top ways agile adoption fails, how to avoid them!

Presenter: Sally Elatta 1 Top Reasons Agile Adoption Fails and How to Avoid Them!

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This was a webinar I offered to discuss real world reasons behind Agile adoption failure and the success factors for avoiding them. You can watch the video of the webinar here:


Page 1: Top Ways Agile Adoption Fails, How to Avoid Them!

Presenter: Sally Elatta


Top Reasons Agile Adoption Fails

and How to Avoid Them!

Page 2: Top Ways Agile Adoption Fails, How to Avoid Them!

copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

About Sally


• Sally Elatta• Leading Agile Transformation Coach and Trainer

• Background: Java/.Net Software Architect

• Certified Scrum Practitioner & ScrumMaster

• Certified IBM, Sun, Microsoft Professional

• Taught over 1000+ and helped coach over 20+ teams

[email protected]

I am simply a transformer. Someone who is really passionate about transforming individuals, teams and organizations to doing what they do better. I value instilling soft skills and leadershipqualities in the people I coach. I believe in Servant Leadership as the way to lead change and create a culture of empowered teams, as opposed to Command and Control.

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copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

The manifesto’s shared value statement:“We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and

helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

Individuals & interactions Over Processes & Tools

Working Software Over Comprehensive Documentation

Customer Collaboration Over Contract Negotiation

Responding to Change Over Following a Plan

“That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.”


Page 4: Top Ways Agile Adoption Fails, How to Avoid Them!

copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

Project Management Principles

(Release Planning, Sprint and Iteration Planning, Daily Scrum,

Sprint Demo and Retrospective ..etc)

Engineering Principles(TDD, Continuous Integration,

Refactoring ..etc)


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copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

Agile Characteristics Product Backlog

Test Driven Development Business / IT as One Team5

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copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

Product Owner

thinks of New Idea

Product Backlog

Sprint Backlog

Features/Stories Small Stories

Each story is broken down into tasks. Each team member signs up for tasks and provides estimates of effort.






t 2





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Each Iteration is 1 – 4 weeks in length. Multiple iterations make up a Release.

Work Breakdown Process


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copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

Sample Backlog


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copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

How to Avoid Agile Failure!

ProcessManagementProduct OwnerTeam


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copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

Process Success Factors

Please .. Try a successful Agile recipe first before

customizing it!

Do understand the motivation behind a specific practice

before dropping it.

Do start with a Pilot, prove success, inspect and adapt,

then adopt at scale. (avoid too big, too fast)

Do have a thought out adoption rollout plan.

Avoid the ‘Checklist Agile’ adoption by also

transforming soft skills and leadership.



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copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

Process Success Factors ..

Develop new incentives that recognize team delivery

instead of individual delivery.

Do go through Release Planning and Iteration 0.

Do use expert coaches to help through initial phases.

Do pre-planning on iteration ahead of the other.

Do understand what is ‘Just Enough’ documentation.

Do factor in dependency and proof of concept stories

upfront during release planning.

Do breakdown stories to the right size.


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copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

Process Success Factors ..

Develop new incentives that recognize team delivery

instead of individual delivery.

Do go through Release Planning and Iteration 0.

Do use expert coaches to help through initial phases.

Do pre-planning on iteration ahead of the other.

Do understand what is ‘Just Enough’ documentation.

Do factor in dependency and proof of concept stories

upfront during release planning.

Do breakdown stories to the right size.

Do solve the organizational impediments Agile



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copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

Page 13: Top Ways Agile Adoption Fails, How to Avoid Them!

copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

Management Success Factors

Management ‘genuine’ buy-in to giving Agile a


Converting from ‘Command and Control’ to

‘Servant Leadership’.

Trust the team to self-manage, but provide


Control resource shifting and multi-tasking.

Structure the teams so they can get a story

‘done’, reduce dependencies.


Page 14: Top Ways Agile Adoption Fails, How to Avoid Them!

copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

Management Success Factors ..

Celebrate success, even small wins, and show


Support the Agile practices yourself. Agile

requires discipline at all levels.

Support new ScrumMasters and watch against

reverting to form.

Avoid Agile Team burn-out!

Remove impediments quickly. Don’t be one


Page 15: Top Ways Agile Adoption Fails, How to Avoid Them!

copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

Product Owner Success Factors

Educate the business side early (not just IT)

on Agile, get their buy-in.

Help the Product Owner develop a realistic

plan/schedule for team collaboration.

The right Product Owner should lead with a

strong vision and passion for success.

She/he should be Knowledgeable,

Empowered and Engaged with the team.

Manages and controls scope changes.

Not the ScrumMaster. 15

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copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

Product Owner Success Factors ..

Manages stakeholder expectations and solicits

feedback. Invites them to demos/reviews.

Focus team on top priority stories.

Provides early and frequent testing feedback to

the team.

Encourages, supports and motivates the team to

continuously improve and deliver the right product.

Keeps an eye on the vision ahead.

Collaborates with the team to develop a release

plan that meets the vision.


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copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

Team Success Factors

Team is trained and ‘genuinely’ interested in

giving the new processes a chance.

Team members represent cross-functional

roles that collaborate daily to get stories ‘Done’.

Team is empowered and engaged. They sign

up for tasks, provide realistic estimates, make

realistic iteration commitments.

Members create their team norms, define

‘Done’, have mutual accountability.


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copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

Team Success Factors ..

Developers deliver small testable code every


Team is co-located as much as possible.

Team measures progress in terms of story

points accepted by product owner.

Team tracks tasks and progress visibly.

Team members provide input to continuously

improve processes.

Team members care about quality and focus

on ways to reduce defects. 18

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copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

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copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

How We Can Help


Real World Workshops

• Management and Business Overview of Agile/Lean

• Real World Agile and Scrum team training + Project Jump Start

• Effective Facilitation & Requirements Gathering

• Servant Leadership

• Agile Project Estimating and Planning

• Engineering Best Practices

• … More!

Real World Coaching

• Agile Project Jump Start Coaching

• Leadership Coaching

• Full Time ScrumMasters

• Troubled Project Assessment & Recovery

• Enterprise Transformation Roadmap Development and Execution

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Real World Agile and Scrum


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Evaluations for Real World Agile


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Servant Leadership


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Evaluations for Servant



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Effective Facilitation


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Evaluations for Facilitation


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Requirements Gathering


Page 28: Top Ways Agile Adoption Fails, How to Avoid Them!

• My Article:


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copyright © Sally Elatta 2010

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