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  • 8/12/2019 Totally awesome sauce


    jiN Entire Edition of tbeje Memoirs -was fold before the Fourth Volumereached the pref: ; a>id the great inconvenience attending the delivery offeparadvolumes induced the TranJIator to defer the ftibiication of the Jecond Edition, untii

    the four Volumes nvere completed. They are now ready for delivery, and may kekadcfE.

    BQOKlR, Nc. ^6, New Bond-firret, London' " Price i /. Si.i"he Author liad only publifhed his firft Volume during the life-time ofthat valiant Combatant of French democracy, Mr. Burke; but the work,

    even in that early ftate, entitled the Author to that Gentleman's applaufs,

    as may be feen by the following letter:

    " Sir,

    < I cannot eafily exprefs to you how much I am Inftrufted and dejlghte.iby the firft Volume of your Hiflory of Jacobinifm. The whole of thewonderful narrative is fupported by documents and proofs with the moft

    juridical regularity and exadnefs. Your reflexions and reafonings are interfperfedwith infinite judgement, and in their raofl proper places, for

    heading the fentiments of the reader, and preventing the force of plaufibls

    bjeiflions. The tendency of the whole is admirable in every point of

    view, political, religious, and, let me make ufe of the abufed word,.philofophical. So far as I can prefume to judge of a French ftyle, the

    /language is of the firft water. I long impatiently for the fecond Volum* j

    fcut the great objedi of my wiflies is, tiiat the work /hould have a greatirculation in France, if by any means it can be compafled ; and for that

    end, I fiiould be glad, upon the fcale of a poor individual, to become aliberal fubfcriber.

    I am as yet in a mlferable ftate ef health ; and If I advance at all, It

    Is very flowly, and with many fallings back.I forgot to fay, that I havefenown myfelf, perfonaUy, five of your principal confpirators ; and I caii

    undertake to fay from my own certain knowledge, that fo far back as theyear 1773, they were bufy in the plot you have fo well defcribed, and in

    the minner, and on the principle you have fo truly reprefented.To thisI can fpeak as a witnefs. I have the honour to be, &c. &c.

    Miiy I, 1797. (Signed) " Ed. Burke.'*The Br!t;(h Critic pafled his jud5e.^lcnt on the work when the thrcs

    firll Volumes were publiftied, m the follovving terms:

    " Certain we are, that no book hai. appeared fince the commencementof our labours, which was more neceflary to be read, and weighed attentively,

    by every perfon of any property, whether hereditary or commercial

    ; every pejlpft holding any iimk in fociety ; and every perfon who haswithin him a fpark of zeal, eitlier for the honour of God, or the welfare oi

    UjanWiid." fM^rch 1798, Pag* *92')

    PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONSOn thd Work entitled Memoirs, illujlrating theIViflory of Jacohinifm:

    The Abbe Barruel has divided his Memoirs into threedifferent confpir.acies, naturally flowing from each other.

    The firft is, that of the Sophijters of Impiety, confpiringagainft: their God, and impioufly denoting their hatred ofChriil, by (vfCTix'nvf^ to cru/h the wretch \ for thus they

    blafphemoufly ftyle the Saviour of the World. He defcribesthe divers means and arts employed by them in their

    An'tichristian Conspiracy, ftcp by ftep; and tlie

    Chriftian need not dwell on the proofs, when he is informed,that, in October, 1798, all places of Chrillian worfhip

    were aboliflied at Paris ; and that capital was no

    longer fubdivided into parifhes, but into Wards, each

    having a Tl-w/i/^ dedicated to PAGAN worship, as follows

    Ift. WardThe church of St. Philip du Roule is now

    confecrated to Concord,II. The church of St. Roche

    to Genius.IIL St. Euflache to Agriculture.W. St.

    Germain-L'Auxerrois to Gratittule.V. St. Laurenceto Old Jge. -VI. St. Nicolas- in-the-Ficlds to Hymen.

    VII. St. Merry to Commerce,VIII. St. Margartt

    to Equality and Liberty.iX. St. Gervais to

    Toittk,X. St. Thomas of Aquinas to Peace. -^ XI.

  • 8/12/2019 Totally awesome sauce


    St. Sulpice to Viciory,Xil. St. James-du-Haut-?as

    to Benevolence ;St. Medard to Labour ;and St. Stephen-on-the- Mount to fHal Piety.A Chriftian will fhudder at this recital ; but when theAbbe, early in 1797, afTerted, that the total fubvcrfrOn of


    the objel cf the Sef^, hewas


    telieved, and wasfet downasancnthufiaft: he had, rrcvdr-

    * a 2 thdcfs,