topic 2.3 persons with disabilities act 2008


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Topic 2.3 Persons With Disabilities Act 2008


PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ACT 2008EDU 3093 : TEACHERS AND CURRENT CHALLENGES1THE PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ACT 2008Passed in Parliament: 24 December 2007Royal Assent : 9 January 2008Publication in the Gaette : 24 January 2008!ein" en#orced :7 July 2008 $P%&%'!( 2)8*2008+2THE OBJECTIVE OF THE ACT ,o -ro.ide #or the re"istration/ -rotection/ rehabilitation/ de.elo-ment and 0ellbein" o# -ersons 0ith disabilities/ the establishment o# the 1ational 2ouncil #or Persons 3ith Disabilities/ and #or matters connected there0ith%4PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ACT 2008Preliminary (Sec. 1 - 2)PART 1National Council For PWDs (Sec. 3 - 1)PART 2Re!istration "# PWDs (Sec. 2$ % 2&)PART 3Promotion ' De(. "# T)e *uality "# +i#e(Sec. 2, - -$PART -.eneral (Sec. -1--,)PART &4THE PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ACT 2008 Pro.ide the ri"ht to access to and the ri"hts to use:5Public #acilities/ amenities/ ser.ices and -ublic buildin"s on e6ual basis 0ith -ersons 0ithout disabilitiesPublic trans-ort/ education/ in#ormation/ communication technolo"y/7abilitation and rehabilitation/7ealth/Recreation/ leisure and culture8THE PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ACT 2008 9stablishment :# 1ational 2ouncil #or P3Ds 9stablished in Au"ust 2008/ under ;ec 4'1(%%%or Persons 3ithDisabilities shall be established #or the -ur-ose o# this Act?2haired by @inister o# 3omen/ >amily and 2ommunityDe.elo-ment '@3>2D(De-uty chairman A ;ecretary General o# @3>2D;ecretary A Director General/ De-artment o# ;ocial 3el#are@embers A Attorney General/ ;ecretary General/ DirectorGeneral o# selected ministries and a"encies as 0ell as 10indi.iduals 0ith eB-erience/ =no0led"e and eB-ertise in the#ield o# disabilities includin" P3Ds PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ACT 2008 >unctions 1ational 2ouncil #or P3Ds ::.ersee/ coordinate/ monitor/ e.aluate and re.ie0 the im-lementation o# the Policy and 1ational Plan o# Action and -ro"rammes #or P3DsRe.ie0 eBistin" la0 and ma=e recommendation #or amendment as 0ell as -ro-ose ne0 la0s to secure #ull and e##ecti.e -artici-ation in society #or P3DsDe.elo- -ro"rammes and strate"ies to educate and raise a0areness/ -romote -ositi.e -erce-tion/ #oster res-ects #or the ri"hts and di"nity o# P3DsPromote em-loyment o--ortunities and career ad.ance #or P3DsPromote the de.elo-ment o# initial and continuin" trainin" #or -ro#essional and sta## 0or=in" in habilitation and rehabilitation ser.ices% 7THE PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ACT 20089stablishment o# 3or=in" 2ommittees under the 1ational 2ouncil >or Persons 3ith Disabilities :5,rans-ort &ni.ersal Desi"n and !uilt 9n.ironmentCuality Di#e 2are9m-loyment9ducationRe"istration :# P3Ds8INCLUSIVITY..39D>AR979AD,79D&2A,E:19@PD:F@91,,RA1;P:R,A,E:1!&ED, 91GER:1@91,9EDUCATION,here are 181) ;-ecial ;chools H ;-ecial 9ducation :5i% Primary 5 28ii% ;econdary A 4iii% ;-ecial education 'Ente"ration -ro"ramme 5-rimary( 5 1/ 188i.% ;-ecial education 'Ente"ration Pro"ramme Asecondary( 5 899;i"n Dan"ua"e as one o# the subIect to be tau"ht at -rimary school 9stablishment o# 8 ;-ecial Gocational ;chools :55 Endah Pura and ;hah Alam5 Juantan/ @erbo= H ;ara0a= 10REGISTRATION OF PWDS BY CATEGORIES OF DISABILITIES2ate"ory1umber Re"istered /isually 0m1aire2 2,3 12&4earin! 0m1aire2 353,5P)ysically Disa6le2-3 211+earnin! Disa6ilities 1$3 ,1$Cere6ral Palsy-3 $,2"t)ers 113 -Total7 2833 2$-11REGISTRARTION OF PWDS BY NEW CATEGORIES OF DISABILITIES ( AS OF APRIL 2010 2A,9G:RF 1&@!9R R9GE;,9R9D/isually 0m1aire2834earin! 0m1aire2 13 $5-P)ysically Disa6le2 &3 38+earnin! Disa6ilities &3 55,S1eec) Disa6ilities13,9ental13 18&9ulti1le Disa6ilities8$312CONCLUSIONPersons 3ith Disabilities Act 2008/ 1ational Policy >or Persons 3ith Disabilities and 1ational Plan :# Action >or Persons 3ith Disabilities A ha.e -ut in -lace elements o# inclusi.ity #or P3Ds1ational 2ouncil >or P3Ds A 0ill no0 #acilitate/ monitor/ e.aluate and o.ersee the im-lementation o# the -ro"rammes/ acti.ities and issues -ertainin" P3Ds throu"h collaborati.e e##ort and multi sectoral syner"y14DISCUSSION;ur# internet #or 9ducation Act #or ;-ecial 9ducation 1997 in @alaysia14