town hall sankey street warrington wa1 1uh...ww1 remembrance room, town hall, warrington agenda...

Professor Steven Broomhead Chief Executive Town Hall Sankey Street Warrington WA1 1UH 23 September 2014 Constitution Committee; 1 October 2014 at 4:00 pm WW1 Remembrance Room, Town Hall, Warrington Agenda prepared by Sharon Parker Councillor Services Manager Telephone: (01925) 442161, Fax: (01925) 656278, E-mail: [email protected] AGENDA Part 1 Items during the consideration of which the meeting is expected to be open to members of the public (including the press) subject to any statutory right of exclusion. 1. Code of Conduct – Declaration of Interests Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest which they have in any item of business on the agenda no later than when the item is reached. 2. Minutes Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 7 April 2014. Page 1 3. 4. Planning Committee Meetings Report of the Executive Director – Economic, Regeneration, Growth and Environment The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 Report of the Solicitor to the Council and Head of Corporate Governance Page 5 Page 13 To: Members of the Constitution Committee Councillors: C Fitzsimmons (Chair), B Axcell, J Joyce, P Kennedy, B Maher,

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Page 1: Town Hall Sankey Street Warrington WA1 1UH...WW1 Remembrance Room, Town Hall, Warrington Agenda prepared by Sharon Parker Councillor Servi ces Manager Telephone: (01925) 442161, Fax:

Professor Steven Broomhead Chief Executive

Town Hall

Sankey Street Warrington WA1 1UH

23 September 2014 Constitution Committee; 1 October 2014 at 4:00 pm WW1 Remembrance Room, Town Hall, Warrington Agenda prepared by Sharon Parker Councillor Services Manager Telephone: (01925) 442161, Fax: (01925) 656278, E-mail: [email protected] AGENDA Part 1 Items during the consideration of which the meeting is expected to be open to members of the public (including the press) subject to any statutory right of exclusion. 1.

Code of Conduct – Declaration of Interests Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest which they have in any item of business on the agenda no later than when the item is reached.

2. Minutes Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 7 April 2014.

Page 1

3. 4.

Planning Committee Meetings Report of the Executive Director – Economic, Regeneration, Growth and Environment The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 Report of the Solicitor to the Council and Head of Corporate Governance

Page 5 Page 13

To: Members of the Constitution Committee Councillors: C Fitzsimmons (Chair), B Axcell, J Joyce, P Kennedy, B Maher,

Page 2: Town Hall Sankey Street Warrington WA1 1UH...WW1 Remembrance Room, Town Hall, Warrington Agenda prepared by Sharon Parker Councillor Servi ces Manager Telephone: (01925) 442161, Fax:

Part 2 Items of a “confidential or other special nature” during which it is likely that the meeting will not be open to the public and press as there would be a disclosure of exempt information as defined in Section 100I of the Local Government Act 1972. Information contained in this part 2 comprises the formal notice under Paragraph 5(4) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 that a decision has been taken to hold this part of the meeting in private. Information is also provided against each item heading about the reasons for holding this part of the meeting in private, any representations received and the response to those representations. If you would like this information provided in another language or format, including large print, Braille, audio or British Sign Language, please call 01925 443322 or ask

at the reception desk in Contact Warrington, Horsemarket Street, Warrington

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Present: Councillors C Fitzsimmons (Chair), J Joyce, B Maher, Cllr Axcell. Councillor S Woodyatt substituted for Cllr Kennedy In attendance – Cllr Carter (Chair of the Corporate Parenting Forum)

CC 7 Apologies

Councillor P Kennedy. CC 8 Code of Conduct – Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest received. CC 9 Minutes The Minutes of the meeting held on 8 April 2013 were signed and agreed as a correct record. CC 10 Corporate Parenting Forum The Committee received a report of the Solicitor to the Council on options for the future status and format of the Corporate Parenting Forum. The Chair and Deputy of the Forum (Cllrs Carter and Woodyatt) were present at the meeting and provided an overview of the steps already taken. They included a thorough discussion at the 27 November 2013 Forum meeting when it considered the 5 options put to them: Option 1 – Retain the Corporate Parenting Forum as a standing Executive Board Task Group Option 2 – Establish an Corporate Parenting Advisory Committee (of full Council) Option 3 – Embed the Corporate Parenting Role within the remit of Protecting the Most Vulnerable Policy Committee Option 4 – Establish a Corporate Parenting Sub-Committee of the Protecting the Most Vulnerable Policy Committee Option 5 – Establish a Corporate Parenting Sub-Committee of the Executive Board The decision of the Forum was that option 1 should be retained and that the Forum should remain a long standing Task Group of the Executive Board

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The Chair and Deputy of the Forum still favoured this model. The Committee gave consideration to the matter and supported the proposal put forward. They also asked that there should be absolute clarity regarding which Executive Board member had responsibility for this important area of work and that the requirement to report on an annual basis to Council be formally recorded. Decision: (1) That the Corporate Parenting Forum continue to function as a longstanding Task Group of the Executive Board and that it should provide an annual report to Council on its work. (2) that revisions to the terms of reference of the Corporate Parenting Forum would need to be considered by the Executive Board. CC 11 Constitutional Update The Committee considered a series of constitutional issues prior to the Annual Meeting of the Council. Matters included:

• The requirement through the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 for councils to amend their standing orders to include provisions requiring recorded votes on any decision relating to the budget or Council Tax at budget meetings.

• The need to establish a Joint Health Scrutiny Protocol for Cheshire to deal

with regional/sub regional changes to health services over the next few years which will constitute ‘substantial variations.’

• Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 relating to filming/broadcasting of

council meetings although a further report would be provided when the regulations were available.

• Committee changes.

Decision: The Committee considered each of the points in detail and recommended that Council:

1. Make appropriate amendments to its standing orders to include provisions requiring recorded votes on any decision relating to the budget or Council Tax at budget meetings as contained within the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 .

2. Notes the forthcoming legislation, Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014.

3. Reduce the Licensing Committee membership from 15 to 13

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4. Note that further amendments may be required to the Constitution and will be presented at the Annual Meeting as appropriate.

5. Recommend the establishment of a Joint Health Scrutiny Protocol for Cheshire as detailed in the report with the membership as follows:

Local authorities who consider change to be ‘substantial’

No’ of elected members to be nominated from each authority

4 or more 2 members

3 or less 3 members

Signed ………….………………….


Page 6: Town Hall Sankey Street Warrington WA1 1UH...WW1 Remembrance Room, Town Hall, Warrington Agenda prepared by Sharon Parker Councillor Servi ces Manager Telephone: (01925) 442161, Fax:

Agenda Item 3

WARRINGTON BOROUGH COUNCIL Constitution Sub Committee – 1 October 2014 Report of: Andy Farrall, Executive Director Report Authors: Daniel Hartley, Development Manager Contact Details: Email Address: Telephone: [email protected] 01925 442809 Ward Members: All TITLE OF REPORT: Planning Committee Meetings


1.1 To outline proposed changes to the Council’s constitution relating to planning committee meetings in advance of consideration by the Audit and Corporate Governance Committee and then by Council.

2. CONFIDENTIAL OR EXEMPT 2.1 This report is not confidential or exempt.


3.1 The purpose of this report is to outline a proposed change to the Council’s Constitution in respect of the frequency and type of planning committee meetings.

3.2 Following a Peer Review of the Planning Service in 2011 it was recognised that there was a need to improve the service and in particular planning application performance. Over the last 18 months planning application performance has improved although further improvements are unlikely to be realised unless further changes are made. In addition to this the Directorate/Development Management Service has/is being re-designed in recognition of budget pressures.

3.3 A Peer Review challenge into Warrington Borough Council’s Planning services

(including Development Management) took place in November 2013. The Peer Review process concluded with a number of recommendations including the following:

1. There appears to be a good case for combining the two existing planning committees

into one. This should enable rationalisation of pre-Committee processes around the production and sign-off of reports, reduce the burden on members and officers who currently frequently have to attend two evening committee meetings in one week and, subject to safeguards around public speaking rights and the continued

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Agenda Item 3

implementation of appropriate notifications of meetings, should not result in any reduction of democratic and public scrutiny of the planning decision-making process.

2. The programme of constitutional changes that has been instigated via the Planning

Improvement Board and the Development Management Committee needs to be monitored and kept under review to ensure that the Development Management service continues on its improvement path.

4. REPORT 4.1 Both Development Management Committee and the Planning Improvement Board

agreed in November 2013 and January 2014 respectively that it would be appropriate to review the Council’s Constitution mid-way through 2014 in terms of what was considered at committee and the number, type and frequency of committee meetings.

4.2 There does appear to be a case for moving towards having one single planning

committee (ie Development Management Committee) based on the following trends/agenda. On average the number of applications being referred to Development Management Committee has been very low (on average 1 per committee but with some meetings being cancelled). On average the number of applications being referred to PASC has been 7. This is because more planning applications are now determined at officer level rather and not because of a reduction in the number of planning applications received.

