trade center towers

BC 606 605 604 603 602 601 600 599 598 597 596 595 594 593 592 591 590 589 588 587 586 585 584 583 582 TRADE CENTER TOWERS 9-11: START OF A NATIONAL JUDGMENT …”God has shown to Pharaoh what He is about to do. There will come 7 years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt, but after them there will arise 7 years of famine, & all the plenty will be for- gotten in the land of Egypt. The famine will consume the land, & the plenty will be unknown in the land by reason of the famine that will follow, for it will be very severe. –Genesis 41:25 The purpose of this illustration is to focus and present an alternate explanation of why many Christians presume that the prophetic Tribulation -yet to come, started in 2008. The theory is that the events of 9-11-01 and 9-29-08 can and have corresponded to the prophetic pattern of Josephs interpretation of Pharaohs Dreams in Egypt -of the 7+7 Year-Pattern of fatand leanyears. To give some context, the event starting on 9-11 becomes a pivotal point of reference. The events of 9-11 and 9-29, may give prophetic significance as to the timing and symbolism as it relates to the undeniable judgment of the USA and its key foundations, mainly Government, Military and Economy based on the vision of Joseph in Egypt. To help illustrate this theory and to show the key points in the timing of the attacks/judgment on the USA: (1) The numerical values of the 7+7 Year-Pattern from Josephs interpretation as prescribed by YHVH are superimposed onto a timeline (2) The chart/timeline will also have the countdown of the LORDs judgment against Israel as He used Babylon to discipline and judge His Nation, Israel for turning away from YHWH. The approximation of the Babylonian sieges against Israel/Jerusalem will help illustrate the potential prophetic parallel of the progressive stages of the USA attacks and Judgments yet to come. (3) A short study on the numbers 9 and 11 will be given. (4) A day and year count from key dates as they relate to Holy Feast days will be noted on the timeline. It appears that Josephs 7+7 Year-Pattern along with the events of 9-11-01 and the Market Crash of 9-29-08 in the USA may correlate with each other and can provide an explanation as to why it may seem and many speculate that the elements and start of the Tribulation are in full effect now –as described in the book of Revelation. These judgments are only but a foreshadowing of what is to come. If national judgment of the USA began on 9-11 and then subsequently 7 years later with the Market Crash on 9-08, will a forthcoming 7 year interval that lands on September 28, 2015 be of some significance related to a prophetic event? And then the subsequent on in 2022? The number 9 is the last of the digits, and thus marks the end or the conclusion of a matter, a finale. It is related to 6, being the sum of its factors (3x3=9, and 3+3=6), thus significant of the end of man, and the summation of all works. 9 is therefore, the number of finality or judgment. The number 11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect from GODs standards. The number 10 is the number which marks the perfection of GODs Divine Order, 11 is an addition to it, or in opposition and rebellion to it as it seeks to subvert and undermine that order. The number 12 is one which marks the perfection of YHVHs Divine government, thus the number 11 represents that which is against it. Either 10 + 1, or 12 - 1, it is the number which marks, disorder, disorganization, imperfection, and disintegration.The Occult always leaves signatures when they carry out an event like 9-11 and the Market Crash with the 777 point drop, especially when they are designed to move the world into the Kingdom of Lucifers Antichrist, i.e., New World Order. The start of their sacrificial ritual s first stage was the attack on 9-11. It was a ritualistic and Kabalistic slaughter of innocent people to be a collective sacrifice on the WTCs Altar.It was/is required -on such a grand scale, to call up the dark forces of Lucifer to help usher in their false Messiah, their AntiChrist and his system for their next stages of their Luciferian plan of over-throwing YHVH on Earth and destroying His people. Thus the entire World Trade Center complex and events thereafter are underlined with occultic number configurations and stages. Occultists all over the world knew exactly what had happened and who did it. OBSERVATIONS From Sep 9, 2001 to Sep 29, 2008 = 7 years + 10 days to land on Rosh HaShanah the day of the 777 Dow Economic Crash. From Sep 29, 2008 Rosh HaShanah date + 7 years = Sep 28, 2015 which is the start of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) and Super Blood Moon to finish the Tetrad. On Sep 13/14, 2015 you will have a Partial Solar Eclipse on Rosh HaShanah. On Sep 28/29, 2015 that is on Sukkot. It was 7 years exactly from Sep 29,2008 and the 3rd Blood Moon of the Tetrad of 2014-2015 and then the subsequent Sabbath Cycle to end in 2022. