traffic jam- main report prepared by the student of iubat


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Page 1: Traffic Jam- Main Report prepared by the student of IUBAT
Page 2: Traffic Jam- Main Report prepared by the student of IUBAT





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“Dhaka city situation is more alarming mainly due to vehicular movement and traffic jam. There

are different types of vehicular namely, car, bus, jeep, truck, minibus, microbus, auto-rickshaw,

tempo, mini-truck, motorcycles and innumerable numbers of rickshaws. Many of the vehicles

that ply on Dhaka's streets daily are faulty and emit black smoke in excess of the prescribed

limit. Black smoke is primary unburning carbon that is agglomerated into small particles caused

by over-load and faulty engine condition of vehicles.

Among others, notable causes of traffic jam include violation of traffic rules, deplorable road

condition, and random stoppage of vehicles, unauthorized parking and use of footpath illegally.

Moreover, for growing urbanization and affluence, the number of vehicles is also rising,

contributing to more and more traffic jams. Narrow roads and congestion are aggravating the

situation further. To quote AKM Shahidul Haque, Dhaka Metropolitan Police Commissioner that

one of the main reasons of traffic-jam is due to unauthorized parking of vehicles here and


It is learnt that registered number of rickshaws available in Dhaka city is around 86,000 but

actual number of the rickshaws is likely to be many times more having no registration. This

poses serious threat in the traffic system of Dhaka city.

There are three bus terminals in the city. These are: Mohakhali, Gabtoli and Sayedabad. There

is a bus stand at Phulbaria, Gulistan. There are innumerable numbers of ticket counters

adjacent to main traffic points. The worst traffic-vulnerable points include, among others,

Jatrabari, Hatkhola, Shapla Chattar, Gulistan, Dainik Bangla, Paltan, New Market, Science

Laboratory area, Shahbag, Bangla Motor, Sonargaon-crossing, Panthopath, Farmgate, Manik

Mia Avenue, Asadgate, Shyamoli, Kallyanpur, Gabtoli, Mirpur-Goolchakkar, Mohakhali,

Khilgaon, Banani, Mouchak, Kakrail and Malibagh. Now-a-days residential areas are also

experiencing heavy traffic-jam. The areas include Dhanmondi, Banani, Gulshan, Uttara and

other prime residential locations. This is due to establishment of many schools, colleges, private

universities, Hospital and other educational institutions in those areas. Moreover, many offices,

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particularly private-owned offices and factories, are also located in the residential areas

resulting in heavy traffic-jam. Anybody crossing the areas can easily visualize the situation is

grave as students with their guardians are waiting and waiting to reach destinations and others

going to their work places.

Everyday work-hours are unnecessarily wasted due to traffic jam. It has a great economic

impact on production and thus on our economy. Traffic-jam causes untold sufferings to the

people going to offices and various destinations.

Traffic-jam causes air pollution which affects the respiratory tract, causes irritation, headache,

fatigue, asthma, high blood pressure, heart diseases and cancer. Experts say if this trend

continues unabated, most residents of the metropolis would become exposed to the risk of

those ailments and different other health hazards and complications. The development of

mental power of children would be damaged by lead pollution that could also affect the central

nervous system and causes of renal damage and hypertension. The massive traffic congestion is

taking its toll on human health, economy, and environment.

The traffic problem of Dhaka is hindering the growth of this city and, at large, Bangladesh both.

On every intersection the drivers become quite unruly. A first time visitor may think that people

here are the most wild who have no respect for law of the land. This is indeed a serious matter.

Behavioral scientists have long since done experiments to show that even insects demonstrate

aggressive behavior when they are placed in a crowded situation. Therefore, it comes as no

surprise to see that Dhaka's pedestrians, the rickshaw pullers, baby taxi drivers, vanwallahs, and

bus and truck drivers all vie for tiny spaces with noticeable aggression and utter disregard for

others' right of way. This obviously creates serious problems such as unnecessary traffic holdup

and some unhappy incidents. Serious vehicular-related accidents are growing at an accelerated

rate for growing traffic problem.