Date of meeting PASC – number of

planning applications DMC – number of planning applications

29th May 2013 1 -

30th May 2013 - 4

19th June 2013 8 -

20th June 2013 - 1

10th July 2013 9 -

11th July 2013 - 0 (cancelled)

31st July 2013 6 -

1st August 2013 - 1

21st August 2013 10 -

22nd August 2013 - 1

11th September 2013 6 -

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Agenda Item 3

12th September 2013 - 1

2nd October 2013 7 -

3rd October 2013 - 0 (cancelled)

23rd October 2013 7 -

24th October 2013 - 0 (Cancelled)

13th November 2013 7 -

14th November 2013 - 2

4th December 2013 4 -

5th December 2013 - 1

8th January 2014 10 -

9th January 2014 - 1

29th January 2014 17 -

30th January 2014 - 1

19th February 2014 2 -

20th February 2014 - 0 (cancelled)

13th March 2014 3 -

14th March 2014 - 1

23rd April 2014 7 -

24th April 2014 - 1

14th May 2014 10 -

15th May 2014 - 3

25th June 2014 2 -

26th June 2014 - 2

16th July 2014 7 -

17th July 2014 - 0 (cancelled)

Total No. of Cases per Committee

123 20

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Agenda Item 3

Average No. of cases per committee

7 1

4.3 There is a case for having one committee and one committee agenda every four weeks.

The number of planning applications on PASC agendas is on average ten and on DMC agendas it is one. Whilst planning application numbers are increasing changes to the Council’s constitution in 2013 have meant that more decisions are now dealt with at officer level. This includes more major planning applications and this has allowed the Council to progress important regeneration scheme quickly and avoid “special measures” designation. Moving to one committee and every four weeks is unlikely to have a detrimental impact on planning performance and would lead to efficiencies at a time when resources are being cut.

4.4 Notwithstanding the above it is recognised that the Town Hall Council Chamber is small;

it can be difficult to seat everyone particularly when a contentious/major planning application is on an agenda. Committee room 1 is available for the public to wait for agenda items to be considered and the room includes speakers so that the public can listen to debate. However, it is always better to give the public chance to sit through whole meetings wherever possible. In recognition of these circumstances it is proposed to have one planning committee agenda but hold the meetings every 3 weeks instead of every 4 weeks. It may be possible to move to every 4 weeks in the future should agenda items remain relatively and consistently low.

5. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 Fewer planning committee meetings and agendas will result in operational savings. 6. EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY / EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT 6.1 Equality impact assessment not required.


7.1 The Planning Improvement and Monitoring Board has been consulted and agreed on 21st July 2014 to support a proposal to move to one planning committee and meeting every four weeks. The matter was subsequently considered by Development Management Committee on 7th August 2014 and the committee resolved to support the proposal but that the single planning committee meet every 3 weeks and not 4 weeks.

8. REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATION 8.1 The changes to the frequency and type of committee meetings will assist in terms of

further improvement relating to planning application performance and will ensure that existing resources are used most effectively.

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Agenda Item 3


9.1 That the Sub Committee supports a proposal to change the Council’s Constitution (as attached at appendix 1) so that there is one planning committee meeting every three weeks.

10. BACKGROUND PAPERS Daniel Hartley (tel 442809)– contact point

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Agenda Item 3

Appendix 1 – Proposed Change to the Council’s Constitution Development Management Committee The following matters are reserved to the Development Management Committee. All decisions with respect to planning matters (including the granting of planning permissions and decisions with respect to enforcement of planning matters), and tree preservation orders; in the following circumstances:-

• Planning applications for development which are major* development and have given rise to material planning objections received from ten persons or more at the end of the statutory consultation period and the Executive Director Economic Regeneration , Growth and Environment is minded to recommend approval of planning permission.’

* Defined as development of 10 or more residential units or 1,000 sq.m or more of industrial, commercial or retail floor space. Where the number of units or floor space is not defined a site area of 1 hectare or more should be used. (Renewal or time extension or Section 73 (Variation of condition) applications are excluded from the definition for the purposes of referral unless considered appropriate by the Executive Director)

• Any application for development which is significantly contrary to the provisions of the

Development Plan and is recommended for approval.

• Approval of, or consultation upon, planning policy documents in accordance with the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 and any subsequent amendments thereto.

• Any application for development where a notice in writing, and within 21 days of being

notified by the Local Planning Authority (21 days is inclusive of weekends and bank/public holidays), has been given to the Executive Director of Economic Regeneration, Growth and Environment by a ward councillor for the relevant ward within which the application site is located, requiring the Committee to decide the application and identifying, to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Economic Regeneration, Growth and Environment, relevant planning reasons for the referral.

• Any application for development where a notice in writing, and within 21 days of being

notified by the Local Planning Authority (21 days is inclusive of weekends and bank/public holidays), has been given to the Executive Director of Economic Regeneration, Growth and Environment by a Town or Parish Council, for the relevant ward within which the application site is located, which has expressed a view contrary to the officer recommendation and identifying, to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Economic Regeneration, Growth and Environment, a relevant planning reason(s) for referral.

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Agenda Item 3

• Any application for development in which the Council has a significant interest in the proposal or the application relates to Council owned land or is submitted by an employee or elected member of the Council.

• Any application for development which as a consequence of the scale of objection or for

any other reason the Executive Director of Economic Regeneration, Growth and Environment deems it to be appropriate or expedient for the matter to be referred to the Committee.

• Confirmation of a Tree Preservation Order where objection to the proposed order has

been received and not been withdrawn.

• Determination of an enforcement matter where the Executive Director of Economic Regeneration, Growth and Environment considers it appropriate, particularly where there may be significant costs implications for the Council or where the action may have a significant personal or financial implication for those involved.

Note: For the avoidance of doubt the following applications are not reserved for the Development Management Committee or Planning Applications Sub Committee: Non material amendment applications, Applications for the Discharge of Planning Conditions, Prior approval applications, Lawful Development Certificate Applications and Section 73 (Variation of Condition) Applications.

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Agenda Item 4

WARRINGTON BOROUGH COUNCIL Constitution Sub Committee –1 October 2014 Report of: Timothy Date, Solicitor to the Council and Assistant Director

Corporate Governance Report Authors: Sharon Parker - Councillor Services Manager Contact Details: Email Address: Telephone: [email protected] 01925 442161 Ward Members: All TITLE OF REPORT: The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014


1.1 To provide the Committee with details of the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014.

2. CONFIDENTIAL OR EXEMPT 2.1 This report is not confidential or exempt.


3.1 Members will recall at the last meeting of the Committee in April that the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulation 2014 were imminent. The Openness of Local Bodies Regulations 2014 (the 2014 Regulations) was made and came into force on 5th August 2014 (appendix 1). On 6th August DCLG published a 33 page guidance document entitled "Open and accountable local government: A guide for the press and public on attending and reporting meetings of local government" (appendix two).

3.2 The Regulations deal with two main subject areas:

• The reporting of council meetings which are open to the public; and • The recording of officer decisions

4 REPORTING OF COUNCIL MEETINGS 4.1 In so far as the reporting and broadcasting of meetings is concerned the 2014

Regulations need to be read alongside an existing set of statutory requirements that deal with admission and access to meetings, namely the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the Local Government Act 1972, and the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.

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Agenda Item 4

4.2 The main thrust of the 2014 Regulations is to amend both the 1960 Act and the 1972 Act

by saying that any person who attends a meeting of a relevant local government body/principal council for the purpose of reporting the meeting 'may use any communication method, including the internet, to publish, post or otherwise share the results of the person's reporting activities'. That is the fundamental 'right' given to the public under the 2014 Regulations.

4.3 The corresponding duty upon local authorities is to afford reasonable facilities to enable

the exercise of these rights. 4.4 The 2014 Regulations allow publication and dissemination at the time of the meeting and

although not expressly stated this is likely an indirect reference to tweeting and similar. 4.5 Nothing in the 2014 Regulations prevent Councils from excluding the public in the

circumstances with which council members have been long familiar. If people are properly excluded the 2014 Regulations make it clear that they cannot leave their devices running in the room whilst the individuals concerned are outside the room. Additionally, the 'right' to simultaneous publication and dissemination does not extend making oral commentary on a meeting as it takes place if the person so reporting is at the meeting.

4.6 The rights and duties created by the 2014 Regulations are, on any reasonable

interpretation, far from absolute and no remedies are identified in the event of non-compliance. The Council's duty is essentially to afford 'reasonable facilities'. Apart from what might be said in the DCLG guide there is no supplementary material explaining what is 'reasonable'.

4.7 Reasonable facilities would be space to view and hear the meeting, seats and ideally a

desk. 4.8 Permission is not required in advance of the meeting but it would be useful if this was

provided so that practical arrangements could be made. 4.9 The limits surrounding the new Regulations are that the law of the land applies including

the law of defamation and the law on public order offences. It is intended that Freedom of speech within the law should be exercised with personal responsibility, showing respect and tolerance towards the views of others.

4.10 The Chairs of the various committees will be able to exercise a degree of control in that

members of the public can be asked to leave the meeting if their behavior becomes disruptive.

4.11 Disruptive behavior could be:

• Moving to areas outside the areas designated for the public;

• Excessive noise setting up or re-siting equipment during the debate;

• Intrusive lighting or flash photography;

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Agenda Item 4

• Asking for people to repeat statements for the purposes of recording.

4.12 The 2014 Regulations apply to traditional council meetings that are open to the public e.g. Executive Board, Planning, Traffic and Licensing and do not extend to private meetings e.g. Neighborhood meetings etc.

5. OFFICER DECISION NOTICES 5.1 The 2014 Regulations also contain important obligations to record certain decisions

which are nothing to do with webcasting or filming meetings. Without diminishing the importance of the webcasting/filming issues it has been the matters concerned within Regulation 7 that officers have given more immediate attention given the sanctions contained within. The requirement affects decisions made on and after 5th August 2014.

5.2 Regulation 7 requires 'decision making officers' to produce a written record of specified

decisions as soon as ‘reasonably practicable’ after the decision has been taken. There is also a duty to make that written record (with background papers) available for inspection at council offices and on the website 'as soon as reasonably practicable' after the decision is made.

5.3 The decisions in question are:

a) those made under a specific express authorisation; b) the grant of a permission or licence (under a general authorisation); c) a decision affecting the rights of an individual (also under a general authorisation); d) any award of contract or decision to incur expenditure which materially affects the council's financial position (again under a general authorisation).