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 PR SEPTEMBER 29, 2008 The Second Attack: The Dow Jones industrial average fell 777 points. It was/is the biggest single-day fall ever, easily beating the 684 points it lost on the first day of trading after the Sept 11, 2001 attacks. This day was also the biblical feast of Rosh HaShanah. SEPTEMBER 9, 2001 The First Attack: 2 commercial airlines flew into the 1st and 2nd World Trade Center (WTC) buildings. Another one (subject to dispute/missile) was hit the Pentagon. It was alleged that Muslim extremist hijacked the airlines. The 2 WTC buildings collapsed and were destroyed even though they were designed to withstand hurricanes, airliners and fires. The towers appear to have come down with synchronized demolition charges. SEPTEMBER 28, 2015? The Final Attack?: It be on Jewish Feast of Sukkot, exactly 7 years from Rosh HaShanah 2008. Will this time-marker be either a beginning of a prophetic event? It will also be 3.0 years to Sukkot of 2018 and 10 days after Yom Kippur 2015, mirroring the end of the ‘Prophetic 10 Days’ from Sep 29, 2008. ‘ONE WORLD’ TRADE TOWER The renamed Freedom Toweris expected to be ready for occupancy in 2013. It ill be the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere. The design tapers off around midway octagonally as it rises. In 2009, the name was changed from "Freedom Tower" to "One World Trade Center, to emphasize One World Orderto commence in 2013. The symbolic cornerstone of One World Trade Center was laid in a ceremony on July 4, 2004 that included an eye configuration or Eye of Horus. THRE ‘FREEDOM TOWERIt is a hidden Pyramid complexlike Giza dedicated to Osiris/Horus/Nimrod to be resurrected’. It has 8 sided Octagon shape in the middle; derived by 2 equal squares. (Masonic). It also has the inverted and mirrored elongated Hexagram design. Height with Antenna = 1776 Feet. To be completed in 2013. The Age of Osiris. On SEP 11, 2011, the tower's concrete flooring had reached the 72nd floor. The 72 is significant in the occult. N A T I O N A L I S R A E L (DATES SUBJECT TO DISPUTE) 605 BC - First Attack: Jerusalem 597 BC - SECOND ATTACK: Some people & royal family taken into captivity. 586 BC - FINAL ATTACK: After a 3 year siege, Jerusalem is destroyed, National Israel is taken into captivity. The 70 Year Babylonian Captivity begins. HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT The start of the 1st WTC Towers began in 1966 and lasted for 7 years. Both the Towers 1 and 1 had 110 stories.1WTC was 1368 ft and 2WTC was the following. 1362 feet 110 floors/2=55 It is the number of Sacrifice. The new 1776 feet in Height (with Antenna) Freedom Tower will not be celebrating the USA’s Declaration of Independence but a birthing of the Illuminati Messiah as the Twin Towers helix morph into the ‘One’ new Tower. The Building is said to be completed by 2012 -possibly. It will be the 236th year anniversary since 1776. 13 cycles of time. The new complex is redesigned but all the 7 complex structures are labeled except WTC #6; it is missing. This follows the mythological account of on 1 of the 7 Sister of the Pleiades missing. The new complex will have height in feet of all the structures, 1,2,3,4,5,7 = 6660 feet. The sum of the intersecting coordinates from the WTC’s central Plaza ‘Sphere” equals the following. 33.300° Lat 40.713° ( - ) Long -74.013° That brings the world to their coveted World War 3 as planned that will produce their ‘Apollo’ Antichrist. New Tower of Babel and the new DNA helix of the New Man in Lucifer’s image. THE ANOMOLIES OF THE WTC COMPLEX The old WTC complex was, as is the new one, a homage to sacred numbers and an ‘Altar’ to Lucifer. It had to be imploded to have the new one rise from it’s ashes like their mythical phoenix to help usher in their New World Order, their new economic control grid. 3 buildings had to come down on that Satanic day. Symbols are veiled in their buildings. For example, the three buildings of the WTC, 1,2,7 symbolically represents the three candles/pillars on the Primordial Mound and altar to Atum. It was were dry ground appeared on Creation day as an Island like Manhattan. The Twin Towers were also associated with the columns of Boaz and Jachin of the old Jewish Temple of Solomon that were destroyed by Babylon. There have been ‘all-seeing eye” formation ceremonies on Ground Zero. The exposed square foundations of the former Towers echo the black Islamic Ka'aba. The ‘Black Square’ is but another representation of Saturn’s symbol or that of Chronos, another masquerading of Lucifer and his countdown to be enthroned. Many witnessed the face of Satan/evil pierce through the veil of their spiritual dark realm as the Lord removed His hand of protection for an instance due to the turning of backs to the GOD of Israel in America - allowing the 1st attack. Then the 2nd attack/ judgment hitting the country economically in 9-08. How horrible it will it be once the 3rd and last Divine National Discipline be once it commences. There are 5 stages of National Judgment/warnings from God. Leviticus 26:14-46. This goes along with Rabbi Cahn’s study of the 8 Harbingers that parallel Israel’s stages of divine judgment. 33.3° NEW MOON FAMINE YEARS T H E T W I N S: G E M I N I On Sept 11, 2001 the star Geminorum13, one of 48 stars of Gemini was eclipsed by the 4th quarter Crescent moon at 1:11 a.m. Gemini 's Castor and Pollex represents "The Twins" ... for the Twin Towers being sacrificed to Jupiter or “ZEUS.” FEAST YEARS Date of attack: 9/11 = 9 + 1 + 1 = 11. After September 11th there are 111 days left in the year. September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11. Q33NY= In Wingdings Font 2x Square = Un-truthful The 2 Twin Towers fused back into One’. © Composition and Graphics by Luis B. Vega [email protected] FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY Female Male 9-11-2001 = 9+1=1+1+2+1 = 14 14th Level of Illuminati Pyramid State & Releigion Fused under the Oneor the New Nimrod to come back (Anti-Christ). JOSHEPHS PROPHECY OF NATIONAL JUDGEMENT A 3-2-1 COUNTDOWN SEQUENCE

