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Post on 05-Oct-2015




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The present paper aims at explaining the behavior of the elements from Mendeleevs Periodic Table, suggesting a new model of the distribution of electrons, completely different from the distribution suggested by Bohr and later by Somerfield, as well as from the subsequent developments of these models. This distribution is a Faraday cage- type, based on the geometrical interpretations of curves in space-time continuum created bay vibrations of particles. Here are some of the aspects explained by the model that I suggest: the behavior of rare gases, the electrical conductivity of metals, the variations of the electron affinity in the entire periodic table, and even the specific behaviors of a number of elements from the point of view of their electron affinity. The above-mentioned elements are N, Mg, Mn, Zn, Cd, Hg, Hf, which are elements with zero electronic affinity, similar to that of rare gases, although they are in the middle of series and of active periods from the point of view of the electron affinity. At the same time, the model that I suggest partly eliminates the reasons for which the Theory of Spontaneous Collapse had to be introduced in the quantum physics. Experimentally, it was found that, according to the old model, heavy atoms contain electrons that move with 99,99% of the speed of light. The need to balance forces (the centrifugal and centripetal forces) lead to a limited force of electron-nucleus interaction (electromagnetic force). If the particles inside the nucleus, and those inside the protons and the neutrons, move or vibrate similarly to electrons, their movements take place on smaller areas. The need to balance the forces, considering the speed of light to be the speed limit, leads to the conclusion that the weak and the strong forces inside the nucleus, as well as the color force inside the nuclear particles, should be smaller than the interaction forces between the electrons moving with 99,99% of the speed of light and the nucleus. The observation is contradicted by the experimental results. I finally developed the model up to the level of actinides, the geometric interactions of the type of coherent waves at such complexity of the Faraday Cage being excessively complex for me to simulate. The key with which I verified the model was the natural course in the occurrence of more chemical reactions that is invariably, according to the model that I suggested, the course of growth of the systems entropy. In the case of reversible reactions, according to the calculations resulting from the model that I suggested, the systems entropy before the occurrence of a chemical reaction is approximately equal to the systems entropy after the occurrence of the chemical reaction.


Observation No. 1: The speed of light in various environments varies depending on the density of the environment and it is constant, irrespective of the length of the environment that it crosses. Consequently, the decrease of the speed of light is not a result of the energetic interaction between the photon and the environment or of the existing forces from that particular environment.

Hypothesis No. 1: Based on the above-mentioned observation, a particular speed of light for a particular environment is due to the length of the route traversed by the photon, which follows both the curve of the space-time continuum as generated by the particles with mass and vibration from that environment, and the interference of those curves. In this case, the speed of light is measured statistically, as the medium length of the route traversed by the photon and could vary depending on the density of the environment, the number and nature of particles (electrons and nuclei) from this environment and their positioning (for instance, types of crystallization).

The wawes are coherent, stabile in time, becaouse vibration of higher systems (step one nuclei, ste two molecules, step three cristaline structures, etc.) generated higher (in amplitude) wawes who actig lika a walls.

The space-time continuum acts as a clearly limited room (existing even as a hypothesis of its curve), and the particles, at specific vibration frequencies, introduce coherent waves that conduct themselves as potential wells. The interferences of these waves capture particles in metastable state, associated to discrete energy levels. According to this hypothesis, the electron of the superheavy atom does not have to spin with 99, 99 per cent of the speed of light anymore in order to create a dynamic equilibrium at local level. The potential wells of the system are those that steady it near the nucleus.

According to these hypotheses, the curves of a system of particles are as follows:

The Spatial Model of the Periodic Table

The electrons from the first shell are placed around the nucleus, to a r distance from the nucleus, representing the distance from the center of the e particle to the coherent wave introduced by the electrons vibration. The stable positions of the electrons will be in the potential wells of the nearby electrons and, if possible, in the potential wells of the interferences between the vibrations of the neighboring electrons. The levels will be completed from the inside to the outside. An electron that is captured outside the electron cloud can cause, in many particular cases, interferences of potential wells between the electron and the nucleus and the neighboring electrons. These interferences will not be occupied by the subsequent electrons of the electron cloud. The interference positions are even more stable if the angle (in a radial direction from the nucleus) between the tangents to the interfering circles (spheres) is smaller. The closer the electrons with interfering vibrations, the more unstable is the position of the electron captured in the interference of the potential wells. The position of maximum stability occurs at the distance of 2r between the electrons with interfering vibrations. There are no other interferences of coherent waves beyond this distance.

Step 1:The first plane to be completed is the median plane perpendicular to the spin axis. The saturation of this plane is produced when every electron is placed at the interference of two waves produced by the vibration of two neighboring electrons.Naturally, the saturation is produced by filling this plane with 6 electrons. As a result, a hexagonal structure is formed, in which the electrons are placed in the metastable positions of the interferences of the potential wells. At the same time, the nucleus is placed in a metastable position at the interference of six potential wells. The first chemical element in which we observe the vector equilibrium due to the distribution of electrons is the carbon, which naturally forms hexagonal crystallizations or aromatic molecules. The following element, N, has zero electron affinity. The electrons will display a synchronized movement across the entire periodic table due to the potential wells, keeping both the distances between them and the plane or spatial geometric shapes.

OLE objectOLE object

Step 2:After occupying the first level in the hexagonal structure, the electrons tend to group themselves in a structure close to the vector equilibrium, completing a plane of the hexagonal structure perpendicular to the median plane, having 2 electrons in common with this one. It is the electronic structure of Ne, the first noble gas, without chemical reactivity.

