towards independence (part5)

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MPW2133 Malaysian Studies Notes


  • Chapter 1Towards Independence

  • IntroductionMalayan Union, 1946.

    Federation Of Malaya, 1948.

    Inter Ethnic Relations Committee, 1949.

    Member System, 1952.

  • IntroductionPolitical Parties.

    First General Election, 1955.

    London Agreement, 1956.

    Federation Of Malaya Constitution, 1957.

    Independence, 31st August 1957.

  • Malayan Union, 1946After end of 2nd World War, the Federated Malay States, the Unfederated Malay States, the Straits Settlement were placed under British Military Administration (BMA).

    On 1st April 1946, the BMA was dissolved and was replaced with a confederation named Malayan Union.

  • Malayan Union, 1946In January 1946 the British government published proposals for a Malayan Union, which would unite the whole of the peninsula (except Singapore, which was to become a separate colony) under a governor and a strong central government.

    The Sultans lost all their powers except in the matters of culture and religion. The Union would be placed under the rule of a British Governor.

  • Malayan Union, 1946Few of the key details of the Union were:

    Malayan citizenship that would give equal rights to all would be citizens regardless of race.

    citizenship based on the jus soli principle.

    the transformation of the title Sultan to President.

  • Malayan Union, 1946

  • Malay RetaliationThe plan received widespread criticism and opposition from the Malays, the Sultans, and also British officers who had served in Malaya, including Frank Swettenham and Sir George Maxwell.

    The Malays were reluctant to share their rights and political power with other peoples, namely the Chinese and the Indians.

  • Malay RetaliationThe sultans were dissatisfied with the way Sir Harold MacMichael, the British officer in charge, handled the negotiations: the sultans were coerced, threatened, and blackmailed.

  • The Malay Retaliation

  • Malay RetaliationTwo hundred Malays representing 41 associations gathered in Kuala Lumpur and formed the United Malays National Organization to protest the Malayan Union.

    As a result of their efforts Malayan Union was replaced with a milder plan (the Federation of Malaya).

  • Federation of Malaya, 1948Federation of Malaya (Persekutuan Tanah Melayu) which recognized the position of the Malays as the definitive people of Malaya as well as outlining stricter conditions on the granting of citizenship.

  • Inter Ethnic Relations Committee, 1949.

    to provide basis for problem solving through the process of consultation and discussion.

  • Member System, 1951In April 1951, the British government introduced the Member System in the Federal Legislative Council to provide local people the opportunity to be involved in the administrative system.

    The purpose of the Member System is to appoint the local representatives to the post of head of department in the central government.

  • Political Parties UMNO (The United Malays National Organization), 1946.

    Founder: Datuk Onn Jaafar.

  • Political PartiesMCA (Malayan Chinese Association), 1949.

    Founder: Tan Cheng Lock.

  • Political PartiesMIC (Malayan Indian Congress), 1947.

    Founder: John Thivy.

  • National AllianceThe MIC joined the National Alliance comprising the UMNO and the MCA in 1954.

  • Political PartiesPAS (Islamic Party of Malaya), 1951.

    Founder: Ahmad Fuad Hassan.

  • City Council Elections1951, the first election held in the country was the Georgetown City Council election.

    1952, Kuala Lumpur City Council Election ((UMNO and MCA Alliance won 9 out 12 seats contested).

    City Council elections were also held in Johor Bahru, Seremban, Ipoh and Melaka.

  • General Election, 1955The parties that contested were:Alliance (UMNO, MCA and MIC)Islamic Party of Malaya (PAS)National Party (Parti Negara)Labour Party (Parti Buruh)Peoples Progressive Party (Parti Progresif Rakyat)

    The Alliance Party won 51 out of 52 seats.

  • London Agreement, 1956Tunku Abdul Rahman led a team to London negotiate for Malayas Independence.

    Lord Lennox Boyd, the Secretary of British Colonial Territories chaired the negotiations which lasted 3 weeks, from 18 January to 8 February 1956, the day the London Agreement was signed.


    Lord Reid headed the Reid Commission to draw up a constitution for independent Malaya.

    The Constitution approved by the Federal Legislative Council on 15 August 1957.

  • Independence, 1957Independence was declared by the Tunku in Merdeka Stadium on August 31, 1957, marking a transition into a new era of Malayan and Malaysian politics.

    First Chief Minister was Tunku Abdul Rahman.

  • Independence, 1957

  • The EndThank You