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Post on 13-Feb-2022




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BC 606 605 604 603 602 601 600 599 598 597 596 595 594 593 592 591 590 589 588 587 586 585 584 583 582


…”God has shown to Pharaoh what He is about to do. There will come 7 years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt, but after them there will arise 7 years of famine, & all the plenty will be for-gotten in the land of Egypt. The famine will consume the land, & the plenty will be unknown in the land by reason of the famine that will follow, for it will be very severe. –Genesis 41:25

The purpose of this illustration is to focus and present an alternate explanation of why many Christians presume that the prophetic Tribulation -yet to come, started in 2008. The theory is that the events of 9-11-01 and 9-29-08 can and have corresponded to the prophetic pattern of Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s Dreams in Egypt -of the 7+7 Year-Pattern of ‘fat’ and ‘lean’ years. To give some context, the event starting on 9-11 becomes a pivotal point of reference. The events of 9-11 and 9-29, may give prophetic significance as to the timing and symbolism as it relates to the undeniable

judgment of the USA and its key foundations, mainly Government, Military and Economy based on the vision of Joseph in Egypt. To help illustrate this theory and to show the key points in the timing of the attacks/judgment on the USA: (1) The numerical values of the 7+7 Year-Pattern from Joseph’s interpretation as prescribed by YHVH are superimposed onto a timeline (2) The chart/timeline will also

have the countdown of the LORD’s judgment against Israel as He used Babylon to discipline and judge His Nation, Israel for turning away from YHWH. The approximation of the Babylonian sieges against Israel/Jerusalem will help illustrate the potential prophetic parallel of the progressive stages of the USA attacks and Judgments yet to come. (3) A short study on the numbers 9 and 11 will be

given. (4) A day and year count from key dates as they relate to Holy Feast days will be noted on the timeline. It appears that Joseph’s 7+7 Year-Pattern along with the events of 9-11-01 and the Market Crash of 9-29-08 in the USA may correlate with each other and can provide an explanation as to why it may seem and many speculate that the elements and start of the Tribulation are in full effect now –as described in the book of Revelation. These judgments are only but a foreshadowing of what is to come. If national judgment of the USA began on 9-11 and then subsequently 7 years later with the

Market Crash on 9-08, will a forthcoming 7 year interval that lands on September 28, 2015 be of some significance related to a prophetic event? And then the subsequent on in 2022?