OLE object

Step 3:After occupying and saturating the perpendicular levels in the hexagonal structure, the electrons group themselves for minimal vector disequilibrium. The first structure of vector equilibrium is the cuboctahedron one, four times the hexagonal electronic structure, corresponding to Mg, an element that also has zero electron affinity.

Step 4:After saturating the cuboctahedron structure with electrons, the electrons regroup, due to vibrations, into the following minimal vector disequilibrium (or in a structure close to that of vector equilibrium): a structure similar to the Faraday cage, with three hexagonal network planes perpendicular to the median hexagonal plane. This is the Ar structure, which is another element with zero electron affinity.

OLE object

Step 5:An external hexagonal network is formed in the median plane that is perpendicular to the spin axis of the atom, respecting the same interference principle of the coherent waves of the space curve. This structure will contain 12 electrons (2 + 10) and the first elements of the secondary series occur. The electrons are not connected in the interference directly to the nucleus and they manifest themselves as conduction electrons. Here is where the metals appear. The element that saturates the external hexagonal network is the Zn, an element with zero electron affinity.

Inside the first secondary series, there is an island of electrons with zero affinity (25 Mn). The Cr 24 atom displays the structure of the cuboctahedron-type electron cloud and an external hexagon of 12 electrons in the median plane perpendicular to the spin axis.

Step 6:After saturating the model of the first secondary series, the electrons regroup to the cuboctahedron model, forming an external cuboctahedron, through interferences similar to the external hexagon from the first secondary series. The external cuboctahedron matrix will be completed with two estern hexagons (12 electrons +10 electrons ant two electrons in the middle of externalsquares (result forom interferenced waves generated by internal electron squares and near interferences from the external electron sqoares. The result is two new electrons. Consequently, the electron cloud of vector equilibrium will contain 36 electrons corresponding to the Kr atom with zero electron affinity. Despite the external hexagons, with electrons that are not connected directly to the nucleus through interferences, the elements have weaker metallic characters because their internal and external base is the cuboctahedron, a structure of vector equilibrium that is different from the triple hexagonal structure.

Step 7:Through interferences, the inferior and the superior planes are completed, each plane containing 6 electrons in a triangular formation parallel to a hexagon that is in plane perpendicular to the spin axis. The saturation will be complete by adding 6 + 6 electrons. The result is the electron cloud of the Cd atom with zero electron affinity. There is a state of vector disequilibrium due to the inferior and superior planes. The new electrons are conduction electrons. The result is the second secondary series.

Step 8:Through interference, The external cuboctaedron (36 electrons) the centers of the squares of the external cuboctahedron (6 electrons) are completed. Internal cuboctaedron contains 12 electrons. The saturation occurs at the electron cloud of the Xe atom, with zero electron affinity.

External cuboctaerdon without certers of external squares

Step 9:Through interferences similar to those of the external hexagon from the first secondary series, the external triple hexagonal structure is completed with hexagons with 12 electrons. The saturation will be produced after 18 electrons (the internal triple hexagonal structure + 12 electrons + 10 electrons + 8 electrons + 8 electrons), a total number of 56 electrons, corresponding to the Ba atom. The electron affinity is not zero, because there is an external cloud of electrons that are not connected directly to the nucleus through interferences. Ba is the last element before the radioactive elements, with a completely different structure of the electron cloud, for the structure to receive, through interferences, a number of electrons as large as possible in a certain volume. In the figure below, the grey interferences represent the Ba, followed by the green interferences, that are the W.

Step 10:In the case of lanthanides, the bases will no longer be hexagonal structures but octagonal ones, forming the below polyhedrons:

The interferences of the electrons take place next to the nucleus that, due to vibrations, goes in and out of the potential well frequently. The phenomenon is accompanied by radiation and, periodically, by nucleus destabilization. The saturation of the internal and external polyhedron corresponds to the Hf 72, with zero electron affinity.

Step 11:Starting with the electron structure of the Xe, the median hexagonal structure is completed, through interferences, with 18 electrons, as well as the external hexagonal structure ABCDEF that already contains 10 electrons from 18 electrons. The electron cloud of the Xe contains 54 electrons, to which other 26 electrons are added, resulting a structure of 80 electrons that is saturated in vector equilibrium, corresponding to the Hg, an element with zero electron affinity.

Step 12:Starting with the structure of the electron cloud of the Ba atom, the external hexagon of 18 electrons and the intermediary hexagons are completed with 6 electrons each, resulting two stellated dodecagons with angles near to 1800 that can be associated with interference hexagonal structures of 12 electrons. The result is a saturated structure, in vector equilibrium of the electron cloud of 86 electrons, corresponding to the Rn atom, a noble gas with zero electron affinity.

Irradiated radioactive elements

These elements display distortions of the electron cloud. The electrons are placed in the interferences of the neighboring electrons but the nucleus is no longer placed at the center of the interferences of the surrounding electrons potential wells. The interferences of at least one group of electrons will be next to the nucleus so that the nucleus, due to its own vibrations, goes in and out of the potential well. Examples of electron clouds of irradiated elements: oxygen and magnesium.

Covalent bond. Ionic bondThe ionic bond is the bond in which the electron or the electrons placed together complete only one hexagonal network, the network of the complementary atom already being complete or too far from being completed. Exemplification: the Mg O bond.

The covalent bond is the bond in which the electron or the electrons placed together complete the hexagonal structures of both complementary atoms. Exemplification: the Cl - Cl bond.

Reversible and irreversible reactionsWe applied the law of conservation of energy in systems, each molecule having a rotation around the center of mass for a number of chemical reactions:


I applied analitical mechanics (rotation around mass certer.On irreversible reactions sense of reaction is invariable for the increasing the entropy. At the reversible reactions, system entropy before reaction is same as after reaction.