By any calculation, if we note, Dhaka is not a city of vast areas. The width (east-west direction)

is few kilometers. The city could have moved only in the North-South direction. This imposes a

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serious restriction on the availability of land. But this severe paucity of land had hardly

diminished the growth rate of this city. Any legitimate city planner worth his merits would not

recommend the city of Dhaka for people over 1-2 million. The ever-growing population had

easily exceeded this capacity by 10 to 15 times already. And there is no sign that the population

growth in this city is being reduced. The present traffic system of Dhaka, which is hardly

adequate for moving vehicles for 1-2 million people, will virtually collapse when the population

of this mega polis will increase further. It is hoped that urban planners of Dhaka are doing their

clearheaded thinking right now or else the system will collapse right before their eyes.” (Jabbar)

Traffic situation across the capital keeps worsening every day much to the plight of city

residents while the authorities sit on various projects to improve the city's infrastructure. The

capital experiences gridlock before 9:00am on almost every working day in most parts of the

city, causing untold sufferings to hundreds of commuters. (Huq)

The traffic congestion of the city of Dhaka has already gone beyond the forbearance of the city

dwellers. It is getting acute day by day. Its solution calls for both short term and long term

measures. In order to implement the long term policy it questions our affordability. So, let us

think of short term policy first and side by side long term step to be thought of and let it

happen gradually.

25 percent place should be for the movement and parking of vehicles in a city whereas Dhaka

city has only 7 percent such place invoking a natural cause for being traffic jam. It is very

practical that we don't have sufficient place for allowing the vehicles freely. Necessarily there

will be some jam. But in absence of broad road and passages, some other alternative means

was supposed to be devised to ease the jam but that was not done.

In Dhaka city vehicles ply on 129 routes. DMP is planning to limit it within 40 routs. 20 for city

and another 20 for the vehicles coming and going from and to the suburbs or for the vehicles of

adjoining towns such as Gazipur, Narayangonj, Manikgonj and Munshigonj. Fixed number of

vehicles will ply on particular streets. That's good but the number of vehicles already proves

much lower than the number of population in the city of Dhaka. We don't need to go far to

seek this truth. During office going and coming time, hundreds and thousands of passengers

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keep stranded in numerous spots of the city .Dhaka city has eighty-five thousand legal

rickshaws whereas it has more than six lakh rickshaws. It is learnt that more one lakh is going to

join them before the Eid. Still it becomes awfully difficult to get a rickshaw during office going

and coming time. Rickshaw pullers don't want to go to the passengers' expected places. They

just wait in particular places to move to some particulars areas causing traffic jam as well as

tremendous problems to the passengers. Law must be enacted to enhance the facilities of the

passengers as well as to lessen the knot of traffic jam. Law must be mostly in favors of the

passengers. If a rickshaw remains vacant and it must go to any passenger's desired destination.

It will lessen the passenger's problem and decrease the jam.

In all the busy points there must be foot over bridges and no pedestrians will be allowed to

cross the roads where foot over bridges are constructed. All the news media, police, schools,

market, garment workers all will get the message and briefing from their attached and

concerned authorities to use foot over bridge. Many busy points of the city don't have foot over

bridges. Pedestrians are to cross the road every minute making the processions of vehicles

stopped and stranded. Its effect spreads several miles. Again, there are many over bridges

which are not used by the pedestrians because of habit, lack of awareness and law

enforcement. From now on it must be made compulsory to use foot over bridges and the

remaining crowd and busy point must see the immediate construction of foot over bridges.

The roads which see both mechanized and non-mechanized vehicles use must make exclusive

space for non-mechanized vehicles. It will ensure both easy and quick passage and movement

of mechanized vehicles. Again, the accentual casualties will get lessened. Now what happens,

the non-mechanized vehicles and mechanized ones go side by side causing the disturb to one

another and one can move freely. A little touch or hassle invites serious hassle, crowd and

chaos causing serious traffic jam. So, these roads must be separated by railings so that both

rickshaws and buses and cars can move according to their own speed.

All kinds of vehicles become seriously scarce during office hour and after the breakup of the

offices. The number of vehicles and their capacity prove far less than the existing population of

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Dhaka city. Commuters not only fail their appointment but also wait for long to have a

transport. To avail even a rickshaw a commuter is to wait a lot and bargain with many rickshaw

pullers. In case of CNG and taxi cab the situation stand far worse. In this situation, lessening the

number of vehicles from the city roads will in no way ease the problem of the city dwellers.