’The number 9 is the last of the digits, and thus marks the end or the conclusion of a matter, a finale. It is related to 6, being the sum of its factors (3x3=9, and 3+3=6), thus significant of the end of man, and the summation of all works. 9 is therefore, the number of finality or judgment. The number 11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect from GOD’s standards. The number 10 is the number which marks the perfection of

GOD’s Divine Order, 11 is an addition to it, or in opposition and rebellion to it as it seeks to subvert and undermine that order. The number 12 is one which marks the perfection of YHVH’s Divine government, thus the number 11 represents that which is against it. Either 10 + 1, or 12 - 1, it is the number which marks, disorder, disorganization, imperfection, and disintegration.’ The Occult always leaves signatures when they carry out an

event like 9-11 and the Market Crash with the 777 point drop, especially when they are designed to move the world into the Kingdom of Lucifer’s Antichrist, i.e., New World Order. The start of their sacrificial ritual’s first stage was the attack on 9-11. It was a ritualistic and Kabalistic slaughter of innocent people to be a collective sacrifice on the WTCs ‘Altar.’ It was/is required -on such a grand scale, to call up the dark forces of Lucifer to help usher in their false Messiah, their AntiChrist and his system for their next stages of their Luciferian plan of over -throwing YHVH on Earth and destroying His people. Thus the entire World Trade Center complex and

events thereafter are underlined with occultic number configurations and stages. Occultists all over the world knew exactly what had happened and who did it.

OBSERVATIONS From Sep 9, 2001 to Sep 29, 2008 = 7 years + 10 days to land on Rosh HaShanah the day of the 777 Dow Economic Crash.

From Sep 29, 2008 Rosh HaShanah date + 7 years = Sep 28, 2015 which is the start of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) and Super Blood Moon to finish the Tetrad. On Sep 13/14, 2015 you will have a Partial Solar Eclipse on Rosh HaShanah. On Sep 28/29, 2015 that is on Sukkot.

It was 7 years exactly from Sep 29,2008 and the 3rd Blood Moon of the Tetrad of 2014-2015 and then the subsequent Sabbath Cycle to end in 2022.

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023


SEPTEMBER 29, 2008 The Second Attack: The Dow Jones industrial average

fell 777 points. It was/is the biggest single-day fall ever, easily beating the 684 points it lost on the first day of trading after the Sept 11, 2001 attacks. This day was also the biblical feast

of Rosh HaShanah.

SEPTEMBER 9, 2001 The First Attack: 2 commercial airlines flew into the 1st

and 2nd World Trade Center (WTC) buildings. Another one (subject to dispute/missile) was hit the Pentagon. It was alleged that Muslim extremist hijacked the airlines. The 2 WTC buildings collapsed and were destroyed even though they were designed to withstand hurricanes, airliners and fires. The towers appear to have come down with synchronized demolition charges.

SEPTEMBER 28, 2015? The Final Attack?: It be on Jewish Feast of Sukkot, exactly 7 years

from Rosh HaShanah 2008. Will this time-marker be either a beginning of a prophetic event? It will also be 3.0 years to Sukkot of 2018 and 10 days after Yom Kippur 2015, mirroring the end of the ‘Prophetic 10 Days’ from Sep 29, 2008.

‘ONE WORLD’ TRADE TOWER The renamed ‘Freedom Tower’ is expected to be ready for occupancy in 2013. It ill be the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere. The design tapers off around midway octagonally as it rises. In 2009, the name was changed from "Freedom Tower" to "One World Trade Center, to emphasize ’One World Order’ to commence in 2013. The symbolic cornerstone of One World Trade Center was laid in a ceremony on July 4, 2004 that included an eye configuration or Eye of Horus.

