urban road fatalities by country and road user type, 2014 or latest available year

Map 1 shows the urban fatalities by type of road user in the EU countries. Estonia had the highest percentage of pedestrians fatalities compared to the EU average; in contrast, the Netherlands had the lowest.

In Estonia, 57% of the urban road fatalities are pedestrians; in the

Netherlands only 16%.

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Table 5 shows that in the EU countries, more fatalities were recorded at urban junctions than at non-urban junctions.

Table 5: Total number and distribution of road fatalities by country, area type and “junction”, 2014 or latest available year

Inside urban area Outside urban area

Junction No

junction Unknown Total Junction

No junction

Unknown Total

BE 19% 76% 6% 188 16% 83% 2% 360

BG 21% 79% 0% 312 9% 91% 0% 589

CZ 35% 65% 0% 234 14% 86% 0% 454

DK 35% 65% 0% 46 23% 77% 0% 136

DE 0% 61% 39% 983 0% 84% 16% 2394

EE 27% 73% 0% 22 13% 88% 0% 56

IE 23% 0% 77% 35 21% 0% 79% 153

EL 0% 88% 12% 401 0% 98% 2% 394

ES 35% 65% 0% 441 16% 84% 0% 1.247

FR 24% 76% 0% 993 10% 90% 0% 2.391

HR 19% 81% 0% 191 15% 82% 3% 117

IT 32% 68% 0% 1.505 19% 81% 0% 1.876

CY 29% 71% 0% 34 45% 55% 0% 11

LV 20% 80% 0% 69 7% 93% 0% 128

LT - - - - - - - -

LU 44% 56% 0% 9 4% 96% 0% 26

HU 27% 73% 0% 237 10% 90% 0% 389

MT - - - 13 - - - -

NL 47% 53% 0% 158 25% 75% 0% 260

AT 32% 68% 0% 123 13% 87% 0% 307

PL 24% 76% 0% 1.466 10% 90% 0% 1.736

PT 24% 75% 1% 347 9% 90% 1% 291

RO 11% 89% 0% 1.146 7% 93% 0% 672

SI 19% 81% 0% 53 7% 93% 0% 72

SK 0% 0% 100% 157 0% 0% 100% 164

FI 6% 73% 21% 62 1% 90% 10% 167

SE 0% 0% 100% 67 0% 0% 100% 186

UK 56% 44% 0% 631 23% 77% 0% 1.144

EU 23% 70% 7% 9.923 11% 83% 6% 15.720

IS 0% 29% 71% 119 0% 63% 37% 223

NO 100% 0% 0% 165 100% 0% 0% 152

CH 52% 48% 0% 358 40% 60% 0% 520

Source: CARE database, data available in May 2016

Inside urban areas, Romania had the lowest percentage of junction fatalities (11%), whereas more than half of urban fatalities in the United Kingdom occurred at junctions.

The proportion of fatalities at junctions inside urban areas is double the proportion of

fatalities at junctions outside urban areas.

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Figure 6: Urban fatalities in junction/no junction by country in the EU, 2014

Source: CARE database, data available in May 2016

Day of the week

The distribution of the fatalities inside and outside urban areas by day of the week is shown in Figure 7. On working days, the percentage of fatalities is slightly higher inside urban areas than outside urban areas, while the reverse is true during the weekend.

Figure 7: Distribution of fatalities by day of week inside and outside urban areas in the EU, 2014

Source: CARE database, data available in May 2016

In the United Kingdom more than half of urban fatalities

occurred at junctions.

During the weekends, the percentage of fatalities

outside urban areas increases.

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Figure 8a shows the comparison of fatalities per month inside and outside urban areas. The number of fatalities per month has a similar pattern inside and outside urban areas, except during the summer months, when there is peak of fatalities outside urban areas. Figure 8b shows the share of fatalities that occurred inside and outside urban areas per month.

Figure 8a2: Inside/outside urban area fatalities by month in the EU, 2014

Source: CARE database, data available in May 2016

Figure 8b: Share of inside/outside urban area fatalities by month in the EU, 2014

Source: CARE database, data available in May 2016

There is peak of fatalities outside urban areas during the summer holiday period.

The proportion of fatalities in urban areas shows a faint

annual pattern, with a low in February.

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1. Country abbreviations

Belgium BE Italy IT Romania RO

Bulgaria BG Cyprus CY Slovenia SI

Czech Republic CZ Latvia LV Slovakia SK

Denmark DK Lithuania LT Finland FI

Germany DE Luxembourg LU Sweden SE

Estonia EE Hungary HU United Kingdom UK

Ireland IE Malta MT

Greece EL Netherlands NL Iceland IS

Spain ES Austria AT Liechtenstein LI

France FR Poland PL Norway NO

Croatia HR Portugal PT Switzerland CH

2. Sources: CARE (Community database on road accidents) The full glossary of definitions of variables used in this Report is available at: 3. Data available in May 2016. 4. Data refer to 2014 and when not available the latest available data are used (2009 data for BG and EE, 2010 data for MT, and 2013 data for IE, SI and SK). Totals and related average percentages for EU also include latest available data. 5. Lithuanian data not included in the totals. 6. This 2016 edition of Traffic Safety Basic Facts updates the previous versions produced within the EU co-funded research projects SafetyNet and DaCoTA. 7. Disclaimer This report has been produced by the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), the Austrian Road Safety Board (KFV) and the European Union Road Federation (ERF) under a contract with the European Commission. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the matter presented in this report is relevant, accurate and up-to-date, the Partners cannot accept any liability for any error or omission, or reliance on part or all of the content in another context. Any information and views set out in this report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Commission. The Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this study. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on the Commission’s behalf may be held responsible for the use that may be made of the information contained therein. 8. Please refer to this Report as follows: European Commission, Traffic Safety Basic Facts on Urban Areas, European Commission, Directorate General for Transport, June 2016.

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