5.4 There are savings in respect of confidential and exempt information which elected

members will be familiar with. 5.5 The issues drawn to members attention in this report bring the matter in line with the

Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information (England) Regulations 2012.

5.6 The type of decisions not affected are:

• Administrative and operational decisions by officers on how they go about their day to day work within the council’s rules

• Decisions which already by law have to be recorded and made available to the public and include the decision, reasons and date ( e.g. decisions on applications for planning permission)

• Decisions taken in response to requests under Freedom of Information Act 2000 or Data Protection Act 1998

5.7 Information that needs to be recorded is:

• Decision taken • Date of decision • Reasons

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Agenda Item 4

• Alternative options considered and why rejected • Details of any conflict of interest declared by member consulted • Background documents

5.8 The written decision notice must be made available for public inspection at the Council offices and on the council website as soon as reasonably practicable. This means that the decision notice should be sent through to Democratic Services for publication.

5.9 The only exception to this is if the whole or part of the notice contains exempt or confidential information. This documentation is not to be made available for inspection.

5.10 The decision must then be retained and made available for a period of 6 years – background papers 4 years. Refusal to make these documents available is a criminal offence .Any person who has custody of a document and without reasonable excuse obstructs or refuses access is liable on conviction to a fine.

6 IMPLICATIONS FOR WARRINGTON 6.1 In so far as the reporting and broadcasting of meetings is concerned (paragraphs 4.1 to

4.12 above) officers and members of the council have so far taken a pragmatic approach and not attempted to draft protocols or amend the constitution which will not in itself capture all eventualities. The Council's duty to afford 'reasonable facilities' is being applied in a proportionate manner.

6.2 The Solicitor to the Council and his team are working with chairs and deputies, all

members and colleagues to interpret the Regulations and plan ahead for meetings to identify potential issues. There is no evidence so far to suggest that this is a major concern for Warrington. It is recommended at this stage that this approach continue with an iterative review and challenge with each case to be dealt with based on the information available to capture any local issues.

6.3 Officers will continue to work with members to ensure that general information is

provided to members of the public on Wi-Fi availability, the recommended areas for filming of meetings and the location of power sockets etc.

6.4 Warrington Borough Council does not currently webcast its committee meetings. Those

councils that already do so consider that they have likely pre-empted people from seeking to make their own arrangements under these new rights on the grounds that it is not likely that anyone would go the trouble of recording a 90 minute meeting if the Council has made its own arrangements to provide a professional and objective webcast of such meeting.

6.5 There are a range of practical issues might arise if people turn up with large and

obtrusive equipment which cannot sensibly be accommodated in the rooms Warrington has at our disposal. The Council can readily come to the view that there is no right for individuals to utilise such equipment because it does not fall within the scope of 'reasonable facilities'. Other practical issues that might be anticipated include the use of flash photography or people wandering around the meeting room causing distraction. Those are matters of courteous and considerate behaviour which can still be managed

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Agenda Item 4

by the person presiding at the meeting. It is recommended that such situations be managed with a light touch should they arise.

6.6 With regard to the recording of decisions (paragraphs 5.1 to 5.10) the procedure is

overseen by the Solicitor to the Council. The first batch of decisions has been placed on the Council’s website within CMIS (Committee Management Information System). A workshop has taken place for third and fourth tier officers outlining the requirements of the Regulations. Other sessions are planned and discussions with colleagues continue to ensure that a robust organisational process is in place to deal with this matter. Further sessions will take place at the request of individual management teams. This proactive approach places Warrington in a good state of progress.

7. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS 7.1 To be accommodated within existing resources. 8. EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY / EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT 8.1 The aim of the recommendations is to encourage inclusive and full participation by

members of the public. and compliance with the legislation.

9. REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATION 9.1 To ensure compliance with the legislation.


10.1 Decision – The Sub Committee 1) notes and comments on the content of the report. 11. BACKGROUND PAPERS Files held by Sharon Parker, Democratic and Member Services.

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Draft Regulations laid before Parliament under section 43(3) and (4)(i) of the Local Audit and

Accountability Act 2014, for approval by resolution of each House of Parliament.


2014 No.


The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014

Made - - - - ***

Coming into force in accordance with regulation 1

The Secretary of State makes the following Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by

sections 40 and 43(2) of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014(a).

A draft of this instrument has been laid before, and approved by a resolution of, each House of

Parliament pursuant to section 43 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014.



Citation and commencement

1. These Regulations may be cited as the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations

2014 and come into force on the day after the day on which they are made.


2. In these Regulations—

“the 1960 Act” means the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960(b);

“the 1972 Act” means the Local Government Act 1972(c);

“the 2012 Regulations” means the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and

Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012(d).

(a) 2014 c. 2. (b) 1960 c. 67. Relevant amendments were made by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 (c. 43), section

3, Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 and the Broadcasting Act 1990 (c. 42), section 203(1) and Schedule 20. (c) 1972 c. 70. Part 5A and Schedule 12A was inserted by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, section 1.

Section 100I was amended by S.I. 2006/88. (d) S.I. 2012/2089.

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Admission to and reporting of meetings of certain local government bodies

Amendment of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960

3.—(1) Section 1 of the 1960 Act (admission of public to meetings of local authorities and other

bodies) is amended as follows.

(2) After subsection (3) insert—

“(3A) Where the public are excluded from a meeting of a relevant local government body

under subsection (2), the body may also prevent any person from reporting on the meeting

using methods—

(a) which can be used without that person’s presence at the meeting, and

(b) which enable persons not present at the meeting to see or hear the proceedings at

the meeting as it takes place or later.”

(3) In subsection (4), after paragraph (c) insert—


(d) in the case of a meeting of a relevant local government body, while the meeting is

open to the public any person attending is to be permitted to report on the meeting.

(4) After subsection (4) insert—

“(4A) Subsection (4)(d) does not require a relevant local government body to permit oral

reporting or oral commentary on a meeting as it takes place if the person reporting or

providing the commentary is present at the meeting.”

(5) In subsection (7)—

(a) after “television broadcasting services” insert “or, in the case of a relevant local

government body, for use in electronic or any other format to provide news to the public

by means of the internet”; and

(b) for “but nothing in this section” substitute “but, subject to subsection (4)(d), nothing in

this section”.

(6) After subsection (8) insert—

“(9) In this Act—

“relevant local government body” means—

(a) the Council of the Isles of Scilly;

(b) a parish council; or

(c) a parish meeting of a parish which does not have a separate parish council;

“reporting” means—

(a) filming, photographing or making an audio recording of proceedings at a meeting;

(b) using any other means for enabling persons not present to see or hear proceedings

at a meeting as it takes place or later; or

(c) reporting or providing commentary on proceedings at a meeting, orally or in

writing, so that the report or commentary is available as the meeting takes place or

later to persons not present.”

(7) After section 1 of that Act insert—

“Publication and dissemination of reports

1A.—(1) Any person who attends a meeting of a relevant local government body for the

purpose of reporting on the meeting may use any communication method, including the

internet, to publish, post or otherwise share the results of the person’s reporting activities.

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(2) Publication and dissemination may take place at the time of the meeting or occur after

the meeting.”

(8) In section 2(1) of that Act (application of section 1 to committees of bodies to which the Act


(a) for “the foregoing section” substitute “sections 1 and 1A”;

(b) for “as that section applies” substitute “as they apply”; and

(c) for “of that section” substitute “of section 1”.

Amendment of the Local Government Act 1972

4.—(1) Section 100A of the 1972 Act (admission to meetings of principal councils) is amended

as follows.

(2) After subsection (5) insert—

“(5A) Where the public are excluded from a meeting of a principal council in England

under subsection (2) or (4), the council may also prevent any person from reporting on the

meeting using methods—

(a) which can be used without that person’s presence at the meeting, and

(b) which enable persons not present at the meeting to see or hear the proceedings at

the meeting as it takes place or later.”

(3) In subsection (6), at the beginning of paragraph (c) insert “subject to subsection (7D),”.

(4) In subsection (7), at the beginning insert “Subject to subsection (7A)”.

(5) After subsection (7) insert—

“(7A) While a meeting of a principal council in England is open to the public, any person

attending is to be permitted to report on the meeting.

(7B) Subsection (7A) does not require a principal council in England to permit oral

reporting or oral commentary on a meeting as it takes place if the person reporting or

providing the commentary is present at the meeting.

(7C) A person attending a meeting of a principal council in England for the purpose of

reporting on the meeting must, so far as practicable, be afforded reasonable facilities for

doing so.

(7D) Subsection (7C) applies in place of subsection (6)(c) in the case of a principal

council in England.

(7E) Any person who attends a meeting of a principal council in England for the purpose

of reporting on the meeting may use any communication method, including the internet, to

publish, post or otherwise share the results of the person’s reporting activities.

(7F) Publication and dissemination may take place at the time of the meeting or occur

after the meeting.”

(6) After subsection (8) insert—

“(9) In this section “reporting” means—

(a) filming, photographing or making an audio recording of proceedings at a meeting,

(b) using any other means for enabling persons not present to see or hear proceedings

at a meeting as it takes place or later, or

(c) reporting or providing commentary on proceedings at a meeting, orally or in

writing, so that the report or commentary is available as the meeting takes place or

later to persons not present.”

