top web development tips to enhance your website’s success


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Post on 23-Mar-2021




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Good or bad web development can turn a visitor into a customer! Whose customer? No, we don’t forget to add ‘yours’. But If you have developed a website well, they might be your potential customer otherwise, competitors’. Check out the tips to enhance your website's success.


  • Top Web DevelopmentTips to Enhance Your Website Success

  • An Overview

    Good or bad web development can turn a visitor into a customer! Whose customer? No,

    we don’t forget to add ‘yours’. But If you have developed a website well, they might be

    your potential customer otherwise, competitors’. On this note, do you like to know some

    web development tips to enhance your website success? Read on, and you will be there

    in no time.

  • Top Web

    Development Tips

    You Should Start

    Implementing Today

  • A user-friendly website defined by its usabilityand visibility, so your website should havesufficient navigation for your visitors. Here aresome up-to-mark characteristics that shouldpresent on your website to make it visitor-friendly, including:

    User – FriendlyWebsite

    Accessible to all Mobile Compatible Well-Planned Architecture of InformationEasily Scannable Content Browser Consistency Good Error HeadingEffective Navigation

  • The right speed of a website is a sign of how well is forwebsite development. We could say that websitespeed is a route towards a good user experience, astoday, users don’t wait. And 50% of users leave a sitethat takes over 2 seconds.

    Google Ranking First ImpressionBounce Rate Conversion Rate

    Apart from this, if you or your web developmentcompany don’t take care of the page weight, it candrastically affect your website speed and many othermatters, including:


  • Attractive CTA

    CTA design, place, and content should be right, as it can turn a simple website visitor into apotential customer. Double-check if your website pages are developed in a way that all yourclients avail to sign up and can rocket the session.

    An effective CTA button goes through a six-step process, which is:

    Arrest Attention Build a Connection Build Problem

    Build Interest Build Suspense Transfer Momentum

  • Make sure the content you are adding to yourwebsite is customer-focused & help them findtheir queries. You should know that 50 to 80% ofsearches occur for information and to getanswers.

    Assure you don’t sell directly but inform first,show values, and integrate it well.

    Customer – Focused &Informative Content

  • Utilization Of Images

    It is a known fact that people remember 80% of what they see and 20% of what they read. Wealso like to add one more research that estimates 65% of people are visual learners. Whiledeveloping a website, make sure you take care of images too.

    Image Effect

    Better User Experience Improve On-Page SEO Boost Dwell Time

  • Mobile-friendly website development is something youshould work on. Today, serving everything via mobile phonesis something giant technologies are working on.

    An ideal web developer should consider that your websiteautomatically adjusts for mobile devices. They should takecare that your website pages do not clutter, so do test itwisely before going live.

    Mobile Responsiveness

  • If you don’t want to face any coding difficultyin web development, optimise databases.

    You may not follow this technique before, buttrust us, database optimization can save youfrom broken links, website speed issues, andmore.

    Optimise Database

  • Navigation Of Website

    Website navigation is the key that makes your website handy. Make sure your visitor canefficiently dive into all parts of your site, such as service, products, blogs and more.

    The Factor that Affects Website Navigation

    Dis-Organised Navigation Poor Design Practices Confusing & Vague Hypertext Navigation Over Stuffing

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