Rather it will invite several new problems including the existing ones. Rather law should be

strictly enforced that rickshaws, CNGs and taxi-cabs must move according to the commuter's

desire. Traffic police and sergeants must take extra care for it and take necessary steps to

implement it. No CNG; no rickshaw will be allowed to wait in a particular place for long. This

situation goes on in big cities like London and Beijing. No taxi cab stand in a particular place for

long. Fair should be fixed by the authorities concerned which will be displayed in all the possible

and available ways and venues so that all sorts of people can learn it very easily. There will be

no haggling and bargaining with the CNG, taxi drivers and rickshaw pullers. Barging with them

and their desire not to go without their chosen places cause serious traffic jam and untold

miseries to millions of commuters.

Many buses with many stations should be introduced. It will lessen people's dependence on

rickshaws and other small and private vehicles. Private vehicles and rickshaws kill much of our

limited space of the city. If big and luxurious buses can be introduced, the intensity of traffic

jam must be thinner and the people will lose interest in rickshaws because of comfort and


All the schools and colleges will have to introduce their own transports for their students. When

many students go to schools and colleges by personal transport and rickshaws, a serious traffic

jam occurs around the institutions and its impact influences the adjoining areas of the

institutions. Till all the institutions fails manage to manage it, School timing should be changed

with the office timing. No rickshaw, CNG, taxi will say 'no' to any student. They must take the

students to any school. It is a serious problem I see everyday hundreds of guardians stand

beside the road with their kids to request the rickshaws and CNGs with much tension as school

gates will be closed. During the examinations the situation goes further worse. The authorities

must give a serious thought to this point.

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To implement these points and things, we do not need extra expenditure but some concerted


For the last several years Dhaka city has experienced some good city bus service with ticket

counters stationed in various spots of the city. It's far better than picking up passengers

whenever and wherever they like. Passengers enjoy this facility very much and have lessened

the burden and dependence of rickshaws. But some peculiar things sometimes happen. To ease

the traffic jam, traffic police sometimes removes these bus counters on the plea that they cause

problems to the pedestrians and traffic jam. Actually, these ticket counters offer much civic

facilities to the city dwellers. Ticket counters because a little bit problems to the pedestrians,

it's true but its return is greater than this little problem. So, these counters should not be

abolished under any false pretext. This kind of bus service makes the people civic and

disciplined. This culture has been imported from western countries just several years back. We

must extend this facility throughout the city.

Every year traffic jam claims national loss amounting to 15000 taka and 4000 happen every

year. In order to find their real solution, both long term and short term measures must be

taken. But long term strategy will claim a huge expenditure which becomes really beyond our

means. But short term could be implemented employing much less expenditure and effort. Let

us try to implement the suggested measures through our concerted efforts. (Billah)

“Reasons behind traffic jam City lay-out (master plan) and over-population: The causes of

traffic congestion in Dhaka city are multifarious. Starting from the city itself, it is observed that

the skeleton, structure and lay-out of Dhaka City are not well-planned and well-directed. Dhaka

is also a highly populated city. More than one crore people live here and the figure is increasing

day by day. This huge population acts as an auto-catalyst of traffic congestion in Dhaka City.

Inadequate and unplanned roads: Dhaka City has very inadequate road networks. For a

standard city, where the minimum road requirement is 25%, Dhaka has only 7.5% road of its

total area. 30% of this 7.5% road is also occupied by the hawkers, salesman and shopkeepers. A

significant portion is occupied by construction materials and waste-containers of the City

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Corporation. As a result, vehicles do not get sufficient space to move on.Besides this, in most

cases roads are serpentine rather than being straight. This ultimately breeds a number of

unnecessary junctions where vehicles automatically slow down. Again, these roads are also not

well constructed and regularly repaired. City Corporation, DESA, WASA, BTTB excavate the

roads randomly without any integrated and central plan. Lack of proper maintenance causes

the vehicle to stop without any prior notice. During the rainy season the situation becomes

more critical while the roads go under water due to heavy rain. Heterogeneous vehicles and

inadequate public transport: Dhaka is a city of heterogeneous vehicles. Human puller to latest

model automobile, mechanical to non-mechanical, slow to fast-moving, nothing left on the

road of Dhaka. It is quite difficult to control all these vehicles on the same road as they have

different speed capacity. Besides this, public transport system in Dhaka city is not adequate and

properly-routed. Instead of big and spacious buses, presence of large number of mini-buses and

private vehicles can only contribute to carry few passengers, but not to reduction of traffic

congestion. Rail crossing: Every day we are experiencing movement of 74 trains to and from