(7) In section 100E of that Act (application to committees and sub-committees), after subsection

(1) insert—

“(1A) But in section 100A, subsections (5A), (7A) to (7F) and (9) do not apply to a

committee which is appointed or established jointly by one or more principal councils in

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England and one or more principal councils in Wales, or a sub-committee of such a


(8) In section 100J of that Act (application of Part 5A to new authorities, Common Council


(a) in subsection (1), after “Except in this section,” insert “and subject as follows,”, and

(b) after subsection (2A) insert—

“(2B) In section 100A, subsections (5A), (7A) to (7F) and (9) do not apply to—

(a) a joint waste authority;

(b) the Common Council other than in its capacity as a local authority or police


(c) a joint board or a joint committee falling within subsection (2) above;

(d) the Homes and Communities Agency; or

(e) a Mayoral development corporation.”.

Amendment of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to

Information) (England) Regulations 2012

5.—(1) The 2012 Regulations are amended as follows.

(2) In regulation 4 after paragraph (5) insert—

“(5A) Where the public are excluded from a meeting under paragraph (2), a decision

making body may also prevent any person from reporting proceedings using methods—

(a) which can be used without that person’s presence at the meeting, and

(b) which enable persons not present at the meeting to see or hear the proceedings at

the meeting as it takes place or later.

(5B) While the meeting is open to the public, any person attending is to be permitted to

report the proceedings.

(5C) Paragraph (5B) does not require a decision making body to permit oral reporting or

oral commentary on a meeting as it takes place if the person reporting or providing the

commentary is present at the meeting.”

(3) In that regulation, after paragraph (6) insert—

“(7) Any person who attends the meeting to report the proceedings may use any

communication methods, including the internet, to publish, post or otherwise share the

results of their reporting activities.

(8) Publication and dissemination may take place at the time of the meeting or occur after

the meeting.

(9) For the purposes of this regulation, reporting on proceedings at a meeting means—

(a) filming, photographing or making an audio recording of the proceedings at the


(b) using any other means for enabling persons not present to see or hear proceedings

at the meeting as it takes place or later, or

(c) reporting or providing commentary on proceedings at the meeting, orally or in

writing, so that the report or commentary is available to persons not present, as the

meeting takes place or later.”

(4) In regulation 20 omit paragraph (4).

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Record of decisions and access to documents

Interpretation of this Part

6. In this Part—

“background papers” in relation to a decision which falls within regulation 7(2), means those

documents other than published works, that—

(a) relate to the subject matter of the decision or, as the case may be, part of the decision; and

(b) in the opinion of the proper officer—

(i) disclose any facts or matters on which the decision or an important part of the

decision is based; and

(ii) were relied on to a material extent in making the decision;

“confidential information” means—

(c) information provided to the local government body by a government department on terms

(however expressed) which forbid the disclosure of the information to the public; or

(d) information the disclosure of which to the public is prohibited by or under any enactment

or by order of a court,

and in either case, a reference to the obligation of confidence is to be construed accordingly;

“decision-making officer” means an officer of a relevant local government body who makes a

decision which falls within regulation 7(2);

“exempt information” has the meaning given by section 100I(1) of the 1972 Act (exempt

information and power to vary Schedule 12A);

“proper officer” has the same meaning as in section 270(3) of the 1972 Act (general

provisions as to interpretation);

“relevant local government body” means—

(a) a district council,

(b) a county council in England,

(c) a London borough council,

(d) the Greater London Authority,

(e) the Common Council of the City of London in its capacity as a local authority or police


(f) the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority,

(g) Transport for London,

(h) a joint authority established under Part 4 of the Local Government Act 1985(a),

(i) an economic prosperity board,

(j) a combined authority,

(k) a fire and rescue authority in England constituted by a scheme under section 2 of the Fire

and Rescue Services Act 2004(b) or a scheme to which section 4 of that Act applies,

(l) a National Park Authority for a National Park in England,

(m) the Broads Authority,

(n) the Council of the Isles of Scilly,

(a) 1985 c. 51. Relevant amendments were made by the Police and Magistrates’ Courts Act 1994 (c. 29), section 93 and

Schedule 9; the Greater London Authority Act 1999 (c. 29), section 328, 423 and Schedule 34; the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 (c. 36), section 32 and Schedule 2 and the Local Transport Act 2008 (c. 26), section 77 and Schedule 4.

(b) 2004 c. 21.

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(o) a parish council, or,

(p) a parish meeting.

Recording of decisions

7.—(1) The decision-making officer must produce a written record of any decision which falls

within paragraph (2).

(2) A decision falls within this paragraph if it would otherwise have been taken by the relevant

local government body, or a committee, sub-committee of that body or a joint committee in which

that body participates, but it has been delegated to an officer of that body either—

(a) under a specific express authorisation; or

(b) under a general authorisation to officers to take such decisions and, the effect of the

decision is to—

(i) grant a permission or licence;

(ii) affect the rights of an individual; or

(iii) award a contract or incur expenditure which, in either case, materially affects that

relevant local government body’s financial position.

(3) The written record must be produced as soon as reasonably practicable after the decision-

making officer has made the decision and must contain the following information—

(a) the date the decision was taken;

(b) a record of the decision taken along with reasons for the decision;

(c) details of alternative options, if any, considered and rejected; and

(d) where the decision falls under paragraph (2)(a), the names of any member of the relevant

local government body who has declared a conflict of interest in relation to the decision.

(4) The duty imposed by paragraph (1) is satisfied where, in respect of a decision, a written

record containing the information referred to in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph (3) is

already required to be produced in accordance with any other statutory requirement.

Decisions and background papers to be made available to the public

8.—(1) The written record, together with any background papers, must as soon as reasonably

practicable after the record is made, be made available for inspection by members of the public—

(a) at all reasonable hours, at the offices of the relevant local government body;

(b) on the website of the relevant local government body, if it has one; and,

(c) by such other means that the relevant local government body considers appropriate.

(2) On request and on receipt of payment of postage, copying or other necessary charge for

transmission, the relevant local government body must provide to the person who has made the

request and paid the appropriate charges—

(a) a copy of the written record;

(b) a copy of any background papers.

(3) The written record must be retained by the relevant local government body and made

available for inspection by the public for a period of six years beginning with the date on which

the decision, to which the record relates, was made.

(4) Any background papers must be retained by the relevant local government body and made

available for inspection by the public for a period of four years beginning with the date on which

the decision, to which the background papers relate, was made.

(5) In this regulation “written record” means the record required to be made by regulation 7(1)

or the record referred to in regulation 7(4), as the case may be.

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Confidential and exempt information

9.—(1) Nothing in this Part is to be taken to authorise or require the disclosure of confidential

information in breach of the obligation of confidence.

(2) Nothing in this Part—

(a) authorises or requires a relevant local government body to disclose to the public or make

available for public inspection any document or part of a document if, in the opinion of

the proper officer, that document or part of a document contains or may contain

confidential information; or

(b) requires a relevant local government body to disclose to the public or make available for

public inspection any document or part of a document if, in the opinion of the proper

officer, that document or part of a document contains or is likely to contain exempt



10.—(1) A person who has custody of a document which is required by regulation 8 to be

available for inspection by members of the public commits an offence if, without reasonable

excuse, that person—

(a) intentionally obstructs any person exercising a right conferred under this Part in relation

to inspecting written records and background papers; or

(b) refuses any request under this Part to provide written records or background papers.

(2) A person who commits an offence under paragraph (1) is liable on summary conviction to a

fine not exceeding level 1 on the standard scale.

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government


Parliamentary Under Secretary of State

Date Department for Communities and Local Government


(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations make provision to allow members of the public to report and commentate on

public meetings of local government bodies in England. They also require written records to be

kept of certain decisions taken by officers of these bodies.

Regulation 3 amends the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to allow entry to the

meetings of specified local government bodies for the purposes of reporting and to allow the

results of the reporting to be publish or disseminated. “Reporting” includes filming and providing

commentary on proceedings and allows for the use of a wide range of methods including social


Regulations 4 and 5 make similar amendments to the Local Government Act 1972 and the Local

Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England)

Regulations 2012.

Regulation 7 provides for the making of a written record of certain decisions taken by officers of

relevant local government bodies; regulation 8 provides for the publication of that record;

regulation 9 provides an exemption for confidential information and regulation 10 imposes a

criminal sanction in relation to obstruction of persons in providing information under regulation 8,

punishable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 1 on the standard scale.

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August 2014 Department for Communities and Local Government

Open and accountable local government

A guide for the press and public on attending and reporting meetings of local government

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ISBN: 978-1-4098-4301-6

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About this Guide

Part 1 – Your rights to attend and report meetings

Who has these rights?

The national rules

Part 2 – Access to the meetings and documents of council executives

Attending the meetings

Private meetings

Recording of decisions of public meetings

Decisions by members and officers

Your rights as a councillor

Part 3 – Access to non-executive meetings and documents of a local government

body, other than parish and town councils

Attending the meetings

Private meetings

Recording of decisions of public meetings

Decisions by officers

Part 4 – Access to meetings and documents of parish and town councils

Attending the meetings

Private meetings

Recording of decisions of public meetings

Decisions by officers

Part 5 - Other rights

Your other rights of access to information

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About this Guide

The national rulesi have been changed to make councils, including parish and town

councilsii, and other local government bodies such as fire and rescue authorities, more

transparent and accountable to their local communities. A full list of bodies to which the

rules apply is at annex A.

This plain English Guideiii gives practical information about what these new rules mean for

members of the public attending meetings of local government bodies, including meetings

of a body’s committees, sub-committees and any joint committees involving two or more

bodies. The Guide also covers meetings of any council’s executive (i.e. the council’s

cabinetiv), including any committees and sub-committees of the executive.

In particular, this Guide gives practical information about how members of the public can

use modern technology and communication tools to report on meetings they are attending,

and about how to access information on decisions taken by a body’s officers or individual

members. This Guide will also help the public to know when they can attend meetings of

local government bodies, and what documents and information are available to them. It

should also help councillors and officers to comply with the new rules.

