top 10 tips to increase your professional influence online

13 Top 10 Tips To Increase Your Professional Influence Online

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Top 10 Tips To Increase Your Professional Influence Online

At the heart of a successful business sits the power of influence.

The best leaders manage their profile and reputation to give them a competitive advantage with the audiences they want to reach.

The following is a selection of top tips to build your influence online, using social media…

One caveat. Your online influence is only part of the power. You also need to consider as carefully how you are building your influence through offline channels.

Tip #1

Measure your influence with Login with Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to compare with people you know. Take the results with a pinch of salt but a good way to ‘gamify’ your influence nonetheless.

Tip #2

Refresh your LinkedIn profile so it captures your personality and reflects your employers proposition. Ensure the picture is up to date and professional.

Tip #3

Connect to all your contacts, past, present and future, through LinkedIn to build your network. Set yourself targets, first 250, then 500, with 750 and 1000 a good goal.

Tip #4

Making your story famous

with your customers

Join the relevant LinkedIn groups and make a commitment to start discussions and comment on topics that excite you and your network.

Tip #5

Make the most of Twitter by following all your contacts, journalists, media outlets, key influencers, clients and prospects to stay close to what matters to them and encourage follow-backs.

Tip #6

Get tweeting. Send at least one Tweet a day using Twitter handles and popular hashtags. Get your personality across and interact with your peers.

Tip #7

PR Marketing

Create content. Blog once a month for either your company site or better still, a popular trade website. Share all this content via your Twitter and LinkedIn profiles.

Tip #8

Tweet, post photographs and publish write-ups from industry events and awards you have attended giving your slant on the hot topics. Keep it short and punchy.

Tip #9

Be an early adopter and land grab your name on the latest social media services. Sign up to Google+, Pinterest and Storify, for instance, so you’re ready to use them when it matters.

Tip #10

Be active, get your opinion out there, support company and industry initiatives – and watch your influence grow!

Contact us

We would be delighted to talk about your business, bring insight and ideas to the table and help you achieve business success.

For further information, please get in touch with:

Sarah LockeChief Executive and [email protected]

Matt BournManaging [email protected]

18 Soho SquareLondon W1D 3QL

Tel: 020 7025 8021Web:

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Braben, Sarah Locke, Matt Bourn