Dhaka. On an average, it takes five minutes to get the clearance for each crossing. Thus in one

crossing, every day the vehicles stop for six hours that is really difficult to offset. Insufficient

parking arrangement and road blockage: Limited parking arrangement is another major cause

of excessive traffic in Dhaka City. It has become a regular practice to park the car on road. Even

during rush hours, people are seen loading and unloading their vehicles on a busy road. City

transports also stop here and there without any valid reason. The three major bus stations,

Sayedabad, Gabtoli and Mohakhali do not have sufficient capacity to accommodate all the

buses operating from here. A recent addition to road blockage is the long queue of vehicles at

CNG stations, which is really difficult to overcome. Challenges we face People are not law

abiding: At this stage, I am going to mention a few problems that we always face to address the

traffic issues. Most important problem that we realize ‘people are not law abiding, they do not

want to follow traffic rules’. Pedestrians show less interest to use footpath, foot-over-bridge or

under-pass. Similarly, drivers neither try to maintain the speed nor follow the lane. In most

cases, as the punishment is nominal, they tend to breach the rules again and again. Inadequate

logistics: Our traffic management system is not automated and well-equipped. All the junctions

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are not facilitated with signal lights. Where there are lights, most often those remain out of

order. Moreover, uneven flow of vehicles from different directions reduces the effectively of

traffic signals. Besides, we do not have sufficient vehicles to chase a car or bus committed an

accident. Shortage of Manpower: We do not have sufficient and well-trained human resources.

Four thousand officers work in two shifts- morning and afternoon. Due to administrative and

other involvement, only fifteen hundred officers can be engaged in one shift to control the

movement of millions of people and vehicles in Dhaka City. This figure is quite insufficient to

manage the existing traffic scenario.” (Mohammad)


With a view of fulfilling the objectives some relevant hypothesis have been formulated for this


01. HA: Making more flyovers will reduce the traffic jam.

02. HA: Imposing more taxes on private cars will reduce the traffic jam.

03. HA: Encouraging people to use public transport will reduce the traffic jam.

04. HA: In house parking system will reduce the traffic jam.

05. HA: Development of traffic signaling system will reduce traffic jam.

06. HA: Introduction of intercity railway service will have positive impact on reducing the

traffic jam.

07. HA: The number of rickshaw should be reduced for controlling traffic jam.

08. HA: Posting of more traffic police in some over crowed place may reduce the traffic jam.

09. HA: For reducing traffic jam, every educational institution must have their own

transportation service for their students.

10. HA: Moving out hawkers from the footpath will reduce the traffic jam.

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Sources and collection of data

The data of this study has been collected through questionnaire interview. For the secondary sources

different journals, articles, research publications and internet etc. has been also reviewed.

Sample frame

The sample frame of this study has been considered of the students and faculties of IUBAT,

some passersby, and by visiting head offices of different bus services like Anabail,

Salsabil,Labbaik, Falgun, Suchona, Anik and so on for the traffic jam in Dhaka city. A total of 50

surveys have been conducted. The cluster probability sampling approach has been selected for

that study. The population has been defined (both male and female) who are the sufferer of

this massive problem.

Analysis of data

For analysis of data Microsoft excel has been used. Parametric and non- parametric statistical

tools were used to derive a meaningful conclusion from the empirical data. In addition, basic

statistical techniques of different measures of central tendency have been used in analyzing the


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Table: Summary of the Responses of top executive of corporate world of Bangladesh.