THRE ‘FREEDOM TOWER’ It is a ‘hidden Pyramid complex’ like Giza dedicated to Osiris/Horus/Nimrod to be ‘resurrected’. It has 8 sided Octagon shape in the middle; derived by 2 equal squares. (Masonic). It also has the inverted and mirrored elongated

Hexagram design. Height with Antenna = 1776 Feet. To be completed in 2013. The Age of Osiris. On SEP 11, 2011, the tower's concrete flooring

had reached the 72nd floor. The 72 is significant in the occult.


(DATES SUBJECT TO DISPUTE) 605 BC - First Attack: Jerusalem

597 BC - SECOND ATTACK: Some people & royal family taken into captivity.

586 BC - FINAL ATTACK: After a 3 year siege, Jerusalem is destroyed,

National Israel is taken into captivity. The 70 Year Babylonian Captivity begins.

HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT The start of the 1st WTC Towers began in 1966 and lasted for 7 years. Both the Towers 1 and 1 had 110 stories.1WTC was 1368 ft and 2WTC was the following. 1362 feet 110 floors/2=55 It is the number of Sacrifice. The new 1776 feet in Height (with Antenna) Freedom Tower will not be celebrating the USA’s Declaration of Independence but a birthing of the Illuminati Messiah as the Twin Towers helix morph into the ‘One’ new Tower. The Building is said to be completed by 2012 -possibly. It will be the 236th year anniversary since 1776. 13 cycles of time. The new complex is redesigned but all the 7 complex structures are labeled except WTC #6; it is missing. This follows the mythological account of on 1 of the 7 Sister of the Pleiades missing. The new complex will have height in feet of all the structures, 1,2,3,4,5,7 = 6660 feet. The sum of the intersecting coordinates from the WTC’s central Plaza ‘Sphere” equals the following. 33.300°

Lat 40.713° ( - ) Long -74.013° That brings the world to their coveted World War 3 as planned that will produce their ‘Apollo’ Antichrist. New Tower of Babel and the new DNA helix of the New Man in Lucifer’s image.

THE ANOMOLIES OF THE WTC COMPLEX The old WTC complex was, as is the new one, a homage to sacred numbers and an ‘Altar’ to Lucifer. It had to be imploded to have the new one rise from it’s ashes like their mythical phoenix to help usher in their New World Order, their new economic control grid. 3 buildings had to come down on that Satanic day. Symbols are veiled in their buildings. For example, the three buildings of the WTC, 1,2,7 symbolically represents the three candles/pillars on the Primordial Mound and altar to Atum. It was were dry ground appeared on Creation day as an Island like Manhattan. The Twin Towers were also associated with the columns of Boaz and Jachin of the old Jewish Temple of Solomon that were destroyed by Babylon. There have been ‘all-seeing eye” formation ceremonies on Ground Zero. The exposed square foundations of the former Towers echo the black Islamic Ka'aba. The ‘Black Square’ is but another representation of Saturn’s symbol or that of Chronos, another masquerading of Lucifer and his countdown to be enthroned. Many witnessed the face of Satan/evil pierce through the veil of their spiritual dark realm as the Lord removed His hand of protection for an instance due to the turning of backs to the GOD of Israel in America -

allowing the 1st attack. Then the 2nd attack/judgment hitting the country economically in 9-08. How horrible it will it be once the 3rd and last Divine National Discipline be once it commences. There are 5 stages of National Judgment/warnings from God. Leviticus 26:14-46. This goes along with Rabbi Cahn’s study of the 8 Harbingers that parallel Israel’s stages of divine judgment.




T H E T W I N S: G E M I N I On Sept 11, 2001 the star Geminorum13, one of 48 stars of Gemini was eclipsed by the 4th quarter Crescent moon at 1:11 a.m. Gemini 's Castor and Pollex represents "The Twins" ... for the Twin Towers being sacrificed to Jupiter or “ZEUS.”


Date of attack: 9/11 = 9 + 1 + 1 = 11. After September 11th there are 111 days left in the year. September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11.


In Wingdings Font

2x Square

= Un-truthful The 2 Twin Towers fused back into ‘One’.

© Composition and Graphics by Luis B. Vega [email protected]


Female Male

9-11-2001 =

9+1=1+1+2+1 = 14 14th Level of Illuminati Pyramid State & Releigion Fused under the ‘One’ or the New Nimrod to come back (Anti-Christ).