As the Guide explains, different rules apply to different meetings, particularly meetings of a

parish council or parish meeting, and the meetings of a council’s executive, its committees

or sub-committees.

Part 1 focuses on the use of various communication tools for reporting the

proceedings of any meeting of a local government body which is open to the public.

Part 2 explains how the public can access meetings of a council’s executive, its

committees and sub-committees, and records of executive decisions taken by

individual members or officers.

Part 3 explains how the public can access all other meetings of a local government

body, other than parish and town councils, and records of certain other decisions

taken by officers.

Part 4 explains how the public can access meetings of parish and town councils,

parish meetings and the Council of the Isles of Scilly, and records of certain

decisions taken by those councils’ officers.

Part 5 focuses on other rights that the public have to access information.

This Guide now replaces the Guide titled “Your council – going to its meetings, seeing how

it works” that the department issued in June 2013.

All footnotes are listed at the end of the Guide.

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Part 1 Your rights to attend and report


This part of the Guide applies to all the local government bodies listed at annex A.

Why are there new national rules?

We now live in a modern, digital world where the use of modern communication methods

such as filming, tweeting and blogging should be embraced for enhancing the openness

and transparency of local government bodies. This will ensure we have strong, 21st

century, local democracy where local government bodies are genuinely accountable to the

local people whom they serve and to the local taxpayers who help fund them.

Who do these rules help?

These rules help any members of the press and public who want to know about, view or

report the work of local government bodies. The “press” is defined in the widest terms –

including traditional print media, filming crews, hyper-local journalists and bloggers.

The new national rulesv have increased your rights to film, audio-record, take photographs,

and use social media such as tweeting and blogging to report the proceedings of all such

meetings that are open to the public.

Are all meetings of a local government body open to the public?

All meetings must be open to the public except in limited defined circumstances where the

national rules require or allow the meeting to be closed to the public – see Part 2 for the

rules for a council’s executive, Part 3 for the rules for other local government bodies, other

than parish and town councils, and Part 4 for the rules for parish and town councils.

Can I film or audio-record the meeting? Yes, councils and other local government bodies are required to allow any member of the

public to take photographs, film and audio-record the proceedings, and report on all public

meetings. While no prior permission is required to carry out this activity, it is advisable that

any person wishing to film or audio-record a public meeting let their local government staff

know so that all necessary arrangements can be made for the public meeting. This is

important because the rules require local government bodies only to provide reasonable

facilities for any member of the public to report on meetings.

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There is no legal requirement for councils to webcast their meetings, but where councils

and other local government bodies webcast any of their public meetings, they should, as a

matter of good practice, notify the public.

Do I need to have advance permission to report the meeting?

No. Whilst we would encourage people to contact staff in advance if they want to film or

record, equally, we would discourage any system which “vetted” journalists or restricted

reporting to “approved” journalists. Councils should support freedom of the press within the

law and not seek to restrict those who may write critical comments.

Can I film or audio-record a private meetingvi?

The rules on the use of communication methods, such as filming and audio-recording, only

require local government bodies to allow the reporting of meetings open to the public. The

relevant council or local government body may not allow you to film or audio-record its

private meetings. You may also not be allowed to leave recording equipment in the room

where a private meeting is held for the purpose of reporting on the meeting.

Can I tweet or blog a council or local government body meeting? Yes, the new rulesvii allow for reporting of meetings via social media of any kind. Therefore

bloggers, tweeters, and for example, Facebook, YouTube users and individuals with their

own website, should be able to report meetings. You should ask your council for details of

the facilities they are providing for reporting.

If I am a councillor, can I tweet or blog during council meetings?

The national rules do not prevent councillors from tweeting and blogging at meetings, so they should be able to do so provided it is not disruptive and does not detract from the proper conduct of the meeting. Whilst councillors are expected to comply with their body’s code of conduct, this should not prevent councillors from tweeting or blogging when appropriate.

What sort of facilities will my council or local government body provide?

Councils or local government bodies are required to provide “reasonable facilities” to

facilitate reporting. This should include space to view and hear the meeting, seats, and

ideally a desk. Councils and local government bodies should use their common sense to

determine the range of reasonable facilities they can actively provide to support the free

press in all its forms.

To facilitate public scrutiny and public reporting, local authorities should not conduct their

meetings in foreign languages.

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Will I be allowed to film, tweet, blog or audio-record the meetings of other bodies

not listed in annex A?

The Government message is that all public bodies should adopt maximum openness and

transparency. This is also essential for bodies or groups making decisions for their local

area because they are expected to be open and transparent in their decision-making.

While the new national rules do not apply to some local groups such as neighbourhood

forums and Local Enterprise Partnerships, such groups are encouraged, when having

public meetings, to embrace the use of modern technology and should allow the same

filming, audio-recording, taking of photographs, tweeting and blogging as applied to local

government bodies, particularly if they are in receipt of public funds. This will give local

people the opportunity to see how decisions are being made that affect their community.

Are there any limits to what I can say in a tweet or video I publish?

The law of the land applies – including the law of defamation and the law on public order

offences (see the Crown Prosecution Service guidance on social mediaviii).

Freedom of speech within the law should also be exercised with personal and social

responsibility – showing respect and tolerance towards the views of others.

Are there other limits that I should be aware of?

The council or local government body should consider adopting a policy on the filming of

members of the public, and ensure that they protect children, the vulnerable and other

members of the public who actively object to being filmed, without undermining the

broader transparency of the meeting.

Will I be able to provide commentary during the meeting?

Any person can provide written commentary during a meeting, as well as oral commentary

outside or after the meeting. The new rules do not permit oral commentary to be provided

during a meeting as this would be disruptive to the good order of the meeting.

Can I be asked to leave a meeting because I’m taking photographs, filming or audio-

recording the meeting or using social media?

Generally, people attending public meetings must be readily able to film, audio-record,

take photographs or use social media. Councils and other local government bodies must

take steps to ensure this is the case. However, those undertaking these activities must not

act in a disruptive manner, which could result in being excluded from the meeting.

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What is disruptive behaviour?

Essentially, this could be any action or activity which disrupts the conduct of meetings or

impedes other members of the public being able to see, hear or film etc the proceedings.

Examples can include:

moving to areas outside the areas designated for the publicix without the consent of

the Chairman,

excessive noise in recording or setting up or re-siting equipment during the


intrusive lighting and use of flash photography; and

asking for people to repeat statements for the purposes of recording.

You may be excluded from a meeting if you act in a disruptive manner.

Can I leave recording equipment in a public meeting room and record without being


There is no legal prohibition, however, under the national rules, the local government body

may require any such recording to stop if at any stage the meeting becomes a private


But the local authority says reporting is a breach of its Standing Orders?

It is a legal duty for the local government body to follow the new provisions. If a local

government body’s existing Standing Orders are not fully in line with the new legislation, in

the short-term, we recommend they simply waive the relevant provisions of those old

Standing Orders which could be taken to inhibit the new reporting rules, and then take

steps to update formally its Standing Orders.

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Part 2 Access to meetings and

documents of a council’s executive

This Part explains how the public can access meetings of a council’s executive, its

committees and sub-committees, and records of executive decisions taken by individual

members or officers. A council’s executive (i.e. the council’s cabinet) is its main decision

making body consisting of an elected mayor or leader and a number of councillors. This

Part applies to councils with either a leader and cabinet or elected mayor and cabinet. It

does not apply to councils operating the committee system or other local government

bodies listed in Annex A.

What are the national rules for access to meetings and documents of a council’s


The national rules are principally provided by the Local Authorities (Executive

Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 which

introduced significantly greater transparency and openness into the meetings of a council’s

executive, its committees and sub-committees. The rules also strengthen the rights of

councillors to access information about items to be discussed at a public or private

meeting of their council’s executive.

Who can make an executive decision in my council?

The decision maker can be the executive, its committees and sub-committees, joint

committees, joint sub-committees, individual councillors, and officers who have delegated

responsibility from the executive to make executive decisions. Your council may have local

rulesx that will explain who may make a decision.

Attending the meetings of your council’s executive

How will I know about a forthcoming public meeting of my council’s executive?

Your council must give a notice of the meeting at least 5 clear days before it takes place.

The details of the meeting must be published at your council’s offices and on its website

where practicable. The agenda must be published with any background papers. No item

can be considered if the item is not available for inspection by the public with 5 clear days’


Where an item is added to the agenda within 5 days before the meeting is scheduled to

take place, a revised agenda, public report and background papers must be published as

soon as the item is added to the agenda. In some circumstances, the whole or part of a

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report may not be available for public inspection because it contains either confidential or

exempt information. In this case, the report should bear the phrase ‘not for publication’

and state that it contains confidential information or set out the description of the exempt


Can I obtain a copy of the agenda and other relevant papers for a public meeting of

my council’s executive?

Yes, your council must provide you with a copy of the agenda, and other relevant papers

once you have made payment of postage and/or copying charge. There are also additional

legal rights to access information, outlined in Part 5 of this Guide.

Can a council’s executive choose to meet in private?

All meetings of an executive including meetings of its committees or sub-committees must

be open to the public, except in limited defined circumstances where the national rules

require or allow the meeting to be closed to the public.

The rules require a meeting of an executive to be closed to the public in two specific


If the presence of the public is likely to result in the council breaching a legal

obligation to third parties about the keeping of confidential information; or

a lawful power is used to exclude the public in order to maintain orderly conduct or

prevent misbehaviour at a meeting.

In addition, a meeting can also be closed to the public where the executive so decides (by

passing a resolution of its members) because exempt information would otherwise be likely

to be disclosed. It is open to the executive if it chooses to consider in public matters

involving exempt information. There is no over-riding legal requirement forcing councils to

discuss exempt information in private.

What is confidential information?