H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10

1= Strongly disagree 2 4 3 2 2 3 3 3 1 3

2= Disagree 2 7 5 4 4 3 7 10 3 3

3= Neither agree nor disagree

4 12 10 11 8 7 6 11 6 7

4= Agree 26 16 15 19 22 16 14 21 22 21

5= Strongly Agree 16 11 17 14 14 21 20 5 18 16

Total 202 173 188 264 192 199 191 165 203 194

Average 4.04 3.46 3.76 5.28 3.84 3.98 3.82 3.30 4.06 3.88

Standard Deviation 0.97 1.22 1.20 1.86 1.06 1.22 1.27 1.09 0.95 1.12

Z-test value 11.85 5.65 7.41 10.69 8.93 8.71 7.33 5.33 12 8.63

Sources: Questionnaire Survey

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01. HO: Making more flyovers will not reduce the traffic jam.

HA: Making more flyovers will reduce the traffic jam.

HO: μ = 2.51

HA: μ > 2.5

N = 50

Here X̅ = 4.04

σ = 0.97

Zcal= (X ̅ – μ)/ (σ/√n) = 11.85

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05. = 1.645

Since Z cal>Ztab, the null hypothesis is not acceptable. So at 5% level of significance, it can be said

that making more flyovers will reduce the traffic jam.

*1------In 5 point scale is 2.5.

Fig-1: Respondents’ view towards flyovers.

From this study it is revealed that 52% respondents are agree ,32% respondents are strongly

agree , 8% respondents are neither agree nor disagree , 4% respondents are disagree, another

4% respondents are strongly disagree on Making more flyovers will reduce the traffic jam. So

most of the respondents identified that making more flyovers will reduce the traffic jam.

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02. HO: Imposing more taxes on private cars will not reduce the traffic jam.

HA: Imposing more taxes on private cars will reduce the traffic jam.

HO: μ = 2.5

HA: μ > 2.5

N = 50

Here X̅ = 3.46

σ = 1.22

Z cal= (X ̅ – μ)/ (σ/√n) = 5.65

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05.= 1.645

Since Z cal > Z tab, the null hypothesis is not acceptable. So at 5% level of significance, it can be

said that Imposing more taxes on private cars will reduce the traffic jam.

Fig-2: Respondents’ view towards imposing more taxes.

From this study it is revealed that 32% respondents are agree ,22% respondents are strongly

agree ,24% respondents are neither agree nor disagree ,14% respondents are disagree, another

8% respondents are strongly disagree on Imposing more taxes on private cars will reduce the

traffic jam. So most of the respondents identified that Imposing more taxes on private cars will

reduce the traffic jam.

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03. HO: Encouraging people to use public transport will not reduce the traffic jam.

HA: Encouraging people to use public transport will reduce the traffic jam.

HO: μ = 2.5

HA: μ > 2.5

N = 50

Here X̅ = 3.76

σ = 1.20

Z cal= (X ̅ – μ)/ (σ/√n) = 7.41

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05= 1.645

Since Z cal>Z tab, the null hypothesis is not acceptable. So at 5% level of significance, it can be said

that Encouraging people to use public transport will reduce the traffic jam.

Fig-3: Respondents’ view towards public transport.

From this study it is revealed that 30% respondents are agree ,34% respondents are strongly

agree ,20% respondents are neither agree nor disagree ,10% respondents are disagree, another

6% respondents are strongly disagree on Encouraging people to use public transport will reduce

the traffic jam. So most of the respondents identified that Encouraging people to use public

transport will reduce the traffic jam.

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04. HO: In house parking system will not reduce the traffic jam.

HA: In house parking system will reduce the traffic jam.

HO: μ = 2.5

HA: μ > 2.5

N = 50

Here X̅ = 5.28

σ = 1.86

Z cal= (X ̅ – μ)/ (σ/√n) = 10.69

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05= 1.645

Since Z cal> Z tab, the null hypothesis is not acceptable. So at 5% level of significance, it can be

said that In house parking system will reduce the traffic jam.

Fig-4: Respondents’ view towards In house parking system

From this study it is revealed that 38% respondents are agree ,28% respondents are strongly

agree ,22% respondents are neither agree nor disagree ,8% respondents are disagree, another

4% respondents are strongly disagree on In house parking system will reduce the traffic jam. So

most of the respondents identified that in house parking system will reduce the traffic jam.

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05. HO: Development of traffic signaling system will not reduce traffic jam.

HA: Development of traffic signaling system will reduce traffic jam.

