top foods to gain weight for skinny people


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Post on 20-Jan-2017



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Page 1: Top Foods to Gain Weight For Skinny People



Page 2: Top Foods to Gain Weight For Skinny People

Introduction If you have been working out for a long

time then you must have realized the fact that diet is the most important part of any fitness program.

People may lift heavy weights, go to gym all seven days a week, sleep for 8-10 hours a day and still not see results just because they are not eating right. As someone said “Lifting is just 30%, rest 70% is your diet”.

Page 3: Top Foods to Gain Weight For Skinny People

Chicken Breast

Chicken Breast as the best and cheapest source of protein. In 100g of Chicken Breast you get around 28g of protein which is equal to 1 scoop of protein powder. It is also very cheap as compared to other food items. Protein is required in both case whether you wish to gain or lose weight. Hence it is suggested to add 100-150g of Chicken breast to your daily diet.

Page 4: Top Foods to Gain Weight For Skinny People

 Whole Eggs

If you are skinny looking to gain weight then you should not eat just the egg whites but whole egg including yolk. 1 complete boiled egg would has around 60 calories thus eating just 3 whole eggs will provide 180 calories. To gain weight, reduce the number of eggs but eat them whole. For example instead of eating 6 egg whites try to eat 3 whole eggs twice in a day as they are perfect weight gain food.

Page 5: Top Foods to Gain Weight For Skinny People


Oats too are loaded with calories and most of it coming from coming from carbohydrates. 100grams of cooked oats contain around 360 calories, 66g carbohydrates and around 15g protein. Oats are one of the high calorie foods to gain weight. Oats are most effective when you add them to your breakfast meal as it will give you a boost for the day.

Page 6: Top Foods to Gain Weight For Skinny People

Whole Wheat Breads

Not only are they cheap and easily available but it also takes very less time to prepare them. Just put 4 slices of bread in a toaster and you’re done. Just 4 slices of whole wheat bread will give you around 275 calories. This is the reason why it is consider one of the best weight gain foods.

Page 7: Top Foods to Gain Weight For Skinny People

Shakes and Smoothies

Shakes and Smoothies: Shakes and smoothies are best ways to add calories to your diet. You do not need hours for preparing them, just get a small blender and you are ready to go.Whenever you get time, just add milk and any fruit like bananas, strawberries or mangoes and mix them in a blender and you are good to go. To increase calories, add hershy’s syrup or any other toppings. You should drink banana shake twice a day. 1 glass of banana shake would give you around 250 calories.

Page 8: Top Foods to Gain Weight For Skinny People

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