Confidential information means:

information provided to the council by a Government department on terms

which forbid the disclosure of the information to the public; and

information which is prohibited from being disclosed by any enactment or by a

court order.

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What is exempt information?

The descriptions of exempt information are set out in Schedule 12A to the Local

Government Act 1972. The descriptions are listed at Annex B of this Guide.

Can I be asked to leave a public meeting?

Yes. As a member of the public you can be asked to leave a meeting so that the executive,

its committees or sub-committees can discuss matters in private, but only in the limited

circumstances that are already explained.

How will I know about a private meeting of my council’s executive?

Prior to holding a private meeting, your council must have published on its website and at

its offices at least 28 clear days’ notice of its intention to consider a matter in private and

the reasons for the private meeting. This is to ensure that members of the public have

reasonable opportunity to make representations as to why the proposed private meeting

should not be held in private.

At least 5 clear days before the meeting, your council must confirm its intention to go

ahead with the private meeting through another notice on its website and at its offices.

This second notice has to include details of any representations received and the council’s

response to them.

Can a private meeting of my council’s executive be held if 28 days’ notice is not

given to the public?

A private meeting can only be held without 28 days’ notice after the agreement of the

Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee has been obtained that the meeting is

urgent and cannot reasonably be delayed. In the absence of the Overview and Scrutiny

Committee Chairman, the permission of the Council Chairman (or, in their absence, the

Vice Chairman) must be obtained. If this agreement is granted the council must publish a

notice about why the meeting is urgent and cannot be deferred. This notice must be

available at its offices and on their website. If agreement is not given then the meeting

must either be held in public, or the council must comply with the 28 day notice


Can I attend an executive’s pre-briefing meeting with local authority officers?

No. The rules apply only to when councillors meet as a decision making body to exercise

their statutory executive responsibilities. The rules do not apply to political groups’

meetings or to informal briefing meetings for councillors.

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Recording of decisions of public meetings

If I am not at the meeting, how will I know of any decisions made?

The fact that you are unable to attend a public meeting of your council’s executive, its

committees or sub-committees does not mean you cannot find out about the decisions

made there. The national rules require a council to keep records of any executive

decisionsxi made as soon as reasonably practicable after any public meeting. The written

records must reflect the following information:

Details of the decision and the date it was made;

reasons for the decision;

any other options considered and why those options were rejected;

details of any conflict of interest of an executive member of the decision-making

body; and

a note of dispensation granted by the Head of Paid Service in respect of any

declared conflict of interest.

You can then inspect the records and any reports considered at the meeting at your

council’s offices and on the council’s website if it has one. All of these documents can be

inspected for six years beginning from the date of the meeting apart from background

papers which can be inspected for four years beginning from the date of the meeting.

These records may be kept in electronic format.

Apart from information about meetings, are there other means of knowing about

decisions likely to be made by a council’s executive, its committees and sub-


Yes. The national rules require a council to publish its intention to make a key decisionxii in

a document at least 28 clear days prior to when the decision is intended to be made. The

notice has to include details of the individual or executive body that will make the decision,

the matter that is subject to a decision, other documents to be considered, and where

these other documents are available. This notice document must be available at the

council’s offices and on its website before the decision is made.

This allows you to have sufficient knowledge in advance of those decisions that will be of

genuine concern to you and your local communities.

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Can a key decision of a council’s executivexiii be made without giving the 28 days'


Yes, provided the following requirements are met:-

the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairman is informed in advance

and in writing (or all the members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee) about

what the decision is concerning;

a notice about the key decision to be made is made available for inspection at the

council’s offices and published on the website; and

5 clear days elapse following the day a notice is published about the key decision

to be made.

If there is a case of special urgency, for example an urgent decision on a negotiation,

expenditure or contract, the decision must only be made if the agreement of the Overview

and Scrutiny Committee Chairman is received. In the absence of the Overview and

Scrutiny Committee Chairman, the permission of the Council Chairman (or in their

absence the Vice Chairman) must be obtained. If agreement is given, a notice explaining

why the decision is urgent and cannot reasonably be deferred, must be published and

should be available at the council’s offices and on its website as soon as reasonably


Can 28 days’ notice of a key decision also provide 28 days’ notice required for a

council executive’s private meeting?

It is up to your council to decide whether the 28 day key decision document should contain

the details required for a private meeting notice. Where there is an intention to make a key

decision at a private meeting, your council must comply fully with all the national rules.

Can my council’s executive make key decisions and not follow the national rules?

No. Councils must comply with all the national rules since they are prescribed by law.

Should a decision be made without applying the key decision rules because the council

thinks that the decision is not a key decision, but subsequently the Overview and Scrutiny

Committee decides the decision is a key decision, the executive may be asked to submit a

report to the full council.

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Executive decisions by an individual member or officer Can an individual member or an officer of a council’s executive take decisions on

matters that are the executive's responsibility?

Yes, where the rules of your council allow this. Decision makers can be individual councillors, and officers who have delegated responsibility from the executive to make executive decisions.

How will I know about an executive decision taken by a member or officer?

When a member or officer takes a decision on matters that are the responsibility of the

council's executive, this must be recorded in writing. The form of the written record is for

the council to decide, but the following should be included:

details of the decision and the date it was made;

reasons for the decision;

any other options considered and why those options were rejected;

details of any conflict of interest declared by any executive member consulted in

relation to the decision; and

a note of dispensation granted in respect of any declared conflict of interest.

Are all decisions made by councils’ officers to be so recorded?

No. The requirement to record decisions extends only to “executive decisions”. Executive

decisions can sometimes be defined in your council’s rules. Decisions which are taken by

officers under specific delegations from a meeting of their council's executive are clearly

executive decisions. However, many administrative and operational decisions officers take

on how they go about their day to day work will be delegated within the council’s rules and

are not in this “executive decisions” category; as such they do not need to be recorded.

The decisions that should be not recorded might include the following examples:

Decisions to allocate social carers to particular individuals, or for example, to

provide walking aids;

decisions to allocate a social housing unit to an applicant or to send someone to

carry out repairs;

decisions to review the benefit claims of an individual applicant and

decisions to allocate market stalls to individual traders.

Where officers have been empowered to act on behalf of their council's executive,

examples of decisions that should be recorded could include:

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Decisions about awarding contracts above specified individual or total values;

decisions to exercise powers of Compulsory Purchase;

decisions on disposal of and/ or provision of allotment land and green spaces;

awarding of Discretionary Rate Relief

the opening hours of local libraries; and

the holding of car boot sales/markets on council-owned land.

This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, rather a series of examples to illustrate that, in

the interests of maximum transparency, these Regulations require more than just key

decisions to be recorded.

Ultimately it is for local decision makers to decide what information should be recorded on

the basis of the national rules.

How can I see any records of decisions taken by executive members or officers?

Once a record of executive decisions taken by an executive member or officer has been

made, you should be able to inspect the record at the council’s offices and on its website

as soon as reasonably practicable.

However you will not be able to see some of the information if it is considered to be either

confidential or exempt information.

Can I ask for a copy of any records of executive decisions?

Yes. You can ask for a copy of any documents relating to executive decisions and your

council should supply the information once you have paid for the postage, copying or any

other necessary charge for transmission which will be determined by your council. There

are also additional legal rights to access information, outlined in Part 5 of this Guide.

Your rights as a councillor

If I am a councillor, do I have any right to access meeting documents?

As a councillor, you can inspect any document that contains material to be discussed at

least 5 days before a public meeting is held. In case of a private meeting or decision made

by an individual executive member or officer, you can inspect the document within 24

hours of the conclusion of the meeting or the decision being made.

In addition, if you are a member of an overview and scrutiny committee, you can ask for

any document that contains business transacted at a meeting of the executive, its

committees or sub-committees or officer of the authority. The executive must provide the

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document within 10 days after it (the executive) receives the request. In an instance where

the executive cannot release the whole or part of the document, the executive must

provide you with a written explanation.

What other rights do councillors have to inspect documents of their councils?

In addition to the rights conferred on councillors by these Regulations in relation to

executive decision making, councillors also have statutory rights to inspect documents of

the council and its committees under Part 5A of the Local Government Act 1972.

Councillors may also request information held by their council under the Freedom of

Information Act 2000 (or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 in relation to

environmental information). Councillors may have rights under the common law to inspect

such documents held by their council as are reasonably necessary for them to perform

their duties.

What happens if documents relating to executive decisions are not made public?

It is a criminal offence if, without a reasonable excuse, a person who has in his or her

custody a documentxiv, which the national rules require to be made available to the public,

refuses to supply the whole or part of the document or intentionally obstructs any other

person/s from disclosing such a document.

If a person is found guilty of such a criminal offence, he/she can be fined up to £200xv.

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Part 3 Access to non-executive meetings

and documents of a local government

body, other than parish and town


This Part explains how the public can access all meetings (other than those of a council’s

executive) of a council or other local government body, other than parish and town

councils. These meetings include those of a body’s committees, sub-committees and any

joint committees involving two or more local government bodies. It also explains how to

access the records of certain non-executive decisions taken by the officers of local

government bodies, other than parish and town councils.

Attending the meetings

How will I know about a forthcoming meeting of my council or local government

body which will be open to the public?

Your council or local government body must give a notice of the meeting at least 5 clear

days before a public meeting is held. The details of the meeting, such as the time and

place, must be published at your council or local government body’s offices. The notice

may also be published on the body’s website where practicable. You can also inspect the

agenda and any background papers at least 5 clear days before the meeting.

Where an item is added to the agenda within 5 days before the meeting is scheduled to

take place, a revised agenda and background papers must be published as soon as the

item is added to the agenda.