HO: μ = 2.5

HA: μ > 2.5

N = 50

Here X̅ = 3.84

σ = 1.06

Z cal= (X ̅ – μ)/ (σ/√n) = 8.93

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05= 1.645

Since Z cal>Z tab, the null hypothesis is not acceptable. So at 5% level of significance, it can be said

that Development of traffic signaling system will reduce traffic jam.

Fig-5: Respondents’ view towards traffic signaling system

From this study it is revealed that 44% respondents are agree ,28% respondents are strongly

agree ,16% respondents are neither agree nor disagree ,8% respondents are disagree, another

4% respondents are strongly disagree on Development of traffic signaling system will reduce

traffic jam. So most of the respondents identified that Development of traffic signaling system

will reduce traffic jam.

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06. HO: Introduction of intercity railway service will not have positive impact on reducing the

traffic jam.

HA: Introduction of intercity railway service will have positive impact on reducing the

traffic jam.

HO: μ = 2.5

HA: μ > 2.5

N = 50

Here X̅ = 3.98

σ = 1.22

Z cal= (X – μ)/ (σ/√n) = 8.71

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05= 1.645

Since Z cal>Z tab, the null hypothesis is not acceptable. So at 5% level of significance, it can be said

that Introduction of intercity railway service will have positive impact on reducing the traffic


Fig-6: Respondents’ view towards intercity railway service

From this study it is revealed that 32% respondents are agree ,42% respondents are strongly

agree ,14% respondents are neither agree nor disagree ,6% respondents are disagree, another

6% respondents are strongly disagree on Introduction of intercity railway service will have

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positive impact on reducing the traffic jam. So most of the respondents identified that

Introduction of intercity railway service will have positive impact on reducing the traffic jam.

07. HO: The number of rickshaw should not be reduced for controlling traffic jam.

HA: The number of rickshaw should be reduced for controlling traffic jam.

HO:μ = 2.5

HA:μ > 2.5

N = 50

Here X̅ = 3.82

σ = 1.27

Z cal= (X ̅ – μ)/ (σ/√n) = 7.33

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05= 1.645

Since Z cal>Z tab, the null hypothesis is not acceptable. So at 5% level of significance, it can be said

that of rickshaw should be reduced for controlling traffic jam.

Fig-7: Respondents’ view towards reduction of rickshaw

From this study it is revealed that 32% respondents are agree ,42% respondents are strongly

agree ,14% respondents are neither agree nor disagree ,6% respondents are disagree, another

6% respondents are strongly disagree on The number of rickshaw should be reduced for

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controlling traffic jam. So most of the respondents identified that the number of rickshaw

should be reduced for controlling traffic jam.

08. HO: Posting of more traffic police in some over crowed place may not reduce the traffic


HA: Posting of more traffic police in some over crowed place may reduce the traffic jam.

HO: μ = 2.5

HA: μ > 2.5

N = 50

Here X̅ = 3.30

σ = 1.09

Z cal= (X ̅ – μ)/ (σ/√n) = 5.33

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05= 1.645

Since Z cal>Z tab, the null hypothesis is not acceptable. So at 5% level of significance, it can be said

that posting of more traffic police in some over crowed place may reduce the traffic jam.

Fig-8: Respondents’ view towards traffic police

From this study it is revealed that 42% respondents are agree ,10% respondents are strongly

agree ,22% respondents are neither agree nor disagree ,20% respondents are disagree, another

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6% respondents are strongly disagree on Posting of more traffic police in some over crowed

place may reduce the traffic jam. So most of the respondents identified that posting of more

traffic police in some over crowed place may reduce the traffic jam.

09. HO: For reducing traffic jam, every educational institution must not have their own

transportation service for their students.

HA: For reducing traffic jam, every educational institution must have their own

transportation service for their students.

HO: μ = 2.5

HA: μ > 2.5

N = 50

Here X̅ = 4.06

σ = 0.95

Z cal= (X – μ)/ (σ/√n) = 12

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05= 1.645

Since Z cal>Z tab, the null hypothesis is not acceptable. So at 5% level of significance, it can be said

that for reducing traffic jam, every educational institution must have their own transportation

service for their students.

Fig-9: Respondents’ view towards own transportation service

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From this study it is revealed that 44% respondents are agree ,36% respondents are strongly

agree ,12% respondents are neither agree nor disagree ,6% respondents are disagree, another

2% respondents are strongly disagree on For reducing traffic jam, every educational institution

must have their own transportation service for their students. So most of the respondents

identified that for reducing traffic jam, every educational institution must have their own

transportation service for their students.

10. HO: Moving out hawkers from the footpath will not reduce the traffic jam.

HA: Moving out hawkers from the footpath will reduce the traffic jam.

HO: μ = 2.5

HA: μ > 2.5

N = 50

Here X̅ = 3.88

σ = 1.12

Z cal= (X ̅ – μ)/ (σ/√n) = 8.63

At 5% level of significance, follows Z distribution Z0.05= 1.645

Since Z cal>Z tab, the null hypothesis is not acceptable. So at 5% level of significance, it can be said

that Moving out hawkers from the footpath will reduce the traffic jam.

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Fig-10: Respondents’ view towards Moving out hawkers

From this study it is revealed that 42% respondents are agree ,32% respondents are strongly

agree ,14% respondents are neither agree nor disagree ,6% respondents are disagree, another

6% respondents are strongly disagree on Moving out hawkers from the footpath will reduce the

traffic jam. So most of the respondents identified that moving out hawkers from the footpath

will reduce the traffic jam.

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However, it is understandable that resolving the problem of traffic jam in Dhaka city is not

possible within a short time. It needs both short-term and long-term strategies. Short-term

strategies may include re-adjusting the school and office time keeping at least one hour

difference, re-routing the public transport, reducing and replacing private transport with

convenient and cheaper public transport, fixing different fare for rush and non-rush hour and

finally keeping the foot-ways free from hawkers and shopkeepers. Long-term strategies, on the

other hand, may be constructing long flyover from one end to another end of city, introducing

underground rail service, undertaking co-ordinate and integrated strategies among different

agencies working for city development, replacing rickshaws by assuring alternative employment

for rickshaw-pullers, constructing under-pass and foot-over-bridge in different important

junctions and finally decentralizing the city itself. To reduce traffic congestion in Dhaka City, the

most vital prerequisite that we feel, are the development of public consciousness. Unless and

until we change our perception and develop a mind to abide traffic rules, whatever strategy we

take, that will not work properly. We believe our law-abiding consciousness, good-intention

and sincere co-operation can remarkably reduce traffic jam in Dhaka city.

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Policy makers, city planners, researchers and the related directorates and officers must

sit together and find ways and means to address the problem. Coordination is very

urgent and important.

Readjustment of office timings depending upon the nature of job of the offices.

No shop or other installation is allowed in the footpaths and nearby.

Every year Traffic Week is observed by the concerned department. More and more

awareness be created to achieve the goal.

Shifting of educational institutes namely, private universities, school and colleges and

other offices from residential zone to outskirts of the city.

More and more fly-over and over-bridges are constructed to address the problem.

It is learnt that a mega plan is under consideration for underground rail. The plan be

speeded up. The World Bank, IMF and ADB or other donor agencies may be approached

in a planned way to materialize the plan.

Restriction on import of old and unnecessary vehicles is imposed rigidly.

There may be three blocks from Tongi Bridge to Jatrabati which will be treated as east

block, middle block and west block. Road planning should be made accordingly for easy

traffic movement.

Traffic management should be improved further for which necessary training or facilities

may be available.

Unregistered rickshaws must be withdrawn arranging alternatives for their


Unauthorized parking of vehicles is stopped.

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Withdrawal of rickshaw phase by phase.

At present may be allowed in pocket roads


Billah, M., Masum, “Traffic Jam - Some short term measures”, The New Nation, Internet Edition. September 18, 2008, Updated: Bangladesh Time 12:00 AM Huq, S., “grinds to gridlock halt”, The Daily Star, Thursday August 13 2009 Jabbar, M., Abdul., “Traffic jam in Dhaka city: Some remedies”, The New Nation. Internet Edition. September 5, 2009, Updated: Bangladesh Time 12:00 AM Mohammad, N., “Reasons behind traffic jam”, Inspector General of Police (IGP) January 15:2008