An item that is not on the agenda can only be considered in special circumstances if the

chairman is of the opinion that the item should be considered at the meeting as a matter of

urgency. Any such special circumstances should be specified in the minutes.

How can I obtain a copy of the agenda and other relevant papers for a public


If you are representing a newspaper, your council or local government body must provide

you with a copy of the agenda and any background upon payment of postage and/or

copying charge. Councils and local government bodies are encouraged to provide a

similar service to other members of the public upon request and payment of postage

and/or copying charge.

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In some circumstances, the whole or part of a report may not be available for public

inspection if it contains either confidential or exempt information. In this case, the report

should bear the phrase ‘not for publication’ and state that it contains confidential

information or set out the description of the exempt information.

There are also additional legal rights to access information, outlined in Part 5 of this Guide.

Can a meeting be held in private?

The rules require a meeting of a council or local government body to be closed to the public

in two circumstances:

If the presence of the public is likely to result in the council or local government body

breaching a legal obligation to third parties about the keeping of confidential information;


if the council or local government body decides (by passing a resolution of its members)

because exempt information would otherwise be likely to be disclosed. It is open to the

council or local government body if it chooses to consider in public matters involving

exempt information. There is no over-riding legal requirement compelling the body to

discuss exempt information in a private meeting.

The rules do not prevent the chairman from excluding any member of the public in order to

maintain orderly conduct or prevent genuine misbehaviour at a meeting.

What is confidential information?

Confidential information means:

information provided to the council or local government body by a Government

department on terms which forbid the disclosure of the information to the

public; and

information which is prohibited from being disclosed by any enactment or by a

court order.

What is exempt information?

The descriptions of exempt information are set out in Schedule 12A to the Local

Government Act 1972. The descriptions are listed at Annex B of this Guide.

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Can I be asked to leave a public meeting?

Yes. As a member of the public you can be asked to leave a meeting so that the council or

local government body, its committees or sub-committees can discuss matters in private,

but only in the limited circumstances that are already explained. The rules do not prevent

the chairman from excluding any member of the public in order to maintain orderly conduct

or prevent genuine disruption at a meeting.

How will I know about a private meeting of my council or local government body?

The rules do not require your council or local government body to notify the public if a

meeting will be held in private. However, where part of a public meeting will be held in

private, it should be explained when the public is notified of the meeting.

Can I attend a pre-briefing meeting with local authority officers?

No. The rules do not apply to political groups’ meetings or to informal briefing meetings for


Recording of decisions of public meetings

If I am not at the meeting, how will I know of any decisions made?

The fact that you are unable to attend a public meeting of your council or local government

body, its committees or sub-committees does not mean you cannot find out about the

decisions made there. The national rules require the council or local government body to

make the following documents available for inspection after a public meeting:

a copy of the minutes;

a summary of the proceedings, where applicable;

a copy of the agenda;

a copy of any report for the meeting as relates to any item during which the

meeting was open to the public; and

a copy of a list of the background papers for any report for the meeting.

You can then inspect the records and any reports considered at the meeting at your

council or local government body’s offices and on the council or local government body’s

website if it has one. All of these documents can be inspected for six years, apart from

background papers which can be inspected for four years beginning from the date of the


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Decisions by officers

Can an officer take decisions on matters that are the council or local government

body's responsibility?

Yes, where the council or local government body's rulesxvi allow this.

How will I know about decisions made by officers?

The new national rules require the recording of certain decisionsxvii taken by officers acting

under powers delegated to them by a council or local government body, its committees or

sub-committees or a joint committee. The written record must be available for inspection at

the council or local government body’s offices and on the website if it has onexviii, as soon

as reasonably practicable, and should include:

The decision taken and the date the decision was taken;

the reason/s for the decision;

any alternative options considered and rejected; and

any other background documents.

Where a decision is taken under a specific express authorisation, the names of any

member of the council or local government body who has declared a conflict of interest

must be recorded.

The relevant council or local government body must retain and make the written record of

their officers’ decisions available for inspection for six years beginning from the date of the

meeting. The background papers should also be available for inspection for four years

beginning from the date of the meeting. These may be kept in electronic format.

Can I see all decisions made by my council or local government body’s officers?

No. The requirement to record applies to all decisions taken by officers whilst acting under

a specific express authorisation and to only three categories of decision taken whilst acting

under a general authorisation. These categories cover decisions to “grant a permission or

licence”; that “affect the rights of an individual” (i.e. to change an individual’s legal rights)xix;

or to “award a contract or incur expenditure which, in either case, materially affects xx that

relevant local government body’s financial position”.

Officers take many administrative and operational decisions about how they go about their

day to day work within the council’s or local body’s rules. These decisions will not need to

be recorded.

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You will not be able inspect some recorded decisions if the whole or part of the records

contain confidential or exempt information.

Examples of decisions that should be recorded could include:

Decisions about awarding contracts above specified individual or total values (the

values will vary according to the relevant council or local government body);

a decision to carry out major road works;

determination of licencing applications, building control decisions and notices; and

decisions to give listed building consents.

Where decisions are already required to be published by other legislation, they do not

need to be recorded again provided the record published includes the date the decision

was taken and the reasons for the decision.

Decisions that do not need to be recorded might include the following examples:

Routine administrative and organisational decisions such as giving permission to a

local society to use the authority’s premises;

decisions on operational matters such as day to day variations in services;

decisions to give business relief to individual traders;

decisions to review the benefit claims of an individual applicant; and

decisions taken in response to requests under the Data Protection Act 1998 or the

Freedom of Information Act 2000.

These are a few selected examples and not an exhaustive list. It is for the council or local

government body to decide what information should be recorded on the basis of the

national rules.

Can I ask for a copy of any records of decisions taken by an officer of my council or

local government body?

Yes. You can ask for a copy of any documents relating to decisions taken by an officer

acting under specific or general delegated powers once you have paid for the postage,

copying or any other necessary charge for transmission which will be determined by your

council or local government body.

There are also additional legal rights to access information, outlined in Part 5 of this Guide.

What happens if documents relating to decisions are not made public?

It is a criminal offence if, without reasonable excuse, a person with custody of a

documentxxi (which is required by the national rules to be made available to the public),

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refuses to supply the whole or part of the document, or intentionally obstructs any other

person/s from disclosing such a document.

If a person is found guilty of such a criminal offence, he/she may be fined up to £200xxii.

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Part 4 Access to meetings and documents of parish and town councils

As a member of the public, you have the right to attend the annual parish and town

meeting, as well as the meetings of parish and town councilsxxiii, and of the Council of the

Isles of Scilly. This Part explains how the public can access meetings of these councils

and records of certain decisions taken by those council’s officers.

Attending meetings of parish councils and the Council of the Isles of Scilly

How will I know about a forthcoming meeting of a parish or town council or the

Council of the Isles of Scilly which is open to the public?

Parish and town councils and the Council of the Isles of Scilly must give notice of their

meeting at least 3 clear days before it takes place. Where a parish meetingxxiv is called, at

least 7 clear days' notice must be given.

Notice of the meeting specifying the business to be discussed must be placed in a central

conspicuous place within the parish or area at least 3 clear days before the meeting.

These councils are also encouraged to place copies of the agenda, meeting papers and

notice of meetings at offices and on their website, if they have these facilities.

Can a parish or town council or the Council of the Isles of Scilly choose to meet in


All meetings of these councils must be open to the public, except in limited defined

circumstances. These councils can only decide, by resolution, to meet in private when

discussing confidential business or for other special reasons where publicity would be

prejudicial to the public interest.

What is confidential information and publicity prejudicial to the public interest?

Though not an exhaustive list, we expect this to cover matters such as discussing the

conduct of employees, negotiations of contracts or terms of tender, or the early stages of a

legal dispute.

Can I be asked to leave a public meeting?

Yes. As a member so the public you can be asked to leave a meeting so that the council

can discuss matters in private, but only in the limited circumstances described above. The

rules also do not prevent the chairman from excluding any member of the public in order to

maintain orderly conduct or prevent genuine disruption at a meeting.

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Recording of decisions of public meetings

If I am not at the meeting, how will I know of any decisions made?

The fact that you are unable to attend a public meeting of your parish and town council, its

committees or sub-committees does not mean you cannot find out about the decisions

made there. The national rules require the parish and town councils to make a copy of the

minutes available for inspection after a public meeting.

You can inspect the minutes at your council’s offices and on the council website if it has


Decisions by officers

Can an officer take decisions on matters that are the parish or town council’s


Yes, where the parish or town council's rules allow this.

Are there means of knowing about decisions made by individuals?

Yes. The rules require the recording of certain decisionsxxv taken by officers acting under

powers delegated to them by a parish or town council, its committees or sub-committees

or a joint committee. The written record should include:

The decision taken and the date the decision was taken;

the reason/s for the decision;

any alternative options considered and rejected; and

any other background documents.

You can see these records of decisions made by officers along with any other background

papers because they have to be available for inspection at the council’s offices and on its

website as soon as is reasonably practicable after the decisions are madexxvi.

The relevant parish or town council must retain and make the written record of their

officers’ decisions available for inspection for six years beginning from the date of the

meeting. The background papers should also be available for inspection for four years

beginning from the date of the meeting. These may be kept in electronic format.

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Can I see all decisions made by my parish or town council’s officers?

No. The requirement to record applies to all decisions taken by officers whilst acting under

a specific express authorisation, and only to three categories of decision taken whilst

acting under a general authorisation. These categories cover decisions to “grant a

permission or licence”; that “affect the rights of an individual”(i.e. to change an individual’s

legal rights)xxvii; or to “award a contract or incur expenditure which, in either case,

materially affectsxxviii that relevant local government body’s financial position”.

Officers take many administrative and operational decisions on how they go about their

day to day work within the council’s rules. These decisions will not need to be recorded.

You will not be able inspect some recorded decisions if the whole or part of the records

contain confidential information or any other information, which its publicity would be

prejudicial to the public interest.

Examples of decisions that should be recorded could include:

Decisions about awarding contracts above specified individual/total values (the

values will vary according to the relevant parish or town council); and

decision to renew a lease to an Allotment Association.

Where decisions are already required to be published by other legislation, they do not

need to be recorded again provided the record published has the date the decision was

taken and the reasons for the decision.

Decisions that do not need to be recorded might include the following examples:

Routine administrative and organisational decisions such as the purchase of office

supplies or repairs;

a decision to sign an allotment tenancy agreement;

decisions to allocate burial plots; and

decisions to book rooms or sports grounds; and decisions to approve works

undertaken by a contractor.

These are a few selected examples and not an exhaustive list. It is for the council to

decide what information should be recorded on the basis of the national rules.

Can I ask for a copy of any records of decisions taken by an officer of my parish or

town council?

Yes. You can ask for a copy of any documents relating to decisions taken by an officer

acting under specific or general delegated powers once you have paid for the postage,

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copying or any other necessary charge for transmission which will be determined by your

parish or town council.

There are also additional legal rights to access information, outlined in Part 5 of this Guide.

What happens if documents relating to decisions are not made public?

It is a criminal offence if, without reasonable excuse, a person with custody of a

documentxxix which is required by the national rules to be made available to the public,

refuses to supply the whole or part of the document, or intentionally obstructs any other

person/s from disclosing such a document.

If a person is found guilty of such a criminal offence, he/she may be fined up to £200xxx.

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Part 5 Your other rights of access to information

Are there other rights I can exercise?

The Local Government Transparency Code sets out the minimum datasets that your local

authority should publish. These include spending transactions valued over £500, salaries

of senior staff, organisational charts, contracts and the location of public land and assets.

The Code applies to local authorities, including parish councils with annual income or

expenditure (whichever is the higher) over £200,000xxxi. Local authorities with annual

income or expenditure of above £6.5m will soon be statutorily required to comply with Part

2 of the Code when the relevant regulations are in place. You can obtain further

information on this from:


You can inspect a council's detailed financial accounts, ledgers and records under section

15 of the Audit Commission Act 1998. In addition, the Accounts and Audit (England)

Regulations 2011xxxii cover checking not just the accounts, but also "all books, deeds,

contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts related to them". More information on this right is

available at:



Also, you have the right to request information held by your council by submitting a

Freedom of Information Act request to your council (a similar regime exists in relation to

environmental information under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004).

Information on the Freedom of Information Act and data protection is available on the

Information Commissioner’s Office website at:

You have certain rights to re-use for your own purposes documents held by the council

under the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005. These Regulations

provide that any request for re-use must be in writing, and where possible and appropriate

the council must make the document concerned available for re-use by electronic means.

More information is available at:

Where can I find the legislation relating to access to local government bodies’

and council’s executive meetings and information?

The relevant legislation about access to local government body meetings and information

is in Section 40 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. The relevant provisions are

available at the following link:

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The detailed provisions on how any person can report on the meetings of a local

government body are in The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014

which can be found at:

The legislation relating to access to information regarding decisions made by council

executives, and their committees, sub-committees and joint committees is Part 1A of the

Local Government Act 2000 – see sections 9G and 9GA. This part was inserted as a

result of amendments made by the Localism Act 2011 and the relevant provisions are

available at the following link:

The detailed provisions on the rights to attend meetings and obtain information of an

executive are in the secondary legislation made under the 2000 Act, that is the Local

Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England)

Regulations 2012 which can be found at:

The legislation relating to access to meetings and documents of a council and other local

government bodies can be found in Part VA of the Local Government Act 1972, available

at the following link:

The legislation relating to access to meetings of a parish or town council can be found at

section 1 the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, available at the following


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Annex A – Description of the local

government bodies that are covered by the

new rules

(a) a district council,

(b) a county council in England,

(c) a London borough council,

(d) the London Assembly (Greater London Authority),

(e) the Common Council of the City of London in its capacity as a local authority or

police authority,

(f) the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority,

(g) Transport for London,

(h) a joint authority established under Part 4 of the Local Government Act 1985,

(i) an economic prosperity board,

(j) a combined authority,

(k) a fire and rescue authority in England constituted by a scheme under section 2 of

the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 or a scheme to which section 4 of that Act


(l) a National Park Authority for a National Park in England,

(m) the Broads Authority,

(n) the Council of the Isles of Scilly,

(o) a parish council, and

(p) a parish meeting.

The new national rules also apply to the committees, sub-committees and joint committees

of these local government bodies.

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Annex B – Descriptions of Exempt


The exempt information set out at Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 Act is

as follows:

1. Information relating to any individual.

2. Information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual.

3. Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person

(including the authority holding that information).

4. Information relating to any consultations or negotiations, or contemplated consultations

or negotiations, in connection with any labour relations matter arising between the

authority or a Minister of the Crown and employees of, or office holders under, the


5. Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be

maintained in legal proceedings.

6. Information which reveals that the authority proposes—

a. to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements

are imposed on a person; or

b. to make an order or direction under any enactment.

7. Information relating to any action taken or to be taken in connection with the

prevention, investigation or prosecution of crime.

The qualifications to the list of exempt information are as follows:

A. Information falling within number 3 above is not exempt information by virtue of that

paragraph if it is required to be registered under--

[the Companies Acts (as defined in section 2 of the Companies Act


the Friendly Societies Act 1974;

the Friendly Societies Act 1992;

the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts 1965 [Co-operative and

Community Benefit Societies and Credit Unions Acts 1965] to 1978;

the Building Societies Act 1986; or

[(f) the Charities Act 2011.

B. Information is not exempt information if it relates to proposed development for which the

local planning authority may grant itself planning permission pursuant to regulation 3 of

the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992.

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C. Information which—

falls within any of numbers 1 to 7 above; and

is not prevented from being exempt by virtue of number A or B above,

is exempt information if, and so long as, in all the circumstances of the case, the public

interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the


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i The new national rules are in The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 (S.I. 2014/…) and The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements)(Meetings and Access to Information)(England) Regulations 2012 (S.I. 2012/2089). ii A parish or town council may also be called a city, community, neighbourhood or village council. Any

reference to parish council in this Guide also refers to these bodies. iii The Guide should not be taken as providing any definitive interpretation of the statutory requirements on

councils, members, officers, or of public rights: those wishing to address such issues should seek their own legal advice. iv A council’s cabinet is its main decision making body, consisting of an elected mayor or leader and a

number of councillors. v Part 2 of the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 (S.I. 2014/…)

vi “Private meeting” is a meeting or part of a meeting during which the public are excluded for limited and

certain circumstances described in the Local Government Act 1972 and the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements)(Meetings and Access to Information)(England) Regulations 2012 vii

Regulation 4 of The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 viii ix Any area designated for the public should be appropriate for filming, audio-recording and photographing.

x Each council has its own rules for doing business - its constitution and standing orders- which must be in

line with any national rules. xi An “executive decision” means a decision made or to be made by a decision maker in connection with the

discharge of a function which is the responsibility of the executive of a local authority. xii “key decision” means an executive decision which, is likely—

to result in the relevant local authority incurring expenditure which is, or the making of savings which are, significant having regard to the local authority’s budget for the service or function to which the decision relates; or

to be significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area comprising two or more wards or electoral divisions in the area of the relevant local authority.

xiii All references to ‘a council executive’ should be construed to include the executive’s committees and sub-

committees, joint committees, and joint sub-committees. xiv

A document can be the written record of executive decisions made by an executive member or officer or any other background papers. xv

This fine could change to reflect any future changes in legislation and/or national policy. xvi

Each council or local government has its own rules for doing business - its constitution and standing orders- which must be in line with any national rules. xvii

Regulation 7(2) of the 2014 regulations. xviii

If a local government body does not have offices or a website, other appropriate means should be used to allow you to access these documents, such as publishing the information on a website of another local authority body in the area. xix

These decisions do not include decisions taken pursuant to an existing framework of rights. xx

As the financial position of bodies affected by these rules varies, what constitutes the material threshold is a judgement that should be made by individual bodies. xxi

A document can be the written record of decisions made by an officer, or any background papers. xxii

This fine could change to reflect any future changes in legislation and/or national policy. xxiii

A parish or town council may also be called a city, community, neighbourhood or village council. Any reference to parish council in this Guide also refers to these bodies. xxiv

A parish meeting is a meeting for all of the local government electors of the parish. This can be in the case of an annual meeting in an area where there is a separate parish council, or any meeting of local government electors where there is no separate parish council. xxv

Regulation 7(2) of the 2014 regulations. xxvi

If a parish or town council does not have offices or a website, other appropriate means should be used to make the papers accessible to the public, such as publishing the information on the website of the local principal authority. xxvii

These decisions do not include decisions taken pursuant to an existing framework of rights. xxviii

As the financial position of bodies affected by these rules varies, what constitutes the ‘material threshold’ is a judgement that would be made by individual bodies. xxix

A document can be the written record of decisions made by an officer, or any background papers. xxx

This fine could change to reflect any future changes in legislation and/or national policy.

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The government has recently consulted on a new transparency code for certain authorities with a turnover not exceeding £25,000 pa, which will act as a substitute for routine external audit. The draft code is available at: xxxii

Under the new Audit framework, this right is restated in Section 26 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. The Government will be consulting shortly on draft regulations in relation to the new arrangements. Some changes are proposed to the framework for exercising public rights, but broadly the aim is to simplify and clarify arrangements. The intention is for the regulations to be in place for the accounting